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A05294 The answere that the preachers of the Gospel at Basile, made, for the defence of the true administration, and vse of the holy Supper of our Lord Agaynst the abhominatio[n], of the popyshe Masse. Translated out of Latin into Englyshe by George Bancrafte. 1548.; Responsio praedicatorum Basileensium in defensionem rectae administrationis Coenae Dominicae. English. Bancrafte, George, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 1544; ESTC S107183 30,936 108

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together at this holly supper Christ was the minister and the .xii. aposteles were the receyuers laitie Luke xx for S Luke sayth whē the houre was come Christ and the. ru apostles i. ●o xiii● sate downe to be an exāple to vs to do all thynges in the cōgregacion wyth comlynes and order For we se y● Christ obserued boeth tyme place but yet those ought not to be vnderstanded that we shall leaue the true meanynge and folowe the bare letter that tyme and place was most myte for hym to go about that godly worke and thankes giuinge boeth because the easter lamb ought to be eaten in y● euening y● night of Christs passion was at hād but it is most mete to vs to minister that sacramēt before dinner that the laitie shall receyue it standyng and not sittyng also that it be broken in two pieces before the administraciō to y● laitie not when it is ministred for the euangelistes commau●ded and decrered nothynge in these externe thynge but an honeste order for it is vnpossible that we shoulde do and obserue the selfe same order of receyueinge the sacramente that the apostles dyd for thē no mo then xii should receyue it at once And ●hat of one minister it should also be recyued in the euening Moreouer Christ did eate the easter lambe with his disciples and refused that bodily meat and drinke saying be would eate nomore of that vntyl it were ● xx●● fulfilled in the kingdome of God nor dryncke of the fruite of the vine vntyl the kingedome of God come that we after hys example shoulde neythere seke for a carnall supper to fyll the belly nor be addicte giuen to the obseruaūce o● the Iuishe cerimonies and shadowes of the truth but that with an vnfayned fayth we shoulde with thankes giuing receyue the spirituall fode in the worde and promisses of God Also both the minestres and receiuers ought to come to the Lordes table in charitie proteste true mutuall loue one to an other for Saint Iohn sayeth Christe dyd ernestly preache charite Iohn 〈◊〉 xiiii x● x● xvii to his disciples and loued thē to the ende for we beinge one congregacion are membres of one body bretherne in dede by Christ For as saint Paule sayth though 1. Cor. ● we be manie yet are we one bodie when we are partakeres of one breade finally it is mete that one tarie for anothere excepte some matter of greate importaunce let vs and that we cōtinue in praier to th ende Iudas alone departied awaye before the other to his own destruction Saint Paule saieth bretherne whē you come together ●or●● to eate let one tarie for annother and if any man be hūgrie let hym ●th xxvi ●●e xiii● eate at home Say●te Mathewe and Saint Marke saye that after they had sayed grace thei wēt vp into the hyll of Oliues Nowe let vs learne what is the function and office of the minister and stua●d of the mi●●eries of God thys we are ta●ght of Christ himselfe in the admini●tracion of the sacramēt to hys disciples wherein dyuers and sūdrt thinges are to be diligētly noted obserued First howe he dyd gyue hym selfe to al hys disciples and ministers and in especially to the preachers beinge an example in washinge of theyr fete that they should do the same and be prompte and redy at all tymes to minister and do seruice to eueriman Moreouer here is to be noted that Christe dyd willingelye and of purpose shone and abhorre al externe and outwarde pompes and solēne sightes that he might printe in oure hertes thynges of greater importaunce also whē he had washed theire feete ▪ he went agayne to the table and put on Iohn xi● hys accustomed rament teaching hys disciples by thys example to go about suche thinges as ought to be most chifflye regarded for he then ernestly preached the Gospell admonished and rebuked Iudas the teaytoure and taught his disciples to be in charitie pacience and hope of thynges to come so Iohn xv plainely manifestlie y● they sayd you speake not nowe in parables Note also that Christe gaue Math. x● thankes to God the father before he gaue the sacrament to hys disciples exhortynge them to remēbre i. Cor xii and shewe furth thereby hys passion vntill he come Finally he callyd vpon hys father wyth a feruent Iohn ●● desire and prayed for all thē that beliue Nowe touchinge the ● xvii receyuers of oure Lordes supper they gaue greate attendaunce to the word doctrine of Christ and wyth obedience receyned the sacrament of the body and bloude of Christe Saynt Marke sayeth they al dyd drinke by hys sayinge no man is excepted Finally let vs ●● x●ii● expende consider of what thing the sacramente is made vndoubtedly it is made of breade wyne the worde for there cannot be the