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A07972 An ample declaration of the Christian doctrine. Composed in Italian by the renowned Cardinal: Card. Bellarmine. Translated into English by Richard Hadock D. of Diuinitie Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621.; Hadock, Richard. 1604 (1604) STC 1834; ESTC S112872 82,203 278

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a Crosse representeth vnto vs the Passion and consequently the Incarnation of the Sonne of God the passing from the left shoulder to the right and not from the right to the left signifyeth that by the Passion of our Sauiour we are transferred from sinne vnto grace from transitorie things vnto eternall from death to life S To what purpose is this signe of the Crosse made M First it is made to shew that wee are Christians to wit souldiers of our chiefe Emperour Christ because this signe is as it were an ensigne or liuerie which distinguisheth the soldiers of Christ from all the enemies of the Holie Church to wit Gentils Iewes Turkes Heretiks besides this signe is made to call for Gods helpe in all our works because with this signe the most holie Trinitie is called to help by meanes of the passion of our Sauiour and therefore good Christians vse to make this signe when they arise from bed whē they goe to sleepe and in the beginning of all other things which they haue to do finally this signe is made to arme vs against all temptations of the Deuill because the Diuel is a fraid of this signe and flyeth from it as malefactors doe when they see the signe of the officers of Iustice and often-times by meanes of this signe of the holie Crosse a man escapeth many dangers aswell spirituall as temporal when he maketh it with faith and trust of Gods mercy and of the merits of Christ our Sauiour CHAP. 3. The declaration of the Creede S NOwe comming to the first part of this doctrine I desire to learne the Creede M The Creede contayneth twelue parts which are called Articles and they are twelue according to the number of the twelue Apostles who composed the same and are these 1 I Beleeue in God the Father almightie Creator of heauen and earth 2 And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord. 3 Who was conceiued by the holie Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary 4 Suffered vnder Pontious Pilate was crucifyed dead and buried descended into Hell 5 The third day he rose again from death 6 Ascended into heauen si●●eth at the right hand of God the Father almightie 7 From thence hee shall come to judge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the Holie Ghost 9 The holie Catholike Church the Communion of Saints 10 Remission of sinnes 11 Resurrection of the flesh 12 Life euerlasting Amen S May it please you declare to mee the first article word by word What signifyeth I beleeue M It signifyeth I hold for certaine and for most true all that is contayned in these twelue articles and the reason is this because the same God hath taught the holy Apostles these sentences and the holy Apostles the Church and the Church doth teach them vs and because it is impossible that God should saye that which is false I therefore beleeue these things more certainely then those I see with mine eyes and feele with my hands S What meaneth In God M It meaneth that we ought to beleeue firmely that there is a God albeit we do not see him with corporal eies this God is one only therefore it is said in God and not in Gods And you must not imagine that god is like to any corporal thing how great or faire so euer it be but you must thinke that God is a spiritual thing which euer was foreuer shal be hath made the whole filleth the whole gouerneth the whole knoweth seeth euery thing finally what thing soeuer is represented vnto our eies or vnto our imagination you must say that this which now is represēted vnto me is not god because God is a thinge infinitelie better S Wherefore is it said that God is a Father M Because he is truly the Father of his onlie begotten Son of whom we shal speake in the second article and also because he is the Father of al good men not by nature but by adoption and finally because he is the father of al creatures not by nature or by adoption but by creation as we shal say hereafter in this same article S Wherefore is he called Almighty M Because it is a proper title of God and albeit God hath manie proper titles as eternal infinite vnmeasurable and others yet in this place the most fit is that he is omnipotent because it may not seeme hard vnto vs to beleeue that hee hath made heauen and earth of nothing as in the words following is added For that vnto him who can do al that he wil thereby is omnipotent nothing can be hard And if you should say vnto me God can not dye nor sinne and therefore it semeth not that he can do al things I would answere you that to dye or to sinne is not power but impotencie as when it is said of a most valiant soldier that hee can ouercome al and that he cannot be ouercome of anie it doth not preindicate his force to say that he cannot be ouercome because that he can be ouercome is not strēgth but weaknes S What is signified by Creator M It signifieth that God hath made al thinges of nothing and he alone can bring them againe vnto nothing