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B21542 A musick-lector, or, The art of musick (that is so much vindicated in Christendome) discoursed of by way of dialogue between three men of several judgments the one a musician and master of that art, and zealous for the Church of England ..., the other a Baptist ..., the other a Quaker (so called) ... / written by Solomon Eccles. Eccles, Solomon, 1618-1683. 1667 (1667) Wing E129 22,469 30

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the question now but if you will not tell me where he dwells then tell me his name that I may find him out What call you his Name Qu. His Name is called The Word of God Rev. 19. 13. Mu. What a strange man are you what an Answer is this why do you answer so crosly I took you for a wise man once but are you not now turned fool But I have heard of such a Name well if his Name be called The Word of God it is a far better Name in my opinion than Solomon the King but I hope you will not be angry for Quakers do not use to be angry Qu. Nay I am not angry with thee one whit for thou hast spoke the Truth and there is witness born both in Heaven and in Earth to this Name for he whose Name is called The Word of God is a far more excellent Name then Solomon the King for every Name and power in heaven and earth shall bow and must bow to this Name Read Acts 4. 12. Phil. 2. 4 10. Mu. But pray Friend doth he prick Plain-Song or Intableture for if he prick Plain-Song I do not fear but I shall learn it Qu. He pricks very plain for every Note is as easily seen as a white Sembrif or Minnom John 16. 15. Mu. Truly I am glad to hear that you Quakers speak comfortably sometimes though it is but seldom it joys me much for now I hope I shall learn that Lesson that God is well pleased with But where doth he prick his Notes Qu. He pricks at the Heart and brings his pure Light into the Conscience that thou and all the men and women in the world may read yea that they that run on in their wickedness may read because the Book of Conscience is open that all men may see how 't is with them and may come to see who they have pierced And thus men begin to mourn their parts and their wives apart and this takes more in the ears of the Lord than all the Babylonish Worship and Musick in the world Acts 2. 37. Zech. 12. 12. Mat. 5. 4 Mu. Now wo is me is it come to this my hopes are frustrated Is there no way but I must come in at this door Well I do perceive that the Quakers preach not for gold nor silver for if you did you would never preach after this manner for who can take any pleasure in this Doctrine I see now what you drive at for when Peter preacht to the Jewes he told them that they had murdered and betrayed him whom God had made both Lord and King And when they heard this they were pricked at their hearts crying out Men and Brethren what shall we do Truly I do believe there be but few Musitians that ever learnt this Lesson Qu. Mind the gift of God in thy heart Christ Jesus the true Teacher and prize thy pretious time that it may be blessed to thee remember how that he hath waited on thee long O prize the long-suffering of the Lord for it is high time for thee now to return Rom. 2. 4. Mu. Would to God I were of any other Calling for I verily believe that God will overthrow all pleasant things and all false Worship I am sorry I have lived so vainly Bap. I could like the Quakers well if they did not despise the Ordinances as Water-Baptisme and Bread and Wine which are the two Sacraments Qu. Who gave you Baptists Commission to Baptize men and women with Water God never sent you yet you run but God sent John to Baptize with Water and some of his Apostles did it in their freedom and who gave you Commission to eat Bread and to drink Wine The Lord Jesus gave it to his Disciples but whose Disciples are you Ye please your belly and your Faith is of things that are seen but we look not at the things that are seen for they are Carnal but the things that are not seen are Eternal But Bread Wine and Water are seen No marvel that you love good Bread and good Wine and cry them up for Ordinances but if in its place you would put bread of Affliction and water of Affliction till he came and come every First Day to eat this bread of affliction and water of affliction you would not cry up your Ordinances so much as you do neither would you have the tenth part of Communicants as you have Are you not ashamed to intrude into those things you have no Commission for Poor David would not meddle with things that were too high for him Psal 131. 1. But when did you Baptists witness Davids state My tears have been my meat day and night Psal 42. 3. And again I have eaten ashes like bread and mingled my drink with weeping Psal 102. 