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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13877 An ansvvere to a supplicatorie epistle, of G.T. for the pretended Catholiques written to the right Honorable Lords of her Maiesties priuy Councell. By VVater [sic] Trauers, minister of the worde of God. Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635. 1583 (1583) STC 24180.7; ESTC S118501 163,528 396

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Tennaunte at wyll hath no better pollicye then to please hys Lorde of whome hee holdeth so the greateste pollicye and soundest wysedome that maye bée vsed by Kynges and Prynces is to please the Lorde oure GOD in all obedience and namelye in the zealous aduauncemente of hys true religyon and seruice Therefore wycked and deuilyshe is thys rule and not to bee patyentlye hearde of Christyan Prynces that false Relygyon or anye dysobedyence vnto GOD Idolatry Hipocrisie Tyrannye or anye such lyke canne establyshe the seate of any Kinge or bring securitie wealth and honoure to anye state or people or that true religion and godlines that iustice and equitie shoulde diminishe any of these and make the state weaker or lesse assured To longe hath this moste false and wicked doctrine abused Princes of weake iudgement to the turninge of theire golde into drosse and their honor into dishonor for what can be more vnwise vnhonorable and vnprofitable in the ende then Idolatry dissimulation Iniustice and tyrannye Or what can be more vnwise and vnhonorable then a state whose wisedome is nothinge but déepe hipocrisie periury and licence of all impietie On the other parte what canne bee more wyse or honourable then a P and state by whome true relygion is zealouslye and sincerelye aduaunced iustyce vprightlye admynistred the royall othe woorde and promise of a P inviolablye obserued vertue rewarded vice punished good lawes wiselye made ryghtly construed and duelye executed and so good a course of gouernment with all christian and noble magnanimitie maintayned and auoued For surelye these two which conteyne all the rest religion and iustice pietie and equitie are the moste precious Pearles that may annorne the crownes of Princes they are Pillers stronge as Iacin and Boos which were erected in the Temple and are named of theyr stabilitye and strengthe wherby theyr state is vpholden Salomon the royall Patron of all true state and honoure by wysedome and vnderstandynge by counsell and magnanimitye by knowledge and the feare of the Lorde as by the sixe steppes of hys regall throne which were made for that purpose ascended into that glorious seate as it was noted by the Lyons at hys féete on eyther side aboue all Kynges of the earthe and satte hym downe as a Kyng of Kyngs and Lorde of Lordes Whose glorye so sittynge was suche as he séemed to bée a newe Adam reentred into the Paradyse of God or as the sonne of God whose glorye in a sorte was represented in him In which example the Lorde hath sealed vnto vs the assuraunce of the promise hée hath made to honor Princes which honoure him and to cause the states to prosper and to flourishe which builde vpp the Temple of the Lorde and neglecte not anye thynge which hee hath commaunded for the furtheraunce and aduauncement of it And as in olde tyme these promises were confirmed in the glorious and happy kyngdome of Salomon So may wée truely acknowledge to the greate glorye of GOD a notable testimonie of the fulfillynge of them in the blessed kyngedome of our moost noble Queene whome the Lorde hath so wonderfully blest to haue as it séemeth some notable example also in these dayes to seale agayne vnto all the worlde the certayne trueth of thys doctrine That happie is the King Prince vvhose God is the Lord For howe richlye hath the Lorde blessed her highnes and her people in comparison of all the Kinges and nations rounde aboute vs wyth peace and aboundaunce accordinge to the prayer of the Psalme for Ierusalem are in all the walles and Palaces of Englande Psal 122 Such a peace and such a plentye as our Fathers neuer knewe nor our Chronicles reporte to haue beene in the dayes of anye of her Maiesties moste noble Auncestors before her Our owne Countrye yéeldeth vs aboundance of all thinges that growe at home and forreine Nations serue vs wyth plentye of all commodities abroade So that what soeuer is in the Easte or West what soeuer in a manner is vnder the Poles or betweene them wée haue it brought vnto vs. Which continuinge so manye yeares in so calme a peace must néedes haue excéedingly enriched the land with wealth and treasure The peace of it is miraculous in so greate and longe troubles of all our neighbours about vs and in so manye Plots and practises layd and vndertakē by the Church of Roome and the rebellious Children thereof for the disturbaunce of our peace Further also the Lorde hath gyuen her highnes that honoure and glorye that neuer anye of her noble progenitours attayned vnto whych is in her owne so happye estate to sitte as iudge and honourable arbitratoure of the causes and controuersies of the greatest Kynges of Europe and of all her neyghbours weyinge the