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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52897 A new book of knowledge treating of things, whereof some are profitable, some precious, and some pleasant and delightful. I. How to write secretly. II. To write your name on a knife. III. To make bone or wood red for ever. IV. To make ink. V. To catch fowls. VI. To keep cloaths from moths. VII. To make the Q. of Hungary's water. VIII. To fatten fowl. IX. To make cock-ale. 10. To make lucatellus balsam. XI. To cure corns. XII. To pickle french beans, &c. XIII. To take fish. XIV. To take moles. XV. To take spots out of linnen, XVI. To make the balsam sold by mountebanks. XVII. To make pouder-ink in an instant. XVIII. To make pomatum and wash-balls. XIX. To make aqua mirabilis. XX. To make Dr. Stephen's water. With divers other notable things. 1697 (1697) Wing N585; ESTC R217444 7,252 13

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A New BOOK OF Knowledge Treating of Things Whereof some are Profitable some Precious and some Pleasant and Delightful I. How to Write Secretly II. To Write your Name on a Knife III. To make Bone or Wood Red for ever IV. To make Ink. V. To Catch Fowls VI. To keep Cloaths from Moths VII To make the Q. of Hungary's Water VIII To Fatten Fowl IX To make Cock-Ale 10. To make Lucatellus Balsam XI To Cure Corns XII To Pickle French Beans c. XIII To take Fish XIV To take Moles XV. To take Spots out of Linnen XVI To make the Balsam sold by Mountebanks XVII To make Pouder-Ink in an instant XVIII To make Pomatum and Wash-Balls XIX To make Aqua Mirabilis XX. To make Dr. Stephen's Water With divers other Notable Things London Printed for G. Conyers at the Golden Ring in Little-Britain 1697. A New Book c. To Write Secretly TAke Alum and beat it into Pouder then put some into a Sawcer of clean Water till it dissolve write with this and dry it by the fire so you may dispose of it how you please but when you would read it wet the Paper in clean Water and it will appear of a Blewish Colour There are divers ways of Writing privately as with the Juice of Limons or Onions but this exceeds all in my opinion by reason the others may be seen before the Light when dry but this may not if throughly dry To Write your Name on a Knife Warm your Knife over the Fire then take Bees-Wax and rub all over one side thereof about the thickness of Paper in every place when it is cool write your Name or what else you please on the Knife with a Needle put into a small Stick but you must Write so deep in the Wax as to touch the Metal having so done take Aqua Fortis with a Stick or Feather and lay it all over that side of the Knife and Writing so let it stand for one hour scrape off the Wax and it will be as it were Engraven and will never wear out This is called Etching To make Bone or Wood red for ever Take pounded Brazil and put it in some Milk so that you put not too much to the Brazil then lay in your Bone or Wood letting it lye in for eight days then boil it a little over the Fire and it will be Red for ever To make Yellow INK Take Saffron and grind it very fine with weak gum-Gum-water you may put a little Gambogia with it if you please This is a good Yellow To Draw out Splinters or Thorns Take common Turpentine and spread it upon Leather and apply a Plaster of this to the place it also Draweth and cleanseth Sores and Ulcers To Catch CROWS Take white Pease steep them eight or nine days in the Gall of an Ox and lay them in some place where they use to come To make COCK-ALE Take nine Gallons of Ale and let it Work and when done Working have in readiness four pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned and bruised in a Mortar two Nutmegs and as much Mace bruised then take two Cocks flea them and take out the Guts then hold them in a pot of boiling Water just to Plump them then break their Bones and bruise them in a Mortar so put them in a Vessel to your Ale besure you put in all the Blade Fruit and Spice so stop them close let it stand a Fortnight and when you Bottle it put in every Bottle two or three bits of Limon-Peel and as much candied Ginger-Root with a Lump of Sugar stop it close let it stand a Fortnight or three Weeks then drink it it is very pleasant and good against Consumption To Cure Corns in the Feet Tender them with Plasters or warm Water then pick them out with a Point of a Pen-knife and apply Vinegar and new Lime Another Cut them well and close take out as much of the Coar as you can then take burnt Alum and the Pith of an Oyster that sticks to the