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A69038 The theatre of Catolique and Protestant religion diuided into twelue bookes. Wherein the zealous Catholike may plainelie see, the manifest truth, perspicuitie, euident foundations and demonstrations of the Catholique religion; together with the motiues and causes, why he should perseuer therin. ... Written by I.C. student in diuinitie. I. C., student in divinity.; Copinger, John, b. 1571 or 2, attributed name.; Colleton, John, 1548-1635, attributed name. 1620 (1620) STC 4284; ESTC S115632 314,600 666

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decreede and the sentence of Anathema was pronounced against all those that should hould the contrarie And whosoeuer will not obey these generall councells assembled together by the vertue of the holie ghoast whose asistance was promised vnto the church in such occasions doth iniurie not onlie to the church but also vnto that holy spirite of these kind of people is said vos durae ceruicis spiritui sancto resistitis you stiffnecked people yow resist the holy ghoaste None ought to prefer his priuat opinion before the generall definition of a generall councell Therfore the Emperor Marcianus after the definition and ordinaunces of the councell of Chalcedon said he is a wicked and sacrilegious person that would oppose his owne priuate opinion against the authoritie of the whole churche in such a generall assemblie and this is the cause that S. Aug. defended S. Cyprian from heresie for that it was not decreede by any generall councell that such as were baptized by heretiques should be rebaptized againe as the said S. Cyprian helde and because the Donatistes did persiste in this doctrine after the definition of the generall councell they were condemned of the churche for heretiques as S. Aug. doth testifie and therfore those dogmatistes of our time because they defende not onlie this doctrine but also many other peruerse and damnable opinions not onlie against the definition of these generall councells but also against godes ordinances ought to be reputed for heretiques 11. S. Thomas doth saie D. Thom. in 6. Iohn lect 7. that it was the custome of the churche for danger of sheddinge that the priest at the alter should receaue vnder both kindes the laytie vnder one kinde for this said he is not against Christs institution for whosoeuer receaues the bodie receaues the blood alsoe because that Christe is vnder both kindes aswell in respecte of his bodie as his bloode Exod. 16. Genes 14. For all sacrifices did appertaine vnto the priestes the Manna the paschall lambe was eaten of the people which were figures of this Sacramente and they were not comaunded to drincke after it And although you vrge that Melchisedec did offer bread and wyne in token of this Sacrament I aunswere that he was a prieste for so the scripture saith Erat enim sacerdos Dei altissimi for he was a priest of the highe God In our Lordes prayer wee aske our dailie bread without wyne Tertul. in orat Dom. Ambr. l. 5 de sacra Hier. c. 6. Matt. homil 9. Aug. l. 50. which petition many holy doctors doe interprete to be mente of the Eucharist and when our Lord had fedd soe many thowsands there is noe mention made either of water or of wine that feedinge beinge a figure or token of the holy bread of the alter by which the faithfull Christians are releeued For our Lord makes mention of the Chalice but thrice of the eatinge of the bread he makes mention fifteene tymes soe as wee may perceaue that the churche may vse both the kindes seuerallie Qui manducat hunc panem viuet in aeternum Theophil in eadem verba Aug. li. de consensu Euangeli c. 25. ser in seria 2. illius diei Beda lib Comment in Lucam Petr. Damianus Card lib. de diuinis officijs 12. Christ also goinge to Emaus sittinge at the table did feede only the twoe disciples with breade alone and being perceaued in the breakinge of the bread did vanish awaye by which fraction or breakinge many holy fathers did vnderstande the Euchariste wherby wee may gather that the Euchariste was giuen vnto the laytie vnder one kinde vppon easter daye that is to say to Cleophas and to Lucke as many saie And although they were the disciples of Christe yet they were not priestes For at his last supper he did not saie to others then to the twelue Apostles these wordes Doe this in remembrance of me and vnto those disciples that went to Emaus he gaue onlie the bread without wine so vanished awaye Epistola Ephesios 13. S. Ignatius made mention but of one kinde to be giuen to the laytie Eruditi à paracleto c. Yow beinge instructed