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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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First séeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse of God and afterward séeke the rest of things necessary too liue by I will obey this commaundement of my Lorde assuring my selfe that he wil verily performe that which he hath promised how much so euer reason the whole worlde grudge ageinst it and endeuer too ouerturne this order appointed by Chryst. God féedeth the birdes and why should he not féede mée that am obedient to him He giueth mée a body and why should he not giue me rayment He giueth mée life and why not foode He giueth euerlasting things and why not temporall things Whosoeuer therefore is godly must folowe this rule of Chryst First séeke Gods kingdom and his rightuousnesse and all things else shall bée cast vnto you But alas for sorrow many offende ageinst this rule For first they offende whiche not onely héere not the woorde of God them selues but also are a let vntoo others that they should not héere it Lyke as vngodly husbands doo whiche withholde their wyues from héering Gods woorde for couetousnesse of their owne gayne Thus by their rashe boldenesse they rush intoo Gods office maliciously despise Christes commaundement whereby it commeth too passe that whatsoeuer they go about hath ill successe First they méene too prouide for the body and afterward if they can finde any leysure they haue a little regarde too the soule I gather wyll some saye for my Wyfe and my Children Thou doost well and I allowe thy méening for Nature teacheth and reason perswadeth that the husband should care for his wife and children And Paule sayth He that neglecteth his owne is worse than an infidell But gather thou according too Chrysts rule and the example of this people First séeke the kingdome of God and next be diligent in thy vocation If thou doo otherwise thy children shall haue small ioy of thy labours For thy labour is cursed and cursed is the frute of thy labours and it shall not profite thy children For this is a most true saying The thirde descent enioyeth not the goodes that euill meanes haue got Experience teacheth that the goodes which are euill gotten by the parents are for the most part wastfully and shamefully spent by their children among harlottes in brothelhouses in tauerning in quarelling and brauling Wherfore if wée haue any liking of goodlinesse let vs folowe Chrysts rule and the example of this multitude Which thing if wée doo wée shal féele Gods hand too bée bountifull towards vs. ¶ Of the second NOw let vs looke vpon the circumstances of this present miracle which are many First the Lord sayth to Philip From whence might we buy bread that these may eate Why is this p●t 〈◊〉 by the E●angelist And he sayd this too trie him that is too say to prooue what fayth he had who erewhyle hadde séene the water turned intoo wyne at Cana in Galilée But what answer maketh Philip Tvvoo hundreth penyvvoorth of bread vvold not suffise them that euery one might take a little Héere Philip béeing forgetfull of the miracles that he had séene before calleth his owne reason to counsell as if he should say It is a great company and it requireth a great summe of mony to suffise them and we haue in maner nothing For it is too no purpose to make questions of bying bread it is to us purpose to stād debating this or that where impossibilitie letteth But there 〈◊〉 another Disciple named Andrew and sayth Héere is a boy that hath fiue barly loues twoo fishes But these are nothing for so great a company This disciple is past hope as well as his fellow But what sayth Chryste too this géere He sayth too them make the folke sit downe as if he had sayd for asmuch as it semeth a thing impossible too your iudgement that so great a company should héere be saued from perishing for hunger I whoo haue sayd vntoo them you séeke first the kingdome of God and his rightuousnesse and all things else shabe cast vnto you will shew by déede that my promis is not vain doo you no more but bid the people sit downe too eate Héere the disciples obey their maister and to the nūber as it were of fiue thousand men do settle them selues to their repast looking too be fed by miracle When they were set downe Iesus tooke those fiue barly loues and two fishes and first blissing them and giuing thanks distributed as much as he listed to his guestes And after that they were suffised he said too his disciples Gather vp the broken meat that remaineth that nothing be lost And they obeying him gathered vp twelue baskets full of broken meat Ye sée the miracle wherby Chryst confirmeth his diuine power his promis and his office What must wée lerne héereby Many wholsome doctrines may bée gathered hereof First héere is confirmed that which we haue heard in the first place namely that they which folow Chryst shal not perish for wāt of foode according as you haue herd alredy Secondly by this miracle is confirmed Chrystes loue towards them that folow him Of which thing also we haue herd in the first doctrine Furthermore by this miracle wée are assured that Chryste contrary too the iudgement of reason can helpe when he will For like as the kingdome of Christ and the kingdome of the worlde are diuers so maye other things bée doone in Chrystes kingdome than can be doone in the kingdome of the world For hée that is chéefe in Christs kingdome is almightie whose will is a déede For as Dauid sayth he hath done all things whatsoeuer hée woulde both in heauen and earth Therefore when the Gospell setteth before vs the woonderfull woorkes of God concerning the resurrection of the dead the lyfe euerlasting the eternall punishment of the wicked and such other things we must not call our owne reason too counsel to demaund of it what can be done but wée must aske the question at Gods woord only For