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A19272 Certaine sermons vvherin is contained the defense of the gospell nowe preached against such cauils and false accusations, as are obiected both against the doctrine it selfe, and the preachers and professors thereof, by the friendes and fauourers of the Church of Rome. Preached of late by Thomas by Gods sufferance Byshop of Lincolne. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1580 (1580) STC 5685; ESTC S120768 201,470 274

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and his blood is called meate and drinke and how he is to be eaten and drunken in the sacramente truely and in deede And lastly I will let you vnderstand that the bare professyon of Christianitie the externall vse of the sacramentes and outward exercise of praying and other ●the thinges are not sufficient without the inwarde worshipping in spirite and truth and christian obedience to the will and lawe of God A sacrament is a reuerend and holy misterie ordayned of God wherin he by his holy word and promise doth both stirre vp and practise the faith of his people and by y ● operation of the holy ghost increase his grace in them besto● his benefites and blessinges vpon them wee on the other part testifye our obedience toward him vnity of faith among our selues The authour and ordainer of sacramēts is none but God himself No Patriarche nor prophet nor Apostle nor Father nor the whole church hath autho●●●● to ordayne a sacrament Who is authour of Sacraments sayth Ambrose but the Lord Iesus These Sacramēts came from Heauen c. A sacrament is a part of Gods worship but no creature can ordayne any part of Gods worship but himself according to that saying of the Prophet In vaine they worship me teaching the traditions of men In the old Testament if a man had offered any sacrifice not appointed by God it was esteemed little better then Idolatrie It is knowne what happened to the sonnes of Aaron for that they brought strange syre to the Alter of God much lesse may any appoint straunge sacramentes not ordayned by the expresse word of God in his scriptures Sacramentes be seales that confyrme Gods promises and looke what a counterfeyted seale is to a mannes writing or deede that is a sacramente in the Churche not ordayned by GOD. If this be true as in deede it is moste true what shall we saye of the Church of Roome which hath presumed not only to alter those Sacraments that Christ appoynted but also to ordayn sundry other sacramentes without any iust warrant of gods word onlye vpō forced interpretaciōs deuised of thēselues Penance Orders Matrimony corrupt Doctrine being taken frō thē be good things to be exercised in y ● church so likewise are prayer fasting and almes deedes yet I see n● cause why they shold be called sacramēts Ther is a great differēce betwene a sacramēt an other godly exercise cōmanded in y ● church as herafter you shal better vnderstād Seing therfore christ is author of sacramēts none other you may not think thē to be trifles vaine Ceremonies and mens deuises y ● you may vse or not vse at your pleasures as you list but you ought to reuere●●● thē as y ● ordinance of God to receiue thē euen as at Christs own hand For as whē gods word is taught you by the ministery of men you must not receiue it as mans word but as the word of God as it is in deede and therefore the Prophet sayd the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it euen so the Sacraments when you receiue them at the hands of a fraile and mortall yea and sometime a sinfull man you must looke to the Authour and in your faith see the hande of God offering the same vnto you The sacramentes take not their excellencye and worthinesse of him that Ministreth them though he be neuer so holy neyther be they disgraced or weakened though the Minister be wicked and euill And therfore the errour of y ● Donatistes Anabaptists and some other is sharpelye to bee reprooued that thinke the sacramentes of Christ to bee of leesse value if they be ministred by an euill or sinfull man In deede the haud of the receiuer being withoute Fayth maketh the sacramentes that of themselues bee good to bee vnto him of no Force because of his vnbeleefe But a wicked Minister cannot in anye wyse make frustrate or deceiue the Fayth of the Godlye Receauer Iudas was a wicked and false Traytoure and a Couetous naughtys person al the time that he followed Christ yet I doubte not but that the baptisme that he ministred was as auailable to the faithful receiuer as the baptisme of Peter was or of any other of the Apostles S. August vseth the same example Whereas fayth he there was great difference betweene Peter and Iudas yet was there no difference betweene the baptisme ministred by Peter that was ministred by Iudas that was all one but of the partyes one was a member of Christ another a member of the Deuill And agayne he sayth Such are the Sacramentes as they are that come vnto them Whereby one maye profitablely receiue the Sacrament of an ill minister so he himselfe be