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A17457 The euer-burning lamps of pietie and deuotion Kindled by many excellent and heauenly prayers, deuided into the seuerall dayes of the weeke, and other occasions: To auoide which weake man hath continuall cause to retire into himselfe, and humbly confer with Almightie God. By I.C. I. C. 1619 (1619) STC 4278; ESTC S118322 68,205 293

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thee for that eternal and all-comforting name of thy sweet Son Iesus to giue mee a feeling of my owne desperate and dangerous estate to take away the dead and impostume vices which haue ouer-growne goodnes and vertue so that I may perceiue what is wicked or sinfull made the same with me by a long custome Grant me O bountifull and louing Lord constancie and perseuerance in the good determinations wherewith thou shalt inspire lest I fal into a relapse perish vnsuccourably euen for thy owne mercies sake which from the beginning of the world was intended to saue sinners Amen 71. A Prayer in Sicknes NOw I am weakest O Lord in estate be thou strongest and inlighten and comfort my Soule in this darknes and torments of my Body Satan hath incompassed me on euery side and as assured of victory hath laid aside all his faire and eye-pleasing disguises pulling off his beautifull visor and in his owne horrible and dreadfull deformitie telleth me plainely I am his There is no sinne my most mercifull and euerlasting Redeemer which hee is not in the vgliest and desperatest manner ready to lay before me more carefull now to call them to my memory then he was before to banish them for euer He telleth me it is thine own Doctrine that the wages of sinne is Death and that euerlasting world without end But shall hee O iust and righteous Iudge be my accuser and witnes against mee Shall he betray me to a sinne and be rewarded for reuealing it I protest before the Throne of thy diuine Maiestie that he alone ioyned with the world and the flesh hath wrought vpon my frailtie and subtilly seduced mee to all kinde of sinne and enormitie that he alone hath perswaded mee to offend thee my Lord and Maker laying thy heauy displeasure and terrour of thy iudgements before me seeking either to draw me to despaire or an vnwillingnes to enter into the due consideration of my hainous mis-deeds I doe therefore wholly abiure and detest him abandoning for euer his friendship and seruice and relying on thy powerfull and auailable Passion in the preciousnesse and value of it offer vp my selfe vnto thee beseeching thee for thy owne merits and goodnes to accept a forlorne and despayring sinner who without thy mercy is readie to bee swallowed vp by the eternall gulfe of hell fire Moderate O Lord my sicknesse and paines that I may the freelier haue recourse vnto thee strengthen and confirme my fainting and decaying voyce that I may the earnestlier cry vnto thee And aboue all O my most sweete and amiable Lord comfort and aide my drooping and fearefull heart that I may continually meditate on thee that if it bee thy will and pleasure I may escape the vengeance prepared for those that dye out of thy fauour and if thou shalt please to call mee forth of this mortall life I may liue with thee put on immortality euen for thy holy Names sake to which be all honour glory world without end Amen 72. A Prayer to be said before any worke wee goe about IN vaine O Lord rise wee earely and sit vp late eating the bread of carefulnesse turmoyling and tormenting our selues with great labour and wearisomnesse vnlesse thou O Lord giue a blessing In vaine toyleth the Husbandman plowing and sowing vnlesse thou water it and giue the increase In vaine endangereth himselfe the Marchant furrowing and turning vp the waters vnlesse thou prosper and guide his Ship Since thou fillest euery thing with blessing be pleased at this time onely Lord and Sauiour to looke mercifully and fauourably on the industries and labours of thy seruant and multiply them as thou didst the old womans Iar who gaue of it to the Prophet grant that wee may prosper and haue giuing of our abundance to those poore brethren that want it rather then to bee driuen to aske it Yet in all O Lord thy will bee done to the extremest pouertie nay death it selfe Giue me O Lord a true feeling of my selfe that I may rather respect goodnesse then gaine and aime rather to liue honestly then richly affecting a mediocritie not aboundance lest I be puffed vp with the vaine and gawdy shew of vncertaine wealth Grant O blessed Lord and Sauiour that I may in all my courses and enterprises haue before my eyes the end whereunto they should be directed which is onely in this warfare and pilgrimage to prouide me necessaries for my voyage