The Angels Men and also Diuels can make and vnmake some things but they can not make them otherwise then of some kinde of matter which was before neither can they vnmake thē but by changing them into some other thing as a Maison cannot make a house of nothing but he must haue stones lyme and wood neither can he destroy it in bringing it to nothing but into stones dust wood and such like so that God only is called is a creator because he only hath no need of any matter to make all things S Why is he called creator of heauē and earth hath not God also made the ayre the water stones trees men and all other things M By heauen and earth is also vnderstood all that is in heauen and earth as he that saith a man hath a bodie a soule meaneth also that he hath al things belonging to a bodie as veines bloud bones sinewes and the rest all things belonging vnto a soule as vnderstanding will memorie internal and external senses and the rest so that by heauen is vnderstood the ayre where birds vse to be all things aboue where the clouds the stars are wherevpon it is said the birds of heauē the clouds of heauen the stars of heauen finally the Angels By the earth is vnderstood al that is compassed by the aire as the waters of the sea of the riuers which are in the lower partes of the earth also al liue creatures plants stones mettals and all other things which are found in the earth or in the sea it is therefore said that God is creator of heauen earth because these two are the principall parts of the world the one aboue in the which the Angels remaine and the other
rise or others like them M There is no doubt but the same bodies shall rise because otherwise it should not be a true resurrection if the same should not rise which is fallen and that same returne to liue which is dead And againe the resurrection is to the end that the bodie be partaker of the reward or punishment as it hath ben partaker of good workes or the sinnes there must be the same bodie because an other bodie should not merit either punishment or reward S How is it possible that bodie should return to liue which hath bin burned and the ashes scattered with the winde and cast into riuers M Yes for God can doe that which seemeth to vs impossible And there fore it is said in the beginning of the Creede that God is omnipotent And if you consider that God hath made the heauen and the earth of nothing it will not seeme hard vnto you to beleeue that he can bring againe to the former state that which is turned into ashes S I would know whether men shall returne to be men wemen to bee wemen or rather all to one maner M It is necessarie to beleeue that the men shall be men the wemen shall be wemen because otherwise they should not be the same bodies that they were before and as I haue already told you they are to be the same albeit in the life to come there shal not be any more bringing forth of children nor husbands nor wiues yet there shall be diuersitie of men and wemen to the ende that euerie one enjoy the reward of their proper vertues which they haue exercised in their owne sexe and as it shall be a goodly sight to behold the glorie of Martyrs of Confessors so shall it be to behold the glorie of the virgins and aboue all the Mother of our Lord. S I pray you tell me in what age stature we shal rise seeing that some doe die children some young-men others old M Al shal rise in that stature and in that state which they had or were to haue at the age of thirty three years in the which our Lorde rose So that the children shal rise so great as they should haue bene if they had arriued vnto thirtie three yeares and the olde men shall rise in that flowre of age which they had when they were thirtie and three yeares olde And if any in this life haue bene Blinde Crooked a Dwarfe or had anie other deformitie hee shall ryse whole sonnde and with all perfection Because the workes of GOD are perfecte And so in the resurrection which shal be his proper worke he wil correct the errors and defectes of nature Of the twelft article S VVHat signifieth Life euerlasting which is the last article M It signifieth a complete felicitie of the soule and of the bodie And this is the chiefe good and last end which wee gaine by being in the Church S Tel me I beseech you in particular what goodnes shal there be in life euerlasting M I wil teach you this mysterie by a similitude of the thinges in this world You know that here in earth we desier a bodie that is sound comelie nimble and strong a soule that is wise prudent and learned touching the vnderstanding ful of al vertues touching the wil besides these we desire exterior goods to wit riches honors powre and pleasures Euen so is eternal life the bodie for health shal haue immortalitie with impasibilitie that is to say that nothing can harme it for beautie it shal haue clearnes to wit it shal shine as the sun for nimblenes it shal haue agilitie that in one moment it shal be able to moue from one side of the worlde to the other and from the earth to heauen without anie labour for strength it shal haue such force that without eating drinking sleeping or other rest it shal be able to serue the spirit in al things that shal be necessarie neither shal it haue feare of anie thing Touching the soule the