good This is a great comfort to the godly that in receiuing the Sacramēt they neede not to loke into the life of the Minister but to examine theire owne hartes Now as touching the partes of a Sacrament you shall vnderstande it consisteth of three partes The fyrste is the externall signe as the Lambe in the Passouer the cutting of the fore skinne in Circumcision water in Baptisme bread and wyne in the Lordes supper Because of these outwarde ●ignes a Sacrament is called a signe a Seale a Visible word so that it were a Monster to haue a sacrament without an externall signe or elemente to the outewarde substaunce of it Water in Baptisme signifieth that as water naturally hath a propertie to wash and clense the filth frō the body so doth the grace of God through Christ his blood wash away the gilt and filthinesse of our soules As breade and wine by naturall effect nourisheth our bodyes strengthneth and comforteth oure spirites so doeth the heauenlye foode of Christes body and blood broken and shead for vs vpon the Crosse nourish our soules and quicken our Spirites to eternall life with God As the breade is made of many graynes kneaded into one loafe and the Wine pressed out of many Grapes into one cuppe so the multitude of Christians communicating at the Lordes Table thoughe many in number are ingrafted into Christ made mēbers of his misticall body and ioyned in mutuall loue one with the other so that nowe they liue by the spirite of Christe as the members of a naturall bodye lyue and haue sence by that Spirite that commeth from the harte and from the heade This proportion and similitude betweene the signes and the spirituall effectes of the sacrament S. Cyprian acknowledgeth As this cōmon b●ead saith he being chaunged into fleshe and blood breedeth life to to our bodies so by the accustomed nature of thinges the weakenesse of our fayth being holpen is taughte in sensible argument that in visible Sacramentes are the effect of eternal life These godly instructions and ●we●e comfortes the Church of Roome weakeneth and ●aketh away by their monstrous doctrine of Transubstāciation Wherein they
is true in vs or at the least they haue no likely pretence in truth to saye the contrarye On the contrarye parte the Doctrines of the Churche of Roome are either manifestlye repugnaunte to this confession in sunderye thinges or greatly imparing or disgracing the same Therefore their Preachers are false Prophets and not of God for not only doth he denie Iesus to be Christe that grosely in flat wordes so sayth or he that playnly denieth christ to be the sonne of God as Cerinthius other auncient heretikes did but he also that couertly vndirectly by false doctrines worketh the same by teaching other men to seke other Sauiors Mediators Intercessors maisters and directours to saluatiō besyde him that sayth I am the way the truth the life or which by instructing them otherwise in Christs Sacramēts other ordināces thē he himself hath cōmāded appointed For profe y t the church of Roome doth this first let this Doctrine bee examined whereby they teach that the very Reall and Naturall body of Christ is in a thousand places at once that is in so many places as there are Ostes consecrated This Doctrine impeacheth the principall Article of oure fayth that christ of y ● blessed Virgine tooke flesh and had a very true and naturall body as we haue Sinne onelye excepted It is the property of God only to be in manye places at once As Christes body is now after his assētion glorifyed and is transformed to a greater bewty brightnesse so yet it remaineth a very true substantiall bodye And to teach that the body of Christ is in manye places or euery where as his Deitie is doeth make an open gappe to the Heresie of Abbot Eutiches which taught y t Christe his humanitie was swallowed vp with y t Maiestie of hys Godhead and so became a diuine thing Furthermore for y t proofe of their errors in this Article let their doctrine be examined of the Popes Su●remacie wherby it is taught that he is the vniuersall Bishop generall Lord Maister and Gouernour of the whole catholike church that he hath authoritie to pardon sinnes to deliuer Soules out of Purgatory to destribute the merites of Christ of his Saints to dispence w t the ordinances of Christ to alter y t instituciō and vse of his instruments to coyne newe Articles of oure Faith of necessitie to be beleeued cleane without any Authoritie of Gods word all which things are only in duetye and in truth to be attributed to Christe and to none other as before I haue declared The second Article of doctrine is why Christe came in fleshe and what benefite mankinde hath by it When as Gods iust wrath against sinne committed by our fyrst parentes was so greeuous that no Creature in Heauen or in earth was able in anye parte to appease the same by the vnestymable goodnesse of GOD his onlye and dearely beloued sonne became a sacrifice to appease his wrath and displeasure and to reconcile vs to his Father and by his death passion and resurrection procured