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A77802 The doctresse: a plain and easie method, of curing those diseases which are peculiar to women. Whereunto are annexed physicall paradoxes, or a new discovery of the æconomy of nature in mans body. / Written by R.B. &c. Bunworth, Richard. 1656 (1656) Wing B5474; Thomason E1714_2; ESTC R209649 41,464 161

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as it wil contain that so it may be stiff like unto a suppository though bigger tye it up and leave the string hanging whereby it may be pulled out upon occasion Use this Pessary unto her so often until her womb be throughly cleansed then let her drink a quarter of a pinte at a time of this following drink thrice a day for the space of thirty or forty days The Drink TAke of the wood of Guajacum half a pound Guajacum bark four ounces the roots of China and Sarsaparilla of each two ounces Liquorice an ounce and half Raisins stoned four ounces boyl them a little over night in two gallons of water in an iron pot close covered let them infuse all night the next morning boyl them again until half the liquor be wasted strain it and drink thereof as aforesaid In some women this disease may be cured by this following Apozeme alone without any other course of Physick And many have been cured ●nly with these following Pills The Apozeme TAke Motherwort a handful Ceterach and Maidenhair of each half a handful Raisins stoned two ounces Liquorice an ounce Cassa lignea half an ounce red Madder roots half an ounce squinanth two drams Boyl all these in six pintes of water in an earthen vessel close covered over a gentle fire until half be wasted Strain away the ingredients and dissolve in the strained liquor salt of Steel two drams syrupe of the five opening roots six ounces Let her drink a quarter of a wine pinte of this Apozeme warm every morning fasting and as much at four in the afternoon for a fortnight or three Weeks together and let her alwayes exercise after it The Mass for Pils TAke Aloes two drams Trochis of myrrh a dram and half Trochis of Alhandal half a dram Castoreum two scruples Diacrydium twenty grains powder them finely and with as much juyce of Garlick as shall be sufficient make them into a Mass Let her swallow two scruples of it made into five pils every fourth morning so long as it shall last Some after all possible means used in vain have at length been cured only by the drinking of water Doubtless those physical Waters which purge either by Seat or Vrine would be much more efficacious Married women have their present fit taken away by the knowledge of their husbands and Widdowes and Maids are oftentimes thorowly cured by marriage Ale is very hurtful as also strong Beer and whatsoever else is vaporous and doth fume much into the brain CHAP. V. For the falling down of the Womb. MAny women have this distemper yet know not what it is and are ashamed to ask counsel of a Physitian concerning it They observe a hard bearing down in their birth in some of the bigness of a Gooses egg though in others less It is scarce in any woman at all times alike but at several times beareth down more or less according as she hath lately more or less strained her body by walking or other exercise It is at first caused commonly by hard travel in childe-bearing which weakeneth the womb and doth relax the adjacent parts Take Plantain Shepheards purse and Knotgrass of each a handful dried Mint half a handful Comfrey roots an ounce Bistort and Tormentil roots of each a quarter of an ounce sweet Fennel seeds half an ounce bruise the roots and seeds and cut the hearbs then boyl them all together in three pintes of water until half be wasted when it is almost boyled put into it a pinte of Red-wine Strain it and sweeten the strained liquor with six ounces of syrupe of Quinces Let her take nine spoonfuls of this Apozeme every morning fasting and as much at night to bedward for the space of twenty days Let her in the mean time use frictions or Cupping-glasses to her breasts Let her neither stand nor walk much Let her very often receive into her nosthrils sweet and grateful sinels as the fume of Benzomin Storax Labdanum Rose-water c. Let her wear a plaister of Oxycroceum athwart her back Let her never keep her urine too long Able Physitians report that some women have been cured of this distemper by fear onely Let the Patient be perswaded that the bearing down or swelling must be seared with a hot iron and let an iron be put into the fire and other such like preparations made in the sight of the Patient that she may really think that she must be immediately cauterized the apprehension and fear of this will without doubt cause the Womb to shrink up and return to its proper place If the Womb be ulcerated it must not by any means be reduced into its place untill