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A41630 The divine history of the genesis of the world explicated & illustrated Gott, Samuel, 1613-1671. 1670 (1670) Wing G1353; ESTC R2249 420,445 525

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was more Earth And as the Winds are thus caused by Vapors so the Southern parts of the World being more Watery are therefore as I have said more Tepid or Warm and Rainy or Misty and the Northern parts being more Terreous and Emitting more of the Terreitys therefore the Northwind is contrarily more Cold and Dry. And the Sun in the Diurnal Motion of the Aether being carried from East to West and so better Concocting the Vapors which he hath before raised and passed over in such his Diurnal Cours therefore generaly Eastern Winds are also more Cold and Dry and Western Warmer and Moister and some Winds are observed to Rise and Fall with the Rising and Setting of the Sun But if any Wind or Weather be so Copious and Durable as to be carried about the whole Terraqueous Globe then the same Wind may be of a Contrary Temper from the same Caus and so many times Rains come from the North and East and commonly they are very great becaus they are so Copious and Durable and so in Africa and other hot Climes there are Infrequent Rains but when they happen they are Excessive becaus the Sun doth very Copiously rais Vapors and if it happen by any Circumstantial Causality that he can not Concremate and Desiccate them as much they all turn into Rain And so the Hot Meteor of a Thunder-cloud draws very Copious and Dark Vapors which when the Heat breaks forth in Lightning are presently Resolved into Rain though otherwise when there are few other such Vapors in the Air neer to it there are also dry Lightnings without any great Nois becaus they are not Exploded out of such Clouds as the others and Thunder-clouds may go against the Wind as we say becaus they are Moved and Impelled by their own Heat and by their great Commotion after the Explosion of the Lightning they commonly turn the Wind. And Concurrent Causes may Move and Impell the Mobile Air every way and when it cannot Move fast enough Progressively then as I have said it must Move Circularly whereby it becomes a Turbo or Whirlwind which I conceive rather to be such then all the Winds blowing against one another Ignes fatui are Inflamed Exhalations more Lucid and less Fiery having some Fatt and Viscous Corpuscles of Earth in their Misture and arise generaly from such Soils And if they be more Igneous and more Rarefied thereby they are better Concocted and Ascend higher and become Stellae Cadentes and the l●ke which fall down again when that Heat is Extinct But these Fiery Meteors which last longer are not comparably Igneous like Fulgur or Lightning which having a most Rare and Subtile Fomes and being also pent in and Condensated in the Cloud when it breaks forth doth not only make a Terrible Nois by the sudden Collision of the Cloud every way against the Air but also by that sudden Eruption as well as by the Spiritual Power therof doth wonderful Execution and is strangely Influential and I suppose of all Culinary Fire is most like to Aethereal but I cannot conceiv that it can so Calcine any part of the Cloud as to forge a Fulm●n Thunderbolt or Stone though I acknowledg that there is much Earth also in it wherof as well as of the Water some Insects as Tadpols and others are found to be Produced after Rain All which Violent and Excessive Meteors are as I have said general Effects of the Divine Curs and so Thunder is called the Voice of God and ought to be regarded but I do not apprehend these general Effects to be any such special Prodigys and Portents as some would have them to be The Iris and the like are Properly no Meteors but only Reflections of the Sun-beams from a Vaporous Cloud like a Prism being also more Opacous then the Bright Clouds And I doubt not but that there were Rainbows before the Deluge though not before the Fall as well as Lambs before the Pass-over Water and Bread and Wine before Baptism and the Lords Supper for all such Sacramental Elements are in themselvs Natural and only supernaturaly Instituted to be Symbolical Signes and so was the Rainbow which signifys Sunshine after Rain and doth very fitly declare the Covenant that God made with Noah that as he and his Family were then saved from the Deluge so it should never after come upon his Posterity and as God said I will look upon it that I may remember the everlasting Covenant between God and every Living Creature of all flesh that is upon the Earth so should we when we behold this his Bow in the Clouds thankfully remember his wonderful Deliverance both that which is past wherin we all who were then in the loins of Noah's Sons were preserved and also future concerning