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A06733 The demaundes of holy scripture, with answeres to the same wherein are defined, and declared the cheefe, and principall poyntes of Christian doctrine: very profitable for the right vnderstanding of holy scriptures: made by T. Becon, and dravven out of his great vvorkes. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1577 (1577) STC 1718; ESTC S110677 46,473 108

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anguish he hanged himself So horrible and dreadfull were in his sight hell gates the wages payment of his iniquity There is also an euangelicall penitence whiche is a continuall study purpose and endeuerment and wilfull meditacion of mortifieng our fleshe and fashioning our liues to the wyll of the Lorde And this kind of penitence is onely in them that are renued and vnto whom the forgiuenesse of sin through Christ is giuē As for this word penaunce because the Popes clergy hath iugled with it so craftely and deceyued the poore innocentes eyes it is well done to reproue the euill vse and handling of it as the mainteyning of the same is wicked What signifie the latter times in Scripture The Prophetes signifie by them commonly the dayes wherein the prophesies and the figures of the olde testament going on Christ toke effecte and were perfourmed For when Christ came both the prophesies figures ceased And euer sence Christ is openly sincerely clearely and without all shadowes set out and preached and so shall continue vnto the worldes ende Paule calleth The latter dayes the time a little before the end of the worlde and the day of the iudgement of the lord In which we be euen nowe What is the consummation and ende of the worlde It is when the state and forme of the worlde shall passe by And when this chaunge of Winter Sommer and spring shall cease when there shall be neyther night nor day What is the day of the Lorde The greate assemblement court and paritament of all men that hath ben from Adam to the last man at what day our Lorde Iesus Christ shall come with great power and maiesty and pronounce the last sentence and dome both to the good and to the euill adiudging the euill to euerlasting punishment with the deuilles and graunting the good and godly man euerlasting ioye and felicitie to the which that we may come God through our Sauiour Iesus Christ graunt to whome be all honor and prayse Amen Geue the glory to GOD alone ¶ An other booke of Demaundes of holy Scriptures verye profitable to all Students of Diuinitie WHO is the author and maker of the most beautifull frame of this world God whiche by his almightie power wisedom and goodnesse doth now also order gouerne and preserue the same What is God An endlesse vncreated substance without both beginning and ending Which by his worde alone first created all things and nowe disposeth and ruleth ▪ yea and conserueth all things one substance distinguished but not deuided into thre sundrie persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost and notwithstanding remayning one alone true and perfect God. What is his word whereby he first created and nowe preserueth and gouerneth all things It is the decreed sentence appointment will power and wisedome of God. The Sonne is also called the word bicause he is the wisedome and might of his father the word in the Scripture is oftentimes called by a metaphore or similitude water wine milke a lantern or candle the voyce of the shepeheard the ryght hand of the Lord the breath of the Lords mouthe the bread of life a pearle or precious stone and such like In what state did God create man Perfect righteous and good according to his owne image and likenesse hauing fier and water set before him to take which he would being endued with free will to doo euill or to continue still in goodnesse What then condemned vs Sinne by the lawe What is Sinne Sinne is the transgression or breaking of the whole lawe or of any one commaundement of god And all that is done without fayth is sinne and therefore the good workes of the infidelles doe nothing profite them What is the Lawe A learning teaching vs with authoritie what ought to be done or auoyded in thought worde or deede with rewardes and punishmentes for doing or omitting the same This law is our schoolemaister to teach vs the waye to Christ by whome the violence sting power and the shadowes of the lawe bee takē away in whose place he hath brought in grace and truth Howe chaunced we to synne By the choyce of our free will graunted to vs either to doe good or euill whereby we lost both our felicitie that we were first placed in and that our free will also Howe then were both we and our forefathers reconciled to the fauour of God which wee lost by our disobedience being as vnfruite full branches of the rotden roote of Adam By the performance of the mercifull promise of God giuen to Adam that the seede of the woman shoulde breake the serpents heade Renued to Abraham that in his seede all Nations shoulde bee blessed and perfourmed by Christ which by his death payd our raunsome whiche promise and perfourmaunce conueyed vnto our forefathers and vs and vnto all the Church by faith