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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12516 Dauids repentance, or, A plaine and familiar exposition of the 51 psalme first preached and now published for the benefite of Gods church : wherein euery faithfull Christian may see before his eyes the patterne of vnfeigned repentance, whereby we may take heed of the falling into sinne againe. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1614 (1614) STC 22841.7; ESTC S3155 194,670 580

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would not that men should despise such ceremonies and types of Christ as he himselfe commanded in the time of the Law and though it might seeme a vaine and needlesse thing to besprinckle them with a bunch of hyssope dipped in the blood of a beast yet seeing it was the● commandement of God they did not despise this ceremony being a type of the blood of Christ when they could not see with bodily eyes the blood of Christ it pleased god by such ceremonies and types to helpe their faith by sprinckling the blood of a beast to shew to them that they must be so sprinckled in their soules with the bloud of Iesus Christ Vse Obediēce required to GODS ordināces Hence wee learne by the example of Dauid and all the holy Fathers Seruants of God in the time of the Lawe to vse all such sacraments and ceremonies as God commands in his word for the helping of our faith we cannot see the bloud of Christ nor touch it with our outward senses yet the Lord hath appoynted the Sacrament of Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord that in them wee might see feele touch and taste as it were the body and bloud of IEVS CHRIST And therefore all those which despise these Sacraments making little or no accompt of them shew that they despise the ordinance of God and so make light of that which is ordained for the good of their soules Doctr. 3 Marke further Christs bloud alone doth purge our sinnes Hebr. 9.9 1. Ioh. 1.7 Rev. 1.5 Iohn 1.29 1. Pet. 1.2 when that Dauid prayeth the Lord to purge him with hyssope the word signifies to purge by sacrifice euen the sacrifice of the Sonne of GOD and by his death and bloud-sheding to purge his sins away so as he confesseth there is nothing in heauen or earth that is of force to purge him from his sinnes and vncleanenesse but the blood of Christ alone It is not the bloud of bullockes lambs and goats that can wash away the least spot of sinne but onely the bloud of the immaculate Lambe Christ Iesus and to him all the Sacrifices had relation and shadowed out Iesus Christ the true Pascall Lamb vnto vs. The vse of the ceremonies vnder the Law And this was the reason why Dauid maketh mention of hyssope that God would purge him with hissope because God in the time of the Law ordained this ceremony for a confirmation of their faith and to help the people of the Iewes to the better sight and knowledge of the promised Messiah for seeing CHRIST was not yet come into the world and they could not see the worke of redemption as yet performed the Lord would leade them by these ceremonies vnto Iesus Christ the promised Messiah that they might see him as it were before their eyes for when they saw a beast slaine and the blood spilt Note then they tooke a bunch of hyssope dipt it in the blood of the beast and besprinckled them that offered the same with the bloud they were thereby taught that euen so must Iesus Christ the Sonne of GOD and promised Messiah be slaine and put to death his bloud shed for their sinnes and they must by faith as a bunch of hyssope besprinckle their soules with the blood of Christ for the pardon of their sinnes It is true indeede that the Lord hath eased vs in the time of the Gospel of all those old and ancient ceremonies neyther is it the ●ill of God that we should be clogged with the dead and needlesse Galat. 