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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02785 A discourse concerning the soule and spirit of man Wherein is described the essence and dignity thereof, the gifts and graces wherewith God hath endued it, and the estate thereof, aswell present as future. And thereunto is annexed in the end a bipartite instruction, or exhortation, concerning the duties of our thankfulnesse towards God. Written by Simon Harvvard. Harward, Simon, fl. 1572-1614. 1604 (1604) STC 12917; ESTC S116608 106,518 282

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foūtaine of our saluatiō Ioh. 3.16 So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten Son In the causes of our redēptiō we must not begin at our selues or at our own merits nay we may not begin at the death and passion of Christ Iesus but wee must begin at the eternall loue of God who sent his onely begotten Sonne and therefore blesse that good God Ephe. 1.4 which hath chosen vs to bee saued before the foundatiō of the world was laid The goodnesse of God in our redemption appeared to be greater towardes mankind then it was to the very Angels When the Angels fel frō God they were neuer restored but as S. Iude sayth they are reserued in euerlasting chaines vnder darkenesse to the iudgement of the great day but when man was fallen Iude. v. 6. the Lord of his goodnes gaue a comfortable promise of the seede of the woman Gen. 3 15 which should bruse the power of Satan The Angels which continued stedfast do continually prayse God are ready to execute his will Psal 103.21 but of Gods goodnes they are yet ministring spirits to serue for their vse that shall bee heires of saluation Heb. 1.14 And therefore Dauid Psal 34.7 when hee hath said that the Angels of the Lord doe pitch round about thē that feare him he addeth in the next verse O tast see how good the Lord is blessed is the man that putteth his trust in him A blessing it is to bee guarded by mē a greater blessing to bee guarded by Princes but what exceeding fauour is this when God doth vouchsafe to guard vs with his holy and blessed Angels Though in some respects Dauid doth acknowledge man to bee somewhat inferior to the Angels yet in this he saith Psal ● 5 that God hath crowned man with glory and worship in that he hath made him an Emperour ouer all his works put all things in subiection vnder his feet not only the beastes of the field the foules of the aire whatsoeuer walketh through the pathes of the seas but as he saith before in the same Psalme euen the heauenly Creatures when I consider the heauens v. 3. the worke of thy fingers the moon the stars which thou hast ordained thē say I O Lord what is man that thou art so mindfull of him or the son of man that thou so regardest him This vse we must make of all Gods Creatures so to behold in thē the goodnes of God towards mākind that we be thereby stirred vp to prayse Gods holy name The horse mule can behold the heauens to bee high bright and lightsome The hog seeth the earth to be a place to walke vpon the so to feede vpon The Peacocke conceiueth a glorious shew in his variable coloured fethers many dumbe Creatures doe exceed man in the sharpenes of smelling when wee behold eyther the glistering azured skye or the beautifull flowers and fruites of the earth if we goe no further then seeing smelling and tasting thē are we no better then the brute vnreasonable creatures but we must in all those things go further we must behold therein the mighty power of God that wee may bee stirred vp to feare him and the infinite goodnes of God that we may learne to loue him and then are we endued with true spirituall wisedom as Dauid concludeth in the end of this psalme Psal 107.43 Who so is wise will consider and ponder these thinges he shall vnderstand the louing kindnes of the Lord. The goodnes of God doth many wayes shine out in the creation of man Hee made him as Zorastes said Pulcherrimum naturae spectaculum the most beautifull spectacle of nature not going groue-long towards the earth but with his face lifted vp to heauen to signifie that his mind should alwayes bee on heauenly things Hee gaue vnto him a soule endued with vnderstanding made after his own image He framed him to be as it were a little world and an abridgement of all his creatures whereupon some haue giuen him the name of Microcosmus some of Omnigena Creatura because he taketh part of al and containeth the principal parts of all Hee hath substance