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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13823 The revvard of religion Deliuered in sundrie lectures vpon the booke of Ruth, wherein the godly may see their daily and outwarde tryals, with the presence of God to assist them, and his mercies to recompence them: verie profitable for this present time of dearth, wherein manye are most pittifully tormented with want; and also worthie to bee considered in this golden age of the preaching of the word, when some vomit vp the loathsomnes therof, and others fall away to damnable securitie. Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? 1596 (1596) STC 24127; ESTC S105980 250,925 363

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obtained of Phocas the Emperour and murderer of Mauritius that the Bishoppe of Rome might bee the heade of all Churches to whose iudgement all the world in spirituall matters must be subiect by which in time it came to this that hee corrupted the whole Church of Christ that hee got both swords into his hand and made himselfe a triple Crowne after the manner of the late Roman Emperors who had three Crownes at their inauguration and as the triple lightning was the auncient of Iupiter so the triple Crowne is the badge of the Pope thourough the honour or terrour thereof he threatneth what thunder-bolts he pleaseth in the world The Cabalists imagined two Keyes whereby Paradise was opened and shutte from hence the Pope hath in his banner the crosse Keyes telling vs that he hath power to open and shut Paradise for against whō he pleaseth Being thus exalted into the highest place as it was reported the God Termines would not giue place to iupiter standing both in the Capitoll no more the Pope giueth place to Christ although hee stand in the middest of his Church and sit at the right hand of his Father in heauen For this cause as the Emperours had their senate so he hath his Cardinals as the Egyptians bound the Priests of Isis or Apis to liue in perpetuall virginitie so hee forceth the sacred shauelings of his vnholy seate with the vowe of perpetuall chastitie and that he might helpe their weaknesse in this behalfe as Caligula suffered the whoores of Rome in his daies so the Popes haue graunted the tolleration of a Stewes builded by a Pope Sixtus the fourth which in shorte time so preuailed that the Pope receiued for Rents thereof fourtie thousand Duccats by the yeare And Paule the thirde had the names of fourtie fiue thousand Tennants belonging to that most filthie and damnable kinde of life Furthermore hee furnished or rather poysoned the Church of Christ with Friers Munkes Nunnes The Friers and Munkes are the successors of the Essaean Dosithaean Nasachaean and Cynicall heretickes which like these take vpon them the vowes of wilfull pouertie and perpetuall chastitie placing their Religion in abstinence from meates in outward and hypocriticall fasting affirming that they are the successors and followers of the Apostles like the heretiques called by Augustine Apostoliques defending that the Apostles leade a single life and had no wiues so these Romish heretiques accompt Marriage but filthines like the Marcionites Tacians Adamites Platonists and Valesian heretiques and are not ashamed to make the holy Apostles of Christ breakers of wedlocke and wilfull departers from their own wiues contrarie to the writings of the Euangelists and Saint Paul The Nunnes or women-Munks are the naturall successors of the vestall Virgins instituted by Numa as these were Dedicated to Vesta Apollo Iuno Argiua Diana Minerua so are the Romish Nunns to Marie the mother of Christ and other holy women Then also did he begin to dresse and adorne the Temples with Images which he learned of the Gentiles as I haue already declared and herein hee ioyned with the Gnostickes and Basilidian heretiques who defended Images to be lawfull for Christian people and as the Gentiles had their sacrifices for the dead called Inferiae so he instituted praiers for the dead least he should seeme to want any thing which hee should not haue Then also hee tooke the Scriptures from the common people least they should espie his lewdnesse and as Lysis the Pythagorean blamed one of his fellowes for making knowne abroade their Masters precepts so hee blameth all those that shall open the misteries of the Gospell to the common people and as the Magicians of Persia were wont to sing to their Idols in a strange tongue so the Pope commanded all things to bee done in the Church in an vnknowne language wherein they also ioyne with the Basilidian heretiques who gaue this as a principle that their misteries must be concealed and reuealed onely to a few being worse then the Pythagoreans who commaunded but fiue yeares