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water_n bread_n lord_n wine_n 3,679 5 7.3104 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00685 Ane answer to ane epistle written by Renat Benedict the Frenche doctor, profesor of Gods worde (as the translator of this epistle calleth him) to Iohn Knox, and the rest of his brethren ministers of the word of God: made by Dauid Feargussone minister of the same word at this present in Dumfermling. Fergusson, David, d. 1598.; Benoit, René, 1521-1608.; Winzet, Ninian, 1518-1592. 1563 (1563) STC 10819; ESTC S117552 36,974 88

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breath without respiratiō broght furthe these profound mysteries euerie soule preist knoweth not but onely the great Rabbines All that were present with Christ were pertakers of the Sacra ment and no mā is pertaker with them for they deuore all alone But some of thē wil say we debar no mā if any wold take part the contrarie is trew it wes neuer sene that euer a preist wold parte with a quarter of his God to another preist no not with a lyck of his dishe and that is les this I say they neuer did to their own brethrē of craft muche les to a laye man as they did call them I neuer knew any thing that euer they might or did forbeare to any man at that dosoned disione except it were a kisse of the Patene that onely to him that lifted their taile or els to some gentilmē that sat by whom they wold gratifie If temporal men had bene als euil fellowes of their carnal brekfasts as ye were of your fantasticall Feastes some of you had not worne so fat neckes as ye did Christ gaue vnto his Apostles the frute of the wine tre without any mixture but your masse is not ryghtly said except there be commixtion of water and wine togither In the Lordes Supper bothe trew bread and trew wine is ministrat to the communicants in the masse the papist affirmeth that there remaneth nether bread nor wine after their Incan tation but accidents as whytnes roūdnes and color c. when the Lord Iesus had finished his ministration the Euangelist sayeth They praysed God with a Hymne or Psalme of thankesgeuing Bot when masse is done there is nothing bot ●…te ●…issa est ather said or sung whereunto is added a latine blissing with the aers of an emptie cup. Now loke what ye think of your masse for in my answer to the second Section of your Epistle I haue prouen it to be abhominable Idolatrie because that bread and wine corruptable Creatures are in it worshipped in place of God the Father and Christ his Sōne that it spoyleth Christ of his Preisthead so of his Sacrifice ī that ye that offer it vsurpeth his office vpon you I haue pro ●…ē also The wicked opiniō of it to wit that it is Satisfactorie for sinnes in this argument also is included and that the whole action of it in all pointes dissagreeth with the institutiō of the Lordes S●… per the conferring of the one action with the other aboue written sufficientlie proueth wherefore we iudge that your papistical inuention the Idolatrous Sacri fice of the masse is to be reiected and abhorred of al trew worshippers of God as that that is co●…nelious and blasphemous to God the Father and Derogatiō to the honor and dignitie of the Lord Iesus his Sonne This is it that we think of your masse and this doctrine we teach to the people out of the infallible word of God that indureth for euer nether haue we respect to Doctors cōsuetude or bare name of the Churche acknowledging onely that to be the trew Church in deid which rendereth humble obedience vnto her housband Christe Iesus This letter ye say wes written in the Quenes maiesties palaice at Edinburgh I am the more sorie in deid that suche as ye are hath any interteniment in the palaices of Princes but it is no new thing to se fals Prophetes more familiar in the Court thē the trew sernādes of God Amazias the Idolatrous preist of Bethel wes in greater estimation with Ieroboā King of Israel then wes Amos the trew prophet of God as the Imperious braging of that Idolater witnesseth O thou Scar sayeth Amazias go fle thou ●…way into the land of Iuda and there eat thy bread and prophecie there but prophecie no more at Bethel for it is the Kinges Chappell and the Kinges Court. Iesabels Idolatrous preistes were better bele ned of A●…hab King of Israel althogh they prophecieth lies to his distruction then the Prophet of God Micheas that tolde him the treuth to his Saluation God of his great mercy purge the hart of our natiue Princesse frō al leauen Papistical and plant in place thereof his ●…rew feare ād loue to his eternal veritie Ye desyre vs to prent into our myndes that in the latter dayes the continual and daylie Sacrifice shalbe taken away vnderstand ye this of your masse if ye do thē certanely Master Doctor your Theologie is not onely rude but also repugnant to the mynd of the Prophet in this place if ye mean of that sentēce that Daniel rehearseth in the end of his 12. last Ca. as I thīk ye do for I know no place where this sentence that ye haue throwē for your purpose is written but in that place if ye mean of that sentence I trust the Readers shal easylie perceaue bothe your ignorance if of ignorance ye haue inferred it and otherwayes your malice in throwing of this Text. Daniel as he him self confesseth in the beginnīg of his 9. Chapiter vnderstude by bokes name ly of Ieremies Prophecie that the Lord had appointed his people to indure banishmēt out of their own cūtrie to abyd captiues in Babilō 70. yeares which yeares drawing neir an end Daniel as an cairful for his people their returning ho me euerted hī self vnto God by ardent earnest prayer desyring him not to differ the tyme of their deliuerance any longer but for his owne names ●…aike althogh they were not worthy to restore them to their libertie whil he wes yet speaking praying and cōfessing his own sinne and the sinnes of his people vnto God The Angel of the Lorde is sent vnto him to otter vnto him the yeares determinat of their captiuitie their returninge home the reedifying of the citie the cōming of Christ his slaughter and destruction of the citie Ierusalem By a vision is declared vnto him in the 10. Chap. the cause of ●…he hinderante or defferring of their deli●…rance whiche come by the meanes of ●…ambises Prence of Persia. The king●…omes of the earth ād Monarches with their Kings as of Persia Grecia Egypt Syria and the Romans one striuinge with an other and all against God are ●…t lenth wonderfull mystically recited in ●…he 11. Chap. Fynally in the 12. Chap. is ●…eclared how the Church being euē scattered and dispersed shalbe deliuered by Christes death which should abolishe the ●…aylie Sacrifice whiche being done he Prophecies that the temple and the citie ●…atbe distroyed by the abhominable de●…ation which is the Hoste of the Romans mysticallie also signifeing By the thousand two hūdreth and nynety dayes and by the thousand thre hundreth fyue and threttie dayes the tyme from the deuastation of Ierusalem to Christes secōd cōming in the Cloudes the Prophet also in the mean tyme is certified that althogh he depart out of this lyfe yet shal he stād vp at the end of the dayes in the