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A35837 The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord, and minister of the everlasting Gospel William Dewsbery his books, epistles and writings, collected and printed for future service. Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688. 1689 (1689) Wing D1267; ESTC R2959 250,545 433

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must increase whose Baptism we own according as is Recorded in the Scripture of Truth and since he ascended there is no Scripture doth witness his sending any to Baptize with Water Paul who was sent after he ascended what he did in the liberty given him his liberty he knew when he circumcised Timothy and Baptized Crispus and Gaius and the Household of Stephanus besides I know not that I Baptized any other saith Paul for Christ sent me not to Baptize but to Preach the Gospel not with wisdom of words least the Cross of Christ should be of none effect 1 Cor. 1.16 17. And Iohn who bore record of the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ Rev. 14.6 saith I saw an Angel in the midst of Heaven having the everlasting Gospel to Preach to them that dwell in the Earth and to every Nation and Kindred Tongue and People John did not say he did fly through the midst of Heaven Preaching the everlasting Gospel and Baptizing with Water we know Iohn was faithful in his Testimony of Jesus Christ who is now revealed and the Angel is come and the Gospel Preached and the Shadows done away And Bread and Wine were the Supper of the Lord in the Dispensation of time a Figure of his Death which were fulfilled when he had suffered and rose again and now he is known to stand at the Door and knock if any Man hear my voice and open the Door I will come in and Sup with him and he with me saith Christ Rev. 3.20 And we being many are one Bread and one Body c. 1 Cor. 10.17 and know the Wine renewed in our Fathers Kingdom Christ the Substance we now witness Shadows and Figures done away he that can receive it let him And the Churches set up by the will of Man we deny and the fixed Ministry set up over them by the will of Man that watch for the Fleece bear rule by their means and seeks their gain from their Quarter these we deny Ieremiah 5.31 and Isaiah 56.11 And those in scorn called Quakers do watch over the Flock of God every one as the Lord them calls and not for filthy Lucre as the Priests that bear Rule by their means do neither by constraint but of a ready mind 1 Pet. 5.2 in obedience to the Spirit of the Lord as he them move and thy Slanders thou hast not yet proved our Consciences do witness it that what thou hast accused us with is a Lie and not the Truth And thou further sayes that William Deusbery in a lying Paper as thou calls it which is entituled A true Prophecy of the mighty Day of the Lord already risen in the North of England c. In which Paper he makes it his work to slander the Ordinances of Gospel worship under the notion of outward Observations which Christs Kingdom comes not in Luke 17.20 and thus he accounts of all the Ordinances and Institutions prescribed by Christ himself in the Apostolical Churches and accounts all the strict observing of outward Forms of worship is but imitating the Saints practices in their Babilonish and Heathenish wisdom all these outward Forms are the outward Court without the Temple Pag. 1.2 Reply The Lie will be found in thy own Mouth in calling that a lying Paper a true Prophecy it is of the mighty day of the Lord and for thy saying William Deusbery makes it his work c. as before written thy Charge is false and the Truth is witnessed against vain Man who in his dark mind seeks the Kingdom of God in Observations where it comes not Luke 17.20 neither shall men say Lo here or lo there he called by name as before written doth witness they are not the Ordinances of Christ according as is declared of them they will be found and made manifest to the shame and confusion of their Faces who in their own wisdom imitates the Saints practices in Forms which they did practice in Life and Power in the Dispensation of time they served their Generation in the manifestation of the Spirit according to the Will of God. And whereas thou sayst in Pag. 4. it is more clear that he prophanely compares the holy Ordinances and Institutions of the Lord to that great Image set up by Nebuchadnezars proud nature spoken of by Daniel and that that Image was but a Tipe and Figure of this which now shines gloriously in Forms and Observations And thou sayst that in his speaking to the Anabaptists and Independents he tells them they have set up a finer Image in the Gospel Ordinances as they call them and what other Ordinances thou sayst doth these or you set up but what was practised in the Apostolical Churches thus you may see how this Impostor doth reproach the holy things of God. Reply Blush for shame who sayst William Dewsberry compares the holy Ordinances and Institutions of our Lord to that great Image c. Holy Ordinances and Institutions of the Lord is not rhere exprest by him where thou sayst he then so compares he witnesses against the Image you have set up in your minds of the Truth as you conceive where you are in confusion that doth you divide into Forms and Observations as before written to look for the Kingdom of God to come and though you call them the Ordinances of Christ you