the Vlcer be healed CHAP. VI. To stop the flowing of the Whites LEt the Patient purge with this following Potion Take Sena two drams Agarick a dram white Ginger half a dram Tartarum vitriolatum half a dram infuse them all night in a quarter of a pinte of White-wine in the morning dissolve in the strained liquor an ounce of the whitest Manna and give it her to drink with due observation of thin broth after every stool according to the custome of Purging After two dayes intermission give her this following potion called commonly The white Potion TAke Venice terpentine washt in Plantain water half an ounce the yolk of a new laid Egg Plantain water four ounces incorporate the yolk of the Egg and the Terpentine together in a mortar then by degrees mixe them with the plantain water and give it her to drink in a morning fasting so soon as it is mixt Let her keep in and drink a draught or two of broth before she eateth any thing else Lay this following Plaister athwart the small of her back The Plaister TAke Venice Terpentine washt in Plantain water sixe drams white Waxe half an ounce white Sealed earth two drams Melt the waxe and terpentine together in an earthen porrenger then take it from the fire and when it is almost cold stir in the white sealed earth being first finely powdered and spread it upon Sheeps leather to be applied as above written Three weeks after let her take the same purging Potion again and so once every three weeks until she perceive the cause to be wholly abated The same things which cure the Gonorrhaea or running of the Reins in a man do also cure the immoderate flowing of the Whites in a woman This following Electuary alone hath cured many The Electuary TAke Diacatholicon Diaprunum Lenitive Electuary of each an ounce and half Venice Terpentine wash'd in Plantain or Red-rose water two ounces Sena powdered a dram and half Anniseeds in powder two drams mixe them all together into an Electuary of which let her take the quantity of a Nutmeg every morning fasting and as much at four in the afternoon so long as it shall last Gellies of Isinglass and Harts-horn stop the Whites but they are not safe until the body be sufficiently purged The Mucilage of Quince seeds and
and break all his bones then boyl him in sixe quarts of Water with these following ingredients in an earthen or iron pot close covered over a gentle fire until the liquor when it is cold shall be of the consistence of a Gelley Strain it and sweeten it with double refined sugar and let her drink a porrenger of it at a time three or four times in a day for the space of thirty or forty dayes The Ingredients RAspt Harts horn six ounces the roots of China and Sarsaparilla of each an ounce and half Shepheards purse a handful Bistort roots an ounce Cinamon half an ounce Nutmeg and large Mace of each a dram In the mean time let her swallow three small Pills made out of this following Mass every other night when she goes to bed The Mass for Pills TAke Aloes three drams Myrrh two drams the gum of Guajacum a dram Saffron half a dram Make them all into fine powder and with as much syrupe of Mugwort as is sufficient beat them into a Mass or Paste out of which let her form Pills as she shall have occasion After she hath done taking her pills and gelley let her return to her usual Diet onely let her be sure to quench a gad of Steel in all the Beer she drinks The dryness of the womb doth also cause sterility in that the womb is thereby rendered incapable of making its application to the seed so soon as it is injected for if the seed be not immediately embraced by the contraction and application of the womb unto it it cannot ferment and consequently it doth become useless for generation From the defect of moisture proceedeth a scirrhosity or hardness in the womb unto which hardness we must have a respect in our prescriptions as well as unto the alteration of the whole body Let her make three small Pills out of this following Mass and swallow them down every morning fasting for the space of ten dayes together always exercising after them The Mass for Pills TAke Aloes three drams Gum Ammoniacum dissolv'd in Vinegar two drams salt of Steel a dram Crabs eyes and Tartarum vitriolatum of each half a dram with as much Oxymel of Squills as shall be sufficient make them up into a Mass according to art After ten dayes let her begin to bath in a Semicupium that is to sit in an artificial Bath up to her navel let her first continue half an hour in the Bath and so longer and longer by degrees that in her latter bathings she may continue a full hour or more Boyl a good quantity of these following ingredients in so much water as that when they are sufficiently boyled there may be liquor enough for her to sit up to the navel therein in a convenient Tub or bathing vessel Let not the ingredients be taken