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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03731 The good hous-wiues treasurie Beeing a verye necessarie booke instructing to the dressing of meates. Hereunto is also annexed sundrie holsome medicines for diuers diseases. 1588 (1588) STC 13854; ESTC S108615 14,105 40

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THE Good Hous-wiues Treasurie Beeing a verye necessarie Booke instructing to the dressing of Meates ❀ Hereunto is also annexed sundrie holsome Medicines for diuers diseases * Imprinted at London by Edward Allde 1588. ❧ A Book of Cookrye very necessary for all such as delight therin To make White broth TAke a long marrow bone and cleaue it long-wayes take out the marrow and set on y e bones with your Capon or Cocke laye the brest downwardes when it is sodden ye may take the Capon foorth and put it in a bason with hot licour and lay the brest downwards if you will you may séeth a hinder Legge of béefe with it also you must set it on betimes that the strength of your meate may be sodden in your broth then take the fat as it riseth no broth till the meat be sodden as much as it shall be then take thrée pintes or a pottle of the vppermost of your broth for two platters let it settle and then take the cléerest and straine it through a cloth and put the fat to it then set it vpon the fier in a Pipkin and take half a dossen of large mace half a spooneful of whole pepper as much suger as will swéeten it if you will you may put in a pinte of Muskadine or white wine when it hath sodden a good while put in your marrow you took out of the bones with half a dossen of Dates cut in halfe let it but simper after you haue put these in till you take it vp take to this broth foure or fiue yolkes of egges in some Vergis halfe a porrenger full with some suger and when you take vp the broth to serue in then put it to it let not the broth séeth after you haue put in the egges but simper a little and stir it well then you must take Currans and Prunes and séethe them by themselues in faire water when they be sodden you must lay Prunes and Barberries about the Platter if you will strawe a little Suger and Sinamon about it also laye Prunes Currans and Barberries about the Capon with the marrow Mace and Dates but the Capon must be first broke vp but not asunder for the Wine you néede not put it in vnlesse you will the broth will be good notwithstanding How to make White broth either for Capon Mutton or Chickin TAke a legge of Béefe or a rumpe or els a shorte marow bone and cleaue it long waies and take out the marowe whole and séeth the bone with the meat if you make but a little take any one of these aboue and when they be well sodden take thrée pintes or a pottell of the vppermost of the broth strain it through a boulter or streyner while your meat is a séething binde in a handfull of hearbes then take a faire Pipkin and put in the clearest of the broth to a quarte of broth a pinte of white Wine or halfe a pinte of Muskadine put in halfe a dossen of great Mace a little whole Pepper Suger salt and a litle stick of whole Sinamon binde in a few hearbes namely Endiue Succory Marigoldes Margerum Percelye a little Tyme and a little Rosemary let all these séethe halfe an hower then put in halfe a dossen Dates cut in halfe put in the marow that you take out of the bone take Currans and Prunes binde them in a cloth and seeth them in water by thēselues and when you haue put in your marowe and Dates let your broth séethe no longer then while your marow is hot throughly then take fower yolks of egges and thrée or fower spoonefuls of Rosewater beat them well together take half a porrenger ful of broth and mingle it with it and stirre it well together then put it into your Pipkin of broth and stir it wel till it séethe vp then dishe it and laye the fruite vpon the meat How to make stewed Broth either with Veale Mutton or Cocke TAke it and set it on in a faire Pipkin of water and when it is sodden and faire skimmed take a handefull of good hearbes and put in it and grated bread Prunes raisons and Currans Nutmeg Pepper and sault and let them boyle all together How to make broth either for Birdes Rabits or Mutton TAke a short marow bone and cleaue it a sunder and take out the marow thē séeth the bone in faire water then take a porrenger ful of the vppermost of y e broth halfe a pinte of white wine put in a pipkin then put in your meate and if it be birds or rabits put in their bellies percelye butter Mace whole Pepper Suger Sinamon Currans and leaue on the birdes heades and put in but a little of al these things afore named but if it be mutton then put all these into the brothe besides the fruite that is put in put in a little grated breade binde in a fewe hearbes halfe an hower before you take vp the broth put in ten rootes of white Endiue cut off but a little of the roote or els it will fall a sunder then put in your marow and let it séeth no longer then till it be throughly whot How to smeare a Rabbet or a necke of Mutton TAke a Pipkin a porrenger of water two or thrée spoonefuls of Vergis ten Onions clean pilled and if they be great quarter them mingle as muchy Pepper and salte as will season them and rub it vpon the meat if