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A02919 The faith of the church militant moste effectualie described in this exposition of the 84. Psalme, by that reuerend pastor, and publike professor of Gods word, in the famous vniuersitie of Hassine in Denmarke, Nicholas Hemmingius. A treatise written as to the instruction of the ignorant in the groundes of religion, so to the confutation of the Iewes, the Turkes, atheists, Papists, heretiks, and al other aduersaries of the trueth whatsoeuer. Translated out of Latine into English, &c. by Thomas Rogers. Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 13059; ESTC S118432 286,633 582

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Mediators doe vnderstand such patrons as by their own merites worthines maie purchase to vs the fauour of God For this is à common principle among them that men liuing in earth do need patrons in heauen in as much as theie are vnworthie to appeare in the sight of God By which saieng beside that theie bereaue Christ our Mediator of his honor theie make themselues guiltie of threefolde impietie For first while theie make the dead intercessors for the liuing theie doe runne beyond the limits of Gods worde and foole hardilie are carried into damnable darkenes and vpon the steepe mountaines of Hel. From whence to returne backe and to aspire aloft that is à labour and à sore paine But what à prophanenes this is the godlie alone do marke who know that darknes is there where the torch of Gods word is not born-afore who know that al is abhominable which God hath not decreed and who consider that al which dust and ashes doth inuent in religion without the direction of Gods worde doth proceede from Satan Secondlie when theie teach howe we must depend vpon the merites of saintes theie depart from the true foundation of saluation and seeke another foundation to builde their saluation vppon without the worde of God For seeing that mortal man by his owne merite can not attaine saluation it is impossible that the merites of Saintes should bring saluation vnto others which merites for al that the Pope faineth to be the treasure of the Church which he dispenseth not gratis but according to their disbursing who acknowledge the Pope to be the treasurer of the Church Thirdlie in forging such fained patrons to themselues theie are drowned the more deepelie in darkenes For theie departe from the first commandement and with cursed impudencie cal vpon Saintes driuen therunto by the diuel himselfe who hath brought into the world the inuocation of Saintes and that for these causes First to bereaue Christ of his honor Secondlie to make the saintes infamous Lastlie that in time to come theie maie bee partakers of his eternal paines who in this life doe cal vpon saintes The fourth The Popish masse is laide open for filthie lucre sake For theie not onelie doe sel Masses for the redemption of soules out of purgatorie but also make them common to be bought for the obteining of anie thing In which of sinns manie sinns do meete together of which I wil recite à few that with à perfect hatred we maie abhor y e most filthie lucre of the Masse For first this gaine striueth against the foundation of our saluation which is free mercie For by grace saith Paul are ye saued throgh faith that not of your selues it is the gift of God Not of workes least anie man should boast Secondarilie it abolisheth the Lordes supper For who is so blind but maie see how it is farre from the Supper of Christe to seeke filthie gaine therebie which supper the Lord would haue to be à notable argument of his inward loue toward the Church and à testimonie of the redemption of the Church by his death which free redemption of his beloued spouse he sealeth in his supper Thirdlie this hūting after gain doth vtterlie ouerthrow the Prophecies of the prophets concerning y e benefites of the Mediator of the Newe Testament Ho saith Isaiah euerie one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and ye that haue no siluer come buie and eate come I saie buie wine and milke without siluer and without monie By water wine milke the prophet vnderstandeth the benefites of the Gospel which he pronounceth are freelie bestowed For as our bodies are nourished by bread wine water and milke so our soules are nourished and susteined by the doctrine of the Gospel by the holie Ghost by the sacraments and other such free giftes of Christ. Fourthlie the buieng and selling of the Popishe Masse doth make miserable men drunke with carnal confidence For by