for vs recōciliatiō with his father remissiō of sinne righteousnes before god and eternall life in heauen These be the Fruites and benefites that we haue by Christs cōming in fleshe Here agayne we haue to call to our remembrance the note that is before spoken of touching the highnes and exellencie of the meane of our saluation For if the same in part or in all could haue bene wrought by any other creatures in Heauen or earth the wisedome of God would neuer haue giuen his sonne to death to procure the same benefites for vs. But that he might declare how odious and displeasaunt Sinne was to God he let vs by this meanes vnderstande that the offence thereof could not be taken away nor mankinde to him bee reconciled but onelye by the blood of the immaculate Lambe Christ Jesus his son Good Christians must then assuredly perswade themselues that they haue reconciliation with God remission of sinne iustification before God sanctification of the holy Ghost and the heritage of eternall life by the excellencye and fulnesse of Christ his death and passyon only only I say and by nothing else For as I haue sayde Christ is the only full and perfect meane of our saluation as the whole course of the Scripture teacheth vs. Esay the Prophet many yeares before Christ came in fleshe signified thus much and cryeth to all them that hunger and thyrst after saluation that they should come and receaue it plentifully and freelye of the mercy of God in Christe and blameth them for seeking for saluation and the satisfying of their hungry and thirstie soules by any other meanes then y ● O sayth he all ye that thyrst come to the waters and ye that haue no siluer come buy and eate come I say bie Wine Milke without money Wherefore do you lay out your siluer for that that is no bread bestow your labor for that which doth not satisfye you hearken dilligently vnto me and eate that which is good and let your soules delight in fatnesse incline your eares and come vnto me heare and your soule shall liue c. By these wordes I haue sayde the Prophet calleth vs to receaue the comfortable water and sustenaunce of the Gospell which offereth full saluation and satisfying of our hungry soules freelye by Christ and sharpely rebuketh them that leauing christ seeke after other meanes by which in deede their hungrie desyre of Remission and Saluation in anye parte cannot be satisfyed and for that cause hee sayeth Theire Syluer is bestowed and theire Laboure spente in vayne Christ himself may seeme to expounde this prophecye and apply vnto himselfe in playne wordes that whiche the prophet heare speaketh in a figuratiue borrowed speech for he sayth Whosoeuer thirsteth let him come to mee and drinke And agayne Al ye that trauaile be heauy loden come vnto me and I will refreshe you The Apostles do fully in their doctrine iustifye y ● same Peter sayth There is no saluation in any other c. Neyther is there any other name giuē vnder heauē wherby you shalbe saued c. And S. Paule It pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse dwel and by him to reconcile all thinges to himselfe and to set at peace through the blood of his Crosse both the thinges in earth and the thinges in Heauen And again in the same Epist In whome are hidde all the Treasures of wisedome knowledge c. in him dwelleth all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily you are complete in him which is the head of all pricipalitie Marke that he sayth We are complete in him and therfore neede we no other meanes of saluation And this our sweete Apostles S. John who teacheth vs this triall of spirits sayth The blood of Christe Iesus the sonne of God doth cleanse vs from all sinne The same Apostle maye seeme not onelye
S. Aug. that I haue heare layde downe and by many other like that I might alleage I truste all suche as feare God and will iudge indifferently may perceiue that this is no new doctrine which at this time I taught touching the likenesse of the Jewes religion and Sacramentes to ours now in time of the Gospell Herevnto I must add this note by the way If the Israelites vnder the old law did in their sacramēts eat y ● same spirituall meat drink y ● same spiritual drink y ● we do in ours that is Christ that effecally and to saluation before Christes natural body blood were borne and come really into the worlde it maye euydently leade vs also to vnderstande what manner of eating and drinking it is that we also should vse in our sacramēts to saluation that is a spirituall eating and drinking of Christ and not such a grosse carnall and reall eating as the Church of Rome now striueth for But of this I haue to speake in the nexte part Therefore here I will make an ende c. ¶ The seconde Sermon vpon this part of the Text. 1. Cor. 10. 