9. And when did you Baptists fast till men might tell your bones as some of the Quakers have done Are you any better than Queen Elizabeths Fidlers that turned the holy sayings of David into Meeter Hymn and Verse O be ashamed and come to the Light and that will let you see how you have lept above the Life of Christ and his Disciples Come down ye exalted Spirits to the lowly Seed and Learn of him that is meek and low in heart Bap. Did not the Lord command his Apostles to Baptize all Nations in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Ghost Qu. Yea that he did But who gave you Commission to Baptize any Besides you are blind Guides indeed to go and Baptize with Water and bring the Apostles Commission for it and there was no Water at all in it And Christ himself Baptized none with Water for he was not sent to Baptize with Water but with the Holy Ghost And Paul was not sent to Baptize with Water but to Preach the Gospel But you Baptists were never yet slain you never yet put on the Lord Jesus Christ When did you put on his Sufferings and Sorrows and how are you killed all the day For if you were slain with Christ from the Rudiments of the World why as living in the World are ye subject to Ordinances Surely you do not believe that Christ is come Gal. 3. 27. Bap. Nay We do not believe that Christ is come though we do believe he did once come but we look for him to come the second time Qu. He that believeth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is Antichrist and thou sayest thou dost not believe that Christ is come because thou lookest not where he is manifest in the flesh but thou lookest for him without And Is not Christ in thee except thou be a Reprobate 1 John 4. 3. Col. 1. 27. Bap. Doth not the Text say Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up to Heaven this same Jesus which you now see go into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye see him Qu. Friend Leave off thy gazing for they were reproved that gazed But come
A Musick-Lector OR The Art of MUSICK that is so much vindicated in Christendome Discoursed of by way of Dialogue between three men of several Judgments The one a MUSICIAN and Master of that Art and zealous for the Church of England who calls Musick The gift of God The other a BAPTIST who did affirm it to be a decent and a harmless practice The other a QUAKER so called being formerly of that Art doth give his Judgment and Sentence against it but yet approves of the Musick that pleaseth God Written by SOLOMON ECCLES Wo to them that are at ease in Sion to you that put far away the evil day and cause the seat of violence to come near to them that lie upon Beds of Ivory and stretch themselves upon their Couches and eat the Lambs out of the flock and the Calves out of the stall That chant to the sound of the Viol and invent to themselves Instruments of Musick like David That drink Wine in Bowls and anoint themselves with the chief Ointment but they are not grieved for the Afflictions of Joseph Amos 6. 1 3 4 5 6. London Printed in the Year 1667. A Musick Lector OR The Art of MUSICK that is so much vindicated in Christendom discoursed of by way of Dialogue between three men of several judgments Musitian WEll Friend we understand that all men in Christendom generally do acknowledge Musick to be a pleasant and heavenly harmony which delights the ears of all the Nobility both Kings Princes and others yet all will not do for there be some men are quite against it But O how notably did the Gentleman handle the matter in this Musick Lector for the vindication thereof but all will not do Baptist Why who are they that can speak against this harmless Calling in the practice of Musick is there any think you Mus Yes for yonder goes a man was once a Master of Musick and a very honest man once but now he 's turn'd Quaker Prethee Friend let 's know his ground and reason for it and let 's see what principle they hold Bap. Friend beware for Quakers hold dangerous tenets Mus Pray what dangerous tenets do they hold that we may beware of them we must not accuse them before we hear them pray will you instance Bap. Why one of their dangerous tenets is That a man may be perfect and free from sin on this side the grave and another is They deny Ordinances or the two Sacraments the Baptism of Water and Bread and Wine and another is That a man may fall away after he believeth Those are horrid tenets Mus These are strange tenets indeed However he 's my old Acquaintance let 's venture now we have an opportunity though I should have been afraid to have ventur'd alone but you being with me I do not question but we shall convince him of his error how think you Bap. We shall but trouble our selves with him for there is nothing but thee and thou they are the unmannerliest people that ever came Mus Peace a little Your humble Servant Sir I am glad to see you well Quaker Leave off thy deceit Psal 10. 