paieng monie for this feigned purgation as it were for an effectual medicine theie persuade them-selues that theie driue-awaie al diseases of the soule and that without faith repentance And because by Masses purchased theie trust theie be armed against the diuel and death theie goe-on the more boldlie in wickednes and dailie become the more obstinate Fiftlie this gaine of Masses is the ground of Purgatorie For to make their Masses the more vendible the Priestes did teach howe there was a Purgatorie of soules after death wherein the soules of the dead should be deteined vntil theie were purged sufficientlie from the spots of sinnes committed in this life And therefore Masses were appointed to be solde to them who desired that either them selues or their friendes might be deliuered from the fire of purgatorie wherebie theie fained that the paines of purgatorie were brought-out Henc● the Patrimonie of Peter as theie cal it was exceedinglie encreased And hence it is that the goodes of miserable men are translated from the true heires vnto balde Priestes and Monkes Sixthe this gaine of the Masse and subtiltie of the Romane baude is the strength of the Papacie that is of the Antichristian kingdome And therefore maruel it is not though the Papistes doe so fiercelie contend and fight for their altars For theie feare much that their chimneies would fal downe if their altars were once ouerthrowen The fifte It is abhominable idolatrie to worship à peece of bread in y e place of Christ. For as à litle aboue we haue touched also the Priest after y e mumbling of the historie concerning the institution of Christ doeth firste of al adore the bread himselfe and then lifteth the same vp that the people maie worshippe it For the Papistes be persuaded that by the virtue of the mumbled wordes of the instituted supper the elementes of breade and of wine be transsubstantiated into the verie bodie and bloode of the Lorde which they lay open to be adored but verie erroneouslie For this transsumbstantiation so stiflie defended by Thomas is contrarie to the nature of a sacrament For as in baptisme it is required that the substance of water doe remaine which while it is sprincled according to Christ his institution is à right sacrament and with that water after à secret sort the verie bloode of Christ whereby the inward man is washed from wickednes yea and putteth-on Christ himselfe is present So it is required that in y e supper of the Lord the substance of breade and wine doe remaine which being reached-forth and taken after the institution of Christ are à verie sacrament and with that bread wine after à secret sorte the verie bodie and bloode of the Lorde whereby the inwarde man is nourished fed and refreshed are present So that before the vse whervnto they be ordeined bread and wine are no more à sacrament than is the water of baptisme And therfore it is as great madnes to worshippe the breade and wine as if à
For both y e Apostles and y e holie fathers also tooke it far otherwise than do the papistes by the comparing of scriptures we wil make it euident Paul in his first Epistle vnto the Corinthians writeth after this wise First of al I deliuered vnto you that which I receiued howe that Christ died for our sinnes according to the Scriptures And 1. Corinthians 11. For I haue receaued of the Lorde that which I also haue deliuered vnto you to wit That the Lorde Iesus in the night that he was betraied tooke breade c. Matth. 15. Whie do thy disciples transgresse the tradition of the Elders Of these places I do gather how ther be three sortes of traditions the first of doctrine the seconde of diuine ceremonies the last of humane rites Tradition of doctrine is y t which is deliuered touching the lawe and the gospel and such thinges are conioined with them which forsomuch as they are commaunded of God maie not be altered Tradition of diuine ceremonies is of baptisme and of the Lordes supper in the newe Testament which likewise dependeth vppon the auctoritie of Christ and therefore is immutable Tradition of humane rites containeth manifolde canons both touching ceremonies and also concerning discipline of the clergie laitie this maie be altered for the profite of the Church at the discretion of gouernors Irenaeus in his third booke vseth the word Tradition oftentimes for the doctrine which the Apostles from God deliuered to their auditors and the same auctor calleth the Apostolical Creede y e the tradition of the Apostles Now then seeing the Church according to the doctrine of Paul hath auctoritie