out of the liquor wherein she doth bath Let her bath one day give her a Clyster the second day and the third day let her take three of the same pills whereof she took every morning before her bathing Let her continue this course for the space of 30 days The Clyster which she is to take every third day is as follows The Clyster TAke Mallows Mercury Beets Chamomile and Mellilot flowers of each half a handful Aniseeds half an ounce boyl them in a pinte and half of water until half be wasted strain away the ingredients and dissolve in the strained liquor brown Sugar two ounces the yolk of one Egg Castle-soap one dram Let there be injected into her womb with a Matrix-Syringe some of the aforefaid Clyster about a quarter of an hour before she takes it Clyster-wise This by Gods blessing will make her that is barren a happy mother and take away her reproach amongst women But before she useth the aforesaid means let her be very certain whether the distemper of her womb be from driness or from moisture which shee shall know by these following signes If the distemper of the womb proceed from driness there is oftentimes felt a sensible hardness therein which is called a Callus proceeding from a melancholick juyce in the body She is scarce satisfied with the act of Venus She hath commonly a heat and driness in her hands She is much inclined to Warts in other parts of her body She commonly disgests her meat well But if from moisture she is of weak disgestion She hath never any appetite to her meat immediately after sleep She is often sick or sleepy after meat She hath a heaviness like unto a weight in her head She is listless and indisposed to exercise By such like signes it is not hard to determine certainly the true cause of Sterility in any woman whatsoever Mineral waters which come from Iron Mines do sometimes help those that are barren The frequent use of Sage is much commended by ancient Writers the reason is because it is rough and fixing and consequently it doth correct the slipperiness of the womb The Cock-treadings of three new laid Eggs dissolved in four or five spoonfuls of Vinegar and drunk down about half a quarter of an hour after she hath had to do with her husband is accounted a great secret CHAP. X. To cause speedy delivery in Childe-birth BE sure her appointed time be come before you attempt to use meanes for the hastening of her delivery Give her nothing which nourisheth but onely those things which have a Physical respect to her present condition I am of opinion that they which have difficult and long Labours are hindered by the too much indulgence of those that are about them in giving them nourishing things as they think to support nature whereas in several respects nature is thereby prevented from doing those offices which are suitable to the present condition of the Patient Let her wholly abstain from all things that nourish Let a Suppository be put up made of Honey and Salt according to art and after that is com'd away put up another Boyl three or four handfuls of Mugwort a little while in Spring water then strain it from the liquor and put the hearb into a bag and apply it warm to her navel They which are so good accountants as to know to a day the time of their Travail may assure themselves of easie and speedy labour if three or four dayes before they do observe a strict and sparing diet A dram of Myrrh powdered and given to drink in white Wine causeth speedy Delivery Some have used Irish Slate with good success others do commonly use Sperma Caeti or Bezoar And some Midwives give onely the powder of Aristolochia or Birth-wort because that doth after a more powerful manner cause speedy Delivery then those before mentioned But this is fittest to be given to those that are of strong constitutions CHAP. XI To expel the Secondine or After-birth THe same things which cause speedy Delivery do also help to expel the After-birth or part thereof if it be broken and left behinde in the body Yet
notwithstanding all means used sometimes there is some part of the After-birth left behinde which cannot speedily be brought away but doth putrifie in the wombe and doth cause dangerous symptomes and oftentimes death I would therefore advise all Midwives to be sure that the whole After-birth come away in its proper time so soon as the Childe is born without mangling or tearing which may be done with ease speed and safety by putting up their whole hand into the body and therewith gently separating the same from the walls of the womb I confess they that trust to the strength of the Navel-string which I presume most do have scarce the After-birth of one in twenty broken Yet it is great pity that one in a hundred should suffer in the like nature there being such a way and means to prevent it whereupon there is no other inconvenience doth ensue Upon