if God say ought too vs by and by wée must call too mynde his mightynesse and his truth In as much as hée is mighty nothing is too him impossible And bycause he is true whatsoeuer he sayth is assured and stedy For he sayth Heauen and earth shall passe but my woordes shall not passe Wée are taught also by thys miracle and déede of Chrystes that God wil with his blissing encrease the smal thinges of the godly For suffisance consisteth not in the greate abundance of things but in the Lordes blissing whiche only maketh men rich Wherevpon Chryst in the .xij. of Luke sayeth Mans life consisteth not in the abundance of things that he possesseth And Dauid in the hūdred and one twentith Psalme sayeth and there is abundance too them that loue thée Oftentimes it falleth out that some poore man fearyng God is better fed with bread and potage than a wicked rich man with his daintie dishes and sweete wines The poore Lazarus was better fed with the
further sight For he foresaw what superstitions should in time too come rise vppon Inuocation of the virgin Marye He saw that hypocrites should wickedly yéeld vntoo hir the things that were proper too God and too the mediator And therefore in this somewhat harde answer he deliuereth too all ages a perpetuall and graue Doctrine leaste the vnmeasurable reuerencing of Sainctes should deface the honoure of his office and in this respect he abased his owne moother too the vulgar degrée of women Then was it no light cause that he spake too his moother in this wise what haue I too doo with thée but too make a difference betwéene his owne office and his moother and so consequently of all Sainctes He will not part his office which is peculiarly his owne and giue parte of it too his mother But he chalengeth too himselfe alone the office of a Sauiour Wickedly therefore doo the superstitious call the virgin Quéene of heauen aduocate life swéetenesse moother of grace and consequently the saluation of the world For no parte of our redemption is too bée ascribed vntoo Marye And whereas he addeth Myne houre is not yet come he implyeth twoo things Namely that he ceased not for any maner of héedlessenesse or ●louth and also that he would haue a care of the matter assoone as opportunitie should offer it selfe What did the moother of Iesus in this case Whatsoeuer he biddeth you doo sayeth shée too the wayters that doo yée This perteineth too the preparature of the miracle The moother dooth only conceiue good hope that hir sonne wil succoure the present néed And where as she sayeth too the wayters whatsoeuer hée biddeth you doo doo it shée ministreth vntoo vs a generall doctrine in the Churche wherof the blissed virgin is bothe a tipe and a member What then learneth the Churche héereby Forsooth it lerneth with the blissed virgin too commaunde all ministers yea and all Christians too obey Christe in dooing whatsoeuer hée biddeth them how little so euer it séeme agréeable too reason Anone the Lorde when oportunitie serued willed the wayters too fill the sixe water pottes that were set there too serue for the superstitious purging of the Iewes of which pottes euery one did holde a twoo or thrée Firkins a péece so that altoogither did holde about an Amer of Wine These water pottes I say did the Lord bid them fil vp too the brimmes whiche béeing doone hée badde giue thereof too the maister of the feast For by the secreat power of Christe it was nowe become wine whiche was euen now water Which when the maister of the feast had tasted hée sayed too the bridegrome All men are vvont too set good VVine vppon the table first and vvhen the guests are vvel laden vvith VVine then too giue them that vvhiche is vvoorser But thou haste kept the best VVine too the last This is added for the confirmation of the miracle For the maister of the feast witnesseth that this wine was muche more excellent than that whiche they had drunk before Now ensueth the vse and frute of the miracle and he manifested his glorie saith the Euangelist and his disciples beleeued vpon him This miracle therfore was appointed for twoo things Namely too manifest Christes glorye and too strengthen the fayth of the Disciples For looke how manye miracles Christe shewed in the worlde so many witnesses were there of the glory of his Godhead so many sealings were there of his doctrine and of faith in the hearers This then is the right vse of Christes miracles that his glory béeing blazed abrode his doctrine béeing confirmed by them as it were by authenticall seales wée should leane vnto him by liuely faith ▪ But as for suche miracles as either darken the glory of Christ or quench faith they are sleights of the Diuel of whiche the Lord giueth vs warning too béeware in the .24 of Mathew There shall sayeth he arise false Christes and false Prophets and shall shevv great signes and vvoonders in so muche that the very elect if it vvere possible should bee deceyued beholde I haue tolde you of it before hand Therfore let no man giue credit too any miracles saue such as set foorth Christes glory and norish and confirme the true faith too him ward ¶ Of the fourth FOr as much as in this Gospell there is mention made of many persons I wil now shew bréefly what doctrine and instruction is too bée taken at eche of them First therefore let vs at all these guests lerne an example of thriftie making chéere from whiche bée banished riot and vnaduisednesse of whiche things more is spoken in the first place At the Bridegrome Bride let vs lerne too receiue Christ too our feasts which thing truely is then doone when in the feare of God and with thankesgiuing wée vse Gods gifts to honest mirth and leaue them at home that are not bidden By the miracle let the bridegrome and bride learn that if they bid Christe too their feast he wil chaunge the water intoo wine that is too say hée will turne all bitter things intoo swéet and blisse the parties with his blissing