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A00778 A profitable exposition of the Lords prayer, by way of questions and answers for most playnnes together with many fruitfull applications to the life and soule, aswell for the terror of the dull and dead, as for the sweet comfort of the tender harted. By Geruase Babington. With a table of the principall matters conteyned in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1588 (1588) STC 1090; ESTC S101499 244,374 582

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the example of Gods chosen euer with such like and these are great causes to vse it What say you then of the third point concerning the persons to bee prayed vnto I answere that onely God and none but God is to be praied vnto or as the wordes of our faith and Créede hath one GOD in Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie is to bee worshipped Which answere implying to things as you see to wit that God is to be prayed vnto and onely to bee prayed vnto Let vs see the truth of them both out of the word First then for the former it is mencioned vs in the law Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God serue him swere by his name And in another place Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and serue him and thou shalt cleaue vnto him swere by his name With a number other proofes in euerie place where the word of seruing the Lord by a figure noteth al duties due vnto him in general so implieth this duty of prayer to him in special Euen as Dauid expoūdeth it in his Psalme saying I will worshippe towardes thy holy Temple then expresseth what one thing he meaneth by that worship I will praise thy name because of thy louing kindnesse truth that is by prayer of thanksgiuing and praise I will doe my dutie So than this is plaine and more plain I trust than that it should need proofe that God is to be prayed vnto If anie would haue reason as well as testimonies the Apostle giueth vs a strong one of contraries when he toucheth the Galathians with it as a fault no lesse than Idolatry that they did seruice vnto them which by nature were no Gods For it inferreth plainly our not offending but most right doing when we doe seruice vnto him that is by nature God But praier is a seruice and a great seruice therefore due and most due to the Lord for euer But it is not this that anie man doubteth of and therefore as I sayde not to bee stoode vpon It is the other that is a question to wit whether God onely is to be praied vnto or no and therefore let vs looke to that rather and see the truth Concerning this then is not the Scripture as plaine if wee will not wilfully bee blinde as in the other And doth not our Sauiour Christ put it quite out of doubt when he saith him only shalt thou serue Onely to God auouched by Christ should stand against not only to God affirmed by tenne thousand worldes if there were so many to doe it But the Lorde affirmeth further that he will not giue his glorie to any other and it is a parte of Gods glorie in any Christian iudgemēt I hope to praie vnto him and to make him the fountaine and welspring of all our good For Call vppon me saith the Lorde in the day of thy trouble and I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me The lawe of God saith Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me which is an exclusion of all creatures in heauen and earth from partaking with the Lord in any worship we owe vnto him as our God The 17. Chapter of the second booke of Kings is a notable testimonie of the Lordes abhorring any partners in this behalfe For there we may see and heare him witnesse it vnto our soules who must one day come to iudge them in glorie dreadfull if wee haue not harkned that not to feare him onely is not to feare him at all and not onely to doe after his lawes and commaundements is not at all to doe after them For our additions to the wil of him ouerthroweth vtterly that which wee doe thereof because it is not as wee should doe it that is onely My couenant and charge with the Israelites saith the Lord there was euer this that they should feare no other Gods nor bowe themselues to them nor serue them nor sacrifice to them but onely mee which brought them out of the land of Egipt with great power and a stretched out arme And marke the emphasis Him feare That is as we may see plainly him onely him euer and none but him And therefore ouer and ouer he saith it there no other no other and againe the third time no other Which is proofe sufficient if wee bee the Lordes yet is the Scripture fuller and teacheth vs plainly that they euer were and euer shall bee blasphemous Idolaters iniurious to the Lord that call vppon any in their prayer but the same Lord alone whether it be in heauen or in earth or in the waters vnder the earth whether it bee of golde siluer or whatsoeuer The places are knowne and you may reade them It teacheth vs