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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04931 A sermon preached by Iohn Knox minister of Christ Iesus in the publique audience of the Church of Edenbrough, within the realme of Scotland, vpon Sonday, the. 19. of August. 1565 For the which the said Iohn Knoxe was inhibite preaching for a season. To this is adioyned an exhortation vnto all the faythfull within the sayde realme, for the reliefe of suche as faythfully trauayle in the preaching of Gods worde. Written by the same Iohn Knoxe, at the commaundement of the ministerie aforesayd. Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1566 (1566) STC 15075; ESTC S108139 37,230 132

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theues we haue tacks by them we haue interest and title to tithes and for loue of the spoile we mainetaine their murthers in oppression of the pore Let vs not be deceyued deare brethren There is no lawe made by man that can make these lawful neyther yet the substance of one to be the iust possession of an other without a iust title The tenthes were once appointed by God to the Leuites to the pore to the widow fatherlesse and straungers and the lawes of Emperours Kings and Princes did after Christ appoint the same to the like vse to wit to the sustentation of such as trauaile in the Church for the reliefe of the pore and for maintenaunce of learning Nowe say we to transfer the tythes from these vses the persons before named not being prouided for is both to commit theft sacriledge yea the spoile of the pore is in the houses of so manye as vniustlye possesse them and who they are ye haue before heard neyther shall they in the ende escape that sentence of the Prophete The malediction of the Lorde is vpon the house of the thefe But yet brethrē let vs suppose that in no sorte we did consent with those oppressiōs but that we opponed our selues vnto them to the vttermoste of our powers and yet we were oppressed in our iust cause by the tirannie of vniust lawes should we yet be excused before God if we communicate not with the necessitie of the ministers of Iesus Christ Let vs be moste assured that we can not for that sentence of our Lorde and iudge standes euer in force Worthy is the laborer of his wages And againe you shall not mussell the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth forth the corne The execution of these precepts he wil alway require of you howsoeuer we flatter oure selues in our owne imaginations neyther doth extremitie of lawes nor corruption of tymes excuse vs before God of the duetie he requires of vs. Which thing did Abdias seruaunt to Achab and Iesabell rightly consider for when by them but Iesabell chieflye the Prophets of the Lord were destroied he hid in caues an hundreth Prophets of the Lorde and fed thē with bread and water that is liberallye and sufficientlye for then was water more scant in Israel than ale or wyne is as yet amongest vs. Did a man feede an hundered seruauntes of the Lorde and in that tyme when things were most scant and yet both the King and the Queene sought the subuersion of true religion and the destruction of all Gods true seruants and shal not a thousand of vs and moe that haue professed the Lord Iesus with in this realme vpon our charges sustaine two or three hundereth of such as haue trauailed and yet trauaile to aduance the kingdome of Iesus Christ amongst vs if we doe not fearefull shall the sentence be that shall be pronounced against vs by him whose voyce we shall not then be able to gainstand whē from his throne he shall saye Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie for I was hungry and ye fed me not thirstie ye gaue me no drinke naked ye clothed me not I lacked harbrowe and ye receyued me not into your house Playne it is that Christ Iesus in his owne person neyther suffers hunger nor thrist he needes neyther clothes nor house but as him selfe in the same place saith whatsoeuer ye did not to the lest one of these that ye did not to me Let vs deare brethren ponder these wordes and let vs nowe beginne to shew the fruites of repentance and vnfaynedly to magnifie the worde of our saluation Let the bowels of our mercye be opened to oure brethren Let neuer the pestilente Papists haue cause to reioyce ouer vs that they shall hereafter saye that our own ingardenes banished Iesus Christ from vs. Which thing if without hipocrisie and of good courage we begin to doe then no doubt but God shall blesse the labors of our hande he shall restore to vs our former courage strike the hartes of our enimies with the same feare that they haue felt before It is we deare brethren it is we that hath exponed the glorious Euangell of Iesus Christ to this daūger within this realme for while that the moste parte of vs studied for the building of our own house the house of the Lord was neglected and dispised And in the meane time hath the enimie so preuayled that we and it stand in equall daūger saue that the spirituall house of God can neuer vtterly be suppressed But we may fal both temporally and eternally if we dispise the sermon of exhortation which calles vs agayne to our first profession If we heare obey his voice there is mercy power and good will in our God Mercy to pardon our former negligence power to represse the pride of our enimies and good will to maintaine the cause of his truth that once of his mercy he hath made to prosper in our handes O Lorde for thine owne name sake moue our heartes to consider our dueties Preserue the flock to whome thou of thy mercy hast reueled thy selfe Purge this realme of damnable Idolatry and continewe to our posteritie the light of thy worde in the same puritie that thou haste offered it vnto vs. Take our rude exhortatiō in good part deare brethren and be bolde vpon vs in all thinges not repugning to god The grace of our Lord Iesus rest with you and vs now euer At Edingbrough in our generall assembly the laste cessions thereof the .28 of December 1565. Iohn Knoxe at the commaundement of the brethren before mencioned ❧ The dispotion Ver. 13. Psal. 82. Rom. 13. Deut. 17. Iosua 1. What is required of a King or Prince The authoritie power of kings is Limmitted The dutie of Gods people ●che 20. 2. Reg. 17. Isai. Iere. 9. Eccle. 3. Isa. 3. Verse 14. Verse 15. Ezech. 8. Apoca. Verse 15. Verse 16. ●osu 24. Rom. 9. Daniell 1. Daniell 2. Daniell 3. Daniell 6. 1. Esd. 1. 1. Esd. 6. A prayer Verse 16. Psal. 119. 1. Iohn 2. 1. Reg. 22. 2. Reg. 9. Verse 17. Verse 18. Iohn 16. Verse 19 20. Verse 19. Gala. 2. 1. Pet. 1. Ezech. 37. 1. Corin. 16. Ephe. 5. Psal. 14 1. Iohn 5. Ephe. 1. Apocal. 1● ●●ele histo ●●omoni 〈◊〉 5. ca. 5. Verse 2● ●●al Psal. A terrible but moste true sentēce The castle ●f Eden●rough was ●●ooting a●ainst the ●xiled for ●hrist Iesus ●ake The an●were is the Quene can ●pare no●hing This is the commaundement of the spirit o● God Hebr. 13. Act. 2. Rom 15. 2 Corint 9. Galat. 4. Phil. 4. Let euerie mā descend within him selfe Act. 6. ●t Scotlād ●duert ●ho are ●●ey that ●●uerence ●●t the euā●●list of Ie●●s Christ. ●●●od 22. Leuit. 27. Nu. 28. Deut. 12. Hebr. 4. Rom. 8. As Christ was crucified amongest the Galathians Gala. 3. Rom. 12. Deut. 17. Math. 2. Cor. 12. ●ph 4. ●et yet Scot●and ad●ert Rom. 10. Gala. 6. Pro. 3. Or Leases Howsoeuer ▪ the worlde mocke this God shall aproue it Zacha. 5. ● Corin. 9. 1. Reg. 25. Math. 25. 〈◊〉 graūt ●hat this ●ay yet ●e vnder●●ande for ●ft before it was heard and mocked of manye