all occasions when I have been called to cases of great difficulty I have ever made sure with the After-birth by putting up my whole hand as afore-said and with what success they which have had experience do well know Neither have I ever observ'd any inconvenience ensuing which makes me bold to counsel all Midwives to do the like CHAP. XII For the over-flowing of Milk in womens Breasts MAny women are inclined to this distemper which proceeds either from the weakness of the breasts the retentive faculty thereof being lost or else from the waterish temperament of the Mass of bloud or humours contained in the Veins and Arteries and in some women there are both these causes Let her drink a quarter of a pinte of this following Apozeme in a morning fasting at four in the afternoon and at night to bed-ward so long as it shall last The Apozeme Take Guajacum four ounces China Sassafras and Sarsaparilla of each an ounce Liquorice an ounce and half Agrimony and Betony of each a handful Raisins stoned four ounces infuse them all night in two gallons of warm water in the morning boyl them in a Vessel close covered until half be wasted Strain away the ingredients and drink the liquor as aforesaid After she hath taken this Apozeme let her take the quantity of a Nutmeg of conserve of red Roses vitriolated three or four times a day untill her constitution be altered Let her all this while wear upon her Breasts plaisters of Oxycroceum CHAP. XIII To dry up the Milk in womens Breasts TAke Vnguentum Populeon and Diachylon Plaister of each an ounce and half melt them together and when it is almost cold stir into it two drams of the powder of Alabaster and a dram of Lapis calaminaris finely powdered Make two large plaisters hereof and apply them to her breasts Let her wear black wool in her armpits If this succeed not let her purge with a dram of Pilulae Cochiae If after her purging she perceive not her Milk to dry up give her the Apozeme in the fore-going Chapter For the over-flowing of Milk c. CHAP. XIV For an Ulcer in the Womb. FIrst take away eight ounces of bloud more or less according to the Patients strength from her right arm the next day after her bleeding let her begin to take of this following Electuary let her continue the same for the space of one and twenty days give her the quantity of a Nutmeg of it at a time twice a day viz. in the morning fasting and at four in the afternoon in the mean time once in seven days let her purge with this following Potion The Electuary Take conserve of Scurvy-grass four ounces conserve of Roman Wormwood two ounces Crabs eyes finely powdered three drams Tartarum Vi●riolatum a dram and half salt of Steel a dram w th as much syrupe of Mint as shall be sufficient mix them together into an Electuary The purging Potion Take Sena three drams Rubarb a dram Agarick half a dram Coriander seeds prepared a scrupl● Spikenard ten grains infuse them in four ounces of white Wine for the space of twelve houres strain away the ingredients and dissolve in the strained liquor syrupe of Roses solutive an ounce Manna half an ounce oyl of Vitriol seven drops After she hath taken one and twenty dayes of her Electuary and purged thrice viz every seventh day let her drink of this following Apozeme for the space of one and twenty dayes more eight or nine spoon●uls at a time every morning fasting and at night to bed-ward The Apozeme Take the roots of China and Sarsaparilla of each an ounce and half Agrimony Mugwort Sanicle Shepheards purse of each half a handful Liquorice an ounce and half boyl them in three quarts of water until half be wasted strain away the ing●ed●ents and sweeten the liquor with syrupe of Mint whereof let her drink as aforesaid During the time of taking her Apozeme let her use injections twice a day viz. in the morning and at four in the afternoon Let her use this following injection in the morning and the next after in the afternoon The Injection for the morning Boyl a quarter of a pound of Guajacum in two quarts of water until half be wasted then dissolve in the strained liquor Calcanthum Romanum called commonly the Celestial stone two drams The stone will of it selfe dissolve in the liquor being put therein The Injection for the Afternoon Take the flowers of St. Johns wort Plantain Knot-grass Shepheards purse and Horse-tail of each a handful red Rose leaves half a handful Bistort roots an ounce and half boyl them in four pintes of Spring water until half be wasted strain away the ingredients and reserve the liquor for your use putting thereto four ounces of syrupe of dried Roses After she hath made use of these injections and taken her Apozeme as aforesaid let her drink until she be well twice or thrice in a day a draught of Whay wherein some Vulnerary herbs have been steeped or boyled of which sort are Avens Bugle