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A36095 A Discourse of infant-baptism by way of a dialogue between Pædobaptista, a minister for infant-baptism, Antipædobaptista, his friend, against it, Aporeticus, an ingenuous doubter 1698 (1698) Wing D1599; ESTC R27860 30,411 63

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to succeeding generations Now if any Israelite forsook God he was not reckoned to be in Covenant because he was of Abraham according to the flesh so that the Natural Seed of Israelites Believing and of Believing Gentiles were the Spiritual seed tho' still the Infants were Children by natural desent and by it had this Priviledge with their Parents not because their Parents were their Fathers but because their Fathers were Believers But this has diverted me I will return to what I have to say further 6. That God is so far from taking down the Essential Church-state of the Jews that as I hinted before he has taken down the Partition Wall of Ceremonies and has made them one house of which the Apostles and Prophets are secondary foundations Eph. 2.14 For he is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us 19. Now therefore ye are no more Strangers and Foreigners but fellow Citizens with the Saints and of the Housho●d of God 20. And are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone Lastly Consider also that Christ hath Expresly declared that Children belong to this Church as parts of the Kingdome of God Mat. 19.13 14. Then were there brought unto him little Children that he should put his hands upon them and pray and the disciples rebuked them But Jesus said suffer little Children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the Kingdome of Heaven I know you would evade this Text by telling us that such means such like in Humility c. but that Christ intends these very little Children is Evident 1. Because he might if such like had been his meaning as properly have said suffer Doves and Lambs to come to me for of such like is the Kingdom of Heaven 2. This taking them in his Arms and Blessing them shews he meant them 3. He asserts their Church Membership and that as a Reason why he would have them come For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Antipaed You have said enough to convince me that Infant Baptism is not a groundless absurd opinion there is much more to be said in its behalf than ever I Imagin'd or was acquainted with before I thought neither Argument nor Solution was able to stand before me And I assured my self the Smooth Stones that I had chosen out of the Brook the Pleas for Precept or Example and the mighty Objection of Childrens Incapacity would have knock'd down the stoutest Champion for Infant Baptism I will try your Strength in one thing more and that is the manner of Baptizing You know that we hold that it ought to be done by total Immersion douseing dipping or covering the person with Water This has mov'd some otherwise well enough satisfied with Infant Baptism to be Baptized after our way taking the former to be only Sprinkling and therefore as not answering our Lords Institution null and void And what Indeed can be more plain Seeing the Genuine proper and primitive signification of the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the thing designed in this Sacrament and the Concurrent practise of the Primitive Church are all on our side Paed. What your Arguments want in Strength you make up in Readiness All that you have said and it 's all that can be said is very easily Answer'd If you will joyn with us in what I have been pleading for the Covenant right of Children We shall leave you to your Liberty in this to act as you are perswaded in your own mind The Scripture as I shall show you anon has not determined the particular Mode and why should we To your First Argument from the signification of the Word Baptizo I answer That Word in Scripture is of a large signification and generally signifies to Wash but determines not the manner How Whether by Aspersion Superfusion or Dipping I think most rarely the Last viz. Dipping I 'll give you some Instances in which you cannot without manifest wresting of the Text confine it to Dipping or Dousing My first Instance is Mark 7.4 Vnless they Wash 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unless they be Baptized Spoken of their Traditionary washing of their Hands by them accounted Religious That it is only meant of their hands is plain from v. 2.3 And when they saw some of his Disciples eat bread with defiled that is to say with unwashen hands they found fault For the Pharisees c. And the Paralel place Mat. 15.2 where the Quarrel with the Disciples was for Eating with Unwashen Hands and their contrary practice was asserted Now the Jewish way of washing was by powring Water upon the Hands and not by dipping their hands in Water And therefore one that poureth water on the hands of a man is but another Word for a Servant or Attendant Thus Elisha poured Water on the hands of Elijah From both these Scriptures compar'd I gather That when one principal part of the Body is washed or Baptized the whole man is said to be Baptized or washed 2. That pouring on of Water is called Baptizing I do not see what you can object against this Scripture and therefore I proceed to another and that is Hebrews the 9.10 Which stood only in Meats and Drinks and divers Washings and carnal Ordinances Imposed on them untill the time of Reformation divers Washings in Greek Baptisms This Text undoubtedly relates to the Ceremonious Legal Washings of which some were by way of sprinkling compare it with these Places that speak professedly of them Num. 8.7 And thus shalt thou do unto them to cleanse them sprinkle Water of purifying upon them c. to the 19. Besides These Washings did signify to them their Pardon and Sanctification Antipae The Dutch Translators Translate John the Baptist John the Dooper or Dipper Paed. You Triumph mightily in their Suffrage and yet I know not by what Authority they changed a Word used by the Scriptures and retained all along in the Christian Church into a Word of a less and more restrained Sense However you take Dooper to signify their Painting wherein the Wit of that People lies expresses it by his pouring Water upon the Head of the Penitent and well enough might they do so for we read Lawrence was so Baptized Nor can it be well thought that his Case was singular You see then Vossius in These de Baptismo by Limitting the Word Baptizo you distinguish where the Law doth not distinguish For plunging or going under Water properly is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Do not you think now that if Dipping were as one of your Writers affirms the very form of Baptism but that God would have told us more exactly what it is and described it in every Circumstance but seeing he has not determined the Quantity of Elements in either Sacrament as in the Lord's Supper how great a Piece of Bread or how large a Draught of Wine we are to take
