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A04393 Moses his sight of Canaan with Simeon his dying-song. Directing how to liue holily and dye happily. By Steuen Jerome, late preacher at St. Brides. Seene and allowed. Jerome, Stephen, fl. 1604-1650. 1614 (1614) STC 14512; ESTC S100256 249,259 535

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thirsty hee is the fountaine of water of l Iohn 4.14 liuing water if in want thou hast a Kingdome m Luke 12.32 if kept bare for a time yet thou art an Heyre n Rom. 8.17 and a Coheyre with him though reiected of men yet elect of him o Iam. 2.6 Hearken my beloued Brethren hath not God chosen the poore of this world that they should be rich in faith and heyres of the Kingdome which hee promised to them that loue him Iames chap. 2.6 Let this be to thee like Sugar vnder the tongue of the Childe let it not goe but sucke comfort from it Animus est qui bene imperat matrimonio virginitate Chrys 9 Pouertie is no hinderance to thy saluation Lazarus was saued Luke 16. yea though neyther Pouertie nor Riches simply of themselues please God no more then Marriage or Virginitie but the sanctified heart in the right vse of both there being rich men in Heauen Abraham the Patriarkes Dauid Salomon Iob c. who were here rich in grace and impatient and impenitent poore men in Hell who were here as destitute of goodnesse as of goods of heauenly wisedome as of wealth of faith as of friends yet neuerthelesse there is more perill in the rich estate 1. both as riches p Osea 13.6 Prou. 30.8 puffe vp the heart 2. as they are weapons of tyrannie and oppression as in Ahab q 1 Kin. 21. 3. as they are got with fraudulencie 4. kept with diffidence and anxietie 5 meanes of Idolatrie r Eph. 5.5 Col. 3.5 1 Tim. 6.17 6. Thornes s Lu. 7.8.14 to choake the seede of the Word 7. Snares of the Diuell to fetter the soule t 1 Tim. 6.9 8. barres out of Gods kingdome v Mat. 19.23.24 Therefore as some Philosophers cast aw●●●●eir wealth into the water because it hindered their Philosophicall studies so it were good for rich men according to Christs desire x Ioh. 12.8 commaund and Injunction to cast their wealths on the watry faces of the poore y Eccl. 11.1 Luke 14.12 to make them friends of the vnrighteous Mammon c. least they incurre the vvoes denounced Iames Luke 6.24 But there are no such baites and snares and traps in Pouertie if the rich yong man in Mathewes Gospell z Mat. 19.21.22 had beene poore perhaps hee had followed CHRIST vvith as great facilitie and felicitie as Peter Andrew Iames and Iohn those poore Fishermen a Mat. 4.20 if his Cable had beene vntwisted it had gone thorow the Needles eye Oh how comfortable may this crosse be to thee that it cannot of it selfe crosse thee of Heauen nor curse thee in Hell 10 Besides the poorer thou art the fewer Tallents thou hast receiued b Mat. 25.14 c. 29.30 Luk. 19.12 13. c. the lesse that is committed to thy disposing the easier shall be thy reckoning and thy accounts when thou shalt be demaunded an account of thy Stewardship and the vse of thy tallents at the Lords great Audit when hee comes to Iudgement Luke 16.2 11 Euen for the things of this life though it appeare not so to carnall reason yet the Lord hath a care of thee and will administer vnto thee things needfull though not superfluous For thy heauenly Father like an earthly father may see his childe need but not bleed Prou. 10.3 for the Lord will not famish the soule of the righteous Prou. 10.3 Though hee suffer thee to want for a time yet hee will helpe in due season hee brings the needy out of the dust the poore out of the dung c Ps 113.7 and Ioseph out of prison d Gen. 41.14 Dauid neuer saw the righteous forsaken nor their seede begging their bread The Lord will replenish the soules of the Priests with fatnesse and his people shall be satisfied with goodnesse Ier. 31.14 Iob 5 Therefore cast thy care vpon God hee careth for thee How carefull was CHRIST for the two poore marryed couple in turning their water into wine Iohn The like care the Lord hath ouer euery poore marryed couple that haue small meanes great charge for The eyes of the Lord are vpon them that feare him and that put their trust in his mercy to deliuer their soules from death and to feede them in the time of dearth Psal 33.17.18 Thus hee fed Iacob and his Children when there was a dearth in Canaan e Gen. 43.1 Chap. 47.11 hee sent Ioseph before into Aegypt f Psal 105 16.17.18 in his speciall prouidence to prouide for them So God fed his Israell like Sheepe in the wildernesse with Angels food g Ver. 39.40