as haue stones life as haue plants sense as haue beastes and vnderstanding as haue angels When the Romane Pollio would haue drowned one of his slaues in a fury because hee had broken a fayre Christall glasse Augustus did well forbid him and said Homo cuiusuis conditionis si nulla alia ratione nisi quia est homo totius mundi vitris preciosior A man of any poor estate whatsoeuer if it be for no other cause but onely because he is a man is farre more pretious then all the glasses of the whole world but especially the goodnesse of God did appeare in the renewing of our hearts by his grace and holy word 1. Pet. 1.3 That doth S. Peter call the aboundant mercy of God Blessed be God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his aboūdant mercy hath begotten vs againe to a liuely hope by the resurrection of Christ Iesus That doth S. Bernard call a greater worke then the Creation of vs Bernard in Cantic or of the whole world When God made the world onely he spake the word and it was done Let there be a light Gen. 1.3.9 and there was light let the waters be gathered into one heape and they were gathered whereby was made the sea and the dry land was called earth Let there be two great lights in the firmament and there was straightway a Sunne to rule the night Bern. But quam multa dixit quàm multa fecit quàm multa perp●ssus est How many things hath God spoken how many things hath God done how many things hath he suffered to renew the heart of man If we should receiue the creatures ordained for the sustenance of our bodies and not be renewed and fed inwardly in our soules our estate were infinite thousand times worse then the estate of brute beasts For they are fed to perish temporally but we should be fed to perish eternally The seed of our new birth 1. Pet. 1.23 to wit the word of God is by an earnest acclamatiō pronounced by the Psalmist to be one of the greatest tokens of Gods fauour and goodnesse towards his elect For when he hath declared that God gaue his word vnto Iacob Psal 147.20 his statutes and ordinances vnto Israel he crieth out He hath not dealt so with euery nation neither haue other people the knowledge of his lawes There are two especiall properties which do greatly extoll and magnifie the goodnesse of God First that it is free not in respect of our deserts but in respect of Gods aboundant mercy Secondly that it is endlesse and perpetuall Esay 43.25 The freenesse thereof is set out by the Prophet I euen I am he that putteth away thine iniquities for mine owne
works before the children of men wee are put in minde of a notable effect of thankfulnes which is both in our selues and in others to conserue a memorial of God his louing kindnes and that not onely among our selues but as much as we can euen vnto all posterities for euer In Exodus Exod. 13 14 the father is commaunded to declare to his children for euer the mighty deliuerance of the Israelites out of Aegypt Dauid saith Psal 88. wee will shew the praise of the Lord to the generations to come his strength and wonderfull workes that hee hath done True thankefulnesse hath not onelie a regard of thinges present before the eyes but it calleth also to remembrance the benefits of former times Thankfull must wee bee for this our present happy gouernmēt vnder such a mighty Monarch and most Christian Prince and yet still not forget the singular benefites which we haue heretofore also receiued vnder her who being assisted by Gods mightie hand did in time of greatest dangers deliuer vs frō the thraldome of blindnes and idolatrie and by whose godlie care euerie village of this Realme hath beene seasoned in some measure with the knowledge of God his truth Dauid maketh this an excellent property of true gratitude not to forget the former blessings of God Praise the Lord O my soule Psal 103.2 ● v. 7 forget not all his benefits he made his waies known to Moses his deeds to the children of Israel It was a miserable ingratitude in that people of Israel Psal 106.7 when as it is said in an other psalm they considered not Gods wonderful workes neither were mindful of his manifold mercies but were disobedient at the sea euen in the red sea when the red sea was like two wals on either side of them euen in the red sea they forgat the mercies of God and had not the goodnes of the Lord in remēbrance And such I am afraid is our vnthākfulnes in this realm of Englād In this most happy ioiful time in the middest of Gods great fauour louing kindnes wee consider not