to ordeine such rites as make for edification for so he saith Power is giuen vs for edification Againe Let al thinges be done comelie and in order godlie magistrates maie appoint rites for comelines and order sake The ende of comelines is twofolde first by these helpes to stir vs vp vnto godlines secondlie that modestie and grauitie maie bee seene in the handling of Gods matters Order hath three endes one is that rulers and preachers of the worde maie haue à certaine rule to worke by another that auditors maie bee trained vp vnto obedience and discipline and the third that peace and concord maie be prouided for the Church being set in à good staie And herein the people doeth owe obedience to y e magistrats of the Church yet with certaine conditions For in the traditions of man manie thinges are to be taken heede-of First that they be not contrarie to the rule of faith neither that they bring vs from Christ. As doe manie of the popish rites of inuocation of sainctes of prophanation of the masse of buieng selling pardōs of bearing-about worshiping bread of holie water of rosaries of sundrie consecrations of y e toies of purgatorie such like infinite vanities and deceipts of the diuel In these the godlie are excused by the cōmandement of an hier auctoritie whereby we are bidden to bewar of idolatrie Secondly that they be not preferred before Gods heauenlie worde and ceremonies as they were sometime by the Pharisies as maie appeare in y e Gospel after Mark ye rethe commaundement of God that yee maie obserue your owne traditions and are at this daie by the Papistes as maie appeare by the punishments whereby the transgressors of Gods commaundement and of the Popes traditions are corrected It would therefore be knowen that as the traditions of God through the cōmandement of God doe binde vs vnto perpetual obedience so the traditions of men must giue place to Christian libertie and that without case of offence Thirdlie that they be not deemed necessarie vnto saluation nor counted for the seruice of God of themselues and ex opere operato as they vse to saie Last of al that vnder the pretence of indifferencie they destroie not religion For as the Papistes are subtil such thinges as appeare to the eies goodlie they doe amplifie and vnder à sweet baite the hide deadlie poison Some Papistes do exclame how their Masse is neither commaunded nor prohibited by the word of God and therfore is a thing indifferent and was in the feare of God ordained by the godlie fathers for the memorie of y e sacrifice of Christ. But vnder this goodlie shewe of wordes as vnder a faire garment as it were they conceale in abominable idole whereof in due place we purpose to speak And therfore it is wiselie to be regarded when true consideration is had of comelines and of order Interpretation of the Scripture which is another thing theie put-vnder the authoritie of the Church being a free gift of God which the Lord bestoweth vpon whom he list cannot be tied by mans authoritie vnto anie certaine caling of men For as in olde time God bestowed not the spirite of prophecie neither vpon the ordinarie Bishops onelie naie fewe of them were adorned with that excelent gift nor to the tribe of Leuie onlie but at his pleasure made manie of other tribes to be famous therebie So the Sonne of God wil not haue this gift to be tied to ordinarie succession but bestoweth it vpon whom he wil. In the tentes of the Hebrues it is giuen-out how Eldad and Medad did prophecie in y e hoste which thing when Ioshua the seruant of Moses could not brooke he requested his Lord to forbid them But what doth Moses What saith he Enuiest thou for my sake Yea wold God that al the Lords people were Prophetes and that the Lorde would put his spirite vpon them So then the spirite of prophecie and exposition of Gods worde is the peculiar gift of God Which he bestoweth by meanes somtime and sometime without meanes When it is giuen without meanes it is counted for à miracle but when by means it is Gods ordinarie gifte which he both imparteth vpon such as earnestlie cal vpon him labor therfore and encreaseth in those who doe vse it rightlie vnto his glorie But three things in this place are to be obserued The first although God indue manie with this gift yet that none presume to teach in the Church being not lawfulie caled therevnto For theie are neuer blessed in their doinges which rush-into the office of teaching without lawful caling and doe runne before theie are caled Which thing if some factious fellowes would thinke-vpon such troubles would not be in the Church at this daie as there be The seconde that both the whole Church and euerie member of the same haue power as aboue also I touched to proue the spirites For so saith the Apostle Trie the spirites whether theie are of God The third is how al the wordes of interpreters be not of equal weight For some are probable some certainlie true and some are meerelie erroneous Things probable for y e authoritie sake of the vtterers are so long to be imbraced as theie be not
