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A08201 Abrahams faith: that is, The olde religion VVherein is taught, that the religion now publikely taught and defended by order in the Church of England, is the onely true Catholicke, auncient, and vnchangeable faith of Gods elect. And the pretensed religion of the Sea of Rome is a false, bastard, new, vpstart, hereticall and variable superstitious deuise of man. Published by Iosias Nicholls, an humble seruant and minister of the gospell in the Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18538; ESTC S113254 207,023 348

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for if there were difference the Lord would haue mentioned it by some word or other The like teach the prophets of the sacrifice as in the psalmes it is said that the people make a g Psal 50.5 couenant with God by sacrifice Where thou maiest perceiue the solemne acknowledging and auowching of the couenant was by sacrifice as an outward signe testifying the agreement of both parties And so God chargeth the people in the time of Hieremie the prophet h Hier. 34.18 That they kept not the words of the couenant which they had made before him when they cut the calfe in twain passed betweene the parts thereof So then you see that the couenant the wordes of the couenant is one thing the sacrifice is an other euen a signe yet not a naked bare signe but also a seale ratifying the couenant And therfore i Exod. 24.8 Moses did sprinkle the bloud of the sacrifice on the people saying Behold the bloud of the couenant which the Lord hath made with you which vse or power so to be commeth of institution who ordained the sacrifice to that end But the operation effect to be onely of Gods spirit appeareth because that this people though couenanting by sacrifice are found far frō the couenāt as is plainly declared by the psalme place of Ieremy before alleadged which yet is further opened by k Cap. 36.27 Ezech. by whom God saith I wil put my spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes and yee shall keepe my iudgements and doe them And in this maner are the sacraments described in the new testament as namely where it is said a 1. Cor. 12.13 By one spirit are we al baptised into one body whether we be Iewes or Grecians whether bond or free and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit Where this phrase into one bodie into one spirit noteth the couenant of grace in Christ that as members of one bodie so are wee vnited in fellowship together with God through Christ by his spirite working faith in our hearts Baptized noteth the one sacrament and drinke noteth the other which is the Lords supper a part which is one signe set for the whole which are two signes bread and wine eating and drinking Now when he saith baptised into one bodie that sheweth the vse of baptisme is to be a seale to confirme the couenant vnto vs and not onely to bee a bare signe and this phrase drinke into one spirite doth argue the same thing of the Lords supper but making mention of the spirit he sheweth that the effect and operation is of the holy ghost So thē there be signs the thing signified and the power and operation of them both The signes water washing bread wine eating and drinking the thing signified the fellowship of the couenant which is in Christ The power is of this that God ordained this baptisme and supper of the Lord to bee signes of such importance as to seale and confirme vnto vs the couenant of grace but the operation is of the spirite of God which maketh vs really and in deede partakers of the things promised So that there is no difference in our sacraments from the sacramentes of the olde testament and that you may perceiue it is euen so examine with mee their institution First Baptisme is ordained by these wordes b Math. 28.19 Go teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the sonne and the holy ghost And againe c Mark 16.15.16 Go yee into all the world and preach the gospell to euerie creature hee that shall beleeue and be baptised shal be saued Here first the couenant is published by teaching and preaching then the parties receiue the couenant by beliefe and lastly the same is confirmed by baptisme As in the practise may appeare Peter preacheth Christ the people are pricked in heart asking what shall we do and he teacheth them by these wordes d Act. Repent and be baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy ghost Where the word e Metanoésate Repent noteth out the chaunge of the mind not onely vnto amendment of life but also by turning vnto God by beliefe and therefore to declare the same sometime beliefe is ioyned with it as where it is said f Mark 1.15 Repent and beleeue the gospell so that hereby hee biddeth them so to repent and conuert as by faith they may receiue the couenant of grace in Christ and then adding that they should bee baptised in the name of Christ for remission of sinnes hee teacheth that baptisme should bee vnto them an assurance of that couenant which contayneth remission of sinnes which thing they should perceiue by the gift of the holy ghost accompanying the same Hereupon Philip g Act. 8.36.37 being demanded of baptisme by the Eunuch before hee baptized him required the acceptation of the couenant by these wordes If thou beleeuest thou mayest And least wee should thinke any power to bee in this sacrament otherwise then the institution maketh it to bee a signe and a seale of the couenant or that the worke wrought that is the verie outwarde signe being applyed by the minister when he washeth or dippeth the person baptized did effect the thing signified Saint Peter doth a 1. Pet. 3.21 expound it saying Baptisme doth saue vs. But howe Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience maketh request vnto God c. That is it is not the outward washing or worke of the ministrie but Gods spirit working in our hearts faith with a good conscience receiuing the couenant which saueth vs. And in this sorte also Christ b Luk. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.23 instituteth his supper the holy cōmuniō First taking bread after thanksgiuing breaking it he saith this is my bodie and then taking the cup he saith This cup is the new testament in my bloud Then secondly for a commandement to his Church he saith doe this in remembrance of me c. where ordaining a sacrament hee vseth such phrases and maner of speech as God did in the same kind in the old testament sometime calling the signe signifying by the name of the thing signified as when he saith This is my bodie And sometime again least we might thinke it made a further change then was of old in the sacraments he addeth Do this in remembrance of me by the latter making it a signe and holy memoriall of Christ and his couenant and by the former making it more then a bare signe euen a seale of assurance vnto the faithfull beleeuers with the same termes order as the sacraments were ordained and instituted in the olde testament as wee haue seene before in circumcision the passeouer and the sacrifices So then the signe the thing signified and
the authority of their Church before the holy scripture so these allow so much and so far of holy scripture as serueth for their purpose deuised wickednesse And as the heretikes called Nazarai did confirme their dotages by reuelations false miracles so traditions much ragged stuffe in poperie bee made warrantable by miraculous operations apperitions The heretikes aforenamed Pepuziani do send al men to a city in vpper Phrigia called Pepuza naming it the celestiall Ierusalem the citie whereof the prophets spake as though there were no other heauen So the papists cal vs to the church of Rome as though the vniuersall Church were tyed to one place out of which there is no saluation or way to heauen As concerning the worship of God Simon Magus the root of heretikes caused his owne image and of his harlot to bee worshipped of his disciples So the papistes set vp images of their canonized Saints to be adored Angelici were heretikes which worshipped Angels So the papists haue a b Missa votina de Angelis speciall masse of the Angels pray vnto Angels Marcellina companion of these heretikes called Carpocracians worshipped the images of Christ and Paul c. So do the papists Collyridiani worshipped the virgin Marie the Sethians worshipped Seth. The Abelonites worshippe Abell and diuers others doe the like according to their sect So the papistes according to their sect praye vnto all their canonized Saints and worship them The heretikes Armenij worshipped the crosse of Christ and so doe the papistes Concerning the sacraments the heretickes called Donatistes measure the power and effect of the sacraments by the dignitie holinesse and hand of the minister So the papists assigne the power of the sacraments to the worke wrought of the priest and that the intent of the minister is necessarie to make it a religious action And as the papists permit weomen to baptize cloistering their holy and religious nunnes So their progenitors the heretickes Pepuziani admitted weomen to the ecclesiasticall ministerie and the Marcionites taught that weomen might baptise The heretikes called Messalians say that the force of baptisme pertayneth onely to the signes and so do the Papistes And as the papists in Baptisme haue salte spittle crossing and other annexed ceremonies with coniuration by which it is as it were chaunged into a new thing So did the Simonians and Marcitae olde heretickes their naturall fathers defile and in a manner blot out baptisme In the Lordes Supper the heretikes Aquarij were not content with the two outwarde signes of bread and wine but added also water So do the papists mingle water with the wine in the cup. And the Marcitae aforesaid professed that by words and incantations they changed the wine in the cup into the bloud and bring the grace of God into the same cuppe so the papists professe that the sacrament is changed by their words of consecration and coniuring into the verie bodie bloud of Christ and that grace is contained in the sacraments And here they resemble the Apollinarians which made Christes bodie to bee heauenly and not earthly for the papistes say that it is the bodie of Christ though it be not seene felt nor heard and they are like the Marcionistes which accounted Christes bodie fantasticall so these will haue men beleeue the sacrament to bee his body though it haue no quantities nor qualities of a bodie And they are like the Timotheans which confound the two natures of Christ and the Euticheans who affirme the humane to be swallowed vp of the deuine and to the Nestorians who make his manhood equall to his Godhead For the papistes say that the same bodie or man is in heauen and in earth and that in as many places of the world at one and the same time as it is or may bee at once