Comfrey St. Johns wort Dandelion Agrimony Hony-suckles Mugwort Mint Plantain Ribwort c. Let her eat no flesh-meat during the whole time of her cure CHAP. XV. For a Cancer in the Womb. FIrst take away eight ounces of bloud from her left arm the next day after let her begin to take of this following Electuary and Apozeme continuing the same for the space of twenty dayes Give her the quantity of a large Nutmeg of her Electuary every morning fasting and immediately after it let her drink a quarter of a pinte of the Apozeme The Electuary Take conserve of Borage and Bugloss flowers of each two ounces prepared Steel three drams the black ends of the clawes of Crabs finely powdered two drams black Amber that is Jet finely powdered a dram and half oyl of Vitriol twenty drops wi●h as much syrupe of Coral as shall be sufficient mix them together into an Electuary The Apozeme Take Garden Scurvigrass three handfuls Fumitary and Maiden hair of each a handful Sena two ounces Pollypody of the Oak
be small Beer or rather small Ale If the cause be a thin and putrid humour it will appear by that which comes from her which will be discoloured and stinking Let her first take this following purging Potion The Potion TAke Sena three drams Rubarb and Agarick of each a dram Caruay seeds and Coriander seeds prepared of each half a dram infuse them in a quarter of a pinte of White-wine for the space of twelve houres Strain them and put to the strained liquor an ounce and half of syrupe of Roses and five drops of oyl of Vitriol Give it her to drink in a morning fasting with due observation according to the usual manner of purging After she hath purged let her take plentifully of conserve of Red-roses vitriolated for the space of a week then let her purge again as formerly After that continue her with this following Electuary until she be well The Electuary TAke conserve of Red-roses vitriolated four ounces conserve of Barberies two ounces Lapis haematites two drams Dragons blood a dram and half Crocus Martis a dram with as much syrupe of Quinces as shall be sufficient make it into an Electuary of which give her the quantity of a small nut five or sixe times a day If her flux return before her body be altered stay it by a second application of Cupping-glasses to her breasts as above written Let her diet be the same with that before mentioned For flesh meat doth beget both a sharp and also a putrid humour in the body whereupon it is so strictly forbidden immediately after child-birth besides upon the account of a Feaver lest it should put either a sharpness or else a putrefaction upon the bloud and thereby cause a greater flux It is a common observation that they that are much inclin'd to the immoderate flowing of the Months are almost continually bound in their bodies which is oftentimes the cause wherefore this immoderate Flux doth so long continue For Nature endeavouring to discharge her self of some superfluous humour by the common sink of the body the Guts finding that passage stopt throws it out by that passage which is most open Wherefore whatsoever is given to stop this immoderate flowing of the Months it will be to no purpose except a due regard be had to the keeping of the Patients body soluble which must not be by strong and violent purgers but by such Medicines as do but gently purge and withall have a power to cool the body and allay the sharpness of humours of which sort are Catholicon Lenitive Electuary Diaprunum syrupe of Damask roses c. The same things which are commonly given unto those that bleed much at the nose or vomit bloud are also very good in this case As the juices of Plantain and Nettles the powder of Colophony Dragons bloud Lapis haematites the powder of Acorn cups the powder of Comfrey ●●ots c. But above all things let the Patient be conversant in a cool ayr In the Summer time let the room wherein she is be cooled with green boughs and let water be sprinkled upon the floor and in the Winter time let there be little or no fire in the room Vpon a Miscarriage and sometimes after Childe-bearing it hath been observed that the bloud which the Patient voids being drunk in White wine doth immediately stay the immoderate Flux Insomuch that many Midwives account this as a great secret and mixe it privately lest they should communicate their skill to others I have some acquaintance with a Gentlewoman who could by no means possibly be cured who was brought so weak with this continual flux of bloud that she alwayes fainted away when she was but turned in her bed insomuch that her friends and Physitians despaired of her life seeing that all those means which have been effectual to others proved not at all succesful to her At length she was advised to have a live Toad put up in a Napkin and bound to her back which was no sooner done but her flux of bloud was