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A41824 A treatise concerning baptism, and the Lord's Supper shewing, that the true disciples of Christ are sent to baptize men into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the carrying on of which, Christ is with them, and will be, to the end of the world : also, a few words concerning the Lord's Supper, shewing that those that sup with him are in his kingdom. Gratton, John, 1641-1712.; Gratton, John, 1641-1712. John Baptist's decreasing and Christ's increasing witnessed. 1695 (1695) Wing G1587; ESTC R39440 63,790 157

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admitted but after a short time they left their Flocks fled away and were silent Then in came the Surplice-Men and they were for having all to come and take Bread and Wine with them but the other sort were only for admitting such as they upon Examination judged worthy But some of both cry out against the Quakers so called because they do not come under their Ministry of this Ordinance so called and say we deny the Lord's Supper or coming to the Lord's Supper and therefore do they rage against us very sore And I see many People are too willing to lye at ease in a dead state in sin and are not concerned in Heart to seek unto the Lord for Wisdom and Understanding yet for the sake of all such as truly desire to know the things that do belong unto their Peace do I send forth these Lines And First I affirm we do mightily rejoice in Heart Soul and Spirit to meet one with another at the Lord's Table where we meet with the Lord and receive at his Merciful Hand the true and living Bread that comes down from above tho' we are not in Communion with them at that which is called of Men the Lord's Supper and sold by the Priest as such for these Reasons 1. We find that our Lord Christ took Bread at Supper blessed it broke it and gave it to his Disciples but that he said This is a new Ordinance which I now Erect instead of the Passover that shall be observed to be eaten at after the Priest hath done his Forenoon's Preaching before you go to dinner this I find not no nor that those that would stay and eat some of it should pay Two-pence and those that would not should pay likewise eat or not eat pay you must this we find nothing of We find Matthew Mark and Luke calls it the Passover and the Passover which was kept or held seven Days must needs admit of Suppers as well as Dinners and if it was the Passover how then doth it belong to us or enjoin us to keep up a small part of the outward Iews outward Passover This I cannot understand seeing Christ our Passover as the Apostle said is sacrificed for us and so we have no occasion to use the Type because the Antitype is come and has given us a Mind to know him that is true and we are in him But to make it appear that all the Apostles call it the Passover let us hear them speak themselves Mat. 26.17 The Disciples came to Jesus saying Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover And he said Go into the City to such a Man and say unto him The Master saith My time is at hand I will eat the Passover at thy House with my Disciples and the Disciples did as Jesus had commanded them and they made ready the Passover And Verse 26 27. As they were eating Jesus took Bread and blessed it and gave it to the Disciples and said Take eat this is my Body and he took the Cup gave thanks and gave it to them saying Drink ye all of it for this is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of Sins but I say unto you I will not drink henceforth of this Fruit of the Vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom Now from all this that Matthew saith it 's very clear it was the Passover which is here spoken of and so plain that he that runs may read Mark 14.12 13 14 15 16. The first day of Unleavened Bread when they killed the Passover his Disciples said unto him Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou may'st eat the Passover He sendeth two of his Disciples and saith Go ye into the City and there shall meet you a Man bearing a Pitcher of Water follow him wheresoever he shall go in say to the Good Man of the House the Master saith Where is the Guest-chamber where I shall eat the Passover with my Disciples And he will shew you a large upper Room furnished and prepared there make ready for us and they went and found as he had said and they made ready the Passover and as they did eat Verse 22. Jesus took Bread and blessed it broke it and gave to them and said Take eat this is my Body and he took the Cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank of it and he said unto them This is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many Verily I say unto you I will drink no more of the Fruit of the Vine until that day that I drink it new in the Kingdom of God here it is also called the Passover and Luke 22.7 8 9 10 11 12 13. thus far the same with Mark but in Verse 15 Christ said unto them With desire have I desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer Verse 16. For I say unto you I will not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God and V. 17. He took the Cup and gave thanks and said Take this and divide it amongst your selves for I say unto you I will not drink of the Fruit of the Vine until the Kingdom of God shall come Now these three are full to the Matter concerning