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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13257 A confession of fayth made by common consent of diuers reformed churches beyonde the seas: with an exhortation to the reformation of the Churche. Perused and allowed accordinge to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.; Confessio Helvetica Posterior. English. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1568 (1568) STC 23554; ESTC S118060 120,110 316

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extreme Vnction or anelyng are the inuencions of man whiche the Churche maie wāt without any dōmage Neither vse we them in our churches For thei haue some thynges whiche we cānot allowe We vtterly deteste all the marchaundice whiche the Romistes practise in dispensing for their Sacramentes The aucthor of all Sacramentes The author of sacramēts is God is not man but God onely Men can not institute Sacramentes for they partaine to the seruice of God and it belongeth not to mennes duetie to inuent or make God his seruice but to receiue kepe that whiche Note is deliuered to thē of God Moreouer the Sacramentes haue promises annexed to theim whiche require faithe But faith resteth onely vpō the worde of God and the worde of God is likened to tables or letters the Sacramētes An apte similitude to seales wherewith GOD onely sealeth his letters And as God is the aucthour of his Sacramentes so continually God worketh in his sacramentes he worketh in that Churche wherein the Sacramentes are rightly ministered So that the faithefull whē thei receiue the Sacramentes of God his ministers doe acknowledge that God doeth woorke in them and therefore receiue the Sacramentes as though it were at GOD his handes Thei knowe also that the ministers viciousnes if there bee any notorious sinne in them hurteth not them seing The Sacrament is not the worse for the ministers sinne that thei confesse that the worthinesse of the Sacramentes depēde of the lordes institucion Wherefore thei make a manifeste difference in the ministeryng of the Sacramētes betwene the Lorde hymself and the minister of the A difference betwene the auctor the minister of sacramentes Lord cōfessyng that the thyngs ment by the Sacramentes as grace faithe forgiuenes of sinnes in Christ c. are geuen by the Lorde hymselfe but the figures to wit water bread or wine Christ is the chiefest thing to be considered in the sacraments bee deliuered theim by the handes of Gods ministers Howbeit the cheifest thyng that in all the Sacramentes is proposed of God and taken hede vnto of all the godlie in all ages whiche other call the substaunce and matter of the Sacramentes is Christe their sauior that onely sacrifice and that lābe of God whiche was slain from the beginnyng of the worlde and that rocke whereof al our forefathers did drinke by whom all the electe are Circumcised without handes and by the holie Ghoste are washed from all their synnes and are nourished with the true bodie and bloud of Christ to life euerlastyng And touchyng that whiche is chiefeste wherin the sacraments of the newe and olde Testamēt are a like in the Sacrament and the thing it self the Sacramentes of bothe people are like For Christe the onely mediatour and Sauiour of the faithefull in the Sacramentes bothe of the olde and newe Testamente is that chiefe principall thyng and the thyng it self ment by the Sacrament One and the self same God is aucthour of theim in bothe To bothe people thei were giuē as tokens yea as pledges of God his grace promises whiche maie bryng into our remembraunce and renewe his large benefites whereby also the faithfull were separated from al other religions of the worlde whiche to cōclude were receiued Spiritually by faith vnityng the Ceremonies to the Churche and admonishyng theim of their duetie In these I saie the like the Sacramentes of bothe people are not vnlike although thei differ in signes But wee make a farre greater difference in the Sacramētall signes For our Sacramentes are stronger and of longer duraunce because to the worldes ende thei shall neuer bee chaunged Our Sacramētes witnesse that bothe the thyng and the promes is alreadie fulfilled and made perfecte in Christ whiche the Sacramentes of the old lawe did signifie should be fulfilled Also ours are more simple lesse troublesome of smaller coste and not intangled with Ceremonies belongyng to a mightier people dispersed throughout