which God hath given us such an everlasting Covenant and this Signe therof SECTION IX And God said Let the Waters under the Heaven be gathered into one place and let the Dry Land appear And it was so And God called the Dry Land Earth and the gathering together of the Waters called he Seas And God saw that it was Good And God said Let the Earth bring forth Grass the Herb yielding Seed and the Fruit Tree yielding Seed after his kind whose Seed is in itself upon the Earth And it was so And the Earth brought forth Grass and Herb yielding Seed after his Kind and the Tree yielding Fruit whose Seed was in itself after his Kind And God saw that it was Good And the Evening and the Morning were the Third Day EXPLICATION God having before caused part of the Water to ascend in Vapors into the Air did afterward caus the rest to subside and be derived into certein Canales in the Earth which he had also prepared for it and so made the Surface of the Earth which before was covered with Water to appear together with it in one Terraqueous Globe wherof the Dry Land was Earth and the Confluvia of Waters Seas And this Ordination of all these three Elements was their Goodness and Perfection And when God had thus prepared all the fower Elements he caused the Earth being pregnant with Vegetative Principles accordingly to bring forth Grass Herbs and Trees above the Surface therof after their several Kinds and the Herbs and Trees had also their several Seeds and Seminal Virtues in themselves whereby to Propagate and Multiply afterward And this was their Goodness and Perfection And all these were the Works of the Third Day ILLUSTRATION 1. Of Water 2. Of Moisture 3. Of Odors and Sapors 4. Of the Flux and Reflux of Waters 5. Of Earth 6. Of Drines 7. Of Consistence 8. Of Magnetical Virtue and Electricity 9. Of the Immobility of the Earth 10. Of Vegetatives 11. Of the Goodnes of the Works of the Second and Third Days I. THe Water which is Elementary and more properly such and wherof Vapor and Ice are only Various is next to Air above it both in Situation and Nature as may
without any Local Motion and when they are in Local Motion are Commonly rather Causes therof then Caused by it and so they Caus Motion in the very Matter which of it self would Perpetualy Rest in the Center and due Position of it Self as I have said and shall heerafter prove and is Disturbed and Moved by the Potentiae of Spirits which alter the Natural Position Figure Density and Gravity therof and Properly it hath no Natural Motion of it Self but only to restore it Self unto Rest. Nor can the Matter and Motion and any or all the other Accidents or Variations therof Formaly Caus the Spirits or Spiritual Qualitys but are only Instruments and fit Bodies therof which they form for themselves Take Wax and Move it this Way or that Way or Mold it into this or that Figure or Discind it into any Threads or Corpuscles or Mechanicaly Vary the Matter therof how you will yet it will still be Wax as well as every part of Water is Water Unless there be also some new Generation or Corruption therof by Spirits and Spiritual Qualitys as I shall shew heerafter Wherefore that which some call Texture whether Extrinsecal as Figure Porosity or plain Interweaving of Threads or Filaments and the like or Intrinsecal as Density and Rarity which indeed are the only true Intrinsecal Textures of Bodys and yet are wholy denied by our Textorian Philosophers as well as Local Motion is only Instrumental and no Formal Caus or Being of any Spirit or Spiritual Quality And so take Common Water and Spirit of Wine Vitriol or any stronger Spirits and setting them in their several Vessels one by another Inspect them with a Microscope and see if you can discern any such Proportionable and Consyderable Difference of their Extension Figure Density Gravity Local Motion or any Corporeal Texture whatsoever as there is of their Spirits and Spiritual Qualitys Or take any Aethereous Globules or Materia Subtilis Emittent Transmittent or Remittent if you can tell where to find it or the most Subtile and Pure Air which may be had on the Top of the highest Mountain and which is Common Matter as well as any other and putting this Matter into any Windgun Airpump or Expansor or any such Torcular or other Rack of Nature whatsoever or applying to it any Chymical Fire or Heat or Salt and Snow or what you will and vex it how you will and try if you can force it to Confess it Self to be any other thing then Air or Extort from it all or any of these Spiritual Diversifications or such as may be Effected by the like Experiments made of Vapor Water or Earth or any parcel or part of the Terraqueous Globe and Cortex therof Which God having made to be the Native Countrey and Region of Animals hath also Impregnated with such Material Spirits and their