sacrament of oure Lordes supper where any of these lacketh Christ verely t●ke materiall breade and wyne chosinge them for the vse of the sacrament we reade not that he toke water grapes or any such other thynge and he sayede these wordes Thys is my bodie which ●e xxi● shal be gyuē for you and thys cup is the newe testamente in my blould whiche shal be shed for you by these wordes the bread wyne are made the sacramēt holly tokēs of Christes body bloud these wordes offer to vs y● promesses of the Ioyful Gospel which if we receiue with a true faith we eate spiritually in spirit y● fleshe bloud of christ therby obtainlife eternal The sacrament is like a writen Testament that promiseth great gyftes and is sealed wyth two seales that ought to be kepte hole vnbrokē if all these thynges afore rehersed were obserued and kepte then the Lordes supper should be truely vsed the Masse as they cal it should perfectlie be holy for god praised therin would regard it we should receyue of it great frutes goodnes for therebye we are enstructed to beleue in god loue oure neighboure excludinge all-sedicion and disobediēce that peace pacience and concorde may take place and rule againste thys doctrine nothinge can be proued and debated by the holy scripture for it is grounded on moste sure principles and fundacion referringe all thynges to fayeth and ●i i. Iohn i. ● iiii v. charitie by the which two al thinges ought to be tried paraduenture they wyll answere that noman can finde faulte wyth oure sayeinge but yet it is expediente to Ioyne other ceremonies wyth the approued vse in the administracion of thys sacrament of our Lordes supper as haue been vsed hitherto and so the hollye thynge shal be worthei the greater prais● We aunswer that it is nomattex thoughe these ceremonies were omited and left whyche were exco●itate and found out by mans reason and a true christē man wil not be offended ther with as lightyng of candeles singing ringing of belles
deliuered or broken for yon And mēs eares are stopped with plaing one the organs descante songes When these wordes are spoken leaste they shoulde doubte in any thynge that is saide If the people remembre christes passiō at the time the priestes are not thankes worthie for they shoulde boeth remēbre the wordes of the passion and also giue thankes to God for the same but they shall not do so if the priestes can let thē It is therfore manyfest that the papistes folowe not Christes example in the supper at theyr popishe Masse yet they saye there Masse is holie whē there is nothinge more vnhollye They bragge that saynte Iames dyd vse thys Masse at Ierusalem Saynte Marke at Alexandria and Saynte Peter at Antioche but they haue no historie toucheinge thys matter worthy credite Though they vsed our lordes supper as Christe oure mayster dyd and as S Paule also at Corinth yet they dyd not vse it as the pyuishe papistes do now the Masse That Ignatius Policarpe Ireneus make mencion of is not like this popishe masse Thei confesse that Basilius Magnus Therōe Ambros vsede another order in the administraciō of our Lordes supper then is nowe vsed and that diuerse haue vsed diuerse faciōs therin by ther own wordes Therfore it is manifeste that this kind of massinge is not the ordinaunce of Christe but inuented by mans wyt and policie without the worde of God And nowe I wyll declare by the testimonie of aunciente histories what popes and whē they patchilde together this beggerlye Masse of theires ☞ Halowing of aultaces and temples ¶ Felix first pope of that name cōmaunded temples and aultars to be hallowed in the yere of oure Lorde God cclxix ☞ Aulters ¶ Sextus firste of that name ordeined aulters and Sayntes in the yere of oure Lorde Cxxiiii ☞ Aultar clothes ¶ Boniface commaūded aultares to be couered which fyne linnen cloth in the yere of our Lord. cccx Chalices ¶ Vrban and Seuerine ordeined challices of goulde and siluer in the yere of our Lorde ccxv ☞ Albes and corporasses ¶ Siluester dyd ordayne albes and corporasses in the yere of our Lord. cccxiii ☞ Candeles and ornamentes ¶ Gregory dyd ordayne lyght at masse certaine Ornamentes in the yere of our Lord. ccccclxxxxii ☞ Procession ¶ Agabecus dyd ordayne procession on Sondayes aboute the churche in the yere of oure Lorde cccccxxxii ☞ Holly water ¶ Alexander did ordeine water to be mingled wyth wyne vnleuened breade and holly water in the yere of our Lord. cxii ☞ Confiteor and the office ¶ Pontianus ordeined Cōfiteor before masse in the yere of our Lord. ccxxv And Selestinus the office in y● yere of our lord ccccxxiiii ☞ Kyrie eleison Gregori dyd ordayne Kyrie eleson at Masse in the yere of oure Lorde ccccclxxxxii ❧ Gloria in excelsis Telesphorus made Gloria inexcelsis in y● yere of our lord cxxix ❧ Collectes and grayle Gelasius made the Collectes Preface and graile in the yere of our Lord. CCCC lxxxx Anastasius ordeined that we shoulde stande when the Gospell is read in the yere of oure Lorde CCCCix Martine made the Crede in the yere of oure Lord cccxxxiiii ¶ The canon is patched together of many and therefore one sētence is repugnaūt wyth an other many superstouse wordes are in it they call vpon