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A44559 A plain discourse shewing how we are to walk after the Lord's Supper necessary for every communicant. From I Col. 10. That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing. Being the substance of several sermons preached to a congregation in Hatton-Garden. By John Horsman, an unworthy servant of Jesus Christ. Horsman, John, fl. 1698. 1698 (1698) Wing H2871A; ESTC R219052 49,125 155

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Damnation to themselves when Persons in their eating and drinking at this Table look no farther than at what presents its self to the eye of the Body at the outward signs and Elements only not discerning the broken Body and the shed Blood of Christ to be wrapped up in them and represented by them Putting no difference between the Sacramental Bread and Wine and common bread and wine putting no difference between the Body and Blood of Christ and the body and blood of a meer Man Between Bread Representing the Body of Christ and bread the ordinary staff of Life Between Wine as representing the Blood of Christ and Wine that is the ordidary Cordial and refreshment to the natural Spirits Why such a person when he cats and drinks at this Table eats and drinks unworthily not discerning the Lord's Body Eats the Bread and drinks the Wine but doth not cat the Body and Blood of Christ spiritually And well may he be said to eat and drink unworthily because by thus eating and drinking he violates in those outward Signs and Elements the honour and regard due to the Majesty and Glory and Merit of the Lord Jesus Christ Now Faith is that eye which pierceth through the Clouds and Shadows of the outward Signs and Elements to those Heavenly great and glorious Mysteries in and beyond them even Christ's Body broken and his Blood shed for us Christ's Sweating drops of Blood in the Garden and dying a Painful Shameful and Accursed Death upon the Cross Faith eyes the great and wonderful Mysteries that are in this Death and the great Benefits slowing from thence to Believers Faith gives us a discerning of these things in the Supper not a Speculative discerning but a Spiritual and Practical apprehension of them such as stirreth up sutable reverence and holy Affections as if we had seen him hang bleeding upon the Cross Sweating under that load and burden of Divine Wrath and Displeasure due to the sins of the Elect World which he bare the least of which would have broken the back of the Whole Creation to have stood under it Many a Man may be able to Discourse very well and understandingly about these Great Mysteries of the Supper To tell what is the meaning of the Bread and what the meaning of the Wine is that have no Spiritual discerning but is meerly the Fruit of an Historical Faith or Tradition that is current in the Age or Country he lives in But Faith gives a Spiritual Discerning such a sight and sense of these great Mysteries as doth impress an holy dread and a we upon the Soul and an holy rejoycing and delighting in the Soul So that upon this account we see what great need there is of Faith in our Receiving and Partaking of this Supper Again There is great need of Faith and work for Faith in this Ordinance to reconcile us to the meanness and despicableness as to outward appearance of this as well as other Ordinances of Christ Ordinances are simple in appearance and therefore the Creature is ready to carp at them It is a Saying of one Nihil adeo offendit hominum mentes ac simplicitas divinorum operum c. There is nothing doth so much offend the Minds of Men as the Simplicity of God's Ordinances As in Baptism there is but a little common Water And what can this do to cleanse the Soul from Sin So in the Lord's Supper there is but a little Morsel of Bread and a small Draught of VVine a poor Feast to a Carnal Man Carnal and corrupted Reason is greatly prejudiced stumbled and offended at so mean and despicable an appearance Therefore see the need of Faith and the Great Work for Faith in this Ordinance How mean and despicable soever these may seem as to out ward appearance yet they are high and Mysterious Instruments of our Peace Growth and Comfort And altho' Carnal Sense and Corrupted Reason cannot see it yet Faith doth How mean soever as to outward appearance these may seem yet Faith eyes the Institution and Blessing that goes along with them And where the Institutions of Christ are attended with his own Blessing there Ordinances though never so simple in appearance yet shall become effectual for producing great Effects and for obtaining high and glorious Ends. Lastly There is great need of Faith and Work for Faith in this Ordinance for a real and close application of those great Benefits and Mysteries that are represented to us and discerned by us in this Ordinance Faith is not only the Spiritual eye of the Soul whereby we discern Christ Crucifyed and the Mysteries and Merits and Benefits of his Death in this Supper Vailed under the outward Signes and Ellements but it is also the Spiritual hand of the Soul whereby we take Christ his Merits and Benefits offered and tendered to us in this Supper and apply to our own Souls benefit comfort and advantage Of what advantage will the finest dainties be that can possibly be provided for nourishment and refreshment