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A20729 The Christians freedome wherein is fully expressed the doctrine of Christian libertie. By the rt. reuerend father in God, George Downeham, Doctor of Diuinity and Ld. Bp. of Derry. Downame, George, d. 1634. 1635 (1635) STC 7111; ESTC S102215 96,431 253

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shall bee no quiet to our consciences no end of superstitions Many at this day doe thinke vs fond to moue disputation about the free eating of flesh about the free vse of dayes and garments and such other small trifles as they indeed thinke them but there is more weight in them then is commonly thought For when consciences haue once cast themselues into the snare they enter into a long and cumbersome way from whence they can afterward finde no easie way to get out If a man beginne to doubt whether hee may occupy linnen in sheets shirts handkerchei●es and napkins neither will hee bee out of doubt whether he may vse kempe and at the last hee will also fall in doubt of matters for he wil weigh with himself whether hee cannot 〈◊〉 without napkins whether hee way not bee without hādkerchi●fes If any think dainty meat vnlawfull atlength hee shall not with quietnesse before the Lord eate either browne bread or common meates when he remembreth that he may yet ●ustaine his body with baser food If hee doubt of pleasant wine afterward he will not drinke dead wine with good peace of conscience last of all hee will not bee so bold to touch sweeter and cleaner water then other Finally at the length hee will come to this point to thinke it vnlawfull as the common saying is to tred vpon a straw lying a-crosse For here is begunne no light strife but this is in question whether God will haue vs to vse these or those things whose will ought to guide all our counsells doings Hereby some must needs bee carried with desperation into a confuse deuouring yit some must despising God and casting away his feare make themselues away through destruction when they haue no ready way for whosoeuer are ●●tangled with such doubting which way soeuer they turne themselues they see euery where present offense of conscience I know S. Paul that nothing is common meaning by common vnholy but who so thinketh any thing common to him it is common In which words he maketh all outward things subiect to our liberty prouided alway that our mindes haue the assurance of the liberty before God But if any superstitious opinion cast into vs any doubt those things which of their owne nature were cleane are defiled to vs. Wherefore hee addeth blessed is hee that iudgeth not himselfe in that which hee alloweth But hee that iudgeth if hee eate 〈◊〉 condemned because he eateth not of Faith And that which is not of Faith is sinne Among such narrow straights who so neuerthelesse with carelessely venturing on all things shew themsel●es bolder doe they not as much turne themselues away from God But they which are throughly peirced with some feare of God when they themselues also are compelled to doe any thing against their conscience are discouraged and doe fall downe with feare All that are such doe rec●iue none of the guifts of God with thanksgiuing by which alone yet Paul●estifieth ●estifieth that they are all sanctified to our vse I meane the thanksgiuing that proceedeth from a heart that acknowledgeth the liberality and goodnesse of God in his guifts For many of them indeed doe vnderstand that these are the benefits of God which they vse and they praise God in his works but ●ith they are not perswaded that they are giuen to themselues how should they thanke God as the giuer of them Thus in a summe wee see whereto this liberty tendeth namely that wee should vse the gifts of God to such vse as he hath giuen them vnto vs without any scruple of conscience without any trouble of minde by which confidence our soules may both haue peace with him and acknowledge his liberality towards vs. For here are comprehended all ceremonyes that are at liberty to bee obserued that our consciences should not be bound with any necessity to keepe them but should remember that the vse of them is by Gods benefits subiect to themselues vnto edification But it is diligently to bee noted that Christian liberty is in all the parts of it a spirituall thing the whole strength whereof consisteth in appeasing fearefull consciences before God if either they bee vnqui●ted or carefull for the forgiuenesse of sinnes or if they bee pensiue whether our imperfect works and de●iled with the faults of our flesh doe please God or if they bee troubled about the vse of indifferent things Wherfore they doe wrōgfully expound it which either doe make it a cloake for their owne desires that they may abuse the guifts of God to their owne lust o● which doe thinke that there is no liberty but that which is vsed before men and therefore in vsing it haue no regard of the weake brethren In the first kind men doe at this day much offend There is almost no man which may by his ability of wealth bee sumptuous which delighteth not in excessiue gorgeousnesse in furniture of banquets in apparell of body in building of houses which hath not a will to excell other in all kind of statelinesse which doth not maruailously flatter himselfe in his ●inenesse And all these things are defended vnder the pretence of Christian liberty They say that they are things indifferent I grant so that man indifferētly vse them But when they are too greedily coueted when they are proudly boasted when they are wastfully spent it is certaine that those things which otherwise were of themselues lawfull are by these faults defiled This saying of Paul doth very well put difference between things indifferent All things are cleane to the cleane but to the defiled and vnbelieuing not hing is cleane because their minds and consciences is defiled For why are accursed the rich men they which haue their comfort which are satisfied with meat which doe now laugh which sleepe in beds of Iuory which ioyne land to land whose bankets haue Lute Harpe Taber and wine Verily both Iuory and Gould and riches are the good creatures of God permitted yea and appointed by the prouidence of God for men to vse Neither is it any where forbidden either to laugh or to bee satisfyed with meat or to ioyne new possessions to their old possessions of their ancestors or to bee delighted with musicall melody or to drinke wine This is true indeed But when they haue plenty of things to wallow in delights to glut themselues to make their wit mind drunke with present pleasu●es and alway to gape for new these things are most farre from the lawfull vse of the gifts of God Therefore let them take away vnmeasurable desire let them take away vnmeasurable wasting let them take away vanity and arrogance that they may with a pure conscience purely vse the gifts of God When the minde shall bee framed to this sobriety they shall haue a rule of the lawfull vse On the other side let this moderation bee wanting euen base and common delicates are too much For this is truely said that oftentimes in frize and course
