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A17145 An apologie for the religion established in the Church of England Being an answer to T.W. his 12. Articles of the last edition. In this impression recognized and much inlarged. Also answers to three other writings of three seuerall papists. By Ed: Bulkley Doctor of Diuinitie.; Apologie for religion Bulkley, Edward, d. 1621?; Wright, Thomas, d. 1624. Certaine articles or forcible reasons. 1608 (1608) STC 4026; ESTC S106872 215,308 282

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and Papistes thought well of Pope Formosus whome other Popes did malitiously and dispitefully vse being dead Some papists thought well of them that were called ●agellantes whome others condemned and punished for ●uill dooers Vide paralip Abba● v●sp●rg pag 369. Pope Alexander the 6. and others burned at Florence Hierom Saoa●orola whome both Phillip Comineus and Antonius Falminius accompted for a holy man ●aminius fine verses in commendation of him worthy to be reade Anno. 1497. I haue thought good to set downe Dum f●ra flamma tuos Hieroni me pascitur artus Religio s●nctas dilaniata c●mas Fleuit ●t ô dixit crudeles parcite flammae parite s●nt isto viscera nostra rogo But to omit this I cannot omit to shew the grosse ignorance of this blinde Papist in saying that these Albingenses began by Tolousa in France the yeare of our Lord 120. I graunt that it is so in the said fi●st edition of Sir Thomas Eliot● Dictionary and continued in the other editions following But I cannot so much attribute so grosse an ouersight and error to Sir Thomas Eliot being a learned man as to the negligence ●ther of the writer or printer which faulte by them might easely be committed for whereas this number in the said first edition is set downe in these figures 120. they might easely omit the figure in the fourth place So that Maister Eliot setting i● downe 1120. they might either write or print 120. But this man of purpose alleaging it might if all his Historicall learning had not beene contained in the sad dictionary haue easely espied and amended this fault for most certaine it is that noe auncient writer neere an 120 yeares after Christ or diuers hundreth yeares after doth make any mention of a people called Albi●genses and noted for religon The first mention that I find of them or that this man with al his companions can shew is in the raigne Rob. G●g●i● l●b 6. of Phillip surnamed Augustus King of France who entred into his Kingdome in the yeare of our Lord 1181. Matheus B●roaldus at●rybuteth their time to the thirtieth yeare of the said King which was in the yeare 1210. and many popish writers declare that they were persecuted and destroyed by the procurement of Pope Innocent the third who entred into his Papacie in the yeare 1199. This I confesse that as the errours which the Albinggenses impugned and abhorred were not in the yeare of Christ 120. by the Diuell hatched and broched so the true doctrine which they maintained and for the same constantly suffered was then of the faithful professed and before by our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles published But that they were then knowne by this name none but such a blind buzard as this is would euer affirme And such blind guides they deserue to haue to be led by them vnto perdition that wilfully shutte their eyes against the light of Gods truth which might shine to their saluation if their eyes were open to see it their hearts to receiue and beleeue it Concerning them that were called Begardi to whome this man out of lying Prateolus and other mallicious enemies attributeth false and wicked opinions abhorred by vs I will shew what hath and doth moue me to thinke also of them as witnesses of GODS truth I doe nothing doubt but these called by some writers Begardi were the same which others do call Pychard● Now what opinions these Pychard● did hold Ioannes Slechta Kostelecius a learned Bohaemian and Papist declareth in an epistle to Erasmus in these words Tertia secta est eorum quos Inter epist Erasmus lib. 12. pag 464. scripta 10. Octob. 