hath ben and is the common and general meane of saluacion they that is to say our forefathers beleeuing that Christ was to come by whome alone they should be saued we with no doubtfull faith confessing that he is come dyed and rose againe for to regenerate vs to God to mortify vs to sinne the fleshe and the world to rayse vp againe at the laste day and so to take vs vnto him selfe placing vs in the glory of his father Who receyueth this benefyte The church of Christ only What is the church of Christ The whole number of the faithfull beleeuers in Christes comming sufferance and resurrection members of the misticall body of Christ Graines to make one loafe Graps to make one wine liuely stones to buylde on a spirituall house in Christ to offer spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God thorowe the same Christ Iesus which is the head of the same body the corner stone of the sayd house the Lord and husband to the sayd church his spouse maried to him by faith Who bestoweth this benefyte vpon vs God through Iesus Christ his sonne by whome he hath made vs his children also and fellowe heyres with Christe of hys What sygnifyeth this name IESVS A Sauiour which is the chiefe poynt of his office and cause of his comming into this worlde as appeareth by the wordes of the Aungell to Ioseph shee meaning Marie shall bring forth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus For he shall saue his people from their sinnes What signifyeth this name CHRIST Annointed whereupon it may be gathered that our Sauiour Christ is a king a priest and a Prophet which .iii. were accustomed by the lawe ceremonial to be annointed A king bicause by inheritance he being the sonne of God ought to be Lord and Ruler of all thinges and bicause he hath conquered and subdued vnto him selfe by death by bearing our sinnes by redeeming vs his inheritance out of the power of the deuill all the whole kingdome power and aucthority ouer death sinne and
consyst Of two partes that is to saye of the element and of the worde Howe manye Sacramentes are there Two Baptisme and the Lordes supper What is Baptisme The washing of euerye beleeuing Christian in water that taketh vppon him to professe the name of Christ whiche water certifieth our fayth of the inwarde washing and clensing of our soules by the spirite of God a token of our regeneration of the mortification of our fleshe of our buriall with Christe and of our resurrection vnto a newe lyfe If the beleeuing Christians onely be baptised according to this saying of Christe He that beleeueth and is baptised shall bee saued Why shoulde the Infantes be baptised which for imperfection of age are not able to beleeue Though Infantes haue not power to beleeue or to confesse their beliefe yet haue they fayth imputed vnto them for the promise sake of God bicause they bee the seede of the faythfull as hee sayde to Abraham I will be thy God and the God of thy seede Seeing then that they also haue that promise of saluation why should they be forbiddē the promised pledge or seale of that same promsied saluation The Sacraments of the Iewes diffred nothing from ours in effect but onelye in the outwarde element and forme of executing the same Why then shoulde oure Infants be more forbidden Baptisme than the Iewes infantes were forbidden Circumcision at the eyght daye Seing we reade that the Apostles baptised sundrie housholdes as of Stephana Lidia Onesiphorus c. if a man may gesse at a thing whereof wee haue no certaintie it is lyke inoughe that they baptised some Infantes also But to leaue all gesses and vncertain coniectures we are sure that the Iewes infantes passed with their parentes out of Egypt thorow the red sea and vnder the cloud which were tokens of our baptisme What if the infants die before they receaue the Sacrament of Baptisme Gods promise of saluacion vnto them is not for default of the Sacrament minished or made vayne and of no effect For the spirite is not so bound to the water that it can not worke his office where the water wanteth or that it of necessitie must alway be there where the water is sprinckled Simon Magus had the Sacramētal water but he had not holy Ghost being in dede an Hipocrit and filthy dissembler In the Chronicle of the Apostles Artes we reade that while Peter preached the holy Ghost came vpon them that heard him yea and that before they were baptised by the reason whereof Peter brast out into these wordes saide can any man forbyd water that these should not be baptised which haue receaued the holy Ghost as well as we True Christians whether they be old or young are not saued bicause outwardly they bee washed with the Sacramentall water but bicause they be Gods children by electron through Christ yea and that before the foundacions of the world were layd and are sealed vp by the spirite of God vnto euerlasting life the giftes and calling of God being such that it can not repent him of them Notwithstanding the Sacrament of Baptisme ought not therefore to be neglected but with all reuerence to be embraced both of old and young For he that despiseth the Sacrament despiseth not the Sacrament only but the authour of the Sacrament which is