nor has he tyed us to the Quantity of Water in Bapiism By this time you cannot but see That either an over-fondness of a Received Opinion has Captivated you into a Beliefe of the Impregnableness of such Weak Arguments Or that you have too easily taken upon Trust bare Assertions from Men that by plausible for solid you see it is not Arguing would cast a Mist before your Eyes that you may not discover the Nakedness and Weakness of their Pleas about the Subjects of Baptism That which further lays open the Slender hold you have of Scripture is the Squeesing of Words and forcing them to your Purpose and Indoctrinating your Proselytes in Greek Criticks Shall such a great and necessary Truth lie couched in a little and Arbitrary Criticism which proves false or doubtful when it comes to the Tryal They must have a stronger Faith than I either pretend to or desire that can credit it Antipaed But if the Word it self is not sufficient Witness for us yet that with the Aid of Scripture Examples will abundantly prove what we plead for Was not John Baptising in Enon And is not the Reason plain because there was much Water there John 3.23 Is not the Eunuch said to go into and come out of the Water and is not the same said of our Blessed Saviour What can be more clear Paed. Nothing I confess to those that will look at Scripture through the Glass of their own Opinion but a thinking and unprejudiced person will not be deceved by appearances your much Water in Greek is ΠΟΛΛΑΥΔΑΤΑ many Waters Streams or Rivulets where tho' there might be much Water comparatively to other places in that Land where Water was scarce yet says nothing as to the Depth of the Water Besides the Name of the place Enon a little Fountain and doubtless they gave it a name answerable to the Quantity of Waters there and the Account of Travellers favour this Exposition Your Instances of going in or coming out of the Water are of no more Validity There are few Waters but they run Low and a man cannot come to them but by descending nor come from them but by ascending and if you will have these Phrases to conclude any thing it must be the Baptising of the Administrator as well as the Penitent and then it will over-do for it is spoken of both But granting these already mentioned were baptiz'd by Dipping How got they Water for Plunging in the midst of the Night Antip. Yes Why might not they have Vessels in the House large enough Paed. That is a meer Childish Cavil so much Water would stink and corrupt before it were used and it is mere Conjecture all and may as easily be deny'd as affirm'd Antipae But Christ has affixed such a meaning to the Action of Plunging that can be Answer'd no other way Rom. 6.4 Therefore we are Buryed with him by Baptism into Death c. Col. 2.12 Buryed with him in Baptism How can Sprinkling or Pouring on of Water shadow out Death Paed. It will represent Death to Sin as well to us as Plunging did to them for as their Burying was by putting the Body down into a deep Hole or by hiding it in a hollow'd Rock laying it in at the side whereby it was suddenly cover'd and out of sight So ours is by laying it in the Ground and throwing Earth or Dust upon it Is not our way then considering the different Custom of the Country as Teaching and Edifying as yours But that I may dispatch an Answer to your whole Objection The Spiritual Grace is as well signify'd by Pouring or Sprinkling for whether you will have the Water to signify the Cleansing Power of Christ's Blood nothing can do it more lively seeing it is call'd The Blood of Sprinkling Heb. 12.24 And to the Blood of Sprinkling Or the Graces of the Holy Spirit purchased by that Blood which the Scripture calls A pouring out of the Spirit we are not behind you in your way of Administration As ours hath all the Advantages you can pretend to in your way so ours labours not under the Inconveniency and Indecency that yours doth Antipae What do you mean Paed. I mean the Immodesty and Hazard of Baptizing Naked or next to Naked Antipae I wonder you 'll charge us with such an Abominable Practice as Baptizing Naked 'T is a thing we all detest Paed. It may be you do But then let me tell you 1. That you Baptize the Garments as well as the Person that wears them And 2. You must quit all your Pretence to Antiquity for so long as they practis'd Dowsing the Persons that were to be Baptiz'd were stript of their Garments And this they did to signifie The putting off the Old Man and Body of Sin Baptizing in Water was to them Cleansing from and Dying to Sin And the putting on the White Garment which they had on purpose was a putting on the New Man But tho in the Hot Countreys where they went almost Naked such practises were more seemly yet they would be next to Scandalous amongst us And the Garments you have if I be rightly Informed are not so Comely and Distinguishing as they should be And very light and loose sort of Garments they must be that will on a sudden Plunge give Passage for the Water to the Whole Body Antipae The hazard you speak of would not be so much dreaded if Men Indulg'd not their own Unbelief and Carnallity God will keep Men in the Exercise of their Duty I know not any one that ever got harm by being Baptiz'd tho I have known many Weak People Paptized in Winter and some have been better after Paed. I have heard the same observ'd of Childrens being Baptiz'd Yet are we not to tempt God especially when he has not oblig'd us to the more severe way where there is Imminent Danger God will have Mercy and not Sacrifice The Sabbath-day must rather be violated than a Sick Person not Cur'd or a Necessitous Person not Reliev'd And Circumcision is Dispens'd with in the Wilderness because of the Danger and Inconvenience that attended it in that unsetled and wandring State of the Church And the Jews saw it necessary to soften the Extremity of some Usages Commanded by God If a Man had Two Children that dyed upon Circumcision Ainsworth on Gen. 17 13. it was taken for granted that Circumcision was fatal to the Males of that Family and therefore the succeeding Children were not to be Circumcised in Infancy And I remember Mr. Tombes somewhere in his Precursor allows of Warm Water to Weak Persons The Primitive Christians thought Sprinkling was sufficient for the Clinici those that were Baptized in Sickness upon their Beds But you are the Men and Wisdom must dye with you Whole Congregations must forfeit their Baptism and be Unchurch'd because Unplung'd The desperate Tendency of such a Tenet renders it suspicious to me And it needs not only Water but Niter and much Sope to