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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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For it neerest resembles Gods protopatern setled among the Israelits who had Heads of Elders like Bishops with Priests and Levits as Epist ad Evag. Presbyters and Deacons according to S. Jeroms parallel Now Christ and his Apostles in their institution much regarded Judaic customs as to Baptise with Water to use Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper to solemnize Weekly the Lords Day in the Sabbaths stead to giv Pastors and Teachers power of the Keis nor is any express precept or evident precedent against Episcopat either commanding parity or forbidding Luk 11. 25. 26. orderly superiority in Church or Commonweal Christ indeed inhibits his Apostles who were coequal or coordinat to exercise dominion like secular Princes which is a Rule for al Churches not to use any preeminence by ambition tyranny violence or usurpation on the Bodies Estats Lifes or Liberties of Men in Worldlings way yet such courses beside factious emulations are so incident to som insolent Presbyters as to the proudest Prelats Our Saviours sens is plain that what ever parts power place gifts or Graces any Minister hath abov others he should use them with humility to Gods Glory and the Churches good laying aside the levan of imperious oppression but the very Apostles who had a priority of place with parity of power among themselfs exercised superiority of jurisdiction over al other Disciples and Beleevers who obeied them as Fathers doing the like to Bishops after them St. Paul being to leav the World left a patern of Church-Government which was constantly pursued in ordeining Titus and Timothy Bishops giving them personal power to ordein censure rebuk or silence al Elders and Deacons under their charge Which Blondel confesseth to be a perpetual precedent for Church regiment 'T is a poor cavil to say they were Evangelists designed to Preach not to govern sith that takes not away their power of rule for then no Presbyters can Preach except they be Evangelists nor being such can preside in their Consistories At the same rate we may argu that none but the chief Appostles may feed Christs Lambs or Sheep becaus he committed the charge by a triple command to Peter the chiefest Or that the power to ordein Elders by laying on Hands to receiv accusations against them to rebuk censure silence excommunicat and restore belong soly to Apostles and Evangelists whereas a succession is necessary for Church societies so wel as civil as that vehement charge laid on Tymothy to 1 Tim. 5. 21. 1 Tim. 6. 14. keep th●s things unpartialy and unblamably til our Lord Jesus Christ com plainly shews For he declining daily to death could not doo it but only transmit the patern to posterity which he performed by a public way of Government This prime practis both in the Apostles dais and after is seen in the seven Asian Churches and in others registred by Fathers Councils and Histories What insuing times observed is evident among al Christians of the Eastern Greec Muscovit Abyssen and Indian Churches which retain Bishops to this day For no Presbyters ever exercised Ordination or Jurisdiction by sole peculiar power without presence and presidence of an Apostle or Bishop Presbytery is named but in two Texts of Scripture one being falsly alleged for ruling Lay Elders which are not preceptiv or institutiv but only narrativ without expressing any joint power office or authority of Presbyters with Presidents much less without or against them St. Jude puts foul marks on such Jude v 8 11. 19. As despised Dominion or speak evil of Dignities denouncing Wo against their seditious practises who are cruel like Cain covetous as Balaam and ambitious as Corah and his complices Such factious disturbers of Order prescribed by God in his Church St. Peter cals Presump●uous Selfwilled and dispisers 2 Pet. 2. 