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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30316 The Spiritual anatomy of man in which is considered I. the happy state of mans integrity in his first creation, II. the woful apostacy of man from God, by his original sin ..., III. mans restoration by ... Jesus Christ, and the excellency of the Covenant of Grace, IV. the whole series of Christian duties ..., V. the particular cases of affliction, especially spiritual defection ..., VI. the great encouragement to believers, for patience and perseverance ... : to which is added an index of the whole contents / published by Andrew Burnet ... Burnet, A. (Andrew) 1693 (1693) Wing B5753; ESTC R15370 202,954 328

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sort of communication or delight in sin with an abhorence as infectious can any touch Pitch and not be defiled with aversion as an infectious Plague jealous as of the Wiles of the Devil as Intanglements and Fetters Fourthly Zeal With great anxiety after a thorough discovery of every sin in its blackest dress in its Nature Root Branches and Tendencies zeal for full purging and washing not leaving Root or Branch of any Sin unmortified or subdued without any tampering or listning to new affinities or terms of recon●iliation or inticements hotly and warmly pursuing every Sin to utter death and destruction Fifthly Vehement desire Like one curious to paint to the Life the Nature Monstruous shape and mischievous quality of every sin as well in its offensiveness to and detestableness with God who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity as in its perniciou●ness to Man exposing him to the wrath of God and barring him from entring into the Heavenly Jerusalem where ●o unclean thing can enter in Rev. 21.27 And as the only Enemy of Mans Eternal Happiness and blasting with a Curse all his temporal enjoyments and the disturber of the Peace of Mans Conscience in a Communion with God and diverts him from enjoying of God in place of Lust and Sin The Sixth qualification is Fear Watching and Praying lest we enter into temptation being always mindful that the subtile Enemy of our Salvation the Devil goeth about night and day like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devour And therefore in watching put on the whole Armour of God Eph. 6.14 15 16. and watch over our Thoughts Words and Actions having a continual Eye on the Enemy without as a Sentry standing in view of the Enemies Camp day and night observing the voice of all Gods Providences and Dispensations not putting the evil day far from us but being on our watch with oyl in our Lamps and our Lamps burning knowing that the Bridegroom cometh as a Thief in the night not knowing what hour he will come and therefore to be always ready lest when he comes we sleep and that the door of Mercy may not be shut on us for ever Mat 24.14 The Seventh qualification of true Repentance is Revenge Holy revenge consisteth ●t a restless discovering of sin and not only giving up all society with it and entertainment of it and contradicting or implacable prejudice and hatred to it but also knowing that corruption and sin is such an infect and that of venomous Nature that every piece and crum will excite to a new Rebellion against God And therefore by a holy re●enge to give up every Sin and Lust though never so dear intirely to Divine Justice as well to appeale the Wrath of God and avoid his Dishonour as to secure our selves from falling into disobedience and new rebellion by tampering with the seditious deceit of Sin and Lust Cast out the Bondwoman and her Son Gen. 23.10 Be not again entangled with the Y●●k of Bondage walk in the Spirit and ye shall not ●u●fi●l the Lusts of the Flesh for the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and they are contrary one to the other Rom. 5.1 16 17 24. The next Duty incumbent to Man in order to Eternal Life is to search the Prom●●es in Christ Jesus and believe them all men are anxious to have good Titles to their Estates and to know them how much more ought Christians to be solicitous for the knowledge of sacred Records to insure their Interest of something with Christ Christs Promises to his People are either for things Spiritual or Temporal first of things Spiritual which may be considered under these three First The free love of God in sending Christ a Ransom for Sin Secondly All suitable graces and spiritual blessings given by God to the called according to his promise Rom. 8.28 Thirdly Eternal Life and Salvation given to all who believe in Jesus Christ As to the first Scriptures are full of the Records of Gods free love in redeeming Man by Jesus Christ when Man was in no condition to make terms for himself and that early instance of Gods compassion on Man when he had so soon fallen from his Integrity I will put enmity between thy Seed and her Seed It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel Gen. 3.15 Here is a clear promise of the Messiah of victory over Sin and Satan And when we were without strength