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A65858 The contemned Quaker and his Christian religion defended against envy & forgery in answer to two abusive invective pamphlets, the one stiled Antichrist in spirit unmasked, the other Railings and slanders detected, promoted by some persons commonly called Anabaptists at Deptford in Kent who have unwarily begun the contest. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1692 (1692) Wing W1919; ESTC R26354 39,076 98

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of proving the Charge That G. F. takes the Name to himself he alledges That G. F. is so charged in the Lancaster Petition G. F. is so charged with taking to himself the Name of the Eternal Judge of Quick and Dead Though here E. P. misses again He is there charged That he professeth himself to be the Eternal Judge of the World And who did so charge him But his Persecuting Adversaries in Lancashire whose Charge he denies in the very Title of his Answer thereunto as well as in the Matter viz. The Answer of George Fox to the Matters falsly charged upon him by the Petition and Scedule aforesaid Now Edward Paye mayest thou not be ashamed to make that thy positive Charge to Defame a Person which thou hast but upon Trust from his Adversaries without taking notice of his Defence Was this Justice or any Judicial Course of Passing Judgment before both Parties are heard thinkest thou It seems thou art as Censorious as Credulous to defame others And how knowest thou the Lancaster Petitioners were Men of Credit and Repute that thou shouldest have more Reason to believe the Affirmative of so many than G. F 's Negative And why wast thou so positive in thy Charge as if thou hadst spoken ex certa scientia when now thou art put to it to plead the Credit of thy Authors and for the Reason of thy Belief of their Defamation Now who can think sayest thou that such a Number of Men should agree together in Charging G. Fox with a Falshood Although it is well known that 't is no New nor strange Thing for False Witnesses to arise and joyn together against the Innocent as they did against the Prophets against Christ and his Servants See Psal. 27.12 Matt. 26.60 Act. 6.13 And we have sufficient Instance thereof at Hand How apparent is it that Edward Paye and his Brother William Alcott c. and those that have approved of the Writing and Publication of E. P's Malicious Book stiled Antichrist in Spirit have agreed together as False Witnesses against us in their manifold notorious and gross Falshoods to Defame the People called Quakers That the Quakers do not own the Kingly Office of Christ that Dyed at Jerusalem no more no nor so much neither as the Kingly Office of G. Fox pag. 47 48. We utterly deny this Charge as contrary to our very Intentions and professed Principle The Matter is farther examined hereafter That they deny the Place where Christ our Highpriest is entred which is the Heavens Heb. 4.14 The Quakers deny Christ to be entred into the Glorious Heavens above p. 49. This is a notorious Falshood detected elswhere They deny the Blood of the Sacrifice Christ our High Priest offered upon the Cross and scornful Contempt they have cast upon it p. 50. The Lord who knows the contrary rebuke this Envious Lying Spirit How can they deny the Blood when they have owned it to be a principal Part of that Sacrifice offered for an Attonement The Quakers cannot believe the Priestly or Mediatory Office of Christ because they have no need of a Mediator If they are Perfect c. what need have they of the Mediatory Office of Christ p. 51. This Charge is falsly deduced for our sincerely believing a Perfection without Sin attainable by the Power of Christ in this Life this cannot oppose Christ's Mediatory Office 1. Because 't is by him that we attain unto that Perfection 2. 'T is by him that we must be kept in it 3. It is through him that we enjoy Life Union and Peace with God and receive all our Spiritual Blessings In Christ Jesus See Parnel 's Shield of Truth p. 12. where he calls Water-Baptism a Formal imitation and Invention of Men and so a meer Delusion p. 59. No He does not call Water Baptism so but sprinkling Infants for in the Place cited he saith I received Water upon my Face as my Parents told me which they called Baptism So that J. P. does not call it Baptism no more did the Baptists heretofore Smith's Primmer p. 39. Thy Baptism Bread and Wine rose from the Pope's Invention p. 59. Again the Charge is made far worse in E. P's recital of it viz. Thy Bread and Wine in the Lord's Supper are the Pope's Invention See how barefacedly they can lye