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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19448 Present remedies against the plague Shewing sundrye preseruatiues for the same, by wholsome fumes, drinkes, vomits and other inward receits; as also the perfect cure (by implaisture) of any that are therewith infected. Now necessary to be obserued of euery housholder, to auoide the infection, lately begun in some places of this cittie. Written by a learned physition, for the health of his countrey.; Good councell against the plague Learned phisition. 1603 (1603) STC 5871.7; ESTC S122521 4,488 16

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Present Remedies against the plague Shewing sundrye preseruatiues for the same by wholsome Fumes drinkes vomits and other inward Receits as also the perfect cure by Implaisture of any that are therewith insected Now necessary to be obserued of euery Housholder to auoide the infection lately begun in some places of this Cittie Written by a learned Physition for the health of his Countrey Printed for Thomas Pauyer and are to be sold at his shop at the entrance into the Exchange 1603 To the Reader FOR as much as the force and infection of the ordinary diseas called the Plague or Pestilence hath heretofore beene too well knowne and felt in sundrie places of this Realme and considering that it hath of late begun to increase in many chiefe Citties and populous places I thought it good to publish to you in time sundry preseruatiues against the said disease the better to defende those that are in health from the infection of the diseased And also to cure those that are any way infected grieued or troubled with the same And to this I was imboldened the rather for that it was written by a very learned and approoued Phisition of our time who desireth more the health of his Country than by discouering his name seeme vaine glorious to the world Accept the same I pray you in good part and thanke God for the Phisitions paines who hath his desire if it may doe but that which he wisheth namely expel sickenes and increase health to this Land Which God for his mercie sake prosper and preserue from all plagues and dangers for euermore Amen These things ought duely to be looked vnto Viz. RIght necessary and conuenient it were that you kéep your houses streets yardes backesides sinks and kennels swéet and cleane from all standing puddles dunghils and corrupt maystures which ingender stincking sauours that may be noysome or bréede infection nor suffer no dogs to come running into your houses neither kéep any except it be backeward in some place of open ayre for they are verie dangerous not sufferable in time of sickenesse by reason they runne from place to place and from one house to another féeding vpon the vncleanest thinges that are cast forth into the streetes and are a most apt cattell to take infection of any sickenes then to bring it into the house For ayring your Roomes Ayre your seueral taimes with Charcōle fiers made in stone pans or Chasingdishes and not in Chimneys set your pans in the middle of the Roomes ayre euery roome once a wéeke at the least and put into your fire a little quantity of Frankinsence Iuniper dryed Rosemary or of Bay-leaues A Fume of great experience Take Rosemary and put it into strong Vineger steepe it in a Bason or bowle heat foure or fiue Fl●ntstones red hot and cast them into the Vineger and so let the Fume ascend into the middle of euery roome Another Ayre your apparrell in the same sort and with the same fume beare in your hands some handkercher Spunge or Cloth wetted in the iuyce of Wormwood Hearbegrace and red Rose-vineger mixt together To smell to The roote of Enula Campna stéeped in vineger lapped in a handkercher is a speciall thing to smel vnto if you come where the sickenes is Another Hearbgrace and wormewood stéeped in vineger in some powter péece close slopt is to be vsed in like sort To tast or chewe in the mouth The roote of Angelica Setwall Gencian Valerian or Sinamond is aspeciall preseruatiue against the plague being chewed in the mouth To eate Eate Sorrell steeped in vineger in the morning fasting with a litle bread and butter Sorrell sauce is also very holsome against the same Another Take the kernell of a walnut mince it with thrée or foure leaues of Hearbgrace and a corne or two of Salt then put it into a Figge warme it and eate it fasting fast thrée houres after and take it twice a wéek A speciall thing to eate found very comfortable Take strong red Rose-Vineger sprinkle it vpon a tost of white bread spreade Butter thereon and then cast y e powder of Cinamond vpon it eate it fasting or eate bread and butter with Hearbgrace Another Giue to the diseased for their ordinary foode some broth made with a neck of Mutton boyled with a good quantity of Burridge Sorrell and Buglosse To comfort the stomacke Aleberries are very comfortable made with Cloues Mace Nutmegs Saunders Ginney grains and such like To drinke Take Rue Wormewood and Scabias stéepe it in Ale a whole night drinke it fasting euery morning Another Take the water of Carduns Benedictus or Angelica and mixe it with Methridatum Another The roote of Enula Campana beaten to powder is a speciall remedy against the plague being drunke fasting Another Drinke the powder of Turmentill in Sorrell or Scabias water Another If any féele themseules already infected take Angelica-water mixt with Methridatum drinke it off then goe to bed and sweat thereon Another to drinke Take a spooneful of Bayberries and huske them before they be dry heat them to powder and drinke it in good stale Ale or Béere or in white wine then sweat vpon it and forbeare to sleepe to procure Sweat Take Posset-Ale sodden with Sorrell and Burridge mixt with Triacle of Diatesseron and get you to your naked bed A speciall preseruatiue against the Plague Take of the roote of great Valerian a quarter of an ounce of Sorrell a handfull an ounce of the roote of Butter-bur boyle them in running water frō a quart to a pint two spoonefulls of Vineger to it and let the patient drinke it so hot as hee may and then sweat vpon it An other speciall Preseruatiue Take an Egge make a hole in the top of it take out the white and the yolke and fill the shell onelye with Saffron rost the shel and Saffron togither in embers of Charcoales