in due time Christ died for us and when we were yet sinners And that compassion of God when Man was contemptible and without help and no Eye pitied thee to do these things to thee and when I passed by thy time was the time of Love and I said to thee live yea I said to thee live And that Evangelical Invitation Ho every one that thirsteth come to me drink of the Waters of Life buy wine and milk without money and without price come to me and I will make your Souls live and make an everlasting Covenant with you Let the wicked forsake his wickedness and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God and he will abundantly pardon him Isa 55. to 8. This strain constant current and Ocean of free Love flows upon free terms upon the most miserable and without any terms or expectation of any return from Man but freely without recompence I am found of them that sought me not I am sought of them that asked not for me Isa 65.1 2. From all which may be seen that great mystery of the Love of God to Sinners which passeth understanding The second thing in spiritual blessings is Gods furnishing Believers with all suitable Graces blessings and Indowments And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow them he also did Predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things Rom. 8.28 29 32. Eye hath not seen neither hath Ear heard nor hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive besides thee O Lord what great things he hath laid up for those who wait on him Isa 64.4 Ask and it shall be given seek and ye shall find whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name believe ye have them and they shall be given you Mat. 7.7 The last instance of divine bounty is Eternal Life To them who by patient continuance and well doing seeketh for glory and honour eternal Life Rom. 2.9 When Christ who is our Life shall appear then shall we also appear with him in glory Col. 3.4 God so loved the World that he sent his only Son that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have eternal Life Joh. 3.16 And the glory that thou gavest me I have
Dan. 3.16 17 18. How did Peter filled with the Holy Ghost being in Prison maintain the Cause of Christ when being forbid to Preach any more in the Name of Christ thus reasoned Whether it be better to obey God or Man judge ye for we cannot but speak the things that we have seen and heard Acts 4.3 9. How joyful and chearful were Paul and Sylas in Prison after they had been soundly whipt for Preaching in the Name of Jesus by Praying and Singing of Psalms in the hearing of other Prisoners how are all the Books of the Histories of the Christians Persecutions as well under Heathenish as Roman Tyranny full of the chearfulness of Christians in their Imprisonment for Truth so as many have been offered their Lives who rather did chuse to suffer Death than to live and be under greater Temptation Secondly By making Enemies Mediators for his People and Instruments of their Deliverance the Lord put it in the Heart of Cyrus King of Babylon whose Ancestours had kept the Israelites Captive seventy years to send them back to Jerusalem with Instructions to rebuild the Temple at his Charge and restored to them the Vessels took out of the Temple Jeremiah was enlarged and delivered by the King of Babylon when he was imprisoned by his own Native Prince Jer. 39.11 12 15. Paul and Sylas were brought out of Prison by the same persons by whom they were shut up and the Jailor washed their wounds and entertained them in Prison Act. 16.26 Thirdly By delivering of his People by his own immediate Hand And the Angel of the Lord opened the Prison Doors and brought them forth and said to them go forth and preach to all People the words of this Life Act. 12.13 The same Apostle also delivered by an Angel the Doors and Iron Gates opening of themselves and his Chains falling off and he and Sylas delivered by an Earth-quake all which shew the Lords special care over his Prisoners of Hope which invites all such to a patient waiting on God Believing the Vision is for an appointed time and he that shall come will come and will not tarry He made them to be pittied of those that carried them captive Ps 106.46 The third case wherein Gods Promises do support his People is Poverty or which the Scriptures abound the Holy Jesus who is truth it self tells us That Man liveth not by Bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God Mat. 4.4 And that his special Providence and care is the only supply of his People as he c●reth for the Lillies provides for the Ravens and Sparrows so taketh he care of his People however the Lords Promises to his People in Poverty are large When the Poor and needy seeketh Water and there is none and their Tongue faileth for thirst I the Lord will hear them the God of Israel will not forsake them I will open Rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys I will make the Wilderness a Pool of Water and the dry Land springs of Water Isa 41.17 18. I will give thee the Treasures of Darkness and hidden Riches of Secret Places