against the Truth p. 71. I find William Smith wronged in both these Charges and that very grossly in being charged for writing That Bread and Wine in the Lord's Supper are the Pope's Invention This is a notorious Forgery for what William Smith renders the Pope's Invention was Sprinkling Water in a Child's Face making the Sign of the Cross in it's Forehead Godfathers and Godmothers to undertake for it Bread and Wine so used and received i.e. by a Sort of Priests and People as the Body and Blood of Christ which they tell them is Broken and shed for them and did not these rise from the Pope's Invention trow ye In opposition to our Belief and Profession of Christ's Merits and Work for the Salvation of Man our Envious Adversaries endeavour to fasten some strange Inconsistencies upon us or Absurdities as I may call them as perversly Stated and Construed by them quite contrary to our said Profession and to insinuate that our Belief of Redemption and Salvation by Christ is neither Redemption of Body nor Soul but only of a lost God and Christ p. 41 42. which are very Foul and Notorious Perversions and Falshoods One Instance E.P. gives is against G.F. about the Soul that it is part of God without Beginning or End and then it needs no Redemption for God did not send his Son to Redeem himself p. 41. This gross Perversion was Thomas Hicks's and now taken upon Credit by these too credulous Anabaptists E. P. W. A. c. But did G. F. say That the Soul of the Creature Man was part of God or of his being without Beginning or End No sure but that Divine Breath or Spirit which God Breathed into Man whereby Man became a Living Soul Wherein is a plain Distinction between that Divine Breath or Spirit of God and the Creature Man or his created Soul as may be seen more at large in G. F's Great Mystery quoted where he speaks of the Soul of Man being in Death in Transgression so Man's Spirit there not Sanctified and declares Christ the Bishop of the Soul Great Mystery p. 91. which therefore needs Redemption by Christ which cannot be said of God or Christ himself that he Needs or Wants Redemption what Gross and Silly Nonsense would that be to affirm These Adversaries may be ashamed of such gross Perversion and Abuse as their thus rendring the Quakers to confound the Being of the Creator and the Creature as if they were one and the same Being Another Instance is against G. Keith Speaking of Christ That he came to Save that which was Lost in Man's Heart and after speaking of Christ's Ministers
the Prophets and Apostles did for something commanded in Scripture is and may be truly in it self a Duty for all but cannot be truly understood nor performed without the Assistance and Guidance of the Holy Spirit and that Spirit will not be wanting to assist in both as truly heeded 5. I never knew our Friends the Quakers so called deny the Resurrection of the Just and Unjust though probably your gross Sense thereof but we have only pleaded for the Spiritual Celestial and Glorious Bodies in the Resurrection as far excelling the Natural Earthly and Corruptible Bodies and sincerely believing the Holy Scriptures in that Case Luke 20.35 36. Joh. 5.28 1 Cor. 15. Hosea 13.14 Phil. 3.20 6. I never knew our Friends the People called Quakers deny the Body of Christ that suffered to be raised from the Grave or Sepulchre but divers declare their Belief to the contrary namely That his Flesh saw no Corruption or did not Corrupt but rose again the Third Day and that Christ in the same Body Ascended into Heaven yea also that he ascended far above All Heavens that he might fill all things 7. As to that Point of your Water-Baptism and your Bread and Wine you must excuse us we are not yet satisfied that they are Gospel-Ordinances and to continue always in Force under the Gospel and New Covenant-Dispensation being a Dispensation of Substance and not of Shadows nor do we believe that you Baptists have any immediate Call from Heaven to Baptize People in Water nor that your observing Breaking of Bread or Drinking of Wine can properly be called the Lord's Supper either in the Figure or in the Substance yet we do not Despise or Contemn either Water-Baptism or Breaking of Bread as we are falsly accused as once practised nor as observed by such now as are Conscientious therein from a Belief that 't is their Duty to observe the same we charitably think they mean well therein but wish they might more mind and partake of the Substance both as to the Spiritual Baptism and the Bread of Life from Heaven for their poor Souls Relief and Safety in Christ the Substance 8. We never held that pernicious Tenet