the last Time Christ was with them at the Passover and their last eating of it was at Supper And now seeing Christ said that he would eat no more of it until it was fulfilled in the Kingdom of God nor drink any more of the Fruit of the Vine until the Kingdom of God should come pray let me ask this Is the Kingdom of God come yea or nay Doth Christ reign rule and sit as King over all Or is Moses and Iohn's Baptism yet in place yea or nay And if the Kingdom of God be come which the Apostle saith stands not in meats Drinks and divers Washings but in Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost then I ask Is the Passover fulfilled yea or nay If it be then he is worthy and ought to have place that fulfilled it for he viz. Christ is our Passover Is he Then Moses's Passover that had the Paschal Lamb Unleavened Bread and the Cup of the Fruit of the outward Vine is not our Passover no that was the Iews outward and was Temporal but Christ the Lamb of God the Bread of Life that gives Living Water and new Wine of the Kingdom that 's Spiritual he is the Passover of the inward spiritual Iew that hath no confidence in the Flesh but worships God in Spirit neither doth he know Christ after the Flesh but after the Spirit who is the Second Adam the Lord from Heaven a quickening Spirit so Christ's Kingdom is come and set up and will come more and more Oh! thy Kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and the least
Objection The great Apostle of the Gentiles understood it not at all to relate to Water-Baptism as is clear from his own words 1. Cor. 1.11 Christ sent me not to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel and we never read that he baptized any with Water after But in Vers. 23. saith We preach Christ crucified to the Jews a stumbling-block and unto the Greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God Consider if Christ be not sufficient without Water-Baptism take the Apostle's words in Vers. 30 31. But of him are ye in Christ Iesus who of God is made unto us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption that as it is written Let him that glorieth glory in the Lord. Here Christ alone is exalted and preached to be all we have to glory in and enough too for in him all Fulness dwells Secondly Is it not plain and full that Water-Baptism is not at all intended Matt. 28.19 for Christ saith plainly Go teach all Nations Baptizing them in or them into in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Here is a vast difference between Men being baptized into outward Water and sent to Baptize into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost for they were now to enter upon a more Excellent Baptism they had been Baptizing with Water before that but now they were to be Baptized into the Name Spirit and Power of God that then they therein might be Instrumental in Christ's Hand who was and would be with them to the End of the World for the Baptizing others into this Name that believed through their Word Thirdly Christ knew that in his Name they would be made capable both to speak to go and to Baptize Men effectually Hitherto saith Christ ye have asked nothing in my Name but bids them ask And a little before Verily verily I say unto you Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he shall give it you So it 's clear Christ's Mind was to have them acquainted with and baptized into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost John 16.23 So in his Prayer Iohn 17.6 he saith I have manifested thy Name unto the Men which thou gavest me What is here meant by this Name Is it not his Power Had not the great and holy Power of God been made manifest unto them that had been with him and seen his Mighty Works raising the Dead healing the Sick cleansing Lepers opening Blind Eyes making the Dumb to speak the Deaf to hear the Lame to walk casting out Devils turning Water into Wine feeding Thousands with few Loaves and Fishes Did not these Works plainly manifest the Lord's Power or Name that is above every Name So in Vers. 11. he prayeth thus Holy Father keep through thy own Name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are Vers. 12. While I was with them in the World I kept them in thy Name And Vers. 26. I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it that the Love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them Now is it not plain from all this that the Name is the Power so he had kept kept them in the Power had manifested the Power unto them or declared the Power and would declare it So the Power of the Father Son and Spirit is manifested declared and made known unto them that receive Christ Jesus and are baptized into him into his Name Power Spirit c. and these know the Love of God made manifest in them and to them So now Christ Jesus in Matt. 28. spake unto them saying All Power is given unto me both in Heaven and in Earth Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them into the Name c. Now the word Go ye therefore seems to carry with it a plain Demonstration of Christ's Mind that now all Power was his both in Heaven and in Earth he would therefore have all Nations both taught and brought into his Power and baptized into it so as to be saved by it For there is no other Power or Name by which any can be saved but by the Power or Name of Iesus for all Power is his both in Heaven and in Earth