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A00309 Epulario, or The Italian banquet wherein is shewed the maner how to dresse and prepare all kind of flesh, foules or fishes. As also how to make sauces, tartes, pies, &c. After the maner of all countries. With an addition of many other profitable and necessary things. Translated out of Italian into English.; Epulario. English Rosselli, Giovanne de. 1598 (1598) STC 10433; ESTC S105525 46,482 80

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the space of halfe an hour and when it is boiled put to it three ounces of Rosewater then make your messes or couer the flesh of the Capon or other bird therewith and send it to the table and for the better grace or shew whē you send it to the table straw it ful of the kernels of a Pomgranet And if you will haue this meat of two colours take the yolke of an egge and a little Saffron and mingle them together with a part of the meat and make it somewhat sharper of Veriuice then the rest of the meate that is feast white and in that sort it is called brome flowers and if you haue two Capons couer the one with the white and the other with yellow To make twelue kinds of white meat after the Catalonian manner Take a pot ful of Goats milk and eight ounces of flower of fine Rice and boile it in the milke then take the flesh of the breast of a Capon new killed and let him be halfe boiled then pull it in small péeces as big as threds and put it into a morter to beat but giue it but two stampes and when the milke hath boiled halfe an hour put the said Capons flesh into it with a pound of Sugar and let them boile for the space of halfe an houre or there abouts and stirre it well as long as it standeth on the fire and to know when this is boyled take out thy spoone and it will séeme fresh then put rose-Rose-water into it as aforesaid and dish it strawing Sugar vpon thē and so send them to the table To make white meats after the manner of Catalonia Take a pound and a halfe of Almonds well blanched and stamped which being tempered with the broth of a Pullet and strained set them to boile in an earthen pipkin then put into it two ounces of Rice floure first tempered with the Almond milke which you shall boile for the space of halfe an houre stirring it with a spoone then put to it a pound and a halfe of Sugar and a little of the flesh of a Capons breast wel beaten which Capons flesh should be soddē with the almond milke as soon as it is set set vpon the fire and when this composition is well sodden you shall adde thereto a little rose-rosewater thē dish it and strawing a little fine sugar vpon it send it to the Table To seeth Rice in flesh or Capons broth To make ten dishes of brothes take a pound of Almonds well blanched and a pound of rice which you shal wash twise or thrise in warm water then set it on the fire in boiling water and let it séeth and being boiled let it stand in the water that it may swell then stampe the Almonds wetting them with fresh water because they shall not bee oily tempering them with Capons or other broth then strain them set the milke to séeth in an earthen pipkin putting therto a pound of Sugar and when they begin to boile put the Rice into them and set them in a pipkin vpon the coales not to néer the fire stirring it with a spoone that it smell not of the smoke In like manner you may séeth Rice in Goats milke or in other milk and note that such kinde of brothes doe easily smell of the smoke Which if it happen the remedy first to take the broth out of the pipkin but looke you touch not the bottome thereof and put it in another clean pipkin then take a péece of linnen cloth folded in thrée or foure folds and wet it in fresh water then wring out the water and lay the said péece of linnen so doubled vpon the pipkin of broth and let it stand so for a quarter of an houre then wet the cloth againe and put it on if néed be and by this meanes the sauour of the smoke wil be taken away I neuer found a better way then this to take it away and it is very good To make broth of leane flesh Take the leane flesh of a Calfe sodden in water and salt beat it well and let it boile in fat broth putting vnto it crums of Whitebread and a little Pepper and Saffaron and let it boile halfe an houre then let it coole a little that done take Egges grated Chéese Persely Margerum Mints well stamped together with a little Veriuice then beat them all together with the foresaid flesh and stirre them with a spoon this kind of broth would bee thicke and in this manner you make liuerings To make a kind meat of guts The Guts would be well washed and made very cleane and then sodden with a bone of Bacon to giue them a good tast and without salt because they may be the whiter when they are boiled cut them into smal péeces and mixe thē with Parsely Mint Sage salt and Pepper then again giue them a boyling and so dish them and straw thē with a little Chéese or spice which you thinke good To make meat of wheat sodden with broth of flesh Capon Hate or Pigeons First take a pound and a halfe of Wheat wash it clean then séeth it in broth of Capon fat Pullet or other good flesh and let it boile wel stirring it with a spoone and when it is sodden put to it Pepper and yolkes of Egges and mingle them together you must make it yellow with Saffron To make meat of Turneps Make the Turneps cleane and cut them in péeces then séeth them in fat flesh broth that done stamp them and strain them and so let them séeth againe in fat broth with a little Béefe or Bacon with Pepper and Saffron To make broth of a Gourd Make them cleane as they ought to bée then séeth them in flesh broth or else with water alone adding thereto certaine Onions as you thinke good and when it is boiled take it out then either bruse it small or stampe it and straine it through a Cullander and then againe set it to séeth in a pipkin with fat broth and a little Veriuice and let them bee somewhat yellow with Saffron and when they are sod take them off the fire and set them to coole then take yolkes of Egges according to the quantity and beat them with a little old chéese and put them to the said meat stirring it with a spoone least it smell of the smoke then dish it and cast spice vpon it To make yellow broth Take a pound and a half of Almonds vnblanched stamp them well then take the flesh of the breast of a Capon or other birds rosted or sodden whether you wil with the yolk of Egges beat them all with the said Almonds adding vnto them a pound of Sugar Sinamon Ginger and a little Saffron and temper them with the broth of a Pullet or other fat broth and a little Veriuice and straine them and set them to boile on the coales with a soft fire that they smell not of the smoke and stirre it with a spoone and let
it boile for the spare of halfe an houre and when it is halfe boiled put into it thrée or foure ounces of good swéet Butter and so serue it with casting spice vpon it To make a kind of Leach Take the yolkes of foure egges halfe an ounce of Sinamon foure ounces of Sugar two ounces of Rosewater and foure ounces of the iuice of Orenges beate all these thinges together and boile them and make it somewhat yellow this is common in summer time To make a kind of made meat in flesh time Take a pound of old chéese and a little new chéese and a pound of the belly or panch of a fat Hog or a Cowes Vdder sod then take good hearbes well beaten Pepper Cloues and Ginger adding thereto the flesh of the breast of a Capon wel beaten and all these thinges being well tempered and mixed together then make good past and lap all this in the past and make them no bigger then halfe a Chestnut then fry them in Capons grease or other fat broth and make thē yellow with Saffron let them not boile aboue the space of thrée Pater nosters then dish them and straw them ouer with grated Chéese mixed with other spices The like may bee made of Feisants Partridges and other Foule To make a past or meat of floure Temper thy past as aforesaid and break it into diuers péeces then set it to dry in the sun it will continue two or thrée yeare when you will séeth it it must be sodden in flesh broth or broth of a fat Hen for the space of an houre But if it be not flesh time séeth them in almond milke or Goats milke with Sugar and because this milke will not boile as much as this past requireth boile them first in clean water as Rice is boiled your past also should be baked These past meates would likewise be yellow with Saffron except when they are boyled in milke To make meat of young Beanes with flesh or otherwise Take Beanes and blanch them with whot water like almonds then set them to boile and when they are boiled put to them a little Parsely and Mints well beaten and seeth them with salt Béefe or Bacon let it be somewhat gréen and it is the better The like may be done with pease and other fruits when they are gréene To fry pease with Bacon Take the Pease cod and all as they are boyle them and take a little Bacon larded with fat and cut it into Collopes then fry it a little with the aforesaid pease adding thereto a little Veriuice Sugar or sirope of Mulberies and a little Sinamon In this sort also are white pease fried To make meat of Melts with broth of Pullets or other flesh Séeth the melt with flesh broth let it boile softly stirring it and let it not smell of the smoke and make it yellow with Saffron but it would first be well washed with whote water like Rise To make a certaine kind of meat of Capers with flesh Take a pound and a halfe of Caper and boile them vntill they begin to open then take a pound and a halfe of blanched Almonds well beaten and put them to the said Capers beat them well againe with the crums of a white loafe and temper them with the broth of some good meat then straine it and set it to boile vpon a soft fire stirring it with a spoon then put into it a pound of Sugar halfe an ounce of Ginger Saffron and rose-Rosewater with good spice To make meat of floure and how it is sodden or dressed The floure is to bee boiled in good Caponbroth or other flesh and it must bee put into the broth by little and by little stirring it alwaies with a spoone and boile it the space of half an houre vpon the coales with a soft fire that it smell not of the smoke then dish it and cast chéese and spice vpon it In Lent boile it in Almond milke Sugar and Rosewater To make meat of grated bread Boile the grated bread in good broth then take grated chéese and beat it with Egges and the bread being boiled let it coole then put the said Egges and chéese in the bread and mingle it well together and make it yellow with saffron To make a meat of yong Roses Boile them in broth and when they are almost sodden put to them a little Parsely and Mint small shred and if the broth be ouerthinne straine it with a few crummes of bread and when it is sodden put spice vpon it To make meat of Parsely Take Parsely rootes and pull out the string or pith which is within them and make them very cleane and boile them very well in flesh broth with Pepper and saffaron this may likewise be done with oile To make meat of Fennell The Fennell is sod like Coleworts but it would bee cut smaller and shorter with a little Pepper Bacon or oile To make meat of Quinces Séeth thy Quinces in broth of leane flesh then stampe them and temper them with Almond milk made with broth of Pullets or flesh and if time serue straine them and put them into a pipkin with sugar ginger sinamon and a little saffron set them to boile on a soft fire because it should not smell of the smoke and stirre them with a spoone And it shall be the better if you put a little fresh butter into it and when they are boiled cast spice vpon them To make broth of Bettonie Take a few Bettonie leaues and a little burrage and put them to boile in cleane séething water then take them out and beat them with your knife then take a little Parsely and Mint and beat them with the said hearbes then stamp them all in a morter and put them in a pipkin of fat broth and let them boile and if you will you may put a little Pepper to it this may also be sodden in oile To seeth Gourdes after the Catalonian fashion Take the iuice of the Gourd and make it very clean then put it into a pipkin with good larde or oyle and set the pipkin on the coales vpon a soft fire and make it to boile stirring it with a spoone it should séeth for the space of foure houres then take fat broth coloured with saffron put into the Gourdes adding thereto sugar spice and a little Veriuice according to the tast You may also put to it a few yolkes of egges beaten together with a little old chéese To make a Cullesse of Capon Feisant Partridge Kid or wild Pigeon Take of these Birds and make them very cleane and if you would séeth a Capon til it consume and make two dishes thereof take a pipkin that holdeth foure pints of water and breaking all the capons bones put it therein and set it on the fire and withall séeth a péece of leane Bacon with thirtie or forty grains of brused Pepper a little sinamon grosse beaten a few cloues thrée fiue or sixe sage leaues