so as they shall want nothing At Christe let vs learne according vntoo our abilitie too helpe the Brydegrome and the Bryd● that is too saye too beautifie the Churche by what meanes so euer wée can bée able At Christe let vs learne too transferre againe vntoo a good and godly vse the things that were abused and put too superstition so as they may serue too Gods glorie and too the building of the Church The waterpots héere serued too Iewishe superstition but Christe vseth them too the setting foorthe of his owne glorie and too the edifying of his Churche So the Church goods which héertofore haue bene abused ought now too bée conuerted too a better vse At Mary wée may learne too bée touched with pitie for the néede of other folks and too pray too God too further the poor with his blessing At the maister of the feast wée may learne too like wel of Christes dooings with clensed mindes At the wayters wée may learne to employ our labour at Christes commaundement and not so muche too looke what he biddeth as too doo that he biddeth Of Christ Mary the Disciples toogither we may lerne too kéep felowship with men and too take their slendernesse in good woorth Also wée may learne to honor the honest mariages of poore folkes with our presence and too helpe them with our purse when cause requireth These things haue I spoken the largelier of this Gospel bicause this matter wherof it entreateth is not woont too bée intreated of but once in the yéere I haue spoken of the maner of mariage and of matrimonie Also I haue shewed how great a sinne it is too breake the sixth commaundement I haue expounded the miracle with his circumstances what doctrine and instruction the examples of the persones in this Gospell yéeld vntoo vs. Now God the father
land of Ievvry art not the least among the Princes of Iuda for out of thee shall come too mee the Captaine that shall gouerne my people Israel Then Herod vvhen he had priuily called the vvise men enquired of them diligently vvhat time the Starre appeered he bad them go to Bethleem and sayd Go your vvay thither search diligently for the child And vvhen yee haue found him bring me vvoord ageyn that I may come vvorship him also VVhē they had heard the King they departed and loe the Starre vvhiche they savv in the East vvent before them til it came and stoode ouer the place vvherein the Childe vvas VVhen they savv the Starre they vvere exceeding glad and vvent intoo the house found the Childe vvith Mary his moother and fel dovvne flat and vvoorshipped him and opened their treasures and offered vntoo him giftes Golde Frankincense and Mirre And after they vvere vvarned of God in sleep that they should not go ageyn too Herode they returned intoo their ovvne countrie another vvay The exposition of the text THis feast is called in the Churche the Epiphanie of the Lorde that is too saye the appéering of the Lorde For after that the feastes of the comming and birth of the Lorde were celebrated by the Churche it séemed good vntoo the holy Fathers too put too this feast also that they might instruct the Churche of the sundry sortes of the Lords appéering in the fleshe And they alledge foure reasons why they call this feast Epiphanie Whereof the first is that as this day Christ appéered too the wise men that sought him by the leading of a Starre The seconde is for that as vppon this day nine and twentie yéeres after his birth his glorie appéered in Baptisme by the witnesse of the father speaking frō heauen in this wise This is my beloued sonne and by the visible appéering of the holy Ghoste vpon him The thirde is for that the same day twelue moneth after his baptisme his glorie appéered at the mariage by turning water intoo wine The fourth is for that in the .xxxj. yéere of his age his glorie appéered ageyne in féeding fiue thousande men with seuen loues of bread All these appéerings make too this end both too prooue Christ too be the true Messias and sauior of them that beléeue in him too stablish assured faith in vs that wée should certainly assure oure selues too obtaine saluation through him And thus muche concerning the cause of the feast Now let vs go in hande with the Gospel it selfe whiche conteyneth the storie of the firste kinde of Christes appéerings namely howe hée appeered too the wise men that is too say too the Heathen too the intente we may know that Christe with his benefits belongeth also too the Heathen The summe of the exposition of this Gospell is that the wise men came too Hierusalem too séeke the new borne King and that when they found him not there they kept on their way folowing the guidance of the Starre which went before them til they came in Bethleem where they finding the Childe honored him and offered him gifts After the dooing whereof at the warning of God they returned intoo their cuntrie by another way In this Gospell wée wil intreat of two places whiche are 1 The storie with his circumstances and lessons whiche are many 2 The vse of the storie and the spirituall signification of the wise mens offerings ¶ Of the first MAny are the circumstances of this presēt story of which euery one conteyneth peculiar doctrines and instructions When Christe was borne in Bethleem in the time of Herode the wise men came from the Easte too woorship the new borne king Héer come thrée things too bée weyed The time the state of the wise men and the ende for whiche they came The time is expressed when it is sayde in the time of Herode For the Scepter had ceased from Iud● and accordyng too the Prophesies Chryste was too bée borne Thys conferring of the prophesies concernyng the birth of Chryst and the tyme wherein hée was borne as it confuteth the Iewes which looke for him still too come so it confirmeth the Faythe of the godly that they may assure them selues that this same whome the wise men séeke is the verie Messias The second is the state of the wise men that they were