This was a great Work but for their Incouragement he also tells them Lo I am with you always even to the end of the World And surely I may say if he be with his People to the end what is it that can be too hard for him and them he makes use of For all Power is with them For as many as receive him to them he gives Power to become the Sons of God according to Iohn 1.12 Even to them that believe in his Name These are they that are baptized Dipped or Plunged into his Power or Name yea into Christ and have put him on and in him are one whether they be Iews or Greeks Male or Female all are one in Christ Jesus and Christ is one in all Gal. 3.27 These are in Christ New Creatures and come forth in his Name to the Glory and Honour of him whose is the Power for him only hath God exalted and given him a Name or Power above every Name yea a more excellent Name than Angels Heb. 1.4 It 's said He that Sanctifieth and they who are Sanctified are all of one for which Cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren And when he appeared unto Paul he said I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a Minister and a Witness both of those things which thou hast seen and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee delivering thee from the People and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee to open their Eyes a great work and turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God that they may receive Remission of Sins and an Inheritance amongst them that are Sanctified by Faith that is in me Acts 26.16 17 18. Here is not Figures or Shadows mention'd no here is good things themselves to have Eyes opened is very good to be turned from Satan's Power to God to have Remission of Sins to be Sanctified and receive the Inheritance of such as are Sanctified is very good durable Riches indeed Faith in Christ is very Good and Precious Glory to him for ever But not one word of sending him back again to the Figure viz. Iohn's Water-Baptism nor have them who are in Chief to whom all Power is given any need of it And pray if they had what would it do for them Can it reach either Heart or Conscience What good Fruits follow our Sprinkling of Infants and Dippers Can any Sanctifie but Christ Doth not the Apostle say as before He that Sanctifieth and they who are Sanctified are all of one Heb. 2.11 12. For which cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren So Christ is the Washer
in the Kingdom is greater than Iohn well and was Iohn more than a Prophet Yea and Moses was a Prophet how then is the least in the Kingdom greater than Iohn and so consequently greater than Moses How Answer In relation to their Ministry or Service for both Moses and Iohn served with outward Ordinances Observations Types and Shadows Ceremonial Rites and Figures but the least in the Kingdom which stands not in Meats c. their Ministry and Service is in and by the Power Spirit Life Light Love Wisdom and Divine Vertue of Christ Jesus and those that eat and drink now with Christ they are such as know their Kingdom come and are in the Kingdom of Heaven under the Command of Christ Jesus who is King of Righteousness and Prince of Peace and is to be heard truly followed and obeyed in all things But as I said these three viz. Matthew Mark and Luke speak much alike in this matter and it 's worth noting that Iohn the Beloved Disciple neither begins nor goes throughout in his Testimony as they did but was more Spiritual and Mysterious and when he comes to speak of the Supper he passeth it by thus Iohn 13.1 2 4. Now before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus knew that his Hour was come that he should depart out of this World unto the Father having loved his own he loved them to the end and Supper being ended Verse 3 4. Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his Hands mark that and that he was come from God and went to God he riseth from Supper and laid aside his Garments and so goes on to shew how he washed his Disciples Feet and what he said unto them was very much for enjoining them to wash one another's Feet but saith not one word further at this time about the Supper that I find which I believe Iohn would not have omitted had it been so that he had known that his Beloved Master had intended it should have been observed to the end of the World but it 's very clear it 's called the Passover by them all and therefore fulfilled and passed away and gives place unto him that fulfils it and all the whole Law concerning Ordinances and outward Observations 3. It 's very clear this Supper was a part of the Passover and so the Bread here spoken of must needs be Unleavened Bread Passover-Bread pray have those that sell Bread now any of this Bread to sell or give for this was that Bread and that Cup that had figured out his Body to be broken for them and his Blood that was shed for them And as that Bread was broken and given to the outward Iew so is his Body broken given to the inward Iew and as that Wine was poured forth into the Cup and given to the outward Iew so is his Blood poured forth and given to the inward Iew to the making of his Heart glad So as the outward Iew who came out of outward Egypt and Bondage fed on the Paschal Lamb so the inward Iew who comes out of inward Spiritual Egypt and Bondage feeds on the Lamb of God as their Passover and as Israel's Enemies were