the whole worlde and seyng thei be more excellente and brede in vs a stronger faith by the working of the holie ghoste there foloweth also more plentifull store of God his spirit by the worthie receiuyng of them Verelie seyng that Christe the true Christ abrogatinge the old sacramēts gaue vs new Messias is come in the fleshe and shewed to vs and abundaunce of grace powred vppon the people of the newe Testamente the Sacramentes of the old people are abrogated and the Sacramentes of the newe Testamente put in their places In the sted of Circumcision Baptisme In the place of the Paschal lambe and Sacrifices the Lordes supper Againe as in time paste the Sacramentes Sacraments consiste in three things did consiste of the woorde the signe and the thyng signified so now also the self same thre partes as it wer are required to the perfecte making of our Sacramentes For by the woorde of God thei are made that whiche before The worde thei were not that is to witte Sacramētes For they be consecrated by Consecratiō the worde and are declared to bée sanctified of hym whiche firste ordained them To sāctifie or cōsecrate a thing is to dedicate it to GOD and to some holie vses that is to saie to separate it from commō and prophane vses and appoincte it to some holie purpose For in Sacramentes the signes are made of suche thynges as are commonly vsed ● Signes of outwarde and visible thynges As in Baptisme the elemēt of water and the visible wasshyng whiche wee sée the minister doeth is the signe but the thyng signified is regeneraciō and washyng awaie of our synnes In the supper of the Lorde the signe is bread and wine which we commonlie vse in eatyng and drinkyng but the thynge signified is the verie bodie of Christe 3. The things signified deliuered and his bloud shedde for vs. Therefore water breade and wine of their owne nature not seruing to god his instituciō and not put to any holie vse are onely that whiche thei are named to be and we proue them to be by experience Howbeit if the woorde of the lorde bée added with callyng vpon God his name and with renewyng of the firste institucion and sanctificaciō these signes are cōsecrated and declared to be sanctified of Christe For still remaineth in the Churche in his vertue and efficacie that firste institucion of Christe and consecracion of the sacramentes So that he whiche none otherwise celebrateth the Sacramentes then the Lorde hymself at the first ordained dooeth euen now enioye the fruites of that moste excellente consecracion of all other therefore Christ his owne woordes are rehearsed in the celebracion of the Sacramentes And bicause by the worde of God we lerne that these signes are ordained of the lorde for an other ende then cōmonly thei are vsed for therefore wée teache that the signes beyng put to this holie The signes beare the names of the thinges signified vse beare the names of the thinges signified by theim
and are no more called onely water bread and wine but also regeneracion or the wasshyng of renouacion also the bodie and bloude of the Lorde or sacramentes of the bodie and bloude of Christ Not that the signes are chaunged into the thynges signified and that thei cease to be that whiche thei are by their owne nature for then thei should not be Sacramētes nor signes but onely the thynges signified but therfore the signes beare the names of the thinges because thei are misticall tokens of holie thynges and the signes and thynges signified are ioigned together sacramentallie I saie thei are ioigned or vnited by a misticall significacion by the will and counsaille of hym who ordained Sacramētes For water bread and wine are not common but holie signes and be that instituted water of Baptisme did not institute it to the intent that the faithfull should bée wasshed with the water of Baptisme onely And he that commaūded in his supper to eate bread and drinke wine ment not that the faithful should take the bread and wine onely without a misterie as thei eate breade at home in their houses but also that they shoulde spiritually bee partakers of the thynges signified and be in déede by faithe wasshed from their synnes and fedde in Christ through faithe Therfore we allowe not those who attribute the sanctifiyng of the Sacramentes Heresies to I knowe not what Caracters and to the recityng or to the vertue of woordes promised of the consecrater or of him that hath an intent to consecrate or els to accidentall thynges which