not of the Iewes but of the Gentiles Wherby wée learne that this new king borne in Bethleem perteineth also too the Gentiles who by the example of the wise men are admonished too séeke and too woorship Chryst. Moreouer these wise men were called Magi by which terme is signified the excellencie of their dignitie and office For Magus is an Hebrue woord and taketh his name of considering and teaching Which twoo things perteined chéefly too Kings and Préestes whereupon the Persians called their Kyngs and Préestes Magi. What are wée taught héereby Chryst lyeth in the maunger despised of his owne people and the Magies béeing Heathen men borne come too worship him Whereby is signified that although Chrystes kingdome bée not of the world yet is it a mightie and glorious kingdome or rather a heauenly kingdome which many shall acknowledge and not bée offended at the base countenance thereof too the outward shew in the world The second circumstaunce is that the wyse men come too Hierusalem and there séeke for Chryst that was newly borne The Iewes which had the bookes of the Prophets in their handes and vntoo whome the woorde of God was committed stoode still carelesse and neuer sought for Chryst. And in y e mean while ▪ those sought him who by their iudgement perteined not too the Church But where sought they him In the princely citie Hierusalem Whither when they came heard nothing of this king their faith was not a litle shaken but yet neuerthelesse they raysed vp them selues by the signe For they sayd Wée haue séene hys starre Doutlesse they had learned out of the Relickes of Daniels schoole that when Chryst should bée borne then should such a starre shew the time that hée was borne The thirde circumstance is too bée considered with héede for it sheweth what maner a Kyng Christe is For as the maunger in which he lay argueth that his kingdome is not of this world so the starre appearyng from heauen declareth him too bée a heauenly King And like as the Maunger sheweth him too bée base in the sight of the worlde euen so the Starre setteth out the maiestie of his kyngdome for vs too beholde to the furtherance of our faith least he should become despisable vnto vs through the leud and malicious disdaine of his owne countrey folke which continuing still in their ignorance doo persecute Chryst vntoo this day Some men demaunde héere what maner a Starre that was And diuers men déeme diuersly But thys is manyfest that it differeth in thrée propreties from other continuing starres that is to say in place in mouyng in brightnesse In place
sayde vntoo him they haue no vvyne Iesus saide vntoo hir vvoman vvhat haue I too doo vvith thee Myne houre is not yet come His Moother sayd vntoo the ministers vvhatsoeuer he sayeth vntoo you doo it And there vvere standing there .vj. vvaterpo●s of stone after the maner of purifying of the Ievves cōteyning ij or .iij. firkins a peece Iesus sayd vnto them fil the vvaterpots vvith vvater And they filled them vp too the brim And hee sayd vntoo them dravv out novv and beare vntoo the gouernour of the feast and they bare it VVhen the ruler of the feast had tasted the vvater turned into vvine and knevv not vvhence it vvas but the ministers vvhich drevv the vvater knevv he called the Bridegrome and sayd vnto him Euery man at the beginning doth set forth good vvine and vvhen men be droonk then that vvhich is vvorsse but thou hast kept the good vvine vntill novve This beginning of myracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galilee and shevved his glorie and his disciples beleeued on him The exposition of the text THis Gospell is a parte of the storie of Christ wherin hée manifesteth his glorie at a Mariage For by the miracle of wine hée bothe vttereth his owne diuine nature and gyueth an incling of his office signeth vp the truth of his doctrine as it were with some heuenlie Seale His own deuine nature hée declareth in this that hée changeth the natures of things by his woord for at his commaundement the water béecōmeth wine His office hée sheweth in that hée helpeth the néedie when hée is sought vntoo The certeintie of his doctrine hée dooth as it were seale with this miracle For least any man should doubt of the certeintie of his doctrine which is heauenly hée woorketh a heauen-woork which beareth witnesse with his doctrin wherby his Disciples are confirmed in his faith Now the places that wée wil intreate of in this Sermon are these foure 1 Of the solemnitie of the Mariage 2 Of the Mariage it selfe then finished and confirmed 3 Of the present miracle with the circumstances therof 4 Of the examples of life that may be deriued fro y e same ¶ Of the firste SIth I entreat of mariage I wil speake of these things in order First betwéene what persons nature godlynesse alloweth mariage Secondly what way those that will bée man wife must attēpt mariage Thirdly what manner of consent of whom it ought too bée Fourthly why it is méete that the assurance should bée made in the open assembly of the Church And fifthly what maner of feast ought too bée at a mariage In the persons of folks that contract mariage four things are too be looked vntoo namely kinred aliance religion and naturall strength which are requisite in mariage As touching kynred and alyāce they are to be kept from matching in wedlock which are within the degrées of kinred and alyance that is prohibited in Leuiticus Moreouer it is in no wise lawfull too stayne the degrées prohibited by the ciuill magistrate And with what reuerēce mariages ought too bée made the déed of Abraham and of other holy men the prohibition of Paule and the perils or rather the dreadful falles of many doo declare At such time as Abraham was about too choose a wife for his sonne Isaac he gaue commandement too Eléezer the Steward of his house that he should not take vntoo his sonne a wife of the daughters of the Cananites but that he should go too