of the holly ghoast remaininge in true obedience to the Bishops priests which breake the bread vnto yow with due respecte and perfect deuotiō which is the medicine of mortalitie the onelie preseruatiue of life against death by Iesus Christ The blessed Sainte did not speake any thinge of the Chalice when the Pope goeth in any pilgrimadge or iourney he carries with him the blessed Sacramente but vnder one kinde Hier. in Apolog. pro libris contra Iouinianū S. Hierom doth reporte that it was the custome of the faithfull at Rome to haue our Lordes body at home in their houses because they did not presume to goe to the church beinge letted by coniugall societie which saith he I doe not commend or discommend S. Ambrose also doth reporte Ambr in orat funebrii de obitu fratris sui Satyr that his brother carried with him this dreadfull hoaste to sea and hauing suffred shipwreacke did by vertue of this blessed Sacrament escape drowninge the blood he did not carry beinge not soe conueniente for carriadge The Christians did in tyme past vse to carrie with them the Sacrament vnder one kinde least in their greatest danger of death they should not be releued of their greatest liuely ●oode S. Ambrose in the houre of his death did receaue the blessed Sacramente of the Bishopp of Vercell vnder one kinde Paulinus in vita eius as Paulinus doth reporte The like is also reported of S. Patronilla S. Hierome S. Martyn S. Benedict S. Lucia S. Francis of whome the histories make mention that in the time of their death they did communicate vnder one kinde Amphilogius wrote that when S. Basill did celebrate in the church a Iewe went to gaze and to behoulde the christians as they receaued the blessed hoast In vita S. Basil he ioyning himselfe with them sawe an infante diuidinge the hoast in the handes of S. Basill and soe came to all the communicantes as also to the said Iewe which whē he receaued the blessed bread was forthwith tourned into fleash and beinge astonished at this miracle he himselfe with his wife and children were made Christians 14. Euagrius a greeke historiographer and Nichephorus doe deliuer vnto vs that it was the aunciente custome in the church of Constantinople to giue vnto children such as went to schoole the relickes and fragments of the blessed hoaste if any were left after the comunicantes but it were great absurditie to giue the relickes of the chalice vnto them their tender age and weake disposition being not capable thereof soe it should be a great indecencie so keepe the same being in a short time subiect to corruption With these children vpō a certaine daie went a boy the sonne of a glass-maker who beinge asked of his father what he did with the
it it is found oute how such a footestoole of our Lord should be adored and worshipped and that wee doe not only not sinne in a●oringe and worshipping it but wee sinne in not adoringe and not worshippinge the sa●e Therfore when thow dost bowe downe and prostrate thie selfe vnto any such earth doe not behould it as earth but behould that holie one whose footestoole that is which thou doest adore and worshipp because for his sake thow dost adore worshipp it Aug. cont Iul. Pela lib. 1. Amb. de ijs qui misteriis initiantur cap. vlt. 12. S. Ambrose that blessed Bishopp of Millane of whome Sainct Augustine saith Veneror vt patrem in christo c. I reuerence him as a father for he through the ghospell in Christe Iesu begott me doth plainly confirme this truethe saying Ipse clamat Dominus Iesus Hoc est corpus meum c. Our Lord Iesus himselfe crieth This is my body before the benediction of those heauenly woordes another kinde of nature is named after consecration the bodie is signified or mentioned he himselfe called it his blood before consecration it is named an other thinge after consecration it is called blood And thow saidst therunto Amen that is to say it is trewe let thie inward minde confesse that which thie mouth speaketh and let thie affection thincke that which thy speech soundeth And in that chapter he saith But perchaunce yow will saie I see an other thinge with myne eyes how then doe yow tell me that I receaue the bodie of Christe this then remaineth yet by vs to be proued how many examples therfore doe wee vse to shewe that this is not that which nature formed but that which benediction consecrated And that the power of benediction is greater then the power of nature for so much as nature it selfe is changed Moises held in his hand a rodd he cast the same foorthe and it was made a serpent againe he tooke vpp the serpent by the taile and the same retourned to the nature of