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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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in baptisme the outwarde signe is the element of water and that washing is visible which is done by the minister The thing signified is regeneration the clensing from sinne Likewise in the Lordes Supper the outwarde signe is breade and wine taken from things commonlie vsed for meate and drinke The thing signified is the bodie of Christ which was giuen and his bloode which was shed for vs and the communion of the bodie and bloode of the Lorde wherefore the water bread and wine considered in their owne nature and out of this holie vse institution of the Lord they are onelie that which they are called and which they were saide then to be But let the word of God be once added to them together with inuocation vpon his holie name and the renewing of their first institution and sanctification then these signes are consecrated and declared to be sanctified by Christ For Christes first institution and consecration of the sacraments standeth yet in force in the Church of God in such sort that they which celebrate the sacraments no otherwise then the Lord himselfe from the beginning hath appointed haue stil euen to this daie the vse and benefit of that first and most excellent consecration And for this cause in the administration of the sacraments the verie wordes of Christ are repeated And forasmuch as we learne out of the word of God that these signes were appointed vnto an other end and vse then commonlie they are vsed vnto therefore we teach that they now in this their holie vse doe take vpon them the names of the thinges signified and are not still called bare water bread or wine but water is called regeneration and washing of the new birth and the bread and wine the bodie and blood of the Lord or the pledges and sacraments of his bodie and blood not that the signes are turned into the things signified or cease to be that which in their owne nature they are for then they could not be sacraments which should consist onelie of the thing signified and haue no signes but therefore do the signes beare the names of the things because they be mysticall tokens of holie things and because that the signes and the things signified are sacramentallie ioyned together ioyned together I say or vnited by a mysticall signification and by the purpose and will of him who first instituted them For the water bread and wine are not common but holie signes And he that instituted water in baptisme did not institute it with that minde and purpose that the faithful should onely be dipped in the water of baptisme and he which in the supper commaunded the bread to be eaten and the wine to be drunke did not mean that the faithfull should onelie receiue bread and wine without anie further mystery as they eat bread at home in their own houses but that they should spiritually be partakers of the things signified and by faith be truelie purged from their sinne and be partakers of Christ also And therefore we cannot allowe of them which attribute the consecration of the Sacraments to I know not what syllables to the rehearsall of certaine wordes pronounced by him that is consecrated and that hath an intent of consecrating or to some other accidentall thinges which are not left vnto vs either by the word or by the example of Christ or his Apostles We doe also mislike the doctrine of those that speake no otherwise of the Sacramentes then of common signes not sanctified nor effectuall We condemne them also who because of the inuisible thinges doe despise the visible signes and thinke them superfluous because they doe alreadie enioy the thinges themselues such were the Messalians as it is recorded We doe disallow their doctrine also who teach that grace and the things signified are to be so tied and included in the signes that whosoeuer doe outwardlie receiue the signes must needes inwardly participate the grace and the thinges signified what manner of men soeuer they be Notwithstanding as we esteeme not the goodnes of the sacraments by the worthines or vnworthines of the ministers so likewise we doe not weigh them by the condition of the receiuers For we knowe that the goodnes of the Sacraments doth depend vpon the faithfulnes or trueth and the meere goodnes of God For euen as Gods worde remaineth the true worde of God wherein not onelie bare words are vttered when it is preached but therwithall the things signified by the words are offered of God although the wicked and vnbeleeuers heare and vnderstand the words yet they enioy not the thinges signified because they receiue them not by a true faith Euen so the sacraments consisting of the worde the signes and the thinges signified continue true and perfect Sacraments not onlie because they be holy things but also for that God also offereth the things signified howsoeuer the vnbeleeuers receiue not the thinges which are offered This commeth to passe not by anie fault in God the author and offerer of them but by the fault of men who doe receiue them without faith and vnlawfullie whose vnbeleefe cannot make the truth of God of no effect Now forasmuch as in the beginning where we shewed what the sacraments were we did also by the waie set downe to what ende they were ordeyned it shall not be necessarie to trouble our selues with repeating anie thing which hath beene alreadie handled Next therefore in order it remaineth to speake seuerallie of the sacraments of the new Testament OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the force and efficacie of the Sacraments THe signes which in the Church of Christ be called Sacraments are two Baptisme and the Lordes supper These being tokens of secret thinges doe not consist of bare signes but of signes and thinges also For in Baptisme water is the signe and the