1519. voca●t Pyghardos c. The third sect is of them whome they call Pyghardi so he writeth them who were so named of a Fugitiue of the same nation Picardie in France that comming hither about 97. yeares past when Iohn Zisca a sacriligeous wicked man made war against the So vntruly hee termeth him ecclesiastical persons and whole Clergie and spoiled their goods this man being ioined to him infected with pestiferous doctrines both the Captaine him-selfe and all the whole armie which he had gathered of theeues murthertherers So they call them but cannot so proue them outlawed and other dregges of wicked men which continued vnto the time of King Vladislaus who of late yeares died and vnder him greatly increased for he being King of Hungary and abiding there more then in Bohemia had small care what was done there so that al his subiects did liue in peace These men did accoumpt the Pope Cardinals Bishoppes and other Ecclesiasticall parsons for manifest Antichristes they called the Pope sometimes the beast and sometimes the whore spoken of in the Apocalips and that they doing all thinges against the Doctrine and tradition of Christ they could doe nothing of any authority or vertue in Gods seruice but that whatsoeuer proceeded from their seruice was neither holy nor sacramentes nor blessings but meere execrations abhominations and curses These men chuse for themselues for Bishops and Priestes Lay men rude and voyd of learning hauing wiues and children they call and salute one an other by the name of brothers and sisters They receiue onely the authority of the old and new Testament of the Scriptures They contemne all old and new Doctors nor attribute any thing to their doctrine Their Priestes when they say Masse doe it without any Priestly garments nor therein vse any praiers besides the Lords praier wherewith they consecrate the bread being leauened They beleeue almost little or nothing of the Sacraments of the Church They that receiue their heresie are caused to be rebaptized in simple water neither blessing salt nor water nor vsing any consecrate oyle They beleeue that the d●ity is not in the Sacrament of the Eucharist but affirme that ther is onely bread and wine consecrate representing by certaine sercet signes the death of Christ and that therefore all that bow their knees and kneele before it or worshippe it be Idolaters seeing that Sacrament was not ordained by Christ to any other end but to put vs in remembrance of his passion and not to be carried vp and downe hether and thether nor to be lifted vp of the Priest and shewed to the people because that Christ him-selfe who is to bee adored and worshipped with the worship of Latria sitteth at the right hand of the father as the Church of Christ confesseth in the Creed They accoumpt praiers to Saintes and for the dead to be a vaine and ridiculous thing in like manner Auriculare confession and penance inioyned by Priestes for sinne They affirme vigils and fastes to be but counterfeyt couerings of hypocrites and that the holy daies of the virgin Mary of the Apostles and other Saintes are but the inuention of idle parsons and they onely keepe the Lords daies and the feast of the Natiuitie of Christ of Easter and Whitsontide c. Hetherto the words of
true merits of Gods mercies and Christs sufferings before mentioned nor to mans good workes but to the merit of them and vaine confidence put in them Wee say with Saint Augustine A●gust praefat in Psal 31. Si vis alienus esse à gratiae iacta merita tua i. If thou vvilt he voyde of grace boast thine owne merits Thirdly we beleeue that the kingdome of Heauen commeth to vs by inheritance and not by the purchase of our workes and merits Christ saith Come ye blessed of my father take the inheritance Math. 25. 34. of the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the vvorld Saint Paul saith If vve be children vve are also Rom. 8. 17. heires euen the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ Thus the kingdome of Heauen is ours in that wee be coheires with Christ By whose bloudy and blessed merits it is purchased to vs and not by the workes and deserts of vs vnprofitable seruants and prodigall children who haue alwayes neede to pray and say Enter not into Psal 1 ●3 2. iudgement vvith thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man that liueth be iustified and ●f thou O Lord straightly markest iniquitie Psal 130. 3. O Lord vvho shall be able to stand To conclude you that so seuerely censure vs looke to your selues take heed you be not like that proud Pharisee who gloried of his works and disdained the sinfull Luk. 18. Apoc 3. 17. Publican and that you be not like the Angell of the Church of Laodicea who said that he vvas rich increased Athen●us lib. 12. vvith goods and had need of nothing and did not know that hee was wretched miserable poore blind and naked And that you be not like that mad man of Athens called Thraselaus who comming in his madnes to the hauen named Pyreum did vainely imagine that all the ships riches there were his owne but being cured and brought to good vnderstanding hee saw his pouertie and perceiued that hee scarce had a penny in his purse Euen so if you were throughly cured of this phrensie of Poperie you would acknowledge your owne miserie and hunger for Gods mercie confesse your owne pouerty that Christ may inrich you your owne nakednes that he may with the robe of his righteousnesse couer you your owne guiltinesse that he may acquite and iustifie you and finally humble your selfe that he may exalt you For it is hee that filleth Luke 1. 