3. c. All did eate of the same spirituall meate and all did drinke of the same spirituall drinke For they dranke of the spirituall Rocke and the Rocke was Christe NOt only S. Paule in this place but the spirite of God in sunderye other Places of the Scriptures teacheth vs that Christe only is the blessed and Heauenlye foode of oure soules wherewith we are fed and nourished to eternall life Of this meate and drinke Esay prophecied many yeares before Christ came in fleshe Oh sayd he come all ye that be thirstie come to the waters and yee that haue no siluer come buy and eate come I say bye wine and milke without money wherfore do you lay out siluer for that which is no fode bestow your labor for that which cannot satisfye you harken dilligently vnto me eat that which is good c. In which words he caled the hungry thirstie consciences of gods people to that heauenly foode of Christ which in his gospel is laid before the faithfull by it to be fedde to eternall life and reproueth them for seeking other foode besyde Christ because indeed there is none that can satisfie them but onelye hee This doth Christ himself seeme to expound in this maner in the gospel when he sayth If any man thirst let him come to me and drinke But most euident in John the sixte hee declareth himselfe to be the onely foode of oure soules of which we must feede vnto saluation For vppon the occasyon of the Jewes following him with a carnall affection to haue their bodyes fedde by myracle as before he had done he sharply reproueth that affection in them willeth thē to labour and trauatle not for the meat that perisheth but for the meate y t shold endure to euerlasting life which the sonne of man should giue vnto them And after Moises gaue you not bread from heauen but my father giueth you the true bread from heauen For the bread of God is he who cōmeth down from heauen to giue life vnto the world And after a few words he sayth plainely I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shal not hunger and he that beleueth in me shall neuer thirst And againe I am the bread of life your fathers did eat Manna in the wildernesse and are dead This is the bread of life which commeth downe from heauen of which he that eateth should not die I am the liuing bread that came downe from heauen if any man eate of this bread hee shall liue for euer and the bread which I wil giue is my fleshe which I will giue for the life of the worlde c. Except ye eate of the fleshe of the son of man drink his blood you haue no life in you Whosoeuer eateth my fleshe and drinketh my blood hath eternall life c I will raise him vp at the last day For my flesh is meate in deede and my blood is drinke in deede c. Seing then it is very euident that Christ is the meate and drinke of all true Christians it behoueth vs next to learne why Christ is called meate and drinke for we may not groselye vnderstand it as y ● Capernaites did that it is a Meat wherwith our bodies are to be nourished as with other natural foode God forbid For Christ himselfe a little after sayth The words that I haue spoken are spirite and life Gyuing vs thereby to vuderstande that hee is oure spiritual meate and his wordes spiritually to be vnderstanded This speech then that Christ is meate an drinke vnto Christians is not a naturall and proper kinde of speaking but metaphoricall and figuratiue transferred from the bodye to the soule from a worldlye meaning to a spirituall Seuce Which the better to perceaue you must remēber that man consisteth not of body only but of soule also And as y t body hath his life and death so the soule hath her life and death And as the body hath certayn means to keepe of death and for the time to mayntayne lyfe so hath the soule meanes to preserue the life thereof and to put awaye death The lif of the body is the ioyning of the soule and the bodye togither and the death thereof is the separation of the soule from the bodye The meanes to preserue the life of the bodye that is to continue the bodye and soule togeather is foode and sustenaunce meate and drinke for we daylye and howerly doe consume and the substance of our bodies wasteth by the pores of oure skinne so that when Nature feeleth wante of Substaunce to supplye the wasting of the body then it is sayde in proper speeche to hunger or to thirst that is to desyre and couette that thing whereby the waute of naturall Substaunce and moysture maye be supplyed least the Instrumentes of the soule shoulde bee made feeble and so the soule departe and the body dye Nowe looke what the soule is to the hedye that is GOD vnto the soule As the lyfe of the bodye is the ioyning of the soule to the bodye for wythout the Soule there is no life so the life of the Soule is the ioyning of GOD and the Soule togeather and the death of the Soule is the separation of GOD from the soule for without GOD the soule hath no lyfe And yet you maye not thinke that the Soule dyeth after that sorte that the bodye doeth by ceassyng to haue a beeing or a continuaunce but it dreth a spirituall death by separation of God from it so that the tyme that it is and hath a beeing withoute God is nothing but a moste horrible tormente and more greeuous then a thousande bodilye deathes Nowe further as the body hath a certayne meanes by foode and Sustenaunce to preserue life that is