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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65229 The papists younger brother, or, The vileness of Quakerism detected as it hath been printed and published by themselves : and an appendix of the Quakers unsound faith, which is also gathered out of their own printed books / by Misoplanes and Philalethes. Misoplanes.; Philalethes. 1679 (1679) Wing W1031; ESTC R28383 121,068 189

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darkness and delusion of Antichrist both Priests and people your leaders cause you to err by their lyes you are lost for want of true knowledg only differing from the heathen in name and profession Pr. Pr. These quaking-lines serve to tell us that this quaking-watcher hath seen a base vision concerning the true Christian Religion and the Church of England in particular according to this brain-sick Quaker there hath been in the whole world no true profession of the Gospel since the Apostles days behold a black mark is set by this Quaker upon all Christians since that time to speak this Quakers mind more fully in all ages of the Christian Church since the Apostles days instead of Christ Antichrist hath reigned over the world under a Gospel-profession instead of true Gospel-light he saith there hath been only a long time of cruel darkness and ignorance as for the Lord this Quaker saith he hath been a long time ever since the Apostles days as a stranger in the earth behold according to this Quaker there hath been no true Christianity nothing but Antichristianism cruel darkness and ignorance and estrangedness from the Lord in all ages of the Christian Church ever since the Apostles days now let us proceed this Quaker is still bold to tell us that ever since the Apostles days all the believing on God or Christ hath been nothing else but an unprofitable looking at him as a God afar off in the Heavens without they knew not where according to this Quaker you may perceive that there have been no truly faithful Christians in the world since the Apostles days to speak this Quakers mind ever since the Apostles days they were only vain believers who said they believed that that was the Christ that died at Jerusalem rose again sits at the right hand of God c. who thus believing were baptized with water and called Christians behold how by this Quaker believing in Christ that died c. is slighted and likewise the baptizing of those Christians who did so believe in Jesus Christ in effect all this is lookt upon by this Quaker to be a pitiful piece of Christianity as for the Scripture this Quaker saith that was the Letter whereof these called Christians were the keepers which they took for their rule according to this Quakers mind the Scripture hath been the mistaken rule of all Christians to walk by ever since the Apostles days as for any Commentaries written upon the Scriptures since the Apostles days this Quaker saith they were but their own meanings and imaginations behold how all Expositors of the holy Scriptures both ancient and modern are basely asperst by this Quaker their Expositions have been no more but their own meanings and imaginations obtruded on the Scripture As for Infant-baptism used in all ages of the Christian Church this Quaker like an Anabaptist saith there is no Scripture nor example for it that it is in vain called an Ordinance of Christ then saith this Quaker that is in the reign of Antichrist they had their two Sacraments but without any Scripture-warrant for the word Sacraments as for the Sacrament of the Lords Supper this Quaker calls it only carnal bread and wine thus in the reign of Antichrist this Quaker saith the Church was planted in England and other places behold according to this Quaker both the Church of England and other particular Churches planted since the Apostles days in any part of the world are all under the dominion of Antichrist their baptism with water is no Ordinance of Christ the Lords Supper is only carnal bread and wine both Sacraments without Scripture-warrant but mark what follows Then that is in the reign of Antichrist in the long time of cruel darkness in the time of the Lords absence from the earth were as this Quaker saith Bishops set up and Archbishops Deans Priests Deacons Popes the Bishops bearing rule by their Means Priests preaching for hire Behold how this Quaker gives us a distinct sound of the Antichristian Hierarchy which hath continued since the Apostles dayes Thus according to this Quaker in all Centuries of the Christian Church since the Apostles days not Christ but Antichrist hath set up his Kingdom under the profession of the Gospel thus the Christian Church hath since those days had no Ecclesiastical Governours but such as were Antichristian thus all Bishops Archbishops Deans Priests Deacons as well as Popes have been in this Quakers account Antichristian for above sixteen hundred years by-past being masked under a vain profession of the Gospel Then that is when Antichrist reigned Tythes saith this Quaker came up contrary to any rule of the Gospel behold how Tythes are made by this Quaker to be Antichristian too a maintenance contrary to the Gospel Then that is in the Reign of Antichrist Universities saith this Quaker were set up to make Ministers or Priests behold Universities by this Quaker are all made to be so many Antichristian Schools thus according to this Quaker after an Antichristian manner were Priests set up by the will and tradition of men as the false Prophets always were of old then in the foresaid reign of Antichrist University-Priests had their long robes like the Pharisees according to this Quaker Ministers habits are both Antichristian and Pharisaical then that is when Antichrist reigned Idols Temples called Churches or houses of God were set up according to this Quaker all publick places consecrated and set apart for Gods publick Worship are neither the material Churches or Houses of God but Idols Temples and Antichristian too then that is in the reign of Antichrist the Priests got into their Pulpits the chiefest places in the Synagogues being proudly called of men Master Doctor according to this Quakers mind Pulpits for Priests are become Antichristian too and the Antichristian Priests are got into them like so many Scribes being proud Masters and Doctors having the uppermost rooms at feasts and greetings in the market like the old Pharisees Scribes and hypocrites then that is in the reign of Antichrist began to speak this Quakers mind the Ecclesiasticall thieves who stole the Apostles words as the false Prophets did who took a verse and studied from it a divination of their own brain just as the Priests do now they run like the false Prophets according to this Quaker ever since the Apostles days all Gods Priests have been thieves like the false Prophets preaching a divination of their own brain like false Prophets running without God sending them then that is in the reign of Antichrist thorough covetousness they made merchandize of the people with feigned words like wolves upon sheep they preyed upon the people they sought about for great livings for fat benefices they ran from a lesser to a bigger living the beloved which they sought for like the false Prophets they sought for the fleece not regarding the flock they cried peace to them that put into their mouths they prepared war sued lawed those that did not feed them