that thou mayest know that I the Lord which call thee by thy name am the God of Israel Isa 45.3 Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and he that hath no money come ye buy and eat without money and without price Isa 55.1 2. The Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy Soul in drouth and make Fat thy Bones and thou shalt be like a Watered Garden and like a Spring of Water whose Waters fail not Isa 58.11 Though Poverty pincheth and Straights are sore Trials yet consider and believe Gods Providence and Care of his People at all times either in supplying their wants in his own time and way or blessing what they have and increasing a little to a great deal First In supplying their wants see the Lords supply of Ishmael when his Mother laid him out of her sight not willing to see him dye for want of Drink Gen. 21.16 to 21. The Lords feeding his People with Manna for Bread and Quales for Flesh from Heaven Exod. 16. The Lords making Water to arise out of the Jaw-bone of an Ass to preserve Sampson's Life Jud. 15.9 The Lords feeding of Elisha by sending of food to him by a Raven 1 Kin. 17. The Lords wonderful relieving the City of Samaria strongly besieged and opprest with Famine when Women did eat their own Children and in one Night brought it great plenty by his wonderful Providence 2 Kin. 7. all Secondly By blessing and encreasing a little to a great deal The little that a Righteous Man hath is better than the Riches of many wicked Psal 37.16 The wonderful encreasing of the Widow of Sarepta's Oil and Barrel of Meal to the feeding her self her Son and the Prophet Elisha many days when she thought to have starved for want 1 Kin. 19. The Lords preserving Elisha forty days and forty nights by two single Meals 1 Kin. 19. The Lords making a small quantity of Oil to encrease to many Barrels and thereby relieved the Widows two Sons who were to have been so●d for the payment of their Fathers debt 2 Kin. 4 all The Lord Jesus Christ his feeding of five thousand Men besides Women and Children with five Loaves and two small Fishes and after all were satisfied twelve Baskets full of Fragments were taken up Mark 6.42 43 44. And to conclude this point see what Omnipotency saith Prove me now saith the Lord if I will not open the Windows of Heaven and pour out a Blessing that you shall not have room to receive it Malachy 3.10 Fourthly The fourth Affliction or Trial of Christians in which God assisteth his People by his Promises is the unkindness unnaturality or changeableness of friends as this is a great trial yet it is the frequent Lot of Christians Christ the Lord of Glory was not only forsaken of his Friends but also betrayed by one of his own Disciples Job was charged with Hypocrisy by his three Friends and tempted by his Wife to Curse God David had his Throne Usurped by his own Son and his Wives defiled by him in the sight of the Sun Moses was accused of usurpation by his Brother Aaron and Sister Miriam Numb 11.4 and daily experience proveth that a Mans Enemies are those of his own House however the Lords Promises for Comfort and Support of his People under this Trial are many and almost numberless See that early Mercy of God to the Church as representing the state of all men by Nature in that often repeated place No Eye pittied thee to do any ●f these things to thee nevertheless he proves that kind Samaritan who takes pity and care when the Priest and Levite whose profession was to shew Charity passed by without Pitty or Care and sufficiently provides for the poor wounded Man Luke 10.30 to 39. See the Psalmists Case Thou hast put
it is worth consideration to reflect on the great threatnings denounced against such vanity and superfluity by the Prophet Isaiah especially against the Pride of Women The Lord shall smite them with a scab and discover their secret parts and take away all their bravery and their round tires like the Moon the changeable suits of Aparrel the Mantles Wimples and Crisping Pins the Glasses fine Linnen Hoods and Vails instead of a sweet smell there shall be a stench instead of a girdle a rent instead of well set Hair Baldness instead of a Stomacher a Girdle of Sackcloath and burning instead of Beauty Is 3.16 to end This being one great Idol of the flesh and our shame let us see how this Lust of the flesh is compensed to the godly and glorified Believers First for that all their Sins and consequently their shame are taken away in Christ Jesus For as in Adam all died even so are all made alive in Christ 1 Cor. 15.22 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Eternal Life Joh. 3.16 Fear thou not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither shalt thou be confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame thou shalt forget the shame o● thy youth and shalt not remember the Reproach of thy Widow-hood any more for thy Maker is thy Husband Isa 54.4 The Saints of God have the rotten Garments exchanged with the Righteousness of Jesus Christ These are they which came out of great Tribulation and have washed their Robes