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A20536 Ten sermons tending chiefely to the fitting of men for the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper VVherein amongst many other holy instructions: the doctrines of sound repentance and humiliation, and of Gods speciall fauours vnto penitent sinners, and worthy communicants are largely and effectually handled. The six first, by I. Dod. The foure last, by R. Cleauer. Whereunto is annexed, a plaine and learned metaphrase on the epistle to the Collossians, written by a godly and iudicious preacher. There is also set before the sermons, a short dialogue of preparation: containing the chiefe points that concerne the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper, taken for the most part, out of the sermons following: and collected into a method for the benefit and ease of those that desire direction in this matter. Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. aut; Winston, John, fl. 1614-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 6945; ESTC S114601 221,900 292

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children are for their mothers milke but when once you attaine to such an eager desire of goodnesse then you shall grow from a little measure of strength to a greater and still increase in the inward man as children doe in the outward and finde a progresse in grace as they doe in nature Thirdly as those that are destitute of this spirituall thirst haue no commandement No fitnesse nor promise from God so neither haue they any fitnesse in themselues because they want that principall grace which doth fit men for the entertaining of Gods holy spirit which alone maketh Gods ordinances effectuall to wit humility which proceedeth from a sense of our owne miserie and a sight of Gods mercy now where this is wanting there is no place for Gods graces For God resisteth the proud Iames 4. and giueth grace onely to the humble Let a man bring vnto the word neuer so good a wit capacity and memorie hee shall neuer take profit by hearing till hee get a broken heart and an humbled spirit but God will euer resist and crosse and thwart all his endeauours because if hee should get any benefit by the Gospell hee would haue no minde to ascribe the glorie thereof vnto God to whom it is wholly due Note but to himselfe to whom no part thereof doth belong First Vse 1 for terror vnto such as haue no manner of appetite eagernesse nor earnestnesse for spirituall things but are altogether bent for profit and pleasure credit and promotion c. which carnall desires doe vtterly kill their appetite vnto better things and extinguish or bannish all good motions and affections that doe at any time arise in their hearts These wretched men are in a wofull case for they rush vpon the holy things of God without any commission and therefore without expectation of good from them And howsoeuer they may talke and brag of their profiting by the word yet God that seeth and searcheth their hearts esteemeth of them but as of dogs and swine that prophane his holy things If they would bee partakers of the water of life they must bee thirstie and if they would eate of the bread of life they must bee hungrie otherwise though they be present in the congregation and heare the word preached and see the wine powred out and the bread broken before their eies at the celebration of the Lords Supper yet they can haue no hope that they shall haue one drop of Christ his blood to wash away their sinnes but may rather expect the viols of his indignation to consume their bodies and soules and it is a iust vengeance of God vpon such prophane and irreligious persons that when they come to the Sermons to the Sacrament they get no good but rather much hurt therby and haue their lusts stronger their hearts harder and their minds far more blind and vncapable of any good knowledge euery day then other But what is the reason heereof may some demand Is not the word of God mighty to beate downe the strong holds of the deuill and is not the Sacrament powerfull in operation and able to worke great things Yes they are so and why then haue such no profit by them because they are abusers and prophaners and not meet receiuers of the same because they come not with any preparation or desire of a blessing vpon the meanes but for custome and fashion that they might not seeme to bee so bad as indeed they are nor to set so light by the holy ordinances of God as in truth they doe Secondly for instruction Vse 2 If wee would bee welcome to Christ Iesus when hee inuiteth vs to feast with him then let vs get a good stomacke to feed on such cheere as he offereth vnto vs. Otherwise if wee glut our selues before wee come to his Table and be onely looking on those dainties on which others are feedings it will not bee well taken at our hands but wee shall be as distastefull vnto the feast-maker as his prouision is vnto vs and those things which are vnto others the sauour of life vnto life shall proue vnto vs the sauour of death vnto our eternall destruction if our repentance doe not preuent Gods iudgement If Gods owne children comming carelesly and vnpreparedly cannot escape Gods hand 1. Cor. 11. then what