vntil the shell waxe yeallow then beat shell and altogether in a marter with halfe a spooneful of Mustard-séed Now so soone as any suspition is had of infection dissolue the weight of a French crown in ten spoonefuls of posset-Ale drinke it luke warme and sweat vpon it in your naked bed An other Preseruatiue to be distilled Take halfe a hundred gréene Walnuts beeing new taken off as they hang gréene on the trée and a pound of the inner Barke of an Ash-trée then take Petimortell Housleeke Scabias Veruin of each a handfull Saffron halfe an ounce and mince al these smal together then put a pottle of the strongest Vineger on thē boile them ouer a soft fire in a close pot and after distill them in a limbecke keep the distilled water and giue the Patient two ounces to drinke therof foure times in four twenty-houres when he is in his naked bed let him be prouoked to sweat and he shall finde great ease thereby If the Patient be bound in the body Take a suppositor made with a little boiled Hunny a
litle powder of Salt let this be put vp at the fundament with a litle butter vntill it moue him to y e stoole Drinke for ordinary Dyet So néere as you can let the patients ordinary drinke be good finall ale of eight daies olde For Vomitting Vomitting is better then bleeding in this case and therefore prouoke to vomit so neere as you can To prouoke Vomit Take thrée leaues of Castrabecca stampe it and drinke it in Rennish wine ale or posset ale Another A litle quantity of 〈◊〉 Helibor grated and drunke in the like fort procureth vomit A speciall Vomit Take two ounces of Oyle of Walunts a spoonefull of the iuyce of Celandine and halfe a spoonefull of the iuyce of Reddish rootes Let not the party sleep for two houres after and in so dooing it is better then any purging For purging If the party be full of grosse humors let him blood immediately vpon the right arme on the Liuer vein or on the median veyn in the same arm so as no sore appeare the first day A very wholsome purge Put into the pap of an apple a sixepennie weight of Aloes and so take it or the pils of Rufus A wholsome water to be distilled Steep sorrell in vineger foure and twentie houres then take it out and drie it with a linen doth then still it in a Limbecke drinke foure spoonfuls with a little sugar then walke vpon it till you sweat if you may if not keep your bed and sweat vpon it Vse this before supper on anie euening If the patient happen to be troubled with any swellings Botches Carbuncles or Gods tokens let him sweat moderatelie now and then Outward medicines to ripen the sore Take the roote of a white Lillie roast it in a good handfull of sorrell stampe it and applie it thereto very hot let it lie four and twentie houres and it wil break the sore Another Take of old swines-grease salted two ounces with the yolke of an egge and two handfulles of Scabias stampe them togither and laie it warme to the sore Another Take a small quantitie of leauen a handful of mallowes a little quantitie of Scabias cut a white Onion into pieces with halfe a dozen heads of garlicke boile these together in running water make a poullus of it and then lay it hot to the sore Another The like may be made of two handfuls of Valerian three rootes of Danwort and a handfull of smalledge seeth them in shéepes suet and Rose water with a few crums of bread and apply it hot to the sore Another Take a hot Loafe new taken forth of the Ouen apply it to the sore and it will doubtlesse breake the same but afterward bury the same loafe déep inough in the ground for feare of any infection for if either dog or amy other thing do féede thereon it will infect a great many Other Obseruations Let the sicke and infected persons bee seperated and kept from the whole vntill the sore be healed but generally let them be kept within the space of a month For a Fume Take a new burnt Bricke heate it red hote then put it into a Bason of Vineger and let the fume therof ascend into your houses For Ayring Apparrell Let the apparrel of the diseased persons be wel and often washed be it linnen or wollen or let it be ayred in the Sunne or ouer pans of fire or ouer a Chasing-dish of Coales fume the same with Frankensence Iuniper or dryed Rose-mary A perfect good Plaister for the Cure of the sore after it is broken Take vnwróght Waxe white Turpentine the yolke of an Egge a little fresh butter a quantity of English honny boile all these together to a salue and apply it to the sore béeing thin spread vpon a cloth in manner of an ordinarie Playster Additions To preserue from the Infection of the Plague Take Garlicke péele it and mince it small put it into new milke and eate it fasting To take the infection from a house infected Take large Oynions péele them and lay thrée or foure of them vpon the ground let them lie ten daies those pieled Oynions will gather all the infection into them that is one of those Roomes but burie these Oynions afterward déepe in the ground Another Take new milke and set it in a Bason in the middle of the infected Roomes and the milke will draw the infectious vapour into it letting it stand two daies in the saide Roome Against the new burning Feuer If the Patient be in a great heat as most commonly they wil take of faire running water a prety quantity put it on a Chasingdish of Coles then put thereinto a good quantity of Saunders beaten to powder and let it boyle halfe an houre betwene two dishes that done put a couple of soft linnen clothes into the dish wet the clothes well in water and Saunders and apply the same so hote as you can suffer it to your bely To drinke for the whot Feuer Take two handfull of Sorrell and a handfull of Violet leaues with a bunch of sowre Graps beat them together stalkes and all then straine it into Butter-milke then make a posset of the same Butter-milke and let the Patient drinke thereof so much as he will To procuresleepe to the sicke Persons that are diseased either with the Plague or the hote Feuer Take of a womans Breast-milke a good quantiti put therunto of the like quantity of Aqua-vite stir them well together and moysten therewith the Temples of the Patient and his Nosthrils lay it on with some feather or some fine thin ragge Butter-milke in this contagious time is generally holsome to be eaten and is a good Preseruatiue against either the Plague or the pestilent Feuer Finis