consecrated made by their priest which propertie of being in many places at once is not of the nature of man but of God therefore herein they are neere in affinitie with these heretickes The heresie of Vincentius Victor hath this amongst others that the sacrifice of Christians that is the sacrifice of the bodie and bloud of Christ is to be offered for them which being not baptised are departed out of the bodie So the papistes haue their sacrifice for the dead The Maniches refuse the olde testament and partly mangle and curtoll and partly cast away the new So the papist though in woordes they acknowledge both yet in truth they refuse both keeping them from Gods people and reading them in a strange toong that the people cannot vnderstande which vnto them is as good as if they were cast away The Heracleonites make a superstitious calling vpon God with strange and vnusuall words especially to driue away diuels such is the masse of the papistes all in a strange toong and their exorcismes are of the same fashion The heretikes called Taciani Origeniani Hierarchita Saturniani and diuers others make mariage an vnholie and vncleane thing and of the diuel and shut it out of their congregation So the papists not onely preferre a single life before mariage but also with such like tearmes make it as an vncleane thing not meete for their priestes and allure both men and weomen to the vowe of chastitie as a purer and holier life then matrimonie and therein they are also like the Eustachians who despised the maried priestes And as the papistes haue their Friers Monckes and Nunnes of a straunge and differing habite from other men and weomen and that seruants vpon a vowe may leaue their Masters and some of these vowed persons professe the renouncing of worldlie ritches and worldly dooings to walke a more neere course to heauen so these heretikes the Eustachians had their differing habite from other men seruauntes by this habite despised their Masters and ritche men which did not renounce all which they possessed were accounted without hope towardes God also these heretikes counted the eating of flesh vnlawfull euen as the papistes doo And as the papistes forbid flesh and as they call it white meat so their graundfathers the Maniches abstained from fleshe egges and milke And there were heretikes which put religion in going barefoot and therfore called of some Nudipedants so are the franciscans and others amongst the papistes of such religion The donatistes denie the magistrates authoritie in matters of religion and namely in punishing of heretikes So the papistes shut out the magistrate in causes ecclesiasticall and as the papist giue the pope the primacie aboue the magistrates in all causes and at their pleasure put them downe with their great curse so these their predecessours the heretikes called donatistes doo most vilelie raile against magistrates beate them downe with menacing words These donatistes had manie vile thinges in them wherein they fitly father the papistes they were circumcellions and counterfaited an austere life like the popish monkes heremites and friers liuing in caues and selles They ran vpon christians whom
heale the blind his stooping downe to the ground to write washing his Disciples feet and many such like Thus might we play the fooles with Guilhermus Durandus in his rationale diuinorum turning all things into mysteries make trifling and prophane sport with the schoole men turning vpside downe the true sence of holy scripture by allegoricall morall and anagogicall interpretations and when we haue done come as neere the meaning of God as the east is to the west But if they be sacraments ordayned of God for his Church they ought to bring forth the commaundement of God such as is for Baptisme d Math. 28.19 1. Cor. 11.23 Baptize in the name of the Father the Son and the holy Ghost and for the Lords supper Do this in remembrance of me Secondly let thē shew out of Gods booke the signe in penance and the rest that they pertaine to the generall couenant of grace and promise of Christ As that matrimonie is anie more but a similitude or allegorie or that confirmation was any more but the taking of the children vnto him at one time to blesse them particulerlie or that orders is any more but for the grace of the estate of the ministrie their vnction was but for the bodie that they might liue and not for the soule at the very point of death therfore here is great presumption to father vpon God their owne beastly inuentions Thirdly in that which is speciall in either of the two sacraments they commit very great absurdities by most ridiculous idolatrous additaments First in Baptisme they thrust in a strange e Looke Manipul curat c. 8. de Anex Bapt. Catechising a filthy exorcising In the first they put the finger in his eare to signifie that his eare should be apt to heare Gods word and spit in his mouth that hee may be prompt to speake of faith 2. He crosseth him in his breast that in breast mouth he confesse the faith of Christ crosse him in the forehead that he be not ashamed of the faith of Christ 3. He putteth salt in his mouth signifying wisdom His filthy exorcisme is to coniure the diuell that he depart frō the soule of the party to be baptized giue place to the holy ghost And in baptizing they make three other crosses in declaring whereof I am lost to defile this paper they are so foolish so greatly derogatorie to Christs holy