staid from thence forward and to the admiration of all this Gentlewoman was thereby recovered CHAP. IIII. For the rising of the Matrix or Womb called commonly the Mother THe present paroxysme or fit is first to be abated After that the cause must be taken away otherwise upon the least disturbance of minde during her whole life time she must expect several fits in the like Nature To abate the present fit first of all apply a Cupping-glass to her navel after it hath continued on some few minutes take it off and lay two or three grains of Civet received into a little cotton or lint upon her navel and keep it on with a plaister of Galbanum as broad as the mouth of a Cupping glass Let the plaister remain on so long as it will stick Then proceed to take away the cause but in the mean time lest the fit should return before the cause be wholly abated give her now and then as often as you please a spoonfull or two of compound Pyony-water sweetned with white Sugar-candy and let her sometimes take a whift or two of Tobacco in a pipe or if she observe a fit approaching let another take tobacco and blow the smoak to her for this is better then the smoak of feathers or Assafoetida The cause of this distemper is a putrid humour collected in the womb proceeding from too great a quantity of bloud in respect of the patients strength to govern it First breath a vein in the right arm to the quantity of seven ounces of bloud The next day after if the patient be of a sanguine complexion or melancholick let her bloud in the foot to the quantity of about eight or nine ounces The day after bleeding give her this following Clyster The Clyster TAke Mugwort Penny royal the flowers of Centuary of each a small handful Chammomile and Mellilot flowers of each half a handful Bayberries and Cummin-seeds bruised of each two drams French barley half an ounce boyl them in a pinte and half of water until half be wasted strain away the liquor and dissolve therein an ounce of Diaphaenicon the yolk of an egge and two drams of Venice-terpentine washt The Venice terpentine must be first mixt with the Yolk of the egge in a mortar and so be incorporated into the rest of the liquor by degrees The next day after her Clyster let her purge with three four or five pils of Extractum Rudii more or less according to the constitution of her body whether easie or hard to work upon The day after purging let her make use of this following Pessary The Pessary TAke Mugwort and Feaversue of each half a handful Diaphaenicon and Venice terpentine of each six drams species hiera picra three drams beat them together into a mass then make a little bag of sarcenet shaped like unto a suppository but let it be bigger both in thickness and length Then crowd so much of the mass into it
an ounce and half Epithymum an ounce Liquorice and Fennel seeds of each six drams black Hellebore half an ounce Boyl them all together in a gallon of Rain water over a gentle fire in an iron pot close covered until half be wasted Strain away the ingredients and sweeten the strained liquor with brown Sugar or common Triacle After she hath taken her Apozeme and Electuary let the part be fomented twice a day with this following fomentation and presently after it is fomented annoint it with this following Liniment Continue the fomentation and liniment until she be cured The Fomentation is onely the decoction of the herb Isatis called in English Woad you may have the liquor out of a Diers fat ready for your use The Liniment Take twenty Egs boyl them or roast them hard then take out the yolks and put them into a Skillet and set it over a gentle fire then break the yolks with a spoon and stir them continually that they may not burn keep them stirring over the fire untill you shall perceive them to be full of oyl then take them from the fire and strain out the oyl Take of this oyl two ounces of the juyces of Houseleek Nightshade and Rue of each half an ounce Quick-silver two drams beat them all together in a Leaden Mortar with a Leaden Pestel untill they be perfectly incorporated Use this Liniment as aforesaid During the whole time she uses the Liniment and Fomentation let her every morning drink a draught of Whay or Posset-drink wherein have been dissolved ten grains of Tartarum Vitriolatum Let her eat no kinde of flesh-meat except Rabbets or Partridges CHAP. XVI For a Dropsie in the Womb. GIve her three small Pills made out of this following Mass for the space of ten dayes together The Mass for Pills Take Aloes Rosata two drams Myrrh two scruples Castoreum half a dram Saffron a scruple make them all into very fine powder and with as much syrupe of Mugwort as is sufficient make thereof a Mass for Pills After she hath taken all her Pills let her drinke a quarter of a pinte of this following Apozeme every morning fasting for the space