service which God rejects Q. p. 35. Q. Numb 43 Ch. And is not their singing an acceptable service for they that can sing praises are in a good condition Fath. But they have David's words put into Meeter by Hopkins and Sternhold and given them forth as they were David's condition and the drunkard and the swearer and the lyar sing together who know nothing of David's condition and so they sing lyes in Hypocrisie which is not a right service nor accepted of God Pr. Pr. According to this Quakers hard measure our singing of Psalms in the time of Divine-service is as bad as our Preaching and Praying it 's not a right service nor accepted of God observe well for want of a Psalm after the Quaking mode our singing of David's Psalms in Meeter is a despised service for this reason we can make no right melody in our hearts to the Lord like so many fools we do not rightly understand what we sing the Quakers to the shame of true Christianity are they only who sing with the spirit and with understanding when their spirit moves on their waters as for the Ministers and people of the Church of England we are sensual not having the spirit like those that sing Ballads other mens words we do only sing David's words put into Meeter by Hopkins and Sternhold To mount the baseness of Quakerism aloft the singing of Psalms at Court in the Kings-Chappel in the City and Country in Cathedrals and Parish Churches is according to these Quaking-lines a very prophane piece of service for here the drunkard and swearer and lyar sing together who know nothing of David's condition thus in singing Psalms we do nothing else but sing lyes in hypocrisie if this be not a base lying charge drawn up by this Quaker against the known practise of the Church of England let the unbyassed Reader judg Q. p. 36. Q. Numb 44 Ch. I would know father how it is with those things called Ordinances as Baptism and Bread and Wine which are much used in their worship Fath. Why child as to those things they rose from the Popes invention who hath had power in the night of Apostacy and hath set up his devices which are yet continued in England and the whole practice of those things as they use them had their institution by the Pope and were never so ordained of Christ for he did not ordain sprinkling water in a childs face neither did he ordain bread and wine to be so used and received and the wine is another of the Popes inventions who hath invented a silver cup and pours wine into it and then the Priest gives it to the people and tells them that is the blood of Christ that is shed for them when it is wine and not blood and gives them bread and tells them that is the body of Christ that is broken for them when people neither discern the body nor the blood of Christ and so eat and drink damnation to themselves true Baptism child is in the spirit which baptizeth into one body the true meat and drink is the body and blood of Christ which the worthy receiver feeds upon in his heart so that these things be false and not to be regarded by the true Christians who live in the spirit who is the substance Pr. Pr. This Quaker hath given us a long chase in the pursuit we have quite lost Baptism and the Lords-Supper as to their right use in the Church of England as for those things called Ordinances as Baptism Bread and Wine which are much used in our publick worship this Quaker doth boldly say they rose from the Popes invention in the night of Apostacy they were conceived and brought forth they are only devices of the Popes setting up they are continued yet in England as the Pope left them nay further this Quaker doth basely add that the whole practice of those things called Ordinances as baptism and bread and wine as we use them had their institution by the Pope they were never so ordained of Christ behold is not this rake-shame stuff is it of the Spirit of God to affirm that Baptism the Lords-Supper rose from the Popes invention who before this Quaker did term them devices of the Popes setting up is it not high base to say as this Quaker doth that the whole practise of Baptism and the Lords-Supper as we use them have their institution by the Pope that they were never so ordained of Christ according to this Quakers wild assertions is it not very plain that we baptize in the Popes name and receive bread and wine only according to the Popes institution how doth this Quaker in a ridiculous manner assert that Baptism is only sprinkling water in a child face which Christ did never ordain who can read this consident ignorance without blushing Is it not another base boldness to say that neither did Christ ordain bread and wine to be so used and received as they are in the Church of England except this deluded Quaker who hath said that the wine is another of the Popes inventions risum teneatis amici who can but laugh this Baals Prophet to scorn or rather who can but pity his great ignorance the rest of his discourse is a confused Chaos surely his hasty spirit was not at leisure to digest it better only let this be noted that this Quaker owns no other baptism but that which is in the spirit which certainly is no Scripture-baptism As for the Sacrament of the Lords-Supper there is in this Quakers eye no such thing for the body and blood of Christ is as he tells us the true meat and drink but bread and wine in the Lords-Supper are not so these things i. e. baptism bread and wine according to this Quakers mind are false things not to be regarded by true Christians who live in the spirit according to the sense of this Quaking-father all Quakers are those true Christians who do so live in the spirit as that they are above Baptism and the Lords Supper these are those false things which are not regarded by them may it not be truly said Alas poor despised Church of England how low art thou fallen What 's become of thy two Sacraments which are generally necessary to salvation Art thou now beholding to the Popes invention for them How are Christs own Ordinances now made to be the Popes devices In baptizing and receiving the Lords Supper what is the whole practice but according to the Popes institution Did thine Husband the Lord Jesus Christ ever ordain Baptism and the Lords Supper so as thou usest them Why dost thou receive bread and wine according to Christs institution did he ever ordain bread and wine to be so used and received Dost thou not know that the wine in the Cup is another of the Popes inventions Dost thou not consider that Baptism and the Lords Supper are two falshoods How far art thou from true Christianity from living in the spirit