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water_n boil_v let_v little_a 6,333 5 5.4008 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03361 A briefe and pleasaunt treatise, intituled, Naturall and artificiall conclusions: written first by sundrie scholers of the Vniuersitie of Padua in Italie, at the instant request of one Barthelmewe a Tuscane: and now Englished by Thomas Hill Londoned [sic], as well for the commoditie of sundrie artificers, as for the matters of pleasure, to recreate wittes at vacant tymes; Naturall and artificiall conclusions. Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528. 1581 (1581) STC 13480.5; ESTC S106219 21,960 64

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three or foure times or o●tner aboute thy hande and the other ende of the Corde or Rope winde about by the top of the Palme betweene the fore finger and thumbe that the one part of the corde maie reache vnto the Nayle and the head or other ende vnto the bottome of the Plame by whiche it must againe be winded about and after that winded againe once or twise aboute And this so done then with a vehement plucke and force assaye in the same part by which it is so ouer winded or runne with the Corde for that the substance of the Corde or Rope whiche is vnder doeth defende that the hande can take no harme by the hasty and strong pull and take heede that the vttermost folde of the Corde slyde not in thy hande And to conclude this conceiue that in the mightie and hastie plucke together the one folde of the Corde doeth so cut the other in sunder and then especi●lly when as that parte shall bee sette soft whiche is betweene the hand and the nayle and that both the hande be strong and then plucke out right and quick And now if you will conceiue this order in the windyng of the Corde about both the handes you may so breake the same with the onely strength of the handes yea suche strong Cordes or Ropes as will well holde a Bullocke or Cowe vnto the admiration or wondering of the lookers on ¶ How to make white Flowers like as the Lilly white Rose and suche like to be red AND to doe this fill a pint pot of the best red Wine vnto the middle of it and within the mouth of the pot hāg the white ●lowers so deepe in that thei touch not the wine after that couer the mouth of the pot very close so that no aire of the wine breath out and then let it so stande for one whole daie and they will after become red of colour And to make suche flowers that be● naturally white to become red dooe this first take grose earth driyng the same very well in the Sunne that you maie after bryng the same into very fine pouder and after put the same earth into a pot or halfe Tubbe where you mynde to plant your white flowers to become redde and after they be so planted in the earth then let thē not be watered at any tyme with any other water then this whiche is made on this wise Take water puttyng therein a certaine quantitie of Brasill finely cut and boyle the same vnto a third parte whiche water after take and beyng through colde water by little and little the same earth as bothe at mornyng and euenyng and water it at no tyme with any other water then this vntil you see that the same water first haue taken effect ¶ How to make a hollow Ring to daunce by it self a proper secrete AND to doe this take a Ring rounde about hollowe into whiche put quicksiluer and stopp the same fast that it runne not forth After heate the Ring somewhat in the fire or lette it lye neere vnto the fire and beeyng hot laie the same on a Table or Stoole which by and by after wil begin to daunce of it self vntill it be colde againe ¶ To make Glewe to holde together so hard as a stone a proper secret AND to do this take vnfleke Lime and quench the same with wine and beate the same into fine powder mixing therewith both Figges and Swines greace and after labour them well together for this as Plinie writeth passeth the hardnesse of a Stone Also take Greeke Pitch Rosin and the powder of Tyle stones these mixe together and when you will occupie of the same then heate it ouer the fire and worke therewith for when the same is colde it holdeth them together so harde as any Nayle Also take of Spuma ferri one pounde of Tyle shardes tw●● pounde ●f vnslekt Lyme foure pounde of Oyle of Linseede so muche as shall suffice to prepare and worke them together for this Glewe is merueilous strong whiche neither feareth nor yeeldeth to water nor fire ¶ To make an Apple moue on the Table a proper secrete HOw to doe this take an Apple and cut the same in the middest and in the one halfe make a rounde hole putting therein a black ●eetle and so laie the same half on the Table and it will then moue ¶ To make Roses and other flowers that be red to become white AND to doe this take Brimstone beating the same into fine pouder whiche powder burne on a newe Tylestone holdyng suche red flowers or Roses ouer the smoake of it whiles it so burneth and