and have made themselves white in the Blood of the Lamb Rev. 7.14 Thus the Saints of God as Inhabitants of the New Jerusalem being Cloathed with the Righteousness of Christ are cleansed from all sin and shame and so have no necessity of Cloaths to cover sin or shame Secondly the Saints have no occasion for Cloaths to Comfort the weakness of their Bodies for that when raised from the Dead they shall not have Corrupt Bodies of Corruptible Elements but shall be Clothed with Spiritual and Incorruptible Bodies not subject to change nor tainted with infirmities of Nature Hunger or Cold Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God neither doth Corruption inherit Incorruption for this Corruptible must put on Incorruption and this Mortal must put on immortality 1 Cor. 15.50 52 53. So that they shall have no occasion of the Corruptible Rags of most Sumptuous Apparel how much then have the Saints translated into glory the Advantage over such whose Earthy and Crasy Corps must be Clothed with rotte● Garments to cover their shame sin and nakedness and defend their infirm Bodies from offence of Cold and Heat of which the Saints are not sensible Secondly Eating and Drinking being the second Branch of the Lusts of the Flesh it is so gross a predominant and necessity of Nature and weak Mortality that it is not only the peculiar Resemblance of Bruits beneath the Dignity of Mans Soul and as it is the necessity of Nature so it is the great burden of Nature to be under that necessity that some Sensualists of whom the Apostle saith whose God is their Belly whose glory is their shame who mind Earthly things and Human Experience tells us how far this Tyranny upon Man so prevails that their luxuriant Appetite never suffer them to be at ease but either after the quantity or variety of eating and drinking they are hurryed with further desire and thereby often miserably loaded with hurtful diseases thus delicate Mortals are plunged in misery by that they so much delight in this was the Case of the Rich Glutton in the Gospel but on the other hand the Saints in Heaven are not Afflicted with troublesom Appetites for they feed on the Manna in the midst of the Paradise of God for they shall Hunger no more nor Thirst any more for the Lamb shall feed them and lead them to living Fountains of Water Rev. 21.4 6. their feeding is their Eternal beholding God and the Lamb but the Wicked feeds on the Eternal Wrath of God if any Man Worship the Beast and his Image and receive his mark on his Forehead or in his Hand the same shall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God which is poured out into the Cup of his Indignation and he shall be Tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb Rev. 14.9 10. Thirdly The third Branch of the Lusts of the Flesh is that insatiable Appetite the World hath after the Riches of this Life what hath already been said of the uncertainty emptiness and vanities of Human Riches in the foregoing case of the Rich Glutton and the many Instances of that Nature may give the Complexion of that State and what Christ saith of the Rich Man that it is hard for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and that the Rich have received their Consolation and Portion in this Life do all sufficiently illustrate the Contemptibleness and Misery of that Life if not rich towards God but on the other Hand Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God Mat. 5.3 Christians though never so poor in this World have all things in Christ They are Sons and Heirs of God and joynt Heirs with Christ Rom. 8.17 32. all which shew how far the State of the Godly though Poor in this Life exceed the Condition of the wicked though rich as Craesus if not rich towards God Fourthly the fourth Branch of the Lusts of the Flesh is the pleasure Men in this World take in Relations Friends and Companions but what is said before of this what Christ saith who loveth Father Children Relations Life it self or any thing else better than him is not worthy of him and whosoever looseth any of these things for his sake shall have double in Heaven is sufficient to give us a Parallel of the State of the Godly and the Wicked who Lust after the Flesh but let us see what account the Apostle gives of a far better exchange the Saints have made of the choicest of Companions but we are come into Mount Sion the City of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem unto an innumerable Company of Angels into the general Assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of Just Men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and to the Blood of sprinkling Heb. 12.22 23 24. David was weary of the Society of wicked Men wo is me that I dwell in Mesheck and Sojourn in the Tents of Cedar so when the Saints are sure that he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell with them they will freely part with the Company of Sinful Mortals Ps 120.5 The Lusts of the Eyes being the second part of the Worlds Inventory we shall examine it with the excellent discovery of the Saints Light