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A32350 The blessed Jew of Marocco: or, A Blackmoor made white. being a demonstration of the true Messias out of the law and prophets / by Rabbi Samuel, a Iew turned Christian ; written first in the Arabick, after translated into Latin, and now Englished ; to which are annexed a diatriba of the Jews sins and their miserie all over the world, annotations to the book ... with other things for profit in knowledge and undertanding, by Tho. Calvert ... Samuel, Marochitanus.; Calvert, Thomas, 1606-1679. 1648 (1648) Wing S545; ESTC R8621 114,898 246

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thy sevants should eat because it is holy Howsoever Gentiles have a mixture of water with their Wine in their Sacrifice yet with that are we not burdened with any inconveniencie seeing the Scriptures affoord an exemplary action for it that a Sacrifice of water was not onely offered to but accepted of the Lord. Three mightie men drew water from the Well before the Gate of Bethlehem which the Prophet David offered to the Lord for a Sacrifice It is not therefore contra-Scripturall that the Gentiles practise in mixing water in their Sacrifice to God We read of Aaron sacrificing to God with Bread and Wine and David with Water whence we collect that a clean pure offering not such as our flesh of fat Bullocks must have a concurrence of these three in it which doubtlesse contains some mysticall Kernels in it though the dimm vertue of our intellectuall Opticks is not able to penetrate and spie it out Our Prophet Elias as is storied in the Book of Kings powred water upon the Sacrifice on which God sent down fire from Heaven a signe of his acceptation of that Sacrifice which had the Waters effusion on it yea and the Angel brought to Elias his food Bread and Water when he in the strength of that food which impotent nature cannot reach unto travelled fortie dayes together to Horeb the Mount of God Fairly and fitly has Salomon the Prophet in his Proverbs described this commixed Sacrifice of Wine and Water saying The most High wisdom hath made ready her sacrifice she hath mingled her Wine she hath furnished her Table shee hath sent forth her maidens saying Who so is simple let him come in hither and they that want understanding and they shall eat of my Bread and drink of my mingled Wine What is this Table O Master the wisdom of the most High hath furnished but the Altar What is this bread mingled wine but the sacrifice of bread Wine and water which is offered on the altar who are these without understanding that the Maidens of Wisdom are sent to call in but the Gentiles which know not God whom the Apostles have by Preaching called Wherein this is further remarkable that it is called My Bread and my VVine which strongly intimates the acceptablenesse of that Sacrifice unto God It also imports thus much that wisdom called not our Fathers to this so high and so spirituall a Banquet who were learned and wise in the Law and wholly taken up with the Legall Sacrifice But now we have lost all and are excluded not onely from this spirituall but we have lost the carnall sacrifice of the Fathers also Time has now wound upon her clew a thousand years complete since all this miserie has falne on us for our sinne against that Righteous One. Yet for all this we are a people that belong unto God CHAP. XXI God hath refused the Fasts Sabbaths and Sacrifices of the Jews and chosen those of the Christians MY soul wrastles with horrible fears O Master out of that word the great and glorious God spoke by Malachie my fears issue where thus he treats of the Gentiles sacrifice From the rising of the sunne to the going down of the same the Gentiles shall offer a pure offering to my name Where I note that our sacrifice was not accepted save in one place onely in Gods holy house and no where else and it is plain God hath rejected our sacrifice because he hath deprived us of the very place where we should sacrifice the Land of Promise and now for a thousand years the whirlwinde of his breath hath scattered us over all Lands Thus that is come to passe and fulfilled in us which God by way of similitude spoke in the mouth of Esay concerning us The Vintage shall faile the gathering shall not come And that of Malachie I have no pleasure in you neither will I accept an Offering at your hands And that of Esay again Your sabbaths and your feasts and your sacrifice I will not accept because you are all under my wrath Again that in Esay is fulfilled in us To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices to me I am full of the burnt-offerings of Rams and flesh of Goats c. Bring no more vain oblations c. All your sacrifices are like a