are deliuered to vs neither by woorde nor by example of Christe nor his Apostles Nether dooe wée allowe their doctrine who speake of the Sacramentes as though thei wer cōmō signes not signifiyng som weightie matter or not of greate vertue or efficacie Neither allow we those who so muche regard the inuisible thynges ment by the Sacrament that thei despise the visible thynges in the Sacramentes beleuyng that it is superfluous for them to receiue the signes because thei imagine that thei enioie alreadie the thinges ment by thē Such heretikes the Messalians are named to bee Neither doe we allowe their doctrine who teache that grace and the thynges signified are so tied to the signes and encluded in them that whosoeuer receiueth the signes outwardlie bee partakers also what maner of man soeuer he bee of the inwarde grace and spirituall thinges signified by the Sacramentes Notwithstandyng as wée dooe not ponder the worthinesse of the Sacramentes The Sacrament is not the worse for the vitiousnes of the receauer by the worthinesse or vnworthinesse of the ministers so we compte theim not better or worse for the vertue or vice of the receiuers For we acknowledge that the worthinesse of the Sacramentes doe depende of faithe and of the mere goodnes of God For as the woorde of God remaineth the true worde of God wherein not onely the bare wordes are rehersed while it is preached but all thinges signified by the wordes are offered of God Albeeit wicked and Infidelles heare the wordes and vnderstande them but yet enioye not the thynges ment thereby because thei receiue theim not with a true faithe Euen so the Sacramentes consistyng in the worde the signes and thynges signified remaine true perfect Sacramentes not onely signifiyng holie thynges but also God offeryng them the thynges signified althoughe vnbeleuers receiue not the thynges offered This cometh to passe not through the defaulte of the geuer or of God the offerer but of men receiuyng without faithe and vnworthely Whose incredulitie maketh not Roma iii. the faith of God of none effect or force Furthermore seyng that in the beginnyng where it was declared what sacramentes were wée brieflie shewed to what ende thei were instituted wée neede not tediouslie to reporte that whiche wee haue ones saied It followeth therefore that wee seuerallie treate of the Sacramentes of the new Testamente ¶ Of holie Baptisme Chapi 20. BAptisme was firste inuented Christ ordained baptisme and sanctified of GOD Ihon beeyng the firste that baptised Christe with water in the riuer of Iordane Afterward this office was committed to the Apostles who Baptised also with water The Lorde in plaine woordes commaunded them to preache the Gospell Math. 28. Actes ii and to Baptise In the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost Peter also answered in the Actes to the Iewes demaundyng of him Act. ii what thei should doe Let euery one of you bée baptised in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of your synnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the holie ghoste Wherefore Baptisme is called of many the firste signe of gods people because by it his electe begin to retaine to the liuyng Lorde There is but one Baptisme in the Churche of God wherewith it is sufficient once to be Christened For Baptisme once One baptisme receiued doeth indure all our life lōg beyng a perpetuall sealyng of our adoptiō For to be Baptised in the name of Christ is to be written to be entred what it is to be baptised and receiued into the couenaunte and familie yea and into the inheritaunce of God his children yea euen now to be named by the name of God that is to be called the child of God to be purged also from the dregges of our synnes and to haue frely sundrie graces of God to leade a newe and innocente life Baptisme dooeth kéepe in memorie and renewe God his benefites bestowed on mankinde For wee all are borne in the filthines of sinne and are the children of wrathe but God who is riche in mercie dooeth clense vs from oure sinnes frelie by the bloud of his soonne in whom he maketh vs by adopcion his soonnes knitteth vs to him with an holie couenaunte enricheth vs with sundrie giftes that wee maie be able to liue a newe life Al these benefites are sealed with Baptisme for inwardlie our soules and myndes are regenerate purified and made newe of GOD by the holie ghoste but outwardlie wee receiue the seale of his large giftes in water by