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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19675 The three conformities. Or The harmony and agreement of the Romish Church with gentilisme, Iudaisme and auncient heresies. VVritten in French by Francis de Croy G. Arth. and newly translated into English. Seene, perused and allowed; Trois conformités. English Cro, François de.; Hart, William, fl. 1620. 1620 (1620) STC 6098; ESTC S121926 188,823 318

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market and vpon all the wine that is in the celler immediately thereafter all the bread and wine is changed into the naturall body and blood of Christ Iesus I know none of the Hereticks that beleeued this transubstantiation of the bread touching the wine the Marcites as Epiphanius reporteth did assure themselues that the grace of God powred the blood of Christ into their cup and Marcus their schoole-master made them beleeue that hee changed the wine of the Eucharist into blood You would make the whole world beleeue that there is a transubstantiation of wine into blood made in the Chalice and that you may the more easily deceiue men and blinde the eyes of the simpler sort you bring with you sometimes certaine false miracles and illusions And from these goodlie traditions some wretched creatures haue taken occasion to inuent this mingling of blood that is drawne from young children that they may burne the same with the bread of the Lords holy Supper as the Cataphrygians who as wee reade in S. Austin did inuent a manner of transubstantiation of wine into blood realy corporaly It cannot be vnknowne to you that the decree of transubstantiation was established by two Councels holden at Rome the one vnder Nicolas the second against Berengarius and the other vnder Gregorie the seuenth being both prouinciall and not generall The most ancient of them being a thousand yeeres after the Apostles You would couer the newnesse of this doctrine with antiquity which neuerthelesse can bee but imaginary Wee yeelde to you antiquitie but such a one as is taken from the Marcites and Cataphrygians The vse of leauened or vnleauened bread in the Sacrament was holden a great while to bee indifferent in the Church Wherefore then hath Alexander the first of this name restored the Iewish ceremonie concerning vnleauened bread as if the Sacrament were to bee celebrated after the manner of the Iewes Is not this to follow the doctrine of the Ebionians who taught that the ceremoniall Law of Moyses was necessary vnto saluation Is not this I say to imitate the same that one Symmachus an Hereticke of Palestina had taught before The glosse of the decretall of Honorius the third vpon the word fermentato saith that it is not lawfull to vse leauened bread because it is written Not with old leauen but with the vnleauened bread of sincerity and truth And in your gloses which you haue approued and authorised after the rules whereof the Romish Church liueth and beleeueth we finde that pepper being added to the Sacrament marreth not the transubstantiation of the wheate but contrariwise that leauen marreth the same And in this how differ you from the Hereticke Sabacius who vsed vnleauened bread onely and no other Nicephorus speaking of the Heresies of the Armenians that were followers of the Theopaschites saith thus The same in the Eucharist vse vnleauened bread and not that which is leauened And in the chapter following The auncient Law giuers saith he doe wrongfully boast themselues that the famous Gregorie Bishop of Armenia did leaue vnto them those ceremonies by tradition chiefly the oblation of vnleauened bread and the cup without water because that in like manner in that mysticall supper of our Lords the sacrifice was without leauen and the wine pure which things notwithstanding the Catholick Church doth not alow in any waies Concerning vs we doe not impugne the mixtion of the Chalice but onely the condemning of such as doe not mingle it For we haue alwaies acknowledged that the most auncient Fathers vsed wine mingled with water in the Sacrament and we reade not that the Churches of Armenia were euer excommunicated for that to wit for vsing of pure wine Behold what he hath said here Furthermore like as the Messalians dipped the bread in the wine so also in the breaking of your Eucharist which is done after that the Agnus Dei is sung you mingle the third part thereof with the supposed blood of your Chalice The councell of Constance hath taken away the cup from the communion which you terme Laicall The Manicheans also vsed but one sort in the celebration of their Eucharist as Leo and Gelasius Bishops of Rome do witnesse and of this last Gratian maketh mention in his rapsodies The same Manicheans maintained that all things which appeared outwardly in Christ were but meere accidents May it not be that you haue learned from those that the forme figure colour and waight of the bread remaine still in the Sacrament without their owne substance There remaineth nothing fit to finish your picture but to mingle cheese with bread as the Artotirites did CHAP. XIV Of Purgatorie PVrgatorie springeth from the heresie of the Catharians against whom Epiphanius hath learnedly written And although Purgatorie be the chiefe patrimony of the Romish Clergie and the onely foundation of Masses yet it is vnknowne to the Church that was vnder the Law to the Church that is vnder Grace being without all warrant without any likely-hood how little so euer it be CHAP. XV. Of Miracles THe Donatists would haue proued their errors by Miracles which appeareth in Saint Austins writes Iustin Martyr and Athenagoras say that those be Hereticks that worke Miracles in their Churches and that to doe Miracles is no signe and demonstration of Gods true seruice S. Chrysostome saith There can be no other proofe of Christianity then the holy Scriptures the signes are now abolished and will rather bee found among false Christians CHAP. XVI Of Praying to Saints VVe doe honour and worship the Saints but it is in imitation This is S. Austins maxime honor andi sunt propter imitationem Wee doe not call vpon them nor pray to them that they may become intercessors and aduocates for vs at Gods hands we retaine and follow onely their good life and doctrine by holding and reputing them blessed in heauen We know that worship belongeth to God onely all manner of creatures being excluded We will not produce your arguments here neyther yet our defences wee should neuer haue done I will aske you this onely how can you with an vpright conscience deny the harmony that you haue with the Melchisedechians and Sethians who worshipped the Saints as you doe And where can you shew that this inuocation hath beene taught in the Primitiue Church or yet many ages after Verily in the Primitiue Church all gifts were thought to proceed from Iesus Christ alone no mention was made eyther of Saints or Angels contrariwise it was the doctrine of Hereticks of the Basilidians and of the Ophites who called on the Angels in their operations as if the earth had beene deuided among them and assigned vnto them certaine names and sought to appaise them by certaine composed formes namely this as Ireneus writeth O tu Angele ab a te or opere
