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A03861 A hyue full of hunnye contayning the firste booke of Moses, called Genesis. Turned into English meetre, by VVilliam Hunnis, one of the Gent. of her Maiesties Chappel, and Maister to the Children of the same. Seene and allowed, accordinge to the order appointed. Hunnis, William, d. 1597. 1578 (1578) STC 13974; ESTC S106275 129,432 274

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whan The VVorke of the first Daye WHen God which no beginninge had The Heauē and Earth gan frame And voyde and empty it behelde With darkenesse on the same 2 And on y e Waters which hee made that then aloft did stand And ouerwhelme the Earth so farre as yet appear'de no Lande 3. Then at his worde there Light came foorth deuided from the Shade And so the Eueninge and the Morne by him one Day was made ¶ The worke of the Second Daye THe Firmament he fram'de and fixte Betwene the Waters so As part aboue the same did rest the other part belowe 5. And gaue a Name thereto and sayd it Heauen shall called bee The Eueninge and the Morninge eke the second Day you see ¶ The worke of the Third Day THe third Day at his holy hest the Waters vnderneth Compelled were together goe in one place of the Earth 7. And then the Land appeared dry which Earth was called tho And bade it should bringe foorth greene herbe engendringe seede to groe 8. And fruictfull Trees of sundry sortes that seede might still retayne And bringe foorth fruicte each after kinde that on the Earth remayne 9. Thus euery thinge so came to passe as God before did say The Earth brought Herbe and Tree with fruict that still ingender may ¶ The worke of the Fourth Day ANd that there shoulde a diffrence bee betwene the Dayes and Nightes God bade that in the Firmament there should bee placed Lightes 11. Which should remayne from time to tyme appoyncted Signes to bee As Day from Day and Yeare from Yeare in order as wee see 12. The Sunne hee made the Day to rule the Moone the Night to guide And shininge Starres in Heauen hee set whose light doth aye abyde ¶ The worke of the Fifte Day THis Mighty Maker then gan saye let waters nowe forth bring Such Creatures as with life may moue and Fowle to flye with Winge 14. Upon the Earth and in the Face of Heauen or Starry Skye Straight way both Fishe and Fowle was made in kinde to multiplye 15. God blessed both and bade them growe the Fishe the Sea to fill And feathered Fowle vpon the Earth their kinde encreasinge still ¶ The worke of the Sixte Daye NOw let the Earth bringe foorth sayd God each liuinge thinge by kinde As Cattell Beast and worme that creepes his power the same assign'de 17. Thus when God sawe his handy worke was good and pleas'de him well Let vs make Man like vs sayd hee the rest of all t' excel 18. To haue the Rule of Fishe of Foule of Catell and the Earth And euery creeping thinge on ground that lyues and draweth breathe 19. And in the Image of him selfe did God Create him than Both Male and Female form'd hee them but first he made the Man 20. And blessed them the Earth to fill their Sex still to renewe And gaue them power vpon the Earth the same for to subdewe 21. And sayde beholde I haue you geuen of euery herbe to eate And euery Tree wherein is fruicte likewise to be your Meate 22. Also to euery Beaste on Earth and euery Birde that flies And creepinge Worme greene Herbe shall haue to feede vpon likewise 23. All what hee sayd so came to passe and he the same did see Ech kinde of thinge which hee had made was good so for to bee The Contentes of the Second Chapter The hallowinge of the Saboth day The Flouddes fowre of Paradice gay Howe in the same Man had his Seate The Tree forbidden hym to eate How Adam named Creatures all How Eue was made that first did fall And how that Mariage did begynne Betweene them twayne ere they did sinne THus was the Heauēs y e Earth y e Sea and Creatures all therein In sixe Dayes made and in the seauēth did God our God beginne 2. To rest from all his Labours done and Sanctified the same To bee a Day of rest to Man therein to prayse his Name 3. God made each Plaute in Fielde that growth Before in Earth it was And euery Hearbe before it grewe and euery other Grasse 4. And thus before that any Rayne vpon the Earth was founde Or any man to haue in vse the Tillage