his own kinred and frō thence take a wife too his sonne Isaac For Abraham knew how greate mischief diuersitie of religion bréedeth in a housholde For herevpon spring strife blasphemies and hinderance of woorshipping and calling vpon God The prohibition of Paule is that wée draw not the yoke with the vnbeléeuing Which thing is too be vnderstood not only of doctrine but of all trade of life He that toucheth pitch sayeth Salomon shall bée defiled therewith For it can not bée but that he which kéepeth cōpany with the vngodly must néedes himself gather some infection therby Perilles and many horrible falles ensue vppon vnméete matches witnesse therof is Salomon who by kéeping company with Heathen women became an Idolater Witnesse Achab whoo through the counsell of wicked Iezabell becam so mad that he feared not too slea Gods Prophets at length fell headlong intoo eternal destruction so muche is a wicked woman able too doo Adde herevntoo the bringing vp of children which cannot bée as it ought to bée when the parents are of sundry religions For then shal the children becom either altogither heathenishe and despisers of all religion or else hypocrits whē they shall not dare bée acknown what they thinke for feare either of the father or mother Fourthly it is required in persons that shall contract mariage that the one beguile not the other as when eyther by sicknesse or by coldnesse the strength of any of the parties is forespent or else that there bée a default in nature so as a man bée not méete or sufficient to yelde the beneuolence of mariage As for the way that such as méene too bée couples ought too take in making their mariage Examples godlinesse honestie doo teache For these thrée things toogither teach that matches are not too be made vppon lightnesse as oftentims they bée nor among cups nor for lustfull liking Abraham séeketh a wife for his sonne the parents of Rebecca consent Afterward the consent of the maide is sought and so Isaac marieth hir to his wife Iacob serueth Laban a long time he breaketh with the fréends of the mayde for mariage and when he had gotten their good wil he wan the chast consent of the mayd Godlinesse counselleth the same thing also For as the fourth precept commandeth the parents too bée honored so méeneth it also that this honor should bée yéelded vntoo parents that they make the mariages of their children that the children should in this behalf attempt nothing with contempt of their parents This also doth nature tel al men too the intent the match may bée honest which cannot be ended or broken but by death Now after that all things are in this wise lawfullye attempted then it behoueth too go néerer too the matter mutual consent of thē that contract is too be heard whiche must in no wise be constreyned but must be frée that neither part may iustly say he was compelled For although it be according too right too begin with the parents yet it is not lawful for the parents too compel them whither they wil or no. For besides that constreyned mariage is no mariage this mischéefe ensueth thereupon that in suche matches the matter seldome taketh good successe Why it is conuenient that the assurance should bée made openly in the assembly of the churche there bée foure causes First that those which are knit in wedlock may know thēselues too haue place in the Churche Secondly that they whiche shal be man and wife may
of our Lord Iesus Christ graunt vs his grace that being confirmed by this miracle wée may in the true feare of God and in faith yéeld true glory too God the father Christ and the holy Ghoste too whom being only the immortall and liuing God bée honour glory and dominion for euer world without end Amen The third Sunday after Epiphany ¶ The Gospell Math. viij WHen hee vvas come dovvne from the Mountaine much people follovved him And behold there came a Lepre and vvorshipped him saying Maister if thou vvilte thou canst make mee cleane And Iesus put foorth his hande and touched him saying I vvil be thou cleane and immediatly his Leprosie vvas clensed And Iesus sayde vntoo him tell no man but goe and shevy thy self too the preest and offer the gyfte that Moses commaunded too bee offered for a vvitnesse vntoo them And vvhen Iesus vvas entred intoo Capernaum there came vntoo him a Centurion and besought him saying Maister my seruant lieth at home sick of the Palsey and is greeuously peyned And Iesus sayde vvhen I come vntoo him I vvill heale him The Centurion aunsvvered and sayde Sir I am not vvorthie that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the vvoorde onely and my seruant shall bee healed For I also am a man subiecte too the authoritie of an other and haue souldiers vnder mee and I say too this man goe and hee goeth and too another man come and hee commeth and too my seruant doo this and hee dooth it VVhen Iesus hearde these vvordes hee maruelled and sayde too them that follovved him Verely I say vntoo you I haue not founde so great faith in Israell I say vntoo you that many shall come from the East and VVeast and shall rest vvith Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of Heauen but the children of the kingdom shal bee cast out intoo vtter darknesse there shal bee vveeping and gnashing of teeth And Iesus sayd vnto the Centurion Goe thy vvay as thou beleeuest so bee it vntoo thee And his seruant vvas healed in the selfe same houre The exposition of the text THis gospel setteth before our eyes the affectiō of Christ towards mankinde especially towards them that flée too him in heauinesse affliction for looke what he promised in woords saying Come vntoo mée all yée that labor are heauy loden and I wil refresh you and yée shal find rest vntoo your soules the same thing dooth hée shew héer by his déede For after that hée had taught his fathers woord on the mountaine hée came down and fulfilled the thing in woork which he had taught in woord