stinking Carcase and as the going out of the Court of the outer Gate Hee that killeth an Oxe for me it is as if he slew a man he that sacrificeth a Kid as if he cut off a Doggs neck and he that offereth wine as if he offered swines blood All this abomination in our sacrifice as God accounts it signifies nothing else but the Lords purpose of changing our ●arnall and grosse sacrifice into the spirituall and pure sacrifice of the just Lord whose new ●nstitution offers bread in stead of flesh clean water in stead of the fat of Beasts and pure Wine for Blood Yea man himself is offered up but in a spirituall manner yet very acceptably to God not after that way of cutting off Beasts necks in our sacrifices which the Prophet likens to a stinking Carrion O Master why do we not give credit to those words of God in the Prophets which do so evidently describe and set forth our sacrifices God spake by Ieremie in the seventh Chapter Invite your neighbours to your sacrifices put your burnt-offerings to your sacrifice and eat flesh I spake not to your Fathers neither commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Aegypt concerning burnt-offerings and Sacrifices But this thing I commanded them saying Obey my voice and I will be your God and you shall be my people and walk you in all the wayes I have commanded you that it may be well with you But they hearkned not nor inclined their ear to my command Full well O Master do you know these things to be thus Notwithstanding in all these strange events we still belong unto God and are his portion CHAP. XXII He proves the abjection of the Synagogue and the election of the Church by the word of the Lord to Rebecca NOw new fear falls upon me O Master wherein I tremble at that word which is written in the 25 Chapter of the first book of our Law lest that be meant of the Synagogue and the Church which the Lord God speaks to Rebecca the wife of Isaac Two Nations are in thy wombe and two manner of people shall be separated from thy Bowels and one people shall be stronger then the other people and the elder shall serve the younger O Master Rebecca onely was the mother of Jews and Gentiles The Elder people and first-born was our Synagogue which was great and glorious with a rich dowrie of honour and the knowledge of God bestowed upon it The younger and last-born people and lesse in Gods account were the Gentiles drowned in infidelitie and ignorance Yet all
time one Iesus a wise man if it be lawfull to call him a man Mark how this Jew inclined to think there was a Deity in Christ and something super humane He proceeds This same Iesus did bring to passe incredible works and he was a Master to men that did receive the truth with much delight and pleasure in it Many Iews and many Greeks did he draw unto him This is he that was called Christ whom when Pilate had caused to be crucified being accused of the chief of our Iewish Nation yet they that loved him at first would never give over loving him and cleaving to him A rare testimony is this of the constancy of Christian Disciples and Followers of Christ I omit that he saith of him that he appeared alive again after three dayes according as the Divine Prophets had foretold these and many other admirable things concerning him Is not Iosephus here turned Christistian too making this to be him the Prophets spoke on CHAP. XX. IN the twentieth Chapter he commends the purity and cleannesse of the Christian Rites and service by Bread and Wine and prefer●s it before the medling with the flesh and fat of Beasts slaughtered for Sacrifice by Jews He makes Scriptures of the Old Testament plainly before-hand point at the bread and Wine in our Sacrament of the Lords Supper Onely he puts in Water as well as Bread and Wine into that Sacrament and will make good that new practise of mixt Wine by an old proof from Salomons Proverbs where Wisdome propounds mixt Wines and so it was applyed to his hand long before him by S. Cyprian And Cyprian indeed doth speak of mixing Wine with the Water in the Sacrament and in that Epistle Dominica Traditio servetur at which the Papists shout for joy more then Boyes when they have found the black in the Bean as imagining this to be a strong ground for their weak opinion of unwritten Traditions But herein our Romanists run away like Boyes with a wrong errand for though Cyprian commend the mixing of Wine Water as Dominicam Traditionem yet doth he not mean an unwritten Tradition for he goes to prove it from the Scriptures as from that of Water and Blood issuing from our Saviours side on the Crosse And he saith at the Institution our Saviour gave a mixed Cup. You may see Durands and the Papists foolish mysteries in their mixing of water with their Wine In