thing it selfe is regeneration and to be taken by adoption to be the people of God In the Lords Supper bread and wine be the signes * but the thing is the communication of the bodie of Christ saluation purchased for vs and the remission of sinnes These thinges are receiued by faith as the signes be receiued with the corporall mouth the wholl fruit of the Sacraments is in the thing it selfe Whereupon we affirme that Sacraments are not onelie tokens of humane societie but also pledges of the grace of God by which the ministers do worke together with the Lord to that end which he doth promise offer and bring to passe yet so as we said before of the ministerie of the word that all the sauing power is to be ascribed to the Lord alone Out of the declaration of the same confession Of holie signes SAcraments are visible paterns instituted of god of the grace good will and promises of God towardes vs sure testimonies and holie remembrances the which vnder earthlie signes doe represent vnto vs and set before our eies heauenlie giftes and doe withdrawe the minde from
as yet fresh and present For the remembrance of the death of Christ which we make in the Supper is farre more noble and holie then theirs whoe in some prophane banquet are mindfull of their companion when they drinke the wine that he gaue them For among these he that is absent worketh nothing but in this holie supper of the faithfull the Lorde is present and doth worke effectuallie by the spirit in the heartes of them as he whoe according to his promises is in the middest of them By these things it is most euident that in the holie supper we doe not take awaie our Lorde Christ from his Church nor denie that his bodie and bloode is there receiued to be our nourishment vnto life eternal but we together with our predecessours and the chiefe Prelates of our Religion did and as yet to this daie doe denie that the verie bodie of Christ is eaten carnallie or that it is present euerie where corporallie and after a naturall manner For we doe openlie confes according to the Scriptures and with al the holy Fathers that Iesus Christ our Lord left this world went to his Father and that he now sitteth at the right hande of his Father in heauenlie glorie from whence he shall neuer descend or be drawne downe into this earthlie and transitorie world For the true presence of Christ in the supper is heauenlie not earthlie or carnall Also we denie that the bread is turned into the bodie of Christ miraculously so that the bread should become the verybody of Christ naturallie and substantially yet after a spiritual manner To conclude we denie that the bodie of Christ is vnited with the signes by anie other then a mysticall meane whereof we haue spoken sufficientlie in the generall consideration of a sacrament Seeing therefore we haue expresselie saide and written with the holie Fathers Tertullian Hierome Ambrose and Augustine that the bread is a figure token and signe of the bodie of Christ and also that by bread and wine the bodie and blood of the Lord are signified This is it which we would make manifest to wit that the bread is not the verie bodie of the Lord but a token or a sacrament of his bodie And yet we doe not therefore speake these thinges as though we did simplie denie all kinde of the presence of Christ in the supper for that kinde of presence which now we haue confessed doth remaine true without anie preiudice to these kinde of speaches Morouer the word This in this sentence This is my bodie doth not onelie shew bread vnto our corp●rall eies but therewith also it sheweth the verie bodie 〈◊〉 Christ vnto the eies of our minde Also we confesse that this vse of the supper is so holy a●● profitable that whosoeuer shall worthelie that is with ● true faith eate of this bread and drinke of this cuppe of th● Lorde he doth receiue heauenlie giftes from the Lord 〈◊〉 Whosoeuer shall eate of this breade and drinke of this cuppe ●●worthelie that is without faith by which alone we are made partakers of the Lord and of saluation He doth 〈◊〉 and drinke iudgement vnto himselfe as Paull wrote to the Corinthians Wherefore we doe often put this diligentlie i●to the heades of our people that they take heede that none of them abuse the Lordes table but that euerie one examine himselfe and then eate of that breade and drinke of th●● cuppe Also the Lords Supper is a badge vnto vs for as one lofe and one wine are made of manie graines and grapes so we being the wholl multitude of the faithfull are gathered together to be one bread and one bodie By this we testifie in an outward profession that we are redeemed by the bloode of Christ and made the members of Christ to whome we giue thankes in whome we are confederates and doe promise to performe mutuall dueties one toward another OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL Of the Supper of the Lorde WE confesse that the Lord Iesus did institute his holie Supper that his holie passion might be remembred with thankesgiuing his death declared and Christian charitie and vnitie with true faith testified And as i● Baptisme wherin the washing away of our sins is offered by the Minister of the Church and yet is wrought onelie by the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost true water remaineth so also in the Supper of the Lord wherein together with the breade and wine of the Lord the true bodie and the true blood of Christ is offered by the Minister of the Church breade and wine remaineth Moreouer we doe firmelie beleeue that Christ himselfe is the meate of faithfull soules vnto life eternall and that our soules by faith in Christ crucified are fedde and moistned with the flesh and bloode of Christ so that we being members of his bodie as of our onelie head doe liue in him and he in vs wherein at the last daie through him and in him we shall rise againe to eternall ioye and blessednes