also that God hath made vs in his great mercie Lordes of all his creatures here and euen the Angels in heauen ministring Spirits to our good as shall please him to appoynt But whatsoeuer we pray vnto we make it superiour to vs and hauing rule and power ouer vs and therefore if it bee a creature we offende greeuously peruerting the Lordes appoynted course and seruilely submitting our selues to that which he in mercie hath put vnder vs not ouer vs in his maner and order Againe that we cannot pray to any thing without beleefe in the same but beleefe must onely be in God and therefore prayer to no other Wherefore it standeth true by the Iudge of trueth the eternall worde of God wee now well see that both God with his worship of prayer is to bée serued and honored and onely God also with exclusion for euer of all others whatsoeuer they may bee and so wee ende this question Your next is through whome or by whome wee must present and offer our Prayers to God It is so And it may bee that in the former question you expected some fuller spéech of Angels and Saints that be dead which many are of opinion may bee called vppon that yet greatly mislike that other folly or rather madnesse of praying to inferiour creatures And if you did it shal now be supplied God willing for I did referre it of purpose hether because no man iustifieth it amongst vs if he haue any cunning that they are simply to bee praied vnto as helpers themselues of themselues but as mediatours to him that is able to helpe that is God the Lorde Let vs see then this if euen but thus much may bee giuen vnto them And to begin at the beginning we know it true that betwixt God and vs a mediatour must needes bee For so sayth the Scripture No man commeth to the father but by me And as there is a God so there is a mediatour betwixt God and man The high Priest in the lawe by God assigned a figure and shadowe of Christ euen in his office taught the same And conscience in vs of our owne vnworthines to appeare before God in our selues and for our selues driuing vs away from his
inlarge our heartes and soules to receiue the vse of these things that assured of wil and assured of power our praiers in fayth may pearce thy dwelling place win our good on Christ for euermore Amen Secondly these words serue to lift vp our hearts and minds from all earthly base and lowe conceites of the Lorde Yea euen to set vs as it were out of our selues and beyonde all remembraunce either of body or soule in our heauenly eleuation of inward powers to that throne so high glorious the seat of that mightie God we pray vnto And cōsequently to make vs aske nothing of him that might bee vnseeming so imperiall a maiestie to deale in and care for But euer to remember that hee being in heauen and wee in earth hee holy and we vnholy hee glory and we shame hee God and wee men it is true that the Prophet sayth his thoughts are not our thoughtes his wayes our wayes But as the heauens are mightier then the earth so are his wayes higher then our wayes and his thoughts aboue our thoughtes To which end it serued also in the Church of olde as Cyprian witnesseth that the Pastor being about to make publique prayers should cry to thee people Sursum corda Lift vp your hearts And the people did answere Habemus ad Dominum Wee lift them vp vnto the Lorde thereby declaring that they thought of no base and earthly lowe matters but of the Lorde and the Lorde in heauen euen as wee do and are euer taught to do by these wordes Which is in heauen Thirdly they serue to strike vs not a litle but euer thorow and thorow with a reuerence of his maiestie whom wee pray vnto For heauen and the height of heauen is his dwelling place and we ought most earnestly euer to thinke of it that wee may come humbly to him This caused the seruants of God not only to crouche their bodyes but to bowe their heartes when they came before him euen the knees of their hearts as thinking neuer their reuerence great inough towarde so mightie a God Heauen is his earth is his hell is his al is his Deuouring fire goeth before his face and mightie tempestes are stirred vp about him He rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse yea the earth shaketh the heauens drop at the presence of him His charets are twentie thousande euen thousands of Angels It is he that commaundeth the waters it is this glorious God that maketh the thunder It is hee that ruleth the sea it is his voyce that is mightie in operation yea and a glorious voyce Such a voyce as breaketh the Cedar trees yea the Cedars of Libanus such a voyce as deuideth the flames of fire and shaketh the wildernes euen the wildernes of Cades Let vs make hast therefore with the great seruant of God Moses and bow our selues to the earth and worship yea let vs in the true conceit and reuerence of this mightie maiestie couer as it were our faces with our mantels when we pray vnto him So shall we come before