Ballaunce as it pleaseth her And what is the cause of all these so calme a peace so rich a treasure and so exceedinge greate honoure Surely the cause is the same for which the noble Kynge Ezechias was blessed likewise with ritches and honor Ezechias opened the doore of the temple of the Lorde which Ahaz his Father hadde shutte vppe Hée caste out the Sirian Aulters and sette vppe agayne the Aulter of the Lorde in hys place hee purged the Temple from the Idoles and abhominations wherewith it hadde bene polluted hee caused the presence Breade to be sette vppon the presence Table before the Lorde the Lampes of the golden Candlesticke to shyne and gyue lyghte in the Temple of the Lorde hee called home againe the Priestes and Leuites whiche were scattered abroade and appointed liberall prouision and mayntenance for them 2. Chr. 31 21 Finallye in all the worke which hée beganne for the seruice of the house of GOD in séeking his God bothe in the Lawe and in the cōmaundements hée exercised him selfe with all his soule and was prospered In lyke manner it hath pleased God that her highnes shoulde caste out of hys Temple amongste vs theyr Roomishe Aulters they re Idoles of Golde and Siluer of Woode and of Stone Legendes and lyinge Fables the abhominations of the Masse and all the wycked and heriticall doctrine of the Churche of Roome seruice in straunge and vnknowne tongue wyth a thousande superstitions vsed in it In steede whereof her Maiestie hath broughte in prayers in our owne tongue the holye woorde of God to be reade and truelye expounded vnto vs. The Sacramentes which are the seales of the Gospell duely administred the pure cleane and vndefiled Water of Baptisme the Lordes Table furnished as the royall Table of a Kynge at the marryage of hys Sonne wyth the swéete breade of the finest of the Wheate and wyth Wyne of a Grape of mooste noble kynde that is wyth the precious bodye and bloode of our Sauioure Christ Iesu Her highnes hath calde backe agayne the Ministers of the Gospell sled as Elias sometime dyd into the Wildernesse so to sundrye places where they mighte finde the Lorde as hee sawe hym in the Rocke in Mounte Horeb. Further also her
both he and al nations shoulde be blessed What discourses would a natural man here make to hinder with himselfe the credite of this promise Howe manye strong bulwarks and fortresses of fleshe and bloud and how many hie and mighty conceites of the naturall man as the Apostle saith were to bee ouerthrowne and beaten downe to the ground that Abram should beleeue this And how much more that by the death of Christ Iesu we should haue life euerlasting so many as beleeue in him by his shame and dishonour glory and praise by his woundse the cure healing of ours by his warres and agonies quietnesse and euerlasting peace Of all the things that God hath commanded this most needeth the mighty hande of God to worke it and maintaine it as in deede of all other it doth giue most glory vnto him But faith being so easy a matter with them they wel shew how little they vnderstande it For our doctrine that by fayth only in Christe al our sinns are forgiuen I acknowledge it to be true and glorifie God who hath wrought in vs by the powerfull work of his grace so to beleeue For this is our peace with him That this doctrine is holy and true it appeareth in that the Apostle hauing confirmed that Abraham was iustified by fayth inferreth vppon it that by the same Dauid pronounceth men to be happy namely because true happines is in hauing our sinnes forgiuen which we attaine vnto by faith in Christ Thus saieth the Apostle Peter to him al the prophets beare witnesse that forgiuenesse of sinnes is giuen to euery one that beleeueth in him Therefore the doctrine is sound and holy which when we teach we declare also in case of repentaunce what the fruites are of this faith whereby in deede we repent namely a sorrow for hauing sinned against God which striketh and woundeth the hart with a grief detestation of the wickednes committed and kindleth in it a loue and desire to doe those thinges which God hath commanded Finally such are the effectes of this fayth in repentaunce which the Apostle noteth to haue beene in those of Corinth 2. Cor. 10. As for auriculer confession which enforceth men of necessitie to confesse their sinnes one by one in the Priestes eare we teache it in deede for no parte of repentaunce because wee haue no commandement promise nor example for it In deede we bynde not men to this rehearsal and discouerie of their sinne vnto the minister which we esteeme to bee but a very tiranny ouer the conscience and exhort them onelye according to the example of Dauid to make their wickednesse knowne vnto God which suffiseth Yet if any bee so tempted as he standeth in need of councel of comfort and shall open his hart to the godly and faithfull minister they are not denied the comfort that may bee giuen them in this respect but vppon discerning of theire true repentaunce The minister is to assure his cōscience in his word of the forgiuenesse of their sinnes declaring the promise of the Gospell which is of grace and pardon to all that doe repent And this