vino sanguis Christi in aqua populus repraesentatur And it is very true the Fathers in former times of old did use Vinum baptizatum or Crama Eucharisticum Wine tempered with Water as some call it because in the places where they lived the Wine was so strong it had need to be well-tempered with water at those times especially when they studyed the most sobriety and temperance in drawing near into fellowship with Christ Now Cyprians intent was not so much to prove that we ought to use Water with our Wine as to disprove the judgement and practise of the Water-Heretiques the Aquarii that did contend onely water was to be used in the Sacrament and so did celebrate These Aquarij were also called Hydroparastatae an ancient Heresie that defended water was onely to be used in the Sacrament The Armonians that said onely Wine without water was to be used were both in ancient times counted Hereticks Moreover beyond all this the Ancients some of them did not onely mixe cold Water but which some not acquainted with antiquity will wonder at they did mixe hot water or boyling water with the Wine And this hot water they thus infused in way of devout significancy to minde the faith of the Receivers that the Blood and water which flowed from Christs Side were not dead and cold Elements but that they were lively and effectuall even hot water and blood issuing from one had yet the heat of life in him CHAP. XXIII HE hath a notable way to follow Allegories and indeed the Genius of those times made many Christians in their writings on Scripture altogether Allegoricall That of Salomon Better is a morsell of Bread with love then a stalled Oxe with hatred is a Pool well fisht when he can catch this Fish in it that it means the Christians bread in the Sacrament is more acceptable to God then the Jews killing a fat Oxe for a Sacrifice This Jew as ou● Saviour said of the young man that came to him and answered prudently may well have it said of him Verily he is not farre from the Kingdome of Heaven for here he commends the New Testament and gives an Epithite as high as he can to the Gospel of S. Matthew calling it The glorious Gospell And in it he praises that Statute of patience our Saviour will have observed by his subjects If any man smite thee on the one Cheek turne to him the other also This is better testimony and fairer language then the rabble of the Rabshakeh Jews both cursing and cursed do commonly give who call the Gospell which is Evangelium in scorn Aven Gillaion the Volume of lies or va●ities His perfidious fellow Rabbins will ●ot thank him for writing so to the credit of the Gospell or praising any of the Pre●epts or Lessons of Christ they can read ●im another Lecture out of a Book among ●hem called Toledoth Iesus wherein they ●each to blaspheme high enough and then they speak as they think well enough of Christ That book is full of blasphemies calling Christ Talui A Gallows Clapper or A hanged Thief Mariam Harriam Mary the blessed mother of Christ they call An ●heap of Dung. In their calling Mary as my Author has it Harriam I know not whether he doe not rather meane Chorim which is obscene and filthy in the sense of it As for Hariah it signifies A woman great with Childe and if they call her so they do it to blot her Virginity as if she were begot with Childe by man and so with mouthes running over with blasphemy and lies they call her Sonah a Whore or unchaste woman the polluted one of the world The Apostles and Martyrs of Christ they call Lenones the Bread in the Sacrament A polluted Body the Church Errour and Preaching Howling They call our Festivall of the Lord Day the day of ruine and destruction the Christians little ones they call Vermine or creeping things They are commanded when they passe by the Churches or Oratories of Christians to say this The Lord destroy these houses of Office Out of the word Jesu they make the number by the Letters of 316. and there they have Curses and blasphemies scarce to be named O● the patience of the just Jesus that endures these wretches Hellish Blasphemies doth not suddenly let the Ocean of his wrath on earth carry them with a strange Wave to the Ocean of everlasting fire in Hell CHAP. XXVI