confirming his doctrine with miracles For hée woorketh héere twoo miracles With his woord he healeth the Lepre and by his commaundement hée healeth the sonne of the Centurion absent The vse of these miracles is both too prooue Christe too be the true Messias too witnesse that the self same Christe wil helpe the afflicted that call vppon him as wel as hée helped the Lepre and the Centurion that called vpon him Howbéeit too the intent the present miracles may serue too our better instruction I wil intreat of .iiij. places whiche are these 1 A generall doctrine of all Christes miracles 2 Of the Lepre and of his healing and of the circumstances thereof 3 Of the heathen Centurion of his faith and of his care for his seruaunt 4 The praise of this heathen mans faith ¶ Of the first BIcause the Euangelical storie conteyneth many of Christes miracles wherwith hée manifesteth his glory cōfirmeth his doctrine and encreaseth faith in the hearers I wil bréefly set foorth a general doctrine the vse wherof shal serue in all particuler miracles of Christe Why the Lord addeth miracles too his woord it is tolde in the last Sunday euen héer a litle before I haue repeated it in the beginning How be it too the intent wée may haue the ful doctrine of miracles mo things are too be serched out whiche too enclose within number certein I wil put all vnder these .v. questiōs What the persons bée what the ends bée what is the maner what is the vse and why miracles are not wrought at this day The persones are of thrée sortes first suche as are oppressed with diseases and with the Deuils tirannie Then the beholders of the miracles And lastly Christe that woorketh the miracles The ends are many One is that Christ might shew foorth his owne glory Another that he might seale vp his doctrine the thirde that the faith of them that behelde the miracles might bée confirmed the fourth that God might bée glorified by the sight of his woonderfull woorkes the fifth that by little and little the Diuels kingdome might bée destroyed What miracles so euer are doone for any other ende than these are condemned as sleights of the Deuil Math. 24. The manner is diuers for sometime hée woorketh a miracle by his woorde alone as in this place Another time too the intent too shew the preciousnesse of his body he layeth to his hand One while he turneth him selfe to GOD with giuing of thankes before hande and another while hée woorketh by his onely power without his woord as when he turned the water intoo wine Too the manner also perteyneth the faithe of him that is healed by the miracle as is read in this Gospell Miracles serue too thrée vses That hée that is healed by miracle should sinne no more that the beholders should put their trust in the healer and that wée whiche read of the miracles of the Lorde shoulde bée confirmed in the glorye and doctrine of Christe and therewithall conceiue faith in him that he is none otherwise affected towards vs than he was towards them But why are no miracles wroughte now a dayes Hée is starke blinde that séeth no miracles at these dayes The churche of Christe is a little flocke whiche the Deuill the King of darknesse and Antichriste the Pope doe persecute and bend all their force too this end that they may extinguish the true religion of Christe and yet they can not All the whole worlde persecuted that one poore man Luther and yet they touched not one hear of his hed And why God miraculously defended bothe him and also his little flocke This presence of God in his churche is miraculous inough so that wée néede not too séeke other miracles Moreouer miracles and the power of healing mens bodies and the visible giuings of the holy ghost were bestowed onely vpon the primitiue churche too the intent they might confirme Christes glorie his doctrine our faith for euermore in all that should come after The vse of which too vs ward is that wée may know they were certein seales of ful authoritie wherwith God would haue his doctrine confirmed and sealed for euer ¶ Of the second IN the Lepre that is healed ▪ let six things be considered his infirmitie the state of his person his faith his inuocation his pacience and his confession The infirmitie of the
they say euery déed of Chryst is our instruction he fasted .xl. daies Ergo we must folow the example of this déed of Christ. Surely it is true y t they say Euery déed of Chryste is our instruction but it is not true that we must counterfet euery déed of Christs which thing is manifest by the sundry differences of Christes dooings For of Christs dooings some be moral some be maruelous other some bée peculiar His moral doings do instruct our life maners For he is a most perfect paterne of vertues His maruellous dooings among which I reckē vp this fast doo informe confirm our minds of y e truth of Christes doctrine His peculiar dooings or déeds of reconciliation are those whiche perteine too the benefite of our redemption purging from sin These wil foster cherish in vs a confidence of saluatiō And so euery déed of Christes is in déed our instruction yet is not euery of them too bée counterfaited but only so many of them as perteine too life maners according too the tenor of the .x. commaundements Is it lawful then too fast the lenton fast It is lawful so that the condicions be kept in dooing it which as I haue sayd before are too be obserued in the holy and Christian fast And I openly confesse y t at this time of Lent is requisite a singuler sobernesse in minding and musing vpon the benefite of oure redemption whiche at that season is wonte too bée set foorthe daily in our churches in the rehersall of the Lordes passion but compulsion and necessitie must in any wise bée away ¶ Of the second THe tempter comming c. In these tēptations of Chryste a man may sée first how great the boldnes of Sathan is and his desire to destroy the kingdome of Christ. For he spareth not euen the sonne of