the whiche those greate benefites are represented and as it were laied before our yies to beholde Therefore wée are Baptised that is we are wasshed and sprinckeled with visible water For as water maketh cleane our filthe doeth refresh we are baptised with water and coole our fainte and burnyng bodies so the grace of God doeth purge our soules from stinkyng synne after an inuisible sorte or spiritually God also separateth vs by the Sacraments of Baptisme from all other religions and from all other people and dooeth consecrate vs a peculier people to him and as his owne proper gooddes whē therefore we are Christened wée confesse what we are bonde to doe by baptisme our faithe and are bound to God to obeye hym to mortifie our fleshe and to leade a newe life and are inrolled in the holie roule of Christe his souldiers to fight
for that the efficacie of Baptisme dependeth not on the minister wee confesse those that are Baptised to nede no seconde Baptisme and yet by reason of the corruption therof that menne cannot present their children thereto with out pollucion 29. As concerning the true Churche a Act. 6. 3. 4 5. Ep. 4. b. c. 1. Tim. 3. Tit. 1. b. Mat. 18. 17. we beleue that it ought to be gouerned accordyng to the policie that our sauiour Iesus Christ hath established that is that there bee Pastours Superintendes and Deacons to th ende that the puritie of the doctrine maye haue his course that vices maie bee corrected and repressed and that the poore and afflicted maie bée succoured in their necessities and that the assemblies maie bee made in the name of God wherein bothe greate and small maie be edified 30. We beleue a Math. 20. 26. 27. 28 2. 3. 4. 1. Cor. 3. a. b c. d. Ephe. 1. 22. Col. 1. 18. 19 that al true pastours in what place so euer they be haue equal power and aucthoritie vnder one onely bedde the onely soueraigne and onely vniuersall bishop Iesus Christ and for this cause that no Churche oughte to pretend any rule or Lordship ouer other 31. We beleue a Math. 28. 10. 19. Mar. 16. 15. Iohn 15. 16. Act. 1. 21. 6. a. b. Rom. 10. 15 Tit. 1. 5. 6. 7 that none ought of his owne authoritie to thrust himselfe into the gouernement of the church but that it ought to be done by election for that it is possible and God permitteth it Which exception we adde expressely hereunto because it behoued at somtimes and namelye in our time in whiche the churche was interrupt for a season that GOD should rayse vp men by extraordinarye meanes to reare vp his churche a newe whiche was ouerthrowen and desolate This notwithstandyng we beleue that we must alwayes conforme our selues to this rule b Gal. 1. 15. 1. Tim. 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15. that all pastours supertendents and deacons haue testimony of calling to their office 32. We also beleue a Act. 13. 2 6. 7. 25. 28. Rom. 12. 6. 7. 8. 1. cor 14. fg 2. Cor. 12. 7 8. that it is good and profitable that they whiche are chosen Superintendentes should bée thincke thē what meane they were best to vse for the gouernement of the whole body b 1. Pet. 5. ● 1. Cor. 14. 40. and neuertheles that thei swarue not one iote from that whiche our fauiour Iesus Christe hath ordayned whiche hindereth not but that they maie haue certaine particular ordināces in eche place as the commoditie thereof shall require 33. Yet for all that Rom. 16. 17. 18. 1. Cor. 3. 11. Col. 2 6. 7. 8 Gal. 5. 1. wee exclude all mannes inuencions and all Lawes whiche are brought in vnder coulour of Gods seruice whereby they goe aboute to bynde mennes consciences but onely allowe that whiche bredeth and maintaineth concord and kepeth eche persone from the firste to the laste in obedience b Mat. 18. 17. 1. Cor. 5. 6. 1. Tim. 1. 20 Wherein we must followe that whiche our sauiour Christe declareth concernyng Excommunication whiche wée allowe and confesse to be necessarie with all thynges thereto belongyng 34. We beleue that the Sacramentes are added to the woorde for further confirmation thereof to bée as it were pledges and earnest to vs of the grace of God and so by this meane to helpe and comforte our faithe by reason of the grossenesse and infirmitie whiche is in vs And that thei are so outward signes that GOD worketh through them in the power of his spirite to the ende that nothyng bee signified to vs in vaine Neuerthelesse wee hold that all their substaunce and veritie is in Iesus Christe and beeyng separated from hym thei are nothyng but shadowe and smoke 35. Wee confesse a Rom. 6. 