if not fed upon and digested by us Or the most excellent Medicine that ever was compounded Of what advantage will it be to a Sick Person for Health and Recovery if he do not take it and apply it So of no more avail or advantage would Christ be and all his excellent Benefits to us in this Ordinance without a real and close application of them to our own Souls unless taken and received fed upon and digested and this must be the work of Faith to take and eat to take and drink VVhat Bread and VVine only no these are the least matters but Christ's Body and Blood also and all the Benefits thereof must by Faith be taken and received eaten and digested to our Spiritual Nourishment and growth in Grace This may suffice to shew the great need that there is of Faith and the great Work that there is for Faith in our partaking of this Supper There is also great work for Faith after our receiving and partaking and that is stedfastly to rely upon what Christ hath done and Suffered for us upon his Righteousness and Satisfaction upon the efficacy and sufficiency of his Death and Sufferings of his Blood and Merit all which have been in a most lively manner exhibited and represented to us in this Supper And our work and business is to walk with a fiducial dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ in every act and duty of worship for access to God for asistance from God In every fresh perplexity of Mind doth Satan accuse Conscience accuse the Law accuse why yes it may be all these accuse us why then our work and business is to plead the fulness of Christ's satisfaction and the sufficiency of his Merit against all these charges and accusations and here is enough in this Righteousness and Satisfaction of Christ to answer all And the great work of Faith is to rely and depend upon it Under a fresh sense and feeling of Guilt we are
which we are to express our Thankfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ for what he hath done and suffered for us by often thinking of it our selves or speaking of it to others to the eternal praise and renown of our dear Redeemer 2. Another way by which we are to express our Thankfulness is by magnifying and setting an high esteem and value upon what he hath done for us Estimation of Benefits received is one way of expressing our Thankfulness for them Unthankfulness always lessens and vilifyes and makes light of a kindness or benefit received as Israel did the Manna Numb 21.5 And the People spake against God and against Moses Wherefore have you brought us up out of Aegypt to dye in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and our soul loatheth this light bread Numb 11.5.6 We remember the fish we did freely eat in Aegypt the Cucumbers and the Melons and the Leeks c. but now our soul is dried away there is nothing at all besides this Mannah before our eyes Oh what unthankful ungrateful People were these to make light of such excellent Food which yeilded such excellent nourishment and in the strength of which they were able to go so many and such tedious Journeys Their entertaining such base low mean thoughts of it argued their great unthankfulness for it Thus unthankful wretches do by Christ even as these Israelites did by the Mannah they make but light of Christ the greatest Gift that God could have bestowed upon the Sons of Men. But yet at the same time they despise both Giver and Gift it self by despising the Gift they affront the Giver They see no lovelyness no beauty no excellency in Christ that they should desire him What is thy beloved more than another beloved was the Answer to the Spouse when she was so earnestly enquiring after her Beloved Cant. 5.10 A Lust a Pleasure is by many preferred before Christ A Lust that will Damn them before a Saviour that will Save them A Carnal Pleasure shall be embraced when Christ and his Benefits shall be despised this argues great Ingratitude and Unthankfulness vilifies and lessens both the Person that shews the kindness and the kindness it self when as true Thankfulness esteems and values both Person and Benefit both he that hath done and what he hath done for us Now this way we are to express our Thanfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ by our esteem of him and the Benefits we receive by him Now what esteem have we for Christ Do we esteem him as the Apostle did who desired and determined to know nothing else but Christ 1 Cor. 2.2 He looked upon all other knowledge as vain and unprofitable in comparison of Christ and him Crucifyed this shewed his value and esteem for Christ And such an esteem had he for Christ that he counted all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ yea all things but dung that he might win Christ and be sound in him Phil. 3.8 9. He could despise and trample upon the pleasures and profits and preferments of this present World that he might but win Christ and be found in him Endure and undergo the greatest hardships and sufferings for the Name and sake of Christ The greatest of his glorying and boasting was in a Crucifyed Jesus God forbid says he that I should glory in any thing save in the Cross of Jesus Christ by which the world is crucifyed unto me and I unto the world Nothing had that place in his esteem as Christ's had And then is our esteem of Christ right indeed when we