10. of Dignities Whom thes Apostles would not so sharply check unles ther had bin som eminences in the Church so wel as among the Jews which thos mutinous Men confronted or contemned For they were too wary to oppose Civil powers whol Sword was too keen but the Ecclesiastic Orders Dignities and Dominions were obvious or obnoxious to al turbulent tumultuary Spirits who under vele of Christian liberty and pretensions of the Spirit the better to set off their Schisms and separatings oppugned authority even in the Churches Infancy 5. Common Reason requires a power and polity in the Church so wel as in Cities Armies or any Civil societies For the Lord of his Church hath not divested or denied it good government which may lawfully be used with Wisdom and discretion nor may Ministers which excel others in age prudence and gubernativ gravity be barred to employ their Gifts in sutable differences for the Churches behoof Only Christ requires humility in priority which many Prelats had and mo Presbyters wanted and service in superiority proportioned to their parts which God givs not in vain For som Ministers are young proud prone to faction and passion whos folly and fervor needs a bridle of Episcopal authority to curb them beyond common contemptible parity This St. Jerom owns as the ground of that Government to repres● Schisms nor can such a Paternal preeminence prejudice any in preferring one worthy Person to rule the rest so that his Presidential priority be kept within du bounds of humility For woful experience shews how the want herof hath occasioned many main mischiefs by swarms of Sects both here and elswher If any allege vulgar dislikes of Episcopat this makes most for it sith what the many-headed multitud most decry who wil cry Hosanna and Crucifig● with one breath wise Men most approv yea the best Christians seing the misery of change rather desire regulated Prelacy then any other Church-Polity For headl●ss Presbytery and scattered Independency are disliked by moderat Men as a remedy wors then the malady 1. For the novity becaus neither was heard of in 1500. yeers and the last scars of twelv yeers standing nor hav they the vote of any general Council or practis of the Catholic Church 2. They hav prevailed here to justle out Episcopy by force in broken bloody times being planted not by Preaching or Patience under persecution but by the Sword and watered with their Brethrens blood as Ro●ulus founded Rome or as T●●i● Tarquins Wife drov hir Chariot over hir Father Servius mangled Corps wheras Prelacy was decreed in al the World as St. Jerom In Ep. ad Titum avows with wisdom peace and charity by consent of Churches 3. Becaus neither of thes two wais hath such plenary approbation as the old had in al Parliaments and Convocations since this Nation Christianized 4. Sith the same or wors inconveniences obtruded to Episcopy in its declining age appeer in the bud or prime of thes new wais so much pride avarice ambition vanity uncharitablenes with more prophanes Atheism Heresy Blasphemy licentiousnes faction bitternes contention confusion then ever attended Episcopacy beside needless scandal given to other
as they approved may be set over them which was somtime granted somtime not but to ordein of themselfs Saul and Vzziah had so much right to offer Incens as they to doo it Al humble Christians look to the rock whence they were hewen and pit wherout they were digged who did not make Ministers but they sent by Christ made People Christians Such as sat in darknes had light brought them and were found of God by his Ministers sent as Shepherds to the lost Sheep which sought not God So ther is no caus for People to embrace that fury folly and faction which would lay al in common sith Levellers can allege nothing to repeal the divine approbation of Ministry which hath continued a peculiar peaceable possession to Church Officers by Christs Institution for sixteen Centuries without cessation in a constant successon of Ordination We grant People in a particular Parish or Congregation may desire a special Man to be their Prelat or Pastor as thos of Milan did St. Ambros but cannot chus by their proper power much less Ordein as Souldiers may petition the General for one to be their Captain but cannot chus creat or constitut any without Commission They may so wel set up a new Christ or new Gospel as new Ministry or new Ordination which Christ hath doon once for al times and places to the Worlds end without Peoples interest A wise Spaniard said 'T is better in a State to prefer corrupt Men then silly Sots the one like a Theef in a Vinyard wil only take ripe Grapes til he be satiat but the other as an Ass eats ripe and green treads down al with his heels and being filled tumbles in it to spoil al such is the unskilful Vulgar in Church affairs Quest Som scornfully ask what can Bishops confer in Ordination more then other Men what charm is in their praiers or imposing of hands to invest Church power or how can they giv the Graces of the holy Ghost why doo they claim to be