3. Tit. 3. 5. 9. Act. 22. 16. onely twoo to be cōmon to the whole Churche of whiche the firste whiche is Baptisme is geuen to vs for witnesse of our adoption for that thereby we are graffed into the bodie of Iesus Christ to th ende to bee wasshed and clensed throughe his bloude and after renewed in holinesse of life through his holie spirite b Math. 3. 11. 12. Mar. 16. 15. Ro. 6. a. b. c d. 22. 23 We also holde that although we bée Baptised but ones that the profite whiche there is signified vnto vs extendeth to life and death to the ende that wee maye haue an euerlastyng marke that Iesus Christe will alwayes remaine our rightuousnesse and sanctificacion And although it bee a Sacramente of saithe and repentaūce c Math. 19. 14. 1. Cor. 7. 14 neuerthelesse because God receiueth into his Churche the children with their fathers wee saie that by the aucthoritie of Iesus Christe young children begotten of faithefull parentes ought to be Baptised 36. We a 1. Cor. 10. 16. 17. 11. 24. cōfesse that the holie Supper whiche is the seconde Sacramente witnesseth vnto vs the vnitie whiche wee haue with Iesus Christe in asmuche as he did not onely ones dye and rise againe for vs b Iohn 6. 56. 57. 17 21. 22. but also truely fedeth and nourisheth vs with his fleshe and bloude that wee might bee one with hym and his life common to vs. c Mar. 16. 19. Act. 3. 21. And though he bee in heauen till he come to iudge the worlde d 1. Cor. 10. 16. Iohn 6. yet wee beleue that by the secrete and incomprehensible power of his Spirite he nourisheth and quickeneth vs with the substaunce of his bodie and bloud We hold that this is done spiritually not putting in the place of effect and veritie imaginatiō nor thought But forasmuch as the highnesse of this misterie for mounteth the measure of our vnderstanding and all order of natuture to be short because it is heauīly it cannot be apprehended but by faith 37. We beleue as is said that as well in the Supper as in Baptisme god geueth vs in dede and in effecte that whiche is figured therby And therefore we ioyne with the signes the true possessiō and enioying of that which is there presented vnto vs. So that all they whiche bringe to the holye table of Christe a pure fayth as a vessell receiue truelye that whiche the signes testifie That is a 1. Cor. 11. Iohn 6. that the body and bloud of Iesus Christ serue no lesse for meat and drinke to the soule than the bread wine do to the body 38. Also we hold a Ro. 6. 3. 4. that though the water be a transitory element yet it truely testifieth vnto vs the inward washing of our soules in the blod of Iesus Christ through the working of his spirit and that the bread wine beinge giuen vs in the supper is very spirituall food to vs b Iohn 6. 1. Cor. 11. for that they manifestlye declare vnto vs that the fleshe of Iesus Christ is our meate his bloud our drink we despise all phantasticall heades Sacramentaries which wil not receiue such signes markes seinge that our Lord Iesus Christ pronosiceth c Mat. 26. 1. Cor. 11. This is my body this cup is my bloud 39 We beleue a Exod. 18. Math. 17. 25 Rom. 13. that God willeth the worlde to be gouerned by laws pollicie to the end to bridle kepe vnder the disordonat appetites of the people And like as he hath established kingdoms cōmon weales and all other sortes of powers be they by inheritaunce or otherwise with all thinges belonging to the state of iustice wil be acknowleged author therof for this cause hath he put the swerde in the magistrates hād not only to punish vice cōmitted against the secōd table but also against the first b 1. Pet. 2. 13 14. 1. Tim. 2. 2 And therfore it behoueth vs for his sake not onely to suffer superiours to rule but also to honour and esteme them with all reuerēce holding them for his liftenauntes officers whiche he hath appointed to exercise a lawfull and holy charge 40 We holde than a Math. 17. 24. that we muste obey their lawes and statutes paye tributes imposts and other dueties and willinglye to beare the yoake of subiectiō although they were infidels b Act. 4. 17 18. 19. so that the soueraigne Empire of God be kept whole And therfore we detest those that woulde reiect superioritie make all thinges common and ouerthrowe all order and iustice FINIS This confession of faith was publiquely presented again to the Kings Maiestie Charles the .ix. of that name at Poissy the yeare 1561. the ninth Septemb.