to that holy Land wherein al thy children and seruants haue before the beginning of the world a portion and inheritance laid out and reserued that I may with that prouidence and care so furnish and store my selfe that I be neither forced with Esau for want and indiscretion to sell my birth-right for fading and transitory reliefe nor with the proud and mighty exalted with the infinitenesse of their treasure despise and grow carelesse of it but in all things making my selfe obedient to thy will be found worthy to take possession of it Grant this O sweete Iesus Amen 73. A Prayer for Remission of sinnes I Humbly confesse O Almightie and euer-liuing Lord that I am vnworthy the bread thou in thy mercie bestowedst on me vnworthy to infect the ayre with my breath who spend it to thy dishonour and my owne defamation most vnworthy the least of thy blessings which I haue plentifully receiued of thee and that I tremble to come into thy presence my sinnes striking horrour and terrour to my heart lest I be swallowed vp for my offences and wickednesses daily committed and yet vnrepented But O most mercifull and all-louing Father take thy Eye I beseech thee from them lest thou in thy iustice bring me to destruction and fixe it on the bitter Passion of thy deare Sonne behold him O Lord scourged buffeted reuiled spet vpon and despitefully crucifyed for the hainousnesse of these my transgressions and in the preciousnesse of this satisfaction be pleased O Lord to giue eare to the humble and sorrowing lamentation of a despised and contemned sinner who is heartily and truely sorry for these his misdeeds and trespasses desiring thee of thy infinite bounty to inspire him with thy grace that hee may for euer hate and detest the guilt and monstrousnesse of them Strike mee O Lord with a true feare not onely of thy mightinesse and iudgements but of thy mercies and louing kindnesse that I may bee vtterly ashamed and confounded to offend so fauourable and indulgent a Father who hath not dis-inherited nor cast off so notorious and disobedient a sonne but in his mercy reserued a portion for mee which O blessed and all-louing Lord make me worthy of that I may euer praise and glorifie thy clemencie world without end 74. A Prayer for Perseuerance SInce O Lord not hee that attempteth the course but he that continueth to the end not those Virgins who came late but they that watched continually haue the promised and expected reward giue me aboundantly of thy blessing that I
and dangerous diseases Did not the Powers of heauen and earth acknowledge thee and God himselfe by crowning thee with the Holy Ghost confirme thee for his Wel-beloued Did not the great Goddesse Nature goe back and alter at thy command Did not the water turne into wine vpon thy word The winde bannish it selfe and appeare no more and the fury and rage of the waues lye still and grumbled not When thou wast in presence was not hell affrighted and the deuils themselues astonished crying out on thy Omnipotencie and desiring leaue and sufferance Was not the frame of the world shaked the Sunne muffled in clouds the Temple deuided the graues of the dead of themselues opened and yeelded vp their bodies which in diuers apparitions were seene wandring in the Streetes to Behold their Lord and Master their Creator and Moouer thus in himselfe diuided by his afflictions shaked muffled with sorrow and his heart opened yeelding all ioy and comfort and yet miserable man vnmooued knowing and seeing more stony then the Temple and senselesse as the graues vnderstood not pittyed not felt not the pangs and torments which our Sauiour here suffered Could not all thy benefites O deare and onely fauourable Lord bind their sauage hearts nor all thy miracles mollifie their malice nor thy well-ordered and innocent life saue thee from a shamefull and inglorious Death Consider O my soule that the stones wept whilst the Iewes reioyced the Sunne of heauen put out his eye whilst the sonnes of men constantly stared vpon his dreadfull massacre and for certainty acknowledge that the mis-beliefe and persecution of sinners more terrified this blessed Lord then all his torments and vnspeakeable sufferings Art thou moued with pittie and taken with compassion at the story of a weake and old father vndone by his riotous sonne hauing his lands extended his goods seized on himselfe thrown forth of doores and exposed poore and comfortlesse to the mercy of the Streete and fauour of the open Aire hauing no annuity left but the charity of well-deuoted people And is not thy vnderstanding crackt thy memory lost thy will broken ouerwhelmed with desperate griefe and raging sorrow to Behold this Man the onely begotten Son of the euerliuing GOD buffeted for thy