Shell dried and poudered incorporate these with a little Venice Turpentine put into the Hollowness if there be any a little Tent of Lint dipped in Oil of Cloves and lay on the other as a Plaster and in a Weeks time with thrice renewing takes away the Corn making Flesh arise to f●● the Hollowness Lady Boswells LUCATELLUS BALSAM● or OINTMENT admirable for Wounds Take Venice Turpentine one pound a quart of Salle● Oil a dram of red Sanders in fine Pouder six spoonfuls of Sack one pound of yellow Bees Wax natural Balsam and Oil of St. Johns wort of each an ounce● first cut the Wax and melt it on the Fire in a well-headed Pipkin and then lest it catch fire take ●● off and put in the Turpentine to it having first washed the Turpentine thrice in Damask Rose-water an●● put in the Oil and Sack stirring them on a slow fire●● and when it is cold pour off the Sack and melt it again and put in the natural Balsam Red Sanders● and Oil of St. Johns-wort stirring it again on the fire● till it almost boil and strain it off if you will and stir it till it is a little thickish and put it in Pots for use Note That if the Flame happen to catch any Ointment in making clap a Cloth or Paper over it to damp the Flame The Virtues First It is good to heal any Wound inward or outward being squirted warm into the inward Wound● to an outward Wound being applyed with fine Lin● or Linnen anointing the Parts also thereabouts i● not only taketh away the Pain but also keepeth i● from Inflammation and draweth forth Splinters o● broken Bones or any thing else that may putrify ● so as the Brain Guts or Liver be not Wounded it commonly heals the Wound in four or five times Dressing so that no other thing be applyed thereto Secondly It heals Burns or Scalds without a Scar. Thirdly It helpeth the Head-ach by anointing the Nostrils and Temples Fourthly It cureth the Biting of a Mad Dog used ●ot Fifthly It is good in the time of Plague Pox c. by anointing the Nostrils and Lips every Morning Sixthly In the beginning of the Plague Small-Pox or Measles swallow about a quarter of an ounce and Sweat upon it three or four Mornings together Seventhly It is good against the Colick Stitches c. Bathing it well in and apply Flannel Eighthly It healeth Fistula●s or other Ulcers and Cankers used hot taking the longer time Ninthly It helps Digestion the Naval and Stomach being anointed going to Bed Tenthly For Ulcers in the Bladder or Kidneys and Bruises by Falls inward Take the quantity of a Field-Bean in Sack or ●ills made thereof rolled in Sugar Morning and Night and drink Ale-berry after it but for the Stone take them at going to Bed in White-wine Eleventhly Mix with Conserve of Roses and Gum-Olibanum cures old Coughs c. if followed Of FLAX Flax will yield Thirty or fourty
pound an Acre Barren Sandy and Heathy Ground is best for it and after Flax Turnips one Acre of good Flax is accounted worth three or four Acres of the best Wheat and the Liquor hath much advanced the Goodness thereof The best time for Sowing is about the beginning of April presently after a Shower of Rain which may abundantly be supplyed by the Engine and much Water following Some do usually sow Flax until the end of May and some after Cabages pull'd up by the Roots and set in Sand in a Cellar or some other Room may be kept all the Winter or you may hang them up with Strings and so may you keep Artichokes and other Plants a●● Roots for constant use as Caro●s Parsnips and Turnips In dry Weather in October and November ma●● a Layer of Sand and a Layer of Carots cutting aw●● the Tops close to the Roots with some of the sm●● ends of the Carots and about the last of December● when there is no Frost uncover them and you m●● keep them longer if you pare off the Shootings ●● the upper end of the Roots and lay them in Sand● and so Parsnips and Turnips To help a Chimney that is dangerously on Fire Let two or three Persons take a Blanket or Coverlet and hold it close to the Mouth of the Chimney that no Air may enter and with a close Board cov●● the Top of the Chimney and the Fire for want ●● Air will soon be Extinguished Chaff will Heat and Ripen unripe Apples The Dross or that which is left after the pressing out of Lint-seeds is exceeding profitable for the Fee●ing of Cattel as the other Rape-seeds with Turnips Hemp seeds given to Hens in Winter will make them Lay oftner than ordinary Seeds or Corn. Boil Butchers Blood which is easily to be had wit● a good quantity of Bran mingled therewith o● Grains which is not so good until it come to th● manner of a Blood P●dding which