washed away in the Red Sea so are the Christians inward Enemies viz. the Sins of the inward Iew washed away in the Blood of the Lamb of God who washeth his People with or in his own Blood 4. When Iohn comes to speak of what Christ spoke to the Iews and the People that he had fed with Five Barley Loaves and Two Fishes he relates how Christ bade them not to labour for the Meat that perisheth but for the Meat that endureth unto Everlasting Life which the Son of Man said he should give mark should give not sell unto you for him hath God the Father sealed and V. 32. My Father giveth you the true Bread from Heaven but Moses gave them not that Bread from Heaven Again the Bread of God is he that cometh down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World Again V. 35. Iesus said unto them I am the Bread of Life he that cometh unto me shall never hunger and he that believes on me shall never thirst Again If any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread that I will give is my Flesh for the Life of the World and except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood ye have no Life in you whoso eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood hath Eternal Life and I will raise him up at the last Day for my Flesh is Meat indeed and my Blood is Drink indeed he that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him Now consider that Bread that Moses gave they that ate it died but he that eats of the Bread that Christ giveth shall never die Pray let me ask What is the Bread that you break is it Living Bread Or is it Unleavened Bread Passover-Bread If it be not Unleavened Bread it is not Passover-Bread and if so then not the Bread that Christ at Supper broke bless'd and gave and if not that Bread then where 's your Foundation for your Bread 5. If it be not that Bread are you sure that Christ's Blessings goes along with it For I am sensible many live very wickedly that eats of the Bread the Priest sells and drinks of the Cup the Priest sells both before and after and there 's no Appearance of Eternal Life and if it were Unleavened Bread such as they eat at the Possover such as Christ bless'd brake and gave them yet it is not Living Bread nor can it give Life Eternal to them that eat it And therefore in the last and great Day of Feasting of this Bread and Wine Jesus stood up and cried If any Man thirst let him come unto me and drink He that believes on me as the Scripture hath said out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of Living Water But this spoke he of the Spirit not of Elementary Water which they that believed on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not then glorified 6. But now Jesus Christ is glorified and the Holy Ghost is given then whither must we now go Must we yet run to Moses for the Bread that perisheth or to Christ for the Bread that endures to Everlasting Life Must we that believe on Christ and know the Holy Ghost is given even the Spirit of Adoption by which we cry Abba Father and that God hath glorified his Son Jesus Christ I say Must we now go to Moses for Water Or to Iohn either Did any but Christ or can any other than Christ give us this Living Water If not then let us go unto him who is Faithful that promised that we may drink of the Water he gives all drink into or of one Spirit Oh that Men did know this Living Bread and this Wine or Living Water Then they would say
Lord evermore give us of this Bread and of this Water that we may eat and drink in thy Kingdom and live for ever For they that know this Bread they know it by eating of it and so they taste of the Goodness of the Lord and of his Divine Sweetness This Knowledge is Experimental as the Child that sucks the Breast of its Mother tho' it knows neither Tongues nor Languages yet it knows the Milk of the Breast is good for it feels and tastes and feeds of it and is nourished by it and enabled to grow from Stature to Stature So none but new-born Babes are thus fed and nourished such as live and abide at the Breast of Consolation and have free access unto it and feel it freely come in upon them and know it made bare unto them Oh! These are sensible of the Love of God and lean upon Jesus Breast upon their Beloved that hath brought them up out of the Wilderness unto his Holy Hill that is exalted above all the Hills and coming up a-top of all the Mountains this is the Mountain of the Lord's House the House of the God of Iacob unto which the weary and heavy laden in all Nations run and find rest unto their poor Souls 7. But why are the Professors of our Age so laborious for outward Bread Is it not Bread that perisheth If so Christ said Labour not for the Bread that perishes but for the Bread that endures unto Everlasting Life which the Son of Man shall give unto you John 6.27 Was not the Unleavened Bread that Moses gave Bread that perishes And pray wherein doth Christ exceed Moses if he give them not Bread that far excels Moses's Bread I tell you Our Spiritual Moses is come that far exceeds Temporal Moses as the Substance exceeds the Type or Shadow and he gives us Spiritual Bread and Spiritual Drink the same that Moses and all that was with him in the Cloud and in the Sea did eat and drink of as the Apostle affirms 1 Cor. 10.3 For they all eat of the same Spiritual Meat and did all drink of the same Spiritual Drink for