some particulers as once in the Scripture Luk. 23.43 in the Theefe vpon the crosse that a theeuish and licentious life should haue the promise of Paradise in Death which as it was first the conclusion of Christs life secondly the present magnifying of the power of his Passion so it is not to be vrged nor peremptorily pleaded 1. in defence of ill liuers 2. nor imitated in deferring repentance 3. nor presumed vpon no more then a man ought to presume to be a Traytor a Witch a murtherer in hope for a pardon when he is to be turned off the Ladder because some one man in an age hath by Gods prouidence this priuiledge to be repriued and released from these facts committed For in place of one example that hath had his inueterate old sores cured his crying treasons pardoned at the last houre like Gregories good theefe that begd heauen wee haue millions that haue perished rot and consumed in body and soule in the last exigent of life as they haue not spared GOD liuing God hath not giuen them any tokens of his fauour but rather of his wrath and indignation dying forgetting them dying as in their life they forgat him turning away his eare from hearing of their prayers Psal 66 2● though they houle vpon their sicke-beds like Wolues Ose 7.14 because in their health and prosperitie they haue like deafe Adders stopped their eares in not hearing his Law and Word and in not considering the cryes of the poore Prou. 28.9 Prou. 21.13 Prou. 15.8 Therefore for thy present instruction and future consolation worke thou out betimes thy saluation with feare and trembling Phil. 2.12 Giue all diligence to make thy Election sure Breake off all thy sinnes by repentance Dan. 4.24 Turne to the Lord with all thine heart in fasting weeping and mourning Ioel 2.12 Turne from the wickednesse thou hast committed with the Niniuites Ionah 3.7.8 Wash thee and make thee cleane Esay 1.16 Cleanse thy heart from euill thoughts Ier. 4.14 Leaue thy formalitie in Religion and worship the Lord in truth and spirit Iohn 4 24. Get faith and learne to liue by faith Hab. 2.4 and to dye by faith Iohn 1.47 Be a Nathaniel in thy dealings with men let thy heart be vpright as thy hand Ioh. 1.47 Remember the poore and needy then the Lord will remember thee in the day of thy sicknesse Psal 41.1 Christ will visite thee as hee did Iairus Daughter Luk. 16.22 and Peters wiues Mother he shall be thy Physitian when the simples of Nature and the arme of Flesh faile his Angels shall pitch their tents about thee and carry thy flitting soule as they did Lazarus his into the seates of the blessed Make vse of this and the LORD giue thee vnderstanding in all things 16 As the examples of the Saints of God 16 In death desire Christ as hee by death desired thee that hauing liued conscionahly and dyed comfortably must comfort thee in this houre so their willingnesse to dye must encourage thee willingly to drinke of that cup which the Lord offers thee without resisting or relucting Looke vpon old Simeon singing that Swan-like song prophecying his death Lord now lett●st thou thy Seruant depart in peace Luke 2.29 But especially of Saint Paul vveary of this mortalitie desirous to be disburdened of the burthen of his corruptions to be deliuered from the body of sinne Rom. 7. to be present with the Lord to be dissolued and to be with CHRIST 2 Cor. 5. Phil. 1. But the best president that wee haue in life and death as the best comfort is the practise of Christ who although hee feared death as man desiring conditionally the passing of that bitter cup yet neuerthelesse wee shall see in him a great alacritie chearefulnesse propensitie and willingnesse to dye for Mat. 10.38 and Luk 18.31 besides his often conference with his Disciples about his death the frequent nomination of it vpon all occasions which shewes how vehemently hee was affected towards it the tongue speaking from the hearts abundance all his words and acts declare it for to shew his desire to dye Iohn 4.32 hee counts it but a Baptisme or as it were a sprinkling of cooling water Mat. 20.22 nay it is meate and drinke to him to doe his Fathers will which was that hee should dye hee counts it a Iourney to goe which hee was willing to vnder-goe nay hee was euen payned vntill it was past when it came to the push that his houre was come hee seekes death as it seekes him Ioh. 18.4.7 hee goes forth to meete and welcome it as his friend Gen. 18.2 Ioh. 19.30 Gen. 8.8 as Abraham and Lot to meete and entertaine the Angels hee offers himselfe to the instruments of his death his backe to the smiters and finally his soule is not taken from him compulsorie but as hee commended it so hee resigned and gaue it vp to his Father willingly hee gaue vp the ghost hauing power to lay downe his life sending out his spirit as Noah did the Doue out of the Arke which after three dayes returned againe to quicken the body from heauen from whence also Lazarus his soule returned after foure dayes Now apply this to thine owne particular art not thou a Christian so denominated of CHRIST then euery one of Christs actions ought to be thy instruction chiefely in his death all