And what neede haue little children thereof vnlesse it be that whereof the Satyricke Persius maketh mention CHAP. XLVII Of the Eucharist or Sacrament of the Altar YOu haue borrowed from the Gentils manie of those ceremonies which you vse in the celebration of the Eucharist As touching the mingling of wine water together no doubt it hath proceeded from the religion of the auncient idolaters which in celebrating their sacrifices vsed to consecrate wine and water together in a chalice chiefely vpon the feast that was dedicated to the sunne which the Persians worshipped and named Mythros And vpon the feast named Nephalia they vsed also water in the wine at the sacrifices When the primitiue Christians were framing their accusations against the idolaters of their age they reproched to them their offering of wine and namely the consecrating thereof in their sacrifices If these poore Gentils were liuing now they should haue enough to obiect against you that beleeue that the glory of God is augmented through the wine transubstantiated into his owne bloud as in like manner they beleeued it to be through the consecration of their wine And truly in that more tolerable then you are as not knowing what accidents without substance meaned although this monster was not borne a great many ages after Neither yet haue you any hands to receiue the holy signes of the Supper it is an offence to touch your God of the Masse vnlesse their fists be greased You would say that they were birds thrusting food into the beakes of their yong ones If you had to doe with little children or at least with sicke persons perhaps you might find out some excuse and Iuuenal would be on your side The Lord hath said Take eate Take drinke What doubt therefore haue you graued in the hearts of your people CHAP. XLVIII Of the Pix or holy Box. THe idolaters worshipped Iupiter surnamed Hercaeus because he was placed in the most secret part of the temple and for this cause he was also named Penetralis because he was hid and was not exposed to the eyes of the people Doe you not make your Parishioners beleeue that you call downe from heauen through the vertue of fiue sacramentall words the sonne of God to the intent you may inclose him within the accidents of bread and wine that are euanished When you consecrate this God doe you not couer him within the canopie or tabernacle and make him fast to the end that he may not runne away And is not this Boxe of the same fashion with that wherein the poore God Hercaeus was inclosed The fire consecrated to the Goddesse Vesta the Palladium the little round bucklers that were thought to haue tumbled downe from heauen were they not shut vp and remoued from the sight of the common people The Grecians had their Orgia so termed because vnhallowed persons had no accesse thereto and they solemnized them in honour of Ceres and her trauailes which shee performed in seeking for her daughter Proserpina It is through imitation of those that you shut vp in your cabinets that God whom you worship yea and with as much deuotion as you doe the Diuinities selfe The primitiue Church knew nothing of your canopie and I can shew throughout the whole antiquitie and from age to age that there was no reseruation of the sacrament made without any vse and that it was so far from being approued that in effect it was reiected It is a moderne inuention and hath proceeded partly from Honorius the third and was finished by Vrbane the fourth which are the authors thereof and haue also giuen order for lockes and keyes for the more safe custodie of the same CHAP. XLIX Of Confirmation WHat shall we say of your confirmation whereunto you haue assigned the second place among your seuen sacraments Who is able to exaggerate fully those blasphemies which you vtter against Baptisme that we are not prepared for spirituall combats that we are not made perfectly Christians that confirmation preceedeth Baptisme in dignitie this being indifferently ministred by any Priest and the former by Bishops onely that the forehead in the confirmation is a more worthie part then the cranium Alas who will not abhorre these Oracles pronounced from the Popes tripus Now to returne to your conformities those cleansing dayes whereon the Romanes purified their children the male kind on the ninth day and the female on the eighth after their birth are they not the print and footsteppes of your confirmation And in like manner as the Gentiles and auncient Romanes when they enfranchised their slaues gaue them a neck-band so likewise doe you in signe as you say of the spirituall libertie CHAP. L. Of Extreme Vnction IT is in the same schoole of the Pagans that you haue learned to apply vnction vnto those that are extreamly diseased and at the verie point of death and not in that of the Apostles For this ceremonie is not ordained by God is not graced with any of his promises and it is in vaine that you defend your selues with the holy Scripture it is the inuention of Felix the fourth Pope of that name And if the Apostles did anoint certaine diseased persons they had withall the gift of miracles And shew vs but one iot where any commandement is giuen to the pastors of the Church to continue this vnction on such persons as lie in the agonie of death Vnction which is not applied but when there is no hope of life And if miracles haue ceased is not the visible signe thereof superfluous and ridiculous The auncient Idolaters vsed a kinde of washing which they termed the last washing I say wherein they vsed water mingled with oile as one of their Lawyers witnesseth I confesse there is some difference to wit that which the Gentiles did to the dead you doe vnto such as are dying CHAP. LI. Of the Masse BEhold we are now come vnto the Masse in the etymologie wherof many haue sported and played some saying after one some after another manner so doubtful is that which they hold to be the Palladium of Christianitie The origine is taken from the auncient Latine Romanes as diuerse of our men haue learnedly remarked it is folly therefore to make it either Greeke or Hebrew I will agree willingly that this word may likewise be borrowed of the auncient Idolaters and of Mahomets Alcoran The Arabians through tradition of the Fryer Sergius haue the word Masse in great reuerence and haue honoured three townes situate vpon the coast of the Ocean vpon the point that maketh the beginning of the hill Atlas which they haue named Messa And they haue consecrated temples vnto this Messa hoping that out of his linage shall come that famous Pontife promised by the seducer Mahomet Their Temples are named Messit their Priests are saluted by this word Messen as the Masse-mongers are