certayne peculiare Sayntes in it And offer for soules in purgatorie thei blesse crosse as if greate vertue and powere were therin and reade nothinge so reuerently as this theyr clouted canon Gregory made the Offertorye Damasus gloria patri They cā not therfore saye that they minister the sacramentes of oure Lordes supper as the apostles dyd whē their doctrine is repugnaūte cōtrarie one to another Thys is sufficiente to proue that the Masse should be abhorred because it doth laye for mens cons●ence snares of mēs tradiciōs Thei wil haue the priestes to be as y● priestes of y● olde lawe bring shadows in tyme of light stretching out the armes deuidinge the hostes and such other Ieuish customes It was therfore the dyueles deuise 〈◊〉 brynge into the churche suche lewde lawes for the true liuing worde of God If circumcision hurteth as S. Paule witnesseth who can denye that the priesthod of Arō varietie of ornamentes and anoyntynge do nothinge auaile and profite in thys tyme of the newe law Much lesse profite is therfore receyued of mans inuentions and vayne dreames that kepe men occupied from the exercise of true godlines humilitie of minde And excite mens hertes wyth singynge and organplayng to acertayne carnall delite and pleasure rather thē to y● true glory of god as dyd y● groue which was by the temple of Ierusalem albeit therefore these cerimonies are glisterynge in mēs eis yet they are vile and of no reputacion before Christ who requireth not the visour and shadow of a thyng but y● veri thing it selfe the masse therfore which was ordiened and constituted of Antichrist and maintayned of his most best assured adherentes is an abominacion before God throughe this externe pompe and suche other thinges afore rehersed Finally they fere not to saye that Christes bodies is offered in the masse I wyll not contende and stryue wyth them if they take this word offer to signifie remembre accordinge to the sence and meanynge of Christes wordes albeit the ministers alone pronoūce and speake their wordes Yet such thākes giuing and remembraunce belongeth not only to them alone but also to the whole congregacion We deny not that the Doctoures called the Masse an offeringe whiche is the remembraūce of an offering once made as Sainte Augustine doeth playnely declare sayeinge in thys offering is thākes giuing and remembraunce of Christes bodie and bloude which he offered and shede for vs. But the papistes are not pleased wyth this offering for they wil haue a greater offring which is an offering represētatiue when Christe dyed once for euer and cā die nomore They saye that these wordes do thys in my remēbraunce signifie the consecracion offering and remēbraūce but this is a faulsely deuised and forgide interpretation For Christe at hys holly and Sacrete supper Tooke breade and gaue thankes brake it and gaue it to his disciples Commaundynge them to eate and in like wyse the wyne Thē he preached to them hys death and passion that they shoulde do after hys example wyth a sincere true fayth and there is not one Iotte that can proue y● administraciō of this most blessed sacramente to be an offering represētatiue of Christ his owne offering and althoughe Christ woulde haue had his bodie present bodily in this breade yet in nowise his wordes signifie that he offered him selfe in thys holie supper for he woulde haue gyuen hys bodie to thē reallie not in the sacramente It is not inoughe for these piuishe papistes to offer christes bodie to God except they offer it also for remission of synne for health of the bodie and for hope of eternal life For other
For Saynt Paul did no more meane by thys texte that priestes shoulde synge Masse for the quicke and deade then he purposed to teache men howe to war Their entēt is not to serue Christ oure true aulter but the god ther ●eb iii. owne bealies wo be to them that mayntayne thys patched popishe Masse either with rewardes coūsayle or any other waye for in so doinge they geue no lesse occasion to these papistes to commite moste heinouse offences then the Pharesies rulars of the people did to Iudas the traytoure Here we omyte and passeouer theyr filthye whoredome continual hate maliciouse enuie vnfruitful Idelnes and suche othere abominacions whiche make thē reprouable both before god and man and through thys theyr vngodlye conuersaciō all men for the most parte are driuen from the true seruice of God a man therfore cannot think how much god aborreth thē theirdedes If these proude impudent papistes had neuer so little remorsse of conscience they would abhorre and be ashamed of them selues Fayne these Masse mongers the popes creatures to be godlie liberall and that they are not proude in their ornamentes and ceremonies but walke in christen libertie notwythstandinge the contrarie is playnly seene in them yet they woulde men shoulde haue suche oppinion in thē And let vs come to ther function and office wherin they can do nothing wel and truly nether wyth good wyll nor in knowledge Our lordes Supper ought neuer to be ministred with out the remembraūce of Christes death nor wythout a sermon or exhortaciō and that in a lāguage that the congregacion