the rodde yow see then by the grace giuen to that prophett that nature both in the rodd and serpent was twice changed the riuers of Egipt rann with pure and cleane water blood sodainlie brake out from the springes and fountaines there was drinke to be hadd out of the riuers and at the prophetts prayers the blood of the riuers ceased the nature of the water retourned All the rest of the holie fathers and doctors that liued before these and such as came after doe confirme with one vniforme consent this sacred doctrine 13. S. Andrewe the apostle as Aloysius Lipomanes a moste graue and learned aucthor doth gather out of the approued aucthors when he was to be crucified said these wordes Ego omnipotenti Deo c. I doe daylie sacrifice to the omnipotent God the vnspotted lambe who beinge trulie sacrificed and his fleash also eaten of the people remaineth both sounde and aliue Ignat. ep ad Smyrnenses S. Ignatius which was disciple vnto S. Iohn the Euangeliste writing against the heretiques Symonianus and Menandrianus who as they denied the Incarnation of Christe soe they did alsoe denie the misterie of this blessed Sacrament Sic ait Eucharistias oblationes non admittunt quod non confiteantur Eucharistiam esse carnem saluatoris c. Soe they doe not admitt eucharistes and oblations because they doe not confesse the Euchariste to be the flesh of our Sauiour which flesh did suffer for our offences Theo dialog 3. which the Father accordinge to his benignitie hath raised vpp this place is cited by Theodoretus Tertull. lib. 2. ad vxorem in libro de Idolatria Tertulian also reprehending wicked priests exclaymeth against them sayinge Semel Iudei Christo manus intulerunt vos c. The Iewes did offer violence vnto Christe but so yow doe also violatt and handle his bodye moste irreuerentlie such irreuerent handes should be cutt of c. And how should he saie these wordes if he should thincke that in the Eucharist should be only the figure of Christs bodie So Orig. homil 13. in Exod. expoundinge the 25. of that booke homil 7. libr. numeri in caput Math. 26. Math. vbi sic legimus homil 7. Leuit. homil 9. in Leuit. concita in cap. 15. Matth. So Cyp. who suffred death Anno Domini 259. sermone de lapsis So Athanas who is citted of Theodoretus Theod. 2. Dialog Cyrillus Hieroso initio Cathechesis 4. mistagogice in tota ferè Cathechesi Greg. Nyss in lib. de vita Moysis So. S. Optatus Milleuitanus which did florish in sanctitie and learninge in one tyme with S. Ambrose Quid enim est tam sacrilegum what is more detestable then to destroie and defile the alter on which somtimes yow haue offred your selues in which the desires of the people and the members of Christe are carried and a little after what is the alter but the seat of the bodie and blood of Christe S. Naz. liuinge also in the same tyme Nazianz. oratione de Pascha absque confusione dubio c. without confusion and doubt we eare his bodie and drincke his bloode 14. S. Ephrem the familiar frinde of S. S. Hieron in Cathalogo scrip Basill of that authoritie that in the church after the scriptures his woorks were read as S. Hero doth wittnesse saith Quid scrutaris c. whie should yow search the inscrutable thinges of God if you curiously search them yow ought not to be accompted a faithfull christian but a curious companion be faithfull and innocent be pertaker of the vnspotted body of oure Lord and assured with a sounde faith that yow eate whole the lambe himselfe S Epiphanius which was a familier frinde of S. Athanasius doth compare the heretiques that denie Christs bodie to be in the Sacramente with Aesops dogge who hauinge a peece of flesh in his I●wes passinge ouer a riuer and behoulding the shadowe thereof in the water did let goe the trewe flesh striuinge by duckinge vnder the water to gett only the shadowe and soe he had neither the one nor the other soe the heretiques let ts goe the trewe flesh of Christe only for a figure and soe they haue neither benefitt by the one nor by the other Io. Diaco lib 2. vitae sanctit q. Sainct Gregorie as Ioannes Diaconus doth write did proue by a miracle that was don that the bread was turned into Christs fleshe Damascen which liued in the tyme of Leo the Imadge breaker in the yeare of our Lord God 740. saith Panis vinumique c. Bread wyne and water by the inuocation of the holy ghoste are supernaturally turned into the bodie and blood of Christe and they are not two but one and the selfe same thinge bread and wyne are not the figure of the bodie and blood of Christe God forbid but it is the selfe same bodie of our Lord deified Theophil in cap. Math. 26. Vnto this agreeth