of the Ground 5. A mighty Mist ascended vp from of the Earth and so Bewatered the Face of all the Earth and Ground belowe 6. Then Man that of the Earth was made a liuinge Soule became By Breath of Life that God did breathe in Nosethrilles of the Man 7. And from the first God planted had a Garden fayre to see Wherein hee set this Man hee made the Keeper for to bee 8. And from the Earth God made to springe all fruictfull Trees so plaste As both might well the Eye delight and please the mouthe in taste 9. Two trees amyd this Garden grewe by power of sacred skill The one of Lyfe the other was of knowledge good and ill 10. From Eden went a Ryuer foorth to moyst this Garden than Which afterward deuided was and in foure heades became 11. And Pishon is the first of foure which round about doth goe The golden Land of Hauilah Wher th'Onix Stone doth growe 12. The second head is Gihon cald Which compasseth throughoute The Land of Ethiopia with water round aboute 13. The third is named Hy●ekel that passeth downe alonge The East side of Assyria Wyth myghty streame and stronge 14. And Euphrates the fourth is calde Whych Fruictfulnes doth showe And in the same do many Gemmes and precious Stones foorthe growe 15. Almyghty God this Adam toke and in this Garden set The same to dresse the same to keepe and of the Fruicte to eate 16. Of euery Tree that therein was God bade him eate his fil Except the Tree that 's in the mid'ste of Knowledge good and ill 17. God sayd that Day thou eat'st thereof thou for the same shalt Dye Therfore see that thou touche it not the taste thereof to trye 18. It is not good said God that man should be alone I see I wyll an helper make to him companion his to bee 19. Out of the ground did God then make ech beast vpon the Earth And euery Foule in th' ayre that flyes and all that draweth breathe 20. And God did bringe all beastes and foules to view of Adams Eye Which was to see what kynde of name he then would call them by 21 And Adam called euery Beast and euery Fowle by name As wee do vse at this same day to nominate the same 22. In slomber then was Adam cast and God a Ribbe did take Out from his side and of the same a Woman did he make And fild the place with Fleshe agayne and when her did awake 23. This is sayd he Bone of my Bones and Fleshe of mine I see Virago shal shee called bee as taken out from mee 24. And for this cause
same 34. And there they buried Abraham Sarah his wife also Isac Rebecca and Leah I her there buryed too 35. The Purchase of the Field and Caue and all that therein stoode Of Heth his Children purchas'de was to Funerall the good 36. When Iacob ended had the charge he gaue his Sonnes vnto He pluckt his Feete into the Bedde as some in dying doe 37. And so he yelded vp his Ghoast most quietly to see And to his People gathred was as he desyr'de to be The Contentes of the L. Chap. Iacobs Interment is exprest Ioseph forgeues his Brethren next And seeth vnto the third degree His Childrens Seede then dies hee THen Ioseph fel on Fathers face and wept vppon him sore And kissed him w t heauy cheere as one right sad therefore 2 And to his seruāts thus said he sutch as Embalme the dead Let Father mine Embalmed bee and taken from his Bedde 3. So Israell Embaulmed was as Ioseph ●ad in hast When Forty Dayes accomplisht were so longe the Dayes did last Of sutch Men as Embaulmed were Which time they haue not past 4. But yet those Folke of Egipt Land that were with Ioseph then Did sore bewayle the Death of him iust three Skore Dayes and Ten. 5. And when the Dayes of Mourninge his were past and gonne away Then Ioseph sp●ke to Pharoes House and on this wise did say 6. If I haue any fauour found before your eies at all I pray you then to Pharo speake as I now tell you shall I pray you then to Pharo speake as I nowe tell you shall 7 My Father made me sweare and sayde My Sonne behold I Dye Entoumbe thou mee in Canaan whereas my Graue dath lye 8. Ah las now therefore lette mee goe I humbly do the pray And I my Father burye will and come agayne this way Sayd Pharao then goe vp and do as Father made the Say 9. So Ioseph with his Father went with him there wen● as tho The Elders of Kinge Pharoes House and Seruaunts his also Yea all the Elders of the Lande likewise with them did go 10. All Iosephes House and Brethren his his