4. and beggarly rudiments and ceremonies of men which become not the simplicitie of the Gospel But yet hee hath in mercie appoynted certaine helpes and meanes to leade vs vnto Christ Iesus as the two Sacraments to help our faith for wee being as yet carnall alas wee can not beholde no more then wee see And therefore the Lord hath appoynted them as helpes to leade vs to Christ to set him before our eyes in the Water in Baptisme and Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper that so our faith should bee confirmed thereby and wee might euen see Christ Iesus before our eyes And therefore as Dauid did carefully vse such helpes and ceremonies as GOD commanded for the strengthening of their Faith so let vs bee as carefull to vse the helps that God hath left vs vnder the Gospel for the strengthening of our weake faith Purge me with hyssope The meaning of the word● THe meaning is this accept of that most perfect and euerlasting sacrifice of Iesus Christ for the punishment due to my sins As if he should haue said O Lord I confesse I haue sinned exceedingly I haue bin borne in sin and haue by murder and adultery deserued to be condemned eternally and to haue the curse and punishment due to my sin to be cast vpon me but I beseech thee in mercy to accept of the death and bloudshedding of thy Sonne my Sauiour Iesus Christ for the satisfaction due to my sinnes And whereas the Iustification of a sinner in the sight of God stands on two parts first remission and pardon of sin secondly the imputation of Christs righteousnes me thinks the Prophet requires begs both these at the hands of God first to be purged or as the word signifies to purge not by washing but by sacrificing to appease the wrath and anger of God by the bloud of Christ secondly when he prayeth to be washed he desireth to be made pure and righteous not in his owne righteousnesse but only in the righteousnesse and obedience of IESVS CHRIST imputed to him and laide hold vpon by faith Doctr. 4 Seeing Dauid intreates the Lord that hee would Purge him Saluation is to bee sought for onely in Christ that is accept of the most perfect Sacrifice of Iesus Christ for the punishment due to his sins we learne that there is no Name giuen vnder Heauen whereby a man shall be saued but onely in the name of Iesus Christ 1. Iohn 1.7 1. Pet. 1.18 Reu. 1.5 it is not the bloud of Bullocks Lambs and Goates that can wash away the least spot of sin but onely the blood of the immaculate Lambe Christ IeIesus but of this before Vse 1 Hence we see the endlesse and vnspeakeable mercy of God to miserable men who when no other means could bee found no water or hearb could heale the soule of a sinner and wash him from sinne and the punishment of it but onely the precious bloud of the Sonne of GOD was content to giue his owne Sonne to death for vs Iohn 3.16 Rom. 8.32 which made Saint Iohn to admire it And if God hath not failed vs in this but could rather be content to see his only Sonne put to death and hang on the Crosse then we should perish how should be deny any smaller and lighter matter● vnto vs Vse 2 Beholde heere the greatnesse and heynousnesse of mans sinne which could bee purged by no creature in
claw-backes and flatterers who can wincke at their sinnes O! how had it beene with Dauid if the Lord had not sent Nathan to reproue him Vse 1 We learne hence in what a wofull estate and condition those men and women are in that want a faithfull Minister they liue in blindnesse and darkenesse wanting the ordinarie means of life and saluation They haue not the words of eternall life Iohn chap. 6. verse 68. which are the power of God to saluation Rom. 1.16 and therefore are neare vnto destruction It was a fearefull curse when God said to the Apostles Mat. 10.5 Goe not into the way of the Gentiles and into the Cittie of the Samaritans see that ye enter not And to the same purpose the prophet Amos speaketh in his 8. chapter 11 12 13. verses Beholde the dayes come saith the Lord God that I wil send a famine into the land not a famine of bread nor thirst of water but of hearing the word of the Lord And they shall wander from Sea to Sea from the North euen vnto the East shall they run to and fro to seeke the word of the Lord but shall not finde it O that we could consider of these things and lay before our eies what danger it is to want the preaching of the word that thereby wee might learne to bee thankefull for GODS mercy towards vs to be mooued to pitty the desolations of so many of our poore brethren as also to feare the taking of it away from our selues for our vnthankefulnes Great are the plagues and horrible are the ruines of the Church in many places Oh that we had harts to mourne for it and to pray the Lord of the haruest to thrust foorth Labourers into his haruest Vse 2 And surely this is a great plague and iudgement commonly waiting vpon great men that they finde few or none that dare admonish them of their faults or tell them of their offences and so many times are suffered to runne on still in sinne to their finall destruction And therefore let vs account it as a speciall blessing sent vnto vs of God where