shall become of those vngodly ones who come not onely negligently but altogether prophanely and so defile the sacred ordinances of God for to the vncleane all things are vncleane surely if iudgement begin at Gods house there is nothing remaining for vngodly men but a fearefull expectation of wrath and vengeance to be powred out vpon them in full measure In which regard it standeth vs vpon to looke vnto our hearts before hand and to the intent wee may come with this spirituall appetite the want whereof is so offensiue vnto God and dangerous vnto vs let vs vse all good meanes for the obtaining of it as First Meanes to get a spiritual appetite to purge away that which may annoy our stomacke and kill our appetite and what that is Peter telleth vs when hee saith Wherefore laying aside all maliciousnesse and all guile Allovv no sin 1 Pet. 2.21 and dissimulation and enuy and euill speaking as new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word c. As if hee had said so long as you giue place vnto Note and delight in any euill so long as you carry a bitter and enuious mind against your brethren or an hypocriticall and dissembling heart towards God and suffer your euill affections to breake forth into euill speeches so long you can neuer delight in nor bee very desirous of the pure word of God and therefore can not possibly grow in the knowledge and practise of the same And therefore when we finde in our selues dulnesse and deadnesse and vnwillingnesse vnto good duties let vs conclude for a certainty that wee stand in need of Physicke for the purging of our soules for sinne worketh on our hearts as ill humors doe in our stomacks it maketh vs to loath all spirituall food and all meanes of refreshing And this take for an vndoubted truth which though our mouthes will not confesse yet our hearts must needs acknowledge when wee haue no desire to heare the word preached or to receiue the Sacrament when it is to bee administred there is some sinne or other not thorowlie repented of which so cloieth the soule that it cannot delight in those holy exercises and as our hearts are more purged by godly sorrow Matth. 5. so will our hunger and thirst after righteousnesse and the meanes thereof bee still increased in vs. This then is the first rule that wee must obserue for the getting of spirituall appetite viz. to put away the practise of all crosse euils and the allowance of all infirmities great or small A second is that wee must endeuour to know our owne misery what wee are by nature See thy miserie and
blessings which we shall surely gaine by the right vse of this his holy ordinance The fifth Sermon of the Lords Supper ISAIAH 55.1 c. Verse 1 Hoe euery one that thirsteth come yee to the waters and yee that haue no siluer come buy and eat Come I say buy wine and milke without siluer and without mony 2 Wherefore doe yee lay out your siluer and not for bread and your labour without being satisfied Hearken diligently vnto me and eat that which is good and let your soule delight in fatnesse 3 Incline your eares and come vnto me heare and your soule shall liue IN the Chapter immediately going before the Prophet from the Lords owne mouth pronounceth many gracious promises vnto his afflicted Church bidding them reioice in regard of the deliuerance that the Lord should worke out for them and the many and wonderfull blessings that hee should bestow vpon them shewing them to the intent they might giue more credit vnto his words that he that made them is their husband Verse 4 and their redeemer euen the Lord of hoasts who though hee had forsaken them and scattered them for a little while yet with great compassion would hee gather them and though hee hid his face in anger for a moment yet with euerlasting mercie would he haue compassion on them and that they might make no doubt thereof hee confirmeth his promise with an oath saying as I haue sworne that the waters of Noah should no more goe ouer the earth so haue I sworne that I will not bee angry with thee nor rebuke thee viz. in wrath and displeasure and therefore hee breaketh out into a patheticall and sweet compellation saying O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest that hast no comfort behold I will lay thy stones with the carbuncle and thy foundation with Saphyres that is I will make of thee a precious building for my selfe And as for their children he saith that they shall bee all taught of God and enioy peace and bee farre from oppression and from the feare of oppressors And howsoeuer the enemy would be stirring now and then yet saith God it shall be without mee and whosoeuer shall gather himselfe in thee against thee shall fall and that because all instruments of crueltie that could come against them were ordered by the Lord as being his by right of creation and therefore no weapons made against them should preuaile And this hee doth not appropriate to them only but saith it is the heritage of the Lords seruants which they haue right vnto in all ages Hauing thus declared what treasures were laid vp for them through the rich mercy of God in Christ hee commeth in this 55. Chap. to exhort them to lay hold of Gods gracious offer and in this exhortation sheweth 1 First