caled Clerics as peculiar to that Tribe and contemptuously cal others Laics sith al the Lords People are the lot of his Inheritance being spiritualy annointed to be Kings Priests Prophets Answ Thes Scarrows are soon repelled 1. Touching the term or title of Clergy and Laity which captious Critics imput as pride in Ecclesiastics to incens People against them this distinction was ever used ab initio as al antient Fathers Councils and Histories ratify nor is the one upbraided as a badg of vainglory to the Ministry nor the other aspersed as a brand of infamy to the People but only to difference both calings as 't is in our Laws and Language Nor is it avers to Scripture sens which cals them Pastor and Flock Doctor and Disciple Ruler and Ruled yea al Faithful in general are stiled Clerus a Church or portion of the Lords heritage but Ministers in special Clerus Ecclesiae a lot given by the Lord to his Acts 2. 6. Acts. 13. 2 3. Church as consecrat apart to his service So the Apostles chos Matthias by lot and the holy Ghost after said Separat Barnabas and Paul for the work wherto I hav caled them who having fasted praid and layd on hands sent them away Gods Ministers disdain not to be counted or caled his People as Children of one spiritual Father and brethren of the same Family of Faith Nor wil humble Christians covet to be clyped Clerics or scorn the appellation of Laics to avoid confusion of Calings who accompt or acknowledg tru Bishops and Ministers as their Fathers Overseers and Instructers Men may so wel bogle at the words Trinity three persons and Sacraments which are not found in the letter but truth and sens of Scripture Nor is Logomachy or word-war fit for wise Men being a meer Sciomachy or shadow-fight like stumbling at straws and syllabical scruples No Religion bars convenient compendious terms to distinguish degrees but thes word-Carpers hav a malitious meaning to make People abandon both Name and Thing even the Office and Ordination 2. To the demand what charm is in Bishops hands or praiers to confer the holy Ghost more then in others so wel or better gifted It may so wel be asked as Atheists and Apostats use what virtu is in Baptism water to wash away sin regenerat sinners confer Grace or represent Christs blood more then in other as proud Catabaptists contested Or what efficacy in Bread and Wine at the Lords Supper more then in the same Elements at usual Tables or Taverns How doth the form of consecration by using Christs words ad or alter them At this rate of carnal reasoning Men may cavil at Christs Deity and Humanity for the outward poverty of his life and death which made many doubt or deny him to be the tru Messias So this fond futilous frivolous question fals to ground with its own weight or weaknes as if there were more light in lat modern Meteors then in the great Lamps Sun Moon and Stars of Scripture Church and antient Christians who with the same holy humble Faith as they beleev Jesus to be the promised Messias maugre al which blind Jews and babarous Infidels obtrud doo also religiously reverence al his holy Orders and Ordinances how poor or plain soever setled in his Church Nor doth the means of outward appeerance weaken their duty or devotion who liv by Faith see with the ey of Faith and act with Faiths hand in al divine mysteries For God makes foolish things effectual by his spirit and Grace to thos high holy ends for which they were ordeined So 't is not any Magic charm which makes common Accedit Verbū Elemento fit Sacramentum Elements becom Sacraments being consecrat by Ministers nor in Bishops hands and praiers to ordein them but his powerful Word and Spirit who commands the duty confirms the Order and givs a blessing to Ministerial Ordination so wel as to al other Ordinances The result is That Ordination makes nothing to Ministers Natural Moral or Spiritual endowments nor doth it confer any Physical power no more then the Office of a Judg Ambassador or martial Commander to their personal abilities but invests them alone with authority to exercise thos Functions which none els may presum to perform who hath not that order of Office consigned to him Nor can any power in Men make a Gospel Minister though never so gifted to consecrat holy duties sav only such as are set apart or separat therto by du Ordination The benefits therof are manifest and manifold 1. For Gods glory and salvation of Mens Souls by beleeving tru Ministers testimony that Jesus Christ is sole Saviour of the World who began this Ordinance and sent som special witnesses to proclaim him by a constant continual succession in al ages and places til his secund coming 2. It evidenceth the Churches care and fidelity both in preserving the divine Oracles and in celebrating holy Mysteries as Seals to confirm