is that so we maie giue à more exact iudgement of Priestes But afore we define the Popish sacrifice that is the Masse it is behoueful for vs diligentlie to beholde the difference betweene the Masse it selfe and the outward colour wherewithal it is painted For as an harlot who setteth her bodie to sale doth paint her selfe to al lasciuiousnes and vncleanenes doth set-out her selfe with rings and iewels and putteth-on costlie apparel therwithal to alure to her selfe companions whose substāce she maie wast-awaie So that whore of Babylon caled the Masse commeth-abroade set-out as it were with golde and iewels while she doth vse certaine holie lessons and songes out of the worde of God wherebie she doth easelie deceaue the ruder sorte and the simple who deceaued with the outward shewe doe thinke her to be à verie chaste virgine who in deede is à moste filthie harlot hurting her companions more than the vilest harlot that maie be For as an impudent strumpet doth infect the bodie of her louer with contagions and poisoned diseases So this Babylonish or Romane strumpet infecteth the soule of man with moste pestilent diseases which no waie can be cured before her baude whiche is the Pope be vtterlie renounced and the filthines of this harlot being knowen Christe in time be made the physician who alone knoweth the waie to cure and heale the wounds of conscience And therfore we must not stick in the outward appearance of the Masse but in our minde we must haue deeper cogitations what one she is in deede when her ornament is plucked from her For beeing spoiled of the same nothing wil appeare either more odious or more abhominable or finalie more hurteful to mankinde than it is Nowe beeing fore-warned by this admonition let vs define the Popishe Masse as it is of it selfe without al colours and paintings The Masse with the Papistes is both à sacrifice and à sacrament It is à sacrifice when it is offered by à priest occupieng the place of à mediator betweene God and man for the saluation of the people that is for à cleansing of the sinnes both of the quicke and of the dead and for the obteining of other thinges from God And it is à sacrament while the feast made of Bread of Wine and of water is deuoured onelie of the sacrifising priest For I speake not in this place of the Masse wherein some peeces of bread are distributed among the people without participating of the inchanted cup. This definition of the Masse is collected partlie out of a Canon of the Masse than which theie thinke nothing is more holie partlie out of the commentaries of the schoolmen whome theie prefer before the writings both of the prophetes and Apostles And the Masse theie saie signifieth à transmission because the people by the priest who is in the place of à mediator betweene God and man doth transmit or sende-ouer praiers vowes and oblations Howe horriblie the Sonne of God with his priesthood is dishonored herebie no man sufficientlie can conceaue But because the yonger sorte without instruction are not able to conceaue the ab homination in this Popish Masse I wil first saie somwhat touching the canon of y e Masse and then gather reasons wherebie the prophanenes and abhomination of this Masse maie apeare First therefore I demande of the Papistes of whome theie haue this custome of muttering this canon wherein the mysterie of the Popish Masse is contained If theie saie of y e Apostles theie make Pope Gregorie whom theie cal Great à loude liar For he saith it was patcht-together by à cannot tell what schoolman If theie saie of Christ himselfe let them alledge testimonies of the Euangelistes who at large doe testifie the actes and saienges of our Sauiour Christ. Furthermore I aske whether this canon be à parte of the doctrine of the Church or no If it be à parte of doctrine whie doe theie deeme it vnlawful distinctlie to vtter the same that al the congregation maie heare it If it be no parte of heauenlie doctrine whie shewe the Papistes more crueltie against them which reiect the canon than against either harlots incestuous