thei will after become white and on this wise you maye make your Roses halfe white and half red or one leafe white and an other red by a cappe of paper so cut for the nouce ¶ How to write letters on the Egshell that the same letters maie appeare within on the Egge AND to do this take a little quantitie bothe of Gales and Allome whiche woorke together with Vineger after write with this licour what you will on the shell and that dryed laye then the Egge●●triue or els anoynt the Egge aboute w●th Waxe vnto the thicknesse of a Paper or somewhat more and with a fine bodkin write deepe letters that the hoales may be open and the letters apparant into the whiche holes poure of this licour and when the same is dryed on the Egge then seeth the Egge vntill it bee harde and after laye the same to soake in sharp Vineger through the which soaking the letters will so passe through the shell that the letters maie be seen on the Egge after the shell is pulled of How to make a Bottle or a narrowe mouth pot full of water or milke not to spill or shed forthe TO doe this take the Bottle or narrowe mouth Pot and fill the same vnto the brimme after couer the mouthe with a Paper and then turne the mouth dounward on the mouth of an other pot and nothyng shall shed forthe as by a triall in fillyng the one pot with Milke and the other maie be seene How to kill Fleas diuers waies AND first to gather all the Fleas of thy Chamber into one place anoint a Staffe with the greace of a Foxe or Headghog and laie the Staffe againe where you list in your chamber and it shall so gather al the Fleas by it Also sill a dish with Goates bloud and set the same by the bed and all the Fleas will come to it roūd aboute And the like will they doe by the bloud of the Headghog Also take the fat of a Goate and anoint what you list therewith and set the same vnder your bed and all the Fleas will gather vnto the same Also take Lupines or flat Beanes boyle them in water with Wormwood and that water sprinkle well aboute the Chamber and al the Fleas shall auoyde that Chamber Also take an Apple of Coliquintida and infuse the same in
water and in that water boyle Wormewood whiche cast aboute the Chamber killeth all the Fleas And the like doeth the Peache leaues or Veruein or Colyander boyled in water and so cast about ¶ How to make a pot of Glasse not to sinke in the water a proper secrete TO dooe this first fill a glass pot full of Water or Wine vnto the brimme for otherwise it sincke●h downe is drowned in the settyng of it in the water the reasō of which appeareth by this demonstration Imagin that the pot be D. whose necke is A.B.C. the vacant parte of it A B. in that A.B. doe●h beare about water through the ayre which is contained therein and the waight of the glasse A. B draweth towarde the Centere and A.D.C. cannot descende by straight line downe for that it shall labour in vaine And therefore the signifier D. howeth in that D when as the wine is set in the water it resisteth not and therefore A.B. doeth descend vntil it come vnto the vpper face of the water but when A.B. shall bee in the vpper face of the water the part E. is then drouned in that it is the neather parte and all the necke of the pot How to make a thin Glewe very profitable a proper secrete AND to dooe this take the Glewe made of Fishes beatyng the same strongly on an Anuell vntill it bee thinne whiche after laie to soake in water vntil it become very soft and tender which will be within fiue or sixe houres and then work it like past to make small rolles therof which when it is like vnto paste stretch it or drawe it out very thin and when you will worke with it then put of the same into an earthen pot wi●h a little fayre water ouer hot embers and skimme the same very cleane and let it so seeth a little while after worke with the same keepyng it still ouer the hotte embers vntill you haue do●n with it for so it fasteneth and bindeth the stronger And in suche sorte that it fastneth peeces of glasse together How to draw a Ring of beyng very hard thrust on and the finger swelled AND if either man or woman hath thrust a Ryng so harde on their finger that he or she cannot drawe the same of through the swellyng of the finger then threede a Needle and drawe the same vnder the Ryng and winde the thred about the finger on the other side and so often winde the thred aboute and diligently consider that the whole ioynt and parte of the finger liyng or beeyng betweene the ioynt and the Ring be couered about with the threede and that no parte be seen of the skinne through the close coueryng of the threed and euen drawe the Needle againe vnder the Ryng and winde the threed like about on the other side and that speedely whereby the Ryng drawne and remooued on the thred by little and little may so passe ouer the ioynt and come of But whylest you are in the doyng of this make no tariaunce or delaie for that the finger doeth so lightly swell that without great paine