him rightly and shew the vse of his glorious dwelling in the heauens noted vnto vs. But alas where is it with thousands thousands that yet take thēselues to be great Christians We clap our selues downe to pray and we thinke of any thing rather then of the mightie maiestie of him before whom wee are come and and therefore we gaze here and gaze there wee note this man and that woman their gesture their apparell yea the least toy especially strange about them And yet wee pray well we huddle and tumble vp in hast the labour of lippes without touch of hart and the faster the better wee long to haue done for feare dinner bee marred and yet we pray well Wee gape and wee yawne we hem and we hawke not for necessitie of nature which is allowed but in the drowsines of our Spirits and to shew our authoritie we are chiefe men in the Church c. and yet we pray well But O we sencelesse wretches in this behalfe for then come we rightly before the Lorde as we learne here when remembring that hee is in heauen that is of such glory maiestie and power as hath bene declared wee throwe downe our soules and bodies in al reuerence and comly feare before him speaking to him as dust and ashes to the immortall king of heauen and earth humbly euen with a reuerent trembling as it were and affection of al our partes leasurely carefully heartily and with all true properties and testimonies of a mind considering the puissance the might the glory and imperiall maiestie of him to whom wee speake Which whether these things that I named declare in vs or no let all christian hearts be iudges It is too true they conuince vs of the contrary and therefore euen in dread of their witnesse to our wo at the day of doome let vs leaue them and vse the place of prayer as we should in all humble lowly and possible reuerence We are so willed and by Christ himselfe that shall iudge vs if wee doe not To this end wee say it euer thinke of it which art in heauen Lastly this notation of the place where our God dwelleth teacheth vs that our Prayers are not tyed to any certaine place as in olde times neither bettered by any place be it this mountaine or Ierusalem or whatsoeuer But the hower commeth yea now is that the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth and in euery place haue libertie and leaue to lift vp pure handes to his maiestie in euery place he sayth and marke it And why so For our God is in heauen and heareth euery where without respect of place now I meane without respect of place as then touching any commaundement from him of particular place but not hereby to ouerthrowe any ciuill order for better meeting together in appoynted Churches of Gods people Yet euen herein beware Superstition againe a fresh in respect of place more than elswhere when true warrant beareth me out as wel there then as in the Church at other times to make my prayer But of Churches and publique meetings there enough hath bene sayd before Where it may be read againe if you will Great is the vse I see well of this short preface so often said so little thought of but now I pray you let mee aske a question doth not this inuocation of God by the name of Father exclude both the other persons Sonne and holie Ghost from both our speech and meaning No indeede for the name of Father being opposed to creatures is taken essentially not personally and agreeth rightly to all the three persons in Trinitie being in essence nature and substance one and so is it here But if it bee put and ioyned with any other person of the Trinitie then is it not taken essentially
scorning of Bishops against the power of the Pope against the assistance of temporal Princes against all torments by fire by fagot by sword by imprisonment light such a candel as now shineth to all the Countrey of Europe and by the power of man it cannot be put out Wherefore iudge whether the Apostle sayd not true when speaking of this word he sayd it was a weapon not carnall but mightie through God to cast downe holds casting downe the imaginations euery high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ c. Wherefore we see by this first proofe playne enough that a meanes and a most mightie strong and powreful meanes to erect this kingdom of God in our harts which here we pray for is the word of God For there is no wisedome no Counsell no strength against it But though all the heathen rage most horribly and the people imagine continually yet it is but a vayne thing Though Kings and Princes and all the powers of this earth bande themselues against it yet will it not serue For hee that dwelleth in the heauen shall laugh them to scorne this word of his preuaileth where he will to whom he will when he will and as long as he will Other playne proofes y t this is a meanes to erect this kingdome are these first Saint Iames where it is sayd Of his owne wil he begat vs with the word of truth that we should be as the first fruites