Fathers House likewise Theyr Children onely and their Sheepe hee did as then deuise 11. To leaue behinde in Goshen Land till their returninge backe They went with Horse and Chariottes store no furniture did lack 12. And when they came beyonde Iordan Goren Atad vnto With greeuous Lamentation they made there mutch ado 13. And Ioseph there his Fathers Death bemoaned seuen dayes longe And when the Cananites this sawe they sayd them selues amonge 14 This is vnto th'Egiptians a Mourning great we see And so their Lamentacion they nam'de the place to bee 15 Thus Iacobs Sonnes did vnto him as hee to them had sayd They caryed him to Canan Lande and in the Caue him layde 16 Which is in Field of Ma●hpelah that Abram somtime bought Of Ephron neere to Mamre soyle an Hittite as is tought 17 When Iosephes Father buried was they all return'de agayne Into Egipt where Ioseph gaue them thankes for all their payne 18 But now when Iosephes Brethren sawe their Father dead and gone Perhaps sayd they that Ioseph will his Wrath vs wreake vpon 19 And wil vs hate and pay agayne the Ill that wee haue done Therfore to him they sent and sayd Ioseph old Iacobs Sonne 20 Thy Father did commaundment geeue before hee went away Thus shall you Ioseph speake vnto forgeeue I now thee pray 21 The Trespasse of thy Brethren past that they haue done to thee And now forgeeue our fault likewise for wee Gods Seruauntes bee 22 When they thus vnto Ioseph spake hee wept a certayne space And in that Tyme his Brethren came and fel before his face 23 And sayd behold thy Seruauntes wee attend vpon thy wyll Feare not sayth hee for vnder God I am and wil bee still 24 When you pretended ill to mee God turn'de it to the best That hee might bring such thinges to passe as this day is exprest 25 And many People sau'd aliue that els had now bene gone Feare not therefore I●e norishe you and Children yours ech one 26 So kindely vnto them hee spake and entertaynde so well It was more comfort to their hart ▪ then any toung can tell 27 Thus Ioseph and his Fathers house ▪ in Egipt dwelled styll He lyu'de an Hundreth yeares and tenne and then did Death him kill 28 The Children yet of Ephraim ▪ did Ioseph lyue to see Unto the third descent of them by order in degree 29 Lykewise hee Machirs Children saw Manassehs Sonne that was Whom Ioseph brought vp on his knees and thus it came to passe 30 That Ioseph to his Brethren sayd I readye am to dye And God wil surely visite you as time the thing shall trye 31 And bring you safe out of this Land vnto the Land hee sware To Abram Isac and Iacob and ryd you so from care 32 Then of the Children of Isrell an Oath did Ioseph take And sayd God sure wil visite you for his great mercies sake 33 And you shal cary hence my boanes thus did hee Prophecie Beeing an Hundreth yeares and Tenne and in that Age did dye 34 And after they embaulmed him and put him in a Chest In maner as his Father was so him th' Egyptians drest FINIS IMPRINTED AT London in Fleetstreete neere vnto S. Dunstanes Churche by Thomas Marsh. 1578. Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis The Creation of the World The Spirite of God moued vpon the face of the Waters * God savve that the lighte vvas good did call the light Daye and the darke Nighte The light vvas made before the Sunne or Moone vvas created *. the vvater in the cloudes *. the vvaters of the sea and Ryuers * that is the Region of the ayer and all that is aboue vs. *. God calleth the dry Lande Earth the gatheringe together of Waters called he Seas * The Earth at the bidding of God brought foorthe Trees Grasse and Herbe and Trees herbe brought forth their fruicte each in their kinde before the Sunne Moone and Starres vvere created * The Lightes are the Sunne Moone and Starres a Both Fish Fovvle had one beginning vvherein vvee see that nature geeueth place to Gods vvill the one is made to flye the other to svvimme b That is God gaue them povver to ēcrease Chapter 8.21 *. The creation of Adam in the fielde of Damasco ▪ who the same day hee vvas brought into Paradice sinned and the same day after mydday he vvas thruste out Methodius * The propagation of man is the blessing of God Chapter 8.20 and .9.1 *. Gods greate liberalitie to man taketh avvay al excuses of mans ingratitude *. That is the sunne the mone the starres and planets *. the 7. day dyd God first shevve mercy For that hee gaue to man and beast that day rest ▪ vvher as the day before they Were damned to