these sonnes of strangers which came to the house of God but the Gentiles who serving Idols were meer strangers to God they their Princes and their Kings of whom God said They shall walk in the light of his holy house and we thrust out shall remain in darknesse and we indeed are in darknesse and have beene fearfully benighted a thousand years and upward Still that Prophet of that people Behold thou shalt call a Nation that thou knowest not and Nations that knew not thee shall runne unto thee Now our eyes de facto do testifie it a thousand years and more have worne out themselves since the Christ came that was sent according to the Law given to us And the Gentiles which knew not the Law they came to him and he has given them a new a pure an holy law Besides this in the five and fortieth Chapter They agreed together and their Kings were gathered together in the beliefe of God I much fear O Master that is meant of them Assemble your selves come and draw near ye that are escaped of the Nations and I am found of them that sought me not Jeremie speaks of them The Nations shall be gathered to the Name of the Lord in his holy House nor shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evill heart The same Prophet To thee shall all the Gentiles come from the utmost ends of the earth saying Our fathers have inherited iniquitie and lies Zephanie the Prophet follows this stream The Gentiles shall all call on the name of the Lord and shall serve him with one shoulder every man from his place and all the Isles of the Nations Zacharie brings his part to this truth Sing and rejoyce O daughter of Zion lo I come and will dwell in the midst of thee saith the Lord and many Nations shall be joyned to the Lord. Again in the 8. Chapter Thus saith the Lord of Hosts many nations shall come from many places and every man shall say to his neighbour Let us go and seek the Lord our God for good All these things O Master are now fulfilled and the effects of them abide plainly before our eyes you see people and languages brought home to God and studying the Law all the Prophets and Book of Psalmes to which they were strangers and have left their Idols to imbrace the Truth None of them are brought to this belief by the hand of Moses or Aaron or any of our Prophets And since their hearts were turned to beleeve in that Righteous One of whom Habackuk saith Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people with thine Anointed they have utterly abdicted and abandoned all their Idols no Idolatry since that has remained amongst them CHAP. XVII Of the quickning and giving life to Gentiles and slaying the Jews MY fears O Master beat as continually as my Pulse and in this I tremble to think that the powerfull and glorious God as with one hand hee gives life to the Gentiles by faith so with the other hand he slayes us in our incredultie Doth not Esay indigitate and point out this Because when I called ye did not answer when I spake ye did not hear therefore thus saith the Lord God Behold my servants shall eat but ye shall be hungry behold my servants shall drink but ye shall be thirsty behold my servants shall sing for joy of heart but ye shall crie for sorrow of heart and howle for vexation of spirit and God shall slay thee O Israel and shall call his servants by another name in which he shall blesse them who is blessed upon the earth Amen for in truth And alas we see how exceedingly they are blessed upon the earth by God who have received this new name but for us we flie like dispersed dust before the winde of Gods wrath scattered through the four quarters of the world in a sad Captivitie To this day a thousand years have ●unne over us and trod with heavy feet upon our heads In us expressely appears the deep impressions of the footsteps of Gods wrath not for chastisement onely and instruction ●ut to our destruction This is that slaying which the Lord threatned that he would slay Israel and the nations which he would keepe ●live whom he calls his servants shall receive that good name he hath promised but yet ●he order is thus wee must first lose our ●ame and then they shall receive their new ●ame The funerals of our name must make 〈◊〉 way for the resurrection of theirs as the ve●y order of Esay's words declare And as for ●●e hunger and thirst the Lord threatens wee shall be vexed withall it is not that common ●amine of bread and thirst of water but that ●orse sterility and spirituall barrennesse which torments the souls and hearts of us a ●amine of the Word of God as Amos makes appear in his eight Chapter But you my Master Plough with a more skilfull Heifer in these mysteries than I and better understand these things However in all these storms of wrath and what ever falls on us we belong unto God CHAP. XVIII How the Gentiles quickned by faith have pur● observances in their new Law I Cannot but fear O Master that the Gentiles are quickned and brought to life The Annuall circlings of the Sunne have made up a thousand years from the time that Jesus dyed at Jerusalem and we know there was no● good thing at all to be found among the Gentiles before they came to beleeve in God i● Christ and the Apostles so as they seemed to be the Prophet Habackuks fishes and creeping things that had no