7. Mu. Truly Sir I am very joyful to see you for I have not seen you of a long time Qua. Mind the Witness of God in thee John 1. 5 9. Mu. You say very well Sir but what do you mean by the Witness of God what is it Qua. Something that God hath placed in thee which bears witness for God Acts 14. 7. Mu. But what do you call this Witness of God Qu. He that witnesseth for God in every man is Christ Rev. 1. 5. Mu. But is Christ within a man how can that be for he is glorified with the Father in Heaven what strange doctrine do you preach Qu. Search and try thy own self for knowest thou not how that Jesus Christ is in thee except thou be a Reprobate 2 Cor. 13. 5. Mu. You are right for that indeed But why do you bid me leave off my deceit for what deceit can you charge me with Qu. Yes for the first word thou spakest was deceit and vain for thou saidst Your humble Servant Sir and thou wast never my Servant for when did I ever set thee at work and thou wast my humble Servant Must thou not give an account for every idle word besides he that respects mens persons commits sin Jam. 2. 9. Mu. But you know it is our custom in England so to do and you have done so your self to my knowledge Qu. I do confess that I was in the dark and had mens persons in admiration but now the true Light is come which reproves for those things glory be to the Lord for ever And whatsoever makes manifest is Light Eph. 5. 13. Mu. But methinks you do not speak like other men for I never heard of the Light within till you Quakers came Qu. Turn to it now and be obedient and it will bring thee out of the fall and deliver thee from destruction and perdition 2 Tim. 6. 9. Mu. Why our Ministers and Fathers of the Church of England are the true Ministers of Christ no doubt yet they do not bid men turn to the Light within as you Quakers do Qu. Fathers of the Church of England we grant they are and some of them Ministers of the Letter also but if thou couldst prove them the Ministers of Christ thou wouldst do them great service for they cannot prove it themselves and they dare not for shame say that they are Ministers of Christ because they receive the wages of unrighteousness Jude 11. Mu. Pray good Sir give me favour must we not acknowledge them to be the Ministers of Christ who preach the Gospel and prove their Ministry by Scripture Qua. The Scriptures prove no man a Minister of Christ but he that is called of God and chosen for that work Rom. 1. 1. 1 Cor. 1. 1. 1 Pet. 1. 1. 2 Pet. 1. 1. These were not of men nor by men but by Jesus Christ and God the Father Jam. 1. 1. Gal. 1. 1. Mu. Lord bless me why is not the Scripture the Word of God and a Rule for men to walk by and do they not fetch all their Proofs from Scripture and all their building is on the Scripture therefore we hear them For they that are of God do hear God's Word do they not Qua. Yea they that are of God do hear God's Word but we cannot hear them because they preach not God's Word because they stand not in God's Counsel as saith the Lord to Jeremiah concerning the Priests For if they had stood in my Counsel saith the Lord they should have taught the people my Word and have turned them from their evil wayes and from the evil of their doings Mark they that are Ministers of God's Word do turn people from their evil wayes and from the evil of their doings Jer 23. 22. And it is my Faith for ever and I 'le give my Voice for it
personal appearance or by a vocal voice that may be heard by the outward ear Mu. Then we must all conclude that he teacheth invisibly and in silence if not by voice nor personal appearance to the outward eye nor outward ear and by this methinks you seem to justifie the Quakers Silent-meetings Qua. We ask no favour of him nor thee nor any man living to worship our God neither any mans counsel or approbation whether we are in the right Worship or no but by way of Argument because the Worshippers in England do wonder and gaze so much at us in our Silent-meetings Now if the Devil do teach his to lye and swear by an evil spirit who is the father of all lyars how much more may the true God who is blessed for evermore teach his and lead his into all Truth as it is said and they shall all be taught of God Isa 53. 13. and in silence as to the outward ear the enemy of mans Salvation teacheth his all ungodliness may not the Lord that good Spirit teach his in silence to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts And as thou hast said and hast said true That the Devil is a spirit and comes not to man to speak to him by personal appearance or a vocal voice to mens outward ear but yet he layes baits before the eyes of their minds and snares to murder and to commit Adultery to steal and rob over-reach cheat and cozen and may not the Lord teach his to do to all men as they would be done by For where I my self had done wrong before Conversion came the Spirit of Truth brought it to my remembrance again where I had over-reacht and cheated and made me to make restitution again this teaching I witness and made me pay back again many a pound and that with advantage also Oh! I commend the teaching of the Spirit above all teachings O glory be to his Name for ever Exod. 22. 