persons adulterers or traitors But the reason is plaine euē because theie preferre yea their smalest traditions before the commandementes of God If therefore this canon doth come neither from the Apostles nor from Christ him selfe nor yet is anie part of the doctrine of the church doubtles verie wicked are theie which wil thrust the same vpon the Church of God as though there-vpon the whole building of religion did depend As for me I am fullie persuaded this Canon was brought into the Church by the diuel himselfe the auctor of al idolatrie and superstition For the mumbling with their theatrical gestures agreeth to the incantation and curssed superstition of the Gentiles rather than to the institution of Christ. I wil therefore speake what I thinke of the Canon And first I saie that it is neither necessarie because it is commanded by no word of God nor profitable because it maketh not vnto edification nor yet indifferent because it is cleane cōtrarie to the institutiō of Christ but verie wicked because it spoileth Christe of the honor of à Mediator For he alone is both à cleanser of sinne by his onelie sacrifice and the onelie mediator betweene God and man which honor the canon ascribeth to à sacrifising Priest It is also a polling thing for it both was inuented is defended of Papists for lucre sake It is à poison to soules for it slaieth such as repose anie confidence therein It is not onelie à prophaning but also an abolishing of the Lordes Supper For it hath no one iote of Christe his institution It is furthermore an inchantment Because through the mumbling of these fiue wordes For this is my bodie and breathing of the priest vpon the bread it maketh a transsubstantiation as theie saie of the elementes Yea and it is idolatrous For these fiue wordes be no sooner spoken but both the Priest himselfe doth adore the bread and also offereth it to be adored of al the people rounde about him And so in place of God theie bring-in à morsel of bread and that to the greater dishonor of God than did Nabuchad-netzar that commanded an image which he had set-vp to be adored Thus much briefelie concerning the canon of the Masse Nowe in order we wil recite the reasons shewing what vnholines and impietie is in the Masse The first It is horrible impietie and sacrilegious impudencie to appoint anie seruice in the Church without the commandement of God For such boldenes is apostasie from God whose worde is the light of life according to that of Dauid Thie worde is à lanterne vnto my feete and à light vnto my path And Salomon out of the worde of his father gathered this Prouerbe The commandement is à lanterne and the Lawe à light So that where the commandement
daie of iudgement 103. Soules immortalitie 100. Spirite of fortitude 396. Spirite of God how in ministers 39● Spirites celestial 11. Spirite● preached vnto 102. Spirits wil. 290. Spiritual soldiers who 11 12 13 14. Spiritual warfare 12. Starres of heauen the soldiers of God and whie 14. Starres worshipped for Gods 191. State of the soules after this life 100. State of wicked ministers 4●4 Strangers 119. Strength of the Turkes 91. A Student in the Scripture who 401. Studie of the Scripture 40● The Sunne worshipped for a God 191 Supper of the Lord 30 figured by Manna 30 a note of the true Church 171 whie often receiued and what it signifieth 334 whether in the case of necessitie it may be ministred by a man not of the ministerie 234. S●●ine● flesh abstained frō 86. Sinne filthie 243 41● horrible 264 howe rewarded ●62 howe gotten 479 kindes thereof 389. Custome of Sinning oppugned 293. Al me● sinners 237. Sinners hated of God 263. T Teachers of Gods worde the souldiers of Christe 14. Teaching 160. Who are to Teach in the Church 170. Temples of God 113. Tentation of Christ 28. Tentation of God what 227. Olde Testament what 312 difference betweene the olde and the newe Testament 316 319. Timo●ia 410. Tradition 403. Tradition Papistical what 16● 511 Tradition wh●● in trueth 165 kindes thereof 166. Traditions of men how to be thought of 167. Transubstantiation 217 contrarie to the nature of a sacrament 217 learned of Magicians and witches ●●● Treason against Christ 30. Trial of Ioseph 418. Trial of faith wherevnto compared 4●● Troubles of the godlie howe to be taken 173 450. Troubles of Iob 418. Trueth of Christ 125. Tyrants how to be resisted 431 enimies to the Church 440. V Valeie of Ben-Hinnon 195 Vanitie of bodilie pleasure 380. Vanitie of mans reason 370. Virtuous life what 141. Vnitie of the Church 108. W Wayes vnto heauen 