hearing of the same somwhat his sprites appald 14 Sir said the king this woman sure thy wife I see must bee Why sayd'st thou then shee onely was but Sister vnto thee 15 O mighty king sayd Isaac thus in my selfe I thought Perhap the beauty of my wife mought bring my life to nought 16 And so through her and for her sake my death I might haue sought Wel sayd the king one of the men thy wyfe so migh● haue caught 17 And layne with her and so should th● brought synne vppon vs all Because thy Folly suffer would thy wyfe thus wise to fall 18 The king then streightly gaue in charge to people in the land That none should touch this Man or Wife by way of forcing hand For who so did of presence Death the payne shoulde vnderstand 19 Thus Isaac in quiet dwelt and sowed seede in ground And that same yere by trauell his an hundreth measures found 20 And so from small to greatter grew for why the Lord hym blest A myghty man the same became and greatter then the rest 21. For he a Myghty houshold held had Shepe and Oxen store His Neighbours the Philistians did enuy him therfore 22. And for to shew theyr spight and Ire such rage was in their brayne They went and fylled all the Welles and stopt with Earth agayne The which his Fathers men before had digde with micle payne 23. Yea in so much the kinge himselfe bad Isahac depart And sayd in Myght a great deale more then we our selfe thou art 24. So Isahac obesaunt was vnto the kynges behest And into Gerars Ualley went thinkinge to dwel in rest 25. And there he digged vp agayne the welles of Water cleere Which in the dayes of Abraham his father digged were 26 And which after his fathers death Philistin●s thither went And stopped vp the same agayne so froward were they bent 27. And loke what names his father gaue vnto these Welles before So did he name and call the same to be for euermore 28. The Seruantes of this Isaac did digge and breake the grounde In Ualley low and there a UUell of liuing Water founde 29. And then the Herdemen of the Soyle that Gerar hath to name Did stryue with Isacks Herd men there for Water of the same 30. And said the Water 's none of yours but ours the truth to tell Then he did Esek call the Well vpon the stryfe that fel 31. And then another Well they digde for which they stroue also And Sitnah they the same did call a name therby to knowe 32. And then from thence departed he and digde another Wel For which they stroue no whit at al in quiet did they dwell 33 Therfore Rehoboth was it cald for why the Lorde sayth he Hath made vs roume that we may growe whyle on the Earth wee be 34. And vp from thence to Bersaba he went and that same nyght The Lord appeard and sayd to him I am the God of Myght 35. I say the god of Abraham that seruaunt was to me And Father thyne feare not therfore For I am now with thee 36. And will thee blesse and multiplye thy seede for Abrams sake And of the same wil kinreds great and many Nations make 37. There Isaac an Alter buil● and cald vpon his name And in that place did pitch his tent and dwelled in the same 38. And there his seruauntes digd a Wel and Water had good store There was no strife about the same as others made before 39. From Gerar kyng Abimelech his Frend Abuzzath eeke And Phicoll his chiefe capitayne came Isaac to seeke 40. Whom when that Isaac behelde and cause of comming knewe He sayd wherfore come you to me and haue me put from you 41. And hated me and Seruaunts myne and banisht me awaye From where I dwelt and where I myght haue dwelled til this daye 42. Sayd they in seyng wee haue seene the Lord is still with thee And therfore thus among our selues we sayd and do agree 43. Let there an Oth and Bond be made thy selfe and vs betwene That thou no hurt do vnto vs for why thy selfe hath sene 44. We haue not touched thee nor thyne to harme in any thynge But suff'red thee to passe in peace and with thee hether brynge 45. Thy Stuffe thy Corne. thy seruauntes all thy Cattel and thy store And now I know thou blessed art of God for euermore 46. Then Isaac a feast them made They eat and dranke together And early in the Morne betyme ech one did sweare to other 47. And after when the oth was made Isack away thē