And in the marginall note vpon these wordes Our soules For it is a spirituall meate and therefore it is receiued of a faithfull soule that is the soules are made full strong mightie peaceable quiet merie and liuelie to all thinges as the bodie is by the corporall meate Also vpon those wordes The members of the heade And so man is made a spirituall member of the bodie of Christ And in the margent vpon these wordes To be present to wit Sacramentallie and by a rememberance of faith which lifteth vp a mans minde to heauen and doth not pull downe Christ according to his humanitie from the right hande of God Now we doe not include into the bread and drinke of the Lord the natural true and substantial body of Christ which was borne of the pure Virgine Mary suffered for vs ascended into heauen Therefore we doe neither worship Christ in the signes of bread and wine which we doe commonlie call the Sacraments of the bodie and bloode of Christ but in heauen at the right hand of god the Father from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade OVT OF THE CONFSSION OF BOHEMIA Of the holie Supper of the Lord. CHAP. 13. IN the thirteenth place we teach touching the Supper of the Lord instituted in the new Testament that we must beleeue with the heart and professe with the mouth that it is a Sacrament instituted of Christ our Lord in his last Supper and that in expresse forme of wordes that is that concerning breade and wine he hath pronounced tha● they be his bodie and his bloode and that they were deliuered to his Apostles and so in like sort to the whol vniuersall Church for a monument of his death and that all men should lawfullie vse the participation thereof euen to the ende of the worlde Of this Sacrament the Euangelists doe write and especiallie Saint Paull whose wordes euen t● this daie are thus read in the
Of Excommunication and other Censures 33 Of the Sacraments in generall 34 Of Baptisme 35 Of the holie Supper of the Lorde 36 Of the efficacie and true communication of the thing signified by the signes 37. 38 Of the Magistrate and politike lawes 39. 40 THE ARTICLES OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION Of one God in three Persons 1 Of Iesus Christ being the true Sonne of God and of the Incarnation other workes of Redemption and of his two natures being vnseperablie vnited and vnconfounded 2 Of his last comming Of the holie Ghost and his workes in vs. 3 Of the Catholique Church and the one onelie King head and husband thereof 4 Of the diuers degrees of the Church 5 Of the prima●ie of the Antichrist of Rome 5 Of the lawful calling and Election of ministers 6 Of their power and the vse of the keies 7 Of mariage and a Single life 8 Of the Canonicall scriptures 9 Of the Sacramentes and the number thereof 10 Of Baptisme 11 Of the holy Eucharist 12 Of the ●●le of Masses 13 Of Purgatorie 14 Of Ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall rites 15 Of prayer in a vulgare tounge 16 Of the onelie Intercessour and Mediatour Christ 17 Of the corruption of man through sinne of his iustification through Christ 18 Of the one onely sacrifice of Christ whereby we are perfectly reconciled to God 19 Of good workes 20 Of the last resurrectiō of this flesh 21 THE ARTICLES OF THE CONFESSION OF Belgia Of the essence or nature of God 1 Of the double knowledge of God 2 Of the beginning and author of the word of God 3 Of the Canonicall bookes of the olde and new Testament 4 Of their authoritie 5 Of the Apochryphall bookes 6 Of the perfection of the Canonicall Scripture aboue all the doctrines of all men 7 Of three persons in one onelie essence of God 8 Of the testimonies of both the testaments whereby both the Trinitie of the persons also their properties m●● be prooued 9 Of the diuine nature and generation of Iesus Christ the Sonne of god 10 Of the diuine nature of the holy ghost 11 Of the creation of the world and Angells and the distinguishing of them 12 Of the Prouidence of God and of his iust gouernement both general special 13 Of the creation of man his fal corruption and seruile free wil. 14 Of Original sinne 15 Of free election iust reprobation 16 Of the repairing of man through Christ 17 Of the first comming of Christ and his true incarnation of the seede of Dauid 18 Of his two natures hypostatically vnited in one onelie person 19 Of the cause or end of his death and resurrection 20 Of his onelie Priesthoode and expiatorie sacrifice 21 Of faith the onelie instrument of our Iustification 22 Of true iustification through Christ 23 Of regeneration and good workes 24 Of the abrogating of the law and shadowes 25 Of the onelie Mediatour or intercessour Christ against the intercession of Saints 26 Of the Catholique Church 27 Of the vnitie and communion thereof 28 Of true notes of the true Church 29 Of the gouernement Ecclesiastical functions 30 Of the Election of Ministers Elders and Dea●ons and of their authoritie 31 Of Ecclesiastical traditions 32 Of the Sacraments and their number 33 Of Baptisme 34 Of the Supper of the Lord. 35 Of Magistrates and their office and power 36 Of the last Iudgement 37 THE ARTICES OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE Of God and the persons of the diuinitie 1 Of Original sinne 2 Of the incarnation of the Sonne of God 3 Of Iustification 4 Of the Preaching of Repentance and general Remission 5 Of the righteousnes of good wookes 6 Of the Church 7 Of the Sacraments which are administred by euil men 8 Of Baptisme 9 Of the Lords Supper 10 Of Repentance 11 Of Confession 12 Of the vse of Sacraments 13 Of Ecclesiastical order or degrees 14 Of Ecclesiastical ri●●s 15 Of ciuil ordinances 16 Of the la●● Iudgement 17 Of fr●● wil. 18 Of the cause of sinne 19 Of good workes 20 Of ●nuocation 21 ARTICLES CONCERNING THE ABVSES VVHICH ARE changed in externall rites Of the Masse 1 Of either kinde of the Sacrament 2 Of Confession 3 Of