53. the hungrie with good things and sendeth the rich emptie away I would you would ioyne with your owne Cardinall Poole in this point who misliking of Osorius booke de iustitia dedicated to him for attributing too much to mans iustice and righteousnesse did adde this worthie saying and worthie by all meanes to be receiued That wee can neuer attribute too much to the mercie and righteousnes of God nor too much take from the righteousnesse of man This is written not onely by Doctor Hoddon in his booke against Osorius but also by Pruilus his Secretarie in his life as that excellent Antiquarie and learned man my good friend Master Camden did tell mee To conclude be not like the froward Iewes who hauing a zeale towards God but not according to knowledge being Rom. 10. 2. 3. ignorant of the righteousnesse of God and going about to establish their owne righteousnesse haue not submitted themselues to the righteousnesse of God For Christ is the end of the law for righteousnesse vnto euery one that beleeueth but obey the counsell and calling of God Ho euery one that thirsteth come yee to the waters and yee that Isai 55. 1. haue no siluer come buy and eate Come I say buy vvine and milke vvithout siluer and vvithout money Wherefore doe yee As buyers of Popes Pardons Masses c. doe lay out siluer and not for bread and your labour vvithout being satisfied Hearken diligently vnto me and eate that vvhich is good and let your soule delight in fatnesse Encline your eares and come vnto mee heare and your soule shall liue and I vvill make an euerlasting couena●t vvith you euen the sure mercies of Dauid The which sweet and hid Manna of Gods mercies they that refuse to eate but had rather feede on the draffe of their owne muddie merits shall neuer inherit heauen but shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone Apocal. 20. 10. vvhere the beast and false Prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for euermore Basil in Moral Sum. 72. cap. 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It behooueth the hearers and readers being instructed in the Scriptures to prooue the things which be spoken and written by their teachers and to receiue those thinges that be consonant to the Scriptures and to reiect those things that differ from them and vtterly to auoyde those that doe continue in such Doctrines IOB 6. 24. Teach me and I will hold my tongue and cause me to vnderstand wherein I haue erred ISAIA 41. 21. Stand to your cause saith the Lord bring forth your strong reasons saith the King of Iacob An answere to certaine Popish questions and friuolous cauillations giuen forth vnderhand to seduce the simple and to slander the truth now first printed TO THE READER GOod Reader I am to certifie thee of the occ●sion of the first writing and now publishing of this my answere to these ●op●sh questions and calumntations In the yeare 1592. a good vertuous gentlewoman called M●stris lane Brograue ●et liuing and dwelling in Wapnam in Northampton shire being in her natiue Country with her friends some not so well ●ffected to the truth as others pra●sed be God are ●id giue to her these questions intending thereby as it seemeth to peruert her and to conuert her from the trueth of God vnto their false Doctrine Idolatry The which she presently deliuered vnto me and desired mee to write an answere vnto them This her godly request I thought my selfe bound in conscience for to satisfie and thereupon I did forthwith in short time write this answere the which she did send to her deceaued friends for their better instruction and information Afterwards by wards which a Popish Priest in conference with me did vtter I did gather that the same was sent to Wish ●he there to be hammered and examined But what they did wi●h it I doe not know I neuer heard that either they or any other ●uer made any reply vnto it I haue beene moued by some and namely by M. Christopher Goodman to whom I did send a copie of it because it did concerne him to publish it in print The which although it was allowed to the Presse many yeares past by one in great place and authoritie now yet I haue vntill this time suppressed it howbeit now I haue yeelded to publish it partly because the matter both obiected and answered is suteable to the former articles and my answeres and partly because the Printer who had intelligence