it be a rabbit put a péece of butter in the bellye and a péece in the broth and a few Currans if you wil stop your pot close and séeth it with a softe fier but no fier vnder the bottome then when it is sodden serue it in vpon soppes lay a few Barberies vpon the dishe How to make Broth for a Carpe or a Pike TAke water and yest and boyle them together then take whole Mace Currans Pruines Pepper and Salte Percelye Time and Rosemarye bound together with a little Vergis and Vineger and a good péece of swéet Butter and boyle them all together To all kinde of Fish the same broth excepting prunes How to roste the Fillet of a legge of Veale TAke the fat of the Kidney cut it in péeces as bigge as ones finger then take Pepper salte and Nutmeg and so lard it with that and the fat together and let it be very well roasted then make Venson sauce to it with Vineger grated Bread Sinamon Suger a little pepper and two or thrée whole Cloues To make minst Pyes TAke your Veale and perboyle it a little or mutton then set it a cooling and when it is colde take thrée pound of suit to a legge of mutton or fower pound to a fillet of Veale and thē mince them small by them selues or together whether you will then take to season them halfe an vnce of Nutmegs half an vnce of cloues and Mace halfe an vnce of Sinamon a little Pepper as much Salt as you think will season them either to
the mutton or to the Veale take viij yolkes of Egges whē they be hard half a pinte of rosewater full measure halfe a pound of Suger then straine the Yolkes with the Rose-water and the Suger and mingle it with your meate if ye haue any Orrenges or Lemmans you must take two of thē and take the pilles very thin and mince them very smalle and put them in a pound of currans six dates half a pound of prunes laye Currans and Dates vpon the top of your meate you must take two or thrée Pomewaters or Wardens and mince with your meate you maye make them woorsse if you will if you will make good crust put in thrée or foure yolkes of egges a litle Rosewater a good deale of suger To make a Chickin Pye IF you will make one so bigge take nine or ten Chickins of a moneth olde trusse them round and breake their bones take to season them withall a quarter of an vnce of Sinamon and a quarter of cloues and Mace a little Pepper and Salte as much as you think will season your Pye two or thrée Orrenge péeles small shread take the marow of a shorte marow bone cleaue it long waies and take out the marowe as whole as you can then cut it in foure or fiue péeces and put it in your pye take halfe a pounde of Currans a good hand full of Prunes eight Dates fower cut in halfe and fower shred a pounde of Suger with that in your crust and all halfe a dossen spoonefuls of Rosewater so heate your Ouen reasonablye and let it stand in two howers and a halfe or thrée howers a quarter of an hower before you draw it take three yolkes of egges fower or fiue spoonefulles of Rosewater beate them together and let thē boyle a waume stir it still till you take it off when it is somewhat coole put in thrée or foure spoonfull of Vergis and a little suger and put it into your pye quish your couer and so serue it in To make a Pippen Pye TAke a dossen of faire pippens a pound of Suger in the crust and Pye halfe an vnce of Sinamon two orrenge péeles shred fine two spoonefulls of Rosewater then heate your Ouen and let it stand in two howers or two and a halfe and make a vent in the lid thereof this Pye is good when the Quince is out of season To make a Quince Pye TAke eight or ten faire Quinces pare them without and wipe them within then take an vnce of Sinamon a pounde and a halfe of Suger a little Saunders and in euery of thē a Cloue or two then heate your Ouen reasonablye and let it stand in six howers this Pye is not to be made after Easter then they be out of season you must make no vēt in it but with your suger put in fiue or six spoonefulls of Rosewater How to make an Eele Pye TAke two penyworth of very fat Eeles when they be flead and very faire washed séeth them in a litle faire water and Salte till they be halfe sodden that they maye slip from the bones cut awaye the sinnes on euery side then slip them from the bones and shred them somewhat fine with a knife and take two or thrée Wa●dens and shread them very fine to put among them or Pippins or other apples if you doo want wardens then take a litle Salte a little Pepper Sinamon cloues Mace and Suger and season it withall put in a quarter of a pound of sweete butter so put it in paste and bake it not too rashlye you maye put in the yolke of an egge and a little Vergis when it is halfe baked if you will but I think it is better without How to make a Florentine TAke the calle of a legge of Veale and al the fat of a loyne of Veale the marow of a shorte marow bone and half as much Veale as this dooth waye thē shred them al together and take Currans Sinamon Suger dates shred two or thrée yolkes of Egges Nutmegge and a little pepper boyle al these together vpon a soft fier halfe an hower and put therto foure or fiue spoonfull of Rosewater and a litle Orrenge péele fine shread then when it is halfe colde put it in paste and set it into the Ouen and let it stand no longer then the crust be baked then Ice it or laye