what is the dutie that they must performe which is set foorth by Metaphoricall speeches taken from naturall things and applied to spirituall Hoe euery one that thirsteth come to the waters c. Signifying that as for the preseruation of their naturall life they must first haue a good appetite and then get meate and drinke to nourish and refresh them and if they cannot haue it otherwise must buy it and if it be not to be gotten at an easie rate they must be content to goe to the price of it so hee that would haue grace and haue the life thereof continued and the vigor therof increased in his soule must get an hungrie and thirstie desire after it and bee at cost to procure it though neither by siluer nor gold nor any charges of that kind as shall after be shewed 2 Secondly reasons whereby the same is enforced 1 The first whereof is drawen from the hurt that would ensue if they did not follow his direction they should misspend their mony and their labour and bee neuer the neerer to the obtaining of that which might content them Wherefore saith hee will you lay out siluer and not for bread and your labour without being satisfied 2 A second reason is taken from the benefit that they should find by attending to his exhortation to eat that which is good and to bring their soules to delight in fatnesse namely that all their needs should bee supplied and their miseries cured in briefe their soules should liue both the life of grace and of glorie Hoe euery one that thirsteth In that hee calleth none to partake of the holy things of God but those that are thus affected The doctrine is that The thirstie soule alone hath interest in the graces of God Doct. 1 and shall reape benefit by the meanes of grace Onely thirstie soules find refreshing frō Gods ordinances Those onely that feele their owne barrennesse and emptinesse and highly esteeme and heartily desire the mercies of God through the merits of Christ they onely I say haue right vnto and shall haue a portion in the same Therefore when Dauid would perswade God to bring him againe to the assemblies of the Saints where he might inioy the meanes of comfort and of saluation he vseth this as a forcible argument My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God Psal 42.2 Psal 48.2 when shal I come appeare before the presence of God and againe My soule longeth yea and fainteth for the courts of the Lord c. Now the reasons of this point are these Reasons First no man hath any warrant to resort vnto the meanes of godlinesse but onely such as were before mentioned for Else no commandement Reuel 22.17 thus the Lord inuiteth men vnto him Let him that is athirst come and let whosoeuer will namely that is so qualified take of the waters of life freely so that none are bidden guests but such as haue thirstie soules Secondly none else haue any promise of speeding well if they should come for thus goeth the promise No promise Isa 44.3 I will powre water vpon the thirstie and flouds vpon the dry ground Till then we can neuer haue assurance of any benefit by Gods ordinances but when once we come with a longing heart that doth as it were gape and enlarge it selfe to take in the raine of grace as the drie ground doth to receiue the showres that fall vpon it then though we be neuer so thirstie wee shall bee fully satisfied and though wee bee neuer so drie and barren wee shall be made to flourish and grow as the grasse Verse 4 and as the willowes by the Riuers of water and that none other can grow in grace or gather any spirituall strength by the meanes it is euident in the Epistle of Peter where he exhorteth them in this manner As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that ye may grow thereby q. d. You may repaire vnto the word as often as you will and giue as diligent care as you can but you shall neuer get any inward growth of grace thereby vntill you bee as sharpe set for the foode of your soules as little
are vsually most effectuall euen the most vnlikely of all other in the eye of reason many of them being very filly and of maruellous weake and slender capacity others violently caried with sundry grieuous and strong corruptions of anger pride raging lusts and the like And therein doth the power of God more clearly manifest it selfe in ouerthrowing the strong holds of the Diuell Mat. 11.25 c. Our Sauiour magnifieth Gods name saying I praise thee Father Lord of heauen earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise prudent and reuealed them vnto babes And when the Apostle had spoken of many notorious and abhominable sinners 1 Cor. as fornicators Idolaters adulterers buggerers c. he addeth And such were some of yee but you are washed but ye are sanctified c. If we might make the choice of those that should be conuerted we would haue good natured ciuill men and wise and politicke men and noble and great men to fill vp the number that God might that way be more honored and religion countenanced but God in his wisedome taketh another course that maketh more for his glory he chuseth the worst to make them best and not many wise 1 Cor. 1.26.27 nor many noble are called But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and the weake things of the world to