onely Gods wōderful works neither are we so mindful as we ought to bee of his infinite mercies and goodnes Basil ad Iullitam Martyrem we are like those eies which as Basil saith when thinges are set close hard to thē they do not discerne nor behold thē The nearenes of Gods benefites doth as it were shut our eies cast vs into a slūber of security we are more ready to talke of our safety against al forrain foes then we are to giue humble praise vnto God to testifie our thnakfulnes by amendment of life the like that Senator of Rome Messala Coruinus who grew so far ouerwhelmed with obliuion that at the last he forgat his owne name wee forget our owne name wee forget that wee are the souldiers and seruantes of Christ wee forget that spirituall warfare whereunto wee are called to set all the powers of body minde against sinne wee consider not duely the end whereunto all Gods blessings are directed nor yet the right and holy vse which ought to be made thereof when God sendeth troubles hee tryeth our patience when he sendeth deliuerance he tryeth our thankefulnesse Chrysostome in psal 9 Chrysostome saieth verie well that then when wee haue most neede of God● prouidence when wee are deliuered from aduersities and then wee haue most cause of fearing when wee are freed from dangers for as hee maketh his comparison like as wee doe much more feare the Lyon or Leopard being let loose then when they are chained vp so our vntamed affections when by prosperity they are let loose are much more to bee feared then when they were tyed vp and bound by dangers afflications Let vs therefore learne how to carry our selues whē wee haue escaped any perils Psal 30. let vs not say in our prosperity wee shall neuer bee remoued because God hath made our hill so strong let vs not be like the Heyfer Ier. 31 1● which running in good pastures forgetteth to vndergoe the yoke let not our worldlie happines bee like that rankenes of soile which by ouermuch moisture destroieth the good plant let not outward ioies draws vs headlong into iniquities Gen. 19.35 as Lot being drūken committed incest but rather let euery blessing of God bee a good encouragement to vs to stirre vs vp to a more earnest zeale of rendering thankes to the Almighty Let vs loue God for hee loued vs first 1. Iohn 4 1● let vs as the Psalmist saith here praise the Lord for his goodnes and for his wonderfull workes before the childrē of men Then shall wee not onely escape those grieuous punishmentes wherewith God doth vsuallie plague and punish the vnthankfull to wit the taking away of his blessed worde and the giuing of it to an other nation Mat. 21 4● that shall bring forth the fruit of it the sending of that feareful famine Amos ● 11 not a famine of bread nor a thirst of water but a famine of the word of God whē mē shal go from North to the East Esay 5.6 from one sea to another to seeke the word of God and shall not finde it the taking away of the hedge and fencing of his vineyeard that it may be wasted and troden down the ouerwhelming of men with a spirituall blindnes Esay 6 10. when their heart shall waxe fat and their eares heauy and their eyes closed vp that they should not beleeue nor be saued Luke 14.24 that seeing they haue vnthākfully despised grace offered by Christ they should therefore neuer be partakers of his supper But also on the other side we shal haue all the blessings and fauours of God more and more plentifully powred vpon vs Bern de contemp mundi for as vnthankfulnes according to Bernard Est ventus vrens ' siccans fontes pietatis fluenta gratiae is a parching wind drying vp the fountaine of mercy and the riuers of grace so thākfulnesse for one benefite is a steppe to the receiuing of an other then wee may be well assured that if wee bee found thankfull for benefites receiued hee which hath begunne a good worke in vs Phil. c 16 will finish the same euen vntill the day of Christ He will continue his Gospell to vs and to our posterity for euer Hee will so carefully protect vs that he which toucheth vs shall touch the verie apple of his eye Zach. 2 8 He will blesse vs both prince and people in this life and in the world to come crowne vs with euerlasting life with our heauenly king Christ Iesus where wee shall for euer yeelde such praises vnto God as shall neuer waxe wearie neuer cease neuer haue end wee shall perpetually ioine with them in that ioifull song Holy holy Apoc. 4 8.11 holy Lord God Almighty thou art worthy O Lord to receiue glorie honour and power