walke not as the Gentiles walke ●n the vanitie of their sinne 1. Pet. 4.3 Rom. 1.21 hauinge their vnderstandinge obscured with darcknes alienated from the life of God by the ignorance that is in them who dispayringe haue giuen vpp themselues to impudicitie vnto the operation of all vncleannesse vnto auarice but you haue not soe learned Christ Lay you awaie accordinge to the old conuersation the old man which is corrupted accordinge to the desires of errour For before the catholique christian religion came into the world it was nothinge else then a dungeon full of all filth a denne of theeues and most wicked liuers a fayre or markett where there was nothing to be bought but all kind of crafte deceite diuilish inuentions a schoole where there was nothinge else to be learned but to lett loose the raynes to all voluptuous pleasures beastlie appetites and inhumane concupiscence of vnspeakeable and shamles impudicitie of beastiality and Sodomiticall riotousnes not only of the gentiles but also of the Iewes themselues Isa 35. who had the knowledge of God Therfore Isayas the prophett did compare the people of those ages with dragons serpents woolues lyons beares and Basilisks and for that cause he called the world at that tyme the land of wast dried sterrill without tyllage which was nothinge else then the denn of wilde beasts the caue of serpents the brothell howle and stewes of all filthie liuers but the christian religion and preachinge of Christs gospell not only by miracles but by the sanctitie and holines of the liues of the prechars did conuerte wolues into sheepe lyons into lambes serpents into doues and wilde fruitles trees into most florishinge braunches bearinge euerlastinge fruicte as the said prophett said that there should be a tyme that the desert should be translated into a pleasant orchard and the drie withered soyle voyde of trees or hearbes into a place of pleasure which doe signifie by this comparison the pulchritude and the beautie of the sanctitie of such as should florish in the world by the christian catholique religion and the true preachinge of his religious ghospell and soe the sonne of God did appeare that he should dissolue the the works of the diuill Iob. 1. Ioh. 3. which he hath done by his owne passion and death as also by the preachinge and vertuous life of his seruaunts 9. If any man will knowe further of this matter lett him reade ecclesiasticall historis which doe treate of the same relating the liues of the holie Sainctes and fathers which liued in the wildernes and the Chronicles of the holy orders of religion where he shall haue aboundante stoare of holy Bishoppes Confessors and Virgins which haue crucified their flesh with the vice and concupiscence thereof innumerable store of blessed Moncks whereof some liued in their conuents some other segregated and estranged from humanie societie where they liued rather like angells then like men whosoeuer I say shall reade ouer the liues of these people written by the best wyttnesses that euer were he shal there behold howe they haue spent whole nightes in deuoute prayers aswell vocall as mentall without sleepe hauinge noe other bedd then the earthe He shall see that the Cells of these fathers were soe narrowe that they should seeme rather sepulchers then Cells In vita S. Paul Eremitae He shall vnderstand that many of them had noe other meate then bread and salt with water and with Rootes of hearbes that as Saint Hierom writes to tast of any thinge boiled vpon the fire was counted riotuousnes he shall perceaue such pouertie in their attire that it cannot be more such was their recollection and retired life wherein they were estranged from all inordinat affection and passion in which they vsed such wonderfull mortification as they would not suffer their neerest in blood to approach vnto thē What should I declare their constant abidinge and perseuerance in continuall prayers without wearines their spiritual exercise without loathsomnes their discomfortable sollitarines without gruding hauinge noe other company then that of wilde beasts vglie serpents and fierce lyons which with a confident hope fixed in God they tamed and ouercame This life was so admirable and soe supernaturall as they without supernaturall helpe and grace of God could not endure it What should I speake of their constant sufferinge of all kinde of exquisitt and cruell torments how many battells they fought howe gloriouslie they haue triumphed ouer the world and the diuill and all their wicked instruments and ministers 10. When our Sauiour gaue vs a caueat of false