Spiritual Qualitys which he did first Produce and still may be Produced ou● of them Wherefore since Matter and Spirits do thus Differ not only in our Mind and Reason but in their own Natures I Conclude them both Realy to Be and Realy to Differ one from the other and not to be only Matter and the Motions therof VIII Accidents are either Common or Proper Common Accidents are such as were Concreated and Actualy Existed together with the Substances in the Begining and without which no Substances or any Created Entity whatsoever can Actualy Exist as all Quantitys whether discrete as Number for every Creature that is whatsoever it be must also be Numerable Or Successive as Duration for every Creature that is whatsoever must also be Durable or Temporary Or Consistent as Extension which though is be in it Self Proper to Matter yet as the Matter of the whole World is a Common Matter so as I have shewed it doth Coextend or Contein all Spirits and every Creature that is in Heaven or Earth must necessarily be Localy therin that is in the Universal Body of the Matter or Vbi therof and in some Part or Place therof that is it must be there where it is and no where els at the same Time Proper Accidents are such as Originaly Flow from and Subsist in their Proper Substances as Consistent Quantity Extension Figure Density and the rest in Matter and Spiritual Qualitys in Spirits Again these Simple Accidents may be either Compounded together or Several and yet mutualy Relating one to another and Such Relations may also be Real as First and Last in Successive Quantity or Time for they Realy are Such in the Successive Nature therof which otherwise should not be Successive and are not only Notional such as First or Last in Consistent Quantity or Extension for they are not Realy such in the Consistent Nature therof becaus it is Consistent altogether and so the First may be Last or the Last First according to our Notion and Institution therof Also there are other more Complex Relations which may likewise be Real either Mathematical as a Triangle and three several Lines are different things or Physical as Beauty which is a Relative Conformity of severall Lineaments and Colors to the Physical Law therof Or Moral as Virtue which is a Relative Conformity of Actions Modes and Circumstances to the Moral Law therof Or Theological as Piety which is a Relative Conformity of Actions Modes and Circumstances to the Theological Law therof and the like which being more Complex are also more Curious and Excellent and the Relative Conformitys therof are Not only Real but also the Excellencys and Perfections of those Realitys wherin they Relatively and Realy Subsist And this Relative Reality though i● doth Subsist in the particular Entitys wherof they are the Relations yet doth Consist in the very Relative Conformity therof for their particular Entitys being Inverted will vary them as a Triangle may so be made a Zeta or Pi or render that which was Beautiful Deformed and that which was Virtuous Vitious and that which was Pious Impious And heer I shall Conclude with this general Observation That though Substances Excell in Entity becaus they Subsist in themselvs yet Accidents Excell in Bonity becaus they Perfect their Substances For such indeed was that great Difference between the first Chaos and the six Days Works Perfected therin SECTION V. And the Earth was without form and void And Darknes was upon the face of the Deep EXPLICATION The Elementary Globe of Earth Water Air and Aether was first Created Inform and Inane without any of those Actual Compositions Mistions Figures and Virtues which were afterward Produced in the Six Days ILLUSTRATION 1. Of the fower Elements 2. Of the Chaos 3. Of Quantity 4. Of Number 5. Of Time 6. Of Extension 7. Of Figure 8. Of Porosity 9. Of Density and Rarity 10. Of Gravity and Levity 11. Of Rest and Motion 12. Of Place Space and Vacuity I. WE have heer a farther Explication in the Text itself of the Heaven and Earth Created in the Begining Wherof it is again said
in the Extratorricellian Tube which by the Descent and Weight of the Mercury in the Stagnum Comprest it should in this Extratorricellian Experiment stand at the same Hight as in the common Torricellian Experiment which yet it doth not but above it becaus a very litle of the Air so very much Expanded doth suffice to fill the small Space above the Mercurial Cylinder in the Torricellian Tube in this Experiment and to suspend the Mercury and therefore when so much of the Mercury as before filled that Space doth after the Inversion Re●tagnate in the Extratorricellian Tube the rest of Air which was Included therin is thereby Proportionably Comprest and by the Elastical Potentia of that Compression bears up the Mercury and Cylinder therof somwhat higher then in the Torricellian