broken in thrée péeces and some bayleaues let it boile in a pipkin vntill it consume to the quantity of two or thrée dishes of broth and lesse if you will haue it good but put no salt into it and if it bee for a sicke man you must put no Bacon to onely a little spice and this is good both for the sicke and whole To make tenne dishes of broth Take twenty yolkes of Egges good veriuice flesh broth or Capon broth which is better a little Saffron and some Spice mingle them together and straine them then put thē into a pipkin and set it on a soft fire stirring it with a spoone and when you sée it sticke to the spoone take it from the fire and forget not to stirre it then dish it and straw it with spice It should be swéet with sugar or sharpe with veriuice as you thinke good To make white broth Take a pound of Almonds blanch them and stampe them in a morter wherein you shall put a little faire water that they be not oily then take the white of twenty Egges a few crummes of white bread a little veriuice some broth of flesh or of a Capon with a little white Ginger beate them altogether and straine them with the Almonds then séeth it well as I said in the other broth To make greene broth Take all the things set downe in the first broth Saffron excepted and adde to them Bettonie Parsely and gréen corn if it be to be had beat all this together and straine them and then séeth them as aforesaid To make a deuised broth Take twelue Egs and a pound of good chéese wel grated and mingle them together then take a pipkin full of broth of leane meat coloured with saffron and set it on the fire and when it beginneth to boile put these things into it and stirre it with a spoone and when it beginneth to bee thicke take it from the fire and put spice vpon it To make white pottage Take Almonds stamped in a morter and straine them with broth then take grated white bread and the white of Egges and put it into a pipkin stirring it often and then dresse it as I said before To make greene meat Doe as I said before Saffron excepted adding that which is aforesaid of the gréene broth To make greene yellow or other coloured meat in little peeces or morsels To make meat in small péeces or morsels of gréen or yellow make them as aforesaid according to the colour you wil haue but somewhat harder then take a little spoon and with it make the meat into morsels as big as a Beane and when the broth beginneth to séeth put one by one into the broth and being dished straw spice or sugar on thē which you will To make a deuised meat after the Romane manner Take white floure and make paste of it somewhat thicker then a pancake and roule it about a staffe then take out the staffe then cut the past in péeces of the length of thy little finger whereby they will bee hollow like a pudding and round or close then séeth them in fat broth or in water as time serueth but the broth or water must boile when you put them in And if you séeth them in water put a little swéet Butter and salt in it and when they are sod dish them with Chéese Butter and spices The same another way Make the past as before and séeth them with the broth or water aforesaid but make the paste somewhat thicker and cut it smal and then they are called Trite you may cut them also into greater péeces and séeth them in the same manner To make golden sops Cut slices of white bread without crust and make them square and tost them a little before the fire then take Egges very well beaten with a spoone and a little rose-Rose-water and then put the said slices to soke therin then take them out and fry them in a fryingpan with a little Butter turning them very oft for feare of burning th●n put them in a dish and cast a little rosewater on them coloured yellow with saffron and sugar and so send them to the Table To make a fried meat of Turneps Rost the Turnops in the embers or else séeth them whole then cut or slice them in péeces as thicke as halfe the haft of a knife which done take chéese and cut it in the same form and quantity but some what thinner then take Sugar Pepper and other spices mingled togither and put them in a pan vnder the péeces of chéese as if you would make a crust vnder the chéese and on the top of them likewise and ouer it you shall lay the péeces of Turneps couering them ouer with the spices aforesaid and plenty of good Butter and so you shall doe with the said chéese and Turneps till the pan bée full letting them fry the space of a quarter of an houre or more like a Tart and this would be one of your last dishes The third Booke Shewing how to dresse fish hearbs and many other things in Lent time To make tenne messe of white meat in Lent TAke a pound and a halfe of blanched Almonds and stampe them and the crums of a white loafe stéeped in broth of white pease If you haue no pease broth you may séeth the breadin water for the space of halfe an houre making it soft thē take some good sea fish or Pike taken out of the riuer sodden then take halfe a pound of the white meat of the fish and stampe it with the Almonds sodden bread a litle broth and the iuice of Orenges if you haue no Orenges take Veriuice with some Rosewater and half a pound of cleane white Ginger and halfe a pound of sugar all these tempered together and strained you shall set them to séeth in a pipkin with a soft fire for the space of half a quarter of an houre and let it not smell of the smoke but stirre it often To seeth Rice pottage in Lent Take a pound of blanched Almonds and a pound of rice washed twise or thrise in luke warme water and set them on the fire in cleare water make it séeth as is aforesaid in the second chapter of meat made of Rice but you shal not séeth it with flesh broth To make eight messes of Almond broth Take two pound of blanched Almonds and stampe them well and temper them with cold water because they shal not be oily put to them the crummes of a white loafe then strain them and set them to boile in a pipkin vpon the coales and let it boile for halfe a quarter of an houre putting into them a pound of fine sugar This Almond broth would bee somewhat liquid by adding a little rose-Rosewater to it and it will bee so much the better and so send it to the Table To make broth of Hempe-seed You shal follow the order aforesaid only that you shal not vse flesh broth but fish or pease
broth To make broth of pease You may séeth pease likewise with Almond milk in Lent time as aforesaid To fry pease Take Pease in the huskes and boile them then take good oyle and fry it a little wherein you shal put the pease and fry them in it adding veriuice new wine or sugar To make pottage of Beanes Take Beanes a little broken make them very cleane and set them on the fire and when the water boileth cast it away and put more water that it may bee higher then the Beanes by two fingers then casting in some salt set them to séeth vpon the coales on a soft fire couering them and let them boile well that done dry them and stampe them in a morter then boile them againe in a pipkin with good oyle and let them séeth well but burne them not then take a little sage and sigges or apples cut small and put it into the Oyle with Onyons and softy them then dish them and put some of the oyle and other mixtures vpon them with good spices To fry Beanes in a pan Take Beanes Sage Onions and Figges as aforesaied with other good hearbes and mingle them together then frie them in a frying pan with oyle and make it like a pancake and when it is baked take it out and cast spice vpon it To make ten messes of good broth made of red Pease or Cicers Take two pound of pease and wash them in whote water and put them into a pipkin first drying them put to them an ounce of floure oyle salt Pepper and a little Sinamon well beaten stirre all with a spoone Then put to them three quarts of water or more with a little S●ge Rosemary and Parsely rootes and let them boile together till it bee consumed to the quantity of tenne messes and when it is almost boiled adde to it a little more oile but if you make it for a sick person you shall put neither oyle nor spice into it To make a deuised meat of Almonds Take two pound of Almonds and stampe them well tempering them with cold water least they bee oily then take crummes of white bread and soke it in veriuice then take the Almonds crummes of Bread iuice of Orenges and Rose-water and temper all together adding an ounce of sinamon and a pound of fine sugar and straine all this together making it yellow with saffron And set it to boile in a pipkin vpon coales with a soft fire and let it not take smoke stirring it often with a spoone and so let it boile for the space of halfe a quarter of an houre To make ten messe of a compound broth First take two pound of Almonds stamped with a few elder floures and temper them with fresh water then straine them and when they are strained put them in a pipkin to séeth then take a quart of raw milk and put into it thrée ounces of Dill and crummes of white bread this you shall beate togither with a pound of sugar and set it to séeth when it beginneth to boile you shall mingle them with the other compound but stirre it not and when it is mixed waxeth thick then dish it strawing spice vpon it To make twelue messes of pottage of elder flowers Take two pound of Almonds and stampe them as aforesaid then take foure ounces of dry elder floures and let them soke in clean water for the space of an houre then wring thē out of the water and stampe them with the Almonds adding to it the crummes of a white loafe and a pound of sugar And if you will haue them yellow cast saffron in them then strain it and set it to séeth as aforesaid and being on the fire cast some of the said flowers whole vpon it and when it is boyled spice it well If you will make this broth in flesh time you must adde yolkes of egges with fat broth of a Pullet or other good broth and straine it with sugar and other spices and the floures of elders as aforesaid and being halfe boiled put into it thrée ounces of swéet butter To make meat of Egges beaten which shall shew like pease Séeth your Egges a little then take them out of the broth and to make the broth somewhat thicke take the crummes of a white loafe and straine it through the water or else take the broth of Pease it selfe if you can get it for it is better and in any of these two brothes you shall séeth your egges again with some spice saffron parsely and Mint minced very smal To make a deuised dish of meat or broth of hearbes and Almonds Take hearbes and boyle them but let the water boile before you put them in then take them out and lay them on a Table or a trencher and cut them small with a knife then beat them in a morter and then boile them in almond milke adding sugar vnto it To make a dish of hearbes without milke Boile your hearbes as aforesaid and with some fat or lean broth as time serueth make your dishes as you thinke good To dresse Gourds with Almond milke or with other milke Séeth the Gourdes in water then presse the water out of them and straine them then séeth them with almond milke or other milke with sugar and a little veriuice as you thinke good To fry Gourdes or Pompeons Take Gourdes and make them very cleane then cut thē in thinne péeces and let them boile one waume then take them out and dry them and salt them rouling them in floure that done fry them in good oile thē take them off the fire and take a little Garlike and crummes of bread and stampe them together with a little Veriuice then straine it and put this sauce vpon the Gourds it will be good if you put nothing but Veriuice Fennell séed and a little bafill and if you will haue it yellow cast saffron into it To make pottage of Lettuce which shall seeme to be Gourd Take the white inward part of Lettuce which is in the middle of them and séeth them with onyons Veriuice pepper and saffron if you wil make it in flesh time boile them in flesh broth as is aforesaid with egges and veriuice To make pottage of Coleworts after the manner of Rome Open the Coleworts and cut the leaues as it is vsually done and boile them in water and when they are halfe boyled take them out and cast that water away put the Coleworts into a quantity of oyle first letting them dry and being in the oyle stirre them with a spoone then take fish broth and boile them in it as much as you think good but if you wil séeth them in flesh time boile them in flesh broth with salt flesh or bacon for they would be fat To dresse mushromes Make the Mushromes very cleane and séeth them with two or thrée heads of Garlike and crummes of bread this is done because naturally they are venomous thē take them vp and let