is the vse of that which Christe our Sauiour left vnto vs in the power of the keyes in regarde of particuler comfort A degenerate imitation wherof only is in their absolution which hee calleth a Sacrament without al reason For a sacramēt being a seale of the Gospell hath an outward creture applied to assure the promise vnto vs which shoulde haue some resemblaunce to the promise which is sealed by it as we see to be in the water of baptism and in the bread and wyne in the Lordes supper Another part of repentaunce they make to be satisfaction concerning which we teach that if it haue regard to the partie inquired be it eyther any priuate man or the whole congregation offended by so notorious offence then we teache I say that the discipline left vs by our Sauiour Christ doth require it For in such case bindeth that of our Sauiour tell the Church and leaue thy gift at the alter and be firste reconciled to thy brother much more therefore to the brotherhood which is the church and the felowship of all the brethren As for such a satisfaction as he mencioneth here of some temporall punishment in this lyfe to satisfie the iustice of God for sinne wee affirme and that moste truely according to the scripture that whatsoeuer is imagined of such satisfaction is highly derrogatory to the precious death of our Sauiour Christe who onely is the satisfaction for our sins which one point of their doctrine declareth they little vnderstand what the iustice of God and what sinne is that think it may so easely be satisfied for He nameth three satisfactory workes of praier almes affliction of the bodie wherby he saith they satsfy for their sins which are euen the depths of satan in this Rom. saith For what may be more derogatory to the crosse of our sauiour Christ and his sacrifice once offred vpon it for all wherby he hath fully satisfied for the sinnes of al that shall be saued and payed the vttermost farthing of their debt then that a man should take that vpon him which neither man nor Angell were able to beare that is to satisfie for his sinnes To whom it may be truely said which the prophet Ieremie saide to the hipocrite people of his time That is colour thy synnes neuer so well yet how shouldest thou say I haue not defyled me I haue not followed straunge Gods beholde thy way in that valley know what thou hast done Washe thy selfe with Snow water and make thee cleane with sope or the fullers scouring Hearbe yea gylt thy selfe ouer with Goulde And as Iob when hee had another manner of feeling of sinne and of the gilt of man in the sight of God then they seem to haue when they haue done all their satisfactory works and haue sought to washe them selues cleane with al as with snow water the Lord shal take and plunge thē into the ditch hee will tumble them in the myre and filth of the streetes that is discouer them to be most foule and vncleane Let S. Iohn teach suche men Apoc. 3. that tho they thinke they are rich yet that indeed they are naked and beggerly that they may seek to him for fine gold which shall indéede be able to enrich him with true riches that possesseth it and for a sute of apparel that shal indéed couer their shame giue them a comely presence in the sighte of God Prayer is a holy part of the seruice of God whereby we call vpon God according to his comandement in certaine assurance to be hearde of him but that this should be any work which God in iustice should receiue for satisfaction is a wicked fancy of the church of R. and from the beginning vnknowne in the Church of God Almes is a duety which God hath commanded in thankfulnesse of the loue and fauour we
the blessing of God be sufficiently prouided to attende their studies for the seruice of the people in the ministerie of the gospel it is a most necessarie dutie which the people owe to them againe to see that they suche as depēd vpon them may sufficiently honestly liue in theyr seruice as may be seemly for the good credit of the worthie calling which God hath called them vnto The contrary whereof as I haue said wee haue from thē who by impropriating the liuings of the Ministers from the places where vnto they appertein haue left the ministery so marueylously vnprouided as that in some places there are to be found many parishes together whereof all the liuings that now remaine to thē for such vse are not sufficiēt for the compitent maintenance of one man his family which lamentable estate of our ministery must needs be an infinite hinderance to the Gospel both in the iustice of GOD who will punishe so great a contempt of his worde and so carelesse a negligence of the saluation of the people and also in the nature of the thing it selfe For by this occasion such as are in some acceptable measure able to doe good seruice in the ministery withdrawe themselues from it For perceyuyng it to bee suche a calling as besides the manifolde burdens lying vpon all faithfull ministers dooing their duties is subiect to beggerie also and the discredit and other inconueniences that followe it they bestowe them selues in some other lawefull calling wherein doeing their dueties they may be able to liue both in wealth and credite