suger vpon it as for the Chuites you must put in no Egges nor boyle it but put in a few Prunes let them be half sodden in water An other how to make a Florentine TAke the kidneyes of a loyne of Veale when it is halfe rosted and shread it very small vpon a trencher then take a porringer full of marowe and shread it a little and put it among the meate with a peny dishe of Butter take foure yolkes of egges and mince them very small whē they be hard and put them in currans as many as you thinke good fower or fiue Dates cut small fower or fiue spoonefull of rose-rosewater and put in Sinamon suger and a very litle Ginger set them vpon a chafindish of coles in a platter and stirre it till you think it be enough put in a litle Orrenge or Lemman péele if you haue any make very good paste and driue it out so thin that ye may blowe it vp from the table then cut it round as bigge as your platter is by the nethermost brim spred the platter with a little butter and laye the paste on and then put in your meate and laye it a good deale hyer in the middle then els where then make suche a couer as you make to a pudding in a platter and then set it in the Ouen till the paste be baked and then Ice it with a litle rose water and suger and set it in a litle and serue it to the boord How to make Dousets TAke a pinte of Flower wet it with water Butter and an Egge white and al and make not your paste too lithe when they be raised prick them with a pinne on the bottome then harden them either on the harthe or in the Ouen and take a pinte of Creame thrée Egges but one of the Whites beate them well and mingle them with the Creame thē take Sinamon Nutmeg Suger and a little Salte and a quarter of a spoonefull of Flower stirre them altogether straine thē through aboulter or strainer then fil● them in the Ouen let them stand in halfe an hower and then take them out For Tarte stuffe either Wardens Barberies or Damsons TAke a faire Pipkin and fill it full of any one of them put in two or thrée spoonfulls of faire water then set it vpon the hot harth without any coles about it and so let them boyle while they be softe ready to straine and then strain them into a faire bason and set them on a chafindishe with coales and let them boyle and put in Suger and Sinamon sufficient to swéeten them and put it
faire warme water as much Sack and take half flower half bread mingle them altogether then take fiue or six egges and break therin whites and all a little nutmeg Pepper and salt and cut in Appells very small then take a faire skillet with Suet and let it boyle on the fier and so put the batter in it For a Posset TAke a posnet full of creame and séethe it and put Suger and Sinamon in it then take halfe Ale and halfe Sacke and put Suger and Sinamon in it Porke Sauce TAke Vineger Mustard Suger and Pepper Piggesauce TAke halfe Vineger and halfe Vergis a handfull of percely and Sage chopte very small a Pomewater shredde very small then take the grauie of the Pigge with Suger and Pepper and boyle them together Sauce for a Gooce TAke Vineger and appells shred very small two spoonfulls of musterd a lit-Pepper and Salte and take Suger sufficient to swéeten it then boyle it well together Capon sauce TAke water Onions pepper and some of the grauie and salte and boyle thē together How to make Almond milke TAke a péece of the screge end of a neck of mutton a good handful of huld barly a good handfull of colde hearbs a litle salt then take a handful of almonds blanche them and grinde them in a stone morter and straine the licour through a faire bolter then put in a litle Suger and so giue it to drinke How to make white or red Vineger FEtche your Vineger at Saint Katherins a grote a gallon to the quantitys of sixe gallons and put thereto a pottle of Elder flowers such as will shake off whē they be ripe and sée your vessell be close stopped vp and filled and thus you maye renew your vessell euery yéere with Vineger and flowers according to the quantitye but let the olde remaine this maye you doo either with strong or small béere and the remnants of barrells How to styll Rosewater that it may well keepe WHen that you set your styll vp vpon the plate sifte as many fine ashes vpō your plate as may be half an inch thick at the least and lay them euery where alike sauing in the middle a little thicker and vpon the ashes strew a little beaten baye salte euery where a like then set on the bottome of your styll somewhat stooping that it maye be higher behinde then before forcasting the water well out in the stilling when you styll gather your roses as drye as you can and put them into the styll presently if the Roses be drye if you haue more then you can styll when they be newe gathered put them into a flaskit not too thicke for it will mare both the Roses and the water when you styll couer your Roses with papers and cast a cloth ouer the papers that water that ye will kéepe longest take it alwaies awaye before the cake be through stilled keepe that water by it selfe that which is last stilled by it selfe that y e comes last of the cake is not so good as that which comes firste let your glasses be washed a fortnight before you néede them because they must be very drye before you put in your water stop not your glasses before