vouch Eusebius saith the chief Stoics Zeno Cleanthes Chrysippus defended this doctrin yea Seneca a Master of that Sect saith fire shal be the end of it as moisture was the beginning the Stars shal war together and what now shines in comly order shal burn in one fire or flame Numaenius saith good Souls continu til al things be destroied by fire this Ovid provs from their Prophets or Poets Records Juppiter in fatis reminiscitur affore tempus L. 1. M●●am Quo mare quo tellus convexaque Regia Coeli A●deat mundi moles operosa laboret Jov cal'd to mind that Time by fate shal be When Sea when Earth and Heavens convexity Shal burn in flames and the Worlds Axeltree In the means or maner of Dissolution D●ines diversly differ● Opinions som approv perfectiv renovation som supplementiv substitution and som destructiv abolition or annullation They also vary in sundry subaltern circumstances som say al Creatures shal be restored to pristin perfection as before Mans fal som that the Heavens shal be reserved and al els annihilated som that Heaven Air and Earth shal be refined but al beside confounded som that the whol visible Machin with al works therin except Angels Devils Men and Hel expresly exempt shal be totaly resolved to nothing as it was first framed of nothing The issu or result is whether a new World or none The grounds or reasons of which several Opinions shal be succinctly scanned To begin with Annihilators arguments sundry Texts are Scriptures alleged in favor of it 1. The Heavens shal perish and be no more but vanish like Isai 51 6. smoke and wax old as a garment 2. Al the Host of Heaven shal be dissolved and roled together Isa● 31. 4. as a Scrole they shal fal down as a leaf from the Vine and a faling Fig from the Figtree 3. Man lieth down and riseth not til the Heavens be no more 〈◊〉 14. 12. meaning til the general Resurrection 4. The Heavens shal perish but thou shalt endure c. Ps 102. 26 5. The Heavens shal pass away with great nois and Elements 2 Pe● 3. 10. 〈◊〉 melt with ●eat the Earth with al works therin shal be burnt up 6. St. John consorts Heaven and Earth sted away whos place Rev. 20. 11 was found no more Al which phrases to pass away perish vani●h be no more be burnt up ●old together as a scrole fal down as a Vine leaf or Fig from the Tree melt with heat fly away and no place found for them strongly imply if not inforce annihilation or at least impugn a perfecter condition and new substitution The Reasons for it are thes 1. This World was made of Reasons meer nothing Ergo it shal return to nothing 2. Al Visible things were formed for Man as he for Gods glory who wil not need them when he is translated to a far better mansion as when a Hous is built for Inhabiters if it be decreed to be no more inhabited 't is in vain to repair or trim it better then before much more to pul it down or build a fairer 3. If God intended a restitution of the old or substitution of a new he could doo it by changing the qualities as it shal be with the faithful found alife at last Day when corruption 1 Cor. 15. 52. 53. shal put on incorruption and mortal immortality which is analogical Death and Resurrection without burnning it up first 4. If they say his wil is so to doo wher is their Warrant 'T is his wil to destroy it by fire but not reveled in holy writ nor can be resolved by human wit what how many or whether any Creatures shal be restored to pristin integrity Nor whether they shal propagat to infinity or persist to eternity Yet many bold Baiards or Buzzards bring blind Brats of that kind 5. If the World be renewed or perfected it shal hav no end But 't is said the end of al things is at hand the Worlds ends are com upon us Ergo this World shal be abolished and no new substituted Indeed som thing Analogical shal supply the stead in far transcendent maner viz. the third increat Heaven for the Materials and that which David Tropicaly Psal 27. 15. terms the Land of the living for this Earth which are proportional to our future state of glory as thes confort to our present condition of misery and mortality For in lieu of thes created Heavens which somtime give light and anon leav us da●k We shal be translated to a Celical Paradise stiled new Rev 21. 