confound the mighty c. that the whole worke and the glory thereof may be attributed to him alone This should instruct vs to go out of our selues Vse 1 and to looke beyond sense and reason when we are to meddle with the things of God not to thinke we are of capacity sufficient to conceiue the mysteries of saluation but to call vpon the Lord for assistance Neither let vs rest vpō the act done in hearing of the Word or receiuing of the Sacrament as if thereby grace must needes be conueyed vnto vs for we may partake of those ordinances of God to our greater ruine as Iudas and Simon Magus did Further let vs be admonished hence not to depend vpon the excellency of the Minister for it is God not man that giueth working to his ordinances God indeed may heare their prayers but he himselfe doth the whole worke Moses was a rare Minister yet he could not giue grace vnto the Israelites but many of them perished that receiued the Sacrament 1 Cor. 10.5 Iohn Baptist also was a rare Minister yet he could onely baptize with water Christ must baptize with holy Ghost and with fire On the other side doth the vertue of the ordinances depend on God then let vs not be discouraged in regard of the weaknesse of the Minister or of the outward meanes for though neither the party administring nor the things administred can breake our hearts and worke grace therein yet the Lord can and will do it therefore let vs not thinke the worse of that precious Iewell because it is brought by a simple messenger and and in a plaine boxe as it were neither let vs lightly esteeme of pure gold because it is carryed in a leatherne bagge but let vs value the gift according to the worth of it and according to the diguity of the giuer If men should iudge according to corrupt reason they would neuer thinke that a poore man by speaking vnto them by powring a little water vpon them and by giuing them a little quantity of bread and wine should make them Kings and fellow-heires with Christ Iesus for euer but if in this gift we looke vnto the Sonne of man whom God the Father hath sealed and ordayned for that purpose and cast the eye of our faith vpon the promises that are made through him and the all sufficient power that is in him we shall easily conceiue that all this may be wel effected for he is a rich fountaine Of whose fulnesse we all receiue What though our capacity be slender Gods word giueth wisedome to the simple Psal 19.7 Ezek. 36.26 What though our hearts be hard GOD is able and ready to soften them What though we haue plaid the hypocrites So had these here vnto whom our Sauiour directeth this exhortation They pretended to seeke for the bread of life when their coming was onely to haue their bellies filled yet Christ doth not cast them off but biddeth them labour for the food that endureth to eternall life and then promiseth to giue them eternall life And so will he deale with vs albeit we haue bene dissemblers yet if now we turne from our hollownesse to soundnesse and from our hypocrisie to plainenesse we shall be sure of a blessing This is further for the great consolation of all Gods faithfull seruants Vse 1 Is the vertue and effectuall working of the Word and Sacrament the gift of Christ by the appointment of the Father through the grace of the holy Ghost then certainly they are highly in Gods fauour on whom this is bestowed If once we haue any testimony of grace the Lord hath greatly magnified his loue towards vs according to that speech vttered by Wisdomes own mouth Blessed is the that man findeth me he shal receiue life and fauour from the Lord And therfore as Christ telleth the woman of Samaria if we knew who it is that offereth such mercy and what the gift of God is we would esteeme it more highly and seeke it more earnestly then ordinarily we do The Manna that they had in the wildernesse was counted excellent food and they extraordinarily graced and fauored that did eate thereof because Angels were the Ministers of it how excellent then is this heauenly Manna which is by Christs owne hand conueyed vnto vs and made effectuall for our good and comfort Surely we can neuer be ioyfull and thankfull enough for this inestimable treasure The end of the eight Sermon THE NINTH SERMON MARKE 18. And as they sate at table and did eate Iesus said Verily I say vnto you that one of you shall betray me which eateth with me 19. Then they began to be sorrowfull and to say to him one by one Is it I and another Is it I 20. And he answered and sayd vnto them It is one of the twelue that dippeth with me in the platter 21 Truly the Sonne of man goeth his way as it is written of him but woe be to that man by whom the sonne of man is betraied it had bene good for that man if he had neuer bene borne THis History containeth in it especially and principally the Institution of the Lords Supper wherein 2. things are chiefly to be obserued 1 A conference that was before it 2 The maner celebration of it First for the conference it was betweene our Sauiour his Disciples at the eating of the Passeouer before the institutiō of the other Sacrament wherin 1. Christ Iesus doth discouer vnto them the practise and treason that was conspired against him Iesus said Verse 18. Verily I say vnto