they be through drye for they will be mustye set them in a window a daye or two that the Sunne maye come to them and when they be very drye stop them with wax or corke and some sercenet about the Corke or waxe and couer them with leather or parchement and set them by til you haue occasion to occupy them euery glasse that is filled with Rosewater as soone as it is filled set it into an Ouen after you haue drawen Pyes or white Bread and let it stand in a wéeke or more till you haue occasion to heate your Ouen againe if it be not too long and so set it in twice or thrice before you set them vp for all the yéere and set your Glasses in a Bason or péece for feare of bursting whē you set vp your Glasses for all the yéere wrap them in woollen and set it in a Cubbert or shelfe and kéep this water in this order and it will last two or thrée yéere How to make very sweete Cakes either of Damaske or red Roses TAke your Roses very faire coloured and somewhat close if you will make your cakes large take a pecke of Roses to euery cake or halfe a pecke and put two Cakes together bottome to bottome and put into euery cake besides two handfull of swéet Margerum rootes and all for at that time of the yéere cut Margerum is not swéet cut of the rootes of swéet Margerum and two good handful of lauender and an vnce of the best Damaske powder you can get a quarter of a pound of orris and one vnce of Cloues let not the cloues or the orris be beaten much when you doo searce your orris sée it be not woormeaten and smell wel all this powder wil serue but for fower cakes straw into your still some Roses firste in the bottome then Margerum Lauender and some powder and then Roses againe and a little powder then Lauender and margerum more powder then you did before then put a few Roses in the top somewhat thin whē they be halfe stilled take them foorthe and laye them betwixte two papers and laye not one Cake against another before they be colde then saue them in papers and cut the papers bigger then y e Cakes and sewe them round as soone as you can put them into an Ouen after they be stilled and heate the Ouen no hotter then if it were after Pyes or Cakes and let them staye no longer thē a day or a night then take them out and when they be cold lay them betwixt your clothes and if they be not drye then set them in againe a wéeke or a fortnight and after they be through drye prick the papers on both sides vnto the brim euery where thicke these cakes will continue thrée or fowre yéere How to preserue Cherries TAke thrée pounde of Cherries and clip off halfe the stalkes thrée pound of Suger and as much rosewater as will wet the Suger and no more then put in all your Cherries and set them ouer the fier and shake them thrée or fower times for burning to the bottome of the pan let them séethe in euerye place a like and skumme them continually it is no matter for taking vp sirrop for it will goe to the bottome and you may put it in again where it dooth séethe faster in any wise haue some cléer fier by to put vnder wher it dooth want and let it séeth a reasonable good pace alwaies and when it riseth to a froth al ouer haue thrée or foure spoons by you and set out a little in a spoone that you may sée whether it doo Ielly or no as soone as the sirrop in your spoone is colde set out more til you sée it be ready for the cullour will alter very muche
if it séethe past the time therfore when it is of a reasonable thicke Ielly take them off couer them not vntill they be colde put them vp in glasses or gally pots and break the Ielly as little as you can How to preserue Gooseberies TAke foure pound of Gooseberies pul off the blossomes off the toppes but not the stalkes take foure pound of suger to them and first put in two pound of suger and do no more thē wet them in rose water you must lay your gooseberies one by one and not one vpon another and set them vpon a softe fier little more thē embers and you must kéepe them still ready to séethe but not to séethe for the space of thrée or fower howers they will yéelde much licour and as your licour encreseth so cast your suger which is left on the top in euery place a like some at one time and some at an other and whē they haue béen on the fier thrée or fower howers let them séeth very softly scarce a quarter of an hower and skumme them with y e back of a spoone or a knifes poynte and so set out in a spoone to coole as is aboue sayde and when they be Iellied take them off the fier and doo to all your preserued thinges in putting them foorth and glassing of thē as is before written preserue all your thinges if you can either with earthen or in pewter and your pewter must be scoured with faire water and beatē sand and if you haue no pewter nor earthen panne thē take a brasse pan which is very swéet and scoure it with lome very bright How to preserue Damsons TAke fower pounde of Damsons thrée pound of suger to them lay your damsons one by one in a faire Charger and put one pounde of suger in the bottom euery where a like then put in your damsons and throw one pounde of Suger on the toppe of them and take halfe a dossen spoonefull of red Rosewater and take a feather and sprinkle it euery where vpon them set them vpon a Triuet and a very softe fier vnder them and let them