Christ Iesus the Lorde What is the Supper of the Lord or the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ Bread and Wine consecrated that is to say made and appoynted of God to bee a Sacrament to put vs in rememberance that as the bread is broken and the wine powred out so Christes body was broken and his blood shed for our redemption And as the bread receaued through our mouth and digested in our stomacke driueth away our hunger and norysheth our body the wine likewise receiued and digested quencheth our thirst and quickeneth our bloud so Christes bodie and bloude receyued by fayth digested with worthie continuaunce therein not disagreeing from the right receyuing thereof slaketh our hunger and thirst that is to saye our emptynesse of grace and drynesse of fayth nourysheth and quickeneth both our bodye and soule making vs partakers of the whole merites and dignitie of the bodie and bloude of christ And as the bread of many granes is made one loafe and the wyne pressed togither of sundry grapes so wee being many are one body in Christ And bicause we are of his body we must needes also be quickened by his bloude and lyue of hys spirite Remayneth there the substance of breade and wine after the wordes of consecration as they terme them or but the accidentes of them onely as the authors of Transubstantiation haue heretofore taught If the substaunce of breade and wyne shoulde bee denied to remayne in the Sacrament of the bodie and bloude of Christ so shoulde it cease to be a Sacrament For euery sacrament as we haue tofore hearde consisteth of the word and of the element Now yf we take away water from Baptisme so is there no Sacrament verely euen so in like manner take away Bread and Wine from the Lordes Supper so ceaseth it to be a sacrament To declare that bread remayneth after the wordes of consecration Saint Paule calleth it breade diuers times as we may see in his first Epistle to the Corinthians S. Luke also in his Chronicle of the Apostles actes whēsoeuer he maketh mention of the Lordes Supper calleth it the breaking of breade And it is to bee thought that so worthye learned men woulde haue presumed to call so honourable a mysterie breade if there had bene no breade remayning but onelye the accidentes of breade as oure Transsubstantiators teache Doth not our Sauiour Christe after the wordes of consecration call the misterie of his bloud the fruite of the vine And who is so farre estraunged from the right rule of reason whiche knoweth not that the fruite of the vine is wyne Here doth it euidently appeare by the authoritie of Gods worde that in the Sacrament of Christes bodie and bloude there remayneth after the wordes of consecration the substance both of breade and wine whereof it truly followeth that the Popishe doctrine of Transsubstantiation is nothing else than a vaine dreame and foolishe fancie brought in by Antichrist neuer knowne of the ancient fathers of Christes church nor yet receyued of the Greekes vnto this day Why sayst thou there but two Sacramentes when we haue heretofore bene taught that there are seauen Sacramentes Bicause Christ in the newe Testament lefte no mo to be occupied in his Churche As there were giuen to the people of the olde lawe but two Sacramentes That is to say Circumcision and the Passeouer so likewise in the newe Testament Christe appointed but two Sacraments that is in steade of Circumcision Baptisme and in the place of the Passeouer the Lordes Supper Therefore as for the rest they be not aptly called Sacraments They
come to nought Veryly as there is not a greater blessing geuen of GOD to any nacion then the gift of his vvoord so I knovve not yf a greater cursse from GOD can be cast vppon any people then vvhen the vvoord of GOD and the true preaching thereof is taken avvay from them as these vvoordes of GOD spoken by the prophete doo manifestly declare Beholde the tyme commeth sayth the Lorde GOD that I shall send an hunger into the earth not the hunger of bread nor the thyrst of vvater but an hunger to heare the vvoord of the LORD so that they shal goe from the one sea to the other yea from the North to the East runnyng about to seeke the vvoord of the Lorde and shall not finde it In this behalfe therfore are ye the inhabitauntes of Sandvviche greatly blessed of the Lord our God vvhich hath not onely very richelv geuen you his vvoorde to be preached taught and read among you but also hartes to receaue and beleeue the same as yf vve reade of Lydia vvhose hart sayth blessed Luke the Lorde opened that shee attended to the thinges vvhich Paul spake Out of this your feruent zeale and burnyng loue tovvard this diuine and heauenly Philosophie many godly and Christen fruites of Gods spirite haue issued and plentifully come foorth as brotherly concord and vnfained amitie among your selues not your selues onely but also among all the inhabitauntes of your Tovvne so that all contention strife debate discord emnitie variaunce tumultes quarelles lavvynges c. banished and auoyded beneuolence loue concord agreement vnitie amitie freendship gentlenesse humanitie and vvhatsoeuer maketh vnto the bond of peace ruleth and raigneth among you vvhich godly