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water_n bread_n lord_n wine_n 3,679 5 7.3104 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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wordes which the Lord of hostes sendeth ●…n his spirit by the ministrie of his seruantes resisting the holy Ghost a●… their forefathers haue done persecuting at all handes and smiting with the fist of wickednes such as speake vnto them in the name of God for the redresse and amendment of their liues THVS HAVING seene these solemne fastes what kind of stuffe they are let vs now a litle while turne our eies to the publike Sacramentes of this famous Church of England Which that they may the sooner appeare let vs see in a word or two what the ordinance of Christ is cōcerning the outward administratiō therof Wee find in his Testament vnto euerie true Sacrament required 1. a lawful minister of the Gospel to deliuer them 2. a faithful people or their seed to receaue them 3. the outward elemētes forme of wordes which our Sauiour Christ hath ordeined therunto As in baptisme to baptise them vvith cleane vvater in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Vnto the supper of the Lord are required the elemēts of bread and wine which bread after thankes giuing is to be broken and to be deliuered with such vvordes of exhortatiō as are thervnto prescribed and the cup to be deliuered in like manner Now where any of these vvanteth either a lawful minister of the Gospel to deliuer thē a faithful people holy congregatiō ioyned together in the faith and order of Christ to receaue them or any other forme of administration either in the elementes or order be vsed then our Sauiour Christ in his Testament hath inioined to be vsed we may boldly affirme that such are adulterate false Sacramentes And now let vs but euen as briefly compare these Sacramentes of the Church of Englād to these rules They there haue to begin with an antichristian Romish ministerie such as the Pope left them as is abouesaid a profane cōfuse people their seed to receaue them For who with them that is able to pay for the Chrisme is not baptised the seed of heretikes witches coniurers c. who with them is not admitred to their communion of the supper that wil pay his offertorie And to come to their forme of administration what a sort of fond trifling ceremonies are added to their Sacramentes as to their publike baptisme yt must be done in their coniured hallowed Font with a special Gospel taken o●…t of the 10 Chapter after Mark the water being wel coniured hallowed to the mystical washing away of sinne c. special Gossipes called and chosen which are godfathers godmothers which must publikely there vndertake for y t child that he shall forsake the deuil al his workes cōstantly beleeue Gods holy word obediently keep his commandementes Where after this prety dialogue betwixt the parish priest the parish clarke these godfathers godmothers which answere for the infant the priest baptiseth yt in the name of the Father of the Sonne of the holy Ghost and of the holy Crosse chargeth these godfathers c. to teach the infant the Creed Lords praier tenne commandementes All which when he can say haue learned also some of that worthy Catachisme which is set out for that purpose then must he be brought to the Bishop to receaue his second Baptisme which they cal Bishoping or confirmation wherunto also he must haue a new Godfather c. Then after ●…e hath beene posed by the Bishop wh●…ther he cā say his geare aboue prescribed the childe kneeling downe this reuerēd B●… layeth his holy hands vpō his head saith a certayne Collect ouer him cōfirmeth his former baptisme giuing him his blessing dismisseth him Yet is there a third and fourth kind of baptisme in the Church of England namely the hasty baptisme done by the midwife who if she see the childe in peril and like to dye before yt can be brought to the Church then is she to bestir her giue the child the christendome least yt neuer come in heauen and this baptisme is warranted by their seruice-Boke to be lawful and sufficient baptisme and the Priest finding yt orderly done by the cunning midwife is to publish yt in the Church to be verie good allowable and to commend them that so orderly did yt at that time of necessitie But if the Priest vpon the examination of the matter find that the midwife was not cunning in this trade but for haste or feare forgot or left out some of her accomplementes then must he according to the ●…orme prescribed in their publike baptisme proceed with the Godfathers Godmothers c. saue that whē he cōmeth to dip yt he must say N. If thou be not baptised already I baptise thee c. And this may be termed baptisme by supposition Their other sacrament of the supper also is not free of the like found trifling superstitious additions and is by their SERVICE-BOOK diuided into 2 sortes publike of al together in their Synagogue priuate in their houses called the communion of the sick In their publike communiō the Priest araied in his ministerial vesture is placed at the north end of the Table and there is to read his certayne He is there nurtured vvhen to turne to the Table when to the people when to stand when to kneele vvhat and vvhen to say The people after they haue offred to the priest are in their place to kneele downe to say and answere the Priest at his turnes times as is prescribed in their Masse-book vvhere after Sr. priest hath taken a say and begun to the people he deliuereth vnto them as they kneele their maker after the old popish manner altering the wordes and forme of institution deliuered by our Sauiour and his Apostles saying THE BODY of our Lord IESVS CHRIST which was giuen for thee c. It were long to set downe their preambles and seuerall Collectes at this their communion as at their Christ-masse day their Easter day Assention day vvhite-sunday Trinitie sunday and how the whole queir priest people glorie God with Angels Archangelles and all the companie of heauen c. and after they haue receiued the priestes blessing they are all dismissed with peace But now their priuate communion or housling of the sick is after a more cursorie briefe maner with a short litle pistle gospel and nothing so manie Pater nosters Creedes Collectes Anthemes nor such solemne exhortations because the sick desires to haue yt with him out of the vvorld He must prouide the implementes and some of his frendes if he may be so much beholding vnto them to take part with him But if his disease be such or fauor not such as that he cannot get them vnto him th●… yet may he the Priest dispatch the matter together and yt shalbe neuer the lesse wholsome to the sicke man These are the holy sacramentes the Church of England boasteth of which how