boyle euery where a like very softlye as your sirrop increaseth so put on the rest of the Suger and when it beginneth to Iellye set it foorth in a spoone as you doo y e other you must let them boyle fowre or fiue howers very softlye and as the scumme riseth so take it off and as you doo the other aforesaid so doo this couer thē with a faire platter in the boyling and as the streame of the water riseth take off the platter once in a quarter of an houre and wipe the water of it with a cloth and lay it on againe as long as it is a boiling and when they be boyled enough take off the Platter and couer it no more then take twentye Cloues being somewhat brused not broken and that being taken off the fier put in the cloues and put them down in the sirrop How to preserue Peare plummes either white or black TAke fower pound of faire peareplums and take fower pounde of suger to thē as much rosewater as wil wet the suger to the white peare plums Damaske rose water and to the black plums red Rose-water kéep out one pound of your Suger vnwet laye in your Peare plummes one by an other and set them vpon a very soft fier for the space of two howers let them be ready to boyle but let them not boyle and as the sirrop increaseth throwe y e rest of the Suger vpon them and euery hand while turne couer them with a dishe as you doo the Damsons and wipe off y e water also and when they haue béen vpō the fier two or thrée howers then let them boyle half an houre softly or a litle while more or lesse till they be Ielled and take héede the cullour alter not from white when they be boyled inough powre the sirrop vpon them till they be colde Preserue your white Bullesse euen as your Peare plummes How to preserue Barberies TAke a pounde of Barberies and stone them but pull thē not off the bunches take the fairest and reddest bunches you can get when the stones be taken out way one pound of them and take a pound and a halfe of Suger to them wette the Suger verry well with redde Rose-water and set it on the fier and as soone as it boyleth vp drawe the scumme on one side and put in the barberies and dip them wel in the sirrop with a spoon let them boyle very softly the space of a quarter of an hower euery where a like you must dip them downe and turne them as soone as they be on the fier then take thē off when they haue boyled almost a quarter of an hower di● and poure sirrop vpō them till they be halfe colde How to preserue Quinces TAke fower pound of Quinces fower pound of Suger a quarte of faire water and let it boyle once vp haue fower whites of new laid egges and one of the shelles and beate them very well for the space of halfe an hower with a pinte of faire water and when your sirrope firste séetheth vp cast in the whites of Egges that you haue beaten and stirre them till they haue sodden two or thrée waumes then take it off the fier poure it through a Ielly bag and put a rosemary branche in the bottome then pare your Quinces and core them and set on the same sirrop and put in your Quinces and let thē lye one by an other easily that you may well turn thē that you bruse not one another and let them séethe euery where a like and turne them very often and whē they haue boiled two or thrée howers take the kernells that you pull out of your Quinces and kéep the Ielly of the kernells as whole as you can then core them make two or thrée balles of the kernels and put them in the pan with the Quinces and when your Quinces haue well boyled that it will Ielly very well that you may cut it take them off and poure them into a faire bason or earthen vessell and fil the holes of the Quinces with sirop thē take a stick of sinamon and a score of cloues being somewhat brused and put the same into the sirop How to preserue Orrenges TAke of the highest culloured orrenges and the thickest rindes that you can get let not the rindes be softe pare them very thin core thē and pull out the meate of them when you haue doon so lay them in the water and shifte them thrice a day for thrée dayes and set on two pannes or kettells with faire water and when the water dooth séeth put in your Orrenges and let them séeth till the water be somewhat bitter then shifte them into the other water and two or thrée more waters as long as the water tasteth bitter or hath any high cullour when they are somewhat tender take them off and
into a faire glasse and so vse it as you néed How to make Prune Tartes IF you will haue a Tarte in a great platter take two pound of Dammaske Prunes half a pound of great Raisons if you will haue the Tarte all black take so much or els but halfe take a quarte of very good creame eight yolkes of Egges beate them together and then set them on a fresh fier to séethe let it be stirred continually til it haue sodden a dossen wames then take it vp and put it in a faire cloth or a boulter strainer tye it hard with a Packthrid close to the stuffe and hang it on a naile till all the whey be runne out that it may be somewhat stiffe then put in as much Suger as will season it powder or other a little Ginger if you will that which you kéep for the white put in thrée or fower spoonful of Rosewater take halfe of that for gréene if you will then take two or thrée handefull of Spinidge cleane picked from the staulkes