Ruler But now these Gentiles being purified by faith are ruled by fastings and other observances of their new Law yea they want nothing pertaining to cleannesse and purity so much spoken of in the old Law You see how in every language and place whether you look to the Orientall or Occidentall utmost Fringes of the world wide garment that the Gentiles confesse the Name of the Lord. Neither do they beleeve in him through Moses or any of the Prophets although they bee studious in the Law and the Propheticall Writings but God hath called them to himself another way even by the Disciples of that Righteous One who went forth with God for the salvation of his people as the blessed and glorious God hath foretold by the mouth of the Prophet Habackuk yea those very Disciples of his who by another name are known among them being called Apostles they were Children that sprung out of the same Root with us and were the sons of the sons of Israel Ah how my poor heart is Palsied through fear when it judges that these same Apostles are they of whom God means in Davids Psalm when he saith Their sound is gone out into all the earth and their words into the ends of the world The Prophets words carry an expresse demonstration in
this notwithstanding O Master if God have slain Israel as the Prophet Esay is plain in it then was the totall subversion of the Synagogue which was the elder and it was brought to serve the Gentiles which were the younger that the word might be fulfilled which God spake to Rebecca One people shall be stronger than the other For the glorie of the Church God spoke by the mouth of David The Kings daughter stands at thy right hand in a vesture of gold wrought about with divers colours The right exposition of this O Master begets this sence that the Church of the Gentiles is here honoured with the name of a Queen and the divers Colours of the garment wherewith she is adorned signifie and set forth the diversitie of Languages and people by which she is served For all Tongues and Languages in the Church conspire with a concordance of a true exposition of the Law the Psalter and the book of all the Prophets As for out Synagogue it hath but one Tongue or Language and her garment is not set out with many Colours but onely one colour that of her own Hebrew idiome and language CHAP. XXIII He proveth the same thing by the words of the Prophet Malachie THose words of the Prophet Malachie so often brought O Master I cannot so shift as to rid my memory of them thence springs my fear that God should say to the Synagogue I have no pleasure in your sacrifices for from the rising of the Sunne c. For Water Wine and fine Flour the Elements of the Gentiles sacrifice are clean things of their own nature and need none of our cleansings and purifying potions to prepare them and make them ready But our Synagogue must of necessitie have continuall imployments in washing the Flesh of Sacrifices and cleansing the Entrals of Beasts which are to be sacrificed Nay and there must be many purifyings of the Altar and place of the sacrifice to make clean from the fatt and blood of other sacrifices otherwise it would breed a loathsome abhorring to see them and meddle with them This of Bread and Wine and Water is a neat and cleanly sacrifice subject to none of these indecencies and loathsome turpitude For my part O Master I must confesse that Gods meaning is of this sacrifice in Salomons Proverbs Better is a morsell of bread with love then a stalled Oxe with hatred This Morsell of love O Master is that morsell of the Gospell commended to us meeknes that is reciprocall and mutuall forgiving of injuries one to pardon another the fat Ox with hatred is our practise of eye for eye secret slaying of our enemies And from these premises I draw this conclusion that the Churches bread is better than the Synagogues Oxe the one being a sacrifice of love the other of hatred of which God saith Better is a morsell c. Another way God fitly likens the Church to a loving Hinde by the mouth of Salomon Let her be as the loving Hinde and pleasant Roe let her breasts satisfie or inebriate thee at all times and bee thou ravisht alwayes with her love The Church is this Hinde so beloved of God of whom it is written she is the most dearly beloved Hinde and hath no equall in nobilitie and favour He adds O Master Let her breasts satisfie thee at all times and be thou ravisht alwayes with her love In which words is delivered a plain significancie of the lastingnesse of the Churches sacrifice for all times and that it shall abide for ever Here also God compares the Church to a mother giving suck to Children and in this that he saith Let her Breasts at all times satisfie thee and make thee drunken he