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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A42711 Election and reprobation scripturally and experimentally witnessed unto &c. wherein the love of God in Christ is freely and clearly held forth to all mankind ... / by ... William Gibson. Gibson, William, 1629-1684. 1678 (1678) Wing G681; ESTC R30407 94,220 120

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Day of Visitation given unto them by their mercifull Creator to turn unto him from their sin to eat that which is good he saith Whosoever WILL let him come and take of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely So it plainly appeareth by this that God would have all people eat of his Bread and drink of his Milk and Wine which he hath mingled and if they do not eat and drink thereof and so live to God by the vertue of the same it is not because God fore-appointed that they should NOT do so but it is because they have given up their Minds and Ears to the Whisperings and Lyes of that old Deceiver which first led Man and Woman from God and so he hath corrupted their Wills so hath led them to love sin and to chuse to abide in it all their Dayes so the Selfish-corrupt-will which the Devil hath begotten in fallen Man this WILL doth not chuse Christ nor the Cross which his true Disciples bear nor the Bread of Life or Water of Life nor Wine nor Milk which they eat and drink of abundantly to their immortal Souls strength joy and comfort and the Glory of the Lord. So it is true which Christ said Ye will not come to me that you may have Life Moreover he wept over the Inhabitants of Jerusalem and said I would have gathered thy Children as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings but ye would NOT. Mark He did NOT say that they could not but that they would not and this his Testimony is true Gods Spirit which convinceth the World of sin MOVETH upon the hearts of sinners to purifie their Wills that so they may chuse the good and refuse the evil and his Spirit doth EFFECT this in all that do not withstand his tender Visitation therein and thereby till the day of their Visitation be over or ended when God moveth by his Spirit upon the Soul of man in Transgression to lead him out of his Transgression he requireth a YIELDING on the Creatures part according to the saying of the holy Ghost through the holy Apostle who said As ye have yielded your Members Servants to Vncleanness and to Iniquity even so now yield your Members Servants unto Righteousness unto Holiness Rom. 6. 19. Note Reader the merciful God hath made the Creature able so to yield and therefore he doth not require Imposibilities of him who requireth him SO to yield and if man prove so hard and desperate as not to yield to serve God as aforesaid this his Hardy boldness and Self-willfulness and desperate Uugodliness is the cause of his Ruin and Destruction and so man destroyeth himself as God hath said O Israel thou destroyeth thy self but in me is thy help Note Reader the fallen corrupt will of man cannot chuse the good and refuse the evil but the Spirit of Truth doth visit man in this estate to PURIFIE his WILL and so to enable andlead him to chuse the Good and refuse the Evil But Man in this fallen corrupt ungodly bold WILL may yea many do with-stand the tender Visitation of God's Spirit yea grieve and vex it and do despight unto it and so cause God to be their Enemy and to fight against them as saith the Prophet God complained and said Israel would have none of me He did not say I would have none of them but he sent his Prophets to turn them unto him and they evil-intreated them yea slew them for which his Wrath was kindled against them who commanded them saying Touch not mine anointed do my Prophets no harm And he said WO unto the rebellious Children who take Counsel but not of me that COVER with a Covering but NOT of my Spirit that they may add Sin unto Sin Isa 30. 1. And he said concerning such rebellious Ones They have set at naught all my Counsel and would have none of my Reproof c. Such Rebels as these said unto God Depart from us we desire not the Knowledge of thy ways Such did not take the Counsel of the holy Ghost which saith Seek the Lord while he MAY be found call upon him while he is NEAR Isa 55. 6. So as the Apostle Peter said God is NO Respecter of Persons but in every Nation he that fears God and works Righteousness is accepted of him God doth NOT Partially or IN dis-respect to SOME Persons foreordain that they shall be wicked and so to be damned and cast into the Lake of everlasting Misery NO that is contrary to his tender love who gave his only begotten Son for the Redemption of the World which lieth in Wickedness We have all sinned as saith the Apostle and God hath Mercy upon all as HE saith and wills that all may be saved He sent his Son to seek and save that which was lost and to bring back again to himself that which hath been driven away God saith concerning him Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth I have put my Spirit upon him he shall bring forth Judgment to the Gentiles A BRUISED Reed shall he NOT break the smoking Flax shall he not QUENCH he shall bring forth Judgment unto Truth he shall not fail c. And the Isles shall wait for his Law Isa 42. 1 3 4. Matth. 12. 18 20. Objection It s written that without Faith it is impossible to please God and that the Just shall live by Faith But it s also written that all men have not Faith therefore those who have not Faith or never have or NEVER had Faith God did ordain to be damned before they were Born Answ This is a great Mistake for God who cannot LYE saith Look unto me and BE YE SAVED ALL the ends of the Earth Isa 45. 22. Gods Will is that all men might be saved 1 Tim. 2. 4. Again As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the Wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live c. Ezek. 33. 11. and 18. 31 32 33. The Grace of God which bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all men the Spirit of Truth which doth lead the Saints into all Truth the same doth Convince the World of Sin By this Visitation and CONVICTION they are brought into a condition that they may believe that which convinteth them of sin leaves them without Excuse justly to be punished for their Sin IN the SAME is the true and effectual means cause and ground of Faith freely tendered to them that thereby they might be led out of the Sin of Unbelief by the Lord God yea it is his free gift unto them given to beget and work Faith in them and if they STILL continue in Unbelief this gift will condemn them and God justly will punish them for their Rebellion Hard-heartedness Unbelief c. and it convinceth them of Righteousness in some degree that thereby they might be led to do that which is just and righteous in the sight of God who is