washe it cleane but you must dry it well in a cloth and stampe it and wring out the iuice of it and put some of that iuice to the white till it be made gréene take the whites of Egges and mingle it as you did y e yolkes and ye may put iuice of Spinidge either to the white or y e yellow you may make your tarte of fower cullours if you will as black white yellow and gréene or all of one or two cullours which you will when your Prunes and Raisons be washed couer them close and séethe them in faire water séethe them no longer then you may easily straine them nor with too much water when they be sodden powre the water clean from them let them be strained with as litle licour as you can then put in after they be strained thrée quarters of a pound of Suger thrée quarters of an vnce of Sinamon a quarter of an vnce of Ginger put it in a faire Pipkin or skillet and set them on the fier and let it séethe and be well stirred a prittye while till it be somewhat stiffe then take off it put in a quarter of a pinte of Damaske rosewater make it not limber but that it may cut when it is in the Tarte How to make Iellye either of capon cock Veale chicken or calues feet Tenche or Barnell you may make Ielly of any one of these or two of them together IF you will make a pottell take a knockell of Veale or a shoulder and a yong Cocke cut of all the fatte that you sée and wash it in as many waters till the water be cléer lay it in water an hower or two and cut it in halfe a dossen péeces but be sure you chop no bone asunder that hath any marow in it when you take it out of water haue a Béere pottle pot with faire water and put the water and the meat in a faire pipkin and set it vpon a fier at one end of your chimney not again the fier let there be no fier vnder the bottome of your pot and let it séethe very softly and take off the fat as it riseth and doo not stir the meat any thing in séething nor when you poore out the Ielly when it hath sodden fower or fiue howers take a little of it in a spoone and set it a cooling when it is so stiff that you may cut it with a knife powre it out into a gally pot or els some other narrow mouth pot and when it is colde take off the fatte that is vppermost if the bottome be any thing black pare it away then take to euery pinte of the ielly a quarter of a pounde of Suger if you will haue it strong of the spice take halfe an vnce of Sinamon a race of ginger one Nutmegge two or thrée Mace and bruse it very groce and put into euery pinte so much spice and Suger as is written and one white of an egge with a litle péece of the shell beaten very well and as y e froth of your white of the Egges dooth rise cast it into your Iellye half a pinte of white Wine and halfe a pinte of damaske rose water and two spoonfull of white Wine Vineger if you make thrée pintes or a pottell put in of these thrée thinges thus muche or els according to the quantitye that you make if you will kéepe it a fortnighte or thrée wéekes put in very little Vineger set it in the couldest place that you haue in your house and kéep it in gally pots or glasses when you set it on the fier you must stirre it continuallye while it séethe vp haue your ielly bag a branche of rosemary in the ende of it and a fewe round strawes of hay and when it séethes vp poure it into the ielly bagge and whē it is run once through put it into the ielly bag againe with a great spoon very softly and when it is very cleane put it vp in such thinges as you will haue it and couer it not till it be colde How to make blacke Puddinges TAke Otmeale and stéepe it in sodden Milke then take Hogges suet good hearbes and chop them small then put in Fennell séed pepper and Salte How to make white Puddinges TAke grated bread currans yolkes of egges Nutmegs Sinamon and some Suger salte and Béefe suet and temper them with Creame How to make Liuering Puddinges TAke the Liuer of a Hogge and giue it thrée or fower waumes ouer the fier then either grate it or choppe it verye small and take a little grated bread and two egges well beaten whites and all and Currans Nutmegges Pepper and Salte and Hogges suet How to make a Lenton Pudding TAke grated bread a little Suger nutmegges Sinamon Salte and yolkes of Egges tempered with a litle creame A Haggas Pudding TAke the Haggas of a Calfe perboyle him and when he is colde choppe him very small then take a litle grated bread and put two yolkes of Egges with good hearbes chopped very small and currans Nutmeg and salte How to make Sausages TAke the Fillets of a Hogge and halfe as muche of the suet of the Hogge and choppe them both very small then take grated bread two or thrée yolks of egges a spoonfull of groce pepper as much salt temper them with a little creame and so put them into the skinnes and broyle thē on a gridiorne To make fresh Cheese TAke new milke and put a litle runing to it and when it is scumde breake it then take some Suger Sinamon rose-rose-water and so put it in a chéese moule and put Creame to it For a Tansie TAke either walnut trée leaues or lettice alone or all other good hearbes stampe them and strain them and take a little Creame and grated bread nutmeg pepper and Suger fower Egges two of the whites beate them together and so frye it in a pan To make Fritters TAke a little