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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03718 The brutish thunderbolt: or rather feeble fier-flash of Pope Sixtus the fift, against Henrie the most excellent King of Nauarre, and the most noble Henrie Borbon, Prince of Condie Togither with a declaration of the manifold insufficiencie of the same. Translated out of Latin into English by Christopher Fetherstone minister of Gods word.; P. Sixti fulmen brutum in Henricum sereniss. Regem Navarrae & illustrissimum Henricum Borbonium, Principem Condaeum. English Hotman, François, 1524-1590.; Fetherston, Christopher.; Catholic Church. Pope (1585-1590 : Sixtus V). Declaratio contra Henricum Borbonium. English. 1586 (1586) STC 13843.5; ESTC S117423 154,206 355

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Dominic was caried by the neighbors into the church in his tender yeeres to be put in a diuine office there was he left 5. From that time vntill the time of his youth we finde nothing authentically of the Lord saue onely that he increased in age as being true man in wisedome and fauor with God and men but this outwardly But Dominic did not onely increase in bodie but also in mind effectually 6. When the Lord was baptised by Iohn in Iordan the holie Ghost came downe in a doue vpon him to betoken the fulnes of grace and he went into the wildernes When Dominic saw the famine increase in all parts of Spaine and saw also that there were many that were in necessitie and that they had no comforter in feruencie of spirit he sold his bookes and stuffe and dispersed and gaue the price thereof to the poore and newly and apparently replenished as it were with the holie Ghost he did streightway betake himselfe to the rule vnder Didacus the bishop as another baptisme and spiritual desert sequestred from pleasures and worldly vanities 7. The Lord doth afterward gather togither a few disciples and in a short space multiplieth them sending them two and two to preach the kingdome of God Dominic taking with him but a few to lead a religious life had afterward a great number whom he appointed to preach the Gospell and to heale the sick 8. The Lord chose pouertie in himselfe and in his Apostles but he had bags to keepe those things that the faithfull did giue and these did Iudas carie but Dominic was a true louer of pouertie and exhorted his brethren to the same 9. The Lord when he led his disciples they were so hungrie that passing through the fields they plucked the eares of the corne they rubbed them in their hands to eate them and when it was now noone being wearie of his iournie he sent them into Sychar to buy meate and they eate therof by chance sometimes with vnwashen hands Touching the qualitie of the meate it is verily beleeued that they did eate no flesh but the Paschal lamb for the keeping of the law The patriarke Dominic who spent sometimes the whole Lent not onelie without meate but also without bread and water did moderate this sharpnes in his disciples giuing them leaue to drink wine and to eate white meates 10. Peraduenture some man will saie that it agreeth not with the similitude that the Lord said to his disciples Neither shall you haue shooes on your feete whereas notwithstanding Dominic and his go shod when they go abroad But we must know that that was a commandement during but for a time for which he granted a dispensation at his last supper For we may see that both the Lord did weare shooes in that which the Baptist saith whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to loose and also it was said to Peter in the Acts Take thine hose vnlesse some man say that he did weare hose but no shooes which was not commonly used And Marke a good imitator of him gaue a cobler his shoo to mende when it was broken So that the Lorde and his disciples went sometimes shod sometimes barefoote And so Dominic was shod when he was in cities but in his iourney he was oftentimes barefoote 11. When the Lorde was borne none other person but his owne mother Marie the virgin did wrap him in swadling clouts and when he was growne vp his mother hir-selfe with hir owne hands woue him his coate without seame and his other garments but of what colour it was we finde not namely least if it were knowne false prophets should weare the like and so should not be knowne to be rauening woolues The most blessed virgine Marie shewed Dominic and his order what apparell they should weare and also the colour thereof For she appeered to S. Raynold when he was sore sicke and healed him shewing him the garment which S. Dominic and his sonnes should weare namelie a great cope and a coat with a cowle al white 12. The Lord and Dominic being both virgins in mind and bodie and verie humble as the scripture doth witnes so Dominic was a most pure virgin and verie humble 13. Dominic as also Christ did not possesse his owne bed scarce resting his bodie on the grounde after his flood of teares 14. The Lords praier was alwaies heard when he would for which cause he said to the father I knewe that thou hearest me alwaies for though he were not heard in the garden when he praied that the cup might be taken from him this came to passe therefore bicause in asmuch he asked according to sensualitie he would not be heard according to reason But Dominic tolde a certaine religious man in the Lords words who was verie familiar with him that he did neuer ask any thing of God but he did obtaine it according to his desire 15. The Lord by his owne example did dedicate his Apostles to a mixed life that is a contemplatiue and actiue in preaching the virgin his mother and Magdalene to a contemplatiue For Marie stood at the feet of the Lord and heard his word Lu. 10. But Martha and the other women to an actiue So the Patriark Dominic like to another Noe made the arke of his religion which was made of wood glued togither with the morter of charitie hauing three roofes or loftes Placing his brethren togither with him in one to beholde heauenly things and to preach the mysteries of saluation taking to him the nunnes that were shut vp to contemplation in the second applying both men and women to the actiue life and in the thirde mansion bestowing the brethren and sisters which were called of the repentance of Iesus or the warrefare of Iesus Christ. 16. There departed 72. disciples from Christ being offended at the doctrine of Christ which they vnderstood not who when they departed Christ asked those that remained with him will you also depart But Peter answered in the name of them all Lord to whom shal we go And S. Dominic when he had with him some disciples being one day tempted they departed from him onely there staied three behinde to which Dominic also said will you also depart To whom one made answere God forbid father that forsaking the head we follow the feet At length as the disciples of Christ which went away returned to him againe so also the disciples of Dominic returned to him through his praier 17. The Lord did valiantly beare euen vntill death many mockes slanders and persecutions of those that sought to intrap him in his words sometimes to stone him somtimes to breake his necke Dominic did not regard scoffings reproches speakings against so that one did bind stubble vpon his back in mockerie others did cast dirt and other vile things at him 18. The Lord loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his blood And Dominic being not void of the perfection of charitie did bestow the