denying Christ the Light you to guide in the daily cross you are in the same nature wherein Nebuchadnazar cast the Lord Servants into the fiery Furnace because they witnessed against his Image so do you who walk in your imaginations and deny Christ the Light cause the Servants of the Lord that walk in the Life and cannot bow to your Image but witness against it to be haled out of your Meeting Places beaten stoned whipt stockt imprisoned which are the fruits of Nebuchadnez●rs nature as is manifest this day amongst those against whom he witnesseth and who is the Impostor and reproaches the holy things of God the fruit makes manifest he that hath an Eye to see let him see And further thou sayst that he in the height of his insolent rashness and madness saith thus The Word of the Lord came unto me saying I will gather my Peopel out of all Forms and Observations and out of all Kindreds Tongues and Nations and I will pour out my Spirit upon them And this thou sayst he writes in a different Character as if it were all Scripture by this you may see is proved what I have accused them with in denying the Ordinances and Administrations of the Gospel Churches true and yet this impudent Lyar tells me it s a lying slander they would render me a Lyar for telling them the Truth but it seems they can rather and with more ease deny the Accusation then prove themselves Saints and stand to it thus when they are pincht they will say and unsay and any thing to evade Rashness and Madness is thy own in speaking evil of that thou knowest not the day
Power thereof So under all thy profession is most cruel oppression every one oppressing one another according unto their power from the highest unto the lowest so that the cry of the oppressed Seed within the Hearts of thy Inhabiters O England and those that are oppressed in outward oppressions in thee hath entered into thr Ears of the Lord God of Sabbath and he is coming in Power to set the oppressed free and to bring them to Sion which in the eternal Riches of his Love he made known to me where Sion was according unto the desires he had raised up in my Heart and the Word of the Lord came unto me saying I will gather my People out of all Forms and Observations and out of all Kindreds Tongues and Nations and I will pour my Spirit upon them and purge away their filth with the Spirit of Iudgment and of Burning and I will write my Law in their Hearts and put my Spirit in their inward Parts and they shall not depart from me but shall be bound up in union with me in the free Covenant of Life in the Lord Jesus and one with another in the one Spirit so shall the Lord be one and his People one and this is Sion the City of the living God to whom all the promises of the Lord are according unto the Scripture of Truth wherein they need not to Teach every Man his Neighbour and every Man his Brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know me from the least unto the greatest for I will be merciful unto their unrighteousness and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more And this is the holy City the New Ierusalem which Iohn bare witness of wherein there is no Temple for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it And the City had no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of God doth lighten it and the Lamb is the Light thereof And the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the Light of it and the Kings of the Earth do bring their glory and honour unto it and the Gates of it are not shut at all by day for there shall be no night there and there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither that works abomination or makes a lye but they that are written in the Lambs Book of Life and all that walk in the Light of Christ within which Light exerciseth the Conscience and leads into the holy City the New Ierusalem where the true Worshippers of the Father are who worship him in Spirit and in Truth and are come out of the night and need no Candle neither light of the Sun for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall raign forever and ever And this is the true Church in God Sion which shall become the praise of the whole Earth and from whence the Law shall go forth according unto the promise of the Lord and the Word of the Lord from Ierusalem Then shall Righteousness run down with a mighty stream and Oppression shall cease And this glory of the Lord which he hath made known unto me shall be made manifest to the Inhabiters of England if you will hearken diligently to the Counsel of the Lord which is the Light in your Consciences and in it wait on the Lord to be guided by his Power I waited in the Counsel of my God in the Calling where I was placed until the Year 1652. and in the eighth Month of the Year as it is accounted of men the Word of the Lord came unto me saying The Leaders of my People causes them to err in drawing them from the Light in their Consciences which leads to the anointing within which the Father hath sent to be their Teacher which would lead them into all Truth to seek the Kingdom of God in Observations where it is not to be found So my People perish for want of Bread Freely thou hast received freely give and minister and what I have made known unto thee in secret declare openly Which Word constrained me by the Power of it to leave my Wife and Children and to run to fro to declare to Souls