will feed you● Fowl as fat as you will desire them to be Some d● use to feed Fowl with Carots Turnips Parsnips an● Pumpions sodden and mingled with Bran or coar●● Pollard Turkies will become very Fat in a short time an● prosper exceedingly with bruised Acorns You may soak Chippings and other Crusts of Bread● in broken Beer or Fletten Milk and feed your Hen● and Capons fat presently Graft Apples upon Cherry-Stocks and the Frui● will be exceeding Red. To make five sorts of Roses grow upon one Stock without Inoculation When they begin to Knot bore with an Awl under ●he Knot and with a Feather put Green in one and Yellow in another Red in a third and Blew in ●he fourth and close up all the Holes handsomly To make Lillies become Red. You must very neatly open the Clifts of the Roots and fill the same with any Red Colour then set them ●n fat Dunged Earth Graft Roses in the Bud upon Sweet-Briar and they will Smell most deliciously The Roots of Roses with their Slips and Knots removed and set amongst Broom will bring forth Yellow Roses Elm-Tree Chips set in Ditches will in a short time become Young Trees and make a very good Fence and the Slips that grow from the Roots of Elms being taken off will grow to great Perfection in few Years To keep Cloaths from Moths Seeth the Dregs or Mother or Foam of Oil to the half and therewith Anoint the Bottom Corners and Feet of any Chest or Press and the Cloaths that you lay therein will be free from any Hurt with Moths but before you put the Cloaths in the Chest or Press it must be dry Provide store of Walnut leaves and hang them upon Thread one distant from another when they are throughly Dry strip them in the Chest or amongst the Cloaths and Beds and within the Folds of every Garment lay Wormwood or Lavender amongst the Cloaths and they will be safe from Moths The Branches of Bay-Trees wrapt up and laid amongst Cloaths and Books will keep them safe from Moths and other Corruption To keep Apparel Hangings c. from Moths Brush them several times in the Year with a Brush made of Wormwood Tops and you may rub the● with Wormwood especially when you discern t●● Moths to haunt amongst the Hangings To destroy Caterpillars Besmear all the bottom of the Tree with Tar the● get great store of Ants put them in a Bag and dra●● the same with a Cord unto the Tree and let it han● there so that it touch the Body of the Tree and th● Ants being prevented to go from the Tree by reason of the Tar will for want of Food eat and destroy th● Caterpillars without hurting any of the Fruit o● Leaves To take FISH Set a Candle in a piece of Cork as even as may b● with the Water which will stupify and attract th● Fishes to it so that with a little Hoop Net upon the end of a Cane or Staff you may take them with much facility or with a Shovel-Net c. which must be in the Night Where Mudd and Water is taken out of the Ponds if the Rain-water do after come into them there will become multitude of Eels in a short time and by this Course you may abundantly increase Carps In May dig up two Turffs of new grown Grass when the Dew is on them then tye the grassy side together and place them in Water on the side of a Pond then let them remain there unmoved about Ten days and taking up the Turffs untying or loosing them you shall find great store of Young Eel● within the Turffs although there were not an Eel in the Pond before and by tying the Turffs together again and placing them in the same manner a greater increase will come thereof To bring all the Fish in the Pond together Take Plattavia or Dioscorides lay either of them in Honey a Day and a Night then let them dry in the Sun bind them to a String and cast them into the Pond and all the Fish will come to it To take Moles Get a Pot or Glass that is narrow at the top and ●ide at the bottom and place one of these deep in the ●ound in the Fields where the Moles are the top 〈◊〉 the Pot being even with the ground and in the Pot 〈◊〉 Glass put a stinking Crab which they will eager●● smell after and so fall into the Pot and being im●●isoned they will call for Aids of their Fellows ●nd to bring them all to a place in this manner fire ●●imstone in the like Pot so placed but first put a ●●ve Mole therein and she will call all the Moles that ●re near to come to her release and so being ta●en you may use only a live Mole in the Pot without the Crab or Brimstone To make good Vsquebaugh Take two Gallons of Aqua Vitae four ounces of best liquorice bruised four ounces of Anniseeds bruised ●ut them into a Glass or Stone Vessel and cover ●hem close and so let