prophetts Matt. 7. he gaue vs noe other token to discerne them then by their fruicts and woorks Doe men saith he gather grapes of thornes or figgs of thistles euen so euerie good tree yeldeth good fruicts and the euill tree yeldeth euill fruicte Are not you those false prophetts whose religion is most false in asmuch as noe good fruicte came euer into the world by it noe reformation of our manners noe amendment of our liues noe mortification of our passions noe restraint of our filthie appetites noe motiue or impulsiue meāes that should stirr vs vpp vnto any deuotion but rather giuinge vs all libertie to dissolution and to all wanton exercise Haue you not taken awaie all the Euangelicall Councells of our Sauiour in his ghospell Haue you not forbidden all vowes and votaries all Sacraments and sacrifice Haue you not quite abolished confession of our sinnes inward contrition in our harte and externall satisfaction and restitution outwardlie charitie from our harte and mercie from our workes pietie from our soules and humilitie from our spiritt and consequentlie all consolatiō from our aflicted consciences with the damnable libertie of your wanton and lasciuious ghospell as is auouched by the cheefest professors thereof For after this manner doth Smidline speake Vt totus mundus cognoscat eos non esse papistas nec bonis operibus quidquam fidere c. That all the world may knowe that they be not papists neither that they care for good works they exercise none at all And hauinge reckened infinite wickednesse of them this kinde of life they say the ghospell hath taught thē thus he Erasmus in his epistle ad Neocomum saith Profer mihi c. Episto Eras ad Neocomū 1529. Tell me I pray thee what man was euer made any thinge the bettter by that ghospell was there any epicure or gurmandizer made sober or temperate or any vnchast or shamlesse fellowe become chast or honest or cruell made gentle or extortioner persuaded to become liberall or the cursed to become blessed but I car shewe you many made worse then themselues 11. Luther the roote of all these Rugamuffines hath these wordes Luth. in postilla s●per 1. Dominic aduentus mundus indies fit deterior c. The world saith he is euerie daye worse and worse now men are more greedie of reuenge more couetous more remote from all mercie more immodest
of whome they suspected noe such guyle he hauing promised them their libertie yet he sent souldiers in their absence to their chambers and as they returned from supper were intertained with the bloodie edge of their swordes and soe against faith and promise and after paying their rāsome they were inhumanly murthered In the cittie of Montbris the Barron of Adrett caused many catholiques to be cast headlong from the topp of a high Turett and caused also souldiers to attend their miserable fall and to entertaine them with the pointes of their pikes 7. Such was the impudencie and barbarousnes of a certaine hugonott that he did weare a chaine about his necke of the eares of priests shewed the same to the chiefest captaines of the hugonittes They did ripp the bellie of a certaine priest and tooke out his bowells in steede whereof they putt oates to serue their horse for a maunger The heretiques of the cittie of Neemes in Languedoc did cast a great number of catholiques into a mightie deepe and large well of that cittie and haue filled the same twise with mens bodies halfe dead Iames Socius a wicked pirate who obtaininge letters patentes of Ioan Alberte Queene of Nauare which they call letters of mart sayling towardes the Iles of Madera and Canaria mett with a shipp of Portingall goinge towardes America which he pursued and tooke In which there were 40. of the fathers of the societie of Iesus who were sent to the Prouince of Brazill to instruct them in Christian religion but the wicked and cruell Tyrant like a deuouring woolfe seased vppon these poore religious people whome he massacred and after dismembring of them of some he cutt a legg of othersome an arme and soe he cast them all into the sea 8. Lastly Anno 1567. in the Carthusian monasterie which they call Burfowtaine in the diocesse of Suesse 5. mounks of that blessed order were murthered by the heretiques that came to robb that monasterie Iohn Motto proctor thereof a most vertuous priest Iohn Megnē priest Iohn Aurill priest Benedict Lenes lay brother and Theobald priest All these that I speake of neuer tooke weapons against them but most patientlie endured martirdome at their handes But if I should speake of soe manny as were put to most cruell death and were kild in al the Prouinces of Fraunce