by which meanes this insufficient and vnlearned ministerie whiche nowe so pestereth the land is entred into the possession of the Churche to the infinite hinderance of the Gospel and the losse of thousandes of the soules whiche Christ Iesu hath redeemed with his precious blood Which spoyle of the Church notwithstanding it to be so sore a wound as yet since the beginning of the restoring of the gospel amongest vs could not bee healed yet our hope and most humble prayer to God is that her maiestie by your HH mediation vnto her highnesse may so relieue it with her precious balme so binde it vp with her gracious handes as in time it may bee cured healed againe I am bolde to speake of your H H. mediation in this cause as in other places of such like because the dutie I owe to Almightie God and to the Lorde Iesu his only begotten sonne whom I am called to serue doth necessarily inforce me to it But it doth greatly comfort incourage mee in the performance of so necessary a duetye that I doubt not but your godly wisedomes doe consider the seruice of GOD to bee the right ende and vse of the high and honourable seates wherein hys owne right hande hath placed you Which the Lord ingrauing in your noble and Christian mindes surely hauing of God this honorable fauour to be so neere her highnesse your HH will godly and faithfully aduise her grace both of the necessary cause of the redresse of suche other matters and namely of this that all the people vnder her H. Dominions may haue the meanes by a godly sufficient learned ministerie planted amongest them to come to the knowledge and faith whereby they may the better obey God and her Ma. and saue their soules for euer to euerlasting life Whiche so necessarie seruice of Almightie GOD of her Excellente Maiestie and of the Churche of Christe amongest vs as it is nowe attended and looked for of your HH into whose handes not next vnder her Highnes God hath committed the managing guiding of this noble state and kingdome so no doubt but in that day it will be required when the Lord shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Wherefore my good LL. as before in the behalfe of the whole Church professing the Gospel so now agayne for the Churche within her Ma. moste noble dominions of Eng. and Irel. I moste humbly vpon my knees beseech your HH to take so to hart this estate of the Church and ministery amongest vs that all abuses beyng remoued good order established all duetifull subiects may besides all other blessinges whiche nowe they enioy by your LL. meanes haue this so woorthy a cause also to prayse GOD for hauing sette so Godlye and H. Gouernours ouer them It hath a promyse to breake the Bread vnto the hungrye and to make the thrysty drinke and not to turne away the eare from him that cryeth for reliefe in his necessity Nowe so it is that this Churche in manye of her children cryeth for bread euen for the bread of life and there is no man that breaketh it vnto thē the tongues of many cleaue to their roofe for thirst whiche they are in daunger to perish in and no man giueth them the pure water of life to quicken their soules And as our Churche heretofore by other meanes hath cryed oftentimes euen till shee haue almost lost her voyce so now agayne she cryeth by this most humble supplication to your Honours to regarde her necessitie if wealth peace wisdome authoritie or any other thing be needeful for this worke the Lorde hath bountifully furnished the lād with al that needeth Some reasonable way without the iniurie of any might by your wisdomes be found whereby euery parishe might recouer againe their own to the maintenaunce of a worthy ministerie amongste them Alas that for anye cause so manye soules of the people committed to your charge should perishe Wherfore my good Lords turne your eares I beseech you to heare the humble suite of this Church that the Lord your redeemer may turn his eares vnto you in the day when you shall call vppon him So shall the saued soules of thousandes prayse God for you so shall the Lord blesse you and your noble posteritie and so both all this and suche other slaunderous mouthes shall be stopped which are now so wide open against vs. To the aunswering to whome I returne againe for my moste humble request relying vpō the godly zeale and wisdomes of your Honours 6. of raysing of rents The sixt Article is of raysing rentes which hee saieth their religion prohibiteth except vpon some great cause and with great moderation euen to the solemne cursing of them and woulde insinuate that ours alloweth it The cōmoditie of which not raysing of rentes aboue measure and to the extreame vsing of the Tenauntes he saieth is manifest to bee great in a common wealth For the commoditie that commeth of it I graunt but for the doctrine I affirm that ours doeth in no sorte more fauour any extreame raysing of rents then theirs A moderate rysing of them in the raysing of the pryces of all other thinges wee allowe as they doe when it is necessarye and moderate for otherwise it shoulde bee better with the Tenante then with the Lord. And them selues when they let their farmes of the old rent were wont to binde