of ten dayes more The Apozeme Take horse Radish-roots an ounce and half Sassafras an ounce the roots of red Madder Butchers broom and Asparagus of each half an ounce Fennel seeds Dill seeds Caruay seeds of each two drams boyl them in White wine and Spring water of each three pintes until half be wasted sweeten the strained liquor with syrupe of the five opening roots When she hath done all her Apozeme let her bath in a Semicupium every other day until her belly be fallen The Semicupium Boyl a sufficient quantity of these following ingredients in so much water that when the liquor is strong of the ingredients there may be enough for her to sit up to the Navel therein in a Tub or convenient bathing vessel The Ingredients Chammomile and Mellilot flowers Bay berries Cummin seeds Sage Wormwood Penny royal Mugwort Bryony root Horse-raddish roots Anniseeds Fennel seeds Thime Majoran Rose-mary Alwaies immediately after her bathing let her belly be anointed with Chymical oyl of Dill. Let her diet be very spare but chiefly of flesh meat let her exercise much let her sleep but moderately Physicall paradoxes PHysicall knowledge which is nothing else but an observation of the order and course of Nature was by the Ancients begun and founded upon experience and afterwards traditionally communicated unto posterity It was first in the particular senses then in the common sense and by degrees introduced into the intellect and there digested into a science which science being analyz'd or resolved into parts might with ease by others be attained unto by reading although by the beginners thereof it was onely elaborated by experience as for example Any one of an indifferent capacity may in a short time have the whole body of naturall philosophy in his mind by reading over some short physicall systeme whereas another of a most penetrating wit cannot attain thereto in many years by the onely light of Nature Hence it is that the Ancients who had no considerable writings from others were so laborious and industrious in the inventing of arts and sciences that they esteemed mans life too short for the perfecting of one art 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Hippocrates life is short but art is long But the succeeding ages being heirs to the writings of their predecessors became so carelesse and negligent of farther knowledge that they did wholl forsake that way which their ancestours used and did content themselves onely with a speculative knowledge of reading over the writings of others this book-learning hath been so sacred amongst such-like schollars of superficiall and speculative knowledge that it hath been by them accounted a Piaculum to gainsay the least tenet of generally received philosophy It is not long since our universities were to guilty of taking upon trust the opinions of others confirming their assertions by sic dicit Aristoteles whereas Aristotle himself could say Amicus Plato amicus Socrates sed magis amica veritas Aristotle well knew that if some doubt should not be made of the positions of the best Author truth could not possibly be discerned from error And indeed if Aristotle himself should have been beleev'd in all things the world should have still retained those chimeras of the elementary fire the motions of the heavens by intelligences c. If faith should have been given to the writings of Hippocrates without all exceptions many women with childe had perished whose lives have been saved by letting bloud If succeeding ages had rested in Galens knowledge the sciolists of our dayes would have made mad work with hellebore scammony colocynth c. such violent and dangerous purging medicines as Galen onely knew If some in this age had not doubted all authority whatsoever the circular motion of the bloud had not beene discovered Is qui nil dubitat The common wealth of learning hath received the greatest advantages from such as have not been contented to tread in the common road but have taken to themselves the liberty to try whether the most generally received tenets might not have been at first taken up by a misunderstanding of circumstances Now they which have made the best discoveries in all ages have alwaies found many adversaries and have been accused of affecting singularity untill such time as their opinions grew popular the reason is because the world takes no notice of that way and means by which the ancients gott their knowledge They which make new discoveries and do adde to arts and sciences or doe obliterate any thing which hath been generally received have no other way to doe this then the ancients had for the invention of the said arts and sciences for there cannot possibly be any physicall knowledge in the intellect which hath not first been in some sort in the sense He that could never see or hear cannot possibly have