Experiment which doth Concurr with what I said before concerning the drawing down of the Mercurial Cylinder by Expansion of the Included Air in the Receiver of the Airpump or Expansor for so contrarily the Compression of the like Included Air in this Experiment doth bear it upward and plainly appears to be stronger then any pretended Pressure of the Atmosphere And this may further appear if you open the first Close End of the Extratorricellian Tube for then the Included Air therin so Comprest will issue forth with a litle Poppysm which is a manifest sig●e of the Compression of Air and then the Mercurial Cylinder will fall down to the usual Standard And yet more Visibly if you carefully close the first Closed End of the Extratorricellian Tube with a litle piece of Bladder when both the Tubes are Inverted as before the Bladder will apparently strutt and stiffly rise up and not be born down by the Atmosphere as hath been supposed and then the Mercurial Cylinder will not stand altogether so high as before but proportionably lower according to the more Space gained by the strutting of the Bladder And if the Torricellian Tube be Open at both Ends and you stop one with your Finger beneath and then it be filled with Mercury and so you Invert it with your other hand and place it in the Stagnum it will notably Introsuct your Finger which by the Inversion will then be above it in stead of Air becaus it is next to the Mercurial Cylinder and Weight therof and yet it will also Introsuct Air below it to fill the Space above it and all such Introsuctions are manifest Symptoms of Air Expanded and not of any Vacuity which as it can not Extrude so neither can it Introsuct any Body nor doth need any Body to succeed as Plenitude doth but those forcible Introsuctions are from that Elastical Potentia of a Body Expanded which is to Restore itself to its own Natural Density and other Successions of any Body against the Natural Motion therof are as I have shewed only to prevent Vacuity Nor is such Introsuction any Pressure of the Atmosphere above the Finger but most Sensibly only a Torture beneath it Wherefore it is sufficiently evident that the Space above the Mercurial Cylinder is filled only with Expanded Air which they who deny do thereby shutt their Eyes against a very Curious Improvement which otherwise they might make therof by Inquiring farther how very subtily and strangely the Air doth pass into the Torricellian Tube so prepossessed with the Mercury Which I shall now also consyder And I can easily grant to others and my self that it doth not nor can it Possibly pass and Penetrate through the Extensive Body of the Glass or Mercury becaus itself is also an Extensive Body and two such severaly Extensive Bodys can not be in the same Place which as I have said is only Extension in Relation to the Substance of the Body itself which thereby is in such a Position and Place as it is in respect of all other Bodys in the Univers nor can there be any such Penetration of Extensions or two Extensions in the same Vbi becaus it is the Position of the Extensions and so there can not be two Positions of one and the same Extension though by Condensation and Rarefaction Compression and Expansion the Extension itself may be Varied the Matter being the same as I have formerly shewed and doth plainly appear by these and all other Instances therof Also I conceiv that neither the Glass which is a very Imporous Body nor the Mercury which is Fluid hath any such Pores in itself through which the Air might pass without Penetration but that the very great Force and Violence of the Introsuction which I have before discovered doth make Temporary Pores or rather some pervious Passages which are those very close and Indiscernible Strainers through which the Air doth pass in the Body of the Mercury itself into the Tube and thereby is so very much Expanded As when Boys blow through a Q●ill or Cane into Water wherin there are no Pores before yet the Force and Violence of that Blast doth make such Temporary Passages whereby their Breath passeth through the Body therof in manifest Bubbles so when a Drawer fills his Wine out of a Pott held very high into a Glass below some Air between is by the Fall dashed into the Wine and appears therin in very small Corpuscles which he therefore calls Nitts and again Ascend in small Bubbles standing on the Surface of the Wine and so in the common Experiment of Tobacco taken through a close Vessell almost filled with Water whereby the Fume of the Tobacco shall pass from the Pipe through the Water to the Mouth of him who so Introsucts it which is very like the Introsuction of the Air through the Mercury by the Weight therof and though the same Body doth Introsuct through itself in the Torricellian Experiment which is also consyderable wheras in