the difference of mea●es and such like Popish traditions 4 Of the mariage of the Priestes 5 Of the vowes of Monkes 6 Of Ecclesiastical power 7 THE CHIEFE POINTS OF THE CONFESSION of Saxonie Of Doctrine 1 Of Originall sinne 2 Of the remission of sinnes and of I● stification 3 Of freewill 4 Of new obedience 5 What workes are to be done 6 How good works maie be done 7 How new obedience doth please God 8 Of rewardes 9 Of the difference of sinnes 10 Of the Church 11 Of the Sacramentes 12 Of Baptisme 13 Of the Lords Supper 14 Of the vse of the wholl Sacrament 15 Of repentance 16 Of Satisfaction 17 Of Wedlocke 18 Of Confirmation and anointing 19 Of Traditions or Ecclesiastical rites 20 Of a Monasticall life 21 Of the inuocating of godlie men departed out of this life 22 Of the ciuill Magistrate 23 THE CHIEFE POINTES OF THE CONFESSION OF Wirtemberge Of God and three persons in one godhead 1 Of the Sonne of God 2 Of the holie Ghost 3 Of sinne 4 Of Iustification 5 Of the law 6 Of good Workes 7 Of the Gospell of Iesus Christ 8 Of the Sacraments 9 Of Baptisme 10 Of Confirmation 11 Of Repentance 12 Of Contrition 13 Of Confession 14 Of Satisfaction 15 Of Prair 16 Of Fasting 17 * Of Almes 18 Of the Eucharist that is of the Sacrament of thankesgiuing 19 * Of the Masse 20 Of holie orders 21 Of Mariage 22 * Of e●●reame Vnction 23 Of the inuocating of Saints 24 Of the remembrance of the dead 25 Of Purgatorie 26 * Of Monasticall vowes 27 Of Canonicall houres 28 Of Fasting 29 Of the consecrating of water salt wine and other such like things 30 Of the holie Scripture 31 * Of the Pope 32 Of the Church 33 Of Councels 34 Of the Teachers of the Church 35 Of Ecclesiastical Ceremonies 36 THE CONTENTES OF THE BOOKE FOLLOWING ACCORDING TO THE SECTIONS WHICH are in number 19. and of how manie confessions ech Section doth consist THE 1. SECTION pag. 1. OF the holie Scripture beeing the true word of God and the interpretation thereof This Section consisteth of 10. confessions to wit Of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia of that of Basil or Myllane of Bohemia or the 〈◊〉 the French the English that of Belgia Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 2. SECTION pag. 18. OF God in essence one in persons three and of his true worship This Section 〈…〉 of 11. confessions to wit Of the former 〈…〉 confession of Heluetia that of Basil of 〈…〉 or the Waldenses the French the English th●t of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge 〈◊〉 THE 3. SECTION pag 53. OF the eternall prouidence of God and the creation of the world This Section doth consist properly of foure Confessions onely to wit Of the
Moreouer to giue an euident token of his confession he found fault with the other which cursed Christ These thinges are done by him because this verie Messias beeing partner with him in his punishment in a wo●de doth teach his minde and by 〈◊〉 some comfort the Worde is effectual in him and through 〈◊〉 the eternall Father doth poure the holie ghost into the heart of this hearer that he may kindle in him ioye loue inuocation hope of eternall life and other vertues Of Rewardes PAull saith Rom. 6. Eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lorde and they that are reconciled or iustified Are heires annexed with the Sonne of God and that for his sake not for their owne merittes Faith receiuing remission of sinnes and iustification and the hope of eternall life doe relie vpon the Sonne of god the Mediatour as it is said Ioh. 6. This is the will of the Father that ●●erie one that beleeueth in him should haue eternall life And Rom. 5. Beeing iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom we haue accesse through faith vnto this grace wherin we stand and reioyce vnder the hope of eternall life He ioyneth faith and hope together and affirmeth that either of them doth relie vpon the Mediatour And it is manifest that hope ought not to relie on our workes because it is saide Psal 142. No man liuing shall be iustified in thy sight But as they which repent are accounted iust by faith for the onelie Sonne of god his sake and for him and thorough him are quickned so for him and not for our merites is eternall life giuen vnto vs as the theefe on the crosse heareth this promise To daie thou shalt be with me in Paradise Luc. 23. Neither must we dreame that the Sonne of god did merit or giue vnto vs a preparation onelie to eternall life but let that most comfortable saying of Hosee be alwaies in our sight O death I will be thy death O hell I wil be thy destruction For the Sonne of God thorough him we are deliuered form eternal death translated into life eternall as he saith I giue vnto them eternall life And. 1. Ioh. 5. He that hath the Sonne hath life And let hope be sure firme as Peter saith 1. Pet. 1. Hope perfectlie that is looke for eternall life not with doubtfull opinion in an assured hope to wit for the Mediatours sake And Augustine saith well in his booke of meditations The certainetie of our whole confidence consisteth in the blood of Christ Let vs holde both these points assuredlie that he which repenteth doth freelie by faith receiue remission of sinnes and iustification for the Sonne of god his sake and that he is an heire of eternall life as Paull saith Rom. 8. As many as are led by the spirit of God they are the Sonnes of God And if they be children they are also the heiresof God Yet notwithstanding this also is true that they which doe shake of the holie ghost falling from faith or sinning grieuouslie against their conscience and doe not returne vnto God by repentance are not heires as it is saide Gal. 5. They which do such things shall not inherit the kingdome of God And. 1. Tim. 2. Fight a good fight hauing faith and a good conscience which some haue put awaie and as concerning faith haue made shipwracke And Math. 25. I was hungrie and ye gaue me not to eate And