words hath arisen amongst them without end or edifying Therfore let vs for the apeasing and assurance of our consciences giue heed to the word of God and by that golden reed measure our temple our altar our worshippers euen by these rules wherby the Apostles ●…hose excellent perfect workmē planted built the first churches comparing the synagogues of this lād vnto them in the people the ministerie administration order gouernment c. This way cannot deceau●… vs for neit●…er can the simplest erre therin neither any pol●…uted how subtle and cunning soeuer passe by yt vnespied vnre●…rooued For as ther is but one truth ●…o whatsoeuer is diuerse more or less th●…n that truth is faultie and to be repented FIRST THERFORE because euerie building consisteth of stones let vs examine of vvhat kinde of stones this Church of Eng●…and as they terme yt consisteth and is compact vvhether of such elect precious liuing stones vvhich are gathered vnto and ●…uilt vpon CHRIST IESVS and in him grow vnto an holy and spi●…itual temple vnto GOD c. or of common Babilonish repro●…ate stones wherof the Lord hath sworne that not one of them ●…halbe taken for a corner or for a foundation in his house The material temple which was but a type of this vve ●…eade to be built from the verie foundation of choice costly perfect stones the beames rafters of choise Cedars Algummin trees No cōmon or vile thing vvas vsed towardes yt neither might any profane polluted enter into yt But of the incomparable bewtie vnvtterable excellencie of this spiritual Temple vnder the holy ministerie and happy perfect gouernment of CHRIST all the prophetes haue with great delight spoken fore told and with extreme desire inquired longed to see the reuelatiō of these ioies graces which they in the spirit foresaw foreshewed vnto vs to whome they should be performed The prophet I saiah speaking of the excellēcie therof breaketh forth into these vvordes Behold I vvill lay thy stones vvith the Carbuncle thy foundatiōs with saphirs I will make thy vvindowes of Esmeraldes thy gates of shining stones and al thy borders of pretious stones and thy children shalbe taught of the Lord much peace shalbe to thy children And in an other place speaking of the excellent glorie of this spirituall temple he vseth these wordes For brasse I vvill bring gold for yron I vvil bring siluer for vvood brasse for stones yron I vvill make also thy gouerment of peace thine exactors of righteous●…es c. thy people also shalbe all righteous they shall possesse the land for eue●… the graffe of my planting shalbe the work of mine handes that I may be glorified And againe For thornes there shal grow firr trees for nettles shal grow the myrrh tree yt shalbe to the Lord for a name for an euerlasting signe that shall not be taken away Al the plantes of this orcha●…d shalbe of the Lordes planting they shal all be incense Aloe trees pomgranates and fir trees which shal cōtinually bring forth pleasant newe fre●…h fruit because they grow by the sides of the riuer of life are watered with the dewe of heauen and refreshed vvith the windes of godes spirit They come not nor grow not heere vntil they be first cut off from their corrupt natural stock vvhere they grewe before be ingrafted into ●…he true ol●…ue tree the true vine yea being planted and ingrafted that plāt that branch that bringeth not forth good fruit shalbe hewen downe shalbe cut off cast out c. Into this mountaine entereth no venemous or harmfull creature the cockatrice aspe the Lion Leopard enter not and lodge not heere vntill they haue left their poison their fiercenes c. so that the sucking child may pla●… vpon the hole of the Aspe the weaned child pu●… his hand vpō the hole of the Cockatrice the lambe and the wolfe dwel togither the kid the Leopard ●…at straw together and a litle child shal lead them Ther may none be admitted into the church of CHRIST but such as enter by publike profession of the tru●… faith None remayne there but such as bring forth the fruites of faith The forerunner Ihon the baptist first preached repentance to prepare the way and make strait the pa●…hes of the Lord before he baptised any The like did our Sauiour Christ and his disciples The Apostles also first gathered a people by preaching vnto the faith then receaued and ioyned them to the Church and administred vnto them the holy pledges of the faith baptisme as a seale of their ing●…affing into CHRIST the holy supper as a symbole of their communion with CHRIST and al his faithful seruantes Thus see we vvhat kinde of stones vvhat manner of people the Lord will haue built receaued into his Church Now yt remaineth tha●… vve by these rules examine the stones and people of the Church of England whether they be such chosen pretious stones as we see here described as the high priest caried in his broidered brestplate vvhether they be such a chosen redeemed faithful free holy people as are called vnto and walke in the faith of CHRIST IESVS or they be rather of the reffuse common pibble chalke stones which cannot be vsed to any sownd and sure building euen al the profane and wicked of the land Atheistes Papistes Anabaptistes heretikes of al sortes gluttōs riot●…urs blasphemers periures couetous extortioners thieues whores witches coniurers c. and who not that dwelleth within this Iland or is within the Queenes dominion All without exception or respect of person are receiued into and nourished in the bosome of this Church with the word and sacramentes None are here refused none kept out This Church as the prophet saith openeth her knees to euerie passenger furnisheth a table to the multitude and drink offerings to the numbers she keepeth open house to all commers bread and wine and welcome Neither is she more dainty of her stollen waters then of her hid bread of her adulterate baptisme then of her Sheshak supper not denying baptisme to the seed euen of whores and vvitches she receaueth thē al into her couenāt vvhich is not w t GOD but with death and hell giuing them her peace selling them her wares c. This is their communion of saintes their holy fellowship thus are they bound enchained togither in opē sacriledge idolatrie impietie euen al estates Prince priestes and people and as the Prophet saith euen vvreathed togither as in a strong cable of iniquitie and folded one vvithin an other as thornes in an hedg or rather vvrapped and plighted together as thornes to the fire of Godes wrathfull iudgmentes For whither vve consider the vvhole estate or any particuler part therof vve shall find yt wholy corrupte deeply s●… as in