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A03909 A faithful declaration of Christes holy supper comprehe[n]ded in thre sermo[n]s, preached at Eaton Colledge, by Roger Hutchinson. 1552. Whose contentes are in the other syde of the lefe. Hutchinson, Roger, d. 1555. 1560 (1560) STC 14018; ESTC S104326 58,400 142

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are all one lofe and one body in asmuch as we all are partakers of one bread and as often as ye shal eate this bread c. and whosoeuer shall eat of this bread vnworthely and againe let euery man examin him selfe and so let hym eate of this bread Lo S. Paul nameth the on part of this sacramēt bread whersoeuer he maketh mention therof and Christ our Maister whome we are commaundeth to heare nameth the other part the fruite of the vine by their names teaching vs that the matter the ensence and the substaūce both of bread and wine are not transformed are not transubstātiat into the substaunce of his flesh and bloud but do remaine and continue as well after the consecration as before or els they can be no sacraments as I proued in my secōd lesson Nowithstanding Christ in his supper affirmeth bread and wyne to be his body bloud and calleth his body Granum frumenti a wheat corne and his bloud the fruit of the vine For those thre properties and similitudes whiche I haue declared and also for another similitude whiche nowe he teacheth vs here that is because his body and bloud are the fruite of Mary the fruit of Dauid the fruit of Abraham and of others as it is written Ex quibus Christus est secundum carnem Christ is of the fathers touching his flesh Euen as the sacramental bread and wyne are the fruit of wheat and the fruit of the vine For this cause and such other he calleth his body Granum frumenti a wheate corne and affirmeth the signes to be his fleshe and bloud not for any mutation of their substaunces For this similitude and such other do chaunge the names of bread and wyne but not their natures and essence into Christes nature for Christes nature is the fruite of many Patriarkes and diuers kynges not the fruite of the vine nether yet the fruit of wheate But the Papistes reply here that Paul calleth the sacrament bread so many tymes and that Christ nameth the wyne the fruite of the vine not of that it is but of that it was not that they are styll bread and wyne after the consecration but because they weere so before And they defend this their distinction interpretation with two stronge argumentes inuincible as they do thinke Their first argument is gathered of the wordes of Christ immediatly folowing in that he sayth that he wyll drynke of this fruite of the vyne in the kyngdome of his father with his disciples We shalbe fed sayth the Papist in Gods kyngdome whiche is the glory of the lyfe to come with this fruite of the vyne but we shall not be fed there with the corruptible fode and naturs of bread and wyne Ergo their natures do not remayne and continue and wyne is called the fruite of the vyne and bread Granum frumenti a wheat corne or the frute of wheat of that it was not of that it is I answer his fathers kingdom in which Christ saith that he wil drinke new wine with his disciples in the aforesaid text is not the glory of the life to come but that tyme whiche folowed immediatly his resurrection in which not for any necessitie or hunger as S. Austin saith epi. xlix ▪ which he writeth to one Deogratias but for a trial and probation that he was verely risen concerning his humanitie he did both eate and drinke with his disciples as Peter witnesseth in his sermō to Cornelius Then he dranke the fruite of the vyne a new with them that is after a straunge and a newe sort hauyng not passible and mortall but impassible and immortall flesh and such as neded no bodely foode Chrisostom a learned and Godly byshop of Christes church doth so vnderstand these wordes of Christ. For vpō Mathew he writeth thus expounding this very text meminit iam resurrectionis ac regnū patris eam appellat that is Christ remembreth nowe his resurrection calling it his fathers kingdom Nether is it against reason or the phrase of the scriptures to take gods kingdom in this signification which began chiefly to florishe immediatly after Christes death as appeareth and as he him self taught his disciples that it shuld so do saying Cū exaltatis fuero omnia tra ham ad meipsum when I shalbe lifted vp I will drawe al thinges to my selfe For God doth not reigne only in heauē but also in this life as it is wryten Regnum dei intra vos est the kingdome of God is within you Christ speaking of drinking new wyne in his fathers kingdom meaneth this raigne wherby God the father reigned in the hartes of the faithfull after his sonnes resurrection by the grace of his almighty spirit with many visible giftes and signes Therfore it can not be proued of these wordes that the natures of bread and wyne are disanulled Their second reason wherwith they would proue the sacramentes to be named bread and wyne in that they were so before and not in that they be so still is framed and made of many like phrases in the scriptures When the serpent which was made of Aarons rod deuoured the serpentes which the enchaūters of Pharao made of their rods the texte faith that Aarons rod did eate vp theyr roddes calling thē roddes because they were so before So the scriptures many tymes do name man earth forsomuche as he was earth touching his body before his creation They doe call wyne water whiche was made of water as we reade After this sort saith y t Papistes Christ nameth his bloud wyne and the fruit of the vyne and his body bread and Granum frumenti a wheat corne or the fruit of wheat Though Aarons rod were turned into a Serpente yet this mutation was no transubstantiation neither is earth transubstantiat into man nor water into wine The scriptures make relation of many wonders and myracles in both testamentes but let them shewe any transubstantiation in any of Gods myracles from the begynnyng of the worlde and I wyll be of their opinion If they can not it is against reason that they should abuse Gods myracles to proue their transubstantiatiō and to mainteyn their own dreames and inuentions Moreouer the scriptures doe manifestly expresse a mutation in the aforesayd myracles They testifie with plaine wordes that the rods turned to Serpentes that man was formed and made of the earth and that water was made wyne but they do not testifie that bread and wyne are turned into Christes reall body and bloud neither doe they saye that Christes body and bloud was made of them but rather deny it For Paull sayth that God sent his son Factum ex muliere made of a woman teachyng vs with manifest wordes that touchynge fleshe and bloud he is womans seede that is the fruit of Mary not the fruite of the vyne But because both they and we haue scriptures and it must nedes be