These shall goe into euerlasting punishment but the righteous shall goe into life eternall Now although life eternall life is giuen to the regenerate for the Sonne of god yetwithall it is also a rewarde of good workes as it is said Your reward is plentifull in heauen as a patrimonie is the reward of the laboures of a sonne although it be giuen to the sonne for an other cause Moreouer god hath added vnto good workes certaine promises of his and therefore euen for the good workes of holie men God doth giue spirituall and corporall gifts euen in this life and that diuerselie as it seemeth good to his vnspeakable wisedome 1. Tim. 4. Godlines hath the promises of the life present of that that is to come Marc. 10. They shall receiue a hundred folde in this life but with tribulation and after this life eternall life Mat. 10. Whosoeuer shall giue vnto one of these little ones to drinke a cup of colde water onelie in the name of a disciple he shall not loose his rewarde Luc. 6. Giue and it shall be giuen to you Exod. 20. Honoure thy Father and thy Mother that thou maiest liue long vpon earth Isa 33. Bread shal be giuen him and his waters shal be sure they shall see the King in his glorie that is for obedience and good workes God doth giue quiet common weales an honest meeke gouernement c. Isa 58. Breake thy breade to the hungrie and thou shalt be as a garden that is watered c. The example of the widow at Sarepta is well knowne and the Psalmist saith Substance and riches are in his house For seeing that God in this mortall and miserable life doth gather his Church and will haue it to be an honest congregation he giueth there unto many places of entertainement he giueth nestes to godlie poore families for the bringing vp of their children and for the spreading abroad of doctrine to conclude he will preserue the societie of mankinde householdes and common weales and that to this ende that a Church may be gathered Therefore he giueth sometime a gouernment not troublesome peace a fruitfull land other good thinges for the prayers of holie men for their diligence and for common necessities sake as for Ioseph Naaman Daniel those kingdomes wherein they liued ●lorished the more And Ierem. 19. The banished in Babylon are commaunded to praie for the peace and holsome gouernment of that place where they were intertayned So also often times punishments are heaped vp for the sinnes of the Chuch as is to be seene in the punishment of the tribe of Beniamin Dauid and others Now god will haue vs to vnderstand that these benefits are necessarie for the bodie and to know that they be giuen of god in asking of them he will haue our faith to be exercised as we shall declare more at large in a fit place At this time we haue therefore added these few thinges that in this confession there might be also a Testimonie in our Churches that this true and necessarie doctrine touching good workes is faithfullie laide open OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of Iustification CHAP. 5. WE beleeue and confesse that to do and practize such righteousnes as is acceptable to God these vertues be necessarie Faith hope and loue and that man can not of him-selfe conceiue these vertues but doth receiue them of the fauour and grace of God and that faith doth worke by loue But we think that their iudgement doth
we may thankefullie praise thee in all eternitie The greatnes of our sinnes which the prophanation of the Supper of the Lorde these many yeares hath brought forth doth surpasse the eloquence of Angells and men We are herein the shorter seeing that no words can be deuised sufficient to set out the greatnes of this thing and in this great griefe we beseech the Sonne of God that he would amend these euills and also for a further declaration we offer our selfes to them that wil heare it But in this question we see that to be chieflie done which Salomon saith He that singeth songes to a wicked heart is like him that powreth vineger vpon nitre Our aduersaries know that these perswasions of their sacrifice are the sinewes of their power and riches therefore they will heare nothing that is said against it Some of them doe now learne craftelie to mitigate these things and therfore they say The oblation is not a merit but an application they deceiue in wordes and retaine still the same abuses But we saide before that euerie one doth by faith applie the sacrifice of Christ to himselfe both when he heareth the Gospell and then also when he vseth the Sacraments and it is written 1. Cor. 11. Let euerie man examine himselfe Therefore Paull doth not meane that the ceremonie doth profitte another that doth not vse it And the Sonne of God himselfe did offer vp himselfe going into the holie of holies that is into the secret counsell of the Diuinitie seeing the will of the eternall Father and bearing his great wrath and vnderstanding the causes of this wonderfull counsell these weightie things are meant when the text saith Heb. 9. He offered himselfe And when Esaie saith Cap. 53. He will make his soule an offering for sinne Now therefore what doe the Priestes meane who saie that they offer vp Christ and yet antiquitie neuer spake after this manner But they doe most grieuouslie accuse vs. They saie that we doe take awaie the continuall sacrifice as did Antiochus who w●● a type of Antichrist We answered before that we doe reteine the wholl ceremonie of the Apostolike Church and this is the eontinuall sacrifice That the sincere doctrine of the Gospell should be heard that God should be truelie inuocated to conclude as the Lord saith Ioh. 4. It is to worship the Father in Spirit and trueth we doe also herein comprehende the true vse of the Sacraments Seeing that we retaine all these things faithfullie we doe with great reuerence reteine the continuall sacrifice they doe abolish it who many waies doe corrupt true inuocation and