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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73478 Haggeus the prophet Where-vnto is added a most plentifull commentary, gathered out of the publique lectures of D. Iohn Iames Gryneus, professor of diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Basill, and now first published, faithfully translated out of Latin into English, by Christopher Fetherstone student in diuinitie.; Bible. O.T. Haggai. English. Fetherston, Christopher.; Grynaeus, Johann Jacob, 1540-1617. 1586 (1586) STC 2790; ESTC S125271 158,555 366

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of God 4. Position In this Temple must praiers be made continuallie Rom. 12. ●ohn 4. in this Temple must thankes bee giuen to God without ceasing in this Temple must the reasonable seruice be done and that spiritu veritate in spirit and truth 4. The fourth argument vsed of the prophet is fet a iusto from iustice and equitie The order of iustice doth require that all men especiallie the faithfull obey the Lord when he prescribeth and commaundeth any thing But the Lord hath straitly commaunded you to build the Temple Ergo c. A Position In holy sermons and exhortations made vnto the people the authority of God must bee alleadged least the oracles of God waxe base and become of no reputation and least they seeme to bee inuentions and dreames procéedinge from mans braine Therefore is it that the prophets doe often-times repeate these words Thus saith the Lord. Verse 9. You shall looke vnto much and behold it is but a litle and you haue brought it into the house but I blew vpon it For what cause saith the Lord God of hostes For my house which lieth waste but you runne euerie man into his owne house 5 The fift argument is fet from the plagues and punishmentes where-with the Iewes were plagued It becommeth men which are of a founde iudgement and which are godlily giuen not only to marke the causes of plagues and punishmentes but also to auoide the same But you if you holde on to neglect the Temple and to doe your owne busines shal be plagued with vainesse of your workes and labour Therefore before all things you must doe your indeuour to giue vnto God the thinges which are Gods He prooueth the minor proposition by the example of their infortunate labour in their husbandry and householde affaires You sowe much and yet you gather but a little and these thinges which with great paine and labour you haue gathered in the fieldes and brought home the same doe perish when God bloweth vpon them and they are scattered abroade like chaffe A digression concerninge euill gotten goodes 1 It is a ridiculous and hatefull kinde of vanitie to gather goods together by hooke by crooke which shall shortlie afterwards perish 2 For he which doth this is impious toowardes God for doubtlesse he can not serue God Luk. 16. 13. and Mammon 3 And againe the same man doth also hurt and bring himselfe to destruction according to that saying of Paule But those which will waxe rich doe fall into temptation and the snare and many foolish and hurtfull desires 1. Tim. 6. 9. which doe drowne men in perdition and distruction 4 He is also iniurious vnto the societie and companye of men accordinge to that saying of Paule Let not a man dare to oppresse and intangle his brother in his busines because GOD is the reuenger of all such thinges * Thes 4. 6. Here-vnto belonge these prouerbes The burthen of Salt is gone thither whence it came Euill gotten goods doe soone perish 6 The sixt argument is fet from the impulsiue cause There is no cause why those men should marueile that they are altogether infortunate which make more accounte of their owne houses then of the Temple of the Lord of their housholde affaires then of the worship of God of their owne gaine then of the glory of God finallie of them-selues then of God But the Iewes returning from Babylon did all these things Ergo. c. This argument dependeth vpon that which went before Of the alteration of the order by God appointed 1 The degrées coniunction and distinction of thinges doe wonderfully set foorth the order which God hath appointed 2 The degrées are holy things and things prophane By nature there is nothinge prophane * but certaine things are counted prophane Act. 10. 15. only by vse and custome * 1. Cor. 9. 3 It is good order to preferre holie things before prophane things It is disorder to put prophane thinges before things which are holy 4 Holie thinges are holie either in déede or by good custome and vse only as thinges indifferent 5 It is good order if things indifferent be set after thinges which are rightly called holy disorder if they be preferred before them 6 So there bee certaine things which are so vnlike and contrary that they neither can neither ought they to bée ioyned together 7 It is good order before all things to séeke Mat. 6. Luk. 16. the kingdome of God the righteousnes thereof It is disorder to bee desirous to serue God and Mammon 8 So there be certaine thinges which are so linked together that in the ordinarie dispensation they ought not to bee seperated 9 It is good order to ioyne the externall worde with the internall with the baptizinge with Water the baptisme of the Spirit with the Breade and Wine vsed in the Supper of the Lorde the Body and Bloude of Christe sacramentallie It is great misorder to seperate the externall woorde from the internall the Sacramentall signes from the things signified I doe define the thinges signified not onely by the fruite but also by the substance As many of the Israelites being in times past contented with the externall sacrifices did neither thinke vpon the Lambe of GOD which taketh away the sinnes of the World neither of the sacrifices of thankesgiuing 10 Furthermore because GOD hath seperated certaine thinges hee will not haue vs to attribute any thinge vnto them confusedly 11 It is good order to ascribe the giuing of life vnto the fleshe of Christe and not vnto the earthlie breade vsed in the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper Also to ascribe the washinge away of sinne not to the water vsed in baptisme but to the sprinkling of the bloud of Christ 12 It is better to followe the iudgement of GOD in all things who is the best and the wisest then the wisedome of the fleshe for hée knoweth best what things hee will haue vs to accompt good euill or indifferent Examples While wee looke not on the thinges 2. Cor. 6. 19. which are seene but on the things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporall but the thinges which are not seene are eternall * I seeke not yours but you for the children Iohn 14. 23. must not heape vp treasures for the parents but the parents for the children 18. Lect. Decemb. 14. 1579. Verse 10. Therefore hath the heauen shut it selfe vppon you least it shoulde giue you dewe and the earth also hath shut her selfe least shee should giue her encrease 7 The last argument where-by the prophet doth prooue that the building of the Temple is not any longer to bée prolonged is fette from the publike plague and punishment wherewith the Iewes were punished Ma. Publike and priuate punishments are testimonies of Gods wrath against the transgressours of the lawe and euident causes of the conuersion of these men which are not past repentance According to the saying If we