vnderstanding shal be ful of knowledge for it shall behold the cause of al things which is God The wil shal be ful of so much goodnes and charitie that it can not commit anie venial sinne The riches shal be to want nothing hauing all things in God Their honour to be the children of God equall to Angels for they shall be kings and spirituall Priests for euer their power agreeable for together with God they shall bee Lordes of the whole world be able to do all that they shall haue will to doe for that they shall alwaies be conformable to the will of God which nothing can resist Finally their delight shal be vnspeakeable because all their powers aswel of the soule as of the body shal be joyned vnto their proper objects Whereof will arise a full contentment a most perfect peace neuer proued before a perpetuall gladnes joy and exultation S If euery one shall haue all these things euery one shal be cōtented in one maner then shall not one be more blessed in heauē then an other M Yes assuredly For he who hath merited more in this life shall haue greater reward shal be more happie yet for al that there shal be no enuie nor any discontentment because each one shal be filled according to their capacitie those which haue merited more shal be more capable so shall haue more glorie As for example If a Father hauing manie children one greater then another according to their age should make to euery one of them a garment of cloth of gold proportionable vnto euery ones stature there is no doubt but that the greatest should haue the bigest garment of greatest valew yet euery one would remaine cōtented neither would hee that were lesse desire the garment of him that were greater because it would no be so fit for him S What is the cause of this beatitude of heauē is called life euerlasting shal not the damned liue for euer in hel M Life properly is saide to bee in other those things which mooue of themselues Whereupon in a certain maner the water of a fountaine is called live-Liue-water because it mooueth and water of Pooles is called dead because it standeth still So the blessed in heauē are said to haue eternal life for that they can worke all that they wil with all their inwarde and outwarde powers without any impediment And they doe alwaies worke and exercise themselues as they most desire But the damned in hell notwithstanding they liue for they shall neuer bee consumed yet they are said to haue eternall death because they are still tyed vnto the fire and torments and are enforced euer to suffer that which they would not neither can they do anie thing that they would So that the blessed in heauen enjoy all good without any mixture of euil and the damned in hell do suffer all euill not being able to fulfil any of their
the Octaues of Easter But of these commandements I will say no more now partly because they are easie partly for that of the Masse of Confession and Communicating as also of Fasting we shall speake hereafter when we shal declare the holy Sacraments of the Church Cap. VIII The declaration of the Euangelicall Counsailes S I Desire to know if besides the commandements of our Lord there be any counsels also of his to liue more perfectly M There are many most holy counsels and most profitable to obserue the commandements with more perfection But there are three most principall voluntary pouertie chastitie and obedience S Wherein consisteth the counsell of pouertie M In not hauing any thing proper all his goodes being giuen to the poore or put into the common which likewise hath giuen all to the poore And this counsell Christe taught not onely in wordes but also by his example And after Christ the holy Apostles followed it as also all the first Christians who dwelled in Ierusalem in the time of the Primatiue Church and finally al religious persons make vow to obserue this holie counsaile of voluntarie pouertie S Wherein consisteth the counsaile of chastitie M In a resolution to be perpetually chast not only abstayning from all sortes of carnal sinnes but also from Mariage And this coūsaile also our Lord taught by word and example And our Ladie likewise obserued the same S. Iohn Baptist al the Apostles after they were called by Christ to the Apostleship And al religious persons make particular vow hereof as also al Ecclesiastical men that take holie Orders S Where in consisteth the counsaile of obedience M In renouncing our proper iudgment and proper wil which in the holie Gospel is called denying of a mans selfe and to subiect him selfe to the wil of his superior in al things that be not against God And this counsaile likewise the Sauiour of the world taught not only in word but also by his example obeying in all thinges his eternall Father and submitting himself when he was a child to his mother and to S. Ioseph his supposed Father the spouse of our B. Lady albeit indeede he was not his Father being borne of a mother who was alwaies a Virgin And this is the third counsaile to the vvhich all religious persons bind themselues by vowe S Wherefore are there three principall counsailes and no moe M Because these principall counsailes serue to take away the impediments of perfection that consisteth in charity for the impediments are three to witte the loue of goods which is taken away by pouerty