loose it softly from the bord that it breake not Then lay it on a gredyron vpon the coales with fire only vnder the middle part which is not sodden nor fried and let it touch no part else and that the fire may not hurt the fried and boyled part of the fish you must take two square stones made for the purpose and put them vnder the gredyron and lay the coales betwixt them and in broyling the fish bast it with the liquor aforesaid which is fit for broyled fish and when it is ready take it from the fire and vntie the cloth that is wrapped about the head and making it cleane you shall send it to the Table If you will you may make thrée kind of sauces for it is fit for sodden fried broyled fish To dresse Schinale an Italian fish Cut it crossewaies of the bignesse of halfe a finger or therabout and make it very cleane round about then broile it on a gredyron and turn it often and bast it continually with oile and vineger mingled together as much of the one as of the other but it would not be much rosted nor very dry And whē you think that the fire hath perched it and changed the colour thereof round about it is rosted then send it to the Table To know when it is broiled cut it and if it bee red within it is ynough but looke it be not ouerstale To dresse a kind of meat of the spawne of Sturgions called Chauiale Take bread and tost it vntill it begin to chaunge colour and cut some of the spawne in péeces as great as the quantity of the bread but somewhat thinner and lay it vpon the bread then sticke the tosts vpon a knifes point or some other thing and hold them to the fire vntill the spawne waxe hard and somewhat change colour You may doe it another way by washing the spawne of the Sturgion in warme water that it be not too salt then take hearbs chopped with the crums of white bread grated and Onyons minced small and fried with a little pepper and a dish of water then mingle all these things together with the Spawne and it will be like a Pancake and so frie it like a Tansie of Egges And to prepare this Chauiale you must take the Spawnes of Sturgions when the Sturgion is best in season and take out the sinews that are in them then wash them with white Vineger and let them dry vpon a Table then put them into some vessell and salt them with discretion and stir them with your hand but very warily that you breake them not that done take a linnen bag somewhat thinne and put the Chauiale into it for a day and a night that the salt water may run out then put them into some vessell or other and presse them very well with thy hands making thrée or foure little holes in the bottome of the vessell by the which the moisture may issue out and being well strained kéepe the vessell very close And so you may eat of them at your pleasure To dresse Trouts in manner of Carpes Make the Trout very clean taking out the guts pricking it in many places with the point of a knife Then make a pickle with water and Vineger of equal quantity with good store of salt wherein you shall put the Trout for the space of almost halfe a day then take it out and presse it two or thrée times on a Table for the space of halfe an houre then frie it very well in good oyle but burne it not In this sort you may kéepe it for the space of a month and then frie it againe if you will To make Botarge a kind of Italian meat Take the Spawnes of Cefano or Mugno that are fresh and in season and breake not the skin that is about them and salt them with fine dry salt with discretion so let them lie for a day and a night couered in Salt then take them out and drie them in the smoke but let them hang so far from the fire that the colour bee not hurt And being thus dried for to kéep you must put them in a wodden barrell filled with bran they are commonly eaten raw but if you will haue them otherwise you must rost them in the embers or vpon the whote hearth turning them till they be whote To dresse a Tonny Take Water and Vineger and let the Tonny lie in it for two or thrée houres to take out the Salt then set it to boyle softly which done take it out and make it cleane and souce it in vineger the fatter it is the better the softer the worse To dresse a Tonny another way changing your water Lay it to soke in warme water twise or thrise then boile it two or thrée waumes and being boiled take it vp and souce it in vineger being well washed it may bee eaten raw if a man will To dresse a salt Eele Flay it cut it in péeces of a handfull long and séeth it for the space of halfe an houre then cast out that water and put it in other cleane cold water and let it boyle againe till it be wel boyled so take it out eat it with Vineger and Parsely To dresse a Trout and all freshwater fish that hath been salted Let them stand in warme water for the space of foure or fiue houres as they are in quantity the like must you doe with all other fish And note that of all fishes the greatest are best as the Prouerbe saith Old fish yong flesh To make Tarts in Lent and first of Creuisses Take Creuisses and séeth them then take out all their meat and stampe it in a morter and take good Almond milke strained with Rosewater and if you haue it not take good pease broth and stamp these things with a few smal Reasons and Figges adding a few more small Reasons Parsely Margerum and Bettonie first fried in oile and stirred with a knife then put to it Ginger Sinamon and Sugar This composition would bee stamped in a morter and to make it thicken like milke put a little flower into it stirring them together or the Spawnes of a Pike stamped and strayned which bind and make a crust like other Tarts and being baked straw it with Sugar and Rosewater To make Tarts of Eeles Flay the Eeles and cut them in péeces of two fingers long and séeth them but not too much then make Almond milke very white and faire and straine it with Veriuice and rose-Rose-water and let the milke bee thicke and stampe also a few Currans and dry Figges then take Spinage broken in péeces and fry it in oile with a little parsely broken and beaten small and an ounce of small Reasons an ounce of the Kernels of Pine Apples with Ginger Sinamon Pepper and a little Saffron according to the quantity you wil make temper and mixe all this composition well together Then put the crust into a frying pan and in it put
To make a fat Tarte with Rice Wash the Rice well and make it cleane and boyle it in fat broth and being boyled take it out and dry it then take a little new Chéese stamped with Egges Sugar and Rosewater according to the quantity you will make and if you will you may adde a little milke and this being mixed together bake it in a pan and obserue the order prescribed for white Tarts but it must haue lesse Chéese then the other aforesaid To make a Tarte of Wheat floure Make cleane the wheat and séeth it in fat broth then take it out as you did the Rice and take a pound of new Chéese and halfe a pound of old Chéese grated and stamped together with a Cowes Vdder or Swines Panch sodden almost to Suet and minced with a knife with Spice Sugar and egs according vnto the quantity you wil make with a little Saffron mingle all this together and then make an vnder crust of paste and bake it and when he is almost baked couer him with the like couer that you vse for the Pompeons or Gourds To make a Tarte of meale Take stamped meale very white and cleane and séeth it in Goats milke or Cowes milke and séeth it thick then take a little fine floure and the whites of two Egges according to the quantity you wil make and temper them with the meale stirring it with a spoon then let it boile a little more putting in Sugar and stirring it and when this composition is made spread it vpon a trencher or other thing and let it coole and when you thinke good cut it in small or great péeces as you will then fry them in a pan with Butter turning them vntill they bee browne and then dish them and put Sugar and Rosewater vpon them The like you may do in Lent by putting Almond milke in stead of other milke and frie them in oyle To make a Tarte of Veale Kid or Capon Take which of these meates you will both leane and fat and boyle them taking out all the sinewes then mince it and stampe it in a morter then take a little new and old Chéese Parsely and Margerum chopping them small and twelue or fiftéene Egs with a Cowes Vdder wel sodden or a Hogs panch well stamped with Pepper Saffron Sinamon and Ginger and bake it like other Tartes To make a common Tarte Take good Chéese Egs Butter Currans Ginger Sinamon and Pepper with a litle grated bread with fat broth coloured with Saffron then vse it as other Tarts To make Tartes or Pies with broth Make a thicke crust of what bignesse you will then take Pullets and Pigeons parboyled cut them in quarters and ech quarter into two or thrée péeces then take blanched Almonds stamped yolkes of Egges Saffron fat broth and a little Veriuice and dry that crust or paste like vnto other Pies and make the sides high then fill it full of floure and couer it with a lid and let it bake till it bee stiffe then cut open the lid and take out the flower and then fill the Pie with the broth and meat aforesaid let it fast well of Ginger and Pepper and bake it in an ouen like other Pies To make Gealies of flesh or fish and of diuers colours in one platter If you will haue white Gealy take good white Vineger or old Veriuice and twice as much water then take Shéeps féet or Kids féet flaien and made very cleane especially about the houses and cut them and take out the hairs in the middle and wash them well in cold water thē boyle them in the mixture of Vineger and water boyling them as softly as you can and with it boyle Ginger cut into small péeces whole graines of Paradise and when the féet are indifferently boyled take them vp and let the broth séeth a little when they are out then take the whites of ten Egges more or lesse according to the quantity you will make obseruing the order in straining clearing and doing all other thinges else which I will hereafter set downe in Gealy made of flesh and make ready the dishes with Capons Pullets or other things vpon which you will put this Gealie and lay it finely on them setting the dishes in a cold fresh place because it may thicken the better then take out a good péece or a quarter of that gealie in the pot and set it on the fire in a pipkin vntill it be well melted and that you sée it returne to the forme againe then take a little Saffron and make it yellow and when it is cold take of the foresaid broth or some other thing made for the purpose but let it not be whote when you put it in again this being well ordered and hardened take out another péece and make it red with Carnels as I saied of Saffron and so take out another péece to make gréen with wheat or barly blades when they are yoong and Parsely well stamped and strayned and vse it as the other two colours Also you may make a sanguine colour with Carriots rosted in the embers and being rosted make cleane the outside with a knife which is sanguine and put in the bottome of the bag or strainer out of the which the compound or decoction is strained and as often as you receiue it out you shall put it vpon the white broth well heated obseruing the like order in all the other colours aforesaid and place it in order with the other colours you may make more colours if you will in the same manner To make a Gealie of Creuisses which shall seeme aliue Take Creuisses in their shels and lay them to soke in Vineger then take of the substance aforesaid and put it to them To make another faire Gealie Take forty Shéepes féet and flea them and take out the bones and haire then lay them to soke in fresh water for the space of thrée or foure houres then wash them and then take somewhat more then a quart of Vineger as much White wine and twice as much water and séeth the féete therein with salt to it as much as is conuenient and skim them wel and when they are halfe boyled take a quarter of a pound of whole Pepper as much long Pepper and the like quantity of graines of Paradise with a quarter of a pound of whole Sinamon halfe a quarter of a pound of Spiknard Cloues beat them all very grossely all together but not too much and boyle them with the féet and let them boyle till they bee consumed to a third part and when the féet are well boyled take them out and let the broth séeth on the fire and putting into it the whites of tenne Egges beaten together till they turne to a froth and stirre it in the broth with a spoon and then letting it boyle one waume straine it twice or thrice through a wollen cloth with all the composition let it be well strayned and let the mixture remaine in