all the others the Operation is by another yet I do not apprehend this Diversity to make any Difference in the Reason of the thing itself for so as there be a sufficient Force thus to Introsuct it is all one whether it be by the Force of the same Body or of another or whether it be by a Potentia or Pondus and the Mercury in the Torricellian Experiment is putt into such a Posture as it can not Descend with all the Weight therof unles it first make way for another Body that is the Air so to pass through it and to succeed it Ne detur Vacuum which it doth as I have said by the very Weight therof and so the Air passeth through it though not without very much Resistance and Commotion either by Indiscernible Bubbles or some such Passages And being so Introsucted by the Overweight of the Mercury and to Prevent Vacuity the Weight of the Mercurial Cylinder below it is as if there were an Introsuctive Potentia above it which might be sufficient so to Introsuct Air through it as the Breath of a Man is sufficient to Introsuct it through a litle Body of Water wheras the Pondus of the Mercurial Cylinder is farr
themselvs but also adapted so as to Colluminate together and give Light upon the Earth as it is so said of them all together as well as particularly of the Sun to rule the Day and of the Moon to rule the Night and thus they were made one general Constellation or Host of Heaven wherof the Sun who was made to rule the Day which is called Light and in respect wherof the Night and all the Nocturnal L●ght is Comparatively termed D●rknes not only as they were so Divided and Denominated in the First Day before there were any Moon or Starrs to rule the Night but now also again in this Fourth Day wherin the Luminarys were made to rule over the Day and over the Night and to divide the Light from the Darknes was made also to be Fountain of Light generaly as the Ocean and the rest as Rivers or Streams of Light and as all the Luminarys and Constellations have their Influences so every other Planet and Starr and the whole Aether had their own Native Light more or less Actualy produced in themselvs and likewise an aptitude or Potentiality of production of a greater Lucidity and Emanation therof as well as of their Influences by the Sun whereby they also might give Light upon the Earth And thus as I have observed Univocal Generators do most Effectualy Generate and produce as Heat is so said to draw forth Heat and particularly Colors which are composed as I said of Lucidity and Opacity though they be Inherent in the Colorate Bodys wherin they are so Mist and do Subsist yet being so Mist with Opacity their Lucidity is thereby also so Imprisoned or fixed and confined to the Colorate Body that it is only Actualy Inherent therin and cannot issue forth in Emanan● Rays whereby it becomes Visible unto us until it be Evoked Excited and Assisted by the External Light and the more Lucid the Color is as White and the like the more it is so produced as Whites are best Marks at a distance and a White Horse a better Mark or Guide in a dark Night then a Black and the more Light or Rays therof are cast upon any Colorate Object the more are the Visible Species therof produced wheras Culinary Lucid Bodys which of themselvs do Emitt their own Rays are not Assisted but rather have their Visibility Obscured by External Light especialy if it be greater as a Candle in the Sun and so the Starrs and Moon itself above the Horizon before Sun rising or setting are not so Visible as afterward as Water doth quench the flame of an Haystack which it before Incensed Wherefore I thus conceiv that the Native Light of the Moon being not a Culinary but an Aethereal Light Inherent in the Moon itself is like Color yet farr more Lucid and so farr more Evoked Excited and Assisted by the Solar Light as a White Color is thereby rendred more Visible then Black and that the Inherent Light of the Moon and External Light of the Sun so concurring by their more Connatural Homogeneitys do produce and draw forth themselvs together to so great a distance and with so great a Splendor and though the Sun doth so produce the Inherent Light of the Moon Positively by his Principal Rays when they are both above the Horizon yet the Moon doth not then appear so Visible and Splendid becaus Comparatively she is thereby made farr less Visible and Splendid then he is in himself for certeinly this Lucidity cannot be only from Reflection of the Solar Rays whether we suppose the Moon to be Cortical having Earth and Seas like the Terraqueous Globe which Sensibly doth not Reflect very farr or specular which may Reflect farther becaus the Rays penetrate less and more Splendidly in a fitt Position to the Ey being Reflected thereby more equaly but it must be also by some Inherent Light which is in the Moon itself that