this doctrine .xii. hundred yeares agone and more and yet the Papistes name it new learnyng Moreouer Chrisostom who florished foure hundred years fiue after Christ and for his great knowledge and eloquencie was made byshop of Constantinople and is famous at these dayes throughout the whole world for his vertues and learning he in a certen letter whiche he wrote against the Apolinaristes to Cesarius a Monke in the tyme of his second banishment sayth of the sacramental bread in Christes supper that after the consecration Liberatus est quidem ab appellatione panis dignus autem habitus est dominici corporis appellatione etiā si natura panis in ipso permansit that is to say ▪ The Sacrament after the consecration was no more named bread but it was called by the name of Christes body notwithstanding the nature of bread remayned and continued styll What can be more playnly and directly spoken against the transubstantiation whiche was not heard tel of vntyll fyue hundred yeares after the incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christ Of these it is euident that by the iudgementes of the elder fathers the sacramentes be named bread and wyne not of that they were before the consecratiō but of that they are styll so afterwarde as well as before For they did preache and teache with one voyce and assent in diuers regions and countries and in diuers tymes and ages a thousand yeares agone that bread and wyne are a sacrament of Christes honorable body and bloud without any transubstantiation that is transmutation chaunge or alteration of their substaunces and natures And Christ our maister confirmeth this to be a moste true doctrine affirming w t an othe Amen dico vobis c. The wyne after the consecration to be the fruit of y e vine not the fruit of Mary or the fruite of Dauid and so doeth Paul fiue times naming the other sensible part of this mystery bread as Christ before hym named it Granum frumenti a wheat corne or the fruite of wheat Here againe they reply that the fathers doe say that the natures of bread and wyne are altered are turned and chaunged into Christes nature For S. Ambrose in his boke whiche he writeth De ijs qui mitiantur mysterijs Cap. 9. speaking of this sacrament sayth Benedictione etiam ipsa natura mutatur that after the consecration the nature of bread and wyne is chaunged And for a probation hereof he reherseth many thinges whose natures GOD chaunged with his worde and benediction He telleth howe GOD chaunged the nature of Moises rod turning it into a serpent that he chaunged the nature of water diuersly turning the riuers of Egipt into bloud compassing the Israelites with y ● read sead as with a wall causyng Iordā to run backward and making the bitter floud Marath swete and delectable to drynke He chaunged also the nature of the rock which poured furth water Heliseus chaūged the nature of Iron causing it to swime aboue the water Helias chaunged the nature of fire when at his prayer it came down from heauen whose nature is to go vpward These examples saith the Papist S. Ambrose allegeth to proue that the nature of bread is turned is chaunged and altered Ergo it doth not remaine and continue Ciprian also in his sermō of Christes supper saith Panis non effigit sed natura mutatus ▪ c. That this bread is chaūged not in shape but in his nature And Theophilact writing vpon Iohn 6. saith panis quem ego dabo non est figura carnis sed caro mea est trāselemētatur enim panis etc. that is the bread whiche I will giue is not a figur of my flesh but it is my flesh ▪ for the bread is transformed I aunswer Nether do we deny the natures of bread and wyne to be chaunged and altered yet their substaunces must continue for this mistery as Ireneus teacheth vs must haue an earthli nature after the consecration aswell as before for so muche as this sacrament is made of two natures Then howe are the natures of bread and wyne chaunged Verely euen as Ambrose sayth that the nature of water was chaunged when the reed sea stode about the Israelites like a wall and gaue them passage as the nature of water was chaunged when Iordan ran bakward and when the sower Riuer Marath was seasoned and made swete and delectable as he saith that the nature of the rock was chaunged when it pored fourth waters as he saith that Heliseus chaunged the nature of Iron when he made it swym aboue Iordan as Helias chaunged the nature of fier causing it to descend dounward whiche naturally ascendeth vpward After this sort the natures of bread wyne ar chaūged and altered in Christes holy supper that is the naturall propertie of them For before the consecration they do only norish the body after the consecratiō they doe feede our soules with Christes swete flesh with his comfortable bloud and with a deuout remēbraunce of his death passion In this signification Ambrose affirmeth the natures of bread and wine to be altred trāsformed in christs supper meaning I say not their substāces very essence which is the proper acceptation of y e word nature but the natural propertie of them as appereth of his own forsaid exāples For the substance very essēce of fier was not altred though it descended downward against his natural propertie nether was y e very essēce of the read sea chaunged though for a time it stode like a wall about Gods people Iordā was a riuer stil though he ran bakwards the stream of Marath was water stil notw tstanding his nature was chaunged that is his naturall propertie which was sowernes into swetnes The rock which powred furth abundaūce of water remaineth a rock still Nether did Heliseus alter chaunge y e very substāce inward essence of iron when he caused it being heauy to houe aboue y e waters in al these miracles which wer wrought by the mighty power of God y e natures of the red sea of Iordan of Marath of y e rock of Iron fier are said to be chaunged altered that is their naturall properties The worde nature can not be vnderstand otherwise in the forsaid exāples Besides approued writers do vse it in this acception signification as Marcus Tullius in his boke de Somnio scipionis of scipio his dreame Haec est anima natura propria c. This is saith Tully the very nature office of the soule to moue himself Notwithstanding Ambrose bringeth two examples in which the very essence substaunces are chaunged as the turning of rods into serpentes the turning of the waters of Egipt into bloud He alledgeth these two examples not to proue the transubstantiation but to proue stablish a lesse mutation in the sacrament by those greater mutations For nether