silence to their Disciples but the Papistes keepe men all their liues from reading speaking and conferring on the Scriptures By this meanes he deceiued the world with iugling like the heretiques called Mirabiliarii and affirmed that faith commeth by nature like the Basilidians and Gnosticks they taught that euerie one that would be saued must be annoyled in their sickenesse like the Heracleonite heretiques that it is lawfull for women to Baptise like the Marcionites that children vnbaptised are not vnder the couenant and that grace is giuen with the outward signe like the Arrians and Heracleonites that children must be annoynted with Oyle in Baptisme like the heretiques Marcus and Marcosus that Baptisme washeth away originall sinnes and such actuall as are committed before like the Nouatians and Messalian heretiques that the Sacrament of the Supper of the Lord after the words of Consecration spoken is the verie body and bloud of Christ so the heretiques called Marcites said they made by coniuration and for this cause the Pepuzian heretiques baked the bloud of man with the bread ordained for this supper that wine must bee mingled with water as the Artotyrites said they must offer Cheese with the bread in the Sacrament that good workes merite eternall life like the Pelagians Catharites and Mahumetistes that a man since the fall of Adam hath free will and that God hath Predestinated none like the Pelagians that it is lawfull for vs to sweare by creatures as the Virgine Marie Saints and Angels so doe the Manichaeans and Mahumetistes that some sinnes be mortall and some veniall so doth Mahomet affirme with a thousand like most vaine wicked wretched blasphemous and damnable assertions which were most easie to bee proued if there were any question of it By this your Ho. may perceiue that their Religion is but patched of many condemned heresies defended by vnwritten traditions and maintained by violent and forcible dealing like the Chamelaeon they haue often changed and poysoned the world but the scriptures are as a Baye lease to cure the contagion of such mortall confusion and thus in some sort I haue perfourmed my promise in deliuering the vanity of the world which hath refused the wisedome of the eternall word of God The end of this my speech is to shew the wonderfull and incomparable treasure of the holy Scriptures for as the Golde hath the brightest beames being laide to the Copper as the Adamante is of greatest force when the loade stone is beside it and the purest colour hath the best hiewe when the countersaite is compared with it so the blessing of God in his word doth most magnificently appeare when wee behold before our eyes the counterfaite colours of superstitious conceipts the crooked deuises and cursed opinions of the condemned Crue which haue refused the waye of life declared herein and chused the path of damnation for the hire of their superstition The Scriptures are not only a Castle to keepe
at the byrth of her sonne so as a woman in trauaile hath no ease till a sonne is come into the world neither must we looke for any rest till our soules are deliuered out of the wombe of the body into the kingdome of heauen Our sauiour compareth vs to the fruitfull vine which doth not onely abide frost snow storme and heate but also at the gathering time is broken of that the gropes might be reached The gold must be tried in the furnace the siluer fined in the fire the wheate purged in the floore and before it be meate for man is also ground in the mil so must we be proued in afflictiō fined in persecution and crushed to pieces vnder the burthen of our own miseries that we may bee made prepared bread for the Lord his own spending Why then doth the Lord make such large promises to his Church of plenty seeing it endureth continuall pouerty I answere the Church of God must be considered after two sorts the first as it is cleansed in the blood of Christ and washed pure from all outward and notorious offences vnto which estate pertaine all those outward promises of liberality in the scripture The second is the declined estate or corrupted condition of euerie one in the Church euen vnto the worldes end vnto this pertaine all the punishments persecutions and ttibulations which the godly endure which the Lord sendeth vppon them that he might by litle and little scoure vs from our transgressions and weary vs with the miseries of this life that wee might the more ernestly desire the life to come for the Lord doth here scourge vs that we should not be condemned with the world Examples of these are most plentifull in the old testament of the Church of the Iews for as much as this perfectiō of the church being once lost is like broken glasse which can neuer be soldered againe so the Church shall neuer attaine