clearly denotes the matter of the Sacrament in one of the Elements which is Wine though in a spirituall way And by Breasts he notes the rest of the substance of the Sacrament that it contains pleasant nourishment and is a sufficient Sacrament as the Mothers Breasts are sufficient for the Childe which sacrifice the Church at this present enjoyes and is ravisht with it As for us our Synagogue has remained a widow this thousand years quite deprived of her sacrifice This dear respect which God bears to the Church comes from Christ the Lord His are the breasts from whence run those streamy fluents of Wine and from thence flows everlasting joy Here is not a word or title of giving flesh or fat or blood the ingredients of our laborious ahd toilsome sacrifice The Synagogue as a miserable widow had another husband even God himself but now she hath lost both her holy house and her holy husband The Church on the other side like a straying Hinde ranged in the Desart and had no husband yet God has found her and is become in stead of an husband to her As the strong and glorious God speaks by the Prophet Esay Moe are the children of the desolate than the Children of the married wife That Prophet again saith I will make rivers in the wildernesse to give drink to my chosen people But thou hast not called upon me O Iacob but thou hast been weary of me O Israel Even thus O Master have we shaken off all obedience we have been earlesse and would not hear eyelesse and would not see which hath produced this Captivity that with a drowning flood hath runne over us a thousand years I am afraid O Master for our Law which gives way to revenge and has furious anger made ready in calling for eye for eye c. whereas the beloved Hinde having one dear Lover is ruled by a sweeter rule which he hath given her in his glorious Gospel the fift Chapter by Matthew If any smite thee on one cheek turn to him the other also David speaks in the Psalm O how great is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee and which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men It is clear O Master that the people of the Synagogue stood in fear of those Legall penalties an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth because execution did presently w●it upon the Offender How much better do the people of the Church that trusting in the goodnesse of God being smitten on the face they do not answer with their Fist smiting again wherefore God hath graciously laid up for those Gentiles his abundant goodnesse which he altogether hideth from the Jews Notwithstanding we are Gods people CHAP. XXIIII He shews the Christians manner of singing is acceptable to God I Stand in fear O Master of that speech of Esay for he seems to speak it of the Apostles They shall sanctifie the holy One of Iacob they shall manifest and they shall fear the God of Israel They shall preach or publish the God of Israel They that erred in spirit shall come to understanding and they that murmured shall learn doctrine or
Master I would have you perpend and consider what a main difference there is betwixt the sacrifice of Aaron and the sacrifice of this righteous Lord. 1. The Lord said unto my Lord thou art a Priest for ever not for a small time as was Aaron who dyed at an hundred and twenty years of age 2. Aarons Sacrifice was but flesh the Sacrifice of the Just and Righteous Lord was bread and Wine according to the Order of Melchisedech By these words the Lord manifestly shews in his Prophet that Aarons Sacrifice should be at an end when this Sacrifice of Bread and Wine would begin which should know no end but last for ever an eternall or unpassable Priesthood not being given to Aaron as is given to Christ the Priest Of these Children God speakes by his Prophet Moses He will avenge the blood of his children or servants and will be mercifull to his land We O Master are the murtherers of the Prophets and for that he took vengeance of us but with a 70 years Captivitie but besides we have murdered the Apostles and that Just Master of theirs and now God has avenged that blood of his Children more severely bringing a Captivitie upon us that hath lasted a thousand years and beyond By their death God hath washed the Land of his People he doth not say it is the Land of the children of Israel no he doth not so name them Of these Children speaks David As Arrows in the hand of a mightie man so are his faithfull Children Where the Prophet compares these faithfull Children to Arrows shot forth by the hand of a mightie man for the Almightie God hath sent them forth being 12 Apostles into twelve parts of the World through all the four Climates thereof with the doctrine of the Law the Psalter and the Prophets Moses and