369. Christe the waie by doctrine 122 by merite 12● by example 124. Warfare spiritual 12 439 the weapons thereof 12. Heauenlie Warriers who 11. Water of God what 434. Water of life howe receiued 434. Who by Weapons maie resist tyrants 431. Wil of man 514. Wil of the flesh 289. Wil of the spirite 290. Wine absteined from 84. Wine why forbidden of the Turkes 85. Worde of God The excellencie of Gods worde 370 the profite thereof 372 the Church harkeneth therunto 110 the knowledge thereof necessarie in a minister 400 the contemners of y e same how punished 323 Workes Workes of Christians a sacrifice 350 of protestants what 513. the matter of good works 511. things necessarily required in a good Worke 514. Workes Papistical what 511. causes of them 512. Righteousnesse of workes oppugned 327. righteousnesse of faith and works together refelled 330. In this Worlde no satietie 377. Worldlie Wisedome 370. Worldlie Wisemens opinions concerning felicitie confuted 385. Worldes continuance 48. Worship of Saints whie inuented 429. Wrath of God against sinners 263. FINIS Faultes escaped The first number signifieth the page the last the number of the lines Page 7 line 18 for vvhether this place reade vvhether this Psalm 22 in the margine for Isai 52 r. M●cah 52 155 20 of one nature r. of it one nature 157 15 r. learne of him and the Apostles are sent forth 165 24 by the comparing r. as by the comparing 166 10 such things are r. such things as are 181 6 r. Habel brought 189 11 r. stolne my Gods 199 16 r. to instruct vvithal 214 24 r. in vvhich offence 234 10 r. of these 237 25 r. vvithout making 243 13 r. are so ouerthrovvne 249 3 r. in these vvords 309 15 r. that is al 335 25 r. vvhich Christ 338 18 r. both in the crosse 340 19 Christianitie r. Christianlie 359 19 r. merit of Christ 362 17 r. and build vp the 379 13 rat is easie to 388 12 r. doth faune 407 16 r. at the 413 8 r. doe vveigh their sinnes 416 10 r. selfe vnto al 426 4 r. but these 441 8 r. of his riches 448 16 r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 484 4 r. as to the punishment 493 3 r. vvhich is to saue 501 3 r. vve are not vnder 508 3 r. then seeing through 519. 5 r. fauour before iustification 1. Kings 1● 21. 22. c. 1. King 22. 6. Act. 8 9. 10 c. Act. 13 8. 9. c. Coloss. 2. Acts 15. 1. Cor. 15. 2. Tim. 2 17. 18. 2. Pet. 2 10. Iude ver 8. 1. Tim. 1 34 Tit. 3 8. 9 Iude vers 4 2. Thess. 2. 3. 4. c. Iude ver 4. D. Chytraeus Ora de sta●● Eccles. Hoc tempore in Graecia Asia Africa c. Psal. 119. 9 Pro. 22. 6. Effectes of Gods word Psal. 19. 7. 8. Zech. 14 8. Ioh. 4 14. Ioh. 8 32. 36. Iere. 8. 9. 1. Tim. 2. 4. Rom. 4 25. Rom. 10 4. Mat. 11 28. Psal 84. ● Psa. 19 10. Psa. 119 14 Psa. 130 1. Psa. 119 32 Psa. 119 24 Psa. 119 46 Psal. 73 2. 3. 16. 17. 18. Psa. 119 93 Psa. 119 89 Psa. 122 9. Psal. 84 10 2. Pet. 3 ● Iere. 13 16. The argument The disposition The occasiō Punishmēts of Dauid 2. Sam. 13 14. 2. Sam. 13 28. 29. 2. Sam. 15 1 2. 3. 2. Sam. 15 14. 15. 16. 2. Sam. 16 21. 22. 2. Sam. 15 4. 5. 6. 2. Sam. 18 9. 10. Two special things to be considered in this Psalme Auctour of this Psalme Summe of the first verse The Lord of hostes who 2. Sam. 5 10 Psal. 59 5. The whole Trinitie the Lord of hostes Isa. 6 2. 3. Our Sauiour Christ is the Lord of hostes Psal. 24. 10. Isa. 8 8. Why our sauiour Christ is called the Lord of hostes Psal. 24 8. Psal. 72 19. The s●ldiers of Christ in his spiritual warfare 1. The 1. order of heauēlie warriars Heb. 1 14. Dan. 7 10. Reuel 12 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Michael what signifieth 2. Order of spiritual soldiers 2. Cor. 10 3. 4. 5. Ministers weapons 3. Order of spiritual soldiers Ephes. 6 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1. Tim. 1 18. 19. 4. order of spiritual soldiers Exod. 38 8. 5. order of celestial soldiers The vse of al contained in this chapter 1. Tim. 1 18 * Aboue chap. 3. pag. 9 The Iewes The Turks The Muscouites Papistes Epicures Of the Messiah Christ the Sauiour of the world Iosephus lib. 18. cap. 4. Opinions of Christ. Iudas the Galilean Ioseph Benzara Barcozibas Iohn 5 3● 2. Pet. 1. 19. Maior Minor Conclusion The time of Christ his birth foretold by Iacob the Patriarch and by Daniel the prophet Gen. 49 10. Dan. 9 24. 25. 26. 27. The place Isai. 5. 2. The mother Isai. 7 14. Ier. 31 22. The stocke or kinred of Christ. Psal. 132. 11. Wisemen Isai. 60 6. Num b. 24. 17. Circumcision of Christ. Hag. 2 8. 10. Luke 2 32. Flight into Egypt Hos. 11 1. Isa. 16 1. Christ à Nazaris Samson à figure of Christ. Iudges 13 5 Isai. 11 1.