those promises in this life but they are all referred to the life to come where shal be no hunger thirst nakednes pouerty trauaile famine or sorrowe but all teares beeing wiped from the eyes of the faithfull they shall then rest from their laboures and receiue many thousand times for euery afliction which they heere endured eternall felicitie in the presence of Christ when all worldlings shall be burned with vnquenchable fire Fourthly in that they went down to the wicked Moabits there taried we note that it is lawfull for the godly in the time of necessity to craue help or reliefe of the very enimies of God so they bee not polluted with their superstitions For the proofe hereof we haue the former examples of Abraham in Egipt of Isahac in Gerar of Moses in Midian when he fled from Pharao of the spies of Israel which lodged in the house of Rahab So did the Lord commaunde Ioseph in a dreame to take Mary and Christ and to goe into Egipt to saue Christ from Herod So did Christ aske water of the woman of Samaria when he was wearie with infinit other testimonies which the godly may find in the scripture But the vse of this point is that although the Lord hath permitted this libertie yet we must take heede of two things first that we neuer receiue any thing with condicion of religion or dooing the least thing against their owne knowledge for idolaters desire nothing more then to winne mens soules to the deuill Secondly wee may not go vnto such when we may bee eased of the godly for it is free necessitie that constraineth not necessary liberty that permitteth By this we learne what to iudge of them which are dayly at talke and table with the wealthiest papists Atheists and carnall prophane persons who care not for the losse of religion so they may gaine by their friendship Esteeming more the feathers of a rich man though vngodly than the bloud of a poore godly christian they vse them too commonly for wealth commoditie not for need necessitie these are seasoned in the leauen of vnrighteousnes baked in the ouen of hipocrisie and shal one day be burned in the fire of euerlasting destruction for they which for gaine loue their company in this life shalbe partakers of theyr rewards in the life to come Fiftly by this wee note that the Lord doth euer prouide for his faithfull seruaunts in all their miseries We see heere these Iewes satisfied with plenty in Moab that were almost famished with penury at home therefore sayth Dauid The Lord knoweth the dayes of vpright men and their inheritance shall bee perpetuall they shall not be confounded in the perillous time and in the dayes of famine thay shall haue inough Most notable is that speech of Ioseph to his brethren telling them that God sent him before to prouide victualls for them in that seuen yeeres famine So hee stirred vp Obadiah which hid fifty prophets in one caue and fiftie in another feeding them with bread and water during the time of famine Hee prouided for Eliah first by the rauens and after by the widdow of Zarephtha multiplieng her oyle and meale for Eliah her selfe and her sonne So hee sent Elisa to warne the Shunamite woman of the seuen yeares famine that shee should flye for her selfe and liue where shee could I might bee infinite in this pointe to declare the bountifull liberalitie of the Lord who euer prouideth one remedie or other to satisfie the continuall prayers of them that feare him for we may say as Paul sayth Wee are afflicted yet wee are not in distresse in pouerty yet not ouercome of pouerty we are persecuted and yet not forsaken cast down but we perishe not This is the mercifull kindnes of him who giueth foode to the young rauens that call vppon him maketh his sun to rise shine both vppon good bad Yea wee our owne selues haue experience in our owne countrey for we which were wont with our abundaunce to helpe other nations about vs yet now in our want we are succoured by them How should the poore in many places be relieued if it were not for the corne which commeth ouer-sea therefore as the seuen plentifull yeares in Egipt succoured the seauen deare yeares euen so the Lord relieueth the misery of one time by the multitude of another Therefore my brethren let vs not say the Lorde hath forgotten for although our desires be not satisfied yet our bodies are not famished yea the Lord testifieth that he is as vnwilling to punishe our deserts and vtterly to depriue vs of our maintenaunce as we are to departe from our pleasant pastime or dainty belly cheere Poore Lazarus that was not releeued with the rich mans crummes yet was he comforted with the licking of the dogs so much doth the Lord affect liberality and kindnes that he commandeth brute beasts to execute his goodnes vpon his seruants Now let vs proceed to the second part of this