is so Collustrated by the Solar Light and by the Connatural Quality therof nor is it to be Imagined that the highest Planets and Starrs which are at the farthest distance and yet Emitt such a Splendid and Vivid Light should so shine only by the Reflection of the Solar Light Now though there are Spotts in the midle and seeming Gibbi in the Circumference of the Moon which I rather conceiv so to appear by such Intervenient Spotts therin yet this may not be from any Concavitys in the Body of the Moon and the unequal Reflection of the Solar Light thereby for there are Spotts also in the Sun whereby his conversion about his Axis is noted and yet he shines by his own Light but I suppose them to be only less Luminous parts and such defects of their Native and Inherent Light as I doubt much whether they were so Created in this Fourth Day and though Earth which is a Consistent Body may have such Constant Eminences and Water some Temporary Waves yet it hath been observed that as Flame of a Candle which is somwhat more Rare is rendred Pyramidal by Compression of the Ambient Air so if it be defended by another Intermediate Flame as of Spirit of Wine Inflamed or the like it will Conglobate within that Flame And wheras Saturn is commonly represented Oval it is said by a very curious Inspector that indeed he appears so if you behold him through a less Telescope but if through a larger you may discern two litle Aetheruli on each side of him and very neerly distant from him which make him so to appear when they are beheld together with him Confusedly and Indistinctly Though I shall not determine this or how they might be Composed and Constituted by the Divine Creator certeinly all the Planets do not Move in exact Circles but some of them describe Circles Indented with such Hemitrochoids as I have shewed but it shall suffice to have proved that the Moon and consequently the Starrs have their own Inherent Light as well as the Sun though perhaps not Emanant without his Coll●●tration and so plainly they have their several Influences and every one it s own Planetary V●rtue Inherent in themselvs which Moves their own Bodys becaus there are such various and several Motions therof which therefore must be caused by various and several Motive Virtues The Moon as I have said doth not Move about her own Axis but she doth Move very notably and rapidly in her Zodiak Progressively and if we compute that Motion according to all her Revolutions perhaps as fast as the Sun which are the two swiftest Movers Progressively And the Moon as she is neerest to us so probably she is least Calid and Lucid wherefore her chief Influence is observed to be over Moisture not that she is Moist in herself which is a Quality of Water but as the Sun doth by his Heat draw up Vapors and also Desiccate or Concremate them whereby they do not presently return again into Water but turn into Dry Exhalations Clouds and Motes wheras more Moist Vapors and
by some kind of Vegetative Expansion and Compression as I shall shew afterward As Fishes are expressly said to be produced out of the Waters wherin their Spirits were before latent so they require a Body Aqueous wherin they Reside and Operate and they were accordingly formed of the Water as it was then Mist with the other Elements and thereby prepared for such productions and formations and though some may wonder as I have formerly at this strange formation of the Bodys of Fishes how their Flesh and Bones which are Firm and Consistent though not so much as of Fowls and Beasts should be made of Fluid Water which could not be Transmuted into Earth since there is no such Transpeciation as I have before proved yet heer also we may see how these Mysterys of Scripture and Nature do Consist and Correspond together for so it is found by Experiment that some Trees and Fruits as Willows Pumpions and the like may be as much Augmented thereby and so the whole Sensitive Body is still formed of Bloud for every Mistum conteineth all the Elements and their Virtues and there is in Water or Bloud also sufficient Matter and so drink if not so Nutritive yet may be as Augmentative as Meat as appears in such who drink much and eat litle and Sensitive Bodys as of Tadpols may be formed of Water and if we consyder the Mistion of all the fower Elements and the Doctrine of Potentialitys which I have before deduced from the Chaos of all these Potentialitys and already approved by many other Instances as also it may be clearly confirmed heerby we may understand how as I have said it is indeed the Clavis of all Generation and Corruption for thus all the Terraqueous Composita are Terraqueous having also some Misture though less of Air and Aether in them and so in their Generation or Corruption if the Terreous Qualitys be Actuated they appear to be and so indeed Actualy