3. Numb 6. 7. Mu. Well but my Friend I cannot pass you by any longer pray let me know why you forsook so good a Calling Qua. While I was taught of men I could follow it viz. When the Church of England was govern'd by Episcopal Order I could follow it and call'd it the gift of God and when I became more strict a Presbyter I made a trade of it and never question'd it at all and after that I became an Independant I could follow it and when I came further and was baptized with water and eat Bread and Wine with them about the year 1642. they encouraged me in it and some of them had their Children taught on the Virginals but I went further and was an Antinomian so called and then I could teach mens Sons and Daughters on the Virginals and on the Viol and I got the two last years more than an hundred and thirty pounds a year with my own hands and lived very high and perceived that the longer I followed it the greater in-come I had but when Truth came I was not able to stand before it the Lord did thunder grievously against this practice and I would fain have pleaded the harmlesness of it but no pleading would serve it was nothing but vanity and vexed the good Spirit of God O it was hard to flesh and blood to give it up for it was not only my livelihood but my life was in it Now the Witness of God did often smite me for it before I could yeeld to the Lord to give up so that sometimes it put me to a stand and then reasonings arose whether it was a lawful Calling and while I with the wrong thing strove to prove it lawful that pure thing that was sent of God it took away my peace from me O the goodness and forbearance of the Lord to me for what was I that the Lord should strive so with me lest I should have gone on to my everlasting destruction Then was I at a stand what I should do for a livelihood but the Holy-One caught hold on me and said Am not I alsufficient give up for I have a great work for thee to do But my life was so much in the thing that he made me to feel his sharp Sword which divided between me and my lovers Mu. But Friend you undervalue Musick too much 't is true that if in case you had been a Fidler it had been no great matter if you had cast it off but to teach mens sons and daughters on the Virginals and on the Viol it is as harmless a Calling as any man can follow How say you Sir Bap. Truly I do not see but he might have followed it still as he us'd it and as you say me thinks it is a very harmless Calling there is sufficient proof of Scripture for the lawfulness thereof only in this one thing the Quakers must be singular Qua. I have heard divers men and some of all Religions and almost all people especially those of the Universities do highly commend Musick but O the Truth the Spirit of Truth nor the Children of Truth can never bear it but Truth and her Children do trample it under foot 't is Babylons Musick and down it must and shall for ever And since I through the good hand of God had an eye open in me to see where I stood I soon sided with the Truth and stood off from the reasoning part and then the Zeal of God rose up as hot as fire and I greatly loathed my self to see what cursed ground I stood in and I reckon it a happy day that I was redeemed out of a vain practice Acts 19. 19. Mu. But prethee thou mad Quaker hold a little for thou wrests the Scriptures as many of you do to your own destructions for they were Magicians not Musicians that burnt their Books of great price Qua. That which taught them taught me to deny ungodliness and will teach all that will turn to it to deny ungodliness and curious Arts and is not Musick a curious Art wilt thou deny it Mu. T is true Musick is a curious Art but will you say 't is ungodliness take heed what you say lest you pull an old house upon your head for we are no Fidlers but are sober men and in a sober Calling and that which delights the ears of Kings and wise men and grave sage men and the honourablest men and women in the Nation do highly esteem of Musick Qua. That which is highly esteemed amongst men is abomination to the Lord reade Luke 16. 15. And why dost thou make such a difference between those called Fidlers and you who call your selves Musicians for my own part since I came to the Truth it self I do see indeed that I being a Teacher in Musick it might have this stile above the other for I count it was a civil Devil and the Fidler more prophane but both are for the Lake that practise it except they do repent Mat. 9. 23. Rev. 18. 22. Mu. Are they