else broth must be boiled in the water wherein it was washed because you may not loose that blood which commeth out of it in the washing To make sauce for Veneson To make sauce for veneson first boile the flesh in a quantity of water mingled with as much vineger when it is boiled take thy flesh out of the broth that it may shrinke and dry and being dried frie it in good lard and if you desire to make two dishes thereof take a pound of Almonds vnpilled and beat them together with the meat then take a pound of bread cut in peeces and tost it at the fire but not much Which done lay it to steepe in a little red wine and beeing steeped beat it together with the foresaid thinges then temper it with the broth of the said flesh and straine it into a pipkin and set it on a soft fire to boile for the space of halfe an houre Then put therein some Pepper and Sinamon that it may haue the ordinary tast or that it may be strong or sweet as the maister of the house will haue it Then take an onion and seeth it with larde cut in small péeces and when the onyon is sodden stampe it and mixe it with the larde wherewith it was sodden and put them into the pipkin with the other things aforesaid and let them boile together then dish the meat and lay this sauce vpon it and send it to the table To make small pasties of Veneson or Goats flesh To make Pasties of Veneson or Goats flesh first cut the flesh into diuers péeces as big as your fist then parboile them in water vineger and salt as much as is requisite then take it forth and dry it which done larde it first rouling the péeces of cut lard this flesh in pepper and Sinamon with some salt all beaten together then take cloues and sticke them on all sides of thy peeces of meat then take good floure and make the crust thicker then a pancake and of euery peece of flesh you shall make a smal pasty then bake them sokingly and well and these pasties may bee kept fifteene daies or a month To make pies of Veale Capon or any other flesh To make Pies of Veale Capon Birds or any other flesh Take as much of the leanest part thereof as you thinke good and mince it small then take the suet or fat of a Calfe and mixe it with the meat and spice it according vnto the common manner that done make your passe as you did for the pasties and bake them in an ouen And when they are baked take the yolks of two Egges Vergiuice a little Saffron and mixe them with butter and water which poure into the Pies And if you cannot make the crust then boile the meat so drest as aforesaid in a pan like a Whitepot in such Pies you may put one or two Hennes Capons Pigeons or any other foules either whole or minced To make a Pie in a possenet or pipkin To make a Pie in a pipkin First take the flesh and good Béefe suet and mince it smal and put it in a pipkin and if you wil you may put therein Capon Henne or Pigeon then set it on the coales and when it beginneth to boile skim it Then take a few small Reasons and an Onion and mince them small and fry them with good suet and put them suet and all into the pipkin and when it is ready put spice and vergiuice into it And if thou thinke good put therein likewise yolkes of two or three egges beaten which done you may dish it and send it to the table To make Pies of the Combes of Cockes and Hennes with their stones and liuers Cut ech combe in thrée péeces and the liuers in foure but leaue the stones whole then take a little larde and cut it small but beat it not and take thrée or foure egges with béefe suet well beaten and it will be better with the marrow of an oxe Then take thirty or forty cherries although they be dry Sinamon Ginger and a good quantity of Sugar and some cloues mingle them together and thereof make a Pie which done bake it in an ouen or a frying pan and being halfe baked take the yolk of an Egge Saffron and Vergiuice and beat them together and put them into the Pie And so let it bake then send it to the table To make fish Pies Take the fish and wash it cleane and cut it with slashes on both sides then take Pepper and salt and cast it into the cuts and also into the belly of the fish then make the past somewhat thicke and putting the fish into it sow vp the belly thereof which done let it bake sokingly in the ouen till it be throughly baked To make Pies that the Birds may be aliue in them and flie out when it is cut vp Make the coffin of a great Pie or pasty in the bottome whereof make a hole as big as your fist or bigger if you will let the sides of the coffin bee somewhat higher then ordinary Pies which done put it full of flower and bake it and being baked open the hole in the bottome and take out the flower Then hauing a Pie of the bignesse of the hole in the bottome of the coffin aforesaid you shal put it into the coffin withall put into the said coffin round about the aforesaid Pie as many small liue birds as the empty coffin will hold besides the Pie aforesaid And this is to be done at such time as you send the Pie to the table and set before the guests where vncouering or cutting vp the lid of the great Pie all the Birds will flie out which is to delight and pleasure shew to the company And because they shall not bee altogether mocked you shall cut open the small Pie and in this sort you may make many others the like you may do with a Tart. To make the crust of Pie or Tart of Pigeons Pullets or Kid. To make the crust of Pigeons Pullets or Kid flesh First boile your meat a little till it be almost inough then cut it into small peeces and fry it in good suet Then in a pan make a crust of thicke past like a Pie crust and put the meat in it couering it with dry Pruines or Cherries then take Vergice with a little whote water and butter and tenne Egges with parsely and Margerum and beat them altogether with a knife and then put them in an e●rthen pot and set it vpon a fire of coales stirring it alwaies with a spoone Then poure this broth vpon the crust and set it on the fire as if it were a Tart and when you thinke it to bee baked send it to the Table and make the crust sweet or sharpe as your maister fancieth To make a double fried meat of any flesh Pigeons or Pullets First take thy meat and make it very cleane then cut it in quarters or in small peeces
Pepper and Parsely To dresse a Muler This fish of nature would be rosted but if he be very great séeth it and the sauce to the rosted is the liquor aforesaid and Fennell-séed and to the boyled white sauce To dresse a Plaice It would be boiled with a little parsely and it is also good fried putting on it the iuice of Orenges To dresse a Besano an Italian fish Boyle it in wine or Vineger and water of ech a like and for sauce take Garlike but this course fish is fitter for labouring men then men of any quality To dresse a Dogfish It would be sodden as aforesaid then with strong garlike and a little mustard fry it in a pan but dresse it in what sort you will it will neuer bée good as being naturally of no good taste To dresse Eeles A great Eele would be rosted being first flead and made clean and then cut in great péeces of a handfull long or lesse and when you spit it betwéene ech péece put a sage or a Bay leafe and turn the spit very softly and bast it with the pirkle spoken of before and when it is almost rosted crum it with bread mixed with a little Sinamon Salt which will make it haue a little crust that giueth them a good tast you may séeth small Eeles in Water Wine Hearbes and Spices as aforesaid To dresse a Mochie an Italian fish It would be sodden like a Creuish of the riuer and should be eaten with vineger To dresse a Sea Creuish Séeth it likewise with Fennell and eat it with Vineger To dresse Oysters They are to bee rosted on the coales and when they open they are inough you may take them also out of the shell and fry them in oile and eat them with vineger and Pepper To dresse Lampernes It will be fried with the iuice of an Orenge To dresse a shad or Pilchare It is good rosted but first pull out entrailes and guts and eat it with gréen sauce it is also good sodden but then it must haue white sauce To dresse Muskels or Cockles Take a frying pan and set them ouer the fire and when they open they are ready and as you sée them open put in a little Veriuice Pepper and Parsely shred small and turne them in the panne You may rost them on a hote yron vpon the coales and when they open they are rosted But they would be kept a day a night in salt water before you dresse them that the sand within them may bée gotten out To dresse a Whiting Séeth them and eat them with white mustard To dresse a Pike Take out the guts and if it be great séeth it but scrape him not vntill he be sodden the sauce is white sauce Garlike and mustard but if he bée a little one fry it it may bee broyled on the gredyron and stuffed with good hearbes and Currans To dresse a Barble Vse it as you will but it is not thought to be fish and the Spawne is dangerous to be eaten and chiefly in May. To dresse a Grayling This is excellent good fish dresse it as you will for it is good euery way but it is best boyled To dresse Corario marino a kind of sea Breame Rost it as you doe an Eele with sage or bay leaues betwixt euery péece To dresse a Creuisse Boyle them in water and vineger with much salt because they themselues yéeld much water therfore put not too much liquor to them and let them séeth wel vntil they yéeld a great skim And when they are boiled in that maner twise or thrice they are inough but proue them first least you be deceiued To make Creuisses full of compound meat Dresse them as aforesaid and open their belly cunningly with a knife betwixt their legges and take out all the meate out of their bellies tailes and féet which done stamp it with Almonds Currans and yolkes of Egges according to the quantity you will make with some chéese Persely and Margerum stamped small together and with this compound fill the Creuishes again séeth them again in good oyle as softly as you may if it bee Lent adde no Egges nor Chéefe And if you wil fill them with variety take Almonds stamped with Sugar and rosewater and fill the féet with one kind and the other parts with another kind of meat To dresse the fish called the Lion of the sea Stop their mouthes and the hole which they haue vnder their tailes wih cotton because their swéetnesse may not run out and put them dry in an ouen to bake leisurely or lay them vpon the hearth well heated swept making a fire of coales round about them but not too néere because they may bee the better rosted and the sooner and turne them ott least they turne And if you wil you may séeth them in water and vineger