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water_n bread_n lord_n wine_n 3,679 5 7.3104 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14757 VVoe to drunkards A sermon by Samuel Ward preacher of Ipswich. Ward, Samuel, 1577-1640. 1622 (1622) STC 25055; ESTC S111607 15,586 56

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hee speakes here more briefly It stings like the Serpent and bites like the Cockatrice To the which I may not vnfitly adde that of Pauls and think I ought to write of such with more passion and compassion then he did of the Christians in his time which sure were not such monsters as ours in the shapes of christians Whose God is their belly whom they serue with drinke offerings whose glory is their shame and whose end is damnation What then take wee pleasure in thundring out Hell against Drunkards is there nothing but death and damnation to Drunkards Nothing else to them so continuing so dying But what is there no helpe nor hope no Amulet Antidote or Triacle are there no presidents found of recouery Ambrose I remember tels of one that hauing been aspectacle of Drunkennesse prooued after his conuersion a patterne of sobriety And I my selfe must confesse that one haue I knowne yet liuing who hauing drunke out his bodily eyes had his spirituall eyes opened prooued diligent in hearing and practising Though the pit bee deepe mierie and narrow like that Dungeon into which Ieremy was put yet if it please God to let down the Cords of his diuine mercy and cause the party to lay hold thereon its possible they may escape the snares of death There is euē for the most debauched Drunkard that euer was a soueraigne medicine a rich treacle of force enough to cure and recouer his disease to obtaine his pardon and to furnish him with strength to ouercome this deadly poyson fatall to the most And though wee may well say of it as men out of experience doe of quartane agues that it is the disgrace of all mortall Physick of all reproofes counsels and admonitions Yet is there a salue for this sore there came one from heauen that trode the Winepresse of his Fathers fiercenesse drunke of a cup tempered with all the bitternesse of Gods wrath and the diuels malice that hee might heale euen such as haue drunke deepest of the sweete cup of sinne And let all such know that in all the former discouerie of this poyson I haue onely aimed to cause them feele their sting and that they might with earnest eyes behold the Brasen Serpent and seriously repaire to him for mercie and grace who is perfectly able to eiect euen this kind which so rarely and hardly is thrown out where once he gets possession This seed of the Woman is able to bruise this Serpents head Oh that they would listen to the gratious offers of Christ If once there be wrought in thy soule a spirituall thirst after mercy as the thirstie land hath after raine a longing appetite after the water that comes out of the Rocke after the bloud that was shed for thee then let him that is a thirst come let him drinke of the water of life without any money of which if thou hast tooke but one true and thorow draught thou wilt neuer long after thy old puddle waters of sinne any more Easie will it be for thee after thou hast tasted of the Bread and VVine in thy Fathers house euer to loath the husks and swill thou wert wont to follow after with greedinesse The Lord Christ will bring thee into his mothers house cause thee to drinke of his spiced wine of the new wine of the Pomegramate Yea he will bring thee into his cellar spread his Banner of loue ouer thee stay thee with flagons fill thee with his loue till thou beest ficke and ouercome with the sweetnesse of his consolations In other drink there is excesse but here can be no danger The diuell hath his inuitation Come let vs drinke and Christ hath his inebriamini Be ye filled with the spirit Here is a fountaine set open and proclamation made And if it were possible for the brutishest Drunkard in the world to know who it is that offereth and what kind of water hee offereth hee would aske and God would giue it frankely without money he should drinke liberally be satisfied and out of his belly should sally springs of the water of life quenching and extinguishing all his inordinate longings after stolne waters of sin and death All this while little hope haue I to worke vpon many Drunkards especially by a Sermon read on lesse life and force in Gods ordinance and in it owne nature then preached my first drift is to stirre-vp the spirits of Parents and Masters who in all places complaine of this euill robbing them of good seruants and dutifull children by all care and industrie to preuent it in their domesticall education by carrying a watchfull and restraining hand ouer them Parents if you loue either soule or body thrift or pietie looke to keep them from this infection Lay all the barres of your authoritie cautions threats and charges for the auoyding of this epidemicall pestilence If any of them bee bitten of this Cockatrice sleepe not rest not till you haue cured them of it if you loue their health husbandry grace their present or future liues Dead are they while they liue if they liue in this sinne Mothers lay about you as Bathsheba with all entreaties What my sonne my sonne of my loues and delights Wine is not for you c. My next hope is to arouse and awaken the vigilancy of all faithfull Pastors and Teachers I speake not to such Starres as this Dragon hath swept downe from heauen with it tayle for of such the Prophets the Fathers of the Primitiue yea all ages complaine of I hate and abhorre to mention this abomination to alter the Prouerbe As drunke as a Beggar to a Gentleman is odious but to a Man of God to an Angell how harsh and hellish a sound is it in a Christians eares I speake therefore to sober Watchmen Watch and be sober and labour to keepe your Charges sober and watchful that they may be so found of him that comes like a thiefe in the night Two meanes haue you of great vertue for the quelling of this Serpent zealous preaching and praying against it It s an old receiued Antidote that mans spittle especially fasting spittle is mortall to Serpents Saint Donatus is famous in storie for spitting vpon a Dragon that kept an high way and deuoured many passengers This haue I made good obseruation of that where God hath raised vp zealous Preachers in such townes this Serpent hath no nestling no stabling or denning If this will not doe Augustine enforceth another which I conceiue Gods and Mans lawes allow vs vpon the reason he giues If Paul saith he forbid to eate with such our common bread in our owne priuate houses how much more the Lords body in Church assemblies if in our times this were strictly obserued the Serpent would soone languish and vanish In the time of an Epidemicall disease such as the Sweating or Neezing sicknesse a wise Physitian would leaue the study of all other diseases to find out the cure of the present
