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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01377 The Christians profession, or A treatise of the grounds and principles of diuinity by way of question and answer. In which all the chiefe grounds of religion are so plainely proued and explained by the Word of God, as that the meanest capacitie may by reading vnderstand the same. I. G., fl. 1630. 1630 (1630) STC 11498; ESTC S120492 43,346 118

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cleanse the Elect from all sinne originall and actuall past present and to come Qu. What benefits haue the Elect by Baptisme An. Chiefly three 1. The forgiuenesse of all their sinnes 2. Secondly their vnion with Christ 3. Their regeneration (n) 1 Pet. 3.21 To the which also the figure that now saueth vs euen Baptisme agreeth not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but in the answer of a good conscience to Godward that is by hauing remission of sins (o) Gal. 3.27 For all ye that are baptised into Christ haue put on Christ (p) Tit. 3.5 According to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the new birth Qu. Who are to be Baptised An. The children of those that are ioyned members of the true Church and those that are conuerted and turned to be Christians Qu. What is the second Sacrament An. The Lords supper Qu. What is the Lords Supper A. It is a Sacrament of the new Testament Concerning the Lords Supper whereby the faith of the worthy receiuer is strengthened and confirmed in the assurance of the free grace of God in Christ vnto him in particular Qu. VVhat are the outward signes in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper An. Bread and Wine Qu. VVhat doe they signifie An. The body and blood of Christ Qu. VVhat agreement is there betweene the signes and the thing signified An. As bread and wine doe nourish the body so doth the body and blood of Christ nourish the soules of the faithfull vnto eternanll life Qu. VVho are to bee made partakers of this Sacrament An. Onely such as be of the Church hauing knowledge to render a reason of their faith and liue without scandal Qu. VVhat is required of those that come to this Sacrament An. That they be prepared and fitted for the same Qu. VVhat is that which prepareth and maketh fit An. Onely the righteousnesse of Christ apprehended by faith which is the wedding garment by which they are made fit guests for the Lords table Qu. How doth Baptisme and the Lords Supper agree and wherein doe they differ A. They agree in the spirituall matter which is Christ and in the end to strengthen faith First they differ in the signe as Baptisme hath Water and washing the Lords supper hath Bread Wine eating and drinking Secondly they differ in the manner of signifying as first Baptisme signifieth our first entrance into the couenant and receiuing into the Church and the Lords Supper our continuance in the same by Iesus Christ Secondly Baptisme signifieth our new birth that wee are the children of God by Iesus Christ and the Lords Supper our growing more and more in the assurance of the same Thirdly Baptisme is but once administred because we are but once borne to be children of God by Christ But the Lords Supper is often to be receiued that thereby our Faith may bee strengthened in the apprehending of Christ and his righteousnesse for our Iustification and may dayly grow and increase in sanctification till wee come to the last fruition and enioyment of eternall life Qu. What is common to the Word and Sacraments and what is proper to each An. Common to both to increase faith Proper to the word to begin faith Proper to the Sacrament more fully and effectually and sensibly to confirme faith than the word alone without the Sacrament Qu. What is the reason of this An. Because the Sacrament speakes to more of our outward sences than the word doth Qu. Concerning the censures of the Church What vse is there of the censures of the Church An. First to keepe the members of the same in order Secondly to put from amongst them such as liue not in vniformity to the will of God reuealed in his word (q) 1 Cor. 5.2 That hee that hath done this deede might be put from among you Qu. What is the end of the Censures of the Church An. To bring them to a sight of their sinne and so to repentance Qu. How many sorts are there of these Censures An. Two First Publike Secondly Priuate Qu. What are the priuate An. First priuily and alone to admonish the off●nder (r) Mat. 18.15 Moreouer if thy brother offend agains● thee goe and tell him his fault betweene thee him alone Secondly if he repent not to admonish in the hearing of others (ſ) Mat. 18.16 But if he heare thee not take yet with thee one or two that by the mouth of two or three witnesses enery word may be confirmed Qu. What are the publike An. Two 1. Suspension 2. Excommunication (t) Num. 9.6 7. And certaine men were defiled and those men said vnto Moses and Aaron We are defiled by a dead man wherefore wee are kept backe that wee may not offer an offering vnto the Lord in the time thereunto appointed (u) Mat. 18.17 And if hee will not vouchsafe to heare them tell it vnto the Church and if hee refuse to heare the Church let him be vnto thee as an heathen and a publican (x) 1. Cor. 5.4.5 When ye are gathered together and my Spirit in the name of the Lord Iesus Christ that such a one I say by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ bee deliuered vnto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord. Qu. Why are these Censures to be vsed in the Church An. First that the name of God be not euill spoken of by suffering scandalous persons amongst them Secondly least others that are in the Church be corrupted the weake offended Thirdly least some without be hindered from ioyning themselues to the Church Q. What is the power of these Censures An. To binde and loose the sinnes of men (y) Mat. 18.18 Verily I say vnto you whatsoeuer yee binde on earth shall bee bound in heauen and whatsoeuer yee loose on earth shal be loosed in heauen Qu. Who appoynted the censures in the Church A. Our Sauiour Christ himselfe they were practised by the Apostles (z) 1 Tim. 1.20 Of whom is Hymeneus Alexander whom I haue deliuered vnto Satan that they might learne not to blaspheme Hitherto of those Ordinances which God g●●eth vnto his Church Qu. What are those ordinances which the Church performeth vnto God according to his word for seruice An. They be chiefely three 1. Prayers or thanksgiuing 2. Lasting 3. Holy ●●asting (a) Psal 116.12.13 What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits towards mee I will take the cup of saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord (b) Psal 5● 23 He that off●●reth prayse shall glorifie mee Qu. What is Prayer An. A calling vpon God alone in the name of Christ ●●ough faith Concerning Prayer Qu. By what are beleeuers moued and enabled to pray An. By the Spirit of God and the apprehending of their owne wants necessities of the Church in generall or any member of the