like Creuisses but let them séeth somewhat more as you sée cause for they are harder and bigger then other creuisses and for sauce take vineger To seeth the Horne-becke or Pipe fish Stop their holes and dresse them likewise as aforesaid To dresse a Breame Dresse it as you will but it is little estéemed To dresse a Carpe If they be great boyle them you may also take them and fry them being small To dresse Salmon Salmon is an excellent fish and should ordinarily be sodden yet it is good any other way To dresse Mugilis in Italian Lasche They should be softly fried least they burne and eat them with gréene sauce or Veriuice To dresse a kind of Hering in Italian Lattacini You must fry thē eat them with gréen sauce or veriuice To dresse Ruvoglioni an Italian fish Fry them also and giue them the same sauce To dresse Bachie Cosalze an Italian fish His nature is to be fried or sodden it is also good rosted To dresse a Turdus If it be great boyle it if little fry it and for sauce take mustard To dresse Agoni diuers waies an Italian fish They are good sodden with Parsely Butter Spice they are good also fried with the iuice of Orenges and Veriuice mingled with oyle To dresse a Cuttle fish This fish is of no account therefore dresse it as you will To dresse Crabs Do as I haue said of creuisse and eat them with vineger To dresse a Pearch If it be great take out the guts and séeth it but scrape it not if it be fresh séeth it in cleane water and Vineger and when it is sodden take off the scales but if it be little scrape it and dresse it in oyle it is good fried being basted with liquor as aforesaid To dresse a Tench three waies Tenches are good thrée manner of waies first sodden if they bee well growen and for sauce you may make a little broth with Veriuice Spice and Parsely chopped very smal with the broth of the same Tench The second is to cut and cleaue it in the backe foom the head to the taile and if it bee great you
your composition and then the Eeles and so couer them againe with the composition till all the stuffe bee wasted then couer it with paste and bake it leisurely with fire both ouer and vnder it and when it is halfe baked take a little Veriuice Rosewater and Sugar and pricking holes in the lid put it into the Tart and so let it stand vntill it be baked To make Tartes of Dates Almonds and other things Take two pounds of blanched Almonds and stamp them with fish broth and a little Rose water then straine it and let it be somwhat thick then take halfe a pound of clean Dates a fewe Currans and dried Figges and beat all in a morter then take a little Spinage Parsely and Margerum and frie them all in oyle stir it with a knife adding to these hearbs certaine fat liuers and good fish beaten therewith then take two ounces of the kernels of Pine apples very cleane which you shall kéepe to straw and sticke vpon the Tart when it is made and put it in the crust then take Reasons of the sunne and a pound of Sugar Sinamon Ginger and a little Saffron and mingling all this together you must temper it with one ounce of fine flower and a few Spawnes of a Pike and mixe it with the other composition aforesaid and make the crust or paste as aforesaid and so let it bake at leisure strawing Sugar and Rosewater vpon it you must not make it too thicke To make a Tart of Rice Take two pounds of blanched Almonds well stamped with a little Rosewater and Rice broth when it is almost sodden and temper Almonds therewith and straine it then take a pound of Rice and beate and temper it well with the Almonds then put to it two ounces of white leauened dow a little flower or else a few Spawnes of a Pike and straine it as aforesaid with a pound of Sugar and an ounce of the kernels of Pine apples broken in a morter but not stamped and when it is halfe baked put a fine thin couer or lid vpon it and being full baked straw it with Sugar and Rosewater but let it not be too drie baked To make a Tart of red garden pease Séeth red Garden Pease and being sodden stampe them and temper them with their broth and a little Rosewater then straine them and take blanched Almonds according to the quantity you will make and stampe them but they must not bee strained and with them stampe thrée ounces of Currans and some dry Figges and two ounces of Pine kernels not too much beaten adding thereunto Sugar Rosewater Sinamon and Ginger mingle all this together and thicken it with flower and the spawne of a Pike and so bake him with a crust and when it is almost baked straw it with Sugar and Rosewater and let it drie vpon it This Tart would not be thicke To make a Tart of the liuer of fishes and of the fish it selfe Séeth the fish with the Liuers then take sodden Pease and stamp and strain them and likewise stampe the fish and the liuers taking out all the bones and if you can get the Spawne of a Trout or Tench it will bée good to stamp with them then take Parsely and Margerum and choppe it very small and stampe it in a morter with Sugar Sinamon and Ginger as much as sufficeth mingle all these together with Rosewater and let it bake softly when it is baked obserue the order aforesaid You may make all these kind of Tarts of diuers colours and seuerall meates in one pan as time serueth deuiding them into quarters or otherwise as you think good To make Marchpanes Blanch thy Almonds and stampe them very small but straine them not and to make the Almonds whiter of better tast and swéeter you must lay them for the space of a day and a night in faire water that they may blanch of themselues betwéene your fingers and stamping them you shall put in Rosewater that they bee not oiley and if you make a very good Marchpane put as much fine Sugar in it as there are Almonds in equall weight with an ounce or two of Rose-water thē temper them together then take Wafers or dow mixed with sugar and temper it with Rosewater then knead it and lay the composition vpon it in spreading it on sprinckle it with Rosewater then straw it with fine Sugar small beaten and disperce it with a spoone so bake him in an ouen very softly and let it not burne neither bee ouerdrie and it would not be thicke To make an Italian meat called Caliscioni Take Marchpane stuffe or such as is spoken of in other places prepare the paste Sugar and Rosewater then fill it with the stuffe and if you haue a mould print it therewith to make it the fairer thē bake it in a pan or ouen like a Marchpane but burne it not To make Curds of Almonds in Lent Take blanched Almonds and stampe them with Rosewater then with two ounces of Sugar ten ounces of Rosewater and halfe a pint of Pike or Tench broth for the broth of other sea or fresh water fish is not good and let not the broth be very salt but somewhat thicke temper them together and straine it so hard that there remaine no part of the substance of the Almonds in the strayner let this Curd stand for the space of one night and put it in a dish or other vessell and in the morning you shall find it curdy like curds of Milke And if you will you may put them into gréene leaues or other hearbes like Chéese curds or let it stand in the dish strawing it with Sugar or Annyséed Comfigs you may adde thereto a little flower because it bindeth To counterfet Lenten Cheese Curds Take a pound of blanched Almonds and stampe them as aforesaid then take four ounces of Sugar an ounce of Rose-water and a glasse full of fish broth as aforesaid and of the same fishes broth then temper them together strain them thicke then forme them and send them to the Table in a dish or vpon a plate strawing it with Sugar and Annyseed comfets To counterfeit Butter Take a pound of blanched Almonds as aforesaid stamp them and straine them with halfe a glasse of Rosewater and to make them curdy put a little flower or half a glasse of Pike or Tench broth with four ounces of Sugar and a little Saffron to make it yellow straining it thick then make it in fashion of a dish of butter and set it all night to thicken against morning in a cold place To counterfeit Egges Take Almonds and blanch them well and stampe them tempering them with Rosewater that they bee not oiley adding some Pike broth that is fat and strain them like milke then take halfe a pound of clean Rice according to the quantity you will make which séeth in halfe the milke made of the Almonds take also thrée ounces of the best whitest flower
Epulario Or The Italian Banquet Wherein is shewed the maner how to dresse and prepare all kind of Flesh Foules or Fishes As also how to make Sauces Tartes Pies c. After the maner of all Countries With an addition of many other profitable and necessary things Translated out of Italian into English LONDON Printed by A.I. for William Barley and are to bee sold at his shop in Gratious street neere Leaden-hall 1598. The Banquet called in Italian Epulario wherein is handled the manner of dressing all kindes of meates birds and all sort of fishes Also shewing how to make Sauces Pies Tarts c. According to the vse of all nations The first booke shewing what meat is best rosted and what best boiled THe flesh of Beefe is best boiled and of Veale the brest is good sodden the loine rosted and the legs made in Oliues All parts of the sheepe are good boiled only the shoulder which is best rosted as also the legge Porke is altogether wholsome being fresh yet the chine is good rosted the rest is salted as you thinke good Kid is all good to be rosted or boiled as you thinke good but the hinder quarter is better rosted the like of Lambe Goats flesh is good from the Month of Ianuary with sauce made of Garlike The side of a Bucke is good in Bacon broth The Loine may be rosted and the legs baked the like may be done with a yong Kid. Wild Bore should be peppered and larded The Hare is good rosted but the hinder part is better boild Connies are better rosted then any other way and the best part of them is the hinder legs To dresse Capon Peacocke Feisant and other foule Shoueler Puet Ducke Crane wild Goose Heron and Storke are all good and would be stuffed with Garlike onions or such like things Peacocke Feisant Partrish wild Henne Quailes Thrush blacke Bird and all other good Birds are to be rosted Pigeons are good both rosted and sodden yet best rosted Ring-doues and wild Pigeons are good rosted but better boiled with Pepper Sage Parsely and Margerum Capon is good both boiled and rosted and likewise the Henne How to seeth all kind of flesh that it may shew faire You hauing cut it in as many péeces parts as you thinke good then lay it to soke in faire water for the space of an hour which done wash it againe in fresh water and then with hot water then set it ouer the fire in the Kettell or pot wherein it may haue roome inough that it may be the whiter then put as much salt to it as shall be néedful and be careful to skim it if your salt be not cleane put it in whot water and let it continue therein till it bee melted and conuerted into water or pickle which being settled you may put into the pot or Kettell of meat alwaies taking care not to put in the dregs of the pickle because it is foule But if your flesh be old tough especially Capon or Hen then shift them out of the boyling water and put them into fresh water and so they wil be fair and sooner boiled To make all kind of meat to rost faire and white To make all kind of foule Capons Kid or any other flesh to rost faire and white specially Béefe Mutton Veale or Lambe First parboile it and then larde it if it be Capon feisant or any other foule first wash it cleane that done dip it in hote water but take it presently out againe and lay it in cold water and it will be the fairer and rost better then lard it and sticke it with cloues or other things as you think good or as he that oweth it doth most fancy it if you will you may stuffe them with swéet hearbes dry proines soure grapes cherries and such like things and so spit it and first make a soft fire that it may rost sokingly not bee scorched or burnt and when you think it almost rosted grate white bread and cast salt into it wherewith you shall crumme it then make a hot fire and turne it round so it wil be fair and white which done send it presently to the table To make a good deuised meat or sauce To make good deuised meat of Goat Hare