are Terreous Bodys and have a proportionable Firmnes or Consistence which as I said is a Terreous Quality as Smoak is turned into Soot and the like and if the Aqueous Qualitys be Actuated and the Terreous reduced to their Potentiality then the same Bodys will be no longer Firm and Consistent Actualy but Fluid as in Fusion and Corrosion of Metalls whereby it is said that even Gold itself may be reduced to an Oil or to some such Aqueous Body and others affirm the like of any Terreous Bodys whatsoever and so though Aereous Qualitys according to the less Misture of that Element in Terraqueous Bodys are not so easily and commonly Actuated yet thereby or by Vapor or both Camphire and Salts may be Volatilised as Meteors may be in the Air like Amurca o● Mudder standing in the top of Water yea by Actuating the Aethereous Qualitys therin the Terraqueous Body may seem to be all Fire as Iron Candent Pitch Wax Tallow Oil Spirit of Wine and the like Inflamed But the Bodys of Fishes are not so Terreous as to Sink to the bottom nor so Aereous as to Swim and float above the Water being most fitly poised and prepared for their Moving in their Native Element Water As the Spirits of Fishes are Sensitive so the more Perfect have all Senses except Hearing which some deny and also that they have any Auditory Nervs certeinly they do not hear themselvs becaus they are generaly M●te and yet I rather conceiv that they have also the Sens of Hearing becaus they have the more excellent Sens of Seing though perhaps their Hearing may be very Dull as their Element of Water is no very fitt Medium of Sound Yet Oisters and such Imperfect Fishes have neither of these Scientifical Senses Seing or Hearing but only Feeling and Tasting and perhaps Smelling which as I have said is Concomitant and Assistant to Tast though the distinct Organs of any Sens are not discernible in them nor any Brain or Heart but they seem to be one Lump with something like a Bloud in it which all Sensitives have and also as I suppose something Analogous to the Organs in more perfect Animals of such Senses as they have and so of Imagination and Appetite which are the common Sensitive Fountains of all the Senses and wherin they Subsist though they have no Imaginative Ingeny as I shall shew afterward and therefore no Sensitive can be without them and consequently not without some apt Organs therof And heer I must observ that as every Specifical Nature is most excellent in its own Specifical Difference becaus it is the very Specifical Difference therof so in the same Classis the lower Species may have some Inferior Qualitys more Excellent or at least more Vehement and Notorious then the Superior Thus Fishes are generaly more Voracious and less Valetudinary then other Sensitives and Augment vastly and Procreate abundantly especialy such as Generate by Ejection and Superinjection of their Seeds and not by Copulation as is reported of Whales and their Fecundity is expressly mentioned in the Text that the Waters brought them forth abundantly and so again Emphaticaly repeated and therefore I do not conceiv as some that this Difference happened by the Deluge which indeed did not concern Fishes becaus it is so intimated in their very Creation But in all these and many other Piscine Qualitys and Facultys the Whale and such other grand Animals of the Sea do excell and such Thynni Balaenae and immania Cete are therefore called Sea-monsters not becaus they are Anomalous but from their vast and terrible Greatnes and the chief of them which is supposed to be the Whale is termed Leviathan whom God himself hath largely described elsewhere and saith of him Vpon all the Earth there is not his like he is King over all the children of Pride I suppose in respect of his great Bulk and Strength generaly though his strength in proportion to his Bulk be not so great as of many Terrestrial Animals especialy the Elephant which is also termed Behemoth and who in that respect is said to be Chief of the ways of God But Fowls are of the least Bodily Magnitude though their Spirits be of an higher Kind then Fishes and yet more allied to them then to Beasts and therefore made in the same Day with them and so it is also observed that their Brains are more Conformable to the Brains of Fishes and the Brains of Beasts to the Brain of Man The Bodys of Fowls are less becaus the Air in which they were made to fly is a more Rare and weaker Fulciment then Water though otherwise their flying is Analogous to Swiming and such a kind of Sliding or Creeping and their Wings and the Motion therof to Fins and the Motion therof and as they were not produced out of the Air nor their Bodys formed of it for as I said all Animals as well as Vegetatives are Terraqueous so neither of the Water as Fishes for it is not so said of them but as it