the verie Supper of the Lord who commaund vs to inuocate dead men who set out Masses to sale who boast that by their oblation they doe merit for others who doe mingle many mischieuous errours with the doctrine of Repentance and remission of sinnes who will men to doubt when they repent whether they be in fauour who defile the Church of God with filthie lustes and Idols These men be like vnto Antiochus and not we whoe endeuour to obeie the Sonne of God who saith Ioh. 4. If any man loueth me he will keepe my wor●● Of the vse of the wholl Sacrament LEt Sophistrie be remooued from the iudgements of the Church All men know that the Supper of the Lorde is so instituted that the wholl Sacrament may be giuen to the people as it is written Drinke ye all of this Also the custome of the auncient Church both Greeke and Latine is well knowne Therefore we must confesse that the forbidding of one part is an vniust thing It is greate iniurie to violate the lawfull Testaments of men Why then doe the Bishopes violate the Testament of the Sonne of God which he hath sealed vp with his owne bloode But it is to be lamented that certeine men should be so impudent as to feigne sophistrie against this so weightie an argument that they may establish their prohibition the refutation of whome the matter beeing so cleere and euident we doe omitte In an other place this Article is not distinguished from that which went before but is thus ioyned with it To conclude wee must also speake in few things of the vse of the wholl Sacrament Let sophistrie be remooued c. OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the Eucharist CHAP. 9. WE beleeue and confesse that the Eucharist for so it pleased our forefathers to call the Supper of the Lord is a Sacrament instituted of Christ himselfe and that the vse therof is commended to the church euen to the latter end of the world But because the substance is one thing and the vse thereof an other thing therefore we will speak● of these in order Touching the substance of the Euchar●●● we thus thinke and teach that the true bodie of Christ 〈◊〉 his true bloode is distributed in the Eucharist and we refute them that saie that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are signes of the body and blood of Christ beeing onelie absent Also we beleeue that the omnipotencie of Go● is so great that in the Eucharist he may either annihilate●● substance of bread and wine or else change them into 〈◊〉 bodie and bloode of Christ but that God doth exercise 〈◊〉 his absolute omnipotencie in the Eucharist we haue no certeine worde of God for it and it is euident that the auncient Church was altogether ignorant of it For as in Ezech where it is said of the Citie of Hierusalem described on the out side of a wall This is Hierusalem it was not necessarie that the substance of the wall should be changed into the substance of the Citie of Hierusalem so when it is said of the bread This is my bodie it is not necessary that the substance 〈◊〉 bread should be changed into the the substance of the bod● of Christ but for the truth of the sacrament it is sufficient that the bodie of Christ is in deed present with the bread and in deede the verie necessitie of the trueth of the Sacrament doth seeme to require that true breade should remaine with the true presence of the bodie of 〈◊〉 For as to the trueth of the Sacrament of Baptisme it is necessarie that in the vse thereof there should be water and that true water should remaine so it is necessarie in the Lords Supper that there should be bread in the vse thereof and that true bread should remaine whereas if the substance of bread were changed we should haue no proofe of the trueth of the Sacrament Whereupon both Paull and also the auncient Ecclesiasticall writers doe call the bread of the Eucharist euen after con●ecration bread 1. Cor. 11. Let● man examine himselfe and so let him eate of that bread And Whosoeuer shall eate this bread and drinke this cuppe of the Lord vnworthely c. And Augustine in his Sermon to young children saith That which y●u haue seene it i● the bread and the 〈◊〉 the which thing
ende The auncient fathers did sometimes fast whole daies together that they might giue themselues to publique praier and by this discipline might admonish their Church and especially the youth of daungers that were past or present or hanging ouer their heades and might stirre them vp to repentance wherby the wrath of God might be asswaged This is the godlie and profitable ende of these fastinges Others doe faste That by the merit of this worke they maie purge their sinnes before God or as some doe speake Applie vnto themselues the merit of Christ by their fasting But this end is vtterlie to be condemned For first the onelie death of Christ is the purging of our sinnes Secondlie fasting was not ordeined for this vse that it should be a worke whereby the merit of Christ maie be applied to vs. For fasting is either ioyned with true repentance and then the merit of Christ is applied to him that repenteth by faith which is the chiefe parte of repentance before a man doth beginne or ende his fasting or else fasting is without repentance and then it is abhominable in the sight of God so farre is it from applying the merit of Christ to him that fasteth Isa 58. Is it such a fast that I haue chosen that a man should afflict his soule for a daie and to bowe downe his head as a bulrush Augustine Epist 86. ad Casulanum saith I reuoluing that in my minde which is written in the Euangelicall and Apostolique Scriptures and in that wholl instrument which they call the new Testament doe see that fasting is commaunded But on what daies we ought not to fast and on what daies we ought to fast I doe not see it defined either by the commaundement of the Lorde or of the Apostles And by this I thinke that rather a releasing then a binding to fasting is the more