God but approcheth vntoo him and as he inuaded Gods kingdom in Paradice and gate the vpper hand so practiseth he too destroy the new Paradise the kingdome of Chryst and assayleth the king therof with the dartes of temptations And secondly a man may sée héer how much the sonne of God was abased in that he was not only afflicted with fasting but also assaulted with the temptatiōs of Sathan How bée it too the intent wée may receiue wholesome instruction therby first I wil speak of Chrystes temptations Then wherefore he was tempted And last of all what doctrine comfort is for vs too pick out of Chrystes temptatiōs In euery of Christes temptations whiche in this place are thrée in nūber we may beholde foure things First what is the occasion secondly what is the maner of the temptation thirdly what is the end of it fourthly the maner of y e victory Therefore as touching the firste temptation the occasion thereof is shewed in these woordes of the Euangeliste and vvhen he had fasted .xl. dayes and .xl. nights aftervvard hee vvas a hungred Beholde what an occasion the aduersarie had gotten Chryste had fasted and prepared him self too execute his office but Sathan practiseth another thing and of Chrystes good déede hée séeketh oportunitie too destroy him This hathe béen the continuall endeuour of Sathan too wrest bothe the wel dooings and the sinnes of the Saincts too their destruction But God knoweth who bée his and is able too deliuer them out of temptation The manner of the temptation ensueth for the tempter saith If thou be the sonne of GOD commaund these stones too become bread The end of this tēptatiō was too persuade Christ to make a trial whither God wold by miracle cōfirm his Godhed or no y t if he did not then y e Lord might surmise y t God cared not for him This tēptation therfore fighteth ageinst gods prouidēce wher through he prouideth all things for his children which are necessary too saluation and this present life The maner of the victorie foloweth Too vvhom Iesus ansvvering saide It is vvritten man liueth not only by breade but by euery vvord that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Héere wée sée howe the victorie ageinst Sathan consisteth in the woord of God Sathan would perswade Chryste that he should perish if he made not bread of the stones But Chryst denieth that man liueth only with bread or bodily foode For meat nourisheth not vnlesse there come with it the blissing of God from whence bread taketh his strength For it is written they shal eate and not be suffised This scripture alledged héere by Chryst too this purpose thou hast in the xij of Deuter. In which place Moises comforteth the people in the desert wher was no bread but God gaue them Manna from heauen and water out of the rocke This promis Chryst applieth to himself and to al the godly signifying that it should come to passe that euen in the middes of famin God would succour his people and geue them things néedefull Of this promis wée haue examples in the Israelites in Helias in Helizeus in Moyses and héere in Chryste Héereunto maketh that saying of the Prophet They shall not bée confounded in the euill time and in the dayes of famin they shall bée suffised This promis when it perteyneth too vs is too bée caught hold on by fayth and too bée set ageynst Sathan that he ouerthrowe vs not with temptation of hunger And thus muche bréefly concerning Chrysts first temptation and the vse therof Nowe foloweth the seconde The occasion of the second temptation is described in these woords Then the Diuill tooke him vp intoo the holy Citie and set him vpon a pinacle of the Temple Sée the occasion sée the craft of Sathan whoo of euery thing séeketh meanes of destruction The manner of the temptation is added If thou bee the sonne of God cast thy self dovvn For it is vvritten that he hath giuen his angels charge of thee to take thee vp in their hands least perhaps thou shouldest dashe thy foote agaynst a stone The ende of this temptation is that Chryste should attempt somewhat contrary to his owne vocation and so prouoke Gods wrath ageinst himself as our first parents did For after that this malicious féend saw that Chryst stayed himself vpon the scripture he goeth about to intangle the scripture with his lyes The same Psalme which Sathan citeth entreateth of Gods prouidence that God will preserue euery godly person in his own waies that is too say in his trade of liuing lawful vocation and dooth not cōmaund vs to doo a-any thing rashly cōtrary to our vocatiō But how hath christ quenched this firy dart of Sathan by his word For he saith Ageine it is vvritten thou shalt not tempt the Lorde thy God Wée haue these woords in the .6 of Deu. wher too tempt god signifieth too enterprise any thing through distrust whither it be in prosperitie or aduersitie Wherfore such a temptatiō is cleane ageinst faith and the feare of God For he that in prosperitie liueth carelesse and laieth aside the feare of God surely
in hope of this redemption by making hir a promisse of the blissed séede At length when the fulnesse of time was come the father sent out his sonne borne of the virgin Mary boūd vnder the law too redéeme his spouse y t was vnder the cursse of the law which thing came then too passe when he made himself the raunsome wherwith she was redéemed and recouered out of the hands of the adulterer Sathan And as in respect of eche man seuerally the Churche is handfasted and betrouthed too Chryst hir Bridegroome by faith and Baptim according as the Bridegroome himselfe sayth● I wil betrouth thée too my selfe for euer I will marry thée too me in rightuousnesse and iudgement in mercy and compassion and I will marry thée too me in fayth and thou shalt know the Lord. In this betrouthing there are two things in generall too bée considered The one is the contract and promisse of the Bridegroome and the other is the couenanting of the Bride