wild Boare or any other wild beast Take of clarret wine and water of ech a like quantity and wash the flesh in them then straine that water and wine through a cloth putting therto as much salt as is requisite which done boile the flesh therein when it is boiled take it out and if you desire to make two dishes of it take a pound and a halfe of Currans and bruse them well with as much bread which you shall cut in péeces tost grate and being in crums soke in good vineger which done beat the Currans and the bread together and if you can get of the blood or entrailes of the wild beast it will be very good to mixe with them which being well beaten together it must bee tempered with bastard wine that is wine sod with new wine called Must and with the vineger wherwith the bread was soked let it passe through a strainer into a pipkin wherein you shall put cloues and Sinamon as much as you think good and as it is necessary and make it strong or swéet of vineger spice according to the maner or as the owner will haue it Then let it boile halfe an houre vpon a chafingdish with a soft fire on the one side then vpon the other turning it often with a spoone then fry the flesh with good lard and cut it in péeces and lay it in dishes and couer it with this deuised meat and the blacker it sheweth the fairer it is To make broth of the flesh of wild beasts First wash the flesh well with good white wine mingled with as much water and straine the washing and séeth the flesh therin putting to it a good quantity of lard cut in square peeces as great as dice which done put thereto a good quantity of sage being pulled in three or foure péeces with your hands and when it is almost ready put spice into it as I said before And to make the broth somewhat thicke take two or thrée yolkes of egges according to the quantity thereof and as much bread well tosted at the fire but not ouermuch only to drie it which you shall make into small crummes then take a little of the broth and strain the bread and egges into the pot of broth and if thou canst get some of the blood or the entrailes of the beast you shall beat it well and seeth it with the same broth it will be the better But if thou wilt make any dishes of this broth the flesh is to be cut in péeces of halfe a pound or of a pound and if you will make pottage it must be cut very small you must also remēber that the flesh wherof this meat is made of or
and presse them for the space of an houre which done spit them and rost them not suffering them to dry ouermuch To make Collopes of Veale Take the leane of a legge of Veale and cut it in small péeces and beat it with the flat side of the knife then take Salt and Fennell or Coriander séede and straw it on the meat and if time will serue presse it for the space of halfe an houre then broile them vpon a gredyron turning it often basting it with Butter or swéet Suet to kéepe it moist you must not broile them dry To make Liuerings of Veale or any other yong flesh Take the leanest of the legge and mince it with a little larde and the fat of Veale like Pie meat then take Parsely and Margerum minced small together with the yolke of an egge and a little grated cheese according to the quantity you will make with Spice and Saffron mingle all these things together with the flesh then take the Kell of a Hog Shéepe or other beast so it be good and bind these things in the Kell making euery peece as big as an egge then rost them on the spit with a soft fire and not ouermuch To make a new dish called Tomascella Take the Liuer of a Hogge or other beast and boile them a little then grate them as you doe chéese and sake the panch of a Hogge according to the quantity of the Liuer and beat it well then take a little new fatty chéese Margerum Parsely Currans Spice and Egges and beat all their together with the Liuers then make them in round b●●● o● the bignes of a Walnut or an Egge and bind or wrape●● ba●ima péece of the Hogs maw or panch thē fry them in a trying pan with swéet butter or suet but not too dry To make Puddings of Hogges or Calues flesh Take leane flesh without sinnewes of the leg and Hogs suet with the fat of Veale and mince them as small as you can then take old Chéese and a little new Chéese Spice Egges and Salt as much as is requisite mingle them well together with some Saffron then take Hogs guts as many as you will and make them very cleane that there bée no fat nor filth in them and fil them with this mixture which done tie them vp and make them long or short as you thinke good they are vsed to bee sodden but they will not last good aboue two daies Yet as time and necessity requireth they may bee kept fiftéene daies or more if they be wel vsed To make good Sausseges To make good Sausseges of Pork or other flesh take both of the leaue and fat together without sinnew and mince it very small if you haue ten pound of flesh put thereto a pound of Salt two ounces of Fennell séed and two ounces of Pepper grosse beaten and mingle thē together and so let it stand the space of one day thē take guts well washed made clean and fill them with the meat then dry them in the smoke To dresse a Calues or Oxe head Take the head and scald it with whote water like a Pig and make it very cleane then séeth it and for sauce take garlike and if you will rost it you must bake it in an ouen like a Pigge To fry a Calues or Hogs braine Take the braines and wash them very well then cast out the water and breake the braines well then take Egs Pepper beaten and a little Salt and mixe them with the braine and so fry it with a little Suet or Butter and when it beginneth to conieale together put it into a dish and cast spice vpon it and this would be eaten presently To make a Pudding in a Calues maw Take the maw and make a hole in the side thereof and fill it with a mixture made of old Chéese Egges a little Saffaron Currans Parsely Margerum and Mint wel beaten and mingled together and being in the maw sow it vp and séeth it very well To know if a Gammon of Bacon be good If you wil know when a Gammon is good thrust a knife in the middest of it and if the knife being pulled out smelleth it is good if to the contrary it is not good And if you will haue it to kéep long take White wine or Vineger and as much water but better without water and therein boile the gammon of Bacon till it be halfe sod then take it off the fire and set it soke in the liquor till it be cold then take it out and in this manner it will be good and continue long To seeth Tongues They would not be ouerfat but red and sod like the Gammon of bacon but the tongue the fatter it is the better it wil be and should be better sod then the Gammon of Bacon and all salt meat would be boiled in this sort To make a broth for a boiled Pullet To make broth of Grapes for a boiled Pullet the Pullet would be boiled with a little salt flesh and whē it is halfe boiled take soure grapes and cut them in the middest and take the kernels out of them and boile them and when they are boiled take Parsely Mint Pepper Saffron beaten minced together and put them in the dish with the Pullet and the broth and send it to the table To make a new dish after the manner of Rome Cut your meat in péeces as big as an egge then take a little salt and Fennell or Coriander séed which you shal straw vpon the said péeces of meat which done presse them a little and put them on a spit to rost and betwéene euery péece spit a thinne péece of larde to kéepe the meat moist To rost or seeth a Pigeon without bones Dresse your Pigeons well and make them very cleane then let them lie in strong Vineger for the space of foure and twenty houres which done wash them very well and rost or boile them as you thinke good and stuffe them full of spice and other things and by this means you shal find them without bones The second Booke Teaching to make all kind of meats and first to make a white meat of the flesh of Capons or Kids of twelue sorts TAke two pounds of almonds and blanch them very white and that they may be the whiter let them stand a day and a night in fresh water then stampe them very well and when they are stamped put a little water to them that they be not oile thē take the flesh of the brest of a Capon and stampe it with the Almonds and take crummes of a white loafe and soke it in the Capon broth and beat it with the aforesaid things then take a little Veriuice halfe an ounce of Ginger and halfe a pound of Suger and temper them altogether with the Capon broth straine it through a cloth into a pipkin and set it on the embers far from the fire still stirring it with a spoone and let it boile for
shall first scrape it and when hee is clouen cut the rige bone on both sides and séeth the Spawne fat and liuer thereof and if the Tench haue none the Spawne fat or liuer of another fish will serue then take Parsely and margerum and other swéet hearbes and beat them all together with the liuer Spawne and fat putting to it a little Garlike chopped small with some Pepper Saffron Salt a little oile as also Proines Cherries Currans or the kernels of a Pine Apple and yolks of Egs as time serueth al this tempered together you shall put vpon the Tench on the outside then sow it vp with a needle and thread or else tie and bind about with a packtbred so that the compositions may not run foorth then lay it on the gredyron with soft fire vnder it that it may rost at leisure and make a liquor with Vineger Oyle Salt Saffron and Pepper and a little broken wine and as you turne it bast it well with this liquor The third way is that if the Tench bee small scrape it well and cut it open at the backe and cast salt vpon him then throw flower vpon all sides and fry it in oyle and for sauce take the iuice of orenges or veriuice To dresse a great Trout Make it very cleane and cut it ouerthwart in round péeces of the bignesse of your hand and lay euery péece flat by itself in the Chaldren or pan wherein you will séeth them putting good store of salt into the pan vpon them this done pour water so easily vnto them that it washeth not away the salt lying vpon them with as much vineger as that the liquor may be thrée fingers aboue the fish and so let it boyle skimming it very well and when it hath left skimming abate the fire vnder it that it may boyle softly til it be ynough then take it out and lay it vpon a drie cleane table casting spice vpon it To this Trout you may vse white sauce with Ginger When it is little make it cleane and cut slices on both sides and into the cuts put salt then presse it betwixt two trenchers laying some waight vpon it and so let it rest for the space of two or thrée houres then cast floure on it and fry it leisurely in good oyle and so you may keepe it thrée or foure daies if you will To dresse a Lamprey Lay it to soke in hote water and scrape off the slime but breake not the skin and take out the tongue and téeth and in the bottome of his belly you must make a little hole wherein put the end of your finger and with a knife or pricke of wood you shall take out the gut or string and pull it out with a cloth softly that it be not broken For the Lamprey hath no euil thing in it but only his string For sauce you must keepe the blood for it is the right sauce in the mouth you shall put halfe a nutmeg and in ech hole which he hath about his head you shall sticke a Cloue and so roule it in a ring and put it in an earthen vessell wherein you must put halfe an ounce of good Oyle a little Veriuice a little White wine the best you can get making as much of the liquor as will couer more then halfe the Lamprey then cast a little salt vpon it and so bake it leisurely vpon the coales like a Tarte When it beginneth to bake open the holes with a knife and with a trencher presse it downe so hard that the blood may come foorth which you must mingle with the other things And if you thinke good you may easily take out the blood before you set it on the fire And for sauce take Almonds or Nuts vnblanched but put them vnder the whote embers then pill them and stampe them with a few Currans and a péece of tosted bread tempered with Veriuice and broken wine with a little of the wine or liquor aforesaid wherein the Lamprey is sodden and when all this is strained put to it some Ginger