wildenesse spit vpon for thy blasphemies reuiled for thy barbarousnesse abased for thy pride laughed at and contemned for thy folly scourged for thy lasciuiousnesse rifled and turned out of all for thy ryot and dissolution not circumuented and drawne in by subtiltie but carefully and most louingly not enduring the hard imprisonment cruell handling and euerlasting bondage of his beloued children came from his Palace enriched with all pleasures and plentie left his honour and laid aside his glory and offered himselfe vp into the hands of his cruell and vnmercifull enemies for the deliuery and redemption of his altogether vnworthy miserable condemned and forsaken people O vnspeakeable charitie and loue without example vnimitable vnmatchable Man vnable to requite it vnworthy to deserue it and without his voluntarie and free proffer vnequall to haue requested it Dare a low and contemned Vassall for whoredome and periury runne into the contempt and censure of the Lawes approach the Maiestie of his King entreating him to bee branded and scourged for him It were mercie vnexpected to pardon him but if hee should discend from his glittering Throne disrobing himselfe of all his royall and glorious ornaments and in his owne person satisfie the rigour and iustice of the Law for his poore and miserable subiect would not his goodnesse and bountie flie faster then the Sunne And further would not all men admire and bee enamored with his vertue in loue with his compassion and rauished with his great charity but how would this poore man bee inflamed towards him With what fire of deuotion would he praise him With what longing desires would he serue him With what humility and ioy would hee obey him Behold the Man O my soule that hath out-done this similitude bettered the example of this supposition for thee dust and ashes poore worme and slime of the earth who wast nothing but by him art nothing without him and shouldst be happy to returne to nothing but for him And yet behold a sight of more wonder and astonishment then to see the glory of heauen thus abased the purity of Angels thus defiled vnpittying man taken with a deadnesse all ouer of goodnesse hath no feeling of his owne desperate extremity or his Lords infinite mercy and meanes vndertaken for his recouery The blessed Apostle and follower of our Lord S. Peter who first of all confest his Omnipotency and greatnesse and first of all in his frailty denyed to haue knowne any such Man hearing him speake of these things which should happen to him tooke him aside and as the Scripture saith rebuked him saying Thou shalt not suffer these things to be done vnto thee If the report of the Tragedie were so terrible how killing was the Spectacle And if the Storie that he should suffer these torments preuailed so with S. Peter ouercome with an affectionate pittie that hee rebuked his Lord how much ought the certaine knowledge mooue vs that hee hath suffered these cruel tyrannies for our redemption and the satisfaction of iustice It is a symptome in Physicke generally dislikt when the sicke party feeles not his owne weakenesse and a danger almost vnauoidable when hee findeth not that it is dangerous a lightning little before death or a nimblenesse and agilitie of a woman great the night before her trauell their estates being indeed almost vncureable that maymed they haue no need of curing Sinne easily getting to a height when he is not perceiued to grow The slie and subtill Serpent letting words of cheerefull loue fall off his tongue when poyson lies vnder it tempting loue guilded ouer his perswasiue pill with the apparencie of her owne excellency and profite forcing a beliefe that shee should bee as God and comming to Pilates wife in an apparition the night before the Lambe was sentenced and giuen vp to slaughter preuailed with her to moue her Husband to haue nothing to doe with that Iust man Beware O fraile and foolish mortalitie of this Hypocrite and deceiuer who laying beautifull colours ouer his mischieuous intentions perswadeth thee to haue nothing to doe with the Iust Man and rather not to beleeue that such things were suffered then to haue that horrour in thy conscience that they were suffered for thy sinnes and offences This infection was from him throwne on our first Parents which killed all their ioy of life degraded them from their excellencie and vnderstanding and banished them their earthly Paradise and from thence hereditarie to vs taking from vs the puritie and Innocencie of our Birth and so that vnlesse wee be regenerated and borne anew of water and the holy Ghost wee cannot enter into the Kingdome of heauen Thus languishing and labouring for eternall life our most blessed and mercifulliest Lord pittying our