vnitie and concord dooth so euidently declare you to be of God as nothing more In this shall all men knovve that ye are my Disciples sayth Christe yf one of you loue an other As discord bringeth al thinges to hauocke so dooth concord conserue keepe in good order and make to increase vvhat so euer is good and profitable to a common vveale or to any part thereof As Salustius sayth By concord small thinges encrease and grovve but by discorde mighty and great thinges decay and come to nought It vvas very vvittely and learnedly ansvyeared of Terence vvhen the noble Senate of the most noble Romanes demaunded of him after the destruction of Carthage vvhat he thought to be the cause of the subuertion if so ample populus and florishing citie vvhether the puissaunce of the Romans vvhose force seemed to be incomparable or the feeblenesse of the Carthaginenses not being able to resist No sayth he neyther your valiance nor our vvant of puissance vvas the subuersion of our citie but the discorde of the Citizens The mightiest fortresse and strongest Bulvvarcke that eyther Citie or Tovvne can haue is the concord of Citizens vvithout the vvhich all puissaunce all force all vvytte al pollicie all castels all martiall armonies are vayne and vnprofitable verely in this behalfe are ye also greatly blessed of God vvhich both in godly vvorldly affaires are of one mind of one meaning vvithout al diffencion among you O blessed fruite of Gods spirite Moreouer hovve idlenesse that chiefe maistres of vices all vtterly exiled and banished out of your Tovvne No man liueth there idlely All degrees of persons are godly vertuously and profitably occupied euery man according to his vocacion and calling All studye to be quiet and to meddle vvith theyr ovvne businesse and to vvorke vvith theyr ovvne hands that they may not only eate theyr ovvne breade according to the commanndement of God but also through those their laboures haue vvhereof they may geue vnto such as haue neede as Saint John saith he that hath tvvo coates let him geue one to him that hath none And he that hath meate let him doo likevvise Certes diligent and vertuous trauaile vpholdeth the Citie but idle and sluggysh hands roote vp the foundacions thereof Furthermore vvho can yenough prayse and sufficiently commende your studious carefulnesse and painefull trauaile in making prouision for the poore members of Christe vvhich haue not of them selues vvhereof to liue Verely yee haue a fatherly care for your poore ' that none of them should vvant Ye count their lacke your ovvne lack neyther are ye lesse moued vvith theyr miseries then yf ye your selfs vvere touched vvith the same according to this saying of Saint Iohn He that hath the substance of this vvoorld and seeth his brother haue neede anb shutteth vp his compassion from him hovv dvvelleth the loue of God in him Vnmercifulnesse tovvard the poore vvas one of the chiefe causes vvhy that florishing and to much vvealthy Citie Sodome as the Prophet teacheth vvas destroyed vvith fire an brimstone from heauen Verely euen so contraryvvise vvhere the vvorkes of mercie are diligently practised vpon the poore there is the blessing of God conseruation of the Tovvne or Citie encrease of goodes and fortunate successe in all honest and godly trauayles as Salomon sayth He that geueth to the poore shall not vvant He that lendeth to the Lorde that shevveth mercie to the poore and it be recompenced him to the vttermost as our Sauiour Christe sayth Geue and it shal be geuen vnto you good measure and pressed dovvne and shaken togeather and runnyng ouer shall men geue into your bosomes For he that geueth but a cuppe of cold vvater for Christes sake shall not loose his revvard Yf thou vvylt breake thy bread to the hungry sayth GOD by the Prophete and leade the needy vvayfaring man into thy house couer the naked man and not turne avvay thy face from the poore thy lyght shall breake foorth as the mornyng and thy health florishe right shortly yea thy righteousnesse shal goe before thee and the glory of the Lord shal embrace thee Then yf thou callest the Lord shall aunsvvere thee yf thon cryest he shall say Here I am O blessed is the man sayth the Psalmographe that considereth the poore and needy the Lorde shall deliuer him in the time of trouble The Lorde shall preserue him and keepe him aliue that he may be blessed vpon earth and not be deliuered into the vvyll of his enimies The Lorde shall comfort him vvhen he lyeth sicke vpon his bedde yea and make his bedde in his sieknesse Agayne vvhat shall I speake of your gentle and louyng enterteynement of strangers and forreners vvhich for the testemony of Christes most glorious Gospell and for the quietnesse of theyr conscience that they may the more freely serue GOD vvith a pure mind are not only content to suffer vnvvorthy banishment vvith the losse of their goodes but also day and nyght to labour vvith their ovvne handes for their liuing that they may be no burden to any man These most vvyllyngly and gladly ye admit receaue and embrace cherishe entertayne and comfort These ye lodge place among you not as strangers but as Citizens not as forreners but as your dearely beloued