sent In peace from him departed they and backe agayn they went 48. And that same day it happened his men that dig●e the grounde Came vnto hym and sayd a Well wyth water haue wee found 49 Then he the Well did Shebah call which is an Oth to name The Towne is called Bersheba which yet doth beare the same 50 And as Shebah doth signify a sacred Oth or Band. So Bersheba the Wel of th'Othe you must it vnderstand When Esaw was yeares forty old to wyfe he tooke these twayne Esau ●udi●● Iudeth 〈…〉 of Beere an Hethit Bashemat The doughter of Elon an hethit also And they vnto his parentes mynde were both a griefe and payne For that they disobedient were and filled with disdayne The Contentes of the XXVII Chapter How Iacob stale away By counsail of his mother The blessing Esaw from This Iacobs elder brother How Isaack lykewyse Did very sad become And after how he blest Esaw his eldest sonne Of hatred great that grew Betwyxt these Brethren twayne To Haran how that Iacob fled For feare of beyng shyne IT came to passe when Isaac did old appeere to be And that his Eies wer dim dusk that wel he could not see 2. His eldest Sonne that Esau was he cald and thus did say Now am I old and of my death I do not know the day Therfore thy weapons take in hand thy Quyuer and thy Bow That thou for me may Uenson take abrode where thou shalt goe 4. And make me meate such as I loue that eate therof may I. And that my soule may Esau blesse before that I do dye 5 Rebecca heard when Isaac vnto his sonne thus spake And Esau went vnto the field some Uenson for to take 6. But she vnto her yonger sonne that Iacob had to name Declared all what shee had heard and thus discourst the same 7. Behold I heard thy father talke with Esau brother thyne Who sayd to hym goe Uenson catch that I therwyth may dyne 8. And that I may before the Lord my blessyng geue to thee Wherefore my sonne geue eare sayd she and do thus after me 9. Goe to the flocke and bringe me thence two Ryddes that I may make Some meate therwith thy father loues and thou the same shal take 10 And bryng it to thy father so to eate and that
April and part of Maye b. Noah declareth his obedience in that he vvould not depart out of the Ark vvith out Gods expresse cōmaundement as hee did not enter in vvithout the same Cap. 1 15 ▪ and 9.1 (a.) that is he shevved therby himself appeased and his anger to rest b, the order of nature distroyed by the flood is restored by Gods promis Cap 1.15 and 8.21 (a) A libertye graunted by God to eate Fleshe vvhich the holy Fathers before the Flood neuer vsed Cap 1.21 [b) That is liuinge Creatures and the flesh of beastes that are strangled and here by al cruel●y is forbidden (c) The lavve of the Svvord (d) Not onely by the Magistrate but oft tymes god raiseth one murtherer to kill another [a) The Rayn-bovve in vvhiche is expressed both the colours of vvater and fye● the one parte blevv the other red that it myght vvitnes both Iudgmētes the one past the other to come [b] vvhen men shall see my bovve in the heauen they shall knovve that I haue not forgotten my couenaunte vvyth them (a) No a●●inu●ted the vse of vvyne for before the flood vvas no vvine dronke nor Fleshe eaten (b) Of vvhom cam● the Cananits the vvicked Nation vvho vvere also cursed of God c) because god before had blessed him d) Cham is cursed in his seede † That is in his posteritie Aftervvardes the Families of the Cananites vvere spred abroade in dyuers placs In the stocke of Sem the Church vvas preserued and therfore Moyses leaueth of speaking of Iaphet and Ham entreateth of Sem more at large [a) Or of these came diuers Nacions (b) vvhich vvas Nymrod and his company vvhich vvent from the East that is Armenia 130. yeres after the floude [c] vvhich vvas after called Chaldea [a] They vvere moued vvith pride and Ambicion thinking to p●●s●r ●heir ovv●e glory to goddes honour He cometh dovvne and shevveth himselfe by his vvonderful vvorkes [c) God speaketh as though he toke cou●●sell vvith 〈◊〉 ovvne 〈…〉 dome 〈…〉 povver (d) Or fusion Some thinke that this Sara ● vvas Iscah Harans duaghter and Sister to Lot Milcha [a] His bretheren vvere Abrā and Nahor (b) He speaketh first of Abram not that he vvas the first borne but for the history vvhich properly apertayneth vnto him [c] Haran vvas a City in Mesopotamia [d] That is to say ▪ he die 3. (a) From the floud to this time vvas 363. yeres [b] In appointing him no place certaine he proueth his faith and obedience so much the more [c) The vvorld shal recouer by the seede vvhich is Christ the blessing vvhich they lost in Adam [c) The vvorld shal recouer by the seede vvhich is Christ the blessing vvhich they lost in Adam [d] The place vvhere his father Terach died Cap. 22.26.27 [e] The soules are seruauntes both of men vvomen (f) That vvas the Land of Canaan Cap. 13.21 15.1 a] Because of the troubles that he had among the vvicked people [b) He vvas the first that taught the Aegiptians Arythmeticke and Astrologie Pe. Comest 42 Lanquet Chapter 20.21 (a] To be hys vvyfe (b) The Lorde toke the defence of this pore straunger against a mightie king and as he is euer careful ouer hys so did he preserue Sarai [a] To the entent that none should hurt him either in his person or goodes (b) He called that place by that name vvhich vvas after geuen vnto it Cap. 28.25 (a] vvhich vvas betvvene Bethel and Hai. Cap. 36.3 (b] The Cananites and pheresites dvvelled at that time in the Land [c] The Ebrues vnderstand by this vvord brother al Cosins Neighboures and al that be of one stocke [d] Abraham Resigneth hys ovvne right to buy peace a) Which vvas in Eden [b] This vvas done by Gods prouidence that onely Abram and hys seede myght dvvell in the-Land of Canaan (c] Lot thinking to get Paradice found Hell [a] Meaninge alōge time vntil the comminge of Christe Cap. 12.8 and 15.1 [a] Which vvas ▪ Babilon [b] By kinges vnderstand such as vver gouerners of Cities [c] that is a people gathered together of diuers Natiōs (a] Ambicio● is the chyefe cause of vvarres amōge Prynces (b) Called also the deade Sea or the Lake neare vnto Sodom and Gomorra (c) In Asteroth Karnaim (d) in Ham ' (e) in shau●h Kiriathaim (f) in theyr mount Seir vnto the plain of Paran vvhich is by the vvildernes and then turned they to the vvel En-mishpat vvhich is Kadesh● [g] Kinge of Sodom [h] King of Gomorra [a] Afterward vvas ouervvhelmed vvith vvater so called the salt Sea [b] The godly are plagued many times vvith the vvicked and therefore their cōpany is daungerous [c) At this tyme Abrahā dvvelled in the Oke ▪ groue of this Mamre the Amorite This Hoba lyeth on the left hand of Damasco [a] Was Priest vnto the moste high God and after the death of Abraham vvas kinge of Salem the Ebrues suppose him to be Sem the sonne of Noah because he liued after the Floodde 500. yeares a) Abram gaue Melchisedech the tythes of all his pray (b] By the Soules is signified both the mē and vvomen [a) The vvord of God cometh vvhen he shevveth any thing vnto vs by reuelatiō and is a maner of speach of the He●brues Chapter 12.8 and 13.21 b] his fear vvas not onely that he should bee chyldles but lest the promis of the blessed seede shold not be accomplished in him [a] To beleeue Gods promisse vvas accōpted to Abraham for ryghteousnesse (b) this is a particuler mocion of Gods sprite vvhich is not lavvfull for al to follovve in asking signes but vvas permitted to s●m● by a peculier motion as to Gedeon and Ezechiah (c) This vvas the old custom in making couenauntes Ieremy 34. [d) to y t vvhich god added theise condicions that Abrahams posterity should be as torn in peeces but after they should be coupled together also that it should be assauted but yet deliuered [a] ●ccōpting from the birth of Isaac to their departure out of Aegypt [b] To Iudge in this place is to take vengeaunce [c] Or after fovvre hundreth Yeares for an Age or Generation is here taken for .400 Yeares [d] Thoughe God suffer the vvicked for a time yet his vengeance falleth vpon thē vvhen the measure of their vvickednes is full (a] The Giantes be the Rephaims [a) To go in to her Maid is to knovve her carnally For it vvas the manner among the people of God that if y e Wife were barrē by both their assents he might haue an other Secōdary Wife not to take for Luf● but to multiply Gods people [b] Abrā had dvvelled 10. Yeares in the Land of Canaan before Sarai gaue Hagar her Mayde vnto him (a) Which vvas Christe as appeareth in the. Ca. 18.19 (b) This Foūtaine of vvater vvas by a Wel in the vvay to Sur. [c) God relecteth no estate of people in their miseries but sendeth thē comfort Cap. 25.12 (a) That is the Ismaelites shal be