of Believing That no Blessedness is to be enjoyed by the Saints after Death as is most unjustly insinuated against us from Suggestions grossly false p. 9. and elswhere detected 9. We never denyed Justification by Christ's Works Righteousness and Merits much less call it a Doctrine of Devils as we are most horridly belied p. 9. as is clearly evinced 10. We are not ashamed to say and affirm That Christ is the Light of the World and that he is that True Light that enlightens every Man coming into the World and that God is our Light and our Salvation and is not this Divine Light within think ye Doth not both God and Christ in some degree appear within to be known within suppose ye else how should that which may be known of God be manifest within seeing there 's no knowledg of God but by Christ 11. And as to Billingsgate Complements charg'd and for Moderate and Mild Treatment of our Antagonists The truth on 't is the former I like not but the latter I am truly for Moderation and Mildness even in treating Antagonists if they are any whit Treatable Rational or Fair Opponents But if I find an opposing Adversary guilty of Envy Lying Forgeries gross Perversions Wresting and Turning my Words to a contrary Sense than they naturally import or ever was intended by me then I hope I may tell and shew him his evil and injurious Work and justly reprehend him for the same and yet I not be justly deem'd guilty of Billingsgate Complements or Rhetorick either for I can make no better of a gross Lye or Forgery than 't is nor give it a better Character than it deserves or that lying Spirit from whence it comes which I have plentifully met with in Edw. Paye's Works of Envy against us for which I think he justly deserves to be paid off by just Reprehension And of his mild Treatment you may hear anon To excuse his envious and scornful Story from our Persecuting Adversaries the Westmorland Petitioners about Sorcery cited in his other Pamphlet against the Meetings of the People called Quakers p. 7 8. Antichrist in Spirit Now E. P. saith viz. For my part I have seen them Quake and Foam at the Mouth besides several that have been Eye and Ear-Witnesses of it Railings p. 10. But neither tells us the Persons nor in what Meeting or what Place he saw them in both those Postures nor who else besides himself were the Eye and Ear-Witnesses thereof And what reason have we to believe his Testimony any more in this than in many other notorious Falshoods And Corrupt Notions and Deceivable Gestures p. 11. he hath not proved against us But instead of Proof is now fain to beg Questions and come to his Supposition viz. Suppose you formerly used to Quake Tremble Roar Swell and Foam at the Bull and Mouth in London the Westmorland Petitioners may say true c. p. 11. See how faintly he comes off for those Westmorland Petitioners and their Story to render us odious As for Quaking and Trembling I ask him If these be the Deceivable Gestures which he accuseth us of And as to Roaring Swelling and Foaming which he would fain Insinuate against us I neither know nor remember these Gestures among our Friends at the Bull and Mouth Meeting or elsewhere in London ever since I knew the Meeting in that place which has been above 34 Years E. P. grants Christ present in Spirit but the reason of Fasting his being personally taken from them into the glorious Heavens above beyond the Stars and they obliged to Prayer and Fasting c. till his second personal Coming p. 15. Whereas Christ assigned another cause of Prayer and Fasting even when personally present with his Disciples for the casting out the unclean Spirit Mark 9.29 and the Apostles approving themselves Ministers in Watchings in Fastings by Pureness c. 2 Cor. 6.5 was not because of Christ's personal or outward absence And as for your being obliged to Prayer and Fasting 'till Christ's second personal coming I do not believe you 'l fast so long G. W. denies not Quaking and Trembling quoth E. P. p. 16. And what then Was that all the Instance the Westmorland Petitioners were brought for Does that prove either Sorcery or a Diabolical Spirit Swellings or Foamings in our Meetings as they insinuated or deceivable Gestures as he has accused us Where proves he Quaking and Trembling without exception deceivable Gestures Or so called in Scripture Pag. 18. E. P. I have it 's true examin'd the Quakers Appeal by way of Charge against Tho. Hicks wherein they charge him with Lies and Slanders and Forgeries And I have perused Mr. Hicks 's Answer to their Appeal where Mr. Hicks clears himself both of Lies and Forgery I find his Answer to their Appeal subscribed