where their Teacher is the Light in their Consciences which the Lord hath given unto every one a measure to profit withal for the exercise of the Conscience towards God and Men and waiting in the Light for the Power of Christ he would lead them up to the living Fountains of Water where their Souls would find refreshment in the presence of the Lord and their Bread should be sure and their Water never fail as the Lord hath made manifest to my Soul and to worship him in Truth at New Ierusalem to sing Hallelujahs and Praises among the redeemed Sons and Daughters of God in the beauty of holiness unto the Lord God that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for evermore To you Rulers of England whose names will be honourable if you will honour the Lord in obeying his Counsel which is the Light in your Consciences that he may guide you in all your ways to you I am moved to write Thus saith the Lord God Almighty I will overturn overturn overturn until I have given it unto him whose right it is as you have seen the Power of the Lord manifest on many that were in the place where you are who all professed the Name of Christ but they would not obey his Counsel the Light in their Consciences but walked after the counsel of their own Hearts and improved their power for their own ends and dissembled with God and the Countrey but our righteous God hath overturned them to their everlasting shame and contempt Now if you will not obey the Light in your Consciences to rule in the Power of the Spirit to break every Yoak of unrighteousness and put every filthy and abominable thing out of the sight of the Lord that the oppressed may be set free but you will cause both small and great to worship the Image of the Beast in forcing them to obey the Heathenish and Unrighteous Laws made by Nebuchadnezar's nature proud flesh who set up himself a King to oppress all under his power and set up whom he would to Rule and Raign with him over others in Tyranny Cruelty and Oppression in all unrighteousness which Beast received a deadly wound with a Sword by the little Horn spoken of in Daniel before whom three Horns fell and the Horn had Eyes to see what they should do the Light in their Consciences and a Mouth which speaketh great things what they would do for the glory of God whose look was more stout then their Fellows I beheld the same Horn made War with the Saints of the most high God and prevailed against them as it is fufilled Many of them
which all things were created and without him was nothing made this Word is Life and the Life is the Light of Men and the Light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not this Light is the word of Faith the Apostle exhorted to take heed unto Say not in thy Heart who shall ascend up to Heaven to fetch Christ down or down into the deep to fetch him up the Word is n●gh thee in thy Heart and in thy Mouth and this is the word of Faith which we Preach the unction of the holy one given of the Father so that we need not to teach one another but as the anointed teacheth us which is truth and no lye which is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-Star arise in your Hearts All people return within give up your selves freely to be guided by that Light that discovers to you the evil of your Hearts and none be discouraged because you see an evil Heart but prize the Love of God that discovers it to you and whatever the Light makes manifest to you to be evil Wait on the Lord for power and he will give you power to obey and in being faithful in a little more will be communicated from the Lord so will the righteous Law be set up in your Hearts that will cry through your earthly and carnal Hearts for Righteousness and Judgement and so will bring you to an account for every idle word and all deeds done in the body Look up unto the Lord against whom you have Sinned and he will arm you with power to what he layes upon you with patience to undergo his Will until all the powers of the Earth in you be famished and slain under his righteous Judgments then will Judgment be brought forth unto Victory that you can no longer live without the loving kindness of your Father in Christ Jesus Now is the Parable fulfilled the little grain of Mustard-Seed grown up above all Herbs and the little leaven hath leavened the whole lump and the Prodigal starved forever if his Father receive him not freely into his House Thou that canst witness this condition stand still in the Will of God he will raise up his seed in thee to trust in his Name and to delight in the eternal Covenant of Love and Life he hath made with thy Soul in the Lord Jesus Christ and will guide thee by the Word of his Power in a way thou knowest not forth of Babylon where thou wast an inslaved Captive under the power of the filthy Beast which is thy will and the Whore the Mother of Witchcrafts which is thy wisdom which enthralled thee under the Powers of darkness to satisfie the lusts of thine own Heart which led thee to destruction up to Sion to live by Faith in the Lord Jesus which will purifie thy Heart and set thy Soul free from under the powers of darkness into the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God where thou shalt sing the Songs of Sion Hallelujahs and Praises forevermore unto the Lord God that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever W. D. To all inslaved hard-hearted and unbelieving Jews in this Nation and elsewhere who are made drunk with the Wisdom of the Whore and bewitched through the abundance of Sorceries to put the Day of the Lord afar off looking for Christs coming in the Spirit as the hard-hearted unbelieving Iews in the Letter did for his coming in the Flesh according to the promise but they limited the Holy One according to their carnal wisdom expected his coming in great Pomp and Glory and when he came in that poor despised way contrary to their expectations they stumbled at him and would not own him to be their Saviour but rose up against him and put him to Death Matth. 