the loue of carnall pleasures which is taken away by chastitie the loue of honour and power which is taken away by obedience Moreouer because a man hath but three sorts of goods to wit a soule a body and his exterior wealth therefore giuing the exterior goods to God by pouertie his bodie by chastitie and his soule by obedience he maketh a Sacrifice vnto God of all that he hath and so disposeth himselfe to perfection of charitie in the best maner that in this life is possible Chap. IX The declaration of the Sacraments of holie Church S I HAVE learned through the grace of our Lorde the three principal parts of Christiā doctrine it remaineth that you declare vnto me the fourth which if I well remember contayneth the seauen Sacraments of the Church M This part of doctrine is also very profitable therefore it is conueent that you learne it with great diligence You must then know that in the holie Church there is a great treasure to wit these holie Sacraments by meanes whereof we receiue the grace of God we keepe it we increase it and when by our defalt wee lose it wee may recouer it again I wil therfore declare vnto you what a sacrament is how many Sacraments there bee by whom they were instituted and some other fewe things and after we will come to the declaration of euerie one of them in particular S. Begin then I pray you to declare what a Sacrament is which I much desire to vnderstand M. A Sacrament is a holy Mystery by which God bestoweth his grace and with all it representeth exteriorly the inuisible effect which grace worketh in our soule For if wee were spirits without bodies as the Angels are God would giue vs his grace spiritually but because we are composed of a soule and a bodie therefore our Lord condescending to our nature geueth vs his grace by means of certayn corporal actions which as I haue said together with certain exterior signes declare to vs the inward effect of grace As for example holie Baptisme which is one of the Sacraments is done by washing the bodie with water and therwith calling vpon the most holie Trinitie By means of which ceremonious washing God geueth his grace putteth it in the soule of him that is baptised And it instructeth vs that as that water washeth the bodie so grace washeth the soule clenseth it from al sinne S If I haue wel vnderstood three conditions are requisit to the nature of a Sacrament first that it be a ceremonie or as we would say an exterior action the second that God by it giue his grace the third that the same ceremonie haue a similitude with the effect of grace and so represent and signifie it exteriorly M You haue vnderstood it very wel Now you haue to know further that these Sacraments are in al seauen are called Baptisme Confirmation or Chrisme Eucharist Penance Extreame Vnction Order and Matrimonie The reason wherfore they are seauen is this for that God would proceed in giuing vs spiritual life as he vseth to proceed in giuing vs our corporal life Touching corporal life first is needful to be borne secondly is needfull to grow thirdly is needfull to be nourished fourthly when a man falleth sicke it is needful he vse phisicke siftly when he must fight he hath need to arme himselfe sixtly is needfull that there bee some to gouerne and rule those that are now borne growne seuenthly is needfull there be some to multiplie mankind for seeing those that are borne do die if others should not succeed mankinde would soone decay So then touching the spiritual life first it is needfull that Gods grace bee borne in vs this is done by baptisme secondly it is needfull that the same grace increase and bee made strong this is done by Confirmation thirdly is needful that it be norished and maintained this doth the Eucharist worke fourthly is needfull that it be recouered whenit is lost and this is done be the medicine of Penance Fiftly is needfull that at the poynt of death a man arme himselfe against the infernal enimy who then more thē euer assalteth vs this doth extreme Vnctiō worke Sixtly is necessary that there be in the church such as may guid gouerne vs in spiritual life this is done by Orders Seuenthly is needfull that there bee in the Church
Articles of the faith and other such like things And after when the child groweth in yeares the godfather and godmother are bound to haue care to instruct it in matters of faith and in good maners if the father and mother be herein negligent And moreouer it is to be noted that by Baptisme they become alyed by a spiritual affinitie to the partie that is baptised and to his father and mother as wel he that baptiseth as the godfather and godmother Of the Sacrament of Confirmation S VVE haue spoken sufficiently of Baptisme tel me now I pray you what meaneth confirmation or Chrisme which is the second Sacrament M The second Sacrament is called Confirmation because the effect therof is to confirme the baptised in faith as we shal say by and by It is also called Chrisme which is a greeke word and signifieth vnction because in this Sacrament the forehead of the person that receiueth this Sacrament is anointed with holie Chrisme For as in Baptisme the baptised is washed with water to signifie that the grace of God washeth his soule from all spot of sinnes so in Chrisme the forehead is anointed