esteem him above all and before all above Estate above Relations above all other outward comforts and conveniencies when we are willing to let go all for Christ I am sure there is that worth and excellency in Christ both Personal and Relative whether we consider him as he is in himself or in those comfortable relations he stands in to his People I say consider him which way we will in his Offices in his Grace and Fullness in his Honours and Glorious Titles and there is that in Christ which truly deserves our greatest and highest esteem Thus we are to express our Thankfulness by our high Esteem of Christ of his Person and as of his Person so of his Deeds and Actions of what he hath done and suffered for us and the great Benefits that issue and proceed from thence Is it not wonderful that a Person so high and honourable so excellent and glorious that the Son of God and God by Nature who was equal with God in Glory Wisdom and Power and in all other Divine Excellencies and Perfections that he should suffer this Glory of his to lie obscure for a time under the Vail of his Humane Nature That a Person so far above and beyond us should come and joyn himself to us Marry into such a poor broken beggarly Family as ours That he who was Lord of the Law should be made under the Law under the Observation of the Law to fulfil the Righteousness thereof and under the Malediction of the Law to undergo the Penalty and Curse of it That the Judge of Quick and Dead should become Undertaker for Guilty Condemned Wretches That he who knew no sin should be made sin and submit to be dealt with as if he had been the Chiefe of Sinners bruised and broken upon the Wheel of Divine Wrath Reproached and Vilifyed by Men forsaken of his Father vir dolorum a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief O the pains of Body and the anguish of Spirit that he underwent the wearysome Life and at last the Painful and Accursed Death that he endured and all this to save an handful that were not worth the looking after or taking notice of who neither desired it nor deserved it Well might it be said That he had mercy upon whom he will have mercy and that he loved us because he loved us Alas Who are we or what are we that Christ should fix his heart's Love upon us Would we know what we were why lost undone miserable Sinners Enemies nay Enmity it self dead in Trespasses and Sin in the Gall of Bitterness and Bond of Iniquity Many of them for whom Christ hath done and suffer'd such things were it may be Blasphemers Persecutors and Injurious to Christ and his Followers Such an one was that eminent Servant of Christ the Apostle Paul as he himself acknowledges 1 Tim. 1.12.13 And I thank Jesus Christ who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the Ministry who was before a Blasphemer and a Persecuter and Injurious but I obtained mercy c. Some of them it may be have been guilty of the foulest and grossest Sins as some of the Corinthians were Fornicators Idolaters Adulterérs Thieves Drunkards c. yet these obtained Mercy were Washed were Sanctifyed were Justifyed in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God as we
another forbearing and forgiving one another even as God for Christ's-sake hath forgiven us All bitterness and anger and wrath and clamour and evil speaking being put away from us with all malice Indeed it is much to be lamented and bewailed that there should be such heats and divisions and animosities such anger and clamour and evil-speaking and I wish I could not say malice too amongst Professors and Church-members Is this a walk any way suteable or becoming the expressions of Christ's love in dying and bleeding for us Surely no. O how contrary is this to a Gospel spirit which is a Spirit of Love and meekness What members of the same Body and mutual Members members one of another and shall we not own one another embrace one another be cordially affected Zanch. inlo● each to other What Members one of another and yet carry it with that strangeness and distance and disaffection as if we stood in no relation at all one to another What never agree but just when we are under the lash just under the Rod How just is it with God to bring us into our former straits and difficulties again that we may learn to love one another better that there may be a greater harmony and agreement amongst us There never was more need of such a Prayer as the Apostle put up for the Thesalonians than now The Lord make you to abound in love one towards another 1 Thes 3.12 I say a Prayer never more needful since Christ had a Church upon Earth than it is in this day amongst us in this Nation where love amongst Brethren was never at a lower Ebb. Divided heads have made divided hearts Division in Judgment hath made division in love and Affection so that the love of many is waxed cold Now the good Lord who only can make dry bones to live revive this Affection where it is dead or dying and confirm it where it yet continues that being thus Members of Christ and Members one of another we may fulfil that great and everlasting Commandment that as it hath been taught from the beginning of the World so it is to be practised to the end of the same yea even to Eternity that we love one another 1 John 3.11 This is that we are most frequently exhorted to Heb. 13.1 Let brotherly