Unfaithfull is called to Repentance yea the Back-sliders is called to Repentance to do their first works to be watchfull to strengthen the things that remain that are ready to dye c. Now they who do take this heavenly Counsel they do the will of God and in so doing they stand approved in his sight The diligent Watchers who have and do put on and keep on the whole Armour of God as aforesaid they do NOT FALL but do grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ more and more of such the Psalmist speaketh saying Blessed is the man that walketh not in the Way of the Vngodly he shall be like a Tree that is planted by the Rivers of Water c. but upon the Wicked who repent not who forsake not their Wickedness God will rain Fire and Brimstone and an horrible Tempest as the holy Ghost hath said and there is no Peace to the Wicked saith my God but the Righteous hath said in Truth thou Lord wilt ordain Peace for us for thou also hast wrought all our works IN US And the holy Apostle said We are Gods workmanship CREATED IN Christ Jesus unto GOOD WORKS which God before ORDAINED that we should walk IN THEM Isa 26. 12. Ephes 2. 10. The Apostle Peter opened his Mouth and said Of a Turth I perceive that God is NO Respecter of persons but in every Nation he that feareth HIM and worketh Righteousness is ACCEPTED with HIM the Word that God sent unto the Children of Israel Preaching PEACE by Jesus Christ he is Lord of ALL c. Acts 10. 34 35. Note Reader He by whom all were and are Created and he who according to the flesh DYED for all who enlighteneth the EYES of the UNDERSTANDINGS of ALL in some degree whose will is that all men may be saved he is Lord of all as saith the Apostle he is no Respecter of Persons but in every Nation ALL those who fear him work Righteousness they are accepted with HIM Here God shews that he loves and delights in Righteousness but HATES the contrary and therefore he calls ALL Men to Repent EVERY WHERE as saith the holy Apostle God's condiditions of ELECTION and Salvation is Faith in him and unfeigned Repentance and he doth freely tender yea GIVE the true and real CAUSE of Faith and Repentance unto all the Ungodly and Impenitent to wit Visitations by the Spirit Word of Truth which doth convince the World of sin in which the Grace Love or Favour of God is held forth to all mankind in enlightening their Understandings giving them thereby to know Good FROM Evil by which he also MOVES upon the Soul to CHUSE the Good and REFUSE the Evil which spirit or word is of ABILITY to beget faith to work unfeigned Repentance doth IT in all where the stubborn will of man doth not withstand the Day of Gods tender Visitation given thereby but IT IS possible man in his STUBBORN SELF-WILL may so long resist that God will strive NO LONGER with him for his salvation for he hath said My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with man God said to the Wicked with whom he had long striven to gather them out of their wickedness UNTO himself WO unto them when I DEÌ„PART FROM THEM Hos 9. 12. I HATED them for the WICKEDNESS of their doings saith God V. 15. The Righteousness which is of Faith speaketh on this wise say not in thy Heart who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the Deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead But WHAT saith it The WORD is NIGH thee even in thy MOUTH and in thy HEART that is the Word of Faith which we preach Rom. 10. 6 7 8. But I say have they not heard Yes verily their Sound went into all the Earth and their Words to the ends of the World but they have not all obeyed the Gospel But to Israel he saith All day long have I stretched forth my Hands unto a Disobedient and Gain-saying People Ver. 18 16 21. Deut. 30. 11 12 13 14. Moreover God set Adam in a glorious state in Paradise and he willed that he should obey him as he commanded him and he put him in a condition that he might have continued in obedience unto him so it was possible that he might have continued in obedience unto him and so have stood and it was NOT impossible that he should FALL as the event hath proved and his Fall is NOT to be charged or placed upon God but upon himself for want of a due and full improvement of all that God gave him to keep him from falling God is able to keep his Creatures Man and Woman from falling his Name his pure holy Power is a strong Tower and in it IS Everlasting Safety Man and Womans being kept from falling consists in their constant diligent dependence upon him who made them he ONLY is able to keep them from falling Jude 24. God is mercifull slow to Anger and abundant in compassion towards mankind as he hath signified by the holy Ghost in his holy Prophets and Apostles he is full of compassion and tender pity he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance 2 Pet. 3. 9. Christ Jesus hath commanded his Disciples to be mercifull saying Be ye merciful as your Father is merciful he is KIND unto the UNTHANKFUL to the EVIL and he causeth his Light to shine upon the EVIL upon the Good and sendeth his Rain upon the Just and the UNJUST Luke 36. 37. Mat. 5. 45. The Prophet David saith The Lord is good to ALL and his tender Mercies are over all his WORKS c. Psal 145. ver 8 9 And he said to his Son Solomon If thou seek him he will be FOUND of thee but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off forever take heed c. 1 Chron. 28. 9 10. Moreover the holy Ghost saith Seek ye the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near Isa 55. 6. Again Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and he that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea come buy Wine and Milk without MONEY and without Price wherefore do you SPEND Money for that which is NOT Bread and your Labour for that which satisfieth NOT hearken diligently unto me and eat that which is good and let your Soul delight it self in Fatness Encline your Ear and come unto me HEAR and your Soul shall live c. Isa 55. 1 2 3. Moreover the Spirit and the Bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever WILL let him take the Water of Life freely Rev. 22. 17 c. Note Reader Here is a general comortable Proclamation of the favour good will of God to all people every one hath a T me or