fit and apt not to obtaine righteousnes wherein the beutie of the Kings daughter doth consist inwardly which is obtained by Faith but yet to signifie a perpetuall rest And Chrysostome Tom. 4. de Ieiun Quadrag Hom. 73. saieth If we come dailie hither and fast the wholl Lent and doe not chaunge our life to the better it will be an occasion of our greater condemnation By these testimonies it is euident that it is neither Apostolique nor Catholique to thinke that fasting is a worke whereby either sinnes are purged before God or the merit of Christ is applied Hitherto also pertaineth the 29. Article Of the consecrating of water salte wine and other thinges VVE confesse that the forbidding of water whereby the Leuitical vncleanes was purged was ordained of god in the old testament Also we acknowledge that miracle wherby the Prophet Elizeus did heale the barren waters of ●ericho by casting in of salte And we embrace that which Paull writing to Timothie saieth Euerie creature of God is good and nothing is to be reiected which is receiued with thankesgiuing for it is sanctified by the worde of God and by praie● But where as in the new Testament water is consecrated which they call holie water by the sprinkling whereof veniall sinnes are taken awaie and Deuills are driuen awaie and whereas salte also is consecrated to make thinges wholsome which otherwise be hurtfull it seemeth neither to be Apostolique nor Catholique For we are not commaunded by the worde of God to imitate the Leuitical sprinkling or Elizeus his miracle but it was vsed by mans arbitrement pleasure therfore it pertaineth to this saying of Christ In vaine do they worship me teaching for doctrines the preceptes of men And it is euident that the sprinkling of the bloode of Christ which is made by the worde of the Gospell by Baptisme and the Lordes Supper and receiued by faith doth purge vs from our sinnes That therefore which is proper to the blood of Christ which by the ordinance of god was shed for our sins ought not to be attributed towater consecrated by the appointment of man And as touching that Elizeus did heale the barren waters by salte there is a miracle set before our eies that thereby we may confirme that credit which we ought to giue to the preaching of the Prophet but it is not set before vs to be imitated without a special calling of God because the miracles of the Saints vse not to be generall but personall And as touching that which Paull saith that creatures are sanctified by the worde of God and by praier he meaneth not that creatures as for example salt flesh egges hearbes are to be coniured that Sathan by the vse of them may be driuen awaie but that all creatures are by the worde of God euerie one appointed to their outward vse which then serue for our good when we vse them well by faith and praying vnto God So God created salt to season meat and to preserue flesh from putrifying he created water to serue for drinke or washing or watering and not to driue away the Deuill In deede in Baptisme he ordeined water to wash awaie sinnes but this is not the generall ende why water was created but a speciall ordinance appointed by a speciall worde of God For as touching the generall creation and sanctification of God there is no worde of God that doth witnes that the creatures which we before haue rehearsed by coniurings are made profitable hereunto that they may take awaie sinnes and chase away the deuils Now that which is brought in without the worde of God to another vse then God hath ordeined it vnto it cannot be done in faith but it becommeth an abuse doth rather bring destruction then saluation Rom. 14 Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne And Cyprian Epist 2. Lib. 2. saith If Christ alone is to be heard we are not to consider what any other before vs hath thought good to be done but what Christ who is before all hath done for we ought not to follow the custome of men but the trueth of God c. Hitherto also perteineth Chap. 22. of the same confession Of extreame vnction WE confesse that the Apostles anointed the sicke with oile and that the sicke recouered their bodelie health Also we confesse that the Epistle which beareth the name of Iames doth commaund that the Elders of t●e Church be called vnto the sicke that they may anoint them with oile praie for them that they may obteine health But th●se things were then practized profitably when as yet the Minister of the Church were indued with the gift of healing the s●cke corporallie and wonderfully But after that this gift ceased the Gospell beeing confirmed in the Church the thing it selfe doth witnes that this ceremonie of Anointing is now idlely vnfruitfully vsed For they which now are anointed vse not by this anointing to recouer their bodelie health yea this anointing is not vsed but on them of whose bodelie health men doe despaire Neither is there any word of God which doth promise the Gospell of Christ
corrupt worship should be established The moste parte do feigne that the workes of mans traditions as satisfactions such like doe merit remission of sinnes This opinion is apparantlie false for it remooueth the benefit of Christ vnto mans traditions And there needeth here no long confutation we will content our selues with one thundring saying of Saint Paull Ye are made void of Christ whosoeuer are iustified by the law Ye are fallen from Christ This saying teacheth that men doe not merit remission of sinnes by the proper workes either of Gods lawe or of mans traditions Others being put in minde what grosse absurditie there is in this first errour they beginne to talke more modestlie of traditions But yet they houlde still an errour that is not to be borne with all They saie That these workes though they doe not deserue remission of sinnes yet are they seruices of God that is workes the immediat ende whereof is that God by them might