institution for on the one side they dash baptisme out of countenance with so many goodly shewes vses and secondly they blaspheme God to coniure especially in the place time of Gods worship but one bable I may not omit that they a Ib. cap. 7. Godfather Godmother may not marry together by Poperie giue baptisme such a power to make a spirituall cosonage namelie that it hindreth matrimonie breaketh a contract See here if Antechrist presume not as God nay aboue God for they make that vnlawfull b Heb. 13.4 Math. 19.6 which God hath made honorable among al men put asunder thē whom God hath coupled together But yet there are more abhominations heretical presumptions For in the sacrament of the Eucharist they amende the signe and put water to the wine secondly they take away one of the signes from all the communicants sauing him that maketh the sacrament thirdly they driue away both the signes altogether by their fiction of transubstantiation set in the roome therof if we may beleeue them the body soule Godhead of Christ that very body which was borne of the virgin Mary crucified vnder Pontious Pilate and so being chaunged they giue godly honor vnto it they lift it vp and carrie it in procession and hold it forth to be publikely worshipped of all men they offer it vp for a sacrifice for the quicke the dead and keepe it very deuoutly in the pix to be readie at all times to comfort them that need Surely it should seeme that Christ his Apostles were but children vnto those both in wisdome and in power For they neuer once dreamed of these things and being matters of very great importance it is meruaile they neuer had leisure to commit at the least some of them vnto writing that it might be found in holy scripture but being not found there they haue their holie traditions of equall reuerence with Gods word or els the plenarie power of their Apostaticall sea sufficientlie to warrant whatsoeuer to them whom God hath giuen ouer to beleeue lies This is the profoundnes of Sathan good Lord God and mercifull father keepe it euer out of this land that it neuer deceiue thy people any more First the mingling of wawith the wine is c Concil trident ses 6. ca. 7. brought in vpon three goodllie reasons 1. Christ is thought to haue done so 2. water came out of his side 3. water in the Apocalips signifieth people therefore it sheweth the misterie of vnion of the faithfull people with Christ Loe here a forgerie of a new misterie why might they not put in nailes or stakes that might signifie the fastning of Christ to his people because the d Eccl. 12.11 preacher speaketh of such a misticall fastening If men may add thus vpon coniectures and set Anathema and a curse as they doe vpon all that consent not how shall wee finde the measure of truth or how shall they auoide the curse of God which saith Reuel 22. cursed is he that addeth to this booke But alasse poore men how little effect this deuise hath brought forth For by and by as soone as it is a sacrament for before the words of consecration as they call them it is no sacrament the wine is cleane gone they say where is thē their new misterie How can they represent which haue no being in rerum natura in the world Againe how can it signifie this to the people when they keepe it from them and blesse them with the emptie cup. This is a second presumption against the expresse commandement of Christ which saith a Math. 29.27 Mark 14.23 drinke yee all of this and they dranke all of it Thirdlie in transubstantiation see how many monsters they feed First wee must beleeue there is no wine or bread though wee see them and taste them though they haue the same quantities and qualities and effects they had before though they corrupt and putrifie as before and we must beleeue that Christ God and Man is vnder those formes quantities and qualities though wee can see heare or feele no forme quantitie or qualitie of a true or naturall bodie or man Here is a monsterous mā which if you look vpon him is all ouer couered with a little roūd peece of starch not surmounting the greatnes of a mans hād Here be al the properties of bread and wine and their naturall operations but they are not bread nor wine but a man here one subiect hath accidents and essentiall qualities
a protestant in diuers places about this matter denying transubstantiation with all the holie martyrs which suffered in Queene Maries time saying a Vpon Ps 98. Non hoc corpus quod videtis c. yee shall not eate this bodie which you see and drinke that bloud which they shall shead which shall crucifie mee I haue commended vnto you a certaine mysterie which beeing spiritually vnderstoode shall quicken you and againe b De ciuitate dei lib. 21. cap. 20. Non solo sacramento sed re ipsa manducauerunt corpus Christi in ipso eius corpore cōstituti They eate not in the Sacrament alone but in verie deede the bodie of Christ beeing set in his verie bodie shewing thereby that there is no way of eatinge Christ but spirituallie and that the wicked eate the Sacrament of Christs bodie but not Christs bodie indeede hauing no faith to bee set in him and as hee knewe no reall presence in the sacrament so he knew no adoration nor sacrifice but a memoriall of thanksgiuing as where he c Ad. P. diaconum saith In this sacrifice there is thanksgiuing and a remembrance of the flesh of Christ which he offered for vs and againe d Contra Faustum Manicheum per victimas similitudinum the flesh