wherby she is bound vntoo hir husbande In the couenaunt of the Bridegroome there are thrée things First the good will and fr●e loue of the Bridegroome whereby he fauoureth the Bride without any desert of hirs Secondly the méening of the continuance of the wedlocke betwéene the bridegroome Chryst and the Churche his spouse I will betrouthe thée too me sayth he for euer Therfore he continueth the Churches husband for euer Thirdly the reckening vp of the Iewels which Chryst the Bridegroome bestoweth vppon his wyfe and they are numbered héere too bée foure Rightuousnesse iudgement pitie and mercy With his owne rightuousnesse decketh he his wyfe when forgiuing hir sinnes he ascribeth his owne obedience vntoo hir where through she appéereth a comelie and beautifull Bride in the sight of the Bridegroomes father With his iudgement he reuengeth hir of them that did hir wrong mainteyning hir and pulling hir back intoo the way when shée steppeth awry Hée embraceth hir with pitie that is too saye with husbandly affection For this pitie is a kindly louingnesse issuing from the innermost closets of the minde And hée embraceth hir with mercie in that he pardoneth hir dayly misdéeds and rueth hir miseries These foure things are in the couenant of the Bridegroome And in the couenaunte on the behalfe of the Bride there bée twoo things The acknoweledging of the benefite with the praysing of GOD and fayth wherby the spouse leaneth vpon hir husbands breaste and without any distrust looketh for all the good things that hée hathe promised By this mutuall contract let vs conceiue Doctrine comfort and fayth that no discouragement of any aduersitie cause vs too fléete from this Bridegroome who neuer forsaketh his spouse vnlesse shée like a forsworne woman doo first break the fayth and trouth that shée hathe plighted Ageine wée learne héereby also that whosoeuer hath not the faith of Chryst is none of Chrystes but is defiled with shameful aduoutrie Héereby it appéereth how truely Iohn hathe sayed in his Apocalips Blissed are they that are called too the Lambes supper The fifth It is too bée obserued what they be that bid the guests too this royall mariage First the eternall GOD the Bridegroomes Father by his voyce biddeth guestes too this wedding Nexte many holy Fathers before the flud Then after the flud Noe and Melchisedech Ioseph and Moyses in Egipt The holie Prophets and Kings in the land of Canaan Daniel in Iury. After these commeth the Bridegrooms own maister of houshold Iohn Baptist poynted out the Bridegroome with his finger whoo also himself with his Apostles made Proclamation and bad guests too the wedding saying Come all things are ready The sixth The prouision for the Maryage feaste is too bée considered For euen lyke as at the Mariages of men are killed Bulles Shéepe Oxen and wilde beasts so also ageinst this mariage there is made moste excellent prouision and large alowance of al things First there is set before vs not corruptible bread but liuely bread from heauen wherof whoosoeuer eateth shall neuer after hunger Nexte is set before vs water of life For thus sayeth the Bridegroome himselfe If a man drinke of the water that I shall giue him hée shall not die Thirdly the Bridegroome refresheth our werye soules with his owne body and blud Fourthly he furnisheth vs with his owne apparell whilest wée put him on by Baptim For thus saith the holy Ghost by the mouth of Paul As many as are Baptised haue put on Chryst. And fifthly oure iunkets are the frutes of the trée of life whereby the Bryde shall haue hir strength that shée may neuer die The seuenth But they sayth the texte refused too come Did they so What a churlishnesse is that Were they bidden and woulde not come What letted them Firste their housholde guest sinne that ●●●elleth in thē This guest holds them backe with his pretie conceites that they cannot come too the wedding when they are bidden Secondlye the Bridegroomes enimie that is too wit the Deuill besetteth and forlayeth all the wayes and by diuers meanes stoppeth vp the passage too the wedding Thirdly sundry affaires kéepe them away For one hathe a Farme another hath Oxen another hathe a wife and another some other thing to busie himselfe aboute And the reste caughte his seruauntes and slue them The Storie of the worlde sheweth this too bée moste true Untoo this wedding did hée bid Abell But the Deuill sente out his champion Caine and killed him Untoo this wedding did Noe bidde guestes by the space of a hundred and twentie yéeres but those that were hidden mockte him and laughed him too skorne for his laboure Untoo this did Ioseph also bid guests in Egipt but a filthy strumpet accused him and made him too bée cast intoo prison Too this did Moyses bid guestes but hée suffered many things at their handes whom hée bad Too this wedding did the most holy Kings and Patriarkes bid guests but their talk was hild skorne of At length came the Bridegroomes owne maister of housholde Iohn but he was murthered by Herod To this wedding doth the Bridegroome himselfe the very sonne of God bid guestes but he is hanged vppon the galowes of the crosse Too this wedding do the Apostles bid guestes and after them all godly ministers of God worde Whom the Diuill assayling partly with his Sophistrie partly with his Tirannie and partly with his Hipocrisie striueth too kill So the greatest part of the world being vnkinde refuseth too come too this wedding of the sonne of God The eyght What sayth the king too this First he is angry which surely is no maruell For he sawe both himselfe and his mariage despised of those which will they nill they are compelled too confesse that what so euer good thing they haue they may thanke him for it Secondly he punisheth them bodily whereof the thanklesse world which the Lord destroyed in the flud had experience This dooth the burning of Sodom beare witnesse of This dooth the destruction of