be honoured This errour also must be stiffelie withstoode For Christ saieth plainelie They worshippe me in vaine with the preceptes of men And Paull doth expresselie condemne will worshippe to the Coloss And seeing that the worshippe of God must be done in faith it is necessarie that we should haue the word of God that may testifie that the worke pleaseth God For how can the conscience offer a worke vnto God vnlesse there be a voice of God which maie declare that God will so be worshipped or serued with this honour But vngodlie men vnderstanding this Doctrine of faith haue in all ages with damnable boldnes deuised worshippes without commaundement or word of God which thing if it be lawfull to doe you can shew no cause why the heathenish sacrifices slaing of dogges sacrifices offered at Lampsacum to Priapus such like monstrous worship should not please God Whether hath mans foolehardines rushed not onelie amongst the Ethnicks in feigning worships but also among the Popish rout in deuising eftsons new foolish ceremonies in praier to the dead in the worshipping of saintes and in the babling of Monkes Here therefore let vs be watchfull and not suffer lawes to be thrust vpon the Churches which prescribe workes without the commaundement of God as Gods worshippe and mans righteousnes And whereas all our aduersaries euen they that speake moste modestlie doe tie this opinion of worshippe vnto those workes let vs know that it is a good worke to withstand them and by violating such traditions to shew a patterne by which the godlie may knowe what to iudge of them As Eusebius writeth of Attalus That he was commaunded by God to speake vnto a certaine man which ate nothing but bread salte and water that he would vse common meat lest he should bring others into errour Moreouer this second errour which maketh these workes to be the worshippe of God brake farther For manie in the Church were deceiued through a peruerse emulation of the Leuiticall ceremonies and did thinke that there should be some such rites in the new Testament and that they are the worshipe of God or things whereby God wil be honoured yea that they are righteousnes And for that cause they gaue authoritie to the Bishops to ordaine such rites and such seruices This Pharisaicall errour Christ and his Apostles noted who taught that the worship of the new Testament is repentance the feare of God faith and the workes of the tenne commaundementes as Paull saieth The kingdome of God is not meate and drinke but righteousnes and peace and ioie in the holie Ghost For he that in these serueth Christ pleaseth God and i● approoued of men The Monkes fained themselues to be Nazarites The Masse Priestes that sacrifice for the dead would haue men think that they imitate Aaron offering sacrifices But these examples doe not agree the rites of Monkes and the Priests mercenary Masses haue no word of god for them yea there are manie fonde opinions mingled with them which of necessitie must be reprooued in our Churches The third errour is the opinion of necessitie wherein they imagine that the Church is like vnto other humane gouernmentes For they surmise that it is a kingdome wherin the Bishoppes as if they were Kinges haue power to make new lawes that are besides the Gospell and that they must of necessitie be obeied euen as the Princes lawes must necessarilie be obeied especiallie seeing this life of man can not be without traditions And this opinion of the necessitie of these things hath stirred vp contentions whilst euerie one defendeth his owne rites inuented by man as simply necessarie But Christ and his Apostls teach that such rites set forth without Gods commaundement are not to be taken for thinges necessarie Against this libertie enacted and established by Gods authoritie the opinion which maintaineth that the violating of traditions about thinges indifferent though it be not in a case where offence maie be giuen is not to be receiued Hetherto belongeth the saying of Paull Let no man iudge you in meat and drinke and entercourse of ●olie daies c. For to iudge signifieth to binde the consciences and to condemne them that doe not obeie Againe Gal. 5 Stand in the libertie wherein Christ hath made you free Hitherto it hath bin shewed in what respect it is not lawful to appoint traditions or to approoue them Now some man may aske whether we would haue this life of man to be without order rites No surelie But we teach that the true Pastors of the churches may ordein publike rites in their churches but so as it be onelie for an end belonging to the bodie that is for good orders sake to wit such rites as auaile for the instruction of the people As for example set daies set lessons and such like and that without anie superstition and opinion of necessitie as hath bin said before so that it maie not be counted anie sinne to violate anie of these ordinances so it be not with giuing offence But if so be that they be broken with offence there where the Churches are well ordered and there is no error in doctrine let him that in such place breaketh thē know that he doth offend because he disturbeth the peace of the Church wel ordered or doth withdraw others from the true ministerie This reason doth sufficientlie warrant the authority of profitable traditions laieth no snare on mens consciences So the Church in the beginning of it ordained set daies as the Lords day the daie of Christs natiuity Easter Pēticost c. Neither did the church dispense with the moral precepts but Gods owne authority abrogated the ceremonies of Moses law And yet it was meet that the people should know when to come together to the hearing of the Gospel vnto the ceremonies which Christ did ordaine And for that cause certain daies were appointed to that vse without anie such opinions as were aboue mentioned And the general equity abideth stil in the moral law that at certeine