to signifie that the grace of God anoynteth the soule so comforteth and fortifieth it that it may fight against the diuel and confesse boldly the holy faith without feare of torments or of death it selfe S In what time ought this Sacrament to be receiued M It ought to bee receiued when the childe is come to vse of reason because then hee beginneth to confesse his faith and hath need to bee confirmed and established in the grace of God S Doth this Sacrament worke any thing else besides the fortifying of the soule M It leaueth a caracter or marke fixed and printed in the soule which neuer can bee scraped out therefore this Sacrament can not bee receiued oftner then once S What neede is there to imprint in the soule any other marke seing that of baptisme may suffice M This second caractar or marke is not imprinted without cause For that by the first a mā is only knowen to be a Christian that is of the familie of Christ but by this second it is knowne that he is a souldier of christ and therefore he carrieth in his soule the armes of his captaine as in the world souldiers carrie them on their garments whosoeuer receiue this Sacrament and goe into hell shall haue the greater confusion for that euery one shall see that they made professiō of the souldiers of christ are after so fowly reuolted from him Of the Sacraments of the Eucharist S MAY it please you declare to me nowe the third Sacrament first tel me what meaneth this word Eucharist M This is a greeke word also it signifyeth gratefull memorie or thanks giuing For in this Sacramēt memorie is made thanks are giuen to God for the most excellent benefite of the holy Passion of our Sauiour and withall there is giuen the true bodie bloud of our Lord for which wee are bound to render perpetuall thanks to God S Declare to me more fullie all that is contained in this holy Sacrament that knowing the greatnes thereof I may the better honour it M The Hoast which you see vpon the Altar before it be consecrated is nothing else but a litle bread made in forme of a thin Wáfer cake but immediatly when the Priest hath pronounced the consecration there is present in the Hoast the true bodie of our Lord and because the true bodie of our Lord is liuing and vnited to the Diuinitie in the person of the Sonne of God therefore together with the bodie is the blood also and the soule and the Deitie and so whole Christ God and man In the same maner in the Chalice before the consecration there is nothing else but a litle wine with a litle water but suddenly the consecration being ended there is the true blood of Christ and because the blood of Christ is not forth of his bodie therefore in the Chalice together with the blood are the body the soule and the Deitie of the same Christ and so whole Christ God man S I doe yet see that the Hoast after the consecration hath the figure of bread as before and that which is in the Chalice the figure of Wine as before M So it is that in the Hoast there remaineth the figure and also the colour and the taste of bread which was there before but not the substance of bread which was before And so vnder the forme of bread there is not bread but the bodie of our Lorde And the better to vnderstand this I wil giue you an example You haue heard that Lots wife was conuerted into a statute of salt those that saw the statute did see the figure of Lot his wife which then was not any more Lots wife but vnder the figure of a woman was salt As there fore in that conuersion the inward substance was changed the outward shape remayned so in this Mysterie the inward substance is changed from bread into the bodie of our Lord the outward figure of bread remaining which was there before The same also you are to vnderstand of the Chalice that is that there is the figure the taste the colour the smel of wine yet is there not the substance of wine but the blood of our Lord vnder that forme of wine S It seemeth to me a great thing that a great body as that of our lord can be vnder so litle a forme as that of the consecrated Hoast M It is certainely a great thinge but the power of God is also great who can do greater things then we can vnderstand and so Christ when he said in the holie gospel that God could make a camel which is a beast bigger thē a horse to passe through the eye of a nedle he added that with mē these things are impossible but with God al things are possible S I would be glad to haue some example how the same bodie of our Lord can be in so manie hostes as are in so many Altars M It is not needfull to vnderstand the wonders of God but it sufficeth to beleue them seeing we are certain that God cānot deceiue vs. Yet I wil giue you an example for your consolation It is sure that our soule is but one is whole in al the members of the body al wholly in the head al in the feet yea whole in euery litle part of our bodie what marueill is it then that God can make the body of his Sonne to be in many Hoasts seeing one and the same soule to bee whole intire in so many so diuers and distinct parts of the bodie It is read in the life of S. Anthonie of Padua that the same time hee was Preaching in a citie of Italie he was also by Gods power in Portugal to do some other good works And if God could make Saint Anthonie to be in two places at one