27.1 to vers 50. BEhold you hard-hearted and unbelieving Iews do you not look for Christ coming in the Spirit according to his promise as they did for his coming in the Flesh but you limit the Holy One as they did expecting Christ to come in Power and Glory according to your own fancies and so put the Day of the Lord afar off you in rejecting and despising the Counsel of Jesus Christ the pure Light in your Consciences which lets you see every evil thought word and action and cryes behind you This is the way walk in it but you disobey the Light and hearkens to the counsel of your Hearts as the Iews in the Letter did that put Christ to Death and so you slay the Witnesses in Spiritual Sodom and Egypt in your Hearts where our Lord is Crucified in not regarding the Counsel of Christ which is that Light that shines in your dark Hearts which knocks at the Door according to his Word I stand at the Door and knock if any Man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come into him and will Sup with him and he with me Oh thou enslaved Soul under the power of Babylon in thee come forth mind the Light in thee which is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto you do well to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-Star arise in your Hearts stand not out against this secret Counsel of Christ in you lest you perish in your gain-sayings for if his anger be kindled a little blessed are all they that trust in him All give up give up freely to be guided by the Counsel of the Lord the Light in you believing in his Power that is present with the Light he will lead you daily through the Cross in the straight way of his Sufferings and Death where the old Man will be put off with his deeds and so you shall have right to the Tree of Life and shall enter with him through the Gates into the City New Ierusalem where you shall have communion with the Father and the Son and an inheritance with those that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and shall reign as Kings upon Earth to the Praise and Glory of the Riches of the Grace of our Heavenly Father to whom alone be all Power Dominion Honour and Glory for ever and ever W. D. A Word from the Lord to all that are waiting on the Lord in Sion and those that are weeping and are seeking the Lord their God asking the way to Sion with their Faces thitherwards FEar not ye Mourners in Sion the Lord waits on you to be gracious unto you and though he give you the Bread of Adversity now and the Water of Affliction yet shall not your Teacher be removed into Corners any more but your Eyes shall see your Teacher and your Ears shall hear a Voyce behind you saying this is the way walk in it when you turn to the right Hand or to the left therefore every one
the Lies and Lightness of these false Prophets which the Lord is against who run when the Lord never sent them as the false Prophet did when the Lord sent his true Prophet Ieremiah to cry against them Ier. 23.32 All People who desire to know the living God let the time past be sufficient you have followed Men who have deceived you and cease from them and turn to the true Prophet whom Moses the Servant of the Lord declared the Lord God would raise up Deut. 18.15 his Elect and Chosen Servant to raise up the Tribe of Iacob and to restore the preserved of Israel whom he hath also given for a Light to the Gentiles and to be his Salvation to the Ends of the Earth whom Isaiah the Prophet declared the Lord would raise up to open the Fountain of Life and Salvation to all that Thirst Isaiah 55.1 2 3 and now witnessed with all that hearken to his Counsel who calls to every one that Thirsteth Come ye to the Waters and he that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price wherefore do you lay out your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfieth not hearken diligently to me and eat that which is good and let your Souls delight it self in fatness incline your Ear and come unto me hear and your Souls shall live and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure mercies of David all People no longer look forth the glad Tydings of the Gospel of the eternal Salvation is heard within in this day of the Lords Mercies wherein he is teaching his People himself as was declared by the Prophet Isaiah 54.13 and now witnessed with all the Children of Light whose minds are turned within to wait on the Lord for teaching and to establish them in the Covenant of Life and Peace who is performing his promise to all that wait on him which he declared by his Servant the Prophet Ier. 31.33 34. This shall be the Covenant that I will make with the House of Israel in those days saith the Lord I will put my Law in their Hearts and write it in their inward Parts and will be to them