12 13. Jerusalem wher is light infinitly brighter then the Sun for Gods Rev. 22. 5. glory lightens it and the Lamb is its light Ther shal be no night or need of Candle or Sun for God givs light and they shal 〈◊〉 60 19 20. reign with him for ever So saith Isaiah the Sun shal no more be thy light by day nor Moon giv brightness but the Lord shal be thy everlasting light and God thy glory Thy Sun shal never go down nor Moon be hid but thy mourning shal end Thes Texts imply that Sun and Moon shal be no more sith the Saints sh●l not need them having God to stead them who is a Sun that never sets and Moon never hid his Vision being an everlasting light of glory For we shal see God by intuition face to face as he is and know him as he knows us One that stands by a friend to view his face fully needs no Picture or looking Glass to behold him nor doth Christs Vision in his Humanity require other Creatures to improv the Saints glory sith he is Author and they coheirs of endless felicity but the rest being made for the Church Militant can no more conduce to Triumphants happines then a Candle in open Sun shine For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 13. 10. when that which is perfect is com then that which is in part shal be doon away So ther wil be no use of a new World to be substituted or old restituted but space time al things infinit immens eternal In natura nihil datur infinitum post nil nisi infinitum the Worlds conflagration apertly refuts renovation for it cannot be brought to better condition sith God saw al was good then what needs burning to bring it in the same form 6. Many instances are extant of annillation as Christ abolished the essence of Water to make it Wine the Dov in which the holy Gost appeered at Christ Baptism was seen no A C. 1572. more the new Star in Cassiopeia gradualy vanished the sound of wind is annihilated the Relation of Father and Son at Fathers death is extinct the time past exists no longer yet the three last are real accidents and the three first substances Why then may not this mundan Machin be utterly abolished if it pleas Omnipotence so to dispose For the debat rests on his meer wil
defect then exuberance that way Howbeit thos rigid Rhadamants lov luscious luxurious feasting at al times els specialy on Ashwendsday good-Friday or other fasting dais more then any Christmas Men used heretofore Yea the Scots at first Reformation cashired al Popish customs and ceremonies except their beloved Grece-Cup which was to serv in at end of meals al liquor● then used wherof ech drank what he listed In sum Christmas harmless sports in sit seasons are lawful Summary good fires behooful holy Hymns useful New-yeers gifts fruitful begetting mutual amity among Neighbors and plentiful fare without surfet or ebriety cheerful whatever Sectists cavil in their Chairs or Pulpits to the contrary It folows not that every thing which Pagans or Papists doo is Heathenish or Popish for Gentils doo many excellent things by Natures principles which Gospel Principles confirm that are commendable in Christians so Papists retain sundry points of Doctrin Disciplin and maners which Protestants may imitat Ob. Such Fests are not warranted by Christs precept nor Apostles practise nor any authentic authority Ergo 'tis Wil-worship fitto be extirped or extermined Sol. The Lords day hath no warrant of precept or practise in Scripture yet lawful necessary and generaly tho not specialy Moral by the first words of the fourth Commandment but neither this nor Christmas wants authentic authority of the universal Church through al ages nor is one wil-worship more then the other For wil-worship as St. Paul Col. 2. 23. shews hath no Scripture warrant general or special but only the vain wil or phansy of Men as worshiping Angels and placing an absolut necessity of holines in things indifferent The general rule of St. Paul Let al be doon decently in order 1 Cor. 14. 