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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05034 The minde and iudgement of maister Frau[n]ces Lambert of Auenna of the wyll of man declarynge and prouynge howe and after what sorte it is captyue and bonde, and not free: taken out of hys commentaries vpon Osee the Prophete, wherin vpo[n] the. iiii. chapter of the sayd prophet, he most godly, plainlye and learnedly, entreateth and writeth of the same, as hereafter euide[n]tly shal appere. Newelye tra[n]slated into Englishe by N.L. Anno Do. M.D.xlviii. the xviii. day of Dece[m]bre. Lambert, Franz, 1486-1530.; Lesse, Nicholas. 1548 (1548) STC 15178; ESTC S108240 76,171 160

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The mînde and iudgement of maister Fraūces Lambert of Auenna of the wyll of man declarynge and prouynge howe and after what sorte it is captyne and bonde and not free taken out of hys commentaries vpon Osee the Prophete wherin vpō the .iiii. Chapter of the sayd prophet he most Godly plain lye and learnedly entreateth and writeth of the same as hereafter euidētly shal appere Newelye trāslated into Englishe by N.L. Anno Do. M.D. xlviii the xviii day of Decēbre Philippians .ii. ¶ It is God that worcketh both the wil the perfourmaunce DIEV ET MON DRO●T To the most gratiouse and vertuouse Ladye Anne douthesse of Somerset c. Hyr most fayethfull and dayle Oratoure Nicholas Lesse desireth the swete blessing of god wyth a ioyfull and earneste loue to read hys worde and folowe the same WHat tyme my little worcke entituled the iustificatiō of faith only was in the handes of the Printer moste gentyl Ladye it fortuned me to reade in a certayne exposition whyche Frances Lambert of Auenna dyd wryte vpon Osee the Prophet that the wyll of man naturally is captyue to sinne as the Apostle ryght wel witnesseth sayinge He whyche doeth syn is the seruaunt of synne There is not one iust mā there is not one whyche seketh after God All men haue erred gone forth of the way and are altogither made vnprofitable Ther is not one manne whych doeth good no not so muche as one and also bonde frome doynge of any good thynge of it selfe as witnesseth the Apostle Iames with these words Euery good and perfecte gyfte is frome aboue discendinge downe from the father of lyght whyche article beynge very well discussed and wyth the file and touchstone of the scriptures proued and made playne I thoughte it necessarie and expediente that it shoulde be broughte forthe of the Latin into oure vulgar tonge Partlye bycause the contrarye erroure that man hathe power to do good of hym selfe beyng the doctrine of the Papystes of the Anabaptistes of the Pelagiōs is so inueterated and roted in the stomakes of moste men that almoste they can skante fynde in theyr herte to geue to God any parte of the praise of good worckes but ascribynge the worthynes thereof to theym selues do make claime and title vnto heauē for theyr owne deseruynges This errour hath caused them to forsake the workes prescribed to vs of God and to inuent newe worckes on their owne braine Thys erroure caused them to builde monasteries to go on pilgrimages to set vp candels before stockes and stones to make holy water and holye breade to weare thys or that disguised cote to faste thys or that prescribed daye to synge masses for the deade and quicke to make of the blessed supper of the Lord a sacrifice for the quicke dead to make of breade and wyne as they moste falselye do affirme the naturall fleshe and bloude of oure sauioure Iesus Christe and to be shorte to applye the mooste fruitefull benefitial fruites of hys passiō to the health of bruite beastes as shepe oxen and swyne as wel as to the soule of man Wher hadde they any of thys beggery in the scriptuers Thys is a foule and a detestable erroure whyche bringeth man into so many whyrlepoles of dishonouring of God that there is almost nothinge at all lefte vnto hym but a bare name of God none otherwyse then as they had vsed in times paste to make kinges and quenes in maye games Into so greate and palpable darckenesse are they fallen for theyr vnthankefulnes The seconde cause whyche moued me to the traunslation of thys smale worke is that thys erroure of fre wyl to do good in man standynge styll and not remoued forthe of the hertes and consciences of menne the contrary Article for iustification by fayeth onely muste nedes be infringed and broken For if we do wel of our own propre strēgth thē do our owne workes make vs good and rightuouse whiche is directlye contrarye to the scriptures to the wordes of Christe sayinge No man can come to me except my father drawe hym These wordes do declare that all men are alwaye so stubourne and so muche agaynste God that excepte they be drawen they can not come to Christ Christ doeth saye also Of those whyche thou hast geuen me I haue not loste one It folowethe therfore that god was the gyuer Christ the keper of thē They were not the geuers nor the kepers of thē selues no more then they were the callars of theim selues what tyme that Peter hys felowes at the callynge of Christe forsoke theyr ship and netes and folowed hym But contrary wyse if al menne be liars as wytnesseth the Apostle Paule If all the imaginations of man from hys youthe be euyll and nothing but synne as it is wrytten in the Genese .vi. Chapte then are we not made good rightuouse by our dedes Then must thys Article by fayth onely we are iustified stande faste that is to saye for the confidence and sure truste whyche we haue in the promises of God for hys swete sonne Iesus Christes sake by the whyche sonne we haue bouldnes and fre passage to come to god as teacheth vs the Apostle Peter For so much therfore as these .ii. Articles manne can worke any goodnes of hym selfe and the iustification of man frely by fayeth only are so faste and nighe lincked togither that either they muste boeth stande togither or boeth be destroyed and broken togyther the people beinge I truste what with learned preachers what wyth writers suffitiētlye instructed and taughte the waye of theyr iustification I toke on me to traunslate this into our mother tonge and wyth like audacitie as I dedicated the worcke of iustification vnto your moste dearly beloued husbāde my Lordes Protectours grace so I haue bene so bolde to name youre grace a mooste Godly mother setter forth of this worcke vnder whose name it cometh abrode into the handes of the people to whom nexte vnto God they shall yelde thankes for the fruite therof Whose graces boeth togyther I desire the Lorde longe to preserue with a ioyfull continuaunce to the shynynge of his glorye and settynge forthe of hys word wyth increase of al Godlines therto correspōdēt Amen Q.L. to the gentle reader HEre in this worke moost gentle reader thou hast set before thyne eyes the wil of man so playnely so liuely that no Appelles coulde with al his craft in a table with his colours set furth the phisiouomie of anye man lyke Thou dost perceiue and behold him in this boke as he is in his owne propernature and kynde altogether nakid altogether myserable wretched and bound Not that there by thou shouldest thynke thy self more at libertie to offend bycause thy wyl is bound and captiue or elles that thou cast not chose but offend but that rather thyne owne wekenes and pouerte being known thou sholdest knowledge ▪ prayse and glorifie the myghtie and infinit power and strength of the Lord with the