a God and they shall be to me a People and they shall no more teach every Man his Neighbour and every Man his Brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will be merciful unto their Vnrighteousness and their Sins and their Iniquities will I remember no more Therefore every one that desires to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent turn your minds within and examine your Hearts search and try your ways with the Light that Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withall that shews you in your Hearts what is Sin that Pride and Covetousness is Sin Lying and Swearing is Sin Dissimulation Cheating Couzning is Sin vain idle Communication foollish Jesting and Unbelief is Sin and these things you know in your own Consciences to be Sin by the Righteous Law of God in the Heart that reproves you for them in the secret of the Heart and Conscience there is your Teacher the Spirit of the Lord within which in this mighty day of his Power he is pouring his Spirit upon all Flesh according to his promise declared by the Prophet Ioel 2.28 29. And now witnessed with his Sons and with his Daughters who walk in the Light led and guided by his Spirit within which keeps the Conscience void of offence towards God and towards Man Every one diligently hearken to the Counsel of the Lord the Light that witnesseth for God in the Conscience give up to be guided by it then you need no more be taught of Men neither shall your Teacher be removed any more into a Corner but thine Eye shall see thy Teacher and thine Ear shall hear a voice behind thee saying This is the Way walk in it when thou turns to the right Hand or to the left as was declared by Isaiah the Prophet Isa. 30.20 which is now witnessed and that is the living Word of God within that hath raised desires in you towards God every one in whom desires is raised wait in the Light and Power within that hath raised the desires and the Lord will then strengthen and give you power to wait on him in the way of his Judgments till the Carnal Earthly Sensual minds which hath lead you to delight in Lusts and Pleasures and created enjoyments below God be cut down and slain with the Word of God within which is a sharp and two edged Sword to slay down the first Man which is of the Earth earthly then will you come to witness to be the slain of the Lord and the sentence of Death upon the first Man who hath lead you from God with all the Wisdom Strength and Righteousness you had in him and in the Power of the Spirit you will be brought to the true sence of the Poverty of your Spirits to Hunger and Thirst after the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus the Light him to prize and love and self judge and deny with his Light and in his Light wait to dwell in his Power you to guide in every Word and Work in the Light where your union and fellowship will be with the Father of Light who will you keep that faithful in him abide and dwell in his mighty Power and Wisdom as he moves thee witness his mind in his pure Power to the confounding of the mighty Wise and Prudent men who is exalted in the wisdom of the World and Counsel of their own Hearts not regarding to be guided by the Counsel of God in Christ the Light. To you tender Babes and Children of the most high this is the Word of the Lord God in whom desires are raised towards his Name his Counsel mind in you and stand faithful in it according to his Word declared to you and consult not with Flesh and Blood in the Light and Life lift up your Heads and freely give up Soul and Body to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth that he may exhalt in you the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to guide you in perfect obedience to his Righteous Law written in the Heart for the exercise of the Conscience towards God and Man and fear not Man whose Breath is in his Nostrils who stands up to oppose the Lord in this mighty day of his Power wherein he is exalting Christ Jesus the Light to be King for ever In his Light be faithful to the Lord and though you be hailed before Rulers Governours and Kings for a Testimony against them take no thought what you shall say but keep within stand in the Counsel of God it shall be given you in the self-same hour my Heavenly Father will in you speak and his Enemies confound before his mighty Power in you and
Hands but they themselves are as natural bruit Beasts living without the fear of God in Pride Covetousness Dissimulation and Hypocrisie full of self-Love making their Bellies their God delighting their Hearts in the Creature enjoyments and visible Objects and are men-Pleasers having their Person in Admiration and them respecting for Advantage And these Men who are ignorant of the only true God you have followed to Teach you to know God who hath drawn you to worship an unknown God in the ignorance of your minds so have they destroyed the Souls of many and you People perish for want of Knowledge Hoseah 4.6 in being caused to err with the Lies and Lightness of these false Prophets which the Lord is against who run when the Lord never sent them as the false Prophets did when the Lord sent his true Prophet Ieremiah to cry against them Ier. 23.32 All People who desire to know the living God let the time past be sufficient you have followed Men who have deceived you and cease from them and turn to the true Prophet whom Moses the