of his creatures The authour of all good sayth Saint Iames in generall and of this good in speciall namely our newe birth is the Lorde and the meanes is the word euen the word of truth So sayth our Sauiour himselfe in the Gospel Sanctifie them O Father with thy trueth and what is that thy word is truth So sayth Saint Paul Though ye haue ten thousand instructers in Christ yet haue yee not many Fathers for in Christ Iesus I haue begotten you And by what meanes through the Gospel And againe I beseech thee for my sonne Onesimus whom I haue begottē in my bonds to wit by the word And againe this one thing woulde I learne of you O foolish Galathians receyued ye the Spirit by the works of the lawe or by the hearing of fayth preached vnto you Likewise S. Peter Being borne anew not of mortall seed but immortal by the word of god And lastly father Abraham from heauen They haue Moses and the Prophetes let them heare them c. as if hee shoulde haue sayde if thou wouldst haue thy brethren begotten to the Lord that he ruling in them they may rule heere with him and escape that place of torment where thou now iustly art the meanes truely is Moses and the Prophets that is the worde of God for if that erect not the kingdome of GOD in them it shall not be erected by any dead if they should rise and be sent vnto them For that is the meanes which the Lorde hath ordayned and which to this day hath had power to beget to him so many as he would haue Wherefore when the Lord will promise a blessing to a kingdome Countrey and people that shall bee in deede a great blessing he promiseth this word and this word in plentifull measure and when hee will threaten a plague and a grieuous plague then sayth hee beholde the dayes come that I will send a famine in the land not a famine of breade nor a thirst for water but of hearing the worde of the Lorde And they shall wander from Sea to Sea and from the North euen vnto the East shall they runne too and fro to seeke the woorde of the Lorde and shall not finde it So then see wee that this woorde of our God is his mightie meanes to rayse vp this kingdome of his grace in vs this day when we haue it giuing something so as it were laying one stone to this spirituall building the next day giuing more and so laying as it were an other stone and so on to a perfite man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnes of Christ that is till he haue wrought his wil in vs in this world and meaneth to translate vs to an other Wherefore as wee pray that the Lorde in mercy woulde erect this kingdome in vs when we pray Thy kingdome come so do we beseech the Lorde in this petition to graunt vs all the meanes appoynted and ordeyned of him to this building and by name this mightie meanes mercy great of his holy worde that wee may haue it amongst vs stil and enioy it in peace if it be his will to the raysing vp of these spiritual walles of a spirituall house of God within vs dayly more and more till it be fully finished to the pleasure of his maiestie here our eternall comfort heere and elsewhere for euer with him in his other kingdome of glory And the God of heauen and all mercy grant this to vs and make vs thankful for it Now beloued is this worde either read vnto vs or of vs without any preaching or preached vnto vs For by these two meanes buildeth it in vs and not by lying in our houses bound in siluer or golde or any costly sort whatsoeuer No mor then the Phisitions prescription confected by the Apothecarie and brought vnto vs profiteth our disease by standing in the windowe and not further touched And therefore as I haue sayd that it was a meanes and proued it to you out of the same word so let me say a little to you of the vsing of this meanes also Of reading the word TWo extremities there are which of all Gods chosen are to be eschewed the one is an estimation of reading so great as that being had wee feele no want neither thinke it a want neuer or seldome to haue any preaching The other is so farre to extoll preaching as that wee vtterly contemne reading yea exclude it from all power in the blessing of God to worke faith in vs or any The meane betwixt both which is a right and true conceipt both of reading and preaching Know we therfore that in the word they are both commended yea commanded and ordained of the Lord as meanes to erect this kingdome of his in our hearts for which wee pray and of which wee now speake And first for reading to name but a fewe places of a number marke what the Lord in his law layd downe for all his people Euery seuenth yeere when the yeere of freedome shall be in the feast of the tabernacles when all Israel shall come to appeare before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose thou shalt reade this Lawe before all Israel that they may heare it Garher the people together men women and children and thy straunger that is within thy gates that they may heare and that