man woulde worship the water either to be sprincled vpon à man to be baptized or sprincled alreadie and reserued for worship sake Nowe whereas the Papistes doe attribute to the reciting of the wordes of the supper virtue to transsubstantiate to speake as they do the elements surelie they haue learned that of the Magicians and witches rather than of Christ. For he alone it is and none other that by his diuine power worketh in the supper by the hands of his ministers reacheth to vs when wee doe communicate his verie bodie and his verie blod after an vnsearchable maner And wheras in reformed Churches the ministers of the Gospel doe pronounce the historie of the institution of the supper with à loude voice in à knowen tongue they doe it not that anie virtue by that reciting shoulde passe-ouer into the elementes but otherwise for à most holie and profitable purpose For they know nothing is more comfortable to the godlie than to heare the historie of the instituted supper which containeth the causes of the institutiō and commendeth to them the greate loue betweene Christ and his Church And therefore as the Papistes by mumbling with themselues the wordes of the supper commit hainous sacriledge by keeping close the doctrine of Gospel the summe whereof is contained in the historie of the institution of the supper So doe I iudge it an intollerable thing sorelie to be punished if anie woulde celebrate the Lord his supper without repeating the historie of the same taken either out of the Euangelistes or out of Paul Here some perchance wil arise saie in the celebration of the supper in the reformed Churches y e bread is cōmonlie adored euen as in y e papacie Herevnto I doe thus answere If anie in our Churches do worship the bread and the cup he sticketh as yet in à papistical error from which he is to be reuoked by the godlie ministers of the Gospel Then I distinguish betwene the worship of the bread and the reuerence towarde the maiestie of Christ present in the supper which reuerence we do testifie by bowing the knee and by outward gestures of the bodie while we are occupied in the celebration of the supper The which reuerence as I iudge it laweful and godlie and commended to vs by the Apostle Paul so I doe thinke the worship of the breade and of the wine is wicked prophane both because we haue no cōmandemēt to doe without which à godlie minde can appoint nothing in religion and also because it is meere presumption as that which is not cōtent with that vse of the sacrament which the Lorde requireth The sixt It is contrarie to the institution and nature of the Lorde his supper that one seueralie by himselfe shoulde haue à banket without moe communicants For thus doeth Paul saie When ye come together into one place this is not to eate the Lordes supper For euerie man when they shoulde eate taketh his owne supper afore Againe as no man can baptise himselfe alone So neither is it lawful for à priest to minister the Lordes supper priuatelie to himselfe alone If then this Lordes supper be not à priuate banket surelie in vaine do those sacrificers vaunt howe with fiue wordes they can pluck-downe the bodie of Christ from heauen vpon their altar For y e bodie blood of Christ is onelie in y t place where the institution of Christ is maintained and the communion according to the institutiō It is needful then that at the least there be one to minister and another to receaue The seauenth By the helpe of this masse the kingdome of Antichrist which was erected by the diuel is augmented established For the storehouse of al vngodlie worshippings whereby the kingdome of Antichrist is vp-holden is the masse Which therefore the more forceablie doeth deceaue because it hath à forme quite contrarie to y e nature therof For it seemeth goodlie whereas nothing is more abhominable The eight The application of the masse for the dead y t they maie be deliuered frō purgatorie is à meere diuelish inuention For no man is forgiuen without he haue faith wherfore they most horriblie deface the glorie of Christ which do faine that that offering doth merite that remission of sinnes for the deade Furthermore al which depart out of this life doe depart either in faith or without faith In in faith they are blessed according to that Blessed are the dead which die in the Lorde And Peter saith The end of faith is the saluation of soules But if they die without faith the sentence of Christ standeth sure He that beleeueth not on the sonne the wrath of God abideth on him So then there is à double waie to wit à waie of saluation which is of the faithful and à waie of death or damnation which is of al such as refuse in this worlde to beleeue on Christ. Where then is purgatorie frō whence the soules by masses be redeemed for monie Notwithstanding albeit the trueth touching the idolatrous masse of Papistes bee not vnknowen to the Church of God yet the Papistes to shew that they haue some ground doe obiect three thinges as buclers for their defence For first they bring-out the deede of Melchizedech Secondlie they oppose à place of Malachie touching the sacrifice to come among the Gentiles with the like Lastlie they doe amplifie the worthines of the people of the new Testamēt But what force they are of let vs brieflie consider The deede of Melchizedech from whence the Papistes do seeke to haue their cause countenanced is thus described Gen. 14. And Melchi-zedek king of Shalem brought-foorth breade and wine and hee was à Priest of the most high God Therefore he blessed him saieng Blessed art thou Abraham of God most high Hence do they most impudentlie inferre that Priestes must offer to God bread and wine for peace offeringes With as good a consequent might one make this argument Philip is in Spaine therefore the sea is sweet For first they doe corruplie reade He offered for He brought-foorth and in place of the particle And they reade For. Wherby they testifie who is their master euē the diuel the corrupter and slanderer of gods worde Secondlie they doe verie naughtilie distinguish the thinges which are to be compounded and mingled the thinges that are to be distinguished For there be two distinct members of the narration in Moses The former is of the king his deed The latter of the priest his deed Melchi-zedek brought-forth bread wine you haue the king and his deed And he was à Priest of the most high God therefore he blessed him Where you haue the priest and his deed Melchi-zedek therefore in bringing forth bread and wine showed himselfe a liberal king whereby he would refresh the wearied host of Abraham And in blessing Abraham he shewed himself a Priest For it was the office of Priestes to blesse the