the bottome was not able to rise vp or to speake when hee had done but fell into a deepe snoaring sleepe and being remoued layde aside and couered by one of the seruants of the house attending the time of the drinking was within the space of two howers irrecouerably dead witnessed at the time of the printing hereof by the same seruant that stood by him in the Act and helpt to remoue him In Dengy Hundred neare to Maldon about the beginning of his Maiesties reigne there fell out an extraordinary iudgement vpon fiue or sixe that plotted a solemne drinking at one of their houses laid in Beare for the once drunke healths in a strange manner and died therof within a few weekes some sooner and some later witnessed to mee by one that was with one of them on his death-bed to demaund a debt and often spoken of by Master Heydon late Preacher of Mauldon in the hearing of many the particular circumstances were exceeding remarkeable but hauing not sufficient proofe for the particulars I will not report them One of Aylesham in Norfolke a notorious Drunkard drowned in a shallow Brooke of water with his horse by him Whilest this was at the Presse a man 85 yeares old or thereabout in Suffolke ouertaken with Wine though neuer in all his life before as hee himselfe said a little before his fall seeming to bewaile his present condition and others that knew him so say of him yet going downe a paire of staires against the perswasion of a woman sitting by him in his chamber fell and was so dangerously hurt as hee dyed soone after not being able to speake from the time of his fall to his death The names of the parties thus punished I forbeare for the kinreds sake yet liuing If conscionable Ministers of all places of the land would giue notice of such Iudgements as come within the compasse of their certaine knowledge it might bee a great meane to suppresse this sinne which raignes euery where to the scandall of our Nation and high displeasure of Almightie God These may suffice for a taste of Gods Iudgements Easie were it to abound in sundry particular casualties and fearefull examples of this nature Drunkard that which hath befallen any one of these may befall thee if thou wilt dally with this Cockatrice what euer leagues thou makest with Death and dispensations thou giuest thy selfe from the like Some of these were young some were rich some thought themselues as wife as thou none of them euer looked for such ignominious ends more then thou who euer thou art if thou hatest such ends God giue thee grace to decline such courses If thou beest yet insensate with wine voyde of wit and feare I know not what further to minde thee of but of that third worst sting of all the rest which will euer bee gnawing and neuer dying which if thou wilt not feare here sure thou art to feele there when the Red Dragon hath gotten thee into his denne and shall fill thy soule with the gall of Scorpions where thou shalt yell and howle for a drop of water to coole thy tongue withall and shalt be denied so small a refreshing and haue no other liquor to allay thy thirst but that which the lake of Brimstone shall affoord thee And that worthily for that thou wouldest incurre the wrath of the Lambe for so base and sordid a sinne as drunkennesse of which thou mayest thinke as venially and sleightly as thou wilt But Paul that knew the danger of it giues thee faire warning and bids thee not deceiue thy selfe expressely and by name mentioning it among the mortall sinns excluding from the Kingdome of heauen And the Prophet Esay tels thee that for it Hell hath enlarged it selfe opened it mouth wide and without measure and therefore shal the multitude and their pomp and the iollyest among them descend into it Consider this you that are strong to powre in drinke that loue to drinke sorrowe and care away And bee you well assured that there you shall drinke enough for all hauing for euery drop of your former bousings vials yea whole seas of Gods wrath neuer to be exhaust Now then I appeale from your selues in drinke to your selues in your sober fits Reason a little the case and tell mee calmely would you for your owne or any man pleasure to gratifie friend or companion if thou knewe there had beene a Toad in the Wine-pot as twise I haue knowne happened 〈◊〉 the death of drinkers or did you thinke that some Caesar Borgia or Brasutus had tempered the cup 〈◊〉 did you see but a Spider in the glasse would you or durst you carouse it off And are you so simple to feare the poison that can kill the body and not that which killeth the soule and body euer yea for euer and euer and if it were possible for more then for euer for euermore Oh thou vaine fellow what tellest thou mee of friendship or good-fellowship wilt thou account him thy friend or good fellow that drawes thee into his company that hee may poyson thee and neuer thinkes hee hath giuen thee right entertainement or shewed thee kindnesse enough till hee hath killed thy soule with his kindnesse and with Beere made thy body a carkase fit for the Beere a laughing and lothing-stocke not to Boyes and Girles alone but to men and Angels Why rather sayest thou not to such What haue I to doe with you yee sonnes of Beliall yee poysonfull generation of Vipers that hunt for the precious life of a man Oh but there are few good Wits or great Spirits now a dayes but will Pot it a little for company What heare I Oh base and low spirited times if that were true If wee were fallen into such Lees of Time foretold of by Seneca in which all were so drowned in the dregs of vices that it should bee vertue and honour to beare most drinke But thankes bee to God who hath reserued many thousands of men and without all comparison more wittie and valorous then such Pot-wits and Spirits of the Buttery who neuer bared their knees to drinke health nor euen needed to whet their wits with wine or arme their courage with Pot 〈◊〉 And if it were so yet if no such wits or Spirits shall euer enter into heauen without repentance let my Spirit neuer come and enter into their Paradise euer abhorre to partake of their brutish pleasures lest I partake of their endlesse woes If young Cyrus could refuse to drinke wine and tell A stiages he thought it to bee poyson for hee saw it metamorphose men into beastes and carkases what would hee haue said if hee had knowne that which we may know that the wine of Drunkards is the wine of Sodom and Gomorrah their grapes the grapes of gall their clusters the clusters of bitternesse the iuice of Dragons and the venome of Aspes In which wordes Moses is a full Commentary vpon Salomon largely expressing that