and bloud of this sacrifice before the comming of Christ was promised by the sacrifices of resemblances in the sacrifice of Christ by the truth of the same after the ascention of Christ it is celebrated by the sacrament of remembrance what a merueilous protestant was hee whose sacrifice was a remembrance his adoring was thankesgiuing and transubstantiation in a mysterie and not in deed But me thinketh father Barnard wil be a protestant also for he e De diligend Deo saith that these woords qui manducat carnem meam c. hee which eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath life eternal is as much as to say who so doth meditate vpon my death and by my example mortifie his members which are vpon the earth hath eternall life that is if you suffer together you shall raigne together Transubstantiation came vp as yesterday But here I need not so much to trouble thee with fathers seeing this deuise of transubstantiation was hatched lesse then 400. yeres a goe and that f Anno 1215. Read the acts of the counsel and decreet all lib. 3. tit 41. cap. 5. in a counsell of Lateran vnder pope Innocent the 3. there you shall finde Francis and Dominicke the head springs of two religions to be great helpe to the pope there shalt thou find auriculer cōfession and mysterium fidei thrust into the institution in the masse Hereupon Honorius the 3. espying in looking vpon this new glasse of transubstantion that Christ was made to come out of heauen into the sacrament thought it reason to giue him reuerence therefore he a 16. cap. 10. deuised and ordained the Eucharist should be lifted vp and adored and reserued in reuerent maner But it is to be merueiled that Honorius was so hastie before it was perfectly resolued whether the water were transubstantiated with the wine For the forsaid Innocent the third b 16. cap. 6. illa probabilior iudicatur quae asserit aquam cum vino in sanguinem transmutari doth but probablie coniecture that it is so and he saith the schoolemen agree not whether it be so or no. But howsoeuer it is apparant by these testimonies that this filthie and abominable idoll of transubstantiation with his adoration is a new borne monster adored by them which turne the glorie of God into things corruptible Therefore God giueth them ouer into a reprobate sense to beleeue lies because they receiued not the loue of the truth to trust in those things which if they could see they would be a feard of their very table is made a snare and their prosperity their ruine The fourth foundamentall point is of the writings of the couenant 4. Of the scriptures namely the Holie scriptures inspired by Gods spirit Let vs heere what the auncient protestantes professed in the primatiue flower of the christian Churches among the Gentils Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons in France a verie auncient protestant c Aduers heres lib. 2. ca. 47 protesteth that the Scriptures are perfect for they are spoken by the woord of God and by his spirit and againe d lib. 3. cap. 12. The thinges which the Scriptures shewe or teach cannot bee shewed but by the Scriptures And hee teacheth that e lib. 5. No small punishment belongeth to them which adde or take away from the Scriptures And lastlie hee f lib. 3. cap. 2. sheweth that it is a shift of the heretikes when they are conuinced by the Scriptures to accuse the Scriptures and to say that by the Scriptures the truth cannot bee found of them which know not the tradition Heere you see that Irenaeus maketh these boasting papistes heretikes who vnder colour of the insufficiencie of Scripture do foist in their traditions affirming that they ought not to interpret the scriptures by their sence or magisteriall power but by the declaration of scripture it selfe and lastlie that they are to bee punished for adding vnwritten verities traditions canons and decrees and such like tumperie to the perfect Scriptures In the next age of protestants commeth vp that great scholer Origen and he a In Ezech. homil 7. protesteth against the popish doctrin thus They which teare the Scriptures sowing those things doe rent the words from the words and make feined points of doctrine doo serue idols c. and a little after Let vs follow no man and if we wil follow anie Iesus Christ is set before vs to be followed the acts of the Apostles are described and we know the doings of the prophets by the holy volums or writings that patterne is sure that example is sound which who so desireth to follow doth walke without danger In the next age of protestants standeth vp Basilius Magnus and with open mouth denounceth b De vera ac pia fide against the arrogant pride of Rome If the Lord be faithful in all his words and all his cōmandements faithful established for euer euer done in equitie and truth without doubt this wil be a most manifest argumēt of infidelity a most certain sign of prid if any man wil reiect any of those things which are writtē or bring in any of those things which are not written Seing our Lord Iesus Christ hath said my sheep here my voice a little before the same said they wil not follow a strāger but wil flie from him because they know not the voice of strangers In the next age Chrysostome steppeth forth protesteth for the sufficiēcy of the holy scriptures a Vpon Ioh. cap. 8. saying If we would diligētly search the scriptures wee might be able to attaine saluation But Saint Augustine a little before him beateth down