Cloues and Sinamon Also if you take out the blood before it is sodden you must mingle it with those forsaid things which you shall séeth with the Lamprey vntill it be well sodden and then you shall roule it with the sauce and laying it in a dish send it to the table You may dresse it another way vpon a spit When it is rosting set a dish vnder it to receiue the blood fat and liquor that commeth out of it which is the best of the substance then you may make the sauce aforesaid for it wherewith you may fry it in When they be little they should be broiled They should bee broiled vpon a gredyron at leisure with sauce of the iuice of Orenges and broken wine if you will haue no Orenges take Veriuice Salt Oyle and Spice And when they are broyling bast them with the said sauce and when they are broiled put of the same sauce vpon them and send them to the Table To dresse an Inke horne fish in Latine Lolligo The lesse they bee the better they are wash them very clean and stuffe them as you do the Tench being turned out and if you can deuise a better stuffing you may then fry them in oyle and put the iuice of Orenges vpon them with spices You may séeth the great fishes cutting them in péeces like slices of Veale or Béefe and boile them in broth with Parsely shred smal and Spices If they be great you may dresse them another way First wash him in white Wine a little veriuice with this kind of washing you may get out the blacke iuice whereof the sauce is made then take Almonds rosted vnder the embers according to the quantity and stamp them in a morter with tosted bread and so temper it with the matter aforesaid then straine it and boyle it putting thereto Sinamon Ginger and a few Cloues And when it is fried you shall put this sauce vpon it To seeth fry and broile a Pike or any other fish all at one time Take a great fish and pull out the guts and make it very cleane then bind a third part of it towards the head with a wet cloth for that part that should bee sodden must bee couered then goe to the taile and scrape it to the quantity of a third part and cut it on both sides like a fried fish and then begin to fry this part of the taile in such sort that you spoile or touch not the rest of this fish this being done you must haue a thinne bord of the bignesse of the middle of the fish vpon the which you shal bind the said fish so softly that it breaketh not then séeth that part of the fish which is bound with the cloth that is the head and let not the broth touch any more of the fish then that which is wrapped in the cloth and when this part is well boyled take it out and
the cloth and the oftener it is strained the better and clearer it is then prepare your flesh of Pullets Capon Rid or Veale very well sodden pulling off the skins that it may bee faire and white and so dry it betwéene two linnen clothes then dish it and lay the Gealie vpon it and set them in a cold place that it may harden and congeale To make Gealy of fish Take Water Wine and Vineger and that it may continue long take but a little water and good store of Spice as aforesaid the best fish for this purpose is Tench and Pike and the greater the better these fishes should be opened but not scraped very fresh and sodden in a little broth onely as much as will couer them because the broth may be the stronger and when you thinke the fish is well sodden take it out and flay it and then lay it aside but séeth the skinne a little in the broth and when it is well sod straine it obseruing the order aforesaid in Gealie of flesh aswell in making it yellow as in all other thinges And you may in like sort put any sea fish sodden and cut in quarters into this Gealie To make Gealie in a little basket Prepare the decoction in good order then take a new basket and put the Capon Pullet or other flesh into it that you would put in Gealie as in a platter you must likewise haue another vessell ready wherein you may put the basket putting the foresaid decoction vpon it and set it in a cold place to congeale and when it is well congealed take a whote knife and raise the Gealie round about within the basket that it may easily come out and make cleane the vessel with a cloth in euery place and so you may carry this Gealy whether you will The like you may do in Lent putting whole fish into it which shall séeme aliue and it will be very faire To make Fritters of Cheese Egges and Elder flowers Take new and a little old Chéese and stampe them well putting to it a little fine flower and White of Egges according to the quantity you will make with a little Milke and good store of Sugar stamp them all together then take it out of the morter and put Elder flowers as your discretion serueth neither beaten nor stamped This composition would not bee too soft nor liquid that it may bee wrought with the hand in any forme you will then frie them in good Suet butter or Oyle and send them whote to the Table To make Fritters of the white of Egges and of flower and Cheese Obserue the order aforesaid only not putting therto milk nor Elder flowers To make fritters of Creame and Curds Take the Curds and hauing cut them straine out the water or whay and that which remaineth in the strainer mingle it with fine flower white of Egges Sugar and Rosewater according to the quantity you will make it would not be too much congealed make them great or little with a spoone as you thinke good and frie them in suet or good Butter To make fritters of Sage and Bay-leaues Take a little fine flower and temper it with Egges Sugar Sinamon Pepper and a little Saffron to make it yellow and take whole sage leaues and roule them in this composition one by one and frie them in Butter or Suet. Do the like with Bayleaues and in Lent frie them in oyle without Egges and Suet. To make fritters of Apples Part them and séeth them or rost them and take out the coates and stampe them putting to them a little fine flower and a little leauen and frie them in good Oyle you may cut them also into small péeces and take out the coare and make the composition aforesaid in the last chapter of Sage Bay-leaues To make fritters of Almonds with the brawne or flesh of a Henne Take Almonds and stampe them with Rosewater and a little milke and straine them then take the brawne or flesh of the brest of a Pullet boyle it and stampe it apart from the Almonds then take a little flower and whites of Egges according to the quantity you will make and a little Sugar mingle all this together and make your fritters in what quantity you will and frie them in Suet or Butter and set them not be ouermuch baked To frie Cheese in a pan Take Chéese which is not too old nor too salt and cut it into small square péeces or in what sort you will take a pan in the bottome whereof put some Butter or Suet and holding it ouer the fire put the said péeces of Chéese into it and when it is soft turne it and cast Sugar and Sinamon vpon it and send it presently to the Table it is to bee eaten whote after meate You may dresse it another way that is make tosts of bread and when they are tosted lay them in the pan and on euery tost a péece of Chéese of the same greatnesse but somewhat thinner then couer the pan and heat it vntill the Chéese curd then cast Sugar Sinamon and Ginger vpon them To make Pancakes in Lent and first of Elder floures Take Almonds and stampe them or else Pine apple kernels and straine them with Rosewater and Pease broth then take a little leauen floures of Elders and some flower and temper them together and this would bee made ouer night against morning and so they will be the lighter in the morning put good store of Sugar on them and make them in in what forme you will and fry them in Oyle To make fritters of bitter hearbes Take fine flower and a little leauen and temper it with the hearbes chopped smal and Currans and then frie them this composition would not be too tender fry thē in Oyle and cast Sugar and Honny on them To make fritters of Rice Séeth the Rice well and when it is sed drie it vpon a Table and if you will not haue it whole you may stamp it then take Almonds and stampe and straine them with a little of the same Rice broth and let this Almond milk be very thick then take a little fine flower and Sugar and mingling it all together frie them in good Oyle in what fashion you will To make fritters of Figges Take a few Almonds and pine kernels as many as you will and stampe them let them bee very white adding therevnto two drie Figges and Currans with Spice and if this stuffe be too thick put a little Rose water to it then take Figs and make a hole in ech Figge hard by the stalke and fil them with this stuffe then frie them in oyle and cast Sugar on thē To make fritters of Fish Séeth the fish and stampe the whitest part thereof then take Almonds well stamped and strained and a little fine floure with Sugar and Sinamon and temper all this with a little common water then frie it in oyle in what forme you will To make fritters like fishes
Blanch thy Almonds and take meat of fish without bones and stampe them together with Currans Sugar Parsely and Margerum chopped small with good Spice and Saffron then haue in a readinesse a fine paste and making it in what forme you wil you may fill them with this composition then frie them in oile they make likewise be baked dry in a frying pan and when they are baked they will shew like fishes To make them another way Stampe Almonds and temper them with Rosewater and Sugar then take flower tempered with common water and good store of Sugar this being made in past make what form of fish you will deuise also you may bake them dry in a pan like a Tarte To make fritters in another sort You shall make a composition like the aforesaid Almonds flower and Sugar and thereof make thy fritters To make another sort Take Almonds blanched Pine kernels or Nuts or any of them stampe them wel with Currans or Figges putting to them the meat or liuers of fishes with Parsely Margerum and good Spices and make it yellow with Saffron then forme them and frie them with oyle To make fritters of Rice like little Pies Séeth the Rice and stamp your Almonds and strain them as thicke as you can with a little Rosewater and mixe the Rice well with the Almonds and with Sugar Sinamon and a little flower and make it in forme of Pies and fry them in oyle To make fritters full of wind or pust fritters Take fine flower water Salt and Sugar and make a fine soft past and roule it on a Table very thinne and cut it into small péeces and frie it in oyle and take heed they be not knotty and they will puffe vp and séeme to bee full and yet there is nothing in them and cast Honny vpon them To make them in another manner Make your paste like that I spake of before to make fritters of curds and Creame then take Fennell when it is blowne and if you will mixe it and all the stuffe together or breake euery branch by it selfe one by one and roule them in the said stuffe and frie them in oyle To frie Pistinachie Nuts Make them very clean and take out the hard matter within them then séeth them and when they are sod roule them in flower and frie them in oyle To dresse Egges all manner of waies and first to make a Pancake First you shall beat the Egs together with a little milke and water to make them tender and a little grated Chéese and then frie them in good Butter that they may bee the fatter to make them good they would not be turned nor much baked and so send it to the Table To make a greene Pancake Take the things aforesaid and adde thereto the iuice of Bettonie Parsely good store of burrage Mints Margerum Sage a little and straine this iuice through a cloth and so make the Pancake To make another Pancake of hearbes Take the foresaid hearbes and cutting them small frie them in Butter or Oyle mingling them with Egges and other thinges aforesaid then make the Pancake and frie it well and let it be thicke but not ouerbaked To dresse Egges another way Put oyle in the pan and breake new laid Egges in it and frie them softly and as they frie stirre them and when they congeale and waxe thicke and white they are fried but frie them not too drie To poche Egges Let the water be whote and breake new laied Egges into it and when they are thicke take them out because