they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ. Now it 's clear from this Apostle he was preaching of Spiritual Meat and Drink to them and the Spiritual Rock Christ and said They meaning Moses and all that was with him did all eat of the same What The same Spiritual Meat and Drink that the Apostle and Disciples of Christ did eat and drink of Then if the same it is Spiritual not Outward or Temporal Meat and Drink but Spiritual Here 's the Meat indeed and the Drink indeed Christ spoke of as aforesaid Now let us come a little farther in this Chapter Verse 14 15 16 17. Wherefore my dearly beloved flee from Idolatry I speak as to wise Men judge ye what I say The Cup of Blessing which we bless is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ The Bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ For we mark we being many are one Bread and one Body for we are all partakers of that one Bread Now here I might say something to Wise Men but not to the Wise and Prudent of this World for they will not receive it But let me ask Wherein stands the Communion and Unity of Christ's Followers Is it not in Christ And are they Wise Men that live in an outside formal Profession of Christ and do not partake of the Flesh and Blood of Christ do not eat of this Spiritual Meat and drink of this Spiritual Drink here spoken of in the Chapter aforesaid For I am certain none but Wise Men know what it is that is they who are made Wise by or with the Wisdom that 's from above And it 's very lamentable to behold that any should be so asleep as to think they eat and drink and be contented altho' they find they are empty of Christ who is this Spiritual Rock whose Flesh is Meat indeed and whose Blood is Drink indeed are empty of his Life Power Virtue Spirit Wisdom Righteousness c. These sit in Darkness and see no Light for they that sleep sleep in the Night and they that are drunk with the Fruits of the wild Grape or blind Opinions of wild-headed Edomites that are hunting in their Airy Earthly Wisdom amongst the high Notionists who have been greatly exalted in the dark Night of Apostacy these are drunk in the Night But let me ask a little further Pray what is this Cup of Blessing Is it an outward Cup If so then why cannot Men that drink of this Cup drink also of the Cup of Devils And pray what is the Table of the Lord Is it outward If so then why cannot Men partake of the Lord's Table and the Table of Devils Consider it for the Table of the Lord is Spiritual and none but Spiritual Men can partake of it The Natural Man knows not the things of the Spirit of God neither indeed said the Apostle can he for they are spiritually discerned and therefore only discerned by the Spiritual Man in whom the Spirit of God dwells see 1 Cor. 2.9 10 11 12 13 14 15. God who is a Spirit hath a Spiritual Table furnished with Spiritual Meat and with Spiritual Drink for all his Spiritual Babes Sons and Daughters who are Born of the Spirit and have Food provided for them according to the Nature of the Seed they are Born of For the Birth being Spiritual it must needs be granted that the Meat and Drink it feeds upon must needs be Spiritual also else how can it agree or suit with the Nature of this Birth For God is a God of Order and hath placed all things in good Order both in Heaven and in Earth so that there is no Communion between the Spiritual and the Natural Man neither can they feed together For every Creature hath its Food according to its Nature the Fish of the Sea cannot feed upon the Land nor can the Beasts of the Field feed in the Sea no more can the Children of God feed at the Table of Devils nor can the Children of the Devil feed at the Table of the Lord neither do they know it Now what is the Devil's Table For I find freedom to be a little plain Let us see if we can shew wicked Men that are the Children of the Wicked One what their Father's Table is and that we may do it in short let us see who are his Children for the Childrens Food is according to and suitable with their Nature Now his Children are these and called by these Names 1 Cor. 6 9 10. Unrighteous Fornicators Idolaters Adulterers Effeminate Abusers of themselves with Mankind Thieves Covetous Drunkards Revilers Extortioners Malicious Enviers Haters of those that are good Murderers Deceivers Haters of God Proud Inventers of Evil Things Disobedient to Parents without Understanding Covenant-Breakers without Natural Affection
inherit Substance and as the Apostle said Heb 9.24 Christ is not entered into Holy Places made with Hands which are Figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us so that Christ is not now in the Figures and if Christ be not in them what Virtue Power or Nourishment is in them For he hath all Fulness dwelling in him and if we partake not of his Fulness what is it we can partake of that can do us any good And if all Fulness dwell in Christ as the Scripture saith then what is there in Figures Types and Shadows Surely these must needs be empty if all dwell in Christ and that he be all in all Well might the Apostle say Let him that glories glory in the Lord so that all the Testimonies of the Apostles point and direct to Christ and testifie of him and his People at this Day preach him For after all his Sufferings Passion Resurrection and Ascension Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door to me I will come in unto him and Sup with him and