love continue Rom. 12.9 10. Let love be without dissimulation be kindly affectioned one towards another with brotherly love 1 Pet. 3.8 Finaly brethren be ye all of one mind having compassion one of another c. 1 John 3.23 And in many other places This is that which as it is the bond of all Christian Virtues so it is the bond of all Christian Societys in both which respects it is called the bond of Perfectness Col. 3.14 A most perfect bond knitting and uniteing hearts together which no other bond can do and being so it is in the first place to be put on by all those who would joyne themselves to the Mystical Body 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 above all things says the Apostle put on Charity which is the bond of perfectness This also is laid down for a mark and character of Christ's Sheep and Disciples and laid down by Christ himself By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if ye love one another John 13.35 This is that which is so highly applauded and commended in Scripture Psal 133.1 Behold how good aud pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity And where this is kept up and maintained even there the Lord commands the Blessing even life for evermore Now by all this it appears that to walk in love is a very suteable and becoming walk especially after this Supper of the Lord which indeed is a Sacramental seal and token not only of our communion with Christ but also of our communion with his Members of our fellowship with the Saints and of our communion and fellowship one with another This the Apostle clearly intimates 1 Cor. 10.16 17. For we says he being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread This Supper as it is a bond of our union and communion with Christ so it is a bond of our union and communion one with another as his Members Therefore every time we partake of it we should be more and more faster and faster knit in love and affection one to another This is a confirming Ordinance and as it is to confirm and inflame our love to Christ so it is to confirm and inflame our love one to another 11. After this Ordinance we are to walk more chearfully and comfortably Of all persons Believers have most reason to be chearful and joyful at all times and in all conditions in times of Adversity as well as in times of Prosperity tho' he feeds upon Bread and Water yet he hath greater reason to rejoyce than the greatest Monarch in the World I do not say a Believer always walks joyfully and chearfully no sometimes he walks dejectedly Tho a child of light yet sometimes he walks in darkness but yet I say a Believer hath most reason to walk joyfully and chearfully and it is his duty so to do and hath frequent calls and exhortations to it Phil. 3.1 Finally my brethren rejoyce in the Lord c. Phil. 4.4 Rejoyce in the Lord always and again I say rejoyce 1 Thes 5.16 Rejoyce evermore Now a Believer hath evermore matter of rejoyceing and reason to rejoyce inasmuch as all that which is really matter of dejection is removed and taken away viz. the guilt of Sin and the Curse of the Law and the Wrath of God now these are all removed and taken away by Christ who came to procure peace by the Blood of his Cross and in whom we have Redemption thro his Blood A Believer hath evermore matter of rejoyceing upon the account of that fulness that is treasured up in Christ in whom it pleased the Father that all fulness should dwell Col. 1.19 Now what is there that a poor creature can desire or stand in need of in order to the making him compleatly happy and blessed but what may be found in this All-fulness of Christ Here is wisdom for his Direction and Instruction included in it Here is a compleat Righteousness for his Justification Here is Grace and Holiness for his Sanctification Righteousness to give him a Right and Title to Heaven Grace and Holiness to give him a meetness and fitness for Heaven and power and ability to bring him safe thether upon these considerations amongst others a Believer hath always ground and matter of rejoyceing And by this they are described as by their vital act Phil. 3.3 We are the Circumcision which worship God in the Spirit and rejoyce in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the Flesh A Believer should rejoyce always walk joyfully and chearfully at all times and especially after Sacrament seasons when he hath been renewing his Covenant
with God God a fresh making over himself and his all to the Believer giving him a fresh sense and seal of his love and the pardon of his Sins when Christ with all his Benefits and Purchases and Merit Christ in all his Offices Christ in all his Grace and fulness hath been afresh made over to him His Blood in all the virtue and efficacy of it sealed and applyed to the Believers The new Testament with all its Promises and Priviledges and Benefits thereof this is all ratified and confirmed in the Blood of Christ to the Believer and assured to him in this Supper-Ordinance They who have been entertained at this Gospel Feast who have been feeding upon the Provision of God's Grace and have received fresh Tokens and Pledges of his Love for such to walk dejectedly and Mournfully reflects great dishonour and highly affronts the Master of the Feast and greatly disparageth the Matter of it too it is a great undervaluing