the Ryng can not be drawne of To make fruites as Apples Peares Quinces and suche like to haue what proper forme you will on them AND to doe this counterfaite on a peece of wood beyng in bigne●se to the fruite whiche you desire what forme you will Or els cutte Romaine or other fashione letters in it to expresse if you list some proper worde which so done then make a moulde with Water and Chalke vnto the thicknesse of thy little finger the same part into the iust hast And when this moulde is drie whiche soone drieth separate then the same from the wood with Oile before And when you haue gotten of the moulde from the wood and parted it in two iust halfes then take the same moulde and binde it mos●e close vnto the fruite beeyng growne vnto his halfe bignesse and let it so continue vntill the fruite become vnto his full bignesse and thē take the moulde away and you shall see the tryall of the former taught How to cut a Glasse a proper secrete AND to doe this steepe a threede in Oile and Brimstone mixt together and compasse the glasse with the thred in the place where you would haue it parted and after kindle and light the sam● and so often doe thus vntil the place he hot and after compasse the same with a threed wet in cold water and it will part so cleane asunder as if the same had been cut with a sharpe painted Diamond How to soften Christall to imprint what you list therein a proper secrete AND to doe this take the bloud of a Lambe and the bloud of a Weather mixyng these together after take thy Christall stone heating it in the fire burning hot and then quenche it in the bloud whiche after will become so soft as paste then with a Copper print worke therein what you list and after set the same abroade in the ayre and it will come againe vnto the former hardnesse How to walke on the water a proper secrete FOR to do this take two little Timbrels and binde them vnder the soles of thy feete and at a staues end fasten an other and with these you maie safely walke on the wate● vnto the wonder of all suche as shall see the same if so be you often exercise the same with a certeine boldnesse and lightnesse of the bodie ¶ To make a Candle to burne a proper secrete FOr to do this first make a weeke of Silke and infuse the same in the Oyle of Hempseede and whē the weeke shall bee sufficiently soaked role the same in Snowe vntill it bee of the bignesse of a greate Candle whereby it maie so be wel wrought together and after light the same settyng it in a sticke and it will giue the like light as a Waxe Candle Also make a Candle of Purpen stone waxe together about the which role Snow and the Snowe will burne vntill it bee all wasted Also take Snow and mixe therewith the powder of Camphire and of the same make a Candle and it will burne beeyng lighted ¶ How to drawe many Candles the one after the other beyng la●ed a foote distaunce or more asunder FOR to dooe this take Brimstone Orpiment and Oile these labour together and make thereof an oyntment after take so many Candles as may well serue your Table whiche laie on the Table a large foote asunder and all a roe the one behinde the other as long as you list to laie them yea a hundred maie you late downe on this wise a length if you laye them streight then take a long threed and anoynt the same in this oyntment whiche after laye a long on the Candles and after drawyng the formost all will followe by order ¶ How to cut an Apple into many peeces without harmyng of the skinne or paryng TO doe this take a most fine Needle with a small threede and thrust the same
by little and litle vnder the paryng and thrust it in againe right against the place vntill you haue so gone rounde about the outside of the Apple And this also remēber that you thrust the needle through the parting at streight corners one against the other of the Apple and this so often doe vntill you come againe vnto the first place where you began And if so be you would deuide the same in sixe or eight peeces then draw the thred againe by a like distaunce alwaies takyng heede to deuide the Apple vnder the skinne and whē you haue thus doen with the Apple and the peeces yet couered with the skinne thē draw ou● the endes of the thred and you shall a●●er deuide the Apple within without ha●●●yng of the paring or skin into so many peeces as you list And when you haue thus drawne ●ut and taken the thred quite awaie you man keepe the Apple so long as you thinke requisite How to make a Cup of Glosse beyng set in the fire not to burne AND to doe this take what Cup or Pot of glasse you list and seeth the same in common Oyle by the space of fiue houres and after take it foorth and it will be then made so strong that the said Cup of glasse or pot will endure the heate of the fire How to m●ke a Candle to be maruailed at a proper secrete AND to doe this take foure vnces of salte Niter sixe vnces of fine Frankēsence three vnces of brimstone sixe vnces of Oyle and sixe vnces of the Mi●ke of