〈◊〉 soules against the end of our life and for our bodyes also against the day of iudgment So that we haue liberty or boldnesse to enter into the holy places by the blood of Iesus by the new and liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vaile that is to say his flesh being assured that by reason of our vnion with Christ we are risen again with Christ and with him set in the heauenly places whether he is ascended to prepare a place for vs and from whence he will come againe to bring vs thither that where he is there we may be also Wherefore in respect of this liberty the faithfull may with comfort both surrēder our soules into the hands of God our mercifull Father and also bequeath our bodyes to the earth in full assurance that our soules shall by the Angels bee translated into heauen and that our bodyes shall at the day of iudgement bee freed from the seruitude of corruption and rise againe to glory this mortall hauing put on immortality this corruptible incorruption that it being againe e●vnited to the soule we may for euer euer enioy both in body and soule the glorious liberty of the citizens of heauen Vnto which liberty of glory he● bring vs who hath so dearely purcha●ed it for vs euen Christ Iesus the righteous to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be eternall praise and glory Amen FINIS 2 Tim. 2. 19. The foundation of God standeth sure hauing this seale The Lord knoweth them that are his And let euery one that nameth the Name of Christ depart from euill FOr the laying the first foundation of Religion without which all other grounds are of no effect That there is a God omnipo●ent mercifull and iust Gods workes doe sufficiently demonstrate If he build it is a world if hee bee angry for the sinnes of the world he sends a deluge If hee will shew the loue hee beares to the world hee sends his Sonne and suffers him to die vpon the Crosse to saue the world if hee will reward the godly it is with Paradise when hee armes the Angels march vpon the heads of his Troupe the ●lements are the Marshalls of his Campe the rocks remoue from their Center and follow to giue it water the Cloudes guide by day and the Pillers of fire by night the Sea opens to giue them passage and the Sunne stayes to end their victories To inlarge the wonderfulnes of his works Balaams Asse shall speake reprooue his Master waters turne into wine the dead are raised the blind see the d●afe heare the Lame goe and thousands of people are fed with a few loaues and fishes If hee will shew mercy Peter after that hee had denyed Christ shall weepe bitterly and bee made Pastor of his sheepe Paul of a persecutor become an elect vessell and faithfull preacher of the Gospell when hee will exalt the humble little Dauid shall bee taken from the sheepe and bee made both King and Prophet humble Ioseph from the prison and preferred to bee Pharaohs high steward Daniel from the Lions den and cloathed with purple When he will execu●e iustice Sodome is deuoured with fire and brimstone Iudas hanging himselfe confessed that hee had betrayed the innocent Iulian the Apostate tearing out his bowels in the horrour of his conscience cries out ●icisti tandem Galilaee When hee will humble the proud Idolatrous Nabuchadne●ar shall eate Grasse among the Beasts of the field the basest of Gods creatures shall make hard hearted Pharaoh send for Moses and confesse the true God Finally in all his works of power mercy and iustice out of the fiery fornace Shadrach Messech and Abednego shall proclaime his glory Thus you see that Gods works declare that hee is God powerfull mercifull and iust and that the meanest of these works are of force either by the least dramme of grace to conuert the most obstinate Atheists to the true knowledge of God or in iustice to confo●●● him SECT II. Of the knowledge of ●od ALthough I doe not allow the curious searching of diuine misteries not reuealed for admitting that in natures Schoole wee are taught to boult out the truth by logicall reason yet in Gods Schoole it is quite contrary he is the best Scholler that reasons least and assents most conceiues so farre as humane frailties will permit belieues and admires the rest God louing better a credulous heart then a curious head Yet because your duty towards God consisteth chiefely in the ardent desire to know God which is the surest testimony of your loue toward God and of Gods loue towards you there is a more speciall knowledge required of you which is that you endeauour your selues to know him so farre as he hath reuealed himselfe in the Scriptures called his Word as proceeding from his Spirit to bring you to this knowledge hee hath manifested himselfe in the Scriptures by three sort of names The first are these that signifie his essence The second the persons in the Essence The third his essentiall works The names that denote Gods essence are 5. Ichouah Eheiech Iach Kurios Theos Iehouah signifieth eternall being of himselfe without beginning and end almighty both in promising and performing The second name is Eheiech of that same roote of Iehouah signifying that I am that I am or I will bee that I will Eheiech Asher Eheiech The third name Iach which is Lord is ascribed to God when any notable deliuerance or benefit comes to passe according to his promise The fourth name is Kurios vsed oft in the new Testament when it is absolutely giuen to God it answereth the Hebrew name Ieho●ah for God is so Lord that hee is of himselfe Lord and of all others The fifth name is Theos God it is deriued 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because hee runnes through and compasseth all things when it is properly taken it signifieth the eternall essence of God being aboue all things giuing life and light to all creatures preseruing and gouerning them in their wonderfull frame and order God seeing all and in all places The names that signifie the persons in the Es●ence are chiefely one Elohim signifieth the mighty iudges It is a name of the plurall number to expresse the Trinity of persons in the vnity of the Essence To this purpose the Holy Ghost begins the Bible with this plurall Name of God ioyned with a verbe of the singular number as Elohim baradi● creauit the mighty Gods or all three persons in the God-head created When you heare of this name Elohim consider that in one diuine Essence there are three distinct persons and that God Iehouah Eloh●m The names that signifie Gods essentiall works are fiue El Shaddai Ado●ai Helion Abba El is as much to say