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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B21355 A catechism, or, Familiar instructions on the principal points of the Christian religion written for the use of his own family by Mr. Drelincourt.; Catechisme, ou, Instruction familiere sur les principaux points de la relgion chrĂȘtieno. English Drelincourt, Charles, 1595-1669. 1698 (1698) Wing D2159 63,542 132

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A. Two one which is External and Corporal that is made in dipping in water or in pouring water on the head the other Interiour and Spiritual that is made by the virtue and operation of the holy Ghost Q. What Baptism saves us A. It is not that whereby the uncleanness of the flesh is cleansed but the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 3. Q. Is not the Baptism of water necessary A. It is necessary to practice it it in the Christian Church since Jesus Christ did institute it the faithful who have not received it yet ought not to lose the opportunity thereof and they ought to take care it be administred to their Children but if the means thereof is taken away from them Gods grace depends not on terrestrial Elements and it is not the privation but the contempt and profanation of the Sacraments that renders us condemnable before God Q. And what do you think of Children who die without Baptism through the faults and neglect of their Parents A. Their Parents ought to beg Gods forgiveness for their fault and neglect but for all that the Salvation of those poor children must not be called in question for as the Father doth not bear the iniquity of the Son the Son also doth not bear the iniquity of his Father Ezek. 18. Q. How must then be understood what our Lord Jesus Christ saith John 3. except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God A. Jesus Christ doth not speak in that place of material and corporal water but of a Celestial and Divine water to be born of the Spirit it is to be regenerated by a Spirit who washes and cleanses as water doth in the same sense that it is said Matt. 3. that Jesus Christ Baptizes ●s with the holy Ghost and with fire that is to say with the holy Ghost who purifies like fire Q. But if some body would obstinately apply this passage to the Baptism of water who is it that is condemned A. It is not the poor little Children who have no knowledge at all of this mystery but the persons who being come to years of discretion reject Baptism by contempt or unbelief those of the Church of Rome themselves who without reason perswade themselves John 6. it is spoken of the Lord's Supper will not that these words be applied to Children if any one eateth not my flesh and drinks not my blood he shall not have everlasting life and not any one of us would apply to them the saying of St Paul That if any would not work neither should he eat 2 Thess 3. Of the Lords Supper Q. WHat is the Lords Supper A. It is the Sacrament of our spiritaal nourishment and the symbol of our union to our Lord Jesus Christ Q. Where do we read the institution of the Lords Supper A. In Mat. 26. Mark 14. Luke 22. and in 1 Cor 11. Q. Why did Jesus Christ institute it A. To be the memorial of his death as he says it himself do this in in remembrance of me which St Paul explains in saying as often as you shall eat this bread and drink this cup ye do shew forth the Lords death till he comes Q. Doth there happen any change to the Bread and Wine A. These do not change as to their substance no more than the water of Baptism doth but only as to their use Q. How do you know that after the consecration it is still bread and wine A. The senses witness it reason confirms it and the word of God is express thereupon for our Lord calls that fruit of the Vine which we drink in the Lords Supper Matt. 26. and St. Paul several times calls bread what the Pastors do break and the faithful eat therein 1 Cor. 10.11 Q. Why is this Bread and Wine called the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ A. Because they are signs and memorials thereof and that there is an excellent conformity between the Bread and the Wine and the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Q. Why is that Bread broken and the Wine poured out A. To represent to us the body of Jesus Christ which was broken for us and this blood which was shed in remission of sins Q. Why is this bread given us to eat and this wine to drink A. To assure us that as the bread and the wine nourish our Bodies in this temporal life the body and blood of Jesus Christ nourish our Souls in hope of everlasting life for his flesh is meat indeed and is blood is drink indeed Q. Have ye read in holy scripture some like manners of speaking that without transubstantiation the sign takes the name of the thing signified A. There is nothing more common and above all when 't is matter of Sacraments thus Circumcision is called the Covenant Gen. 17. the Paschal Lamb is called Passover Exod. 12. The Rock is called Christ 1 Cor. 10. and our Lord who said of the bread this is my body which is broken for you said also of the cup this cup is the new Covenant in my blood and the cup remains a cup and properly speaking doth not become a Covenant Q. Do we receive in the Lords supper only the signs of the body and blood of Jesus Christ A. If we come thither with necessary dispositions and preparations we also receive therein the thing signified and we have therein a real communion with Jesus Christ for the cup of blessing which we bless is the communion of the blood of Christ and the bread which we break is the communion of the body of Christ 1 Cor. 10. Q. How do we eat Jesus Christ in the Lords supper A. In the same manner that we do put him on in Baptism Gall. 3. for when Jesus Christ speaks of eating his flesh and of drinking his blood it is a figurative way of speaking and as he saith himself his words are spirit and life the flesh profiteth nothing it is the Spirit that quickneth John 6. Q. Since Jesus Christ is in heaven at the right hand of God his Father and that he shall not come from thence but to judge the quick and the dead how is that you who are on earth can have a true and real communion with him A. By faith who really embraces him unto Salvation for he that comes to him shall never hunger and he that believeth on him shall never thirst John 6. and thro the efficacy of his Spirit who really uniteth us to him for we have been made to drink into one spirit to be one body with him 1 Cor. 12. Q. May not this Communion be made without the use of the Sacraments A. Yes for Jesus Christ had not yet instituted the Lords Supper when he saith John 6. he that eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwelleth in me and I in him Q Of what use then is the Lords Supper to