Cataputia all these beate fine mixe together after take thrée vnces of Waxe and make then a Candle of altogether in the ende of which Candlesticke sticke deepe a Needle and after set the same in a narrowe mouth glasse full of water and you shal see after what the same will doe ¶ How to make quick siluer in a ma●er so hard as siluer AND to doe this take the strongest Vineger and whites of Egge● wel beaten together and three vnces of quicksiluer vnto one of the other these first still together in a Limbecke wel luted and in that distilled water put the quicksiluer and it will bee after so harde that you maie work it with the hammar Also take quicksiluer and washe it in the distilled water of mans bloud and euery tyme you wash the same let it drie and in the ende it wil come to be so harde as siluer How to see many and diuers straunge sightes in an Vrinall AND to see these take a newe and cleane washed Vrinall into which poure either cleane water or other runnyng water after take the white of an newe layed Egge and a little Saffron bindyng it in a cleane linnen cloth after that poure a little of the water into a dishe and put the cloth with the Saffron into it so long vntill it haue coloured it somwhat and beyng on this wise thē beate the white of the Egge with this water seuē or eight tymes with thy ●inger and then poure the same into the Vrinall and you shall after see in it Towers Castels Hilles and many other straunge sights How to catch Foules without a Net TO doe this take Arsnick puttyng the same in water and in that water boyle Wheate or any other graine and cast the same forthe vnto Foules and so many as eate thereof will not be able afterwarde to flye away And take the iuyce of Celidone and infuse Wheate in the same lettyng it there remaine for thrée daies after giue the same vnto Foules to eate and such as eate thereof you maie after take with the hand Also take Wheate puttyng it in Wine Lees and let the same remaine there eight daies after that put it into the iuyce of Celandine and Horehounde to steepe whiche so doen then giue of the same vnto the foules to eate and suche as eate thereof cannot after flye a waie How to make a loafe of bread newe set vpon the Table to leape of TO doe this take a quill fillyng the same with Quicke siluer and stopping it close thrust the same after into a hot loafe newe drawne out of the Ouen and the loafe will by and by daunce on the Table How to make an Egge flye about amerry conclusion AND to do this take a Gose Egge and after the opening and cleansing of it take a Backe that flyeth in the Euenyng whiche put into the shell then glewe it fast about on the toppe and the Backe wil so flye awaie with it which perhappes will bee thought of some to flye about in the ayre of it self ¶ How to make Artificiall fire diuers waies and that maruailous AND first to make a flame of fire to passe sodeinly out of the mouth of a pot full of water take an Egge makyng an hole in the head and drawe out all the substaunce of the same whiche so dooen then fill the same with the pouder of Brimstone and vnsl●ckt Lime mixed together shuttyng the mouthe with Waxe and then let it fall to the bottome of a quarte potte full of Water takyng quickly your hande awaie and sodainly will issue forthe a flame out of the mouthe of the potte And also if thou wilt spit fire out of thy mouthe without paine and to dooe thee no harme take the pouder of the Willowe sticke finelie beaten and searsed with the whiche ioyne a little newe Silke makyng it rounde vp like vnto a ball into whiche put this pouder wrappyng the Silke well aboute it and after putt it within with the pouder a little fine Flaxe and then properly stitche it vp rounde aboute whiche so dooen then cut it open a little on the one side puttyng a quicke coale or a light Candle vnto it to set it on fire a little then put it againe into thy mouthe holdyng the same softly with thy teethe and tournyng also the parte cut inward in thy mouthe and when thou wilt spit fire out then holde the hall strongly in thy mouth and blowe and the lookers on shall see then a greate flame issue forthe of thy mouth and doe there no harme at all Also to make a fire flye vp in the ayre Take Towe and wet the same in Aquauitae and after put fire to it and blowe the same awaie which after will flye vp in the ayre and burne ¶ How to knowe a naturall precious stone from a counterfaite AND to dooe this rubbe the same on Leade and if it chaunge the colour then it is counterfaite if it chaunge not then it is a naturall Stone Also if the stone haue like vnto a Bladder within then it is counterfaite ¶ How to make a man appeare on a flame burnyng without any harme TO do this take Brimstone Orpiment and common Oyle of these make an oyntment with the whiche anoynt thy garment all about and thy head and handes and after light the same and it will burne all at once without harme Also take iuyce of ●dders tongue the iuyce of March Mallo●es