whose dying gestures are worthy to be writ in thy heart in letters of Gold Did hee then vnder-goe such an extraordinary vnnaturall painefull shamefull cursed death the worst that euer was for therefore Christ dyed the worst death that euer was both for the ignominie of it and the exquisite tortures in it that a Christian should not feare any death since euery death is sanctified vnto him in the death of Christ Did Christ not onely indure his pangs and paines in death so patiently Esay 53. as a Lambe before the shearer but was euen desirous of this bitter pill for the ioy that was set before him and the loue hee bore to redeeme thy enthralled soule and art thou scrupulous and timerous of a naturall and an ordinary passage from life to life through this dead Sea Wilt thou mutter and murmure and shew thy selfe refractory to come to the Kings Court when thou art so gently summoned by such a sweet messenger as a lingring sickenesse Hast thou so little longing to goe to him by the rupture of a weake thread of life who was so desirous to come to thee from heauen to earth from the earth to the Crosse from the Crosse to the Graue euen through a red Sea of blood thorow Pikes and Speares and nayles and thornes being dieted in this his bloody march with the bread of affliction and the water of teares with gall vinegar oh hast thou so little delight in him so little desire towards him so small liking of him so little loue to him that thou list not step ouer the
Titus Pauls Scholler wee account him very aged but if hee exceede his hundred as Heroditus writes of some of the Aegyptians and some of Masinissa the Numedian King to an hundred and foure as did Hipocrates or an hundred and fiue with Xenophilus or an hundred and seauen with Terentia or an hundred and eight with Homer or an hundred and tenne with Gnarinus and Helias the Abbot or an hundred and twelue vvith Cyrus a Bishop but chiefely to an hundred and twentie with Romualdus the Hermite we admire and wonder at him as much as former times wondred at their Hermites The shortnes of our present dayes demonstrated And vvell wee may since our life seemes to be but the Epitome and Compendium of former yeeres so short so momentanie that as the Scripture compares it to a flower to grasse to smoake to clay to dust and chaffe which the vvinde scatters to a bubble a blast a breath a vapour a dreame a shadow a Weauers shittle and such fading things so Antiquitie hath called it a winged woman fruitfull of sinnes yet swift Ambrose saith it is like the glory of the world In Lucam which the Tempter shewed CHRIST in the twinckling of an eye like the Vision which Esdras saw vanishing in a moment Esdras 1.8 like Ierusalems Temple that was soone destroyed for as one stone was not left vpon another in that materiall Temple so shortly one bone will not be left vpon another in the temple of the best compacted body liuing which saith Inchinus is nothing else but Carnea glacies fleshie Ice or Icie flesh soone thawed and dissolued a clayie frame saith Pontanus standing on the pillers of a little breath ready euery day it is so ruinous to fall in manus Domini into the Lords hands of whom wee haue it as tennants at will The largest limits of our Lease being but a day for so Dauid and Moses when they play the holy Geometricians and Arithmeticians in measuring and numbring their time goe not by yeeres and moneths but by dayes yea and to some it is but a short Winters day to the longest that liued a Summers day in which hee that hath the most prosperous Sunshine may be compared to those Flyes that breede in the Sunne neare the Riuer Hipanis Aristot de hist animalium which appeare in the Morne are in their full strength at Noone Hom● Ephimeron and dye at Night Whence came the Prouerbe Hominem esse Ephimeron that man is a continuer for a day beyond which determined day hee cannot here abide Foure causes of the long continuation of things Other things are continued long by extrinsecall meanes or intrinsecall qualities vvithin themselues some by their extreame cold as all sorts of Mettals some by their exceeding heate as Pepper Ginger and the like some by motion as Water and Wine that by motion are kept from putrifaction some by continuation of the parts with the whole as the Sea that corrupts not in the whole but in the parts as may be seene and felt in the creekes in Essex that come from the Sea but man being made mortall and so hauing that Epithite more fitly appropriated to him then any other creature neither by his naturall composition can nor in the wise Gods disposition must continue long vpon the earth neyther can any Physicall meanes preserue him vnlesse a Metaphysicall power doe vphold him and cause him to hold out to his old yeeres as Simeon here did Is Death so certaine and Life so short Vse 4. Of Instruction then let vs learne