citties and townes thereof and such that were betrayed by thē I should make an infinitt volume but I cannot omitt that worthie and inuincible Prince Frauncis of Lorraine Duke of Gwise whose murther was plotted by Beza and executed by Poltrott These and the like examples ought to moue good christians to beware of these people 9. Before the firie and furious concupiscence of king Henry the 8. who caused that vnfortunat deuorce betwixt him and h●s vertuous Queene Katherine there was no realme in Europe more opulent and more abundant in all things then the kingdome of England no kingdome more peaceable at home and more glorious and prosperous abroad no king so victorious and t●iumphant ouer his enimies as he no courte so magnificent or so plawsible being full of cheerfull shewes and replenished with an vniuersall triumph ioy and exaltation the king liued in securitie without feare of forraine princes abroad or treason or conspiracy of his subiectes at home betwixt the one and the other there was interchangeable good offices aswell of a princely bountifulnesse towardes the subiectes as of a dutifull subiection towardes the prince the king possessed the hearts of his subiects they againe enioye the loue of their Prince But when he violated and dissolued the in dissoluble knott bond of matrimonie which no power in earth was able to disioyne as our Sauiour saith by this separation and diuorce Matt. 19. he separated himselfe also from Gods church all thinges were subuerted and turned topsy turuie all was filled which feares and suspitions at home with warres and diuisions a broad and with continuall frights and stranges allarmes of attempts and garboyles aswell in the court as in the countrie The treasures were exhausted the subiects impourished religion suppressed religious howses dissolued the vertuous oppressed the wicked aduanced and exalted the nobilitie condemned and beheaded and their goods confiscated and all vertuous people were fedd and sustained Pane lachrymarum aqua augustiae with the bread of mourning and teares and with the water of anguish and paine so as whatsoeuer the prophett Hieremy spake of Hierusalem may be applied to England after its apostacy The flourishing nation saith he is like a poore widdow Hier. c. 1. that wailes at night and her teares rune downe by her checkes her priests doe waile her virgins do complaine and she is euerie where oppressed her nobilitie are suppressed and many of her people ouerpressed with vnsufferable miseries and callamities Facti sunt hostes eius in capite eius inimici eius locupletati sunt Her enimies are promoted into her highest promotions and her aduersaries made riche by her spoyles Know yee and behold how distastfull it is to forsake God and nott to haue his feare before your eyes A seculo consregisti iugum Domini thow hast bracken and cast off godes yoake euen from the beginninge thy swoord deuoured the prophets quasi leo ● astator generatio vestra a destroieng lion is your generation And as King Henry the 8. himselfe said in this booke against Luther Eos qui pelluntur gremio matris Ecclesiae stat in furijs corripi atque agitari demonibus Such as are expulsed and thrust out of the bosome of our mother the Church are foorthwith ouercharged with the furious and raginge flames of hellish spirits and vanquished which diuills which assertion I would to God it had not bene verified of him that said it nor sutable to the purpose wherunto the same is applied But England to their great cost by experience knoweth this to be trew howsoeuer otherwise they dissemble it 6. But to retourne to him that applied the same against Luther the stroake did rebo●nd and reflect vppon his owne neck Anno Domini 1533 Regni eius 24. for being excommunicated by Clemens 7. for putting away his married wife and for marrieng Anne Bullen tradidit se as the Apostle saith impudicitiae Ephes 4. in operem immunditia omnis in auaritiam he yelded himselfe ouer to impudicitie to the exercise of all vncleanesse couetuousnes he caused himselfe to be decreed by perleamēt head of the church made it high treason in him that would not sweare precisely in his conscience this to be trew where many worthy personages both ecclesiasticall and lay people for refusing this oath or otherwise resisting it some were burned aliue as father Foster of the order of saint Frauncis Queene Cathrins confessor other some were beheaded as doctor Fisher-Bishopp of Rochester and Sr. Thomas Moore L. Chancler of England and may others were hanged drawen and quartered Yea he condemned the whole cleargie in a premunire which afterwardes they