wee haue some godly Nathan by whom wee may see what is amisse in vs. Wee can giue such a man thankes that will tell vs of some spot in our faces or blemish in our garments And shall wee enuy or maligne him that will discouer vnto vs the spots and blemishes of our soules which doe more soile vs and defile vs then all the blemishes of the body The Prophet Dauid when as hee had now fou●d the benefite of a godlie reproofe being reproued by Nathan the Lords Prophet saith Psalme 141.5 Let the righteous smite mee for that is a benefire and let him reprooue me and it shall be a precious oyle that shall not breake mine head And to this end speaketh Salomon Prouerbs 9.8 Rebuke not a scorner lest hee hate thee But rebuke a wise man and he will loue thee The correction of a friend is as the Rod of a Father the end is not to destory but to saue not to ouerthrow but to deliuer from death Vse 3 This condemneth the spirit of pride in most men and women for in these dayes it is come to passe that great personages if Nathan doe tell them of their sinnes of their excessiue pride idlenesse vanities vncleanenesse and the like Oh these hot fellowes are not for their humour they cannot away with them euen as Herod in Markes gospel 6.20 though otherwise hee did reuerence Iohn yet when hee came to tell him of his incest and filthy life then hee must loose his head for it And as Achab said of Micheas I hate him for he neuer prophesieth good vnto mee He is alwayes threatning mee and telleth mee of my sinnes and Gods iudgements So in these dayes Nathan is the odious man of the world men can not brooke this to haue Nathan so busie to meddle with mens sins but men would faine be foothed and dawbed with vntempered morter But if the Lord loue thee hee will fend Nathan to thee to reproue thee for thy sinnes and if thou canst not finde thy heart willing to heare Nathans reproofe as Dauid did it is because thy heart is naught and it is a signe that God will reiect thee and destroy thee Vse 4 Hence we learne how to esteeme of a faithfull Minister namely as the seruant of God Which if it be then Moses must not bee murmured at when he speakes freely and roughly And if Micha resolue of faithfulnes saying 1. Reg. 22. As the Lord liueth whatsoeuer the Lord saieth be it good or euill that will I speake Why should he be hated and fedde with the bread and water of aff●iction Is it not a reasonable plea and ful of pacification in ciuill messages I pray you be not angry with me I am but a seruant yet when Ieremy the prophet shall say Of a trueth the Lord hath sent me Ierem. 26.15 his feete shall neuerthelesse be fastned in the stockes Nay this consideration should not onely bind men to peace from touching and doing the Lords Prophets harme but also vrge them to haue them in exceeding honour at least for the workes sake which is the Lords who doth acknowledge them co-workers with himselfe 1. Cor. 3.9 Last of all this may serue to reprooue those that beare the office of Nathan yet haue the word in respect of persons who dare not doe their dueties but are afraid of mens faces They would be counted the Embassadors of GOD but they are afraid to doe their Maisters message Let such learne here of Nathan who feared not the maiestie of a King but was faith full in his office Let such learne of Iohn the Baptist who did not shrinke backe but was bold to tell Herod that it was not lawfull for him to take his brothers wife We must not be dastards and faint-hearted souldiors to fight the Lords battell but first be sure wee haue a good warrant out of the word and then go boldly into the field feare not to looke the enemy in the face We are not our owne messengers to doe our owne Embassage but the Embassadors of the eternall GOD when he hath once put his word into our mouthes we must go to those that hee hath sent vs And whatsoeuer he commandeth vs that must we speake Ier. 1.7 8. When God sent forth Ieremy to preach hee armeth him thus Be not afraid of their faces for I am with thee to deliuer thee saith the Lord. Thus hee armeth Ezechiel Ezec. 3.8 9. I haue made thy face strong against their faces And thy forehead hard against their foreheads I haue made thy forehead as the Adamant and harder then flint feare them not therefore neither be afraid of their lookes for they are a rebellious house Doctr. 2 Then hence wee learne that the most effectuall meanes to wound mens consciences for sinne Men must becharged with their speciall sinnes is to charge them with their speciall