to bestow it well so long as God lends it Absolon after a long time knew not how to pacifie and appease his Father we haue but a short time allotted to pacifie and appease our displeased GOD therefore let vs speedily labour our reconciliation let vs worke out our saluation with feare and trembling As Abigall speedily met Dauid and appeased his wrath 1 Sam. 25. and as Dauid speedily met the Lord by repentance after his numbring the people 2 Sam. 24.10 and as Peter went out presently and wept bitterly after the denying his Master Mat. 26. So let vs who in the whole course of our life haue as much displeased as wee haue dishonoured our GOD instantly haue recourse to the throne of grace that the Lord may smell the sweet sacrifice of our broken hearts ere wrath goe from the Almightie to our destruction Oh our dayes are few and our sinnes many wee haue beene barren in good fruitfull in euill plentifull in sinning Our many sins are to be mourned for and why penurious in sorrowing If Dauids sinnes were moe then the hayres of his head ours are moe then the sands in the Sea and if hee washt his couch vvith teares vvee had neede wash our soules with flouds of vvaters turning like Niobe into fountaines and like that old conuert Pelagia be Pelagus lachrymarum a Sea of sorrow as wee haue beene vncleane sinckes of sinne nay if wee should now for euer shake hands with sinne and haue no more commerce with the flesh and the world but liue retyredly mortifiedly piously and penitently as the old Hermites pretended and if we should liue Noahs and Nestors yeeres and euery day weepe as much as Mary Magdalene did at her spirituall marriage vvith Christ as much for our selues as the Daughters of Ierusalem did for Christ nay if we should weepe out our eyes like some penitents that Cassianus mentions remembring with Ezekias our former vanities in the bitternesse of our soules it were not a sufficient recompence for our fore-past rebellions nor a satisfactorie sacrifice for our former sinnes But what shall wee say to those that in this short life make a long and a continuated custome of sinne neuer redeeming the time Vse 5. Of Redargution or thinking of their few and euill dayes or of the reckoning they must make when they are expired but passing their time in iollitie singing to the Tabret and the Harpe letting the reynes loose to all licentiousnes making their bellies their God planting here their Turkish Heauen of Wine and Women wallowing like Swine in all lusts like Sardanapalus amongst his wantons seruing no other God then Mammon or Goddesses then Venus making Dogs and Horses or such base Creatures their beloued Idols They thinke no more of death then the stiffe-necked Iewes that made a league with the graue and a Couenant vvith Hell such as some lazy Pastors make vvith their people that if these will neuer trouble them they would neuer thinke of these What is the estate of these that liue merrily as they say like Pope Iohn in corporeall and spirituall pollutions like Pope Ioahn these must trie experimentally vvhat that cursed Pope once ieasted at Atheistically that there are long paines in another life for these that misspend their golden dayes in gracelesse impurities and impieties in this short life The profane mans practise these they both make this their short life shorter
bitter cuppe then thou how many hast thou heard of how many knowest thou of Gods deare Children that haue and are vtterly exhaust and spent some by shipwracke or Pyrates by Sea some by Fire some by Theeues and Robbers some by bad Seruants some by bad Debtors and Customers some by Suertiship some by prodigall and vnthriftie Children some this way some that and some by the Surgions and Physitians like the woman in the Gospell vvhich perhaps is thy case Now what euer the meanes be of thy impouerishing God is the Author of it afflicting thee with it as a tryall of thy Faith and to excite thy prayers or inflicting it as a punishment of thy sinnes Iob knew well that Sathan could not stirre vp the tempest to blow downe his house nor the Chaldeans and Sabeans take away his goods without a commission or permission from God therefore with him haue thou recourse vnto God say The Lord giues and the Lord takes away blessed be the name of the Lord Iob 1.21.22 3 Pouertie is no token of Gods displeasure to thee for as it is no argument that the Lord loues a wicked man because he is rich so it is no argument that God reiects the godly because they are poore nay vvhere wealth and wickednesse pouerty and pietie concurre it testifies Gods wrath vpon the wickedly wealthy Psal 37.3 v. 18.19 setting them in slippery places feeding them like Swine with the mast of the world against the day of slaughter and giuing them their portion in this life as was seene in Nabal the two rich Churles in Saint Lukes Gospell with