they may be tender then put Sugar Rosewater and a little iuice of Orenges or Veriuice on them or if you will throw grated Chéese and spice vpon them To poche them in milke or wine Doe as aforesaid onely that you shall straw no Chéese on them To dresse and fill Egges Séeth new Egs in water vntill they be hard then péele them and cut them in the middle and take out the yolks and doe not breake the white and stamp some part of those yolks with a few Currans Parsely Margerum and Mint chopped very small with two or thrée whites of Egs with what spice you thinke good And when they are mixed together colour it with Saffron and fill the Egges therewith and frie them in oyle and for sauce take a fewe of those yolkes which remaine vnstamped with a few Currans and stampe them well together and temper them with a little Veriuice and straine them putting thereto Sugar Cloues and good store of Sinamon let this sauce boyle a little and when you will send the Egges to the Table put this sauce vpon them To rost Egges vpon a gredyron Beat two or thrée new laied Egges together and heat an empty frying pan very well and put these beaten Egges into it and let them spread about the frying pan as thinne as paper and when they are baked cut them in foure péeces and lay them on the gredyron and breake ouer them as many new Egges as will lie vpon them and make a soft fire both vnder and ouer them like a Tart and straw them with Sugar and Sinamon and when the Egges are thick take them off the gredyron in that maner and send them to the Table To rost Egges on a spit Heat your spit very whote and tie the Egges longwaies or otherwise vpon it and rost them like meat and when they are rosted take out the meat and send them to the Table To frie Egges Put good Butter in the Pan and heat it a little then take the yolkes of Egges and frie them with Sugar and Sinamon and make a moderate fire as to a Tarte then put the iuice of Orenges or Rosewater vpon them To rost them in whote embers Put them into the whote embers turning them oft on euery side and when they sweat they are rosted To seeth Egges with the shell Put them in cold water and make it boyle a Pater noster while and then take them out To dress them after the manner of Florence Take new ●●ied Egges and breake them one by one in a pan and let the oyle be very whote and as soone as you haue put them into the oyle stirre them together with a spoone or some other thing and make them as round as may bee and turne them oft vntill they change colour and yet let them not be hard within nor ouerbaked but rather soft tender Another kind of dressing them Take whole Egges and lay them into the embers then strike them with a small sticke vntill they breake and so let them rost and when they are rosted take them out and cast a little Vineger and Parsely vpon them Another way Dresse them in the Florentine manner as aforesaid then straw Sugar Spice and Salt on them and so put them into paste as you would doe Turneps and fry them or séeth them you may dresse them also in pie paste with the foresaid stuffe adding a little Veriuice baking them like Tartes or frying them but let them not bee ouerbaked because they will bee the harder and so much the worse To prepare Hogges grease Take fresh larde or fat of a Hog and cut it like to Chestnuts and salt it well then stampe it well and let it stand for the space of a day then set it on the fire and if it bee an hundred pounds put in it tenne or twelue quartes of water to it and let it séeth vntill it be congealed then skim it and straine it and put it into a vessell in a fresh and cold place and by this order it will continue a whole yeare or more To make wine of water Take the grapes of a wild vine and drie them in the son then beat them into powder and put them into water and it will haue the tast and colour of wine if the grape be white it will haue the same colour if red the like To make sweet white Wine Take good swéet Apples according to the quantity of the Wine and stampe them well and put halfe as much Honny as Apples and mingle them together then put it into the wine in the vessell and mingle it well and this is done best with new wine that boyleth in the Vate or else boyle these things in some vessell with some new wine then put it to the other and stirre them together To make meat for Nightingales Take a dramme of Almonds two drams of Pease floure a dramme of fresh Butter two drammes of Honny a little Saffron and two yolkes of Egges mixe them together and set them to the fire in a pipkin giue it to the Nightingales To make a composition of Pompeons or Mellons The Pompeons or Mellons would bee scoured and made cleane in Vineger and not in water and so stand a moneth or more in Vineger and if néed be the vineger may be changed and then put them in Honny like vnto a Gourd and they are made To make a Composition of Figs very cordiall First prepare your Figs ready in a cleane vessell which are to bee conserued then boyle the Honny and skim it well and being whote put it on the Figges and let them stand in it till it bee cold this you shall doe foure or fiue times the last time take new Honny and boyle it well and put to it Ginger Sinamon and Cloues then put the Figges in the pot wherein they shall remaine being conserued these Spices must bee beaten small and set the Figges in a vessell in the sunne and now and then put Honny mixed with the Spices aforesaid and so the Figges will be conserued To make strong Vineger and quickly Take a pound of Pellitory well stamped and put it in four pottles of wine then take the foresaid Pellitory and boyle it in foure or fiue quarts of strong Vineger and so boyling put it into the caske and in twelue daies it will be good FINIS
the water runne out of them vntil they be dry thē fry them in oyle and when they are fried cast pepper and other spices on them in flesh time fry them as aforesaied You may dresse them another way make them very cleane then set them on the fire putting to them larde and Garlike beaten together with pepper you may likewise dresse thē with oyle you may fry them also in a frying pan like a pancake To make a kind of boiled meat or sauce to eat vvith fish Take Almonds and Currans according to the quantity of the fish with nuts and stampe them together and straine them if you think good then take pepper other spices a few cloues Veriuice and saffron and boile them together then fry your fish with good oyle and then put the foresaid things vpon it and when it is fried cast a good quantity of Sinamon vpō it this meat is best cold you may take fat broth without veriuice and it will be good To make all kind of sauce and first of vvhite sauce Take what quantity of almonds you think good blanched stamp them because they shal be oily temper thē with cold water thē take crums of white bread according to the quantity you will make and let it soke in veriuice then stampe it with the Almonds with some white Ginger then straine it with Veriuice or the iuice of Orenges or Lemmonds and make it swéet or soure as you think good this sauce will serue for all boiled meat in flesh time and likewise to fish Another sauce Take Currans and stampe them in a morter then take tosted bread stéeped in Red wine according to the quantity you will haue and stampe them together then take a little Red wine Veriuice with other bastard wine or with Vineger if you will not haue veriuice straine it making it swéet or sower as you think good and put to it sinamon cloues and Nutmegs Another sauce Take the yolke of Egges almost hard Chickins or Hens liuers sodden scorched Almonds according to the quantity you will haue beat them in a morter temper thē with veriuice or vineger then straine them adding Sinamon Ginger and Sugar this sauce would be a little boyled and coloured with saffron To make sauce of dry proins Take Proines and stéep them in Clarret wine then take out the stones and stampe them with a few blanched Almonds and a toste of bread soked in the wine wherein the Proines were stéeped stampe all this together tempering them with a little veriuice and other bastard wine or Sugar which is better then straine them and put spice vnto them specially Sinamon If you vvill make greene sauce looke in the chapter before vvhere it is set downe follovv the order therein prescribed Take Parsely wild Time and Mint with other good hearbes adding to them Salt Pepper and Ginger beate them together and temper it with strong Vineger then straine them and if you will haue it tast of Garlike beate some heads of Garlike with it as much as you thinke good To make a sauce called Persico Take blanched Almonds well stamped with crummes of White bread and a little Ginger Sinamon Veriuice Clarret wine the iuice of Pomgranets and a little Sanders temper them together and straine them with a little Red wine and then make it swéet or soure as you will To make sauce called the floures of broome Take Almonds Saffron and yolkes of Egges and let the Almonds be blanched and beaten as they should be then temper them with veriuice adding Ginger well beaten To make sauce of grapes Take blacke grapes and bruse thē in a morter with some bread according to the quantity you will haue then temper them with a little Veriuice or Vineger because the grapes should not be too swéet then séeth them for the space of halfe an houre with Sinamon Ginger and other spice To make sauce of mulberies Take blanched Almonds well beaten with crummes of bread then take the Mulberies and mixe them together but not in a morter least you breake the small grain or séed within the Mulbery then put to it Sinamon and Nutmeg and straine them all To make sauce of red or blacke Cherries Vse them as you did the grapes but you may make it differ by séething it more or lesse according to the quantity To make sauce of Barberies To make this sauce follow the order proscribed in the sauce made of Cherries and grapes To make iuice of Barberies to keepe all the Winter Take ripe Barbaries and with thy hand bruse them into a pipkin or other vessell and to them put new veriuice Pepper and salt plenty and boile them for the space of two hours or more and then strain it and kéep it in a vessell it would be well salted this will be good iuice to colour any other sauce that you will make To make mustard Take mustard séed let it soke for the space of two daies and change the water often that it may be the whiter then take blanched Almonds stamped in a morter and when they are stamped put the mustard séed to them and stamp them together adding veriuice or vineger with crummes of white bread and being tempered together straine them and make it sharpe as you thinke good To make mustard after the manner of Padoa Take mustard séede and beate it very small then take Grapes well stamped adding to it a tost of white bread a little Sanders Sinamon veriuice or vineger bastard wine temper this together and straine it Made by maister Antonie Trombone To make mustard vvhich may be carried in Bals. Beat the mustard séed as aforesaid then take grapes well stamped adding thereto Sinamon and Cloues then make what fashion bals you will round or square and set them on a table to dry and being dry you may carry them whether you will And when you will vse them temper them with a little veriuice vineger sodden wine or Bastard wine To make a skie colour sauce in summer Take wild mulberies which grow in the Hedges and a few stamped Almonds with a little Ginger temper all this with Veriuice and straine it To make yellow sauce Take bread cut in slices and tost it then take red Wine a little vineger and sodden wine put the bread into it and let it séeth then straine it and put spice into it and colour it with saffron To make good garlike sauce Take blanched Almonds well stamped and being halfe beaten put as much Garlike to them as you thinke good and stampe them together tempering them with water least it bee oiley then take crummes of white bread what quantity you will and soke it either in leane broth of flesh or fish as time serueth this sauce you may kéepe vse with all meats fat or leane as you thinke good To make garlike sauce in grape or Cherry time You must follow the order prescribed in the chapter afore only that you must adde