he shall Sup with me Rev. 3.20 Open therefore ye Everlasting Doors and let the King of Glory enter in for he is Lord of Hosts great and mighty and if God be with you who can be against you He is come to teach his People himself therefore hear his Voice and open the Door of the Soul and let him in that ye may Sup with him and he with you for it 's he that giveth Living Bread and Living Water and his Flesh is meat indeed and his Blood is Drink indeed they that eat his Flesh and drink his Blood dwell in him and he in them and therefore these must needs know he is come for they Sup with him where there is Bread enough and all things are ready the Marriage of the Lamb is come his Beauty and Glory is beheld the Day of his Espousals is come and his Beloved is come up out of her Wilderness-state in a great measure and is made ready for her Beloved for he is adorned with his Wedding-garments O she is the fairest amongst Women no Church nor Woman like her Her Glory is within she feeds on hidden Manna and hath Meat to eat that the World knows not of therefore she tramples upon all Transitory Things and hath the Moon under her Feet she seeks not after the Glory of the Night fine Titles great Honours and rich Benefits Places of outward Profit worldly Gain earthly Treasure and fading Riches no no her Beloved to whom she is joined and made one Spirit with never valued these things or sought after them yet the World hated him and therefore it hates his People because they are not of the World for if they were of the World then the World would love her own but because they are not of the World Christ having chosen them out of the World therefore the World hates them even as Cain hated Abel because Abel's Works were Righteous but Cain's were Evil Oh! therefore be intreated all you that read these Lines to leave the World that is to say be dis-jointed from it and and cleave not to it in your Hearts Minds Souls and Spirit and return unto the Lord with your whole Hearts Mind and Might Souls and Spirits and acept of his Blessed Invitation All you that thirst come unto me said he and drink this was in the last and great Day of the Feast that Christ said after this manner And as the outward Feast drew then to an end so the inward lasting Feast of Fat Things was proclaimed and as the Figure or Type was near its period so the Substance or Antitype Christ the Bread of Life the Passover of the Spiritual Iew was proclaimed And had many known the Gift of God and who it was that gave this free Invitation and proclaimed it himself for all to come that thirsted surely they would have come then and now also But alas there is too few that knows him or thirsteth after him especially of the Wise and Prudent of this World nor of the Great Rich Mighty Noble Learned Disputers of this World who seek their own things their own Honour their own Exaltation yea their own Praise and Glory not the Praise Honour and Glory of God nor the Things of Jesus Christ. But come Remember before this he proclaimed by his Servant Isaiah Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and drink and ye that have no Money come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price Wherefore do ye spend your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfieth not Hearken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is good and let your Soul delight it self in fatness Incline your Ear and come unto me hear and your Soul shall live and I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you even the sure Mercies of David 〈◊〉 55.1 2 3. Oh! what a tender Invitation is here proclaimed unto every thirsty Soul even such as have no Money These are Invited very sweetly But the Lord is grieved and very sorely displeased with Babylon's Merchants who have Traded long and have made themselves Rich Great and Mighty and have taken Money for that which is not Bread and the People have been so unwise as to give it them tho' they have been empty of Living Refreshment of Peace with God and true Satisfaction and have been kept in Bondage have lain in Captivity doing the things they ought not and leaving undone the things they ought to have done O the long Complaints that have been put up towards Heaven And though they say they believe that Christ is come that hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth and gives Power to all that receive him to become the Sons of God even them that believe in his Name who are Born of God But alas People do not come to him tho' they be so very tenderly Invited and Reasoned with as Why will ye give your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which doth not satisfie What Advantage is this to your Souls What Wisdom is there in doing thus to give Money and Labour for that which is worth neither As by long Experience many know Oh then Let the Wicked forsake his way and the Unrighteous Man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have Mercy upon him and to our God saith the Prophet and he will abundantly pardon Seek the Lord therefore whilst he may be found call upon him while he is near for he is come near who is given for a Leader and Commander to the People Read all the Chapter through and consider it and compare it with Chap. 53. and whilst Time is embrace Christ Jesus open the Door of thy Heart and let him in hearken to him learn of him be led guided commanded and ruled by