40. is sufficient warrant without particular precept precedent or practise for Christs Spous to ordain occasional Fests in themselfs lawful and laudable tending to Gods glory and Peoples good as som are often appointed among us upon emergent occasions or occurrents So the Jews freely observed an annal Fest of dedicating the Altar instituted by Judas Machabeus 1 Ma● 4 ●9 after the Temple had bin Idolatrously polluted by Antiochus Epiphanes which yet is not specified much less sanctified in the old Testament or Canon of Scripture but Christ honored it with his presence as he did their septidial John 10 22. mariage Feasts with his first transubstantiating miracle of turning Water into Wine in Cana. So the Catholic Church or any particular may constitut or celebrat set dais for pious purposes yeerly or extraordinary if they shal see good caus Ob. Tatling Tradition tels that Christ was born Dec. 25. then at Solstice immediatly after Midnight as the dais began to lengthen but the Church of England celebrated the Birth day ful twelv dais after the Hyemal Solstice Ergo hir Accompt was erroneous Sol. This is already answered to the first argument and the reason rendered of that deviation becaus we folow the Julian Calendar sans reformation but tho the Church of England doth not observ the tru precise time of the Winter Solstice yet she celebrats the tru day Dec. 25. according to the Julian Accompt stil which is sufficient nor is the time so exactly to be regarded as the thing or benefit to be remembred Ob. No Magistrats can make Dais holy nor impose them Gal. 4 9. to be necessarily or perpetualy observed For the Apostles cal such observances weak beggerly Elements the yoke of bondage Gal 5. 1. and rudiments of the Law which destroy Christian liberty Ergo Col. 2 20. they cannot institut Fests Sol. Indeed they cann●t make dais holy or impose them to be observed under pain of damnation which d●strois Christian liberty and is a proper privilege of Gods power nor are dais properly holy inherently no more then Churches or Elements of the Sacraments which yet are cald holy being appointed or appropriated to Religious uses so Magistrats may sanctify or set apart certain dais to holy services for Gods glory having free ful power to order things indifferent The Jews ordained occasional Fests which Christ and his Apostles observed with their presence so our Magistrats appoint dais of Humiliation and Thanksgiving which People are bound to keep holy much more Christmas day for many reasons 1. God promised it when he said to the Serpent John 8. 56. The Womans seed shal break thy head 2. Christ saith Abraham rejoiced to see this Day 3. Jacob foretold it that the Scepter Isai 7. 14. shal not depart from Juda til Shiloh com 4. Isaiah saith a Virgin shal conceiv and bear a Son cald Immanuel for unto us a Child is born to us a Son is given the Prince of Peace at whos byrth was public Peace through al the Roman world Saint Paul cals it the fulnes of time when Men and Angels Gal. 4. 4. Luk 2. 10 11 13. were filled with ineffable joy and admiration The Angel which told the Shepherds of his byrth had a multitud of heavenly Host praising God saying Glory to God in the highest and on Earth Peace good will towards Men. Clement an Apostolic man bids Christians keep Fests diligently and in the first Const Apost l. 5. c. 1● place Christs byrth day which al primitiv Fathers and others from age to age til our mad-brain days hav most devoutly celebrated yea on the very twenty fith of December whos exemple and exhortations in their sacred Sermons Homilies and Treatises the late reformed Churches of Helvetia Bohemia Bremen Auspurg Savoy Poland Hungary Scotland France Belgia Palatinat beside Denmarc Sweden and al Lutheran Churches in Germany or elswer folow both by practise and Precept Ob. The Lords Day sanctified weekly in memory of Christs Resurrection is sole-sufficient in stead of al els Ergo to ad any on work dais without warrant is superstitious wil-worship specialy sith t is commanded six dais thou shalt labor but keep holy the or a seventh day Sol. Thos harsh terms of superstitious wil-worship cast on Ana●●me 〈◊〉 the Service Book Christian Fests are causless calumnies being their common brands or badges bestowed on our public Liturgy which they cal rank Atheism a proud Strumpet a cursed Mass of superstition ful of Serpents bathed in the blood of Bodies Souls and Estats the reliques of Popish dregs the very head not st●mp or l●● of the Dragon the jugling or conjuring of Magicians and character of Antichrist who say our thirty nine Articles are stuffed with Popery and Arminianism but scorn the book of Homilies as most cours contemptible kitchin-stuf If to rail or revile be sufficient who cannot be eloquent and how easy is it to cast such base dirt in their deerest mothers face which may fitly be retorted they reviv the Petrusians Heresy who decried al Christian Fests to introduce Atheism which in milder language is stiled Libertinism The Lords day is most necessary and must be doon yet the rest not left undoon sith al tend to