7. And from whence proceeds what is evil in them A From the residue of our Corruption Section 5. Q. 1. ARe our good works agreeable to God A. Yes Q. 2. How is that since you say that they are imperfect A. Because God in his mercy bears with the infirmities of his Children Q. 3. Of what use are good works A. To glorify God to edify our Neighbours and to let us know that we are the Children of God Q. 4. Are our good works any thing deserving toward God A. By no means for when we shall have done all what God commands we are obliged so to do Q. 5. How then do you hope for Life everlastg A. As the heritage of my heavenly Father that hath been acquired for me by Jesus Christ Q. 6. But it is written that nothing defiled shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven A. It is true Q. 7. By what means then shall ye be purged of your sins A. Through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Section 6. Q. 1 How do you apply to your self the merit of the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ A. Through Repentance and Faith Q. 2. How many sorts of deaths are there A. Two Temporal death and Eternal death Q. 3. What is Temporal death A. It is the separation of the Soul from the Body Q. 4. What becomes of the souls of the wicked in the hour of this separation A. They are cast into Hell Q. 5. And those of Gods Children A. They go into Paradice Q. 6. And what becomes of the Bodies A. They die to rise again in the last day Q 7. What is the death of the faithful then A. It it is a pass-over to the blissful life Section 7. Q. 1. WHom do you direct your Prayers to A. I direct them to God Q. 2. In whose name do you pray to him A. In Jesus Christ's name Q. 3. Do you not call upon the Angels nor the Saints A. No. Q. 4 Why A. Because God did not command it and that in all his word there is no example thereof Q. 5. Must Images be used in the worship of God A. No. Q 6. Why A. Because God forbids it in the second Commandment Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image nor the likeness of any thing c. Q. 7. How must we worship God then A. In Spirit and in truth Section 8. Q. 1. WHich is the rule of Gods service A. It is the holy and divine word Q. 2. Where do you find that word of God A. In the holy Scripture of the old and new Testament Q 3. Is it lawful for Children to read the Scripture A. Yes to follow the example of Timothy who from his Infancy learnt the holy Scriptures Q. 4. What doth this word of God teach us A. It makes us wise to Salvation through the Faith which is in Jesus Christ Q. 5. Hath God added nothing to his word to strengthen our Faith A. He added thereunto his Sacraments Q 6. What is a Sacrament A. It is a visible sign which seals an invisible Grace Q. 7. How many Sacraments are there in the Christian Church A. There are two Baptism which is the Sacrament of our Regeneration and the Lords Supper which is the Sacrament of our spiritual nourishment Section 9. Q. 1. IN the name of whom have you been baptized A. In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. 2. Why are little Children baptized A. Because the Kingdom of God belongs to them and that under the old Testament little Children were circumcised Q. 3. What does the water of Baptism represent A. It represents the blood of Jesus Christ who redeems us and the Holy Ghost who sanctifies us Q. 4. Are the bread and the wine transubstantiated in the Lord's Supper into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ A. No for it is not said in Scripture and it is repugnant to sense and reason Q. 5. Are the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ with the bread and in the cup A. No for our Lord Jesus Christ did not teach it and that doth not agree with the truth of his humane Nature Q. 6. Why is it then that the bread is called the body of Jesus Christ broken for us and that it is said of the wine that it is his blood which was shed for the remission of our sins A. Because it is the memorial thereof Q 7. Where is our Lord Jesus Christ A. As God he is every where but as Man he is in heaven at the right hand of God his Father Section 10. Q. 1. HAve we not any communion with Jesus Christ himself A. Y●s b●● it is a spiritual Communion Q. 2. How ●●h he communicate himself to us A. By his Spirit Q. 3. And how do we unite our selves to him A. Through Faith Q. 4 Must Jesus Christ be offered in propitia●ory sacrifices A. No. Q. 5. VVhy A Because he did sacrifice himself and did not command to sacrifice him and no body can Q. 6. VVhy is it that with the bread which is broken in the Lord's Supper the consecrated wine is distributed A. It 〈◊〉 to represent to us the precious blood of Jesus Christ which was shed for us on the Cross and to assure us that in him we have entire nourishment Q. 7. Ought the faithful people to participate of the cup as well as the Pastors A. Yes for Jesus Christ makes no distinction therein he redeemed us all by the same blood and commanded us all to drink of his cup and to shew forth his death till he come Section 11. Q. 1. WHat must we do before we come to the Lord's Table A. We must examin our selves Q. 2. What doth happen to those who do not examin themselves A. They communicate to their condemnation Q. 3. And what fruit received those who examined themselves A. As the bread and wine nourishes our Bodies in this temporal life the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ nourishes their Souls in hope of everlasting life Q. 4. In what consists the examination of those who desire to receive worthily A. They ought to examine themselves to know whether they have Faith Repentance and Charity Q. 5. What is Faith A. It is an holy confidence that God loves us and that for Jesus Christ's sake he will be merciful unto us and save us in his heavenly Kingdom Q. 6. How can true faith be discerned from carnal presumption and security A. It is known by its fruits for it produces good works and fructifies in Charity Q. 7. From whence can we have that Faith A. We must beg it of God who gives it of his pure Grace and Liberality Section 12. Q. 1. WHat is Repentance A. It is to sorrow for passed sins and living better for time to come Q. 2. By wh●● do we know that we truly repent A. If we abhor evil and take pleasure to do good Q. 3. Who is the Author of