Aaron he never sent forth to teach any beyond the bounds of his own holy House from him they had neither Mission nor Commission to travell to India o● trudge to Rome nor to any other place without the precincts of the Holy Land to declare and preach to others the Doctrine Legall and Propheticall Onely these faithfull Children have such a Calling being sent forth through the whole earth and are risen up before God in our place since God slew Israel and tooke away our name which David punctually denotes in the Psalme saying In stead of fathers thou shalt have Children whom thou maist make Princes in all lands By them is that first Law after the Order of Melchisedech renewed and brought in again who instituted the Sacrifice of God in Bread and wine of which he communicated to Abraham the friend of God Thus hath God by their Ministerie changed 1. our Sacrifice as he hath also 2. changed our name yea more he hath 3. changed our carnall Law into a spirituall Had God said so much to our Moses as he spoke by David to the Messias or Christ Thou shalt be a Priest for ever after the law of Moses Aaron then had our law got a ground for a firm standing thereof But now he saith far otherwise thou art a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedech And for Abraham the friend of God he communicated of the Sacrifice of Bread and Wine not of the Sacrifice of Flesh The word of Moses is hereto consonant which saith Ye shall eat of the old fruit or of the old store By this old fruit he understands the Sacrifice of Melchisedech Again They shall eat of the old till the new fruits come in meaning when the sacrifice of the new Law is published your old things that is your old Sacrifices shall you cast away Howsoever we look up to God as ours in every event CHAP. XX. Of the casting off the sacrifice of the Iews and choosing the Sacrament of the Christians THe Sting of Fear is fastned in me O Master and here it pricks me I am afraid lest God hath sealed up us and our Sacrifice under a Writ of rejection and hath accepted the Sacrifice of the Gentiles as he spake by Malachie I have no pleasure in you saith the Lord of Hosts neither will I accept an Offering at your hands For from the rising of the Sunne to the going down of the same my Name shall be great among the Gentiles and there shall be offered in my Name a pure Sacrifice Therefore in Gods account the summe is cast up thus the sacrifice of the Gentiles is more clean and pure than ours Further God hath not onely taken from us our pure Offerings and depriv'd us of all other Sacrifices but withall he teaches the Christians to flie from us and to avoid us lest they should receive some soyle and defilement from us Thus are we scourged with a rod made of the Twiggs that grew on our own tree for when we had a Sacrifice which God received as pure and acceptable then did we shun and detest the Gentiles as some matter of abomination yea yea Master you know well enough what God speaks by the mouth of David concerning our Sacrifice Think you that I will eat the flesh of Bulls and drink the blood of Goats In which how can any thing be more manifest than this that God condemns and disallows our fleshly Sacrifice Gladly do I covet to know O Master with what reason we are harnessed for our detestation of the Gentiles Sacrifice of Bread and Wine which God himself hath instituted hath not disallowed it as he hath disallowed our Sacrifice Salomon speaks of the Aaronicall Sacrifice He stretched but his hands over the Altar and offered the Blood of the Grape and incense to the living God and offered up our Sacrifice of the Corne of the earth as Melchisedech offered for Abraham God declares what the Gentiles Sacrifice is by Moses Ye shall offer to God a Sacrifice of that is heaved from the Barn floore and of the pressed Grapes that God may blesse you and all the works of your hands We well know O Master that God at the beginning commanded Loaves to be set before the Arke of the Covenant of the Lord not flesh We know there was something concerning Shew-Bread but nothing of Shew-Flesh and Gods command O Master in Leviticus by Moses and Aaron was That a man of the Seed of Aaron the Priest that had any blemish should not offer the sacrifice of Bread nor any other sacrifice In divers other places of Scripture God hath placed his Command that they should offer to him bread and a Sacrifice of fine Flowre and that he will accept it and such at this day is the Gentiles Sacrifice even bread made of fine Flowre Of this Sacrifice of bread mention is made in the Booke of Kings when David came to Abimelech the High Priest in Silo or rather Nob he desired some Loaves of him who answered Here is none but shew bread which it is not fit