diuers others Besides it is Gods loue to his Children to keepe them bare here to that end he may the better blesse them The Seruant sometimes hath a greater portion then the Sonne for a time the slaue is better fed and clad then the Heyre that is kept at hard meate till his inheritance fall yet the Father loues the Heyre better Ponder well Psal 19.20 reade it all and apply it so Iob chap. 5. The poore Sheepe that the Housholder meanes to hold and to keepe goes in a bare pasture a short common is straitely folded in the night kept in obedience by the Shepheard and his Dog once a yeere coldly washt and nearely shorne but his Oxe or Bullocke that hee purposeth to butcher and kill hee puts in a fat pasture to feede hee goes grazing at libertie in Summer is stall-fed and housed in Winter Apply this to thine owne particular if thou beest poore and poore in spirit thou art Gods Heyre of his inheritance Gods Sheepe of his pasture The wicked though wealthy are slaues and bond-men 1. to Sathan 2. to their Lusts 3. to their Wealth 4. to the World they are fat Oxen fat Buls of Basan like the Oxe and the Asse that know not their Master Esay 1.4 like the Horse and Mule without vnderstanding Now how much is thy case better then theirs Vide Chrisost hom de Diuite Lazaro 4 hom 13. in 2 Cor. thou art crazed in the outward scaberd thy outward man but they are false mettall a Psal 37.17 which shall be burnt and broken their soules damned when their bodyes dye 4 A little that thou hast with the feare of God is better then great riches of the vngodly see Prou. 16.8 Psal 37.16 5 All things fall out to the best to those that feare GOD yea all things b Rom. 8.28 and euery thing as well pouertie as riches GOD is thy Physitian thou art his Patient the Physitian knowes better then the Patient what is good for him 6 If the Lord had fore-seene that a rich estate and an higher pitch had beene good for thee thou shouldest haue had it but hee knowes what is best for thee how ere thy corrupt desires incline this way or that way The Father will not giue the Childe a Sword or Knife though hee cry for it he knowes it will hurt him How knowest thou with what heart thou shouldest haue vsed Mat. 25. with what hand thou shouldest haue imployed thy Tallents of wealth if thou hadst them whether in the practise of sinne and workes of darknesse as dangerously to thy soule as a Childe or a mad man vse a sharpe weapon to the hurt of their owne or others bodies 7 Pouertie hinders not the acceptance of thy Prayers Teares Cryes and Sacrifices vnto thy God A wise poore man hath not so free accesse in earthly Courts to earthly Kings as silken Courtiers but The Lord heares the desires of the poore hee bends his eare vnto them Psal 10.17 For the sighes of the poore I will vp saith the Lord and helpe them Psal 12.5 The Lord turnes vnto the prayers of the desolate and despiseth them not Psal 102. verse 17. Psal 145. ver 18.19 The mighty Iehouah the King of Heauen will heare and helpe and relieue thee when the hautie and high minded and wealthy and wicked witty of the world are with their sacrifices reiected c Esay 1.13 14 Ier 7.10.11 Prou. 28.9 Psal 51.16 ver 7. like Caines d Gen. 4.5 For the Lord heales those that are broken in heart and bindeth vp their sores yea the Lord relieueth the meeke but abaseth the wicked to the ground Psal 147. ver 2. v. 6. Agar e and her Childe in their pouertie and distresse in the Wildernesse after they were cast out of Abrahams house cryed to the Lord being like to perish for want of water so did the Israelites in the extremities of their thirst f Exod. and Moses for them complaine vnto the Lord in a Land where no water was so did g Iudg. 15.18.19 Sampson call on the Lord after his conquest of the Philistines being ready to faint for drinke and the Lord heard their distresse and granted their desires Agars eyes were opened and she saw a fountaine Moses smit the rocke and the water gushed out Sampsons Iaw-bone of an Asse sent out a spring of water many are the like examples This poore man cryed vnto the Lord and hee heard him saith Dauid so did this and this and this Oh then be thou patient and penitent and pious and thou shalt still finde God gracious in the midst of thy grieuances 8 Consider that if thou be poore in thy spirit as in thy outward estate thou art rich in Christ euen as the good Seruant is the Lords Free-man thou art the Lord of all the Creatures sublunarie h Psal in title and interest how euer the wicked to whom all things are impure as Rebels and Traytors to God vsurpe them from thee As thou hast an interest in CHRIST so to all the Creatures Christ is all in all vnto thee i Reuel 3.17.18 if thou beest naked hee is the Wedding-garment to thee if blinde his Spirit is Eye-salue if hungry hee is the Manna k Iohn 6.48 58 the bread of life the bread of Heauen if