night in Gods seruice giuing himselfe to meditation and praier he did execute a threefold discipline as it were daily with his owne hand not with a cord but with an iron chaine till the blood came one for his owne offences which were the least another for those that were in purgatorie the third for those that are conuersant in the world 19. When the Lord iournied toward Hierusalem when he saw the citie he wept ouer it and he foretold many secrets of harts and euents of things to come for which it was said in his commendation A great prophet is risen vp amongst vs. When Dominic drew neere to cities beholding in mind he wept bitterly for their sinnes and he reuealed manie hid and secret things as a true prophet as the death of the king of the Aragons in battell the conuersion of the heretike Adiu that was to come whom he therfore commanded to be saued from burning Thus far goeth Antoninus whereby the Councellers of the most mightie king of France may iudge whether the most part of Christendome haue iustly or vniustly reiected these inuentions of religion brought in by the popes séeing they durst so wickedly and heinously set Dominic the munke to be worshipped in the church of God for an idoll and to match him with Christ being God our sauior For we must not giue eare to him that shall saie that these are onelie munkish toies which graue and learned men do loath For that which we said before touching the Franciscane bables of the same sort do we saie in this place of the Dominicans séeing they are receiued for diuine oracles in the church of Rome that all Christians must either worship them or else they must looke for such punishments as are appointed for heretiks by this gallowes cowled and cord bearing frier But now let vs heare somwhat else It séemeth that nothing can be added to this impietie But yet let vs trie what can be done For the same Antoninus in the chapter following where he compareth the miracles of Christ and Dominic togither saith thus Dominic raised Pag. 187. three from death in the citie of Rome the sonne of the widow which being knowne to the pope he would haue published it but Dominic for humilitie did vtterly refuse it The carpenter that was hired by his brethren and crushed in peeces by a wall that fell vpon him and Neapoleon the cardinall of the new ditch his nephew which fell from an horse and was all rent in peeces I am fully perswaded that the Lord did also raise others bicause he saith in the plurall number The dead shall rise againe namely Mat. 11. by me whereas yet he had onely raised the ruler of the synagogues daughter according to the Gospels So likewise we find that S. Dominic did raise other that were dead though not so notorious For what shall we thinke of those fortie strāgers which were in a ship in the great riuer beside Tholosa who after they had stood long time vnder the water after that the ship was drowned by the holie praier of S. Dominic they came out of the water safe and sound what shall we thinke but that either they were restored to life or else they were preserued in the water like fishes 2. God did twise fil the hungrie with bread that he multiplied and he turned water into wine Dominic did twise procure bread for his brethren frō God at Rome and at Bononia which the Angels brought from the heauenly bread wherfore it was most sweet He made an emptie caske full of wine and another time he turned water into sweete wine 3. Christ did perfectly heale Simons mother in law that was sicke of a feuer and also he healed many sicke folks Dominic did thoroughly cure a woman of a quartan ague 4. Diuels came out of manie crieng and saieng Bicause thou art the sone of God Dominic freed many that were vexed of diuels in soule and bodie 5. Christ being made immortall entred in twise to the disciples when the gates were shut but Dominic being as yet mortall which is more miraculous entred into the church by night the doores being shut least he should awake his brethren 6. The Lord after he departed out of this world drew infinite men to the way of truth though Dominic had reclamed thousands of heretiks from errors yet many mo after his departure O woonderfull hope which thou hast giuen singeth the church of S. Dominic to those that weepe to thee in the hower of death whiles that thou hast promised that thou wilt profit the brethren after death 7. And to come to an end The Lord saith Power is giuen me in heauen and earth This power was not a little imparted to Dominic of things in heauen in earth and in hel For he had the holie Angels to wait vpon him Moreouer the very Angels comming to the brethren in mans shape gaue them bread to eate If we speake of the elements the fire forgat his force when as the booke of his doctrine being cast thrise into the fire came out thrise vnhurt when the bookes of the heretiks his aduersaries were suddenly consumed The raine comming downe out of the aire in great abundance doth obey the signe of the crosse when as not so much as one drop did touch him as he iournied though all that countrie were ouerflowen with that shower The water of the riuer into which his bookes fell as he passed ouer it could not wet them but being drawen out in stead of fish by fishers vnhurt and dry as if they had been in a cofer after a few daies they were restored to him againe The earth also which containeth metals did not denie him necessarie monie For when as hauing passed ouer a certaine riuer in a boat the ferrie man did earnestly aske his boat hire of S. Dominic and he forasmuch as he was poore did auouch that he had no monie and the ferrie man held him fast by the cloke asking his monie S. Dominic hauing praied and looking toward the ground saw the monie wherof he stood in need lieng there which he gaue him and so set himselfe at libertie but also which is more when a certaine clerke could not liue chaste hauing kissed the hand of S. Dominic as he returned from masse with a sweete sauor so great a habit of virginitie was diffused through his mind that afterward he could easily containe himselfe What shall I speake of the infernall spirits Surely the diuels did tremble at his becke neither were they able to refuse his power Which appeereth when he led him with him as he appeered in the shape of a frier through the assemblies of the conuent namely of the Dormitall quire fratry locutorie and afterward of the chapter-house and he asked him of euery place what he gained there with the friers All which he was enforced to declare Thus writeth Antoninus By which we leaue it to the kings Counsellers to be iudged whether this be