Servant of the Lord declared the Lord God would raise up Deut. 18.15 his elect and chosen Servant to raise up the Tribes of Iacob and to restore the preserved of Israel whom he hath also given for a Light to the Gentiles and to be his Salvation to the ends of the Earth whom Isaiah the Prophet declared the Lord would raise up to open the Fountain of Life and Salvation to all that thirst Isa. 55.1 2 3. and now witnessed with all that hearken to his Counsel who calls He every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and 〈◊〉 that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price Wherefore do you lay out your Money for that which is not Bread and your Labour for that which satisfies not Hearken diligently to me and eat that which is good and let your Soul delight it self in fatness Incline your Ear and ●●me unto me hear and your Souls shall live and I will make an everlasting Covenant with you even the sure mercies of David All People no longer look forth the glad tidings of the Gospel of eternal Salvation is heard within in this day of the Lords Mercy wherein he is ●●●ching his People himself as was declared by the ●rophet Isa 54.13 and now witnessed with all the Children of Light whose Minds are turned within to wait on the Lord for Teaching to establish them in the Covenant of Life and Peace who is performing his Promise to all that wait on him which he declared by his Servant the Prophet Ier. 31 33 34. This shall be the Covenant I will make with the House of Israel After those days saith the Lord I will put my Law in their Hearts and write it in their inward Parts and will be to them a God and they shall 〈…〉 ad● they shall no more teach every M●n his 〈◊〉 and every Man his Brother sa●ing ●●ow the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of 〈◊〉 saith the Lord for I will be mercifull to their ●●●ighteousness and their Sin and their Iniquity will I ●●●ember no more Therefore every one that desires to know the onely true God and Christ Jesus whom he hath sent Turn your minds within and examine your Hearts search and try your ways with the Light Christ Jesus hath enlighted you withal that shews you in your Hearts what is Sin that Pride and Covetousness is Sin Lying Swearing is Sin Dissimulation Cheating Co●sning is Sin vain idle communications foolish Jesting and Unbelief is Sin and these things you know in your Consciences to be Sin by the righteous Law of God in the Heart that reproves you for them in the secret of the Heart and Conscience there is your Teacher the Spirit of the Lord within which in this Mighty Day of his Power he is pouring his Spirit upon all Flesh according to his promise declared by the Prophet Ioel. 2.28 29. and now witnessed with his Sons and Daughters who walk in the Light led and guided by his Spirit within which keeps the Conscience void of offence towards God and towards Men. Every one diligently hearken to the Counsel of the Lord the Light that witnesses for God in the Conscience give up to be guided by it th●n you need no more to be taught of Man neither shall your Teacher be removed any more into a Corner but thine Eye shall see thy Teacher and thine Ear shall hear a Voice behind thee saying This is the way walk in it when thou turns to the right Hand or to the left as was declared by Isaiah the Prophet Isa. 30.20 which is now witnessed and that is the living Word of God within that hath raised desires in you towards God every one in whom desires is raised wait in the Light and Power within that hath raised the desires and the Lord will them strengthen and give you Power to wait on him in the way of his Judgments till the carnal earthly sensual Mind which hath led you to delight in lusts and pleasures and created enjoyments below God be cut down and slain with the Word of God within which is as sharp as a two-edged Sword to slay down the first man which is of the Earth earthly then will you come to witness to be the slain of the Lord and the sentence of Death upon the first Man who hath led you from God with all the Wisdom Strength and Righteousness you have had in him and in the Power of the Spirit you will be brought to the true sence of the poverty of your Spirits to hunger and thirst after the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus the Light him to prize and love and self-judge and deny with his Light and in his Light wait to dwell in his Power you to guide in every word and work in the Light where your union and fellowship will be with the Father of Light who will you keep that faithful in him abide and dwel in his mighty Power and Wisdom as he ye move to witness his mind in his pure Power to the confounding of the mighty wise and prudent Men who is exalted in the Wisdom of the World and counsel of their own Hearts not regarding to be guided by the Counsel of God in Christ the Light. To you tender Babes and Children of the most High this is the Word of the Lord God in whom desires is raised towards his Name his Counsel mind in you and stand Faithful in it according to his Word declared to you and consult not with Flesh and Blood but in the Light and Life lift up your Heads and freely give up Soul and Body to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth that he the Kingdom of Jesus Christ may exalt in you to guide you in perfect Obedience to his righteous Law written in the Heart for the exercise of the