maye perfictly vnderstande to theyr edificacion ● Co● xii● as Christe also taught his disciples In the masse is nothing but mockes and they make Idolatrie of the Gospel and Epistiles which the holy goste gaue vs for our consolaciō correction and exhortacion But these popish priestes haue made of thē an externe pompe extollynge them selues aboue the Iues and Gentiles with there glistringe shewes of vaine ceremonies the Ieues and Genttiles therfore laught thē to scorne vsinge them as foles and mad-men The Enangelestes require an other kynde of working and exercise then sensinge wastinge of candles singing of pricksong and kissinge of golden bokes It were more mete to preache the grace of our lord Iesus Christ but Christ is not spoken of at al amōges thē and the lyght y● shoulde be set vpon the candelsticke is hide vnder the bushell Nowe where the worde of God is kepte vnder and hyd awaye ther is nothynge but darknes and errour we haue therefore plainly declared and proued that thys hinderaunce of Gods worde is an heinouse abominaciō in the syght of God And thys is out of question that euerie Masse wher in the word of god is not preached and that in a language that the congregacion maye vnderstande it is a moste pyuyshe Idolatrye But as they folowe not Christ in there sermons and preachinge so do thei not obserue his order maner of thankes giueinge and prayer For they haue suche a rable of vaine ceremonies that deuoute prayer can haue no place they haue also many collectes that true christen mē ought not to saye Many reade that which they vnderstand not When they Masse for monye other causes afore rehersed how can it be possible that they being whore mōgers and al togither carnally mynded shoulde praye and gyue thankes wyth a deuoute and pure consciēce Thoughe they also seme to them selues to be deuoute Math. ● men yet in prayinge they make much lip laboure and theyr Mal. ii hertes are far of Thei are therfor abominable before god For as he sayeth by Malachias there blessinge shal be accursed When they come to the distrubucion of the sacrament they breake it in there pieces one prece for the quicke another for them that are in heauen and the thyrde for the deade beinge in purgato●ie and at laste eate all them selues but it were more mete to fede others and be without thē selues They ordeine a feast and cal no gestes to it nor wyll eate of one lofe and one cupe amonge them selues but euerye man wyll haue hys owne aultare his owne lof and cup. Wherin do these thynges agre with our Lordes supper Neither Iwe nor gentile can mocke and delude Christes ordinaūces more then these vngodly wretches it is maruaile that the eareth openeth not to swalowe thē quicke in to hell Nowe touch ynge the laytye it were agaynste reasone to rebuke thē but rather to be sorye and beare wyth theire weaknes and ignoraunce Whosoeuer commeth to our Lordes table oughte to heare the worde of God as the apostles dyd But howe cā they here whē no mā preacheth They ought to make an answere and saye Amen to their prayer But thei nother know nor vnder stande what they saye and so they extol and magnifie noughtie and vaine tri●eles for frutfull and god li matters and for the liuely word of God they beleue in fonde folish fables It is necessarie the we praye to God that hys people maye be deliuered from the hūger of gods worde that they may knowe how miserabli they haue ben deceiued by these faulse preachers What shal the vnlearned people do whē lyes and erroures so muche preuaile and thei being captiues and prisoners vnder Antichrist godes enemie They receiue y● sacrament but once in the yere and in one kind contrary to Christes ordinaunce It muste therfore be vnthankfull and abominable before God when hys churche is spoyled and distroyed after suche sorte Finally there are some erroures and abominacions founde in the very sacramente For the materiall substaunce of it ought to be bread and wyne as it is in dede as S. Paul Cor. xi so calleth it both before the cōsecrati on after But the papistes teach the not her bread nor wyne remayne after the cōsecracion but accidentes only the is collour sauour taste ruddines and such other And which such manifest lies they blind mens eies to beleue that the thing is in the sacrament whiche is not there and that that is not in the sacrament which his ther in dede Allexander first pope of the name decred and ordiened That water shoulde be menglide wyth wyne whyche thynge is repungnaunie to Christes ordinaunce For he cōmaunded no suche thynge to be done If we wyll expend and consider the wordes of Christe oure Master touching this sacrament we maye easly perceiue what Sathan goeth aboute The papistes mūble in latine the belles make such ringinge that the heares can not vnderstand what is sayde or song They haue put to also in the consecraciō wordes that are not in the Gospel as Enim trulie Eleuatis oculis in celsi lifting vp his eies to heauē And Eternt Of the euerlasting Also Misteriū Fidel. The misterie of the fayeth But these are maters of smal weight thei leaue vnsaid wordes of grater importaūce which is Quod prouobis tradetur aut frangitur That shal be