of Christ and his Blood as if the guilt or filth of thy sin did exceed the Merit of his Blood or was too great for his Blood to remove and cleanse After this Ordinance we are to walk more joyfully and chearfully rejoycing in the Lord and joying in the God of our Salvation We should go home to our Houses and Habitations Rejoycing and go on our way through this Pilgrimage with Joy as the Eunuch when Baptised did it is said He went on his way rejoycing Acts 8.39 So should we after we have been at this Supper go on our way through this World Rejoycing saying to our Souls as David did to his Return to thy rest O my Soul for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee 12. With more earnest Breathings and Longings of Soul after fresh Communion with the Lord Jesus Christ It is not a little of the World that will satisfy a Covetous Man nor a little Pleasure that will satisfy a Carnal Voluptuous Mind Nor a little Honour and Preferment that will satisfy an Ambitious Aspiring Mind Nor is it a little of Christ that will satisfy a Gracious Renewed Heart See how David thirsted after God Psal 63.1 2. O God thou art my God early will I seek thee my Soul thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry land where no water is to see thy power and thy glory as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary David had tasted of the Sweet of Enjoyment and Communion with God and this sets his Soul a longing and thirsting and breathing after more of God Psal 42.1 2. As the Hart panteth after the Water-brooks so panteth my Soul after God my Soul thirsteth for the living God when shall I come and appear before thee The like breathings of soul we find after Communion with God in Psal 84.1 10. How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts my Soul longeth yea even fainteth for the Courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh cryeth out for the living God For a day in thy Courts is better than a thousand I had rather be a door-keeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness Such breathings and longings of Soul after Communion with Christ should be kept up and maintained in our Souls after every time we partake of this blessed Ordinance Have we this day sat down under the shadow of Christ and hath his fruit been sweet and pleasant to our taste Have we had any taste of the Grace and Fullness of Christ at his Table Have our Souls been filled as with marrow and fatness delighted and solaced with Communion with Christ Have we met this day with any fresh assurances of the love of God in Christ to our Souls of the pardon of our sins in the precious blood of Christ Hath there been any fresh life and vigour and grace communicated from Christ our everlasting head to our Souls this day Have we been fed with hidden Manna with the Bread and Water of Life Have we seen any thing of the Power and Glory of Christ at his own Table O then how should we be breathing and longing after the returns of such seasons and opportunities as these are O when will this Supper return When shall I come and appear before thee O that I might still be feasting my Soul upon these dainties Thus we should be walking with more earnest breathings of Soul after fresh Communion with Christ not only in this Ordinance but in all other Ordinances of Divine Worship and not only so but long to be for ever with him after compleat enjoyment of him in Heaven above If it be so sweet to enjoy him in Ordinances here O what will it be nay How far sweeter will it be to enjoy him in Heaven where we shall enjoy him freely fully familiarly and eternally without any interruption or intermission Thus we have seen how we are to walk after this Supper Ordinance and that we may thus walk it is necessary that we be strengthned with all might according to the glorious power of God The Devil to be sure will be opposing with all his might such a walk as this and our own wicked base deceitful treacherous hearts will be too ready to side and comply with him Therefore that such a walk may be kept up and maintained that we may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing it is necessary that we be strengthned with all might according to his glorious power 1 Col. 11. Let us therefore be often dispatching a cry to Heaven for that strength and assistance whereby we may be enabled to maintain such a walk and daily depend upon Christ for strength in whom we have not only Righteousness but strength too That through daily Communications of Grace and Strength from him we may be enabled so to live and act and walk whilst we are here that we may finish our Course with joy and at last an entrance yea an abundant entrance an entrance with joy and triumph may be administred to us into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that from his Kingdom of Grace we may be received into his Kingdom of Glory and from